Newspaper Page Text
. WINSOR ISURANCE. property insured, ex? bv tenant op nwnw j - written in any town in . Will com, and make al inspection, arid name on application. Will anything. Write or i him at office in '.on. ,. WIIS08, 1AL ESTATE -a w. 4i WltAltJ . Houses to rent. If -ve any real estate to ce it in his hands no no sale. OftW In ton. racter. Loan -AW isurance Agent 1 !ty Property for Ml or rant. EY TO LOAN. ney on Improved farm lands i 6i per cent Interest. troom over Tevla' drug t Lexington, Mo. L hi I Co. ice - Buyers SED PODLTRY. GAME i EGGS MID BUTTER. 5UANE STREET, EW YORK, Our Present Paying Prices 0 UPTIME TRAVEL. i Jearaers M4e kr .Be ClMI0k Wv Bet Waallr Laeklaa; la l ' . Ucldeai. , . , ;i :r Travel in the --- iUIB. Alice Mono Earle write la "Stag Coach and Tavern Ttnv. w... v ' m, uiuj URf wmewnai less comrortable than it i at present, but the leisurely pact and clnsM nai.i... v. v - - - i"'"" me wunuu auoru- I ed Opportunities r the study of hu man t...... ' rr r- . i .. exceuea ty taose or Nor was a klim.. : l- --t . - - j J taming in in ci oent.: There, was sJways a possibility of being upset, of being held up, of get ting stuck In the mud and of being drowned In fording a Btream. As a mat ter of fact, accidents were rare after the days of turnpikes, and the driver who had driven 300 duvs a year with- u. an acciaeni was not a great ex cention. . . There was. however th - - - 1 - - I'uo.auv u7 eeesity of trimming anrl kuiu: coach to prevent it from overturning in fha Asl ..a .... o ruls wnlclI abounded, and the o'u uv gentlemen, to the right!" upon which - iuc passengers stretched their UUU1CB nan WB V nitt nt k t .utc un ,nai sine, and: "Now, gen tlemen, to the left!" and . n 7. Sometimes , one of the passengers agreeably "sd11p1" th. instance where " un r v..-.,.... j th v " "board, and adapted umci language of these pro fessions to the different movements of the stage. When the coach heeled to ane siae he would pall- t and left and cover your flanks whiz!" -uu wuen mey passed a stream he would uif oui: "By th- dpn Kl,.l panied with all the movements of hear ing theJead. . Oocasionallvstni. i ...... Kjt. uiciiiiurni nd good humor, to which both driver and passenirera eontr!lintw .u ruptly checked. ' A certain old veteran was anving once from Dover, N. H to Haverhill. Mas. . nnrix. .- il months the roads were often in a bad condition, and six horses and some times ten were needed to draw the cuocn. In Enpln?. V. TT. Will njiiiA.1lM1 hard place, locally known as the "soap mine." Thrmml. . , , , " uvimu. bU0 unvcr nelpea to guide his coach and six. But the coach was heavily loaded. uu in suiia nr in. rnnrie nf k mUtn fal driver the team was soon fast in the mud, the wheels settling to the All attemnta at thm h.. .... j rain. Thedrverflnli.H , nis seat. onend thu a . . uuui, uikub ..un xo id, pa8Hei,gers the condition u mings and politely asked them to oui anu lichfn h naA pu. they all positively refused to do: they - pm meir rare and did not think it their duty to get out in the mud. "Very well." quietly closing the door, he seated hlm- eu oy me roadside. In a few minute the passengers "cu' nai are you doing?" "I am waiting till the mud dries up," the driver renlied. "Th. !.. not draw the load, ao that is the only viiiij x van do, It is cerhH aia noi wait till the mud dried up, BUSINESS OF THE SOAKER. Am Expert I. Pamrala Article. , '" Haa Hi. Rrcalar Ca.taa.Pr. I sk. 1 "And if there Is I take it around to some shop and ram the neeesnary dough and take it hank and get my commission. Once In awhile I coma across somebody who abuses me' and calla me a shark. J hit I'm nothing of the sort I'm earning a deeeat living at a legUlwat business.",. ; la E.rll.r Bird. City Boarder 1 suppose you're np with the lark? Farmer Ref ore that. I nave in git the hired man up with the lark.- Missouri Paolflo-Lexlngton Br. WB8T BOUND T LoaveBt Louta; JTlve SeOullH " Concordia " Aullville MiaHnsvltlo.. Pturn Citv texln(ton.V.'.V.' Myrlok" Welllnirton W.tarliin- " Napuleon .'.'.."!" Independence Kansas Cltr St Joseph DAir.r. SU1M1. No. 71. IM am :M pin 4:07 pin 4:'.Din . 4:37 pm ..4:47 pin . 0:11 pm ,. 5;2I pm . 