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Iittell i. encer. XXXI LEXINGTON, LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, MAY 11. 1901. No. 15 All IV DiiiiroittLiimniui HI :rn Pacific Stock Reacted tbe .nomeatl Figure of $1,000 la New York. TH1M6 ELSE RAPIDLY 8MPPED. Wh ta Feverish Nmaid an4 icted M F Cent. Shortlr After Oae lock-Assoclatm! Bank Cheeked the J Daellna la Stock bj OCartag to Several MUltoM at Bis Far Cant. A Famous Peem. Northern roud, made this statement I never bought or sold share of r The following twena was read at Ah1 ' . .. la (unn In u 1 V mAnih. T I have neither acquired nor gotten rid Wmcry, Ala., April 28, by Miss bar of Northern Pacific stock or any other Howard Joocs, of Montgomery. The stock. When the fog of battle lift poem is from the Den of tba famous and the air became clearer, as I be- Louthern poet, Father Ryan, aad bas lieve it soon will, people will see many . . . , Ulw , the Confederate Veteran. r York, May 9. The trading In hern Pacific became so wild and ;d toward 11 o'clock Thursday r rices changed rapidly 25 and 50 tit i time. A sale at 530 was led and almost immediately an. .- cams oat on the1 tape at 700. was for Friday'a delivery, there '.testing a belief on the part of rchaser that the short commits . were so large that the stock to from Europe would afford lit, no relief. Meanwhile prices of s otheF stocks were forced : from one to three points and :allv the entire market crum away again. Northern Pacific it 230, the regular way, simul usly with a purchase at 300 for and on next sales at 320 regular ;:)0 for cash. 11:15 Northern Pacific sold at s share for cash. 11:40 the statement was mnde J. P. Morgan & Co. and Kohn, & Co. had just agreed not to ce deliveries on Northern Pacific . With this announcement there a rally in prices throughout the nl list, Atchison common wiling 61',, the preferred at 80. Man u to 100 and other in smaller rtions. n came an official announcement e tape by Street fc Norton that would nt demand delivery of HO, iiros of Northern Pacific common m. This announcement was fol by a rally in Manhnttan to lotf, to 4S. Burlington to 182, South aritie to 43i, and Atchison to it 12:25 Northern Pacific eom iold at 700 for cash. At this time narket seemed to have a better than nt any prrind during the and the price changes between i were not so wide as they had i during the wild flurries of the ier part of the session. Even idard Oil declined to $050 a share, op of 171 points, t one o'clock the failures of W. IL wer, of 60 Broadway and J. T. Lee, ;S Broadway, were announced on consolidated exchange. Rumors e circulated affecting the credit everal stock exchange houses, but y were soon officially denied. rtly aftr one o'clock A. A. Houa t A Co. loaned $1,000,000 at six cent, and It was said that other mg flrma were lending their avail- funds In the efforts to check declines In prices. The banks, the other hand, became more con native, and decided to loan only to It regular customers. Borne bor- ers were forced to psy from 10 to jer cent, for their money. iter money had gone t W per t.. it was reported that a number bank presidents went Into-confer e with the object of making ar- gements to lend $18,000,000 on the ck exchange at' low rates. J. P. rgan A Co. were lenders of large ns to-day at six per cent. At two lock, semi-official snnouncement s made that the Gallatin national ok would lend $18,000,000 at six per t., acting for the associated banks the city. Notwithstanding thst Kohn, Loeb Co., claim the control of Northern fine, It was said st the office of J. Morgan & Co. that the firm has con cts for delivery of stock sufficient give them a majority, rhe Evening Post quotes an eml nt authority of the railroad world follows: "If will be recognized en the field of battle clears, that e balance of railway power must not seriously disturbed. Interests at ike re too tremendous and too iwerful tn he aroused. It only tans retaliation of a disastrous na re. which can be avoided by check g reckless ambition, and leaving great railroads of the country re from alliances and open to all eir connections. Further unifies n of great railways and forming 'transcontinental systems' will be opped now, or such plans will be cognized as forcing competitive i i Ming on a gigantic scale." President J. J. Hill, of the Great things In a much clearer light than they do now. We never have had control of the Northern Pacific road; we don't want control; we are not trying to get control, and under tho law we could not retain control it ever we got it." There has been apprehension that large funds of money might be called from New York by the country