Newspaper Page Text
'J DISGUISES OF SEX. SURANCE. property insured, oc by tenant or owner. , ritten in p.ny town in Will com", and make i inspection and name n application. Will anything. Write or him at office in I tr IAL ESTATE in Lexington. Farms , Houses to rent. If e any real estate to e, it in his hands-no V no 3n. sale! Office in I MI i HI mi. ractcr. Loan t; t i niraranee -Agent- , -J. ). .. My Property for eels or rent. NET TO LOAN. ioney on Improved farm lands id fii per cent Interest. at room over Tevia' drug re, Lexington, Mo. L Feilis S Co. hCASHw luce - Buyers POQITRT, GAME I EGGS MID BUTTER. ; DUANE STREET. NEW YORK. r Our Present Paying Prices ION & TAUBMAN, LEXINGTON, MO. BSTRACTS OF TITLE, ESTATE INSURANCE, HON IT TO LOAN only complete tat of Abitraot f Title to the Lands of Lafayette :E in ILERE BUILDING thinotow, S. N. Wimo LEXINOTOlf, MIS80C&I. state. Loans and Insurance Agents. TRACTS OP Til LB MADR, money on Improved farm Isnds I and SH per cent Interest 5 IN IliERLE BUILDING. J.W. Meng, i Surgeon Dentist. in the Meng Building, exington, Missouri. Ha ui Wni It hi Have Wara the Garb at the Opaoalte Sea for Haay Tears I'akaowa. One of the moat notable disguises of , ex on record wai that of Cheyaiier D'Kon, -who masqueraded as a woman, while acting as the diplomatic. agnt of Louis XV. to the court of the empress of Russia. He was born in Tonnere, France, in" 1728, and died in 1810. 'Tope Joan," who ia commonly spok en of B8 an English girl, waa credited aa masquerading aa a man o success fully that she wandered iu many laucU and waa never detected. There ia a story, now generally discredited, that she became a pope under title of John VIII., says the Chicago Chronicle. There lived 20 years ago in Hungary an officer named Felix Francoine who was one of the most valorous captain in the army. Her sex was not discov ered until after her death. In Brittany a few years ago thera lived an old fisherman who for SO yews followed the sea. She waa not like the woman celebrated in the song of "The Three Fishermen," for she did not stay borne to weep. She Waa so successful with the nets that she amassed a fortune, and at ber death left considerable property, 13 fishing smacks and a snug sum is the Bank of France. She bad been twice married and. left to her wife a good share of this world's goods. - , Catherine Coombs now lives la West Ham poorhouse, London, at the age of no. She had for 43 years passed as Charles Wilson and had earned a (rood living as a mural painter and decorv tor. She was actually proud of her handiwork as shown in the decorations of the .eabiryt of the Vessels of the Peninsular and Oriental line. No new craft which we ntlnto th aer?Ioe waa considered complete without having decorations fainted by. Charles Wit son." She waa in the employ af the company rularly for 17 years, and so much confidence had her employers la her business ability that :thy' fre quently asked her to undertake irapo. taot negotiations for them. She waa injured by a fall, and, beiag unable to fallow her trade, .was obliged to p lata an mentation. r , , r There died in England a frwyra4j6 woman, who tad rFa'b'hed iht halo old age of 108. The last. 40 yr't her stay on earth she lived under a maacaHaa asm. . ,. . One of the matters of aa SflgUafc almshouse was a woman who for II years donned man's attire. Her idea- tlty waa revealed through a man who waa brought to the institution and who hailed her as his long-lost wife, i Mrs. Pietro Lcfrananl worked for mora than a year in the coal mines of Haaleton. She. was Injured, in an ex plosion and the surgeons discovered that ahe was not a' man. In order to obtain the wages of man a young woman disguised herself in male attire several years ago and worked for many years aa a cashier in a Cleveland (0.) book store. . . . There are several instances la recent years where men have sought employ' ment aa cooks in the dress of women. A man who called himself. Christina Becreng worked as a cook for ten years in the kitchens of New York house holds and earned especial commends tions for culinary skill and neatness, He would not have been discovered in his deception had he not Indulged in a drunken spree, in the course of which he neglected to shave for several dayo. A RUSH FOR AUTOA. Maaafaetar u . lalea Kara la reased Oyer a Hasdrad Par Caat. Darlac Fast Tear. Tbe year in automobiles has been a rood one, but even with