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j- Cissewetua t ! Mr F. V F-rakoeecr as Tmisirg k Tftesdfty. ; ' Mm Ana Erwder, cf Micfttie, Cftj ft-f Sw H ue teachers w O B, , The Intelligence!. Wft-7? mka ft-w li ii Ai'ir fc St Lrs susce t (CM - T 3 A rc; rrl ft KCftM' "v. ad ueeasisg teacher, WaL tU dretx,. cf tCBrtVS MiU d U af tb, be H 7-ra teachera wW fi I srwen fcu mi "-Aft. are ft grt 5. . ins wur m kiu U TSti . iina ci 1 U serty ii j.i'lrwa. t s Tedy aight far ! rjs w-h rt aaves here. iw: iu i -7 y r i Vrt a. 4i : Zjcxxj-um Tke utcsl aveetitg for the -m r j . r - !t ta a orrvaka:. a.d fte ptd o. laa pm ry u yewr w;ji to S ' Ms- j.-rwi a jvi -wx;:r. TS3L1S. Sl-m PER TEAX. vrt.' I z rate cc-a-peiy m called i a Cxrasjr rial un Brwert w: J t th au arfc- are .7 (! ' i -t 1t- t C'sj ai:e- x W-i Citu !; -j j i7 Xr E. retericg lrrU:. Wah eatry Ufttker aiteadit. " aftmV. V sthtstea will rfn r-i-. . aikM , Vw Jti-iT cW Kij T. tc U , 3 Srvcrtc wit i ft. It j Ey jlaH z v;n-' W i3: ti. t . rvtt tit 1 it u .-: I iiirfu t jft-"TT a.rtc : Misrrftrt .01: ii ri:fT ia la ia li: U jrr jf 1 ray ;-i ft rixft. trrtjij-i a surf . .... . nr. T i;iLCjia, jct ft: kitr rr, vu: t u tft-fci.ic-t ft crftu i rt r; Kri ftij a ftri: tit rtoftft, lis fS ee mc hkim J jttTft- ftii ii jry i2 t nfjfta luuttu U y4r isr.i iii a rrerytiiif ii rts, u4 liftJ ! css ft PtrJe Syrlrfi pstx&:. SUELT OCT OF IT. ftirfn CViftft ft bulu7 vrr vkk'i t kj rejoio ft ft kiixml It Mtb.M ci to pftrt comptzj mAk ftf ftMnpckxa m at txH ft cvr Tfte4 U tftM 4 eiTjVta. bm.ft4 ttraHMixj. 0 jridpk ft fTftctidM ' ftrt k ftt&ire'y ftt rt. ftft wiU cf Ecflfttd, CfKij, Butift fts4 Frftftet Uftt wc eftsiot CMGJtmly keep ucpu; vzik tfcea u ftty ittioaai cftcrukif . It k pMCttly wftH lor Ckia tri ike worM fti Urge ikfti ve were Kpe!Ie4 to uke pftrt, witg to ib pniou csutioft i ou miaater, ia ifce er:j ftHM KiOTeaMftU ftgftiftst Ctiftft. I: i perfcap w3 lixt we wre tftre to wmftit, tj oar coftferTftUTe isfifteoc. U cxecftftire peftftles ttat woe id fcftv reliew ia ta bft&fcrcptcy of Cklftft u & mftiioB ftftd tbe eoBseqoeat cjCBtatenaeftt ot tie Empire. Bsl ow Uftt ocr work U ftuoaoiithed ft waft 'enre tiftt we tee oonelt ei g free fren ft bftd seM thftt UctauMd fti &e uioe to lone uiiu tm.-r.iz.r ftlliftfteea wr.h cuicii wbose yrtt we ftre foree4 to eosdemn. It ie'j to be soped t&ftt tfae Uaited Sifte ftcoorftirj oat of tbe Chisese Tbe eioKaj of tbe gaaibliBg booms ia VitULi m ft tncatph for law and order iti ta ertdesce of tke upward tread cf tbe wtJT riTUizfttion to a t;fr laorftl pUa. Tfce t'aited State ia grafid cocatry td it fst progrea. leg ia eoainxrciftl importaoc to tbe autoB of a leader amoog aaiioa. Aa we progresa eoaimereially, to aoaid we alvaaee ntorallr and pre Beat to toe world a bigber degree of cLmtifta driliifttioB taaa U foaoJ 10 aay other ponioa of tbe globe. The Moataaa itcidtct eftBDot be otherwise ltB gratifjiog to tte a,f,r: bi.: meat of tte eoaatrr Ai tae conrectKa ! th Americaa FederfttioB of i!iw:ci in lu-r TaetdaT creat deal c-f t'fc ... i. ! talk was in- calged ia coocercieg ng tiae" j tcseft. and if !V .au ftii their way -rag uace" t ra- wosld be elite inated frvm ttratncal tiOif; !Li-iC ii tt JStiiC Of the CiSi fSi rtio.wI kmi kir ta bwa c?.'