Newspaper Page Text
The Intelligencer. u c. neale. Edits aai Prpoetr. (? aeatn rapidly wisjeh taking t" Gersasy uvi E:r3 their ?rw;ift U lk or-J'i artet sea de:ease actx to protect t&eir i i tie " . de'.rvery rot las week. ttrr4 t ti Ixr tr f.- i ir. Ui it ciiiM tKir kA r.rfrrj c( aa fiitfTK wi;b tb world and tales t& avas;n ol ocrj Sstur-lsy aig- Tbe IsiF:Jt-s Tt McCauslands Price List TEXTS, St P VEAR. cosatir ire placed ia ibe basdiof on (V,ri c0 kvi ed bSv maasVp t sraveipec breaker sb-d. The tirrow policy of ixl '- jtcctivetar.ff of the repab!.eaa psny is HC KUSLXY rVS THIRD TEE jlarge'y responsible toe t5a fwlicg of FoUotsr tbe lke H" tattosUm in tt? fcrevjn eooa:nes. vatsidtnliaJ b-wajiet, surte-J by Mr. : i; H in ucpardocsble a for Me-1 repcblicaa party criste of the ifci? his forced Kinler for U-rd term, set nor, I!-" j tpoa tie people and m,:siaiiiea ict a cu iSi.i tbe vovJrtoc o we ) eumbr of tears a policy tbat Us beilt mtrr different from what they 7 bp comomations and trusts bv which a; school d ::. a r.mi inrJ tor kb Ltird term it Uxcrtd iodari taitKe3 to til ifci La coa- ' mike icnhi.iBiKtociirs ct smea tt.cSudrta . It! vt R-T-. ... . . 1 - vnf M I wfcer tMJ r31 4 - TtUlT C-.b of Hcrw"-' ka-Cnt. It; .-.i: hall. Tb fnaarato tte Hit"" ttro ..a.tii rfaite cbi.irta i a&i tiaX U prperT t the eoaairr daneg UcKia'ej'a ad citir.ra:x5B b :hictory to ike ?joj:oe hnerea of tee coestrr that ii ta no- desirab-. to mate a change. tbe aacrifice of tbe inie-rwM of tbe maer. Tbe aaae fa! po:iej con tinoed, wCl aooeer or l.iet itrolve s ia a cocDiatrdal war, the cojIO bb Whi2 tt is trs tbat tbe eooditioa are to lh: coaotry will be t.r gntltt thin L2exflt tbaa bn Grant m after j lae C the late ar intoatich aa tht Boai:ca:ioe. it u a'jo tree tbat tke eaalTj fa;e piry ct tipicsioB aad people are cot yet reaij to aekaowl-j ia,perialiai bas forced a, litrepnb tbat tbere is oa!j on itaa ia tbe puty has been weighed id tbe atrr bo caa fill tbe presidential . b4iBc and foncd waniing bair. Tb repobiiean party, bieg gtod at :aitLme, nainral'-j lake credit fori CAELNEGIE'S LATEST GIFTS Andrew Cnegie ha- recently gir- baierer defit of prosperity has, en flO.OOOx to e:biUb frte edoca- Iese4lbe !acd doring UcKinlej's ad- ln in for bcotctx nniverius. ttinistratwn bot tba claim U oot proof ! Edmborg, Glasgow, Aberdeen ao3 St. nd there U erery reason to beiiere ... i i n . T . i k . n tk-l pnrToed by tbe repoD.tcaas a greaser 4?gTe of prosperity wonid bare been oor to er joy. Tbe troth of tbe matter i tbat tbe conditions pretaihog J.hrougbout tbe world hare been fiTot :ie lor ibe United States and the country has prospered in spite of the republican mitrale that has burdened he coontry and kept tt from enjoying the fall measare of tbe benefits which favorable world conditions sbonld asave broogbt. Serer before in tbe 'iistory Of this fair domain, bare the people been so beanly taxed as tbey tbave been during tbe trust breeding administration of Wm. McEialey and Hark Tlanoa, for tbe purpose of pay. leg eoorroocs dindeods npon tbe -heavily watered stocks of gigantic cor. porationa. Nerer before have million--airs been able so easily to filch by law from tbe pockets of tbe people, tbe wormocs