banks, but so far there bas been no evidence In support of this theory, who wish to secure eheap stock. RUN OUT OF TOWN. Itatteas Baa froaa Kansas City to Iota to Work la Cement Plant Oat Banc TraatoMat traaa a Mob. THE PHANTOM HOST. BY V4TSSB BIAS. I My tarm was wrapped in the slumber Which steals from the heart Its cares, For my life was weary Wltb its barren watte of years; But my soul, with rapid pinions. Fled swift to the light which seems From a phantom's tun and planets For the dreamer in his dream. I stood in a wondrous woodland, Where the sunlight nestled sweet, ta the cups of snowy lilies whioh grew about my feet; Aad while th Gothic forest arches Stirred gently with the air. The Miles underneath them Swung their censors pale is prayer. I stood amazed aad' wondering, And a grand memoriam strata Iola, Kan- - May 9. The trouble here between workmen and the Ital ians sent here from Kansas City to work in the cement plant seems to be Came sweeping through the forest. shout over. th Italians having- been And dies; then rose agaia. returned home and the leaders of the mob arrested. Sheriff Hobart ap peared at the depot abont two hours before train time and served war rants on two of the leaders of the crowd and ordered therest, mostly boye and young men, to return home or be arrested. The crowd dispersed with out making trouble. The cement com- nanv. findinir that the Italians were we Till my soul, with comforttblessed, Sank down among the lilies With folded wings to rest Then to that mystic music Through the forest's twilight aisle Passed a host with muffled footsteps. In martial rank and file: And I knew those gray-clad figures, Thus slowly passing by, Were the souls of southern soldiers too scared to return to worK, pur- Who fur freedom dared to die. chased tickets for them and they wont ,n fnml gydney JohnKOn ImCK IO lansas I uv on um uibi ro- vvlh , - ,,t.r wrunir senger train. One or two of them vile and senseioss slanders carry bloody heartR, nut aside irom of a prurient raiiiile tongue; this the reports that several people And near blm mighty Jackson, were wounded ennnot be confirmed, lint the fear of arrest mnkrs those Interested silent. There is a, gen- erul feeling here that the trouble Is well over and joy that the Italians have gone. NEW FIELD FOR CARNEGIE. American Trset Society Will Ask Illm ta Kstslillsh Ubrartri In Our New Ininlar rnssmslnn. New York, May 9. On. O. O. How ard presided at the jnnnal meeting ot tue American truci bocicij. ur. Shearer, financial secretary, stated that 27 neW . publications had been added to the organization's list during the year. During the meeting Gen Howard mnde a suggestion to the effect that possibly Mr. Carnegie might be led to co-operate with the organization in establishing libraries in Cubs, Porto Rico and the Philip pine. DONEQAN'S BODY EXHUMED. WMllkr Mlaar Wha Was KiUad by tae OartreUs Near Aaoorat, Me., WIU Ba Boiled ta Wyoming. - With a placid trout, as one Whoae warfare was accomplished, Wlu)e crown of glory won, There Mill. too. pure and noble. Paxi.Ml in that spirit train, For he Joined th martyred army From the south s Ut lia.'tle plain. Then next In order fo). .v.l ' The warrior-priest, great Polk, With Joy to meet his Master, For he had nobly borne the yoke, Thi're Stuart, the lxld, the daring, With matchless 1'cl ha in rode; With earnest, chastened faces. They wore lHklng up loUod. Aad Jenkins, glorious Jenkins. With his psticnt fearless eyes. And the brave, devoted Garnett Journeyed on to Paradise. Before a shadowy squadron Rede Morgan, keen and strong. And I knew by bis tranquil forehead He'd torgotteo every wrong. There peerless Pegram marching With a dauntless martial tread, And I breathed a sigh for the hero, The young, the early dead. Mid spectral black-horse troopers Passed Axhby's stalwart form. With that proud, defiant bearing Which so spurned the battle storm: But his glaace was mild and tender. For In that Phsntom Host He dwelt with lingering fondness On the brother he had lost Butler. Mo.. Msy 9. H. E. Christ- man, an attorney rrom Kemnierrr, Wvo.. eame here In the Intereata of Mrs. D. E. Ponegan, the wife of the wealthy miner whom the Gartrells confessed of murdering near Amoret, in this county. The body will be ex humed and sent there. It had been buried here by the county In the pot-1 romai. Phclan, Alfred Plnckney- ter's field. I All had found a soldier's grave They were young and gentle spirits Fravldad for Hla Fear Wives. I But tbey quaffed the bitter cup, Halt Lake City, May 9. The will of For their country's flag was falling. I Then strode the brave Haloney. Kind, genial adjutant; And next him walked the