?;:tt;T rc:ti- ! Tated to tw-m :o apprWate the Y'trV-A. 4 . prftCitft. tiratrr Btr.!.r:, ts,w n and wu pat n .a tb:r pr-raftsas ia I' T I ' flArnra - T T " 4C . -vu.n mmmmmmmmmtf-i. t m ' "." ' mma .. .ivrw"1111 " i a it kc fee r-: ?t:ftiT 11 'JU U4 Vii -X ftl4 it j ii rtttiirT nit opta. jfci-rs tx Trfc'7 U sx wi Us ajsa tie ptHif Sci.-xxtibtt. U lv.z Bfttk w.:ay t tiesr iifi.:-ri to ncs u w Crjrt.s wftf i: ia : J erf Uat.r 4 uy wis fti4 u itC tir ; u Wd-ilI L resisiiij euu -er r-fti4 u if itej kx. .' tws bk renter wis ft;:e3p:l to k1 a Ui;i jkw ttfti ftr 5 tii" tilijrK tzi bzri were ban-) L TceJj t f it ftt Tcptk, Ki , -i a Sosck Atrkft ia tfce Or5fe KlTaj Crne Nftika w fifty wiciT :k 7rfttftftl froa JskI? jT - cf ::C t Ik t&i cf JftSiiry IK 1, ii txif too fey cn!Lxi Ezlfttd ia ft wir eam3 c ia rta c CftrisiftsaT. Aftaatrott U. U boat tta! Sir Tfcce&ftt Lifx Lu kd bsSt la wta tke Aaveneaa ecp, was be9 yetur. -J fcy SUimt I wkka kx tb nee for Sir TU-Kta Ust year. It woa!4 ftppear tea Ux Uftt ts np aoc ia aek dftaar of pataiaf et af oar poW?ftl NU. WeiTiL, Id3, taotifft au to aa u; ia tie eJ Ii&e as BsBoct, Teta, ft-ea ta be ap ft tftirfy good fixed oil beoa ixd fi if to be apaj tftftttbc work aw W'.cf aftderukra there nay aot prove bftrrea of fta fftctory reo't. Pai!ftft.kropt Pftrtonft wbo wu to w3 pkftied wiu the joctf mea of Drary Colke ia SpriagSeM, Ma., wCl ad tka Kftte fall f du!j yoaeg Brea frqaftayfti food u tie Drary ipeo nseas if ke will ouj take ft look ftronod rer Ue Hare. A klasocn ctD ft eea organized ia New York aad iu book bow bow aa eaioliBeat of name. Tke Hi&ocrifta mfty ftiwtys be ioond wbereter bas-neu qoftlifications aod eoerjry ire Deeded to bnoe n-ea to tke froat. airs, lime Aathja save that tbe Terdict of tbe jury that found her guilty of the "maJicioos detraction of property" should hare read tbe de : ruction of malicious propenj" snd her point it well taken. a. Mark llano may not oe able to lead a charge or fcandie a mountain 2a as we!i fts Teddy bat if ilsrky go aiter the BominatioB in 1&(.3 be will uake Tedctj jump fideway. Ia another oolama ia this irsoe wj be faaad a letter from Scperintendeat Carricgtoa giing fnll and coaplete ioroBs to teachers concerning the CoeotT Icuirote ... U L'iD- t- M!socn sriaa a: tie Btaalo EiD.,it t ""on w mat ckw n T socri prodais aocn' nrr-in-. - f-."--. 11 i ioj bd ttn kaa-v Cili cn t ;to?tptbe her -.rru wiih5 (tUcB5o.dp.taa.igiTe th p,?tt ictftjc to colder trcolrt of ill- t OWi. Carles A. iw&e nuay c-: r-t a !rer, bat ti "f t of prc-r-r. J are foot'' 1 , set. kit- r. . i. l . Fir (3futk i-i t - ! . c 1 c ' j ht'.i t Ef. j 5 ft: ; ? in xf.ttz x t ti Ti t cr ait - ti 1 -. I V I Et cf dr ri A"cn7 'ki-n: iv.. f" - ' ' -mjux-c t. siftlicaou djrsita of prvptny. Her Sawyer pded tasarky. Tie cu U pfocaby be appealed to the i ftspreae eosn. The Sftsta Fe R. R. ecepftcy hu meatly placed ordm lx 125 eegiuw to be d::Tred daricg ftad k g to pUca order for 4) more. Tai ia a record breftkitg ecgiaa order ftad reprBU whew filled aa oetlay at boat 2,,CX). '" Aa tasoccoMful pk to kid&ap Ike Sahfta of Turkey b reported to kare beea made reeeatiy. It wu tke tatea tioa to gH Abdol Hataid oat of the wy aad proclaia ai yoaoger brother, Ktftined Secaftd Saltan. With his asaal good lack the Sakaa G&covtnd the p!ot ia utat to get the other feL low mftay of whom hare beea ax rested. A aaaber of the stale troops were eaJled oot Wedsesday at Albasy, New Tork to prereat a riot growing oot of tbe stnet ear taika there and the eaort of tbe L nited Trttioa Company to rna its cars with aoa-saioa men. Rioticg aad bioodshed were the re sults ot the efforts to rcn the reet cars oa Toesday and it was fesxed uit tae police woa:a not be fttle to cope wr.k tbe strikers aad their mn- pathiiers when aa e3ort is agaia mftde to ran toe ear. lHTer Mr. J. M. Webb and ilr.r jpect anaay ia IligglnjriUe. Ir. Ed. M2, of St. Loai, Tailed nt saotker this week. Hall Cook ca.e over froa H ggins Tille and fpttt ScndiT hr txr.oa and rirnsan White .U6..jc, pfai ?asay he'e with re.fttim Miss Lil.