sosi by which tbey bare added other millions to their already large forte nes. None bot a proper oos country conld stand tbe beary tax of the UeKinley trsst regime. Tbe in xhia$table resonrces and richness of the land tTe made it possible for the trusts to proper and find materials with which to feed tberr erer iacreas- ing greed. The people bowerer, are Andrews. He upulte tost none but bis Scottish feliow cocoirjmB" shall receive tbe beneS Li of tbe gift. Neither Ecghfb, colon ials, lureineri nor Irish need apply. !r. farLegie bu giTen large sums f money to various institutions in ttiis toentrv and no doubt is at Liberty tv n sit muney as be sees fit, bot he eemi to k-rget that tbe sweat of many an lruhmao, Englishman and foreigner helped make tbe millions tbat be is do giving away and even the bloed ol some of tbem bas been sacrifices, to tbe greed of the heartless monopolies through which be amassed his wealth. Tbe mbr ol tie I?rr Chrit:an chorea hive dirJ, after s-ate wis-j cession, to costtaw the larg estab'.Uh j caca: of tbe -Asrsst meeusg " j 1 ! consoliia rsrmers coai The .cb i Tbe petition of serersl thousand Chinese citizens in ftkia, liking that tbe American soldiers mj be retained is an honor u the mera wbo wear the uniloim of our army iod a tourceof pride to the entire n alios. The American is a generous foe tnd when once tbe enemy is replaced to sub mission he is ready to extend to bim a helping band. All honor to tbe coble American soldier. The announcement of Cobi'i passive acceptance of tbe Piatt ameodmeDt by those in tbe republic-AU risks who onght to bare known oeemi to have been somewhat premature. Ibe Co ban u not goiog to swallow all of bis (-xpany aad tb H osve Mi Cocpaty will jp9"1 tli.'--' tl ca-' mer ia iaiprcvta.a of present prop-J enies and opeair.g a new nine. j Tbe rtgoUr acacil meeUtg of tte j Lafayette county c-'.i mens club will be held next Saiurtaj a: Vlavne. Since j the last me'.ieg death hu claimed; three of tbe members, Measrs. C. H. Hammer, Menaah Beamier and L. H Uose. The teachers elected by the iTiggiii ville school board for tbe neat year are-. W. C. Sebrin superintendent. North school F. C Ilendnct. principal; Ethel rnrr. No. 3: Nellie Baoham. No. 4: L-mi Ytvian. N-. s: Lina Jobn s..a. Nj. t: Eunice Whiting, No. 1. South school TV. W. M:E:roy, princi pal : Aiice We'bnro, No. S; Lsara Mc Culloogh, No. i: Ursula Brarch. No. 1. Colored school H. F. Tbompsoo, principal; Rtcbael Ewmg and Emma Wadlington, wuistant. Mr. Jacob II. Burgan of Higgins- ville, received word last week from tbe L". S. Naval Training Station at San Francisco of the death of hu son, Geo F. Burgan, a naval apprtntice at that station. Tbs joang msn, only 17 rears of age, enlisted in Kansas City in tbe early part of April and died on the llih of this monta. Tbe remnns were interred in the National Cemetery in San Frac Cisco and will probably be brought to Hig?iGsvil!e later. Aootber of our brave Lafayette county boys a sacrifice opon bis country's altar. Tbe cow ty at large extends sympathy to the bTeared family. .......... 