Newspaper Page Text
HOST-STOPS. ,!eby Uft Tbnrsday tor 'on wiot to Kansas City frlaads there. aa retaraed Thursday j tacky. grovs cams down from oeeday Bight, ad left Wedneaday eveo ,:t u Kiomi City, reea Ie spending a few ty vlsltlag friends. watt to Nevada Wid t her mb, Mr. Freak asnlett weat to Kansas to visit relatlvee aad ad Ed. Edwurds went to Jnesdey to Tittt tnelr Al and loovllle Mr. Wat Aoll Thursday oo Marshall lett Tuesday City to visit ber son, all. ' og weot to Higglosvllle o 10ml surveying lo the own. Ut, Jr., came in Wednea noxie. Km., lor a visit .lead. pleby, of Sweet Springs, sy to attend the Ep olereooe. ileary returned to Leav day attar a abort visit : imie Geyer. nan and her two little sdav lor St. Loola to o's mother. t came dowo from Kan .7 to look after the work . aia new ahaft. ale returned Wednesday ?. where ab baa been titer, Mia Florence. iltora to Conoordla Wed- yed themselves taking in lermao Pioneer Day were lleoecameln Wednesday Chicago to vlait hla hi father being quite oi, itate ml at Inspector Ived Wedneaday evening eat lo this mining all is, who baa been spend 4 la our city on bnelneee wr aveolag to Kansas ikerton. of Kaasaa City, turn, Mo., waaln tbeolty usioess la the probata A Higglosvllle, earn np nod tbe day with tba father, Captalo Frank lanley, representing the aery Co., of Kaasaa City la our oily on buetae Mrs. jChaa. Morrison cam dowa troso Kansas City Tbuaday U tiilt rela tlvea ber. Mr. Rtcbard Field weat to ladepen- deao yeeterday to vlait ber daughter, Mr. Fred Evans. Col. 8. Ballera. of W. 1. A., weot to St. Loola Taeaday oo a busloeaa trip to be goo a eou pie ot day. Mr. A. T. Elrtley arrived Tbrday I rota Harriaoovllle and 1 vialtlag at tbe heme of Mr. R. T. Jesse. Capt. J. Q. Platte nborg retnraed Wed- eadav from Ksosas City, when be baa been spsadtog a few daya. Mr, Robert Berrl weot to Kanaaa City yeeterday oa bualoeaa for tbe Lexlng Triumph Preae Brick company. , Mr. J. R. Moorehead returoed fuesdsy from the meeting of tbe Westminster alumni aaaoclatloo la Kaaaaa City. Mr. Oaaar Aqdreea rtturned yesterday og Ire m St. Louie and brought witb him beautiful deer bead and borns. Mlsa Ella N ickel! went to Kansas City Thursday lo attend tbe May musical festival aod to visit Mrs. Jack Groves. Miss Aana Kennedy returoed Thursday evening from Kansas City City and is visiting tbe family ot Mr. Cbas. Wallace. Misa E. Florence jjewellyn will sing tbe solo, "Tbe Holy City," by Adams, at tbe Presbyterian oburch Sunday morning. Notice Any one caught loafing around my pond Or nsblog or bathing la same will be prosecuted. 1114 D. A.Slcsher. Mr. Olvia Baehr, brother ot Mr. Joe Baehr, died of dropsy la Kansas City last Wednesday and was buried there Tbors day. Mr. H. W. WInsor aod wife returned Thursday from New Orleans, wbere tbey have beea attending the Baptist asso ciation. Mr. Julius Winkler returned yesterday morning from St. Louis, wbere he baa been attending the Funeral Directors association. Hon. John Welborn left for Warrens burg Thursday evening to attend a meet ing of the executive board ot Warrens- burg State Normal school. Mr. J. W. Marateller, ot Jefferson City secretary of tbe Missouri bureau of mines, spent the day lo our city Thursday In company with Mr. Cbaa. Evans, state mine Inspector. Miss Florence Uall aad Mis Nancy Fonldi returoed yesterday from Hlg ginsvllle, where tbey atbsaded tbe com meaoement exercise df the Hlgginsville tligh acbool last olgbt. Most of tbe delegates who wer la attendance at tba Epwortb League coo- Epworth Lea pi