Newspaper Page Text
LLASEOUS MEuASGE. I c turday's Daily.l A. Phillips returned last j Kansas City. ood farms (or not. Apply to .wart Summers returned ulog from a visit to Con ting Attorney Blackwell Jefferson City la&t nljtht on nes. Hen Mclntyre went to Kan. esterday evening to spend a 0 there. J. g. Plattenburg went to ity this morning to spend a : days there. lorence Llewellyn went to City yesterday evening and 1 the day there today. lary Rlding9 returned last im a weeks visit with her rs. Henry Corse, atWelllng- im Neale, of the Riggins t ler, came up yesterday even pend a few hours kere on Julia Fludlay went down to ville this morning tor a visit family of Mr. Sam Burton, e. : eter company keeoe a call book mmoth livery stable and ono at i Central hotel. Leave orders at jbert Berrie went to Hig this morning on business in rest of the Lexington Trl ess Brick Co. ,wt Hot oleream and chocolate i towo for 80o per lb; Una new all klodt; figs, raleios, datea and rapes at Jos. ULoog's. Robert Bledsoe came down ansas City last night on a trip aod Is shaking hands s friends here today. Elizabeth Willis and Llna i came up yesterday evening luelnsvlllo to visit Mrs. Dan at the Grand Central hotel. ot the peace end n our lee publlo applied with entitle mortgagee 'Boe. at 5 cent per copy. All tanks rrioud to order. If ' L. McLaughlin went to this morning to attcad to pment of some walnut logs iie has bought at that point, meter company keeps a call book lam moth livery atable, and o at ad Central hotel. Leave orders at iteM. 10-27-t e John E. Ryland and wife to Kansas City yesterday even o visit their son, Rev. E, P ,d, who has been sick for several s Ida James Ash, a musician of ouis, came up yesterday evening ait Central Female college, and part in an Informal piano recital j last night. f. Lewis JNeaie went 10 n.aosas this morning to visit her daugh Mlss Florence Neale, who has confined to the house for the week with the mumps, r. L.Fohrnian returned yester evening from Jefferson City to e arrangements to move his ly there where he Is now located perintendeiit of the Metropolitan tins Co. ben the liver fails to eecrete bile, the & becomee loaded with bilious orop e, the digestion become impaired the boweli oonetlpated. Herblns baa ect action on the liver and excretory os, and a few doee will core aoy el blllouenee. Prloe 60 cents. For by Creoebew ft Yoa tig. Mml ho team of the LexIngtoniMllllng took a little turn this morning a the wagon without Its driver In cattle yard on the south side of mill, and after stirring up the tie a little came to a stand on the th side of the lot with no damage c ' from Monday' Daily.) llss Elliott Todhunter went to ggin6ville this morning. iev, Thos. Cobb aod wife and Mrs! hn Poage came In last night to It Mrs. Bert Taubmau. Mr. Sidney Dickey came up from gginsvllle yesterday to spend the y with Lexington filends. Mr. John Ilausam, of Kansas City, pent the day with his family here yesterday. Mr. I. W. Avltt, of Slater, came up yesterday morning to spend a few days here. Mr. 0. B. Beattie, of Kansrs City, came down this morning on business In our city. Miss Ollle Carter came down Sat urday night from Kansas City to visit her mother. Mr. Tom Earley, of St. Joe. was visiting old Lexington friends here Saturduy and Sunday. Miss Prosser, of Central Female college, is spending today In Kansas City visiting relatives. Mr. Wm. Zeiler, of Kansas City, came down Sunday morning to spend the day here with relatives. Mr'. II. C. Wallace went to Kansas City Saturday evening to visit her daughter, Mrs. G. R. Cooper. Mr. Wm. II. Chiles went to Kansas City yesterday morning to visit his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Comstock. Mr. Fred Wilson, of Fredeodall & Wilson, left Saturday evening for a visit to Columbia and Mexico, Mo. Miss Jennie Berrie, accompanied by little Miss Jennie Wiley, spent the day yesterday with Kansas City friends. . '.' Mr. Julius Winkler went to St. Louis last night to attend a meeting of the Funeral Directors Association of Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schawe and Miss Lizzie Selling went to Kansas City yesterday morning to spend the day there with friends. Home Monbt vo Loak. On good real aetata aeonrity. In euros ot 600 and op, at 7 per oent. So oommlaalon, no red Up. Apply to J. Q. Flattanborg. tt Messrs. Ed. Taubman and N. E. Baskett left yesterday morning for Louisville and Lexington, Ky., and will probably be gone a week. Church of Cbrlat Scientist, Bonday aervloea as lollowat 10:80 a, m., Sunday school 11:90 a. m., at KnigbU ot Pythias hall. All are cord tail v Invited. tf Capt. Wiley, superintendent of the Lexington Coal Co.'s mines here, left yesterday evening for a business trip to the coal fields of southeast Kansas. Miss Emily Wiles Craig, who has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs Hollis, left this morning to visit her uncle, Mr.