truthful, The lion-hearted Qantt I There to that solemn music Passed a trio of the brave: the late George Q. Cannon, president nt the Mormon church, disposes of nronerty valued at $1,000,000, Includ ing 33.000 acrea of land. To each of his four wives he leaves a home and a maintenance for life. To each of his 33 children he gives $2,000 and an mnn.1 Interest In $200,000 when the youngest child becomes of age, Ta Stop Use at Trade Chaeks. Washington. May 9. The general circulation recently of "trade checks by different mining and other enter nrlses which conduct -company stores, has resulted In Chief Wilkie, of the United Stales secret service, requesting the treasury, department to Issue a warning sgainst the circu ehairmaa of the hotels and acoomiuo dationt committee, at luocheon at Seelbach'i. Two elegant private boarding houses in the most fashionable residence sec tion of the city were secured by the committee for the nse of their com- mandery during the eelebratien. The houses are located near tbe corner of Broadway and Floyd street. A con tract wu made for the accommodation of 72 visitors but provision was effected for the caring of a party of 100 in case ot need, la the special train bearing the Marshall sir knights will also be brought members of commandcrles at Independence, Lexington and Paris. Templars from Boonville and Fayette will also join the party. . And they fell to lift it up. And then passed In countless thousands In that mighty phsntom host True hearts and noble pntrlots Whose names on earth are lost There "the missing" found their places Those vanished from our gaze Like brllllnnt, flashlag meteors? And were lost in glory's blaze. Yes, they passed, that noble army They passed to meet their Lord; And a voire within me whispered: "They but march to their reward." Miaaonri Knights Templar. Messrs. It. Lee Smith, clerk ot Saline county, A. L. Jorden, post master, and U. A. McBride, a prom- Ship-Subsidy BUI. Bt, Louis BepUbllo. Senator Cockrell is doubtless right in his prediction that the republicans will find Ibemseives sumciently amen able to Hanna's will in the next con gress to pass a ship-subsidy bill for the benefit of certain syndicates standing very near to Hanna. lie is also justified in bis belief that. even toough this bill be a modified ver sion of that which Hanna tried in vain to jam through the preceeding con gress, it will nevertheless give the democnttio party excellent campaign material for tbe cpogressional cam paign of 1902. This is inevitable, for the reason that the American people are now too intelligently posted on the ship. subsidy question to be fooled into bidieving that such a grant can be any thing but a tax on tbe people, for the fur'.h'.T enrichraentof the syndicates. The country has not yet forgotten the desperate efforts made by llanmi to bend the Fifty-sixth congress to his will In this matter of the passage of tbe Hannal'ayne-Frye-Standard Oil ship-subsidy bill. It . is remembured also that Hanna was pledged to the paBsageot this bill. It was one of the conditions upon which the syndicates made up the 30,000,000 slush fund lor the re-election of Mr. McKinley to tbe presidency., Hanna's pledge to the syndicates is still ia force. It must be made good if Hanna is to con vince the syndicates that his power is equal to the perfoimance of any and every promise whioh he may see fit to make in return for the syndicates1 financial backing. Senator Cockrell is well posted as to the possibilities of congressional ac tion. He sees as certain the passage of a ship-subsidy bill at an early day following tbe assembling ot tbe Fifty seventh congress. It will be tbe duty of tbe American people to rebuke such action at tbe polls in tbe congressional elections of 1902. The rebuke must be administered in the form of over whelming defeat ot republican candi dates for congress. Condensed Hews. The high price of corn at present threatens to close down tbe big stareb. works of tbe country. Tbe British are said to bold tweatf- six Americans among the prisoners captured in South Africa. Tea ears of provisions and clothing were started from Mew York Tuesday evening for the Jacksonville Are sufferers. Three battles were tougat la the Philippines recently , between the Americans and the insurgents and set an American was hurt. News comes from China of additional righting this week in which th Germans again defeated the Chinese and killed a large number of them. Charles J. Devlin, ef Topeka is re portbd te be tbe richest man in Kansas. He is very much of a philanthropist but he makes ne publicity of his gifts, Five men were probably fatally ia jnred last Tuesday in a powder ex