Conference. Tassday morning at nine o'clock tba Epwortb League conference of the Lex. tngtoa district of tbe M. E. Church, South, met at tbe Methodist church in tblaoity. Tba ooafersBOa was opened with devo tional service conducted by Mr. Wm. Bear.. Tbie was followed by tbe address ot welcome by Mr. H. B. Spear, and tbe response by Mr. F. A. Cox. The balance of tbe morsiag service was takea op with tbe reports from the league chapter throughout tbe district. , Tbe atteroooo exercises began witb devotional service oooducted by Mr. Groeeobecker. Mre. Cbaa. Kraoae read a paper oo "League Library It impor tant aod How Obtained." -'Tbe Rela tion Between tbe Epwortb League aod Christian Etdeavot" was tbe subject of a paper ev Miss Addle Wllker, of tbe Lex logtoo Y. P. 8. C. E. "Is tbe Epworth League Helpful to toe Pastor?" was dis cussed by tbe pa -tors present.. Io tbe evening at 8 o'clock Bsv. W. M. Rader preached tbe conference aermon. Wedoesday tbe conference opened at 9 o'clock with devotional services. "My Bible" was tbe subject of a paper by Mss Mattle Hack ley. Mis Nioa Adams read a paper on tbe "Social Department" Which was followed by the social hour. Miss Martha Creoebaw read a paper on "Inasmuch as ye did it uoto tbe least of these ye did it uoto me." Tbe afternoon session of tbe Epworth League Wednesday was opeoed witb devo tiooal exercises. "Our Slogan Al! Col lections in Full" was tbe subject of a paper by Miss Laura Woodruff.'aod this was followed by Miss Lillie Fox witb paper on "Tbe Informed Epworth Leaguer." Benoie Price, ot tbe Junior League, tbeo sang a solo aod tbe entire Junior League joined io tbe chorus. - Mis Martha Crenshaw aad Mrs. F. Lee Wal lace ate tbe superintendents ot tbe Junior League at tbie place, At tbe close of tbe regular programme Wednesday afternoon a vote was taken to decide npon tbe place ot meeting for the next district conference, and Malta Bend, Saltn oounty, wafc cboaeo. Rsv. A. B Davidson, of Malta Beod, was elected president for the coming year; Mr. Hugh 8 Dears was elected vice-president; Mia Mary Brown, of Malta Beod, was elected secretary, aod Miae Bird Sbackleford, of Sweet Springe, was elected treasurer. Ia reoogoltloB of tb laitbful aad en- cleat work of th officers ot tb past year Dr. W. B. Eckle, retiring president, was presented with a solid gold Epworth League watch charm and Misa Laura Taubman with a weotiful gold filled oas clock. Tbe presentation speeches wer made by Rev. J. A. Jared and th A Card. Tbe elerka hereby desire to present to tbe patrons ot tbe merchant of Lexing ton tbe fact that we have aver oeea faith ful la aa endeavor to meet all require meats of tbeir eoeveaieooe. Toll from early mora to dusky eve we tblok ie sufficient labor for us io these loag, hot days aod abort Bights. Moot of tbe mer ebsots have expressed a willingness to Close door at 6:30 except Saturday's aad th pay days of tb Lexington Coal Co. Tbere are three merehaots who refuse to eater Into this agreement which necessi tate all stores remaining open until a late hour every algbt. Ie It too much to ask ot you that we may havs the wee mall boor of tbe evening for reereatioo aod social enjoyment? It net, demand of these three merobaate that they accord ua this small Indulgence. The Clkrkb. kUSMAQES. Married, Thuiejay by Probate Judge Jamee P. Chtoo, at his otflo at 11 a. as., Mr. E. H. Boyce aad Misa Violet Miller, both ot Odeesa - . -. B1ITB8.