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The Lexington intelligencer. [volume] (Lexington, Mo.) 1901-1949, May 25, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063623/1901-05-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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anrday's Daily .1 .
1. Bullard left tbls morning
;ood farms for rant. Apply to
BtTJ -iOtI.
telle Wllker returned from
ty last night.
.'. B. Hamlett returned last
a Kansas City.
has. Kcltb aud bis wife
3 day to our city yesterday.
irry Brown left tbU morn
Waterloo, Iowa, wbere be
remain a couple of weeks.
lorence Neale came down
nsas City last night to visit
!y of her fatber, Mr. Lewis
Archie nix, of St. Louis,
. this morning; to be with her
Mr. Chas. Wallace. In bis
.' ona Kennedy, who has been
her sister, Mrs. Chas. Wal
urned t Higgtnsvllle tbls
vniliam Calaway left for Mar-
is moroiuir to attend tbe
exercises of Missouri Valley
til Rankin left this morning
trong, Mo., to visit friends
go from there on a fishing
Geo. Stewart and children
from Winton this morning
he family of be father, Mr.
, ars.
P. A. DuBols, who has been
t,lne her daughter, Mrs. Ed
, left this morning for her
Long ton, Kas.
..'in. Parks went down to nig
tbls morning to see to the
r, of his running mare,
to St. Louis.
Una ol eream and chocolate
town tor 80c per lb; flat new
4J kind; figs, raisins, date and
apse at Joe. I Look's.
' ave Ileatbman went to Llb-
a mnrnlnff ii vfalt. frlonrln
attend the banquet of the
ool alumni association.
'. E. Serat, who has been
i week superintending the
ig on at the serat mine here,
sight for Kansas City.
of the peace and douMm pnbllo
pplled with chattle mortgagee
9m. at 5 mom per copy. All
anka rrlnled to order, tf
"ftttie Green returned last
m Kansas City, where she
visiting friends for a few
attending the May musical
Jeo. W. nail, from Hall's
came up to Lexington yes
venlng on a short business
I returned last night on the
I Johnson, of tbe Kansas City
culation department, dropped
i Iligglnsvllle yesterday even
spend the night with the
John Welborn returned yes-
evening from Warrensburg,
he went to attend a roeeti ng
executive board of the State
1 school.
an star company keep a call book
ammoth liverr stable, and o at
sd Central hotel. Leave orders at
mm. 10-37-tf
Nellie Marshall went to Mar
this moroiog to attend the
: exercises of Missouri Valley
. Her sister, Miss Lucy Mar
who has been attending school
will return with her.
Owen Owen left last night for
uis, where he goes to take
of the running mare, Orrlsls,
:ng to Mr. Wen. Parks. He
e mare at nigginsvllle and will
barge of her on the race track
Louis this summer.
-.' tbe liver falls to eecrete bile, tbe
iiecomes loaded with bilious orop
tbe digestion becomes Impaired
boweli oomtlpated. Herbloe bat
, and a few doaee will care any
' biliousness. Price 60 oeote. For
Crenshaw A Young. B-4ml
rs. Tip Ludwigs and Allle Utt
Us morning for Ceotervllle,
They go to do the battery
with Centerville In a game of
all against tbe Neorasica in
They make a strong battery
" the team gives them proper
t the Indians will know they
against something.
i Monday'! Daily.
Will Cobb left yesterday even
Kansas City.
I L M. Williams went to Kan
3 thin mnrnlnir
Chas. Royle spent Sunday here
is father's family.
Henry Gelzer returned
g to Chickasha, I. T.
Mr. Bob Ardlnger spent Sunday
here with his father's family.
Capt. Barnbardt, of W. M. A.,
went to Marshall this morning.
Miss Florence JJeale leturocd to
Kansas City yesterday evening.
Mr. Znch Wright, Jr., returned to
Tonganoxie, Kas., this morning.
Mrs. Evan Young went to Kansas
City yesterday to visit relatives,
Mr. A. W. Staffer went to Kansas
City Sunday morning to visit friends.
Dr. C J. McCormack and wife re
turned last night from Kansas City.
Mr. Chas. Klnkead went to Napo
leon Sunday to visit the home folks.
Mr. Frank Barron left yesterday
morning for a business trip to Dodson,
Miss Frances Smith went to Rich
mond Sunday morning to visit her
M". John Goebner and wife went
to St. Louis lust night to be gone
some time.
Miss Delia Trail returned this
morring to Kansas City after a weeks
visit home.
Mr. A. T. Johnson left yesterday
evening tor Lincoln, Neb., on a
business trip.
Mr. Linn Buford came down from
Kansas City Sunday morning to visit
relatives here.
Mrs. Lucille Robinson lett last
nlgbt for a weeks' visit wltb St.
