Newspaper Page Text
'I0ST-8TOP8. lor Ml at thle ofBee, U Oeoar Aadree pnt as City. s, mayor ol our city, - KitiM City. , left Wednesday evening ; ta Vlelt relative. .in retaraed Thursday rip to Bt. Louie oo legal ellr aod Frank Bar- ueeday evening Iron oson left Wednesday , to visit relative, for a ;ntthe day here Wed im and flatting among Dr. Geo.' Smith, who cam an Wad net day evening with hie wife to visit the family of ber father, Mr. Geo. Vaugban, left yesterday for bla borne at Kapton. Ella wife will remain aone lime longer. 11 sjor McDowell, of St. Loale, general manager of the Missouri Pacific Coal company, stopped over Thursday night to visit Capt. Wiley, euperloteodeat of the In here, and left yesterday moralog, German school will begin Tnesdty . Commendable Movement DKitloo is being circulated among our merchants to close their stores 4 ur lor the' heated term of the so tamer at 8:30 o'clock p m. Thle is moat com mendahle npoo the part of oar merohaala and counties will be appreciated by the publto general!. This gives the clerk their eveninre off aod ertll mak them the more efficient dortog the boar that they are oa doty.' Tha merchants them- nest at German M. E. eharoh. In this selves will not loose aayibiug by this city. All who wish to study German are ehsnge as peoole Will buy Just ss many r.agban to visit went to Page friends tor a U returned Thursday iiort visit with relative aoda and wife and Mies rued yesterday morning .ater left yesterday for ton county, where he y. 1, one of Central' etu- eeday for a tew day BCke left Wednesday era she goes to ipeod a tor. .. isco came up Toeeday .verly,- where he ba trip. irned Friday morning -. where he baa been a week. og, Warren Bay.Thoa. :Uckam,of Dover, spent oounty seat. n returned Wednesday kburn. where be has on buslneee. ichmelcer returned to rlday morning, after a !some la Higglosvtll. ite was issued Wednei It. Jsmee English and both of Higglnsvllle, ailllp left Thursday j Kansas City. Be will ty schools while there. a caught loafing around ig or bathing In aame . Ul4 D. A. BLUSH BR. the children at Nspc- ',. church nest Sunday, . will condoct the ear. have just bought two i will have plenty of r butcher shop all the ag lelt Wedneaday tor re abe will spend aom I to aer home ta New oe Llewellyn will aing shamed of Christ," by bvtariau church Sunday . Marqule, our county 9 been spending couple ounty eeat, left for borne 11, president of the alee iny, left yesterday for prlnge.Ark., for a few bite, of Dover, Was here ilng bla daughter, Mrs ind his daughter-in-law Ite. tui left Wedneaday for he went to attend the 3oole, Dr. Prant Braeck acordia'a most esteemed I ioog, Miss Little Young, ley and Judge John went to Wioton Thursday the family of Mr. Robert 3eo. Smith aod their two pton, Saline county, Mo day evening tor a visit f of Mr. Smith' fstber an. 'insor, dslegsta from the lurch here, left Wednee lean accompanied by hi i to atund the Baptist on. Thoroughbred ebortborn for sale. Apply at my it of Lexington, on the or epply to me at Hlg .Cooper. 4-27U 4, of W. M. A., Is some athusiast on ferns, and ig ba went to Wellington -atket of such varieties as 1 in thle vicinity, s Meng left Tueeday syvllle, Km. From there th in the interest of the I Co. W wish him ebon bt new field of work. cordially invited. School hour from 6:80 till 11:80 a. m. H. A. Hohinwald. Mr. Jaa. Manly, brotbor of Dr. Chss. Manly, who has been vlsittog the doctor her for a few day, lelt Tueeday evening for hla home in Tyler, Tessa, where he la engaged In the cotton oom press business. The Mew Grand orchestra baa beta engage to tarnish the music for the excursion steamer, Jacob Rlcbtman, which nukes three excursions here com mencing 8aturd.y, May 18tb. Excoialon leaves foot of Tenth atreet at 8 p. m, Rev. Edward A. Neville, of WestPlslos, Mo., cam up from Sedalia Thursday evening for a short visit with Captain Wiley. Mr. Neville la temporarily la charge, during tbe absence of tha regular pastor, of Calvary pariah In Sedalia. Little Mine Zetta Lewis and Master Floyd Lewie, of Kansas City, eauae down Friday morning to ependtbe day with tbe family of Mr. W. B. Sebults. They for merly lived In Lexington, their father being tbe bookkeeper tor Mr. J. C. Mo-Grew. Miaa Helen and Master Horace 8tewart, nine and' aevea year old, grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Green, of our city, arrived alone