-II. II. Craig, of Kansas City. Mr. J. A. Evans, who was here last week making some surveys in the mines of the Lexington Coal Mining Co., left Saturday evening for St Louis. . Miss Sue Alexander returned yes terday evening to Kansas City, after a visit here with the family of her father, Mr. G. R. Alexander, at the Commercial hotel. Misses Elizabeth Willis and Llna Johnson, who have been visiting Mrs, Dan' Frazier at tho Grand Central hotel, returned home yesterday even log to Illgginsvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farris, who have been spending a week here with the family of Mrs. Farris' father, Mr, Lon Kellcy, returned Saturday even- log to Kansas City. Miss Delia Trail and Master Frank Moulton camo down from Kansas Cltv Saturday night. Master Frank will visit with the family of Mr, 0.30. Trail for a short time. Mr. John Gordon went to Concor dla this morning on busioes find his son. Master Morris Gordon, went to Corder to spend the summer with bis grandfather, Mr. Geo. P. Gordon. Children who are weak, fretful or troub lesome should be given a few doeea of White's Cream Vermifuge. They will then become strong, healthy and active, have rosy cheeks, bright eyes, will be happy aod laughing all the day long. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Crenshaw & Young. . Mr. S. P. McDowell left this morn inir for Leavenworth, Kas., where he eoes to Join the 14th U. S. cavalry. He will probably be assigned to com pany M, the company in which Mr Lawrence Calaway, another Lafay ette county boy, is now enrolled, he having eulisted about a week ago, M. Engelhard, of the Brewing Co., went to morn ins to visit spend today In Kansas City and buy a bottling outfit there. . Mr. Lon Kelley went to Kansas City Saturday evening to see his namesake, Lon Kelley, the fast pacer, who won every race In which he was entered last year. Married, Saturday afternoon, in the office of tho recorder uf deeds, by Probate Judge Jas. P. Chinn, Mr. Fred Johnson and Miss Laura Belle Johnson, both of Henry. Ray county. The South street base ball team played a game of ball Saturday even ing with a team made up from Irish Town and Old Towo, and defeated them by a eeore of 21 to 1. The feature of the game was Bartens' home run bit when three men were on bases. " ' . Mr. Chas. McLlllis, of Boston, who has boen here several days as the guest of Mr. Geo. Wade, went to Kansas City yesterday evening on bis way to Mexico, and Mr. Wade accom panied him to Kansas City. Mr. McLlllis is manager of the Still well Trus,t company. Lexington Urn. R. E. Fleming, wife of our Weston this telephone manager, went to visit her friends. He will old home at .Mexico .yesterday, and Mr. Fleming accompanied her as far as Illgginsvllle, ' returning to Lex ington on the evening train. Cycliata should always carry a bottle of Ballard's boow Liniment, in cae of aoci deal, If applied Immediately, It will eab due the pain, prevent swelling, aod die coloration, and quickly heel lb wouods. Price. 25 and 60 ooou. For sale by Cren- enaw a, Young. e-tmi I have had a kcdull Sale OF MY oing In Boonville But liavify et about Mr. Claude Price, of Kaneas City, came nown on business fcaturaay igbt and returned Sunday morning. lie was accompanied by Mr. George Taylor and Miss Dollle Shacklett, who went to spend the day with Mr. Price and wife. Miss Anna Kennedy, who was here few days last week visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Wallace, left Sat- rday evening for Kansas City, fcihe was joined by Miss Maud narwood, who came up from IIIgglBsville. They went to -attend the funeral of Mrs. J. vM. Taylor, of Illgginsvllle, who died in Kansas Cfty at 10 o'clock Friday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Jones. , Mrs. Taylor was the daughter of Colonel Oliver Anderson, who formerly lived in Lexington at the residence now occupied by Mr. Tilton Davis. She has two brothers, Messrs. Robert aod C. Anderson, who are prominent business men of Idaho Falls, Idaho. Rev. Thos. M. Cobb, father oi Lieutenant Thos. M. Cobb, Jr., whose death occurred at Honolulu April 13th, has received official notice that the body of his son has ;n cremated and shipped to San Francisco. The remains will be shipped from there to Lexington, and it Is expected will reach here Friday or Saturday of tbfs week Rev. W. C. Coleman, of Warrens- burg, chaplain of the Fifth Missouri and who served with Lieutenant Cobb in the Cuban war, has been notified and will conduct the services here at the cemetery. The family will be advised by wire later of the exact time of the arrival or the remains. ' IFrom Tueeday'e Dally.) Captain Wiley returned .thU morn Ing from a trip to the southern Kan sas coal fields. and 300 Clothing left. The same and lower pricey will prevail on them unti every dollar is disposed which has to be done during this month. Mr. Sinauer has leased my room and I have to vacate by June 1st so verv little time is leit in 0 which to dispose of the Remainder of the Stock. Philip Keller Miss Rose Levin left yesterday evening for Kansas City to visit her mother, who is sick. Mr. E. B. Farley and wife went to Sedalla last night to spend the bal anceot tbe week there. , . Dr. R. E. Lee, of Kansas City, I here for a few days on business ami visiting Lexington friends. Mrs. S. N. Wilson left this morn Ing for a brief visit with relatives and friends at Warrensburg. Mr. John Ilausam, who has been spending a couple of days here with bis family, returned this morning to Kansas City. . ' Mr. Bate Drummond, ot