plesloa at the Henry Colliery ef the Lehigh Valley Company near Wilkes, barre, Pa. Nevada, Mo., is preparing to give Bryan a royal welcome May 15th, when he goes there to deliver bis first political speech since the presidential campaign. Colorado hpriogs, Col., announaes that President McKinley, who is a mem ber of the Epworth League, will open the state convention ia that city with an address June Gtb. Upon petition of one' tenth of the qualified volers, the county court of Shelby county last Tuesday ordered an election on the locul option law which has been in force in that county sinee ish;. Burlington passenger train No. 3 was wrecked Inst Monday while passing Thayer, a small town eighteen miles east of Creston, causing the death of Engineer S. D. Brown of Burlington and injuring over a score of passen gers. Tbe locomotive hauling the passenger train struck an engine at tached to a freight train that was backing onto a side track. The pass enger engine aud all ' but two ears of tbe passenger tram left the rails aad rolled down a twenty-foot embankment. Thursday thousands ot the Knights of Pythiaas of Kansas and Missoari met in Kansas City. The occasion was tbe official visit ot the three highest officials of tbe Knights of fytbias order ia the United States. These officials are Supreme Chancellor, Ogden H. Fethers ef Janesviile, Wis. ; James K. Carnahaa, of Chicago, major general of tbe Uniform Rank, and C. F. S. Neal of Lebanen, III., president Of the board ot control of the eadewaieat rank. inent merchant, all of Marshall, Mo., latlon of these unsecured certificates, have Just returned home Bfter a visit to w..isunt.h. Waakur.,. Loulsvil.e, Kj.. for the purpose Of Pretoria, May 9. Dutch refugees securing uuonora iui iuo uuuupsuuy ui who have arrived here rrom rieiers- the members oi Missouri vommanaery burg say the reason that there have No 3Gf Knights Templar, during tbe been so many Boer surrenders recent. connlave to be held in It U because Commander-in-Chief -Ulu . Botha wishes to get rid of hia weak that city on August 230. Tbe Mis- fighters, who, instead of helping him, sourians were shown marked attention are an incum' '"ce. 1 by the looal sir knights during their Vort Bcott, Kan., May v. a jury Ti8jt 0 tbe f alls City. Tney were hi the federal court here awarded Al- tRken , t0Qr of p,aoe8 where qoarters bert Wallen a judgment against tho . . .. . . .. Ert Scott Water Supply company for " Mr Charles L. Martin. $4!oo0 punitive damage, for blacklist- The second day of their visit they were him. tbe guests ef Col. J. T. Gathright, The Youiu-ers Almost Free. St. Paul, Minn., May 7 At a reg. nlar meeting of the hoard of managers of the state prison today at Stillwater, unanimous notion was taken in favor of paroling the Younger boys, now serving life sentences. Before the parole can he effective all three mem bers of the state pardon board must approve it, and the action will be submitted to that body as toon as pos sible. This is in accordance with the new parole law, which allows the parole of life prisoners after about twenly-foar years' imprisonment, be. ing thirty-live years, less time gained by good behavior. Paroles usually are granted hy tbe prison managers alone, but in the case of lite prisoners unanimous approval of the board of pardons u also necessary, and such paroled life prisoners cannot leave the slate. Tne pardon board does not meet regularly until July, but a special meeting may be called if the members oi tbe board consider it necessary. CORBE8P0NDBNT8 WANTHD The IN TILLIQEMCBB wants a correspondent ia very town in Lafayette ooonty. Write or particulars. What are Trusts For? From the New York World. If you will let the trust organizers tell the story, the great combined cor porations are organized to secure economies, in production and distribution." That was tbe talk when the great coal combine was formed. It was re peated when the eolossal steel com. binalion followed. There was to he no advance in prices. The dear pab lio was to have other object-lessons ia benevolent despotism and merciful meaopoly such as the Standard Oil company has long given this country; as witness the price of its stock and its fortune-building dividends! Well, the steel oombine is but a few months old, and it bas just raised the price of rails f 2 a ton. The anthracite combine, euphemistically called a community of ieterest" has advanced the price of ooal $1 a ton, aad will col lect a tribute of 150,000,000 frost the consumers. It thus appears as the world bas said, that community of interest" is not the interest ot the community. And the question, "What are the trusts forf" is getting its answer.