Louis friends.
Miss Llna Rodenburg and her
mother went to Concordia Sunday to
visit relatives.
Mrs. Geortre Dudtre went to His.
glnsville yesterday to spend tbe day
wltb her daughter.
Mr. Ike GraU and Mr. Wm. Palmer
returned yesterday morning from a
trip through tbe east.
Messrs. Ed. and James nugbes, of
Richmond, are visiting Lexington
friends for a few days.
Miss rearl Miller, of Windsor, Mo.,
came to Saturday evening to visit
Miss Claudia Dunaway.
.Mrs. John Robinson and little
daughter returned Saturday night
from a visit to Kansas City.
Mr. Tom Crenshaw and wife and
baby came down last night to visit
Mr. Crenshaw's father's family.
Mr. Neil Todbunter spent tbe day
here yesterday with the family of bis
father, Capt. llyland Todbunter.
Mr. Ben Johns went to Sedalla
yesterday morning to attend a meet-
log of the commandery at that place.
Mr. Dave Thornton and sister, Miss
Daisy Thornton, went to Iligglns
vllle Saturday night to visit relatives.
Mr. Mansfield McClelland came up
from Sedalia Saturday night to spend
Sunday here with his mother's
Mr. Wm. Bandon came down from
Kansas Saturday over the Wabasb
aod returned on the 5:11 p. hi. Mis
souri Pacific.
' Miss Annie Jefferson, one of Cen
tral's students, went to Napoleon
Sunday morning to visit her home
for a few days.
Miss Louise Smith, of Central
college, went to Kansas City Satur
day evening to visit friends there for
a couple of days.
Mrs. James Robinson and brother
returned Saturday evening from Tip
ton, where tbey have been visiting
their old home.
Miss Margery Minter, a last year's
graduate of the Baptist Female col
lege, came in this morning to visit
Miss Birdie Duncan.
Mr. Frank Hays went to Leaven
worth yesterday morning to visit hi
sister, Miss Katie Hays, who Is at
tending school there.
Mr. J. H. Campbell and wife and
little Miss Allene went to Iligglns
vllle Saturday evening to spend
Sunday with relatives.
Dr. B. F. Sattertleld and wife,
who have been visiting the family of
Mr. Chas, Barron, returned Saturday
evening to Kansas City.
Church ot Christ Scientist, Sunday
services aa follows: 10:30 a. m., Sunday
school 11:30 a.m., at Kaights of Pythias
ball. All ars cordially Invited. tf
Mrs. E. B. Campbell and little
Miss Vera May Campbell went to
Kansas City Saturday evening to
visit Mrs. Campbell's mother.
Miss Edna Dean, of Cor.der, came
up Saturday evening to accompany
a party of Lexington friends on the
steamboat excursion Saturday night.
Homb Money to Loan. do good real
estate security, la sums of 500 and up,
at 7 per cent. So commission, no red
taDe. AdpIv to J. Q. Plattenbarg. tf 1
Messrs. Geo. M. Mountjoy, G. W.
Stler, W. F. ilincsley and David
Lyons went to McAllster Springs
ibis Saturday night to spend feuoday
MiM Bessie Orrr of Lincoln, Mo.,
an ex-student of Central Female col
lege, wbo has been visiting tbere for
a few days, returned borne tbls
Mr. Newt Henry came in Sunday
to visit his daughter, Miss Mary
Henry, who lias Just returned from
an extended trip to Virginia and tbe
principal cities of the east.
Mr. E. E. Estle, of DeWltt, Mo.,
came In yesterday morning to visit
his daughter, Miss Bessie Estle, of
Central Female college, and tbe
family of Mr. E. B. Farley.
Mr. James Edmonds and wife left
last night for Casper. Wyoming,
wbere Mr. Edmonds will again take
up tbe duties of tbe position he left
to come here on account of the sick
ness of Dr. Hasscll.
Miss Malta Powell, from Joplin,
and Miss Anna Worihlogtoo, from
Galena, will return borne tonight.
Miss Worthiugton has just closed a
successful school in Galena and Miss
Powell has bad a large music class at
At Harrisonville last Saturday in
the case of Watson P. Aull vs. L. A.
Spingler, a judgment was given Mr.
Aull for 1430, this being only $1.50
less than Mr. Aull s full claim
Attorneys for Mr. Aull were Alex
Graves, Wm. Aull and Jas. Burney.
On the opposite side were Robert
Railey, Pay ton Parks and John Lucas.
I have had a
kcesill Sale
In Boonville
But have yet about
and 300
Boy s i lira $
In no.
left. The same and lower prices
will prevail on them until
every dollar is disposed of
which has to be done during
this month.
