Newspaper Page Text
THE BURllRBTOlUoiit! GREAT TR.MKS. j Denw to Puget Sound. I-ortlaT? ! A U tnii Be las . v ir nwt A Co. TVMCrr th tlaG'Te Ji Fraah I"- i8- 01 ! btM Csy, wi ;r l in adirwB tW gra-Jsaiicg ela jw. M. A. Miy 51. rrei ; ten ? rH oc spt eeif bJ lU I Sax -ioe - U 1 nmcl br i kw a fa samp Jde I wafer s Uric e say Ha-.y k1 jo, W. X A. ee.esarBet- ' xb iW eolVec aisdi or kill t.m I Lixfc n k a. I know we J1)'W j v- - ...a ST a- iTn a WAX -. I: c4 vk -C. C. . ' A Wa iwl, auipoa, entire .w I uauy wnxiCT iraia of coertT1! on, tourist ud lUadatf aTj dinlBieart. Veterans. artist Xo. IS; iDora'og train, H. Joseph to XerMi Dwtl ' rai6c 0st, L fc J coca ac ted. MP.A Xo. St; latest nit tni p I CUy-t Joseph to Drover, for Nebraska Omaha, st Vvxi mm 11 in. m.v,. r' "a M lfcu w,n liT 18 ! itt4 la dote oa l a a&d tcl 10 . . .. .. . 1 r i 1 &. .- - U a m t. ta- .k ; ie, k the hope ad . 12. k ay a-. t Ka Frca li tin k-e Em start cct 1 ml IV 4m H the nmon Tai ar WT.T V TZ. a. a. rejji- rvr: iw' b bee'! as isfc2rfabie j I gri - ( vt k beBt;Ial Ihiog, fbl ik old CotlpitnU colwri. t C. V." ia bla. Below itu ut iwj:.rj Gti. Robert E. Lee . r -- vftiEdlard ForTnsl. To Ue ti. of ilwVx Ler Fiie ,ti u 1 tmv of the Coo T.i, nr. itezLt eat tbe famous reunwo Saa Fraaeisco Is To ibeaihed word and t sort aib aivar? tasca of ort n exbkmalie of Ibe Tr.paiitoef ia Kiatf. mi - oi lbe 0ld North aad SSardMi i by Eess waj to r is Siia F &te. j tard if . td dram and a dia od!t liM onto one Cti-' tiirf fkid ran at lie base of tbe cK-.-.ku.j j 1 rr-f,-im' 1 Tpu liaTcj j ... . . rr,.,. - O, w Tict Ii;B puW-. od 1 Se-2ax (Meapai.). May 13. ucle, bow eIj acow-ble. J!! JZw. BIi u. 'mm. eaifcaw. It ai tail ci asst. Xo. 66; famous Cbicaifo . f and wn uwary cars, ctw ! Mannadute, Jr. a!o;..vparu is:j m I I ki III I II 1 LuCUt , fct itf. Ek !f of ibai tie re- 1ki ;o ais.UaJ as-J u 'be ie:3.aMf, becaa? -WtT(ia I ut ttte tans uict aa iasi:e- -TtU ai frart- of iU -.ot -au be rI'-f'k" t cf ary Ci r-mi t;iX ':-!7w r 7- ,iPe.naxU to. eosKJ, irrMt - -ia ite ffie, fiaaBts bis fxarotty P A L . A 21 tvif asd acfcooJ colort la aa offre. - -i. -' ort cf -ay U eterybody s iac .:'xJi (fa, asd praseea sp street yawpaj 1 "Jarac ar ax's iraj California EorsiL. I hi a:a at I bre folk wiiaia aossd rpuBojny '-i mi eor 1 ttl, :tta FacsUHi a?gjer erea a". c- 6 fcmwjnrsi"k.;UiaB Geaeral Hafb akia Bre knd A t reli! U ckI Jv J BulM ad Ukutg tp KH FOOIB laa rrvx wy. j ,ke pmseasios, eibowiag eery. ? ansa wt:. 1 , ,w. ,. m1 drowaiM fur (Twwt- FRANK FISHER. No. 1; St-Loaiiftniifttol No. 4 fast morxricg traia tast i Write for desoipiire rau B. II. Csazuts, L. W. Wikct T.r.a,aauN. j. Eoward Elliott, Gromi af aaar, 6l JoKpa, la. 5 I 1 ... -. iiisimi SWt JUJOJL, ; RUSTIC B. 30763. (EFXORD 5:H) BretFand ooed by Josepa R. Bar nett, i nprior Stock Farm, LfiiaflOD, MLsouri. wiU auke tbe aeasoo of IW1 at bis fans 8 milee accilieast of Leainrtoo, tear Prairie cbcrefc, at 115 W iosnre, Bocey dJe aa sodd aa tbe fact is aeertaiDd or care parted arilb. A Ilea ia retained cn tbe co'.l ftr sertiee mocey. No respscability fcr acckli.u. Ec.ic B. is T years old, 16 biciK I iKte bit: dark bay witb black