8::Upm . I:4U pm i 6:47 pm .. : 4.1pm . 7:13 pm No. 78. :1& pm :uuaui S:08am S:S4 am :SSam h:44 Sin B.IOhid 7:l2m 7:25 am 7:.l3am 7:40 am 8:5am 9.-US am l:Wpm Tire repairs cost more than Tires. ' RIDE GOODYEAR 1 DETACHABLE TIRES' and save the expense. FH any rim. No cement required. EASY TO REPAIR. EASY to BUY. Every puncture don't mean vulcanizing, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, 0. Simmons Hardware Co., incorporated, St. Louis. Mo. . Schmelzer Arms Co., Kansas City, Mo., distributers. . "0 i'lEW SERVICE AST BOUND Leave St. Joe ... Kansas City Independence.... Napoleon Waterloo Wellington Myrick Leslnston...., Paico CfTy HiKnlnsville Aullv.ile Concoruia I'edalia at Sneof.l KiMtii iTaV.aV.L' evening- and Sunday. TEA INS. No. 74. ... S:liOpm ... ft:40pm .... 6:10pm ... 7:00 pin ... 7:14 pm .... 7:22 pm .. 7:.Upm ..7j iMpm ... S:t0pra .... 8:111 pm ... 8:8:4 pm ... 8:4ft pm ..'10:00 om ... 7:11mm City every No. 72. 8:35 am 8:M am 7:40 am 7:44 am 7:51 am 8:09 am 8:10am s::am 8:37 am 8:47 am 9:iam l:obain no pm Saturday VIA ""N TO Sam aniqmiq, Iraq RACKS 0$ EXAS Biwt 8:60 am.. t:45 am. 10:05 an. M:xoani 11:00 am. nm Dally, ecept Sunday fHEIdHTS. Leaves Lexinirton " Pae(Jity ' HVninsvllle " Aullville.... ..v " Concordia seaulia i West 18: am :50 pm it iSpm 1:40 pm ,1:10 pm 10:40 am rf ' . . iw " . via -".'A r.ttrtiw IVl irr-U 1 (UU lQf . . .iMuwi villi y All . nwv vi pi, tn, r AND 9UU, rn Vn UK AND TO AUSTIN, VIA ELGIN AND H.4T.C. Jeffersoa City, Boonviile and Lwlng- MIIID OAlLf tXO. BUMDAT. No. 71. i Z:m LeiBilrtOB 6:11 pm SjS N'hrup..., 4.. m ;!' :..::.Msnaaii.':::::;;:?;z .....B.-mvllla. 3:.m pm Through Tourist Sleepers -CALIFORNIA, via ;san Anton io ano sou. iac SANTA PI ROUT! . TrtllnaarHtra. s tfntk .tv-i No. mZZrrZ 7:46 a.m ' Trains leave North LezlDirtou! N-Kia.llApre-Hallj). ............. T:S,t M pus Lexington junouon OOINO BABT. ... f.0' (rtitllyl 9:19 am fA..I.I...A . .... x"v.vsi aim DHi une 10 MEXICO. KATY FLYER'' -TO- i. 8. 4, No, Call fornia LlraUed! '. '. Ooimo wast. - (dally) California Limited..., .10:00 a 1 . 7:1.1 Dm S:S5 p m . a:ti a m St. louis, Chicago, Kansas City ALL TRAINS) NAVE rn KATY CHAIR CARS ano BUFFET SLEEPERS. Aflootaxa the Opening of its w Red River Division .-Tor t Denison and Sherraan, '" '.lt Texas. - - . Through Train Service will chnrttv , . be established from St. Louis and. bTu City over the j j jt Shortest line to Texas 8:Uam u:aiiin ;wam 12: 7 p m :46 p m J i S BT A amain n a . . w j. Biak. q. p. a." ft.:::?- ss -Bm- 19. aaar sM ,nn )N & TAUBMAN, LXXINOTON, MO. TRACTS Of TITLB, STATE INSURANCE, SONtr TO LOAN ily complete set of Abstract is to the Lands of Lafayette in ILERE BUILDING 'OTON. 8. N. Wilson INOTON, MI8SOCII. te, Loans and , Insurance Agents. 4CT8 OF Til LB MADK, t n Improved farm lands al I H per cent Interest t II RLE BUILDING. ,W. Meng, fgeon Dentist. he Meng Building, gton, Missouri. In the neis-iiborhonHii shops abonnd the soaker flourishea ine soaker acts as middleman be tween the pawnbroker and his cus lomers, says the New York Sun. He explains his mission and accounta ror his usefulness thus: "The people down here employ me.' nr, not, Dfcnuse they are ashnmed to be seen cntnir inf . pawnshop theniHelves, but because I can s;ei more ror the e;oods than they can. There's an nrt in pawulna; a coat or a nnjr, just the same as in every viiiiik- rise. Ml'..- 1 . . r KiKiwn peopie to iro into a pawnshop with some old article to pawn and to look the rtronriotnr nv with a Riipercllloua air, as if they con- siaerea tnemseives so rnr above him socially that he couldn't touch them with a 40-foot pole. Naturally, for sheer spite, the broker offers them only about half as much as they wouia pet tr nicy approached him properly. Having; had a wide expe rience of my own, I know how to avoid such difficulties. T am not iwrv ile, but I am polite and respectful, ana as tnose two qualities touch the most arenerous chord in the hrnWor'a bosom. I pet all I want 00 the prof- icren chattels. "As recompense for niv service T cnarre my customers ten per cent, commission. I have recular nu.tntn. ers and then, of course, I do' many odd jods lor occasional.. There are families down here for whom I nnwn the same things over and over again, one week after the other. On pay dar thev take their thinim nut. nt soak; three days later tney put them In again, and the next pay day they take tnem out again. And so it goes, month after month. I canvass the linn hp. lust like a book scent nr mm plaster peddler or insurance solicitor. M 'Anvllitni In a T fi tnn A t 1 O Chloago and Alton Railroad. Trains leave Hicg-insville as followai wbst Bound. ho, j, at. L, and K C. msll 5:45 am anu ixh. iinntea 7:40 am .. ii' llVln?vu,e,nu K-y- acoom. 