Newspaper Page Text
ZLLAXEOUS MELANGE. Apply to J-lOlt. -tarday's Dally.l , good turn tor rent. 1. F. Bacon, passenger agent aota Fe railroad, la In our J.; Mary Rldlcgs left yesterday to spend a week visiting Mrs. ( 'orse at Wellington. ; aonle Bandou went to Kan- y yesterday evening to spend of weeks with relatives. Geo. W petcot and faithful assistants, and reflect great credit upon teachers and pupils alike. Miss Arline Burden entertained a number of her young friends last night at her pleasant Sou lb street home in honor of her cousin, Mr. Courtland II, Bradsbaw, of Edwards- vllle, 111. The young people enjoyed themselves lo social converse and dancing to the strains of sweet muslo until a late hour. Delightful re freshments of ices and cakes were served to the guests. , Mrs. Burden Is an agreeable hostess and by her stan with a team of horses and arew able bodied men he yanked Mr. Log on shore. It proved to be a straight walnut tree trunk some 30 feet long, 3 feet in diameter, which we under stand 'Pick" ba sold for a good round price. It seems perfectly souud and lias been lu the water per haps 20 or 30 years. Mr. M. E. Sera t, who has been here during the past week superin tending the work on the coal shaft top works, went to Kansas City Sat urday evening to spend Sunday. 0.!TL.T. ?elal maoner PuttheyunPePle Mo., came In Saturday night to be here at the memorial services of , wno una oeeu sjhsuu.ub BCY- Bt ther ease and lhe occasion ,s In our city, returned last greaty enjoyed by all. t Odessa. was Cliff Goodwin, who has been : the family of her father for a me, returned home this morn- !i her husband. laest line of cream and chocolate i towo for 80o per lb; fine new : til kinds; tigs, raisins, dates and , grapes at Jos. L. Long's. cs Edna Slusber and Ida Fea- - indents at Central college, left nornlng for their homes at Wa- t3 visit over Sunday. supplied with cbattte mortgagee ofioe. at 6 cents per copy. All r blanks (Tinted to order. U went to this Lieutenant Cobb and to visit his wife ho is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bert Taubiuan. Mr. J. P. Hall went to Kansas City yesterday morning to spend the day with his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Bran- nock. He will remain over today and buy a car load ot Deering binders and mowers. Mr. John Morris and wife, the parents of Mrs. John L. Lockhart, who reside at Odessa, and Mr. Wm. From Monday's Dally. Miss Kittle Fulkersoo Kansas City this morning. Miss Kate Gordon returned morning to Kansas City. Mr. J. M. Lowe and wife of Kansas City, came down Saturday night. Mrs. Ed. Taubman went to Kansas City this morning for a few days The lightning Saturday killed three w mr. v-U. Whitlock and wlfC) of Hlgginsvllle, Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Chamberlain came yesterday to visit Mr. Lock- ... . - . ! L II. I . . I " aeoimepeaoeaoaiiowrioepuoHo came in irom Kansas city baturaay hart's familv evemug. Rheumatism la eonceded to have It I Mr. and Mrs. Claude Price came in I origin In a poliooed eondltion of tbe Saturday night for a visit with rela tives here. Rev. Tbos. M. Cobb and wife left this, morning on their way home to Nevada, Mo. Mr. C. J. Wolaverand son, Charles, went to Kansas City to spend tbe where they have been at- dav jesterday. in progress Mr. R. Sam nays, of Sweet Springs, spent the day here yesterday with the home folks. Miss Carrie Hunter left this morn ing for a two weeks visit with her mother at Odessa. Messrs. Bert Taubman and William Cobb left yesterday evening for sas City. Mr. Joba M. Poage left this morn ing for Chlllicothe by wav of the Wabash. Mr. John Greer, ot the Aullville neighborhood, spent the day ia our city yesterday on business. Col. Lee Slusher returned to Kan sas City this morning, where he Is still serving on the federal court1 Jury. HOXH MONIT TO Loah. On good real ... i . t aertA - .1 teiaie security! im sums wi aw m up, at 7 Mr cent. Ho commission, no red tape. Apply to J. Q. Plattenborg. tf Mr. J, P. Hall returned last night from Kausas City, where he went to Conty News. " Dr. Hitt, ot Dover, is now riding -new boggy. The German M. E. church at Corder is beiug repainted and papered. A meeting ! tbe stockholders of tb Corder creamery is called for Busy 25. Died, Wednesday, May 1, at bis) home south of Alma, J. G. Elsea, a 79 years. Iligginsville has qnite a number of horses at the fair ground that are be ing trained for tbe fair. T. F. Marshall of May view bas ob tained a position as agent for the C & A. railroad at Higbee. Corder is considering proposition for a telephone exchange, an electric buy a car load of Deering binders and "got waterworks plant. mowers, Cora planting is still going ob Mr. Goalder Young, who has been throughout tbe county, though a num- visiting his sister here for the past r of farmers have corn up now. week, returned last night to Peoria, Rev. Otto Pastor of the Christian Illinois. chureh in Higglnsville began a pro News of the death of Dr. Fraqz traeted meeting last Sunday at Aull- Braeckleln, one of the oldest and T,lle- highly esteemed of Concordia's cltl- Invitations are ont announcing the zens, was received here late yesterday marriage of Rev. John Haltzenof Lake 2742 r. W. G. Musgrove left yesterday i.