- v Bora, at Taooma. Waah ' May 5. to th wife of Mr. Frank M. Lambora, a girl. Born, la this city. Mar IS. to the wile ot Mr. Richard Calmeso, a boy. j Bora. In Conoordla. Saturday, May 11. to the wife ot Mr. Broest O. Fieoe, a girt. Bora. In Blaokbura. May 15, to wife ot Mr. Richer Jackson, a boy. Baptist College Commencement. PROGRAMME. 1. Recital by Department ot Elocution, Saturday evening, -May 25th. 2, Baccalaureate Sermon by J. S. Klrt- ley, D. D., Kansas City, Mo., sun day, May 36th, 11 a. m. 3. Sermon before tbe Y. W. C. A., by Rev. H. A. Hunt, St. Joseph, M6 Sunday, May 26tb, 8 p. m. 4. Art Levee, Monday, May 27, 3 to 6 p. m. 5. Alumnse Banquet aod General Re anion, Monday, May 27tb, 9 p. m. . 6. Recital by. Graduates ot Music De partment, xuesaay, may ztstn, 8 p. in. Graduating Exercises and Bioca laureate Address by Hob. Webster Davis, Kansas City, Mo., Wedaes- day, May 29th, 8 p. m. 7. A gift of f 10,000 for tb endowment fund ot Westminster college, ot Fultoo, Mo, give by 1-ouls Hoggins and William Hoggins, ot St. Joseph, Mo., was an- niuBced ia Kansas City May 13, at tbe annual dinner of tbe Western Alomo association of the college. .Westminster college is tbe Presbvteriaa college of Mis sonrl for men, being Jointly supported and controlled by the aynods of the Northern and Southern cburobee. Other recent gift aggregating f5,500 were an oouaced. tb "tilttB. ' ; ' . ; Died, at his borne, near Tabo, on Mob- . ; day mom tag, May 6, 1901, at 7 o'cleok, Jacob Clay. , Died, near Concordia, Saturday, May 11, the infant daughter ot Mr. aad Mrs. William Luebert. Died, Saturday Bight, May 10,1901, at his borne at Odessa, Mo., Mr. W. O. Corlew, after a lingering illness. Mr. Corlew was abont 40 yeara of age aod leaves a wife and three children. Died, Thursday evening, May 16, 19M. at 8:46 o'clock, at ber homo four miles south of Lexington, Mrs. Fraok Bower. She has passed loto ber final rest with the Master who has seen fit to remove ber from tbe circle of dear ones here woe are left to moarn her loss. Sbe leaves a. buBbaod, whose helpmate and companion she was, to suffer In tbe loneliness of a darkened borne. She leaves a father, Mr. Thomas Fitegerald, aod two brothers, J. M. and Thomas Fitzgerald, who reside here, aad one brother, Joseph, who re Bides in EI Paso, Texas. Tbe funeral eer servioe will tske place at the Catholi church at 10 o'clock this morning ard the body will be Interred at tbe Catbollo cemetery. . ' . ; Died, Monday morning, May 13, 1901, at Cblckasha. I. T., Wilms, Gelzer, aged ' about, 3 years, 'daughter of Henry and. Lurle Uelzer, ana granaaaugoter oi nr. aod Mrs. Geo. Kiag. Mr. and Mrs. Gelzer have th warm sym pathy ot their many friends here In the loss of their little darling. Though a bright Jewell has beea takea from their home circle another chernb has beea added to tbe beautiful . throog that makes np the family of the lovlog Shepherd wb ' has said suffer little children to come onto me, for of such Is tbe kingdom ot heaven. Tbe funeral took place Tuesday afternooB from the residence ot Mr. Geo. Kiag at 8 'lock. fersnc left Thursday evealog aad tbat I president aad secretary responded tbaak WALL pear returned Wednes Jay Wtnten, where she baa a week with ber sister. art.