its increase ol about 100 per cent, in the manufacture, the business was not entlre'y gratify ing to manufacturers. At the outset the makers looked for tremendous sales, but with the unsettled condi tion in business, generally due to de clining values, many purchasers held back. Triers of autos. however, were well held throughout the year, and To some instances advanced. The auto mobile is not a novelty, allowing wide margin of profit to the maker, as it is essential that all parts of the mschinery Included in its construction be of equal merit, which prevents in ferior productions and keeps prices op. The demand for pleasure vehloles represented only ahout 3 per cent, of tbe total increase in the output dur ing the year, which indicates their growing popularity. The striklnf growth was in the output of deliver) and truck autos. One of the features that developed during the year was ths formation of several bus and tr"ck companies for the purpose of hand' Una country passengers and farm aroduets to and from towns., It has developed that this business is a suc cess, and will eventually expand to vast proportions. The export demand has also grown materially, and the American make of every description i going to all parts of the world tvta to France where they originated. Missouri Pacinc-tenlngton Br. VMt BOWKDTSAIflB. . No. 71. , Ho.:. LeavoSt. t.ouls ..vr:nn i:ispm Arrive nlii i..Vjm S:iiiuiii Conoorrtia... 4:4)7 pin HH'nffl Aullville i:pui :44uin Hlirainsvllls. . 4:il7 pin tiiXism Pmre t'ltv.. 4:47 in :ll u Lexington pm 8:IOm Myrirk M pm ;;Uin Welliayton 6:Mpm ;ttsiu Waterloo t:40 pm 7:33 urn Napoleon 6:47 pu 7:4im Independence fl:4.'ipm S:!Qam Kansas City .... 7:lapiu 9:tMam St. Jotepta... - l:(i5ptu DA1LV. ASTBOCBO TSAIHS. No. 74. No. 7. Leave St. Joe :( pm KunsHBUIty fi:4Upm B:"fism Ir.depncleaoe Utiflpm :Mni Nupolcon....n. ...... 7:tpin .7:4usui Waterloo... 7:14pm . 7:44 am Wellinirton 7:'.lpm 7:51am Myrtch Tt-tspm 8:03 am .T IMpm 8:IOnm .a b:10 pm t:am 8 ilpm 8:37 sm t:3pm .8:47 sm :izim in:05ama COBRMPONDKWTS . WaKTBD The IS ti i tobnokb wants a correspondent In avsrv town In Lafayette county. Write for particulars. Lexington raife City.. Httrxlnx villa, CoiicorUia 8:4 pm Hednlla MU:0mihu St Louis 7: 10 am :(ipnuh rdu Tire repairs cost more than Tires RIDE .' i GOODYEAR DETACHABLE TIRES and save the expense. Fit any rim. ' No cement required. EASY TO REPAIR. ESY to BUY. Every puncture don't mean vulcanizing. , Special rates to Kansas Citr everr Sstu evuaius;aaa Buna&y. . raatoHTB. Bast West 8: am.... Leaves Lextn'irton. rgrttam 9:atn... PiiveCltr :50pm i0:nrian. ... ' H gninsvllle S Mprn llnWam ... " Aullvllle.. I:4ttpm H:Wiam.. " Concordia 1:10 pm :ISpm.... " gedulia 10:40am Dully, except Sunday . Jefferson City, Boonville and Lfilng- tou mrisioa. . MtXD DAILV BIO Vo.n. Leave. I'M am.... :Vam .. 8:Uam.... V:IU am. :7am b-Jutim ll;W)ara S:Bia... ... 4 A pm ...... Beaddo-ra. ...Lexinirton .. ...rlyrk'k...... ...Nortltrup .... ...Duver ...Kd wards..... ...Waverly. ... ....rlrhrtll .. ....BixiQVIUe... ... Tlptoa 8CNDAT. ' No. n. Arrive. :lt pm ... 4:45 pm ... 41 ! pm ... 4.00 pm ... XM pm ... s:0 pm .... I:IS pm ... 3:i pm ... V pu Bead ap. , SANTA f t BOUT!. Tra Ins arrhra at North Lexington i No. tt (daily) 7:45 a m Trains leave North Lexl Baton: Ho. U, Bxpreaa tdally) T:.Ua m sin tine uauta pass boxinatoa jtiaoaoa ooibo uii. , , 9:18 am loo sm 7:15 pm 8US5 p m :4I a at No. , (dly)., Ko. 1. B. 5. 4. (dally)...".;.. California Lis California' tl'miVed oeiro wbst. ..V..;.;.. iJSasa tlted...v I.- am U:ltlB l9n7DBS (4fl p a I. D. 1 aaraa, J a., AeaL 3. Black, Q, P. A.,Tupka, Kaa Ohleig and AHon Raltraa. Trains leave Hl(ffln-Ue aa followsi , wast sound. .' No. 5, ftt. UandK C. malt.. B:44sm 7, l sill. aoi WM. nmitea 61, H iBBinnv Ilia and K. Caooom. 7iUam IH, Ht. lynili. and K. C. mall 4:30 pm 119, Local freight and aocom 8:47 am BAST BOOBO. No. 14. St. L. and K. C. mail :47 am ' an, k. C. and Hlffgiiwvllle aocom. 