Newspaper Page Text
r, ioew b- t- being 'be ; that art-- a w , 7 , f. SPIRITUAL WORKED Dr. TaiW Ck Hsitiaf " ElMtratio Gospti Trti. -k tkf" c i- whirr was l-"1 " i ri. Mir.,(y,a cb:u tae - coar.r arrow kecked together. . -- that .rock U Luther. --. -r tint. ' - mi. .-A. h haDdV l " . winded the Utt. errf i tk.ui cvcy-'-- . tka ea 13 lie " , k-.i or" . . .-,t ihe r.ii;..a fhv,w thai 'ar "- i vr.r,h The NUt of the rr sad out " -- . . - .v. hat Uos-pei r bra i.f Ttm- . . f L, this d-cre Ur. T.: B.aam:gktJ v-tln . w, ti t;? is t' . . , . ". r :.t O !tlt1 ' r ke land and the UB5" . ,p',V than twjfl wiru- . r. . ,tBt brcUor , au" n.knmVfrt wsamtke . , .1. f i!. D 1 c.d the fthr of ) vh, i, my text, MS or,ft im r"7 km. VI ka: te ' ,?r.rf. nr, T jM 3 J " -' forth d KarkSo. b the efc-.rJb . kid? oer .b 10" - " . tKe? -. crvt IB 'E ''r in hrr.'. - " -,v ; v. v.J nnr.rk T-th IB It, uld bnnp . hundred uU o Ckrs ftramy, v,n,T less nd lew - nr na mJre ! 1 De"! : re;. ,h.t they What are mm , not ai-crju u- - There U .otfciuf .Pr:. Trim m.n u r c- . . ' v-,r .ng mutt hunt in cevrkser. ' ' ,m . .... .,1 arm P!rnai -..-. j . , I i?a-aa ran broea . i - , , td ,nd wc;ua v -.Ed i3 tse beiwitiD--f'fr: Jttrv, do the hter po thre or lnd fh. "J ,e3 the , t . v , ucvk ; r - fAr i . t v ra v f - . r before the . 6 i the renn iu..-- - , f, tt of tne Aairwim -- . ' , -,v -ocderZ ejr -i m Anv. i j -v - i anKro " -1 r to do- ie m --" ir- - It is the .i oe "banr- of the P " the - wkkk rr.- LCor r of won ee. as to s v . i - .. . , ion rears i her d there eoyote tryi-J ind only - , a witnin rp?t u .. ..-.lf- -That tV. Mound Ctv Co's ffne Mixed t.- I c 9W1 - . these p lints arc also entirely pure, you cannot buy aA; -k.r. We also carry a lull stock of Leads, Oils, Enamels, TTamislioSf ckc. andean supply pu with anything you may need in t line at the lowest prices. CRENSHAW cSs YOTJNC, MMH thinr Bd sack a brae th-n to clear beaaUo.tof.coa.try:Vt better aad braier d.-a d destroy thoe great e of Mciety that are ;B:kin the la-nd with eye Woody !- rP ;:U.b4 quick 4 I to irea if there is ot uch a thing SoTpel archery, by -kkh ho,e -bo kare bee tf-1 from truth maybe ptred lor God .Bd Be. Tb Lord Jesus in Hia nnoB used the art . . - ;ii-r-tinn when B' .. 6 i- fishers of man: I wiu j - .-j i think I hare authority .for u.: hunting .b ! J . v i nw that there ma, be 7 h " -v ir .v. .t..11 henm to dj mac wui " bw . Cspel rchery. of whom it may f l K ..d: "He was Bihty ftaater before the Lord." Uo much awkward Christian work there i done in the world! Hbj . i. v.r re who drive ouls .ar from Christ instead et bringing them to Him! All their lore" Heating Stoves, Steele Ranges, Cook Stovi Cheapest and Best at a on almost wiwu- - .. - ,n ninll: - : . within rn mu ii . - . runaon,ru,r. - , j, - hofht. S-lPkW be of most worth for tons - m - - monster of ..lue f the church .re 1 V" 5 ,'7 Kindred mon- Tpl 1Q5 eluded. They do not come l; - inline, re- - w k . ia bTO wnrrr I s-v j . m I are". Yonder they .re dow. .. th tbe through reli.r. Yonder they .re ? ta tk. M th.7utf.m you Lexington, otbee. pontM - "ZI tMf,tber..ot for erack-br.i.eo ju -; d.striMtor mo - ,. . m ha..0T h0)T ChrUt..BiM - ... ORDER OF PUBLIC! Mi,, n.unmni i mix1' "'rv" , COCBTT or baraTKirs. metime. -".".c-j . - - . ma tb. ... Drokrt ro)d rVomeBt: V .rght"of . r. -t ir.. K - --.i ectjy fridVor wburk. The trouble U w. der the soereip. 