- . G. W. Hyde returoed m New Orleans, where a atUnding tb Baptist tioo. j edges, editor of the Back bis daughter, Clara, were k attending tb Epworth eace. Cole ha recovered snffl- out a little now when tb nd. His friends are all glad again. ample aad Miss Frszler, ot , left Wedoesday evening fur been here attending tbe ;ue conference. ; party tbat went to Helslo- few days ago returoed Wed- port an excellent time and j of fish caught. I to tbe Pioneer Day festlv- ordia Wednesday report a ue and are loud In tbeir :vrdia's hospitality. ,er bolds tbe record so far In b caught tbla sprlog, bar at a Vi pouad beauty from ad Tuesday atteroooo. s of ball Wedoesday between rs, of this city, aod the Coo- be latter won tbe game on a I oo the Concordia gronnda, Rankin, president ot tbe go of tb Southwest Mis nee of tbe M. E. church, lo .Thursday to attend the district league conference, . D. L. Blmpaon aod wife, of visiting ia our city Wedne re tbe guests of Mrs. S. B They bave been visiting pson's nephew, Mr. Talbot iullvllle. rle went to Concordia Wed end tbe German Piooeer Day dr. Haerle waa a leader In the of the German Pioneer la Its president. He was the (day and his friends were Bled In expecting a good him. night. Th total number of guest at tending wu abont 60. , Foe Bat Thoroughbred shorthorn bulla and heifer for sale. Apply at my farm. 8 mil Mat of LexlagtOB, oo tb Salt Pond road, or apply to me at Hlg, ginsvllle. N. M. Cooper. 27t! Messrs, unstav rimer, iiourj muiusi, John Borrli aod Christian Fox, repre- aeotlng the G. A. R. camp of tbla place, left Wedneaday evening for Nevada, Mo., to attend tbe slat G. A. R. encampment, Mlaae Anna Hoffman aod Ancle Stockert weat to Kaasaa City Tboraiay to attend tb May musical festival aad viait friends for a few days. From there they go to Leavenworth to visit Mr. Fredricka. Mrs. M. J. Lomax, ot Indianapolis, Ind, arrived Thursday evening to vlait tb family ot Mr. Geo. Venabie, She la well known to many of onr citizens, having lived her a number of years ago, and before ber marriage was Mlsa Mary Forsyth. 1 White's Fishing Park opened after May 1st. Fin plaoe lor camping; plenty of boat aod teats and lots of Doe nsD. Four miles northeast of Waverly aod four log tb leaguers for thee tokens of their appreciation of tb work of tbeir offloero. Rev. M. Babreoburg preached a most ex cellent and Interesting sermon Wednesday I oigbt, and tbe reception after the sermon waa a most delightful social feature ot tbe oonterenoe. Wednesday morning after th opening devotional exercises tbe subject ot "Mis sions" was taken np. Miss Belli Mo- Glatbery read a paper on the "Field ia tbe World"! "Harvest Haods" was the subject ot Rev. A. B. Appleby's paper, and "Kingdom Come" the subject of th paper by Rev. E. T. Haoey. After a prayer and praiae service coodocted by Dr. W. Eokla tb conference adjourned. Tbe conference ha been greatly enjoyed by all ot th member. Tb report from the different part of th district show a healthy condition ot the work and the leaguers go forth from tb oonterenoe with renewed inspiration, determined to make tb oomiot year the beat In tbe history ot tbe district work. -W-. A "W-v TB"V t Up-to-Date Patterns r Direct From The 'Factory Large line-of the Latest Designs and Coldrs to Select frm. The Goods Are In Stock You don't have to wait for it to be ordered and if we can't suit you from stock, we have plenty of sample books to j show at a much lower price than they can be purchased 1 for in the cities for the simple reason we are not put to the miles northwest ot Grand Pass. Addrcea year from May 27th to Jnoe 6th loelueive, all communications to White's Fishing u Convention Hall. It will b an exposl and Sporting Co., Waverly, Mo. 6-4ml I tioo of the prodncte of tbe taotoriea of Th. Aihanv atreet car strike continues Kansas City. Mlasoorl, aod Kansas Uty, aod several persons were killed and many A MAHUFACTUEEB'B EXF08ITI0H Tbe greatest Industrial event in Kan- SSIUlcy eaco year ie toe