-4 tor Kansas City, where he ? n superintend tbe building of a : iry frame residence at street. . Geo. I. Smith and Mr. James F returned last night from Kan 1 'y. I the horse sale .his week. 08 Edith Powell and May went to Richmond this morn ) assist Miss Sarah Powell at a on to be given today at tbe blood, and to be moat BuooeeeloUy treated bj Herbioe, wbleb acta npon tbalivtr, kidneys and otber blood purifying organs, thereby di vetting the system of tbe of fending agents. Frioe, CO cents. For sale by Crenshaw A Young. 5-tml A close and exciting game of base ball was played at tbe academy grounds Saturday between the Kan sas City High School and the W. M. A. teams. The score was 6 to 5 in favor of Kansas City. Dr. Chas. Manly's brother, Mr. Jas. Manly, from Tyler, Texas, arrived Saturday evening for a visit with Dr. Manly and bis family. Mr i uer roomer. Mr. John Robinson, who has been ja9 Manly Is engaged in the cotton John Loomis has added a new spending a, week here, returned to compress business in Tyler, and the o his house in college place and Kansas City yesterday morning. wo brothers have not seen each :ently had the entire house Mr. Bias Fredrlcks came down from other before for twenty-five years, m .... I I ed. lie lias as cony ana pretty Kansas City yesterday mornlug to when tbe liver falls to eecrete bile, the j as anyooay in town. snend Sundav with Lexington fr ends, blood becomes loaded witn ninous Drop- Mr. lWm. Stonestreet. after a few days' visit with his family here, re turned this morning to Kansas City Miss Anna Kennedy came up from Higglnsville Saturday evening to visit the family of Mr. Chas. Wal- lace. COBKKSPON DBHTS WANTED The lK TKLLIQENCKR wants a correspondent in every town la Lafayette county. Write for particulars. Mr, City, evening. v Charch of Christ Scientist, Sandty eervloee as follows: 10:80 a. m., Bnnday echool 11:80 a.m., at Knlghtt ot Pythias ball. All are cordiallv Invited. tt Mr. W. Douglas Meng has accepted a position with the McGrew Milling Co., of this city, and will probably have hendouarters somewhere Louisiana. Mrs. John Robinson went to Kan Creek to Miss Emma Gieshman. of Alma. The consolidated Coal Co. of Ilig ginsville will sink a coal sbatt sooa southwest of town on the McMeekio farm. Tbe Iligginsville Leader suggests the iB I organization of a board of trade to take up and push matters of interest to tbe towu. Contractors and builders are invited r&h nitv this mornlnflr to visit her husband, who Is; in the hospital 10 bid 00 P,aD8 nd specifications for there. She was accomnanied bvher little daughter. Miss May Belle South- at HigginsvUle. Robinson. lDe grDd matron of Mo. Eastern Messrs- IkeGratz and Wm. Palmer Star, Mrs. Ella Jean Flanders, of left last night for a trip to New York K9M Clt h,eld a 8Cho1 ol lntX- and other points east. They will see Hon at Odessa rriday night, the Pan-American exposition at A house belonging to Mrs. Cook la Buffalo before tney ieturn ana win cnllth T?,VffinHvilie. together with st ti eboald nlwaye carry a bottle of 'aUoow LtolnieDt, Incaseofacol ' applied Immediately, It will tab- pain, prerent awelllng, and die jo, end quickly heal tbe wonndt, i and SO cent. For aale by Cren. Young. 6.4ml Gordon C. Lafland, traveling r of tbe Missouri and Kansas hone Co., spent the day In our yesterday. The company con latvs some Improvements here e near future. v, J. C. Given returned yester- evening from New Orleans, La., e he has been attending tbe ral missionary conference of tbe hern Methodise church. He re- i having had a pleasant trip, tdren wbo are weak, tretf nl or troub le tbonld be given a few doees ot e'a Cream Vermifuge. They will then ne strong, healthy and active, have oheeka, bright eyee, will be bappy laughing all tbe day long. Price, 26 4 For aale by Crenshaw A Young. terday Mrs. Oscar Andreen Jrated the anniversary of her tday by inviting her relatives to ke of a family