From Tueeday'a Dally.
Miss Lizzie Smith Is at borne fur
her summer vacation.
Judge Joseph Smith left this morn
ing lo.spend a few days at McAllster
Mr. Jo&eph Bailey went to Buck
ner Saturday , evening on a short
business trip.
Mr. R. K. Campbell, of Kansas
City, spent a few hours In Lexington
Saturday evening.
Mr. John narwood, of the Ilig-
ginsville Jefiersonian, Is spending
the day In our city.
Mr. M. E. Serat returned last night
from Kansas City to look after bis
coal shaft work here.
Mr. Sam Neale, of the Hlgglnsville
Leader, came up to Lexington yes
terday afternoon on business.
Mrs. Juliet Flndlay returned yes
terday evening from a weeks visit
wltb friends near nigginsvllle.
Dr. Fulkerson went to Jefferson
City this morning to attend a meet
ing of the state medical association.
Mr. W. G. Musgrove, who has
been here on business for several
days, returned yesterday evening to
Kansas City.
Misses Nellie and Mamie Warren
returned to HiggloBville Saturday
night and Miss Lavlnia Warren ac
companied them.
Messrs. John and Bob Peacock and
Chas. Hoefer, of Higgiosvilte, were
In tbe city yesterday on business In
tbe probate court.
Mr. Archie Hix, of St. -Louis, came
ud yesterday morning to attend me
funeral of bis father-in law, Mr.
Charles C. Wallace.
Mr. Dave Heatbman returned last
olgbt from Liberty, Mo., where be
attended a banquet of tbe Liberty
High school alumni.
Miss Anna Jefferson, one of Cen
tral's students, who spent Sunday at
ber home at Napoleon, returned this
morning to her school duties.
Mr, Wat Aull shipped seven car
loads of cattle to Chicago last nlgbt
and will ship five more cars today.
The cattle business in Lafayette
tounty Is good.
Mr. J. M. Ward, who has been
giving dancing lessons In tbe city
during the past winter, gave bis
closing dance last uight at Turner
ball, and a pleasant evening was
spent by those present.
Mr, M. J. Butler, of Leavenworth,
a member of Company F, fourteenth
U. S. cavalry, was In our city yes
terday on a short visit and left this
morning. He afso served with the
eighth U. S. cavalry in Cuba.
Cyclists should always carry a bottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment, In case of aoot
dent, If applied Immediately, it will sub
due tbe pain, prevent swelling, and die
coloration, end quickly heal the wounds
Price, 25 and 60 cents. For sale by Cren
shew & Young. 5-4ml
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vivion, of
Lexington, drove to this city Tues
day and extended to the members of
the Happy Hour Club aod their hus
bands an invitation to dine with
them next Thursday. Mrs. Vivion
was a member of this popular club
before moving to Lexington and has
entertained them several times since
she has been living Jn the county
seat. The club has accepted the in
vitation. Iligglnsvllle Jefiersonian.
Children who are weak, fretful ortroob
lesotne should be given a few doses of
White's Cream Vermifuge. Tbey will then
become strong , healthy aod active, have
rosy cheeks, bright eyes, will be happy
and laughing- all the day long. Price, 26
cents. For aaie by Crenshaw A Yonng.
Dr. J. E. Tucker, Mr. B. R. Ire
land, Dr. J. Q. Chambers, Mr. Joe
Graddy, Mr. Lucien Lesucur and Mr.
Jamie Rankin left last night on a
nsuing excursion, niey go to War
saw, Mo., by rail and from there will
drive overland about ten or twelve
miles to the fishing place. They
were provided with all the necessary
parapueroaiia ror camping and took
with them Dr. Thirkles to add color
i. - a xtr i
io uiu pariy. ne nope iney may
nave a pleasant time and catch
good lot of fish.
Mr. Sinauer has leased my
room and I have to vacate by
June 1st
so very little time is left in
which to dispose of the
of the Stock.
Philip Keller.
Pupils' Recital.
Central college gave another of bet-
Interesting musical recitals at the
college music hall Monday night. - A.
number of guests were present anoV
enjoyed the entertainment very
much. Space will not permit U9 tot
give a detailed account of tbe num
bers, but tbe entire programme w as
marked by the high degree of ex-
cellence characteristic of Central's-
musical entertainments. We give
below tbe programme:
1, Bonata, A Major (first movement..
Vocal, Tbe Flight of Agee Bevaa
Miss Alice Grace.
Aqaarellea .Corlltt
Miss Yates.
Scarf Dance ... Cbamlnade
Miss Lyons.
6. Vocal, The Night Mllllottb
Missel Smith and Estle.
Bimple Confession Thome
Miss Abbott.
7. Vocal. Love in Springtime... ArdlttU
Mlsa Peery.
8. Violin, II Trovatore Blngelee-
Miss Marcla Sellers.
9. Vocal. Summer Chamloade-
Misa Estle.
10. Caprlocio.B Minor... . Mendelssohn
Miss Wynne.
A Pleasant Afternoon.
Friday afternoon about thirty-
five of their lady friends gathered at
tbe parlors of the Baptist college to
spend tbe afternoon with Mesdames-
White and Cook. The parlors were
tastefully decorated with palms and
cut flowers and presented an invitlaff-
Tbe amusement of the afternoon'
was rather a novelty in Lexlngtoav
circles. A number of pictures hast
been cut Into two or three pieces and:
these pieces pinned to tbe curtains,
portieres, and other articles to the-
room. ' Tbe one making up tbe lar
gest number of completed picture-
won the prize.
Two prizes, beautiful lace hand
kerchiefs, were given and the first-
prize was won by Miss May Peak ou
drawing for it, she and Miss Annie-
Ireland having completed aa equat
number or pictures. Miss Keller
Manly took the second prize.
Refreshments were served consist
ing of strawberry Ice cream and pine
apple Ice with a variety of cakes an
salted peanuts. The afternoon wa.
greatly enjoyed by all present.
Miss Cornelia Ryland at Home.
Monday -afternoon Miss Cornell.
Ryland entertained a few friend-!.-
hnnnr cit Mian Mnhpl Kfllforff. ttf
Texas, who is here visiting at the-
W. M. A.
The guests were Misses BrosUis,..
Peery, Ruth and Llna Burgnen., off
Central college, and from tbe oHy
Misses Bradley, Atkelson, KriehB-,.
Young, Howe, Andrew, Gordon, Mc
Kean, Todbunter, Bates, Alford,.
Sawyer, Craig and Black well.
The feature of the afternoon was--"Wives
of Professional Men." Mlsse
McKean, Broslus and Blackwelf tied
for the prhte, which was won by Mis
Blackwell on drawing. The menu,
was chicken patties, ham sandwiches,
shrimp salad, pickles, beaten biscuit,
and coffee. The second course wa
orange souffle, angel and devil foo-J
j. lie panors were maoe mosiuu
vltlng by a tasty arrangement of
a J in.. -, it. i i .
uu wtirs aim ansa lAiriieiia nyuuscess
made her guests feel at home ac4bll
enjoyed a most delightful afternoo?U'-
A Texas wonuer.
One small bottle of Hall's Great DIs-
overy cures all kidney and bladder
troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes,
seminal emissions, weak aod lame backs,
rheumatism and all Irregularities of tbe
kidneys and bladder in both men and
women, regulates bladder troubles in
children. If not sold by your druwlxi
will be sent by mail on receipt of f 1. One
small bottle Is two month's treatment,
will cure any case above mentioned. Dr.
E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, St. Louis,
formerly Waco, Texts. Bond for testi
monials. Sold by Crenshaw A Yountr.
Mexico, Mo., July 6, WOO.-This Is to
certify that I have need Tbe Texas Won.
der, Hall's Great Ditoovery, for Kidney
and bladder troubM, andean fully rec
ommend it to all sufferers from these corn-
Plaints. J. R, LUCKIIi.
Right-of-Way for River Route Practi
- cally Secured.
. S. Cronk of tbe Missouri Pacific!.
land department and Green C. Fowferr
returned from Marion Thursday noon,
where tbey had been to complete nego
tiations with several farmers for riorW
of-way through their property fr,(te
river route. Tbe right-of-way had
been secured in Cole county except
through four farms.
Mrs. Sarah O Brion, of Kansas City;,
came down troni Kansas Citw iaHi.
. j .
and Mr. I'rnnk naid h (ai:.V(u..i..
. J " M5I VOUVMVT' mo -
right-of-wav through the finlo eto .
which she owns. The right-of-wa-vv
will take np about four aces of her"
ground, so she is paid about $ 75 per
acre a pretty stiff price. Mr. CronR;
and Fowler could not make satisfac
tory arrangements with three other -
estates, so condemnatory proceedings.
will be hied against them. Jefferson.
City Republican.
Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards of this city-
bus received from England a group
picture of the members of her brother.
Moses Edwards' family and sent in ex
change one of her family. The family-
gathered in this city this week to have5
it taken. They are Mrs. Pheobe Wal
ters and Edward Edwards, of Hodge t
Mrs. John Edwards, of Blackburn
John Edwards, of Kansas City, Wil
liam Edwards, of Lexington, and Mrs..
II. G. Graham, Mrs Rebecca Hogan,.
Miss Ida Edwards and Mrs. Elizabeth
Edwards of this city. Higgicsville-

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