3k, 5c and a, r. it, aaJ , . Prints h". -acbed cotton. Brown cotton.... VHnm Gmrhims. lVrcalcs It. 1X ana i ... Black Sattccns 10, 12,, 15, So. 5 and s.v-1! Bjuk Brocaded Sattcens 15 anJ Lawn and Ihmlties 5. H, 10. lii aml i-:tu S.lid Colored Dimities 10, 12,, n anJ .J BatUtes in Colors aud Uicka 124, 15 a and Egyptian Tissues '. 3U, and 5vu Foulards li 2W 25 and Vt! Silk Mulls, h',ack, white, pink and blue Japanese Silks 39 anil .vt Mcrcerued Lace Novelties for waists 25 and Vvu Lace Collars 10c aad unto" 00 Windsor Tics 10, 2tv, 25. and iVu Corsets, new khapes 25, 5. .i and l IVlts 1 W. 2U, 25 and :.u Shirt Waist 5.V, :5c, II, 11.10, IL25, 11.50. l.:5and f Ladles Gauie Vest 5, 10, 15, 20 and 2-u Ladies Gauze Pant, lace trimmed . , r-: o..:.. lauies iauzc i muD oui u -. Vt Ladies Hdk 1, 2. 5, 10. 12 and up to t Vts Lace Curtains, per pair 50, 75, tLOO and up to Kj Curtain Poles, complete 10 and l.Vt. Window Shades. Table Covers... 10. 2.5, 30, 50 and ixU ..50,75,ll.(X)andlL25 W. G. McCAUSLAND. wrLLlAM D.EASKI5 Prei4eat. D. IT. B. TIVI8 ricPre. WALT1H B.Wai Cashiet. LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK. LEXINCTON, PAID UP CAPITAL, MISSOURI. $50,000 Doea a renarai baakiof busioew. SotldU aocouaU liberal aeaomaraa'aUoa ia saMoqiers. I F KICHOUOS I HOFFMAS DIRECTORS WDIASKIX JOHX I KTLAMU WALTKk R Wudbi Waiter B Wt4d D WB Tens W D Kaotia raaale W Bwtoa H B Duks. Curator Jaeksoa Bradley saai A O TOl'KO O W B TlVIl STOCKHOLDERS I si Cbaaaaa Vdk IHutau JaoBKrUo4 JQt Varus Toubi MrtSKrab-k U A Inas A Ilea W wtneate Betu W Smith Hearr atts: A O Yoaaf C B Ckapaaa B f Kesm HearyCWauaca BAWallaea LOCaifsa I I WW nayiag ecpuomie . questions, ana repnblican medicine awithoot making whether VIcKinley or Haona is put np Ug)j ikCis to lead tbe republican party ia tbe 1 ; next national campaign tbe party and j The only parties th.t seem to be tbe nefarious' policy which it repre- j loosing any sleep over t be necessity for seats will be buried beneath an 1 reorganizing the democratic party in -avalanche of public indignation, the 1 Missouri seem to be tbe Hoo. Lon V. -rewH of tbe education and enlighten- Mevens and tbe Globe Democrat. In :-met! ft be masses. the meantime democraverv U not payinr much attention to their bad dreamt. VTHE CBllfE OF REPUBLICANISM. The German Press bas been devoting 'great deal of space and attention lately to tbe growing importance of' tbe United States as a commercial power. Tbe aboodance and cheapness ; of tbe raw material produced in -America and tbe superior skill of tbe iiabcr employed in oor manufacturing -eatorpriaes, coopled with tbe many uurovemeou in labor saving ma- Over The State. Lincoln, Benton county reports the finding ef oil near tbat place in an old shaft. An old maids convention was held at tbe skating rink at Lee's Summit last Tuesday. Fajette, Mo. has appennted a solici ting committee to raise funds for a street fair. Wedoesdby of last week the general store of YV. H. Alderman, of Bockcer T, ..riW'tM T WM Dred by burglars. Tbe strike of tbe bfty thousands or; more machinists throughout the United St' JoPD Mo tDU convention Staff would seem to raise the ques-! bt!l ,h1 tbnt "'.'"'O r tion whether the boasted Hmna-Mack 1 U lik'K 10 Sel il- j prospenty has reached bejood tbe nar-i Mrs. eatch, tbe wife of tbe jailor 1 row limits of the pockets ol tbe trust