dinner with her r pleasant home on South street. as a most pleasant occasion for oncerned. . L. Fobrmao, who bas been jrintcnacnt of the Metropolitan Ins. Co. here for tne time, left i morning for his new work at arson City. His family will prob i leave next week. Mr. J. E. rk, formerly of Boonevllle, takes ; Fobrmao 's place here. '.ev. 1). Ruchmuellcr returned this rolng from St. Louis, , where he it with Mr. Fred Winkler. Mr. flkler remained at St. Luke's hos- where he will have to take ertiee, tbe digestion become impaired and tbe bowelt oonatlpateJ, Uerbloe baa a direct action on the liver aod excretory organt, and a few doaes will cure any oase of bllloutneat. Prloe 50 ceatt. For tale by Crenabaw & Yuuug. 5-4uu The small crowd that was out at the Saturday afternoon game of ball 19 certainly calculated to discourage athletics' at the academy. It costs quite a little sum to bring a ball team from a distance for a game with James Clayton, of Kansas the academy team and the school de- came down yesterday morning serves a better patroaage to assist in to spend Sunday with Lexington paying the expenses of the games. friends. Go this afternoon and help the boys Mr. Theodore noefer and wife, of out and see a good game well worth nigginsville, spent the day here'yes- the money terday, the guests or itev. v. uucu- A beautiful and touching memo- mueller. riai service wBs held in tbe Metho The transfer company keew a call book I dlst church here yesterday in honor at the Mammoth livery stable end one at Qf Lleutenant Thomas M. Cobb, Jr toe urana iairei noiei. iave orders at probably be absent a month. A pleasant bop under the manage ment of Mr. J. B. Ward was given at Turner hall last night, and a number of our young people enjoyed them- selves greatly In dancing to the strains of sweet music until a late hour. Don't deepalr because you have a weak constitution. Tbe vitalizing principle ol Uerblne will assuredlv strtnttben-it. lo every drop ot Herbtne there is life. There Is a stimulating, regenerating power, uoeqaaled in the whole range of roedlolna! preparations. Price, 60 cents. For sale by Crenabaw A Yoaog. 6-4ml Rev. L. F. Clark, of Waverly, came In last night "from New Oneans, where they have been attending the these places. tf Rev. C M. Bishop, who preached the memorial sermon at the Metho- odlst church yesterday, returned this morning to Nevada, Mo. Rev. C. M. Bishop, of Nevada, Mo., r. a . m . . . a came in saturaiy nignt toconauct the memorial services here Sunday in honor of Lieutenant Cobb. Mr. Gordon Graham and his mother, Mrs. Lotta Graham, left this morn ing for Las Animas, Colorado, where tboy go to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Yeung came down last night from Kansas City. Mr. Young returned last Wednesday from a trip to Roswcll, New Mexico. Mr. C. L. McLaughlin, who has been down to Moniteau, Mo., to look after some walnut logs there, return ed to Lexington yesterday morning. Major Newman, secretary of the tment for several weeks before board of managers of the Confederate can he reformed. The Home, at nigginsville, came in last jsiclans are of the opinion that he night and was the guest of Dr. Jake t be cured. ' Fulkerson. the closing exercises ot the colored For three or four years a large log jool took place at Zion Methodist lying under the water at tne ferry arch last night and a large audi- landing has caused a good deal of ce gathered to witness the exer- annoyance apd some danger to the es. They consisted of music, boat. The captain of tne govern- iltatlons and songs by individuals ment snag boat, Chas. R. Suter, was d classes. The pupils all did their requested to remove It last fall, but fU in the most satisfactory man. dccliued to do so. A few days ago t. The year's work under Prof. Captain "Pick" Davis, of the ferry I I . A 1a1 Atnrmlnnrl I llfluA It :een. the Drlncmai, uas ueeu iua steamer, aim, ucvcuuiu ..... ,v The church was decorated about the altar with palms and cut flowers and on the front of the altar was a picture of Lieutenant Cobb encircled by t wreath of immortelles. Rev. C. M Bishop conducted the services assisted by Rev. Z. M. Williams and Rev. J C. Given. Mr. Bishop preached on the sustaining power ot faith in God, and concluded with a beautiful trib ute to the memory of the brave young officer who gave bis life In his country '8 cause, and lead extracts from letters from bis old chaplain and from officers of bis late regiment sneaking of bis true manhood and nobility of character. From Tuesday's Dally. Col. S. Sellers, of W. M. A., went to Kansas City this morning. Mrs. John M. Poage left for Nevada this morning to visit her parents. Messrs. Joseph and Buford Chlun and Miss Nannie Chlnn went to Blackburn this morning. Mr. J. E. Gil more returned this morning from Kansas City, where he took a couple of horses for sale. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Hyde left this morning for New Orleans to attend tbe Baptist general association. Miss Maggie Spears went to Win- ton last night to spend a week with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Stwart. Mrs. V. A. DuBols, of Lohgton, Kas., on her tviiy home from Chicago, arrived last night to visit br-r daugh ter, Mrs. Ed. Taubman. of Us contents was destroyed by fire last week.' Some insurance was car., ried on tbe property., Tbe wedding of Miss Belle Bon haul ot Kansas City formerly of Ihe Leader office iu Higglnsville and Mr. John Beasly of Iligginsville is announced to take place tomorrow. The graduating exercises of the Odessa public schools were held at tro opers house last night. The gradu ates were Arbie Jones and Misses Elizabeth Mcllatton and Kate Bom garner. ' Rev. McDowell, of the M. E. ebnrcli, South, of Iligginsville, will preach the baccalaureate sermon of the Iliggins- general missionary conference of the T1n6 jjjgh schoolin the Presbyterian M. E. church. South, and left for borne this morning over the J. C. B. & L. branch. church at that place tomorrow morn ing at 11 o'clock. Eggs Pay the Frefehf. Missouri dealers, perhaps, have never figured on the profit to be de rived from the eggs in shipping a ear load of chickens, says a Kansas City paper. In shipping a car of chicken Mrs. Joe Llttlejohn, living on the D. A. Slusher farm, east ot town, has an mcuoator toat uas maae a nne record this spring. Some time ago she placed 230 eggs In tbe machine nnrl a fpo? rliivft aim took out 202 as lively and pretty little chicks 10 Ca!ifornia 8t thi' time of year the ,,r ramp, from nnde.r a careful eM8 la,a dar,BS lh0 " daJ nlrl mnt.hpr hn. This imnresnea us I transit about pay the freight. as a fine record and If any of our car wi ho,d about 3'0(?0 chiokeD8 d .j.r. hv a r.nrd tn how each dav the eSg gathered and at tne end oi a journey iuu cases will of Tbe tbe Intelligencer will be glad to announce it. Those lovers of base ball who failed to be present at the game at tbe academy grounds yesterday after- nave been filled, which, when sold in California at 19 cents a dozen, wili; realize 1450, which amount will par, the charges on tbe car. Cases are taken along and all calculations made Doon missed a treat. The game was t0 care for the da,Iy 8npply o egg8 one of the prettiest that we have Tne nen ig gure a thD ever seen piayea nere ana was ciose and exciting from start to finish. Both sides were on theif metal and the close score all through the game made it uncertain as to the winner until the lost half of the last Inning, when the cadets got in two runs and won by a score of 7 to 6. Such ball as was played In tbe game yesterday Is deseivlng of a more liberal pat ronage. . HABVE8T BOIICE. Lexington, Mo., slay 1, 1901. I wlab to Inform yon that I am now agent for tbe MoCormlck Harvesting Machine Co. both at Lexington and Wel lington. We now have . aamplea' of Binders, Mowers and Rakes set up at each place. Call at either of my Lumber Yarde and look them over, and get prices and terms. I will also- have at both yards a full stock of Manila and Sisal Twine. Remember that McCormick's asenta al ways bave a foil Hue of repairs on band, which will save yon much time and money at harvest time. Respectfully, J. R. MOORKHBAD. A Texas Vvomier. BALL'B OEEAT DISCO VEUT, One email bottle ot Hall's Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gratel, onres diabetee, seminal emissions, week and lama backs, rheumatism and all Irregularities of tbe kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles la children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of fU One small bottle is two month's treatment will enre any ease above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, St. Louie, formerly Waco, Texas. Send for testi monials. Bold by Creosbaw A Yonng. XEAD THIS. Mexico, Mo., Jnly 8, 1900. This l to certify tbst I bave nted Tbe Texas Won der, Hall's Great Discovery, for Kidney aod bladder troubles, and can folly rec ommend it to all sufferers from th com plaints. J.R. LUCKIE. The transfer eotnpany keeps a call book t the Mammoth llverv stable, and o at the Grand Central hotel. Leave orders a bee places. 10-27-tf tlsfactory to himself and his com-1 0ut. lilting a large .wooden cap I I i ! I