po;tt& gyyir.M, areifb 1,300 pound, witb both tj5e and speed coabioed: f -jjl ease ud taiL iVSi. te Tolces of ike orators aad the nsosic of the baada with his Uiolie "Bock Ctalk.Jay Rak; Fah! Bah! Rah! Wafcbara rah! Baker, hnrrah!" or whatever the laferaal Siwash jibberiih r. 1 haa teea somewhat of this world aad I thick I have correctly sised cp a good maay people H, aad I rite it as ny aiaiure aad aoleaa jodgiBeet, based tpon a careful, c&- prjo4id eodtpahaoa of the many classea of people who eolliTata the habit of makiBg a boJy show of taeso. selre, tbu wlta tbe eiceptioa to be hereafter noticed, tbe arerage college student ia the moi obtrutiTt and elepbaatlne las tbat froou tbe griered aad frowBine face of hearen. I was a college stndeat oace rayself. Now, I am not objecticg to what this creator learns at school. lis what he don't kara that I am talking aboou He's lazy. He don't design hiaiseJ for any of tbe as sal work of uvwctains, so:tb beac aod hre:y ; wV rrr rj cm ca&iraaa xlam islands, ia oM msioci. its seoi-"J5?: j Pvwocrce Axrt enmian tta froits aad fljwers. its grt 1 wes. i . take ladepenfleot ct TkB lPlOT,f IKiutKii nx ooe far Blus aVla lioeaandwitricreateicoaiiarj. ! . .. ZZ ,v. Mri r rTtrfBe!T lo w ronEa-si? rases; uow- al atop-oTer pnriler; cbooe of roctf returniiyr. open w eTterjwoy- Aii ticket aots 9U rLa SacU Fe Bute. IescnpUT liraiore on reqaest Santa Fe Route Address.' ED. McKEON. Agent A. T. 4 S. F. R.' R. Lexirgton, Mo. Cat; tm Cm-yem, TMu at ttUSTaw wiU a mMmlim aad K and lurMtt I Ir tt-j- cm SM Ut foUowtBf tkae data. T.Tkrm tf tt n alo 1U M n iroas aw ttsri irt cirv KaaMS Oty to Osaka. mmr.tmujl. tt- To (fecMl a nmoMnUiMibtniilr tt Bxa lata miminii r II " Jaaeat.JatylS aad LOW MSD TRIP MIES via ad 14 j . Taw ctrdrttoa kektsa. Boca aad aoaad. wiU b UtuJ for rrtra tmmtr to Otantxe It TW Rork Uiaad icwuMM I t Intrauoo of ptort&f i rrrtc Tcsaa trmiM for Nmm eScupakaM. tflansf itnxi ud utia ta rva to CoAmdo w-ta Jf os afct om taw tv4 Cfcjro Tr.imtx ORDER OF PUBLlCATlOt Corm oe LarAtBTTB. Ia tB Orratt Owirt of LArm. n. ! CUrt Ebav. flaiBTrff. 1 SlakrrarM 4- Dtfcwiaat. I Sow at tax day (um ta piii w' ty aia ancraT, asd an a actao! aOdxrlt. aixcitf. aacof otMr taca.k 4rfdcV MarBam 4. bT! Midaat of ta naac of Bourt: Tw ob tt ia ohJtbI by U orrt arw-, taal aad 6trit. hi MU bj 5 taat ptjot.f tu eoaiBMond tuiiT. brt la ia etrt. ta obd mS natnr f wtaefe at to Urau a Ski i diTorr froaa ia tx of ac.. IOfl7n ni kad ms drfcodaat oa tae rrcadt i boa wnBavt iiinci'hto nan. Ufa,, k tbr d BtMMMHfeal ftt-?-oi. W X aa. be asd aa a L n. ( j neai vrra tBcracf. la a a-ri mjJ at cu"t aj a at nt, teff ta aad euausty, oe tb kl a AuinX ai arrVaaaaaarMunathV of ud Wm. tf ta kn ftui I'm uatM. aod if avc iBa or hrron ta w, of aud Mra.awmi awadtcOipaW la aud nuM, laaaua ulUtU L fflHwd, aad ;adBM ana b nan tarty. I And RN farther erdtred I r u," loo iau9rr,. a awaiw FtUM. aaid auunty of LafmyrO tor km am cwaaiy. MiUad at knMt urtimi u !. rtv lo ba at icbm itum imm iaa Srat day oi aad axi i4H( ia ivntt. B. CA PBKLL. UmdQM, Br J w. Bao. Drty. . CBaa. Lyoaa. Atauraay for KB Grand Central Hotel, Reopened axd Newly Flrnished Eastie