from Denver Wednesday to visit their grandparent here. They were met at the depot by Mr. Sam. Greco their ancle. White's Pishing Park opened after May 1st. Finn place for camping; plenty of boat and teste and tote of fine fish, Four miles northeast of Waverly and lour mllea northwest of Grand Paea. Address all oommuotoaUooe to White's Fishing and Sporting Co., Waverly, Mo. 5-4ml Capt. A. A. Leaoear, of Kansas City, la visiting th family of hi brother, Mr, O. Lesutur, south of town. He aod hla wlfa went to Marshall yesterday tor a short visit. II ba several propo sltlons under consideration but haa not yet decided upon any definite plan for th future. Notlo th advertieement of Mr. E. G. Loomls la tod ay 'e paper. H tell you corn interesting tblnge about wall paper thetrwlll b interesting to read. He also glvea you aom prloee that will make It to your Interest to ooma to him and buy Dollars saved are dollars made, and his store Is tha place tor you to mak mousy by buying right. ' Pile are not only moat painful, but also vary dangerous, aa tbe Inflamed nodule ar very apt to take on malignant action and caneer of th retum 1 pro duced. They should be cured. Tabler'a Buckeye Pile Ointment will oar th most obstinate oases. Price, GO cent in bottles. Tube, 75 ceata. For aale by Crenshaw A Young. 5-4ml Sunday, 11 a. in., at tha Sooth atreet Christian church, E. J. Fsnstermacber will preach to young men: "Present Day Hlodranoeo to Success." ' Evening 7:30 'There's Room for Me." An anthem, Wonder it Tberc'e Room For Me," will be aung by ehoir; also a duet, ?Reet in Heaven," by male voice. Btraogertaod publlo cordially welcomed. Aa vaccination prevents smallpox, end quinine chills aod fever, so Teethlna pre vents and counteracts the effecte ot tha summer's heat, much dreaded by motbera with small children. Teethlna relieve the many troublee incident to teething and tha hot summers, aod no mother la excusable tor not giving It, for It costs only 26 cent at druggists; or mall 25 oeots to U. J. Moffett, M. D., Bt. Louis Missouri. 5 1112 Tbe excursion steamer Jscob Ricbtman will make three excursions bsre com meoolog Saturday, May 18th. This teamer waa built in 1898, remodeled In 1901. Hard maple danotng floor, 20x94 cabin well ventilated; electrlo light and laoa. This steamer baa made 1,564 tripe without a mishap. Pssseoger capacity 700. Admission 25 cents. Steamer leave from th foot ot Tenth treet at 8 o'clock p. m., returning at 10 p. m. Mi Beealo Atkleeon baa been chossn aa th representative of Lexington In the Glob Demoorat'a world's fair beauty contest and ber photograph will thus go before tbe Judge In th contest to deter mine whst young lady will be entitled to tbe distinction ot being tbe moet beau. (If ul young woman In Missouri. It Is no little honor to win In a beauty contest In Lexington, and we trust tost Bin Atkleeon may ba equally aa successful in tbe state contest. At th annual meeting of Lexington Camp United Confederate Veteran No. 648, held My 4th, th following offioera were elected for tbe coming year: J.Q. Plattenburg, commander; Geo. P. Vena bla, adjutant; F. Q. McFadln, first lieu tenant; Jno. Mulligan, aeoond lieutenant; Rev. Cbaa. Manly, chaplala; Dr. P. 8. Fulkerson. surgeon; T. J. Bsndoo, were eiectea goods, but. wlllget them daring the hoar that the stores ar kept open. They will no doubt find It Just as satis factory aa the old plsa when they become aosustomed to It. The meacbaata them aelvee oan have a tew boor at home dur ing the families. Expression of Qratltude. Tbe good peopl ot, Lexington can never know bow much we appreciate Female College at Lexington, preached able sermon at the Methodist church last Sunday morning and evening. Mr. IT. C. Francisco of Kansas City was in Waverly tor a few hoars Tues day. He was formerly in the coal their sympathy, praters and belp in tbe great sorrow tbat baa eome upon us. Through all tba yeara of our sufferings, sorrows and losse they have bleessd and honored us with their ooofldenoe and sympathy. After all there ie much In human Inn. rA r t fZrxA Manila hla help by human bands and makes himself uusiness here but is now selling coal in known through the hearts ot those that I Kansas City love mm. Bieeeed be Hie holy name The city oounoU met Monday night f rwatwar Ha ka mavratw itrtmm Brass nm m rA I I ftnrl ttiA tiAtalw At a At An nfftflArg mar a never will. This note is only to