barons. Le Wet, the intnped Boer leader his again been located but tbe public has 1 a rrA r Kaf !nsvt inn IVa ir J . ' cbioery, have enabled this country to icg bim are widely different proposi- supply foreign markets ritb maoofac turvd prodocts of such quality and at aoch prices tbat tbe borne products of r faose markets are unable lo compete 1 HODS at Keytesville recantly prevented a jail breaking at that place. R'V. W. T. MeClure former patcr, of the Methodist church in ibis city will dedicate tbe new M. E. Church, South, at Iiigneli' Mo, tomorrow. C. F. King cf Bockner, Mo., hu sold out his lumber and real estate business to J. C. Jones, president of Our Eirhatxcp. Horn, etr,y Sunday m., to James the Farmer's Bisk, of Lee s Summit ' . . . . ... -KS ours. This American comp-titlon , ,Da l'ulu ,ret" - less soe Ho. i, not only occupying tbe attention of i W,H ler ,D hre1 ,nf - "le, at : Lee', Suxmn s biv,eg a telephone the German Agrarian press bot alsoj,b"1 "verl7 Vatcbmiti. J eichange whieh will be put in bv the the Liberal and Radical press. The; Prof. Homer Phillips ieft Thursdiy ' Missoun aad Kansas Telephone' Co. waiter was also a factor in recent ,or Uxington, for a. visit with his They will also Lave connecting lines debates In tte German reichstag and brother, Prof. C. A. Phillip Odessa through tbe cocs'.ry. thus ia coming to be a question of ( tniocrat. j Pfo( L ; ( national importance in Germany. Tbej Cards are out aonooncinj tbe ar- iuperitleodest of Misfjun m German press also calls attention to proachiog marriage ol Uiss Cecil schools has tec re-elected to tbe 4he keen compeuUon of the United Stewart of this city to Mr. Harrr tion of inper.ctecdest of the p'" State wUh the commercial and Indus-j Wilbur Grebe of Elbert, Colo. The schools ia Kai- City, Kaas nrial InteresU of England and argues , marriage will occur Maj 23rd at tke Colombia il-.jouri-.'e:. r . j . .. uocifoi passed a a crdliice de tonng aooui siraiueu reiauons oeiween iw prospecave nnae, woo resides at be two countries. Macon, Mo. Missouri Ledger. Tbere is no doubt but that we are ' " I CrTICB Asvostcaa litloin.v Mn.4 Harris-Anderson Lumber Ct JIVES YOU THE- Best Grades at Lowest Prices -BEFOr.E BUYING SE1 J. J. RHODES, M'G'R., Lexington,! W. W. CORSE, M'G'R., Wellington, Mo. W. G. Musgrove. Sam'l I. Davaii musgrove & co- Groceries, - Provisioi FRESH AND SALT MEATS. Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce. Mullenix's Old Stand, cor. 16th and Franklin B.McCACSXA.VD. rree B. K. IRBLAKD, Casaiar. tX5 J. SLISHIB.' The Traders' Bank, XaCSXXTQTOXT. CZO. &JXli TJX? CiXXXTiXS. CSO.OO 4.i?k Aot 1 tri banktn bualaew aad sottdas U aaoonatsof corf, aiC2 vapranrr I j -j- - ' n pravw.Lg pt3i.ttt.tit therefor and me man in tti; t0 iul commercial countries in the word WiU be proud. D.4,6Lrsaia. cannot show n-.xe support w.,1 c:ic-4 rock pile. n t-n!ter tbat v.. Me Kratsi of ivii 05 te City RICHARD FIELD, Faart B t AKDhE-' CHABT1KKD JAKCABT as.lo. pd Up Capital. Morrison-Wentworth Banl LEXINGTON. - MISSOURI. wUi 4o a Geaaral Bnkln Business. UbenU AceomnodaUou 10 Heru 01 H.:aarJTfi4. """Liaai BOARD OF DIBBCTOBBi ( " 'A.0irV". , Chart trooa. Q. M. Catron. J.Montwa B4w. MmU. W. H. Itrrauoa, Bufns 'saw