b- was sred by Neweomb, i?: be by Nut weed, Na aOO, record jmtakind. Nobody eer heard of a 2:Ui;atw.xl is tbe premier station j, jtodent who was fiumg himself WUkes, dan U tbree in tbe list, by professions, so called, that is, one of George Wilkes, record -: F.astic j the professions cf karsicg how to Hts j date of aale- LexiDStori to Ilot SDrines. Art.. ard return oa Bale dailv ria Kaoaas Cut. ! tPnMH. ti.y6. Good Meals and tet senke. Your LHrineton to St. Paul and return I patxooago solicited. Hi- -Trh V-S fc nA tlavt Inn'1! dtia i a aAJ a.U XT-'LU BBaVU ua V. H and 3d, good retumicg until Jaiit l-5att. Lexicztoti to Bufilo aod return iZLVj, tickets on saie Apnl 9-th to Mst 31st. gxl retsinuEg 1 j aaya trom D. M. FRAZIER, Propr. B.1 m flam, xervnx, oy aterccsni, oS tb asce cf Baakind. lie s go- ' rom unzr.aa to Nfv. F.S9: be br Belroont. No. MzDd1: t. , . return oo!j dam br Al West. No. 14571: be b ,BS w 06 a ' ! Jly 6tb to 13 Almoct. Na 33: 3rd dam br Minca- Mr ot,or, aa orator, a , Aurust Slat 11. San Trmaxa aod Tickets on sale indusiTe, good until G S ffitchell & Son FEED STORE dake. No. Kr2: 4tb dam by Idol, "a ! statesman, and so doubting thought 117: be by Membrino Cbtef, No. 11 jos. n. Sa&mnirzT. M4 WINKLER m m The best and cheapest line of feeds kept in Leiington at the Franklin St. Feed Store. We do a peneral excba.nre buine with the farmers From Lexinet'in to Lincoln, Neb.)d t for wheat or corn. Our Hour is the Til. , -r. ' " ' ' eTer nZ-a his -ereseiT erotistic sou! rftarn 2d to i7U. ood until ; bet on the market , , . . Jaiie&th. W k A. JU. V ! f k - " ,uw lucl Leiinzton to St. Paal and ret-irninz ' , . ,, rs tbe things of tha werldijuoe Mb to l nri. good returning ut.UI 60. I SHUtl), D. U. 9, iIt arf lo ngbts. j June 1Mb, fli. SN ' that when once he raa'ts into tbe art ta of arlairs will be soeed .r u. i 'n j.. , j Lexingvn to Buffalo and return ". mhm " dot 1nd 001 ! ISS; tcls on sale Ma 7th. 14Uu flt tbe much abused, kog safiericg j and :Kh, srl returniDg fire oats ; or;4 ; trotB aaie ot sale. TRUSTEES SAIL Trin rm WriBaai Hkraa aad iiuwaa k wife, y iBntr d of trwi. lvk la day nf UcloOr. irt. aaa 3M wim; la ik oBVa cf Ux rrardr of 6n4 hi fiyrtw roaaty. Btiaanurt. rror' IU. UU wrd toGviUf Btm trwur. the fotiuvituy dwr.tud laais wluaud ta Laf ya eovary. Iw" ww ThiviM int ki f fP if fit (c ia a-na . 4 k auatier um aad TUa and um-finai ih off ta ajvia atd of i msmt ' ui. ail la ark Br il. ia H iit lu tac ctty uf Lrl-ortotv. a lar axuxj uaoa ta lat of alitK f l j rveucJ la rrordr tc to! rarcuttnty. atiaauvn ia uv " paTcnst of UJe earuia ar tn!'J J iM ot aotf. 2 default Bat b aiaAr la PJ! Dotca aad ta lim ta-njo. "1 . . . u M.aM hi a-,if Laliynte ouoavy. Mtuun ""r U bwl bji1 aor oar of ii4 a eti 1 CBMt. 10 ta B.TBCM M050AT.THI JBtb DAT of JOl w.. tk. ,j a o'.-l ir'' doob aad k oeivirk ta la tltmH city of Urilorvia. Lia' w nrt. ta aud real ntat tartxm. uxj ta coat 'rr'1;,'! Tjjo tnps hiro Bp and rolls nt tug! li 'self OTer him and Dtkft the wid oci! 1 1 !of him and tha pck him cp and i , cbacks him into a huls xlO o'ce, ' VETERINARIAN, ! "Pboce 11 LzxtxGTox.Jdo. VIM For full intoruiaUon pk&se call on I It JLS COMPANY asTTArras asas BBaia as ib h. aa r a sT - li wuh cobwebs on the ceiliag atJ fj ',ccucu ,u specks ob the window, aad tao;Home .... brokro-itg chairs oa the facr, aad a. .. v i .'