-tn Hodg n .peeditg th we ia tte cocairy wuk her aant, ir. Wftiry. ft i . ESI,,C? PfJ froa here to toe Otsid f'tH jtiM in weti Mr,. Wm. Ketg, U m. Dyiart, Hub ot. Wat: snd Henry. HlBW0 apoedAe crowd. All had a 104 lhlr-;'J Ult lid CU2hi ft tc-nlw. 01 tc fis ... r--.. 01 iiorer were , f-r'i-- r w j . j "-'-- -scisy cy a ball gaa ' ' lx--&on and l)Tr --r'--a. t course, cane tf " w r, cant ply w va 5'JJ. Sabbath ram.. I what... " J itoti market. T 1 1( . -V I panic in part.iy dciared a ;'nd it proriiab.V "'-a '.it .uckers 1 tit ttti , t fiLi:c isw bmUI milk. j I! urir4 is tiB to m i a Tit Ktx4 bcftfd lu .-d IftH rfftrt '.ft.-4r fc tft ebcI lfcJstlS'J 4" 8il tb '" r u Mlj 'iTisJ Miry TMaor wcr t-a 4ii-ft. Sweet Spricfft, n'rxiViZe, Ltixf.oa, VTeHirgtoa ni XtDkos. fts well aj from the I crTtisi:rj eocstry. Is the fter- !Ea. Mr. N. Hfterie, pmiiest of tfce p tT, Ei-ie tbe ftidresi cd tb tTti.-f wkjck wis well reeeiTed ftsd jreftily t?jojti by ft3. Mr. Hfterk i 1 tiitrv tra or.: or ts4 tlmtjt un Corr Mr Price Payae is aavkg as ftddi. b&a bcilt to t- bcce. Jin. Heary Khre accidectlj fell last TtedsT ltd cat fcr face bd1y. Cru Scboclrrg left la.4 Saturday to v-tii La hoKe folks at Wi&dos, Mo. Mr. E. A. Lxsc aad Umily nsi'ed relaurea Bear Alma Saturday and Sea- dsv. Mws Uat'Je Hackley is fttteadisg the lipworth League eoafereacc ia Leticg- toa this week. Tbt ladies of the Vet hod j church are coctesplftXicg a strawberry festi val here early la J ace. Mat Ethel Slasher reteraed Saadsy eTtnirg frca Virginia where she has beea fur Ue paM two tears. Tea Lathera school will have a pic nic ia Schmidt's grove oa May 22ad. Vm will a furauked by the Alma bftad. Sute Tesxierv EiiHiiaatioii. There will be regular eiimiiaioni of teachers ta every coanty in the state on June 21 aad 22 aad ob AngastSJ aad 24. Qoastions will be foraished by the state scfx-rintendent tad grades ill be of permaaeBt record; teachers need never taereafter be re-eiftmi&ed ob snbjects in which they make high grades. Well prepared teachers w21 bad it easy to raise their grade, and by teaching ftad artendusg intitates every year as ike their certificates per- puai. Teacners will find this worth workirg for. When requested by teachers to do so, County Boards of Education may for ward to the state tsBeriotendent ail papers, wriUea ia the August eliminations, that grade W cr owe. All sock grad a sund the test of tbe ajperintecdexfs grading will b re corded to the permanent credit of tbe applicant. This will cot apply tc tbe March or Jane examination. Tbere will be an exaajisation for a:e certificates at Nevada May 27 and i$; St. Joseph May 2 tod $0; St. Loaie May 31 snd lane 1: Coloabi. Joly 13 nod 15; Springfield Angus: 5S and 24; Carthage Aagun S6 and 27- KaniasCity August 28 Ud 29: Ma- berly AngnH SO and tl and at each of the State Normal Schools at the close of tbir summer ter. Grades made ia two subiecU cf tbe approved snmoer