express I " v - - - ar dHI una of rtitH,nrt i, sworn in. T. J. Cautborn was elected the dear old town and Its aoov rood icily clerk: Woodford McGrew, mar evening to enjoy with. Waverly. Mrs. Geo. Burnett and ber daughter Mr. OoUcblaeger were In Marshall Thursday. . Rev. L. F. Clark returned from New Orleana Tuesday accompanied by hi Wife and daughter. " Mr. Layioa Yancey has been spend lug a few days in Chicago and return ed home last Sbturday. Mr. H. Cappsleft this week for Okolohonia where be goes to take a look at tbe country and to visit friends there. ' Mr. Bate Drammond, editor of the tbtlr Missouri Ledger at Odessa, was here a oonple of days this week visiting Dr. K. L. Drummoad, bis brother. Rev. J. H. Glanville of Central people. Tboa. M. Cobb. Nevada, Mo., May 7, 1901. shall: P. II. Pitts, collector and W. Sowers, street commissioner filed their official bonds. tjrentlog programme has beea prepared. Ml.a M.Dermond in ber rending and impersonation entertainment in t he Met bod ist church Tuesday night faacb a fairly good audience and those wh were there were well pleased, Wm. M. Groves was elealed chair man and II. F. Kleinschmidt, secre tary at the oalled meeting of tbe citi zens in Labor Hall last Saturday night.. It was decided to pat in an elect rias light plant if the promise of 200 light eould be secured. Burning; of Grand Stand. v : St. Louis Hopubllc, May I. , While 7,000 spectators were watch ing the most exciting gnroe tbe $t.T Louis ball team has played at League rark, this season, tire was discover in the center of the grand stand nnder tbe main stairway, near the press box,, and in twenty minutes tbe grand stand,. pavilions and offices ol tbe proprietors of the local team were totally destroy ed. , Who tbe alarm of fire was cried out by a thousand persons .in the frame--strnctnres, crowds of men, women ano? children rushed pellmell down stair ways or jumped from tbe grand standi into the ball park or dropped or jump ed from the upper platform of t he stand to the ground. Bui, despite the erowdihg and pushing, a few coott beads prevented a general panio an though there were many narrow es capes nobody was injured. 4 I have had a uccecsfull Sale OF MY Clothing N In Boonville But have yet about 1 oil I S, i and 300 Concordia. Born, near this city, Monday-May 6th to the wife of Wm. Rowe, a son. In a game of base ball last Sunday the Stars beat the Reds with a score of 17 to 6. . . On Monday, May 6, near this city was born to tbe wife of Mr. Henry Dankenbring, a girl.' ' Dr. Sohreim.nn has been appointed a member ot the board of health in tbe place of Dr. Braecklein, deceased, Mrs. H. F. Becker, of Danville, 111 ba been here tbis week at tbe bedside of ber father, Dr. Franz Uraecklion. Tbe Yoong People's Society of tbe Evangelioal church held a meeting on Suoday night and bad an interesting time. Died, in tbis city, bat nr day, Hay 4ib Mr. Henry Baepler. He was born in Germany in 1831. and came to Ibis country at about the age of 21 years bight children survive htm. lie was buried Monday afternoon, Ber. J. F. Biltz, officiating. Died, at his borne in this city, Mon day morning at 9 o'clock, Dr. Franz rJraecklein, age bb years. Ha was born In Germany and came to tbe United States in 185G, and to Missouri iu 1857. He leaves a widow and three children. He was baried in St. Pauls cemetery Wednesday afternoon. HAKRIAQES. . , Married, at Muskogee, I. T., recently- at tbe First Methodist church, Mr. F William Ahrena to Mis France Mc- Alieter. Mr Abrene I an old Lexington bey and ia well known here and baa hosts of friends in Lexington who wish hlok much happiness In his wedded Ufa. . BIKIH3. Born, at Waverly, April 26. 1901. to tbe- wie of Mr. James Ford, a boy. ' Born, at Odessa. Msy 2. 1901. to t he- wife ol Mr. N. M. Houx, a girl. Born, at Alma, April 27. 