(. i Sewixu Machine and TRUSTEE'S SALE. Wara. uaa loT 1 A . f iH-rl. f,! Latajh oii'r- 'Z.Z.I innwd." it.. tae f'""" .' .... - i 4 I . T - , tnirua In urr l pa St at wl ta""! ; ai'l j ditrirxKt. .. . -(J Uf ot )u-d art. I .U. at '!'" ,t ri koiUtr tartl r-" I .. . ... .! - .....i... -Ar u ca: ltoto II irdorec and up. fnmt . tawrt aut. i ''; lmrt,o. LatatHK rrmaiy. .. iU. ta Mb day of Bliy. Bk. . , , a k a aa Tafl B TW ' ' a a. s. loomis, Agent. Xrliller's Photos Excel all others in cua'.itT iTlt Cnlrls and arti-tic Lchtin;. Nice ciil price toct.lurenonTuerdaTjk. doen second-hud books in a wt old case with tbe glass broke oct, aad j . . .a a i a a i a a ! Boura iU LJ V laft.UIa.t LI.S. I1MT Ut FURNITURE.! Jrtfusisg to pay his board bill :j!JHf SINGER aaa racraarB t a AIX BISM or ileara wisdom from tbe act. ! i "Nt hate I acy f .te a: the collfjt ,tht Ut machine on earth, it i. in vrdt-r and can :ctt on to do ertry kind tt .rt. If tou are interUti. ar.te -t cnd .'. to . BRELSFORD. AiTt't. Leiifcitwr.. Mo. J. H. KIEFER Oii od trust f in.'.krrrr a 5 yrir with clr Kvrc f.r i '. year Vxjwrnenr New aai Setoai Hisl Furniture ia;ndLt. 1 only thick he lste sp ;.o 1 mcch room and Eji- too nict r Tuill F"lull Vrill Slllt l Usdct-Ustoomnch mo2 and ix L. W . txart in the budd:tg daji ot r., Lai . 'career. If Be could only be iasreJ to ' W BakyeoBtAlyoa aard ' . t ss&S)e aoiXiewBai, to prar.;c a Stair Biaisters, Newel Posts, jo,. modt hatu of j-ti!actart. oct and soak his bead, u:a aa X-rt; .A.nd Wear- , spoa ti iaward ltd -e t.-.; . bers ate him, e cviili t MKaHic and Wooden Burial Caaenj,.,, l5!1. instead of f...i t: - Always on Land. icked whb for k: THE FORT P.ul he won't. f a. tm. ad i r J',,, itr td m aad ' V"TTt-v-tirr ta.. irut J . LS1 . o-,4 Lrm.r., May V j A RARE CHAM Haa deetoxl to claw I nl . . . ana Bf ltrr.. Uuttd.tic . I lank. :o At When Tired DR. ALYIN V. COLE PHYSICIAN - AND t-ft-e: Xc Ba:'u!tr -raBr 1T i K-i)'tx-T: Utk ar.d I ra'ikllB. I'bofjt S cSr for Mia oor aad ail. ct! t!iortBora(, Aa uaa Jer y aiard. All wf rafwecatomilk airaia. "f li crarrry baaiata. ' ui with caif al foot aad t sn. . SURCEON P"f,",IIla aprTjeart A'!,lltJ Walnxrt Corr.ns, f&c. Li.t'iTXN. MIs'SOrKI. tir teat and dut t f trittl .i v r- of the cav, dron in at Tvy rffctfBiiy k O n-t. tf J to ' aruc.( cf tattr iucBlartur. atrdr-cf i tBmtn at k-i.y i ruB any - eas V Krtiu Vinkler Furniture Co. TELUOEYCCB watU a cc-rrmpavtirt; Jrtt-rytoarB ia LaiayKU c.tiij i partita Ian. j cat wjrt a go! a rcfrtrrhir.? drink of -t Utrac to STEPHEN N. WILSON, ATT'ttSET-ATUVW LrTicrt.-a. ..... Miwuri. Offc: Ka 1 H.i!r Bui-iii,. j Jll-0. the ew l'j !rs ail tae family. r.rtU iorar.f'. ra-etwy and ftra"--'"' i l,r-.rv cii. Try M i-iT . lUlltbl tvwr Tl j Takt Uxati Broiuo Qo.ais ! Alt droagiata rrfaad tbr moc! I to car. E. W. OroTrs i'u acb box. Ste. -tre i .r C.v ileliittfu! r.f halc. WILSON & ECKLE, '-rrtrtt rkHtWtsv tafir ia Hrar RiiiU'f , I BjSB,"W WaM . .V 'Jt War HH" affji - -. .