7:64 am ii? . ""ui. aou a. v. man 4:S0 pm 119, Local frelifht and aocom...... 9:47 am bast bound. DO. 14. M I. and K P . .... . " "', .in To' ,,V; - M pm ". .uu mil iiuiiiuu... 1 : Dm 12. St. L .nd sr n .nuii iA.r- r IIS. Local iroiifbt and acoom'.'. ia':45 pm W. 8. LVONH. Tl,.bot a.. leiepnone no. Ml. JCORICETABLETS 'mJau.iiL ... inAUKU nmriifc I I.., . .. .. - J r Mi a nr. r .m m. wiiaui uaascu lurcure on,ywunaLULUa Fop all Throat Affections e 1 j . 1 0 and S T BOJJES,- aow by LXugqibiseverywhere op sent Jjt yprpaitl on receipt of price jUCtt 863 Broidwy 'NEW YORK' nBTaar: 1 BSJWi htunttnniiTiii ' mmmm A GREAT HEW8PAPER. ITie Sunday edition of the St. T-nni. Republic is a mtrvel of modern' news paper enterprise. The organization of its news service is world-wide, complete in every department: in fact, superior to that of any other newspaper. The magazine section is illustratAd in aamtny tinted colors and solendld half. tone pictures. This section contains more high -class literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. The fashions illustrated in natural colors are especially valuable to the ladies. Hie colored comic section la a genuine laugh-maker. The ifunnv car. toons are by the best artists. The humorous stories aro hifh class ho authors of national reputation. btieet music, a high-class, nomilar song, is furnished free everv Hiinriav in J HltUM I If The Republic. The price of the Sunday Republic bj mail one vnar is X9 A11 l.Vir 0..I0 v. ri v. nolo w. oll news dealers, i What Shalf We Have for Desert Tills question arises In the fumflv ... day. Let us answer It toJav. TVv Jeii.n . deliolous desert. Prepared la two minutes. no imiinirr sua hot wster and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, oranirs. nmnnnrrv ni berry. At your tracers. lOoenta. i "GALZER'8 SEEDS I WILL MAKE YOU RICH" 1 n 11 ouwi tiiRMMni, mi Srd , ' B ah. I Sjaayrw tllilBBl Afar lABBiirvirn abi ateh TolutilonlEs oorti gruwlii , .viiiiuii wui'ar uinssi L. " maml ..i U ton of havy per or, Flrnl What Is lt?( PiKOCW1 tat lnn triyp. m'T L "f wnt. w. mu 1 JV..-'Jk 4 MUlwt, M Ua 1 IMS-1 Siu (M iw. m a. (u.i1 im. wm nr. m .i K.n.. 1 ajri.Ml7)liii.MtA IWi, m. Wwu, HI A. caixee Seed Co. U Ctos,bTs. m nm m 1 rl ! M 'far1ilalliya1ll 1 S If 1 li' B79 Ml "I wa BF M . I t. 1 mm- m i i.rrttj.ii aw i Mi I The transfer oomDsnv keens a ell hnnb at the Mammoth livery stable and one at meurana central hotel. Leave order, at these places. f Correspondents wanted Tha iw. TBLUUBNOHB wants a correspondent In ..... tMMfM I. T . ... " ' " j " ii.jfon. vuuniy. write tur lartiuuiars. T-H-E N E W Y O R K W-O-R-l-D Thrice-a-Week Edition. Almost a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. The presidential campaign is over but the world goes on just the same and it is full of news. To learn this news, just as It is promptly and Impartially all that vou have to do is to Jook in the columns of. the Thrice-a-Week edition of, the New York World which comes to the subscriber 156 times a year. The Thrice-a-Week World's diligence as a publisher of first news has given it circulation wherever the English lan guage is spoken and you want it. The Thnce-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year. We offer this unequaled newsppaper ana me intelligencer together one year for $1.65. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.00. AMERiaSMOSTPOMJlAR RAILROAD 9, rtwrtn KftaatNGER SERVICE TO v i:iwi3afl:4 : AND POINTS IN r ATuD TERRITORY BEVONO. W. 8, LYONS. PiisseuBor and Ticket Ayent, HlMlnsvlUe, Mo Uao. J. Charlton, Q. f. T. A., U.loaa-o,ui.