1 oor ew, .piritn.i .t.- tridre or roeoor.. i , !.,;, oartT that was erer project- ' 7 ' . . , I think it was i 1T9J that L..KAHk m i i i writ w.v"-w any trom urm " ",a. We ire aot ro bb""- " I " . Ti,. , Him: A, their .street or --7na Thant: . crooaea - w expecting that tn. " ' ""Tr " ,w. and ifi To ShwtlMWAuwl .. P'-s of Indl. -ere i.- It ii not their naou. .a.. v. .t,;. mrion. and the rhi- There is in forest uerm.ny - 1HW V It ii not their naoiu . - - .,,.. mda the rhi- iher call the "deer leap bT tke clert Ui wt H eckling ould wait 10. - d deer and 'eleph.B, fe.l g.. .bou, ,.rd. apart: between JJ,, a log Bud the world to come ,h, ttrok, of ,he saber and thtm . fearfl chasm. Th.a i. called e. How few U will waU m .v The world w,U j r t the -dr lf.p-ber.n once . hunt- fom an-cojm. j4 r learned .ot eome. J h-k trophic, worth M.000 fr w en ,he track of . deer II jj m Tv-- .M a. rinmST com' j .lanff with sklUIUl vn.... at .th ertr moment he urht to be most quiet he is crackling S .... - t . rwl a luer or laujnj; oier rtfctrnin? a war the rmf o - - -v.t;,n nnnle have ever v. .v. T..r J.u rhrist at the well t.iuin? about a capful of " water to the most practical religious - truths, which won the woman's soul oc God! Jet j in the wilderness was, hrail to the people. I think i, ... r it.um1 bread.. It was very -,. v.t anJ the i cait had done it -work thoroughly. Christ, nfter He v. v,nL.. thr hread. said to the peo- ... of tke veast tfr of the -f th Pharisee." So natural a transition it wa and how easHy they H wnderstood.Him: But bow few r-t.n-.t;. Mnnlr there are. who under stand how to f.sted the truth, of God . lTn.ti in the souls of men! - -The .rcher. of olden time atudied fbflr art. They were wry precis I - . . , lt u . , ybe hunt the matter The old boo, gure .pe- rf an(J ctnd . cial directs. bo - a. .rcher .f fh should go .nd .a to -hat .rcher ou . Bothin bij ahould do. He.mut st.nC u (or'. iHow or for the .h!..le " tr EllVJ' So -orheast stortnT If . moose , the OI Mr rif w - - . v- n.t tV hold of the bow in the v middle, and then with the three fingers ThVan; .o. for Chri.ti.B work I. perso. On eonsecraiwB. Oh. for a closer a!B wita A cslm and bseol? frssse. X tlfht to shine upon tht road Tfet Itada sn to lh Lamb! There is in . forest in Germany 1 In tba Orcttlt Court, tf Ufv f Claud A. rullUps, In rru au s F.serotol of tho last lil sH sr ment ot mob a. rrumi" Yirgll D. rstilips. Hoow t hi . BtU'psla astBoe. Kneter H tmn a minor, ant orara r f ; minor tf UHripin!lss Jn aor tiaua a. r uui:p ' T. Lae. DefMwUa v Aw mm iwgaatili' b tbptr attnrBT. v fi e.(rndaattNmulT U. Yhat the rtnrch wm-ti .bow U to bro., wilderness of L,m, ,0 one of thes eraga. There lift it. feet from damAsk ottomans ,tlTVith ,h, , lain bodies of L., . escape .or it from the pur- . . tk tstimiTMi. The church wanU not so many cushions ! . aaddlebairs and arrows. We hare got to put aside the gown and the kid gloves and put ou the hunting shirt. We want a pulpit on wheel. We hae been Bsning t th hrnnks that run uaaer the shadow of the church that the u. n and thee aoid ine hook and escape a soon aa we come t. th. SnV. while Tonaer ia Saranac and Big Hupper'a where k. t sw.ncr OI III iiOmti im n - ould break it for the multituce ot ,k. There ia outside worn