the Mis, sourl Ledger, came in this morning to spend the day In the county seat on business. v A marriage license was issued this morning to Julius C. Frerking, of Simnson. Mo., and Miss Bess E, Lewis, of Corder, Mo. Fourteen delegates to the Epworth League arrived yesterday evening from Warrensburg, having driven across the country in a herdic. Mr. Buford Chinn left yesterday evening for Kansas City, and from there he will take a trip through portions of Kansas selling shoes. Mr. J. R. Moorehead went Kansas City yesterday evening attend a meeting of the alumni of Westminster college, his alma mater, Mr. Tod Kelley, who has been here a few days visiting the family of his father, Mr. Jas. Kelley, re turned yesterday evening to Kansas City. Messrs. John L. Lyons, Jas. Rey nolds, Dock Barnes, Geo. Riley, B. A Reynolds and Geo. Sedwick left this morning for a fishing trip to Ileis lnger's lake on the north side of the river. They took a complete camp ing cutfit and will be gone several days, and when they return will doubtless have some good fish stories to tell. Mr. Fohrman and family left tbi morning for Jefferson City, where they go to make their future home. Mr. Fohrman will take charge tlrere of the business of the Metropolitan; Life Ins. Co. Don't oaapui intcauee you bare a weak cooetitution, The vltallzlog principle of. ueroiae win aeeuredly atreogtbea It. la ery drop of Herbioe there la lite. There a atlmnlatlng, regenerating power. aneqoaled In the whole range of medio! aal preparations. Price, 60 cents. For eala by Crenshaw St, Young. ' S-iml Mr. Allen Crawford and wife, the parents of Mr. O. 0. Crawford, and their daughter, who reside at Green castle, Sullivan county, Mo., have been here visiting their son and left this morning for Leavenworth, Kas. rbey go there to visit Mr. R. R. Crawford. Dr. J. W. Meng and Mr. L. F. Wilson, left yesterday evening In a wagon on a fishing trip across the river. We understand that they are , going down to the cut-off opposite Waverly, and as they are both ex pert, fishermen we expect to hear of some good catches of fish. Rheumatism Is coooeded to have ita origin In a poleoned condition of th blood, and to be moat Successfully treated by Herbine, which acts npon tbe liver, kidneys and other blood purifying orgaoa, thereby divesting the system of the of fending agente. Price, 60 cents. For eale by Crenshaw A Young. 5-4 ml Rev. J. C. Given and Dr. T. C. Ryland tell of having caught two bass yesterday evening, one weighing 3 pounds and the other 3 pounds. They are keeping the fishing place a secret, but some of the entusiastlc- fishermen propose to put detectives. oo the watch to see where they go the next time. The pupils of the Baptist college gave a recital last night at the col lege chapel, and a large crowd of invited guests were present to enjoy It. A most excellent programme was rendered, consisting of Instrumental and vocal selections, and the young , ladles acquitted themselves Id that excellent manner that Is character istlc of all their entertainments. , After the musical, programme wast finished a short time was allowed the guests to meet and mingle in social converse with tbe teachers and pupils of the college and tbe evening was greatly enjoyed by all present. We learn from a reliable 'source that Mr. J. J. Rhodes was married today at high noon at Emporia, Kas., to Miss Gladys Thomas. The wed ding took place at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, before returning b'ere, will visit Mr. Rhodes' old home at Colony, Kas., and will return here in about two weeks. Tbe bride, though a stranger here, is well and favorably known In Emporia. She is cultured and ac complished and moves In Emporia's best social circles. Mr. Rhodes Is ' manager of the Harris-Anderson, Lumber Co., of this city, and. is a young man Of excellent qual ifications and good business ability and has made many warm friends . during his residence here, both in a . social and business way. We extend -congratulations to the happy couple; and wish them a long and happy life. A Texas Yrouuer. BALI8 GREAT DISOOvEKT, One small bottle of Hall's Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes serilos'. emissions, weak and lame backs,, rheumatism and all Irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles la children. If not sold by yoordruggiet, will be sont by mall on receipt of fl. One smalt bottle Is two month's treatment will cure any case above mentioned. Pr, E. W. Hall, aole manufacturer, St. Louis, formerly Waco, Texas. Send for testi monials. Bold by Crenehaw ft Yonng. BEAD TEI8. Mexico, Mo., July 6, 1900. This Into certify that I have need Tbe Texas Won der, Hall's Great Discovery, for Kidney aod bladder troubles, and can fully rec ommend it to all sufferers from thpse com plaints. ' J.R. LUCKIE. As vaccination prevents smallpox, and quinine chills and fever, so Teethlna pre vents and counteracts tbe effecta or the summer's beat, much dreaded by mothers with small children. Teethlna relieves the many troubles Incident to teething and tbe hot summers, and no mother Is excusable for not giving it, tor it costs ouly 25 cents at druggists; or mail 25 centa to C. J. Moffett, M. D., St. Louis Missouri. 8-1H2