Newspaper Page Text
3CAL SROBT-STOPS. ea Owea returned Thursday '.ouie. 7tl Xnbi spent yesterday to ear ag Old friends. as Wloklsr spent Wednesday la ty on business. -.ophlne Miekls went to Kansas lesday evening. Kelley went to Kansas CUT with tome cattle. its Benedict spent Wsdnsedsy . City oo business. .1. H. Chile end son, Henry, Joeeday la Kansas Uty. . B. Elliot came la Tuesday to ire here lor a lew days. Powell, of Chicago, visited bli s, John Powell, Wednesday. s Gllktioo retarned Tbaradey lor a vint to hie homefolks here. , Blaokwell cam la Wedoes- t the home folks tor few days. ! boo ot Mr. Win. Bear fell nod broke hie arm at the elbow. . Catron, t Kansas City, came Jdueeday to villi Lexington An Bauerle weot to Kansas Citr y to tpeod a few days on T. Johnson returned Thursday short business trip to Lincoln, Mountjoy and Stier came la roing from a business trip to Erase and Mrs. Greyton, of !e, were visiting Lexington s week. 3. Banter went to Warrsnsborg oln to bold quarterly meet indiy. i Donaldson left Wednesday tv here be goes to visit Edmund for a few days. '.dren of the Colored Baptist hool wsnt oat Thursday on a ag exoorsioo. I. McCormlck returned to Kaa Wednesday after a few days art tk relatives. a. Aull went to HIgginsvllla o attend a meeting ot the United . of tbs Confederacy. , E. Bard, of Bedalla, came up f evenlog to visit the family of Mr. J.O.MoGrew. He Wallace arrived Wedneeday toma, having been called borne of bis father's death. idys Wyakoop, ot Jefferson, i bas been attending Central lor home yesterday, atron, who was here Thursday odi, returned yesterday even me at Ksnsss City. od Todhunter spent Thursday :ity attendlBg the meeting of Daughters of tbs Confederacy reooe Ankeny, daughter of ? Ankeoy, of Pomona, Kas., is v tbs guest of Miss Addis . Fulkersoa retaroed Thursday rom 8t. Louis, where be bas adlog the State Medical asso- mle Lou Broderaon, of Russell , who has been attending the allege in this city, left for home Una Johnson and Cbarlle ! Higginsville.were visiting Mrs. ier at the Grand Central hotel sesie Mayfleld, of St. Joseph bas been attending Central college, went borne yeaterday Hill returned Friday morning 3sas City, wbere he bas been on connected with bis harvesting y. C. McOrew went to Kansas City y to be present at the bearing which be bas there in tbe U. 8, iurt. .Ullaa Moorebead and Master . Moorebead, Jr., left Thursday o, Mo., wbere they go for i relatives. vld Russell weot to Kansas City iv and ibis daughter, Miss astell, weot to Wsrsaw to visit r a ahort time. oulse Smith, one ot Central's wno baa been apendlng a few Santas City visiting friends, re me Wednesdsy. Sheriff Clarence Ridge, of Hlg ,' brought Arthur Lloyd and Blue to Jail bere Wednesdsy nitb petit larceny. o MeCnlly, of Macon, Mo., who visiting MIhs Leslie Bateaand t Central Female college, left Thursday evening. I Superintendent H. G. Clark ioteortent D. Hardy, of the Mo passed west In their special car -in Wednesday evening. . Meng, formerly of Dover, but t Louis, was In tbe city Tues ag'.bls brother, Dr. John Meng, bis many Lexington friends. a. Bumner, superintendent ot nsville telephone company, and J Taugban , one ot his assistants, tr city Wednesday on business. . : - I Its Economy to Trade at this Store itv : '. . , : , : 1 fa fa fa fa IV ft fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa S fa fa fa fa ft fa fa 9 fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa Every yard of fabric, every garment and every article that is offered here Is thoroughly and the best to be had anywhere for the price we ask for it. good, For money saving read every offer' carfully A Cotton Flurry. Always worth one hundred cents on the dollar. We are going to give you a cotton surprise for the next few days. Its some thing you use every day and never comes amiss. 2 bales Fine Unbleached yard-wide Cot ton at 4 J'. Its only a small saving of 3-4 c a yard but it all counts. 