imiiu num i . . .. r re Products Show, which will be held tbie I expense Ui tarrying a jaigc uue ui hw X The Factory Carries it for Us wounded aod brolsed lo coo filets betweeo tb sinkers aod tb soldiers aod tba nnitae. A bitter feeling bae been engendered and bitter revenge and vio' leoce may be expected. On account of the raio Thursday a moonlight plcolo that bad been planned for Neet's bill laat oigbt was changed to asocial hop at Turner hall About twelve couple ofooryoupg society people wer oresent and partook oi an excellent iuusu and danoed to tb strains of sweet muslo Bill a late hour, all enjoying themselves greatly, Misaee Alice Mountjov, Bessie Atkei son. Daisy Thornton, Franoes Grimes, Marv Graves. Cornelia Ryluod, Mary Blackwell aad Messrs. J. W. Sydaor, F. Kaosas, consisting io a large part of ex hibits abowlng article In process of manufacture. Every nook aad ooroer ot the Hall from areaa floor to roof garde o will o gorgeously deoorated aod will be alive with displays aod amusements, On aa Immense stage In tbe center of tb are.ia floor surmounting tbe displays tbe greatest vaudeville performance ever offered in the west will be given after noon aad evenlog in addition to two band concerts dally. Tba root gardeo will be exclusively In the beads of tbe Wotnao'i Auxiliary of ths Manufacturers' Associa tion, and here, aside from tb displays of th art aod handiwork of women and special musical aod vauderville pro grams afteraooa aod eveolog, the Woasaa'a Auxiliary will keep bouse, teach ecbool, give art aod oookiog lessons Remember we can get you any pattern you want. ware of sample Bookmen and peddlers. Be Don't Be Misled t t by their talk of furnishing paper at cost. The coming 1 1 Ml 1 1 1 T 1 weeK we win piace on saic auuui j L.8losber,Harry urowo.u.r. inoruvoo. i n(J do mgBy other ,D0gs that ooly T. B. Ramsey, Carl Baraett aad Dr. R. H. can do. The roof gardeo offers on Lee, ot Ksosas City, drov out to Neet s the D,nd,omMt promeoadea ot the country and a magnificent view ot tbe hill Tuesday afternoon aoa enjojeu mnur and after the supper a buggy drive. OI coarse everybody enjoy ed tbe evening. tniinnrinir from our cltv. Messrs. A, W. Saodrlng. Louis Bartels, Loots Fran ciskato aod wife. Fred Neet, Ernest Doelling, E. Hoffaiao, E. Haeckker, Fred Liehrman, August Graupeea, Jacob Goeo nr. Aoeust Lepper, Jacob Klee, Joho u Jordon. Chas. Weber, H. L. Starke baum, U. A.,Dickmeyer, C. H. Bishof, Kllllan Long and wife, E. Kaldschmldt, mi. T.a. Henrv Blnauer. jonn n Wieman aod Henry Winkler and wife. olty. It is always tbe nrst place sougbt by visitors to tbe Exposition, All Tail- roads bave granted an open rate ot fare aod one-third for tbe round trip. Piles are not ooly most painful, but also' very dangerous, as tbe inflamed oodules are very apt to take oo maligoeot action and caooer of tbe rectum is pro duced. Tbey should be cured.' Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure the most obstinate cases. Price, 50 cents in bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. For sale by Creosbaw A Young. 5-4ml 2,000 Rolls of Wall Paper U7o onnn MnMt nr mnrp of Wall Paoer at 6 cents oer t roll and bolder at i cent per yard. A large line oft t Remnants at 2 cents per roll, enough for small roOm. f lot of odd Borders 0 inches wide at 1 cent per 1 . - . tyard, 18 inch at 2 cents per yard. If you wish to freshen J up your walls by a new border this will be your golden t I opportunity, ' -CaU and look at these goods. t Ik. g. IvOomisi Book and Art Store 1 1 103 Main St. Haerle Bldg. -m v