7:15 pm " IB, Calif, and Col. limited 7 Ml pm I J. Ht. L and K. C. 10:67 pm H 118, Local irelsrbt and aoootn Ix:45 pm W. 8, LYONS, Ticket Agent, Telephone No. 60. ' An Innovation. Tbe Louisville & Nashville railroad, together with its connecting lines, baa inaugurated tbe Chicago & Florida Lira ited, which is a daily, solid train, wide vestibuled. steam heated, gas lighted, with dininse car service for all meals en route from Chicago to Thomasville, Ga., Jacksonville and St Aogustine, Fla This train leaves Chicago over tbe Chi cago & Eastern Illinois tracks at 11:05 a. m.I running via Evansville, Nash ville, Birmingham and Montgomery, Ilant system to Jacksonville, and Florida East Coast to St. AuguBtine, arriving at the latter city7:30 tbe next evening, making the fastest tlme ever , . .1 f . . NIL!. I maae oeiweea tnw pumuj. xuia uaiu has annex sleepers leaving Cincinnati at 11:15 a. m., and St. Louis nt 2:15 p. m., which also run through. JMr. C. L. Stone, general passenger! aeent Louis ville & Nashville R. R., Luisvllle. will answer all Inquiries concerning th's train and furnish printing matter con cerning it. A GREAT NEWSPAPER. The Sunday edition ot the St. Louis Republic is a marvel of 'modern news paper enterprise. The organization of its news service is world-wide, complete in every department: in fact, superior to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section is illustrated in daintily tiDU)d colors and splendid half tone pictures. This section contains more high -class literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. The fashions illustrated in natural colors are especially valuable to the ladies. The colored comic section is genuine laugh-maker. The (funny car toons are by the beat-'artiats. The humorous stories aro high class, by authors of national reputation. Sheet music,' a high-class, popular song, Is furnished free every Sunday ip The Republic. The Drioe of the Sunday Republic b mail one year ia $2.00. For sale by all news dealers. What Shall We flaye for Desert? This question arises in tbe family every day. Let us anawer It toJny. Try Jell-O. a delicious desert. Prepared ia two minutes, No baklnfl add hot water and set to oool. Flavors: Lemon, orang-e, raspberry aad straw berry. At your grocers. 10 ceota. a The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, 0. Simmons Hardware Co., incorporated, St. Louis, Mo. Schmelzer Arms Co., Kansas City, Mo., distributers. tlEl'J SEIilflC VIA TO SAN ANTONIO, " " ' via WACO, 8. A. eV A. P. ana SOU. rAC , , . amto ; Austin, VIA ILCIN and H. 4.T. C. ...... Through Tourist Sleep ra RACKS EXAS vV Effective March 10th, CALIFORNIA, Via UN ANTONIO ano SOU. PAC Qulokcst and Best Una to MEXICO. "itATY FLYER; St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City ia i. a .a FRCC KATY CHAIR CARS and BUFFET SLEEPERS. :lpt, AjaflOitoca tbe Opening of to Re4 River Dtvisioo . asa'IOMa ( - DenisotY and Sherman, Texas. j.- i Thrott 'TraJa Service vlfl iSortiw . he atabiiahad from Sit Leds aod .Kaoas. dry ovV taf i ,. ,'' I cm CORICETABLET5 madawitknure SPANISH UCCRlCE unsurpassed lorcure 0TLuuunat,ULU9 0" 1UV PftCKAOta- rop all Throat Affectiorvs r i ,e. w r r c 5old by Drugqiboeverywhera Vfi .prepem on ntcipi ut prici eiy 863 bnvtmj . New YbRrt or tftnX "OALZER'S SEEDS WfffcI TktaaUnnctotBan,lmtSt. yfc, .CBmowwnon worn Amu.teoraaBavtli.WIII ' v'yt wrolutlonti. oora growtps. ' lllT.nDo'llarOrasa. Utonaof DtrDtrMra rtm L&esW flraoail waaaKss -rsyJU aata a a am mix is in Catalan, tall. rtl Ho. ITAMPI .t.. MtlkaMOTICS w. SMf4ilMjiUwicaWTCl.lM ' Sftlu (Nbi,Mi A.) thlM.1 (BbS SmImI f4f A.) f, 4lTnb&paArml,kvWMIil Mm A. Salaer Seed Co. la Craae.. Boritrmarl It aaflsnwaa' !l. aftariowiiar MJ tin 1 iU'i'dlJliHilUliWr-SBJ (7 I iff i.l.i1i: mmm mm 1? Ut. pi re? T-H-E N E W Y O R K W-O-R-l-D Thrice-a-Week Edition. Almost a Da ly at the Price ot a Weekly. The presidential campaign is over but the world goes on just the same and it is full of news.x To lfarn this news, just as it is promptly and impartially all that you have to do is to look in the columns of the Thrice-a-Week edition of tbe New York World which comes to the subscriber 156 times a year. The Thrice-a-Week World's diligence as a publisher of first news has given it circulation wherever the English lan guage is spoken and you want it. The Thrice-a-Week World'a regular subscription price is only tl.00 per year. We offer this unequaled nevvsppaper aud the Intklliqknckk together oue year for $ 1.65. Toe regular subscription price of tut two papers Is $2.00. AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD i 4 4 PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO , zjtMjs-m&'M' Jim, j f-i'aasl It I & ..NjaaLb. ?..... . ....... AND POINTS IN 4 E AND TERRITORY BEYOND. W. 8, LYON3. Passenrer snd Ticket Aront,HlgffliivUle, IT Uso.J.C'HABXTUN.a. P.T. A.,Clioao,IU,