schools will be sc. oepted in lien of exsminatioB oa these ubje and become of permanent record to tte credit of the teaefc The University ha three summer :hool this year, one at Coloxbift, one at avi and coe t Ethacy. Eftchofli.v. .w -vraai atKl mala a tammer wm tk. Slate r 1 of llucfttloa ha4 approved som- 'ut Knooi sit Ch i ievthe, Fa!.0n Libt-rtr !.rh..i c ' Utx-rtj Marshal, Spnnggeld, St... rrn, Trntor aod srreriton, nine in r Kbool ftt Ch II. .Mirt (jr., ,.i.., U b bellaadtbandsof Teachers' int . pf!Cil t sra do Kcger eoo;p,u u - ,fc a. &erarw rrt.iu ti ,r , fc 1, tke duty of wj.,t.k atteadieg school, to :;e.d tM ' Ute. Ma9ytectft, i ! hotddfttsteaad rliJc a Tckat.nly pti?.Dg CWjM of EdacaUa the ftUesdast, !"k pen, aea cofittcer it a rve Br,;, I. tofttieadakKitBlet.-fsu; cus t&eu20ai. It takes Use aod patHse, fw ooe to adjos: Lixsell to tUz diUoav This k troe 1 v. ceruf caies. Tbe la Ur Umea for Usxhers eaa eot ksve their preferescea eotsftnlted. The , mas peftl eiftmiafttioEs for 13 , tor gooa aca saacient rtaKi, tuuf fttiead a rtgaJar xam:aa:ka ri era who do not eiea tbe ran tpnt tke aew law shonia oaaj tht Cocr Board of EdscaUoa, Tl-r a tKj ' the !sw to eacooraga aad k.'jli, greater e5rta whea ngh:j VJx stood. Most respect.Vr, w- T. CawuKJBl TLeMlet Mr. Halm. fna U BWtore fca. R-rpsblxraa NauoaaJ Chainui Ha. a is two well reasoned u a pcJjc to aJiow asythitg 3lr. rerrj g. Baj ? msy Bay or do for paWicatioa hlq.l :ao ftad Anaenca to lead ha hit f caktag a coosprooiHucg fUaota to the tn repabiicaa tv&u for Oa prealdeacy. ' Mr. Hi. periraet both aa a sewspapetMai ft secretftry to the repabiicai ai eosmittea ha Usght hiai tkatW may be suned ia vanocs v.i wars, aad there ts ansdoa it Utir lh seeUmeat of tha people tl 1 adTaac ot tea ooateatiaa. It t somewhat singular, aowerer, tkclr. Heftih shoald wait snnl he ntai Loadoa befora aBbordeaisg knaiii hi statement. Per hap keUkbt necewftjy to gather British at a Amencaa riews, sJaee recent ecata a:fis fcara eaeroaeaed spot British earrjiag trade, asd then ow do teUmg jat where tk tawa tioa few will atop. Bat Mr. Exsni makes a feist to sidetrack tbe boos W oeclftring that "Ferry alwayt kat h mftbed" oa him. A modest bicak mast have crept tolir. Haxsa ichwo as be coyly said this sweet awing," for his demora cuoie is sa opn tecret to ererybody who knoaiaia. He is a triSe aw re choke in his orw than wu Mr. Croker, who, aked to expiain certain remarti s-adt by Senator Piatt, replied ; 0, rlau aa old fool!" But tbere wa do troetii ia bftadinj the stata of Xtw York o to the repuhlicaas last November. Tit situauon, however, was diflfrent in this case, since the pobiw was supposed to conwdrr Crket and Piatt eoesate to the kniie. T worked quite weil toward tht a;gned ends, tbe latter p!wa''7 insuaced onU to show that tbere art tftrioas ways of being poiiticallj cevt' If Mr. UftBBft now coaKa plates trjior it hJnose.ll" he is ning in ample time to epoe hi. to IlooMTeltizatioa. Majbe be k?P to bate atftrted ft mftmmoth petiw fttkicg kirn to be the candidate a t only mans of aticg the cconiry. course, then it woald behoove tint t sacrifice everything to satisfy pf6 rwpect. for 1904 is ft rreat T politically considered, and so raw a-1 may drop ia tbe meantime. Ai'-'f j is i Tery probable that with T'V''t . ' wau e lu" r f ! beaJqoarter cksl and the j Ww tU)Dt to j;r. H: ai some troubk; ia t-in ir.Ti--:'- a,... "T it J Of r,t tif