1901, to tba wife of Mr. Aogc8t Boboffer, a girl. Some Brail in mi' oo per returned Wednes- treasurer. Tbe following City, alter a few days visit deleaatee to the Memphis reunion: W, family of ber father, Hon. D. Rankin, N. M.Cooper, D. A. Blusher Hh wnmtwinM hv .ml W H. Greer Mr. David A. Blusher ho goes with her for a and Cspt. Frank Thornton were unan ?? Imously elected members ot the camp. Uver Mr. and Mrs. James visited Kansas City last week. Mr. Wm. Meng's new addition to bis residence is nearly finished Mr. Lee Smith and family visited bis mother near Dover last Sunday. Miss Irene McFadin and a friend visited Dover one day this week. Miss Truie White bas just returned from an extended visit to Kansas City Miss Lorene Catber ha9 been elected as second assistant in tbe Cordi- school. Mr. L. B. Cole was very 111 latt Wednesday night with an attack of heart trouble, Mrs. Mary Willie Kedd bas just re. left. The same and lower prices turned from Iligginsville where she will orevail on them until "pent three very pleasant r - everv dollar is disposed of 0 hing. which has to this month. be done during Mr. Sinauer has leased my room and I have to vacate by June 1st so verv little time is lelt in 0 which to dispose of the Eemainder of the Stock. Philip Keller. weeks with Miss Mayme Sydnor. Mrs. Bettle Fisher and daagbter of Nevada, Mo. and Mrs. Henry Rhine hart of St. Louis are visiting their mother, Mrs. Aloiira Meng Corder. Born, May 8th, south of Corder to the wife ot Fred Kessler, a boy. Tbe Lutheran school will give oicnio in Scbmid'ts grove May 22nd a w and tbe Alma band will furnish tbe music. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson on last Sunday invited a few friends to dine with them in honor of her guests Miss Lizzie Kine and her mother. Tbe Epworth League will have a meeting at the Methodist church Sun- day evening at 6 : 30 o'clock and an iu. OBITUARY. Contributed. Allyo James Coon, whose destboecurneV n Lexington, Mo., April istn, wss boro - In Bsrraboo, Wis., Jons 13tb, 1874. H . lived tbe greater portion of hie life la Rochester, Minn., loved and respected - host ot friends, who will hear with regret of his untimely death. He wa married Jane 10th, 1896, to Fanoa Luella. MoCrath, of Grand Rapid, Mich. . , , . , Th past yea Mr. Coo a has been aaao ; elated with F. A. Larkln In the manage , meat of the United State Investment- company, ot Kansas City. While con genial in a bull n eei way, their aooiah relation have been aa devoted brothers. Mr. Coon waa a man who lived for- othera and not for himself. "Do un to ot her aa yon would have them do nnto yon" wa always bis motto, and he never- failed to carry it out. That the good die- 1 young would seen true here, fer a better, nobler man never lived than Allyn Coon. A man with a disposition which beatowod j unshine and happiness upon every on. who koew him. Alwaya a pleasant smile,, a kind word, a willing hand to brlgbteav the pathway of those about him. Although In ill health for yeara ther- was never a murmur, never a word or complaint, never a thought of aelf. Her lived, and th world was better tor hie. living. Be died, and heaven will be tha- better for hi coming. It 1 incomprehensible to these wbo love him that such a man should be- called so early when life was Just begin mog to open , Ite door and bid him wel come... In tbe deatn or Aiiyn ffe moara tbe loss of a true and sincere friend. But.. God koowe beet. Rochbsteb, MlXN., April 28, 1901. Having learned of tbe death of our friend, Allyn Coon, we desire to express our regret at hi demise ao early In life's activities, and our deep sympathy for those who mourn a personal, vital loss. . ' We remember with plessure tbe years ' : be spent among us, marked as they were---by Interest ia our faith and labors In it behalf. We believe hi life, short a it wa in years, haa been nevertheless help la) to all with whom he waa associated. . We rommend those linked with him by tender tlee to th consolations ot our- heavenly Father, who knoweth all our needs and whose tenderness and love are In unbounded munificence. Gbaci Chtjbch Sunday School- EPW0RTH LEA80E C0HFEBES0E, The Epworth League conference of tha Lexington district will meet In this city Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ot next week. Dr. W. S. Eckle Is presidents and Miss Laura Taubman is secretary or tbe conference. Tbe conference will opent at nine o'clock Tuesday morning with aa. address of welcome by Mr. Hugh Spears.. Mr. Wm. Bear will conduot the opeoiog devotional rxeroiaes Tuesday morning,. Of the Lexington members Mrs. Lee Wallace will resd a paper oo the Junior League; Mlse Martha Crenshaw will pre sent a paper oo Charity Work of tha League, aod Miss Lillian Fox, of Central college, will talk about "The Informed . Leaguer." From fifty to seventy delegates will be here from a distance In attendance upon th conference. f i 1 '.Sf. J'-"f''-fN'eji -l,e, e"a .. ja "------jaaaap I It - -Wr - &-imaittmm(ij7yf,