2 bales of a well known brand of Fine Unbleached Cotton, we are going to sell at 5c yard;' this item means a saving of one cent a yard to you. Pepperel 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting at 1 5c yard, ought to tempt you. , 81x90 Bleached Mohawk Muslin Sheets, hemmed ready for use at 49c; is another good thing to buy now. . Pillow Cases of the same Muslin at 10c each. 50 pieces of 32 inch heavy Percale in dark colors, navy, reds and blacks at 5c yard; its worth a couple of cents more per yard but we give you the advantage of our close cash buying. Pretty Wash Fabrics Here. We say prettiest, for surely there never were any prettier wash fabrics than those we are showing. Silk Tissues, Dimities, Lawns and Batistes. These close cash prices make the goods doubly tempting. 26 inch Dimities at 4 4c. 26 inch ;Batiste Brilliant at 8c. 32 inch Violet Lawns 10c yard. ' ' 31 inch Fine Batiste, at.l2c, actual value 15c yard. 30 inch Fine Dimities, in solid and fancy patterns, at 15c. Silk Tissues, at 49c. H f WASH I Wash Skirts. Plain linen Wash Skirts at 25c. Linen Wash Skirts, trimmed , with rows navy blue braid at 49c . Covert Wash Skirts at 98c. un 1 ' 1 1 at n 1 IS 8 IU f W ' SHIFT Women's Dress Skirts. Go into the details of our Skirts little things count in style and wear. You'l find nothing skimped. nothing illiberal, nothing that sense and fashion do not ap prove; shapes, materials, workmanship, and hang just as they should be, and the prices are fair. Black Brocaded Dress Skirts, 98c. Plain Serge Dress Skirts, in navy or black, at $1.88. Black Figured Jacquard Skirts, $1.98. Walking Skirts, good heavy grey suit ings at $2. 50; youicant buy the material and make them at that price. ' Two very good numbers in rainy day Skirts are the ones we show at $2.98 and $3.98. Finer qualities in black and color ed Skirts up to $7.50. Black Taffeta Silk Dress Skirts at $7.00 $9.75 and $12.50; Hosiery As We Sell It is a satisfaction to the purchaser. None but the honest, durable sorts. Not at half their worth but just at their actual value. Children's Black Ribbed Hose, sizes 5 to 9, an extra good stocking, for 10c pair. Children's Lace Striped Fine Black Hose, sizes 5 Jo 8J, at 25c. 50 dozen Ladies Seamless Fast Black Topsy Hose, at 10c pair. Ladies' Lace Striped Hose, at 25c, are as -good as most houses sell at 35c and 38 c. Matting Matters. Most economical floor covering you can buy. Cool, cleanly and comfortable. The won der is how it can be brought from Japan, pass the custom house and be put on sale at such low prices. We have about 15 styles to show you; some plain, some fancy some jointless and some cord warp. China Mattings, 10c and 15c. Cotton Chain Mattings, 20c and 25c. Extra qualities of cotton chain Mattings at 35c. If You Oct It Here You Know If Right TTflnn 171ioq fin t You can do so at very little cost if you buy screen JCujJ uilU riltJO vUU doors and window screens in our big white basement Adjustable window screens 18 inches high at 19c Adjustable screens 24 inches high and extended to 35 inches wide at 25 cents Adjustable screens 30 inches high 35 cents. Green painted screen doors all the regulation sizes at 65 cents. Fancy screen doors, natural oak finish inches thick at 98 cents. Champion hold back screen door hinges at 10 cents per pair. 1 Screen wire all widths up to 36 inches. vf I VI vl VI VI VI VI M v vl V! i VI VI VI & VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI l VI VI VI VI VI VI VI VI vi si-- Mr. W. B. Hamlett and family left. Thursday for Kaa ae City. Their house bold fooc'e were shipped Weda lay aadi they go to make their home In Kaeaa City.' . Call oa Mitchell ft Son for your mlllett Dioe rrass, cans and vardea seeds. Ws also keep oo hand corn chops for chick ana. Franklin avenue, south of Court house, , dAwt-29ti How many toe Dels are there betwtea Jeflersoa City sad Bt. Louis oa tbs Mis souri Psolflo R. fi? Ask Mr. Qeo, Btlsr about It as be has lately investigated thisv natter. Mrs. Geo. P. Smith, with ber two- children, returned Thursday to ber home at Naptoo, Mo., after a visit here with the family of her father, Mr. Gee. Vaughan. Messrs. Tip Lndwlgs and Allie Utt returned Thursday from Ceotsrvltie. Iowa, wbere they went to play as the. battery for the Centervllle team in a rime of base ball. Fob Sale Thoroughbred sbortbora, bulls and belters tor sale. Apply at my farm, 8 mile east ot Lexington, on tb Salt Pood road, or apply to me at HIg- giosviile. N. M. Cooper. , 4-2711 . Tbs School of Expression of the Baptist oollege will give a three-act comedy, "The Chaperons," at the opera bouse tonight. Tickets sre now on sale at Crenshaw dt Young's. .Beau In any part ot tbs house 25ceota. Tbs proceeds of tbe sals of stock, Im plements, Ac, on the Col. John Donald son farm Wednesday amounted to about 12,700. It Is estimated that 500 or more- people attended the sale and It took up- tbe entire day. Tbe Hook ease wae Tuesday reverse and remanded In tbe supreme oonrt. This-, case bas been is the courts tor a loot; time and this action of tbe supreme court, as ws understand it, opens tbe case again, in tbs court bere. Mrs. Upton Wilson and Mrs. B. N. Krille, who is visiting Mrs. Wi'son bere, went to Higgloevllle Wednesday to visit Mr. Jobn Nell and to Join with htm in celebrating tbe seventy-sixth anni versary of his birthday. , Miss Eats Branch entertained tbe Higb Five club at ber pleasant country borne Tuesday night In a most pleasing manner. An elegant lunobeoo consisting ol meats, salads, loss sod cakes was served to the. guests and all bad a delightful time. Cadets Miller and Hudson left Wednes dsy tor their homes la Pueblo, Col. These young gentlemen have mads many friends during tbsir stay here and are quite popular la our vonng oolal circles. They wilt bs misted by their Lf xlngtom friends. Don't despair because you have a weak: constitution. Tbe vitalizing prlnoiple of Herbine will assuredly strengthen it. la every drop of Herbine there is life. There is a stimulating, regenerating power, unequaled In the whole range of medicinal preparations. Price, 50 cents. For sale, by Crenshaw A Young. 5-4ml la another column an error is made. In saying that Judge Frank Boater is chief justice of Kansas City. It should have read, chief justice ot tbe Kanssat supreme court. Judge Doster is oneol tb best known men among tbe legal fraternity of Kansas. Miss Mary Hays entertained about tweaty of ber young friends at an In formal gathering at ber home on Eigh teenth and Main Wednesday night. Tbe guests spent the evening In pleasant con versation and danclog to piano music Light refreshments were served and a. delightful evening was spent by all. Piles ars not only most painful, bot bIbo very dangerods, as tbe inflamed nodules are very apt to take on mslignent action and canoer of tbe rectum is pro duced. They should be cured. Tsbler's Buckeye Pile Ointment will , cure the most obstinate cases. Price, 50 cents to bottles. Tubes, 75 cents. For sale by; Crenshaw A Young. 6-4ml. Field day exercises will be held at ther academy grounds Tuesday, May 28tb. Every effort is being pnt forth to make the day an enjoyable one A souvenir programme containing pictures of tbe foot ball, basket ball, base ball and track: teams will be given to every one attend ing thsss exercises. Admission, 25 cents.. Rheumatism Is coooeded to have tte- origin ia a poisooed condition of the -blood, and to bs most successfully treated ' by Herbine, which acts npon tbelivrr,. kidneys and other blood purifying organs,, thereby divesting tbe system of theeJ--fending agents. Price, 50 cents. For sale by Crenshaw A Young. 5-4ml .Judge Jobn E. Ryland snd wife re turned Thursday evening trom Kansa City, wbere they have been visiting thefr son, the Rev. E. P. Ryland. It is with, regret that we learn trom them that their son has bad to give op temporarily hie work in Kansas City on account of 111 health. Upon tbe advice ot his physician be bas gone to Roswell, New Mexico, i take an absolote rest for several months. The meeting of tbe "Happy Hour Club"' Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs Clarence Vlvion was a most delightful affair. A sumptuous dinner wss served', and greatly enjoyed by tbs guests. Mr;, and Mrs. VMon, by tbelr genial and' bospltabla mannsr, made the time Daasv all too rapidly and tbe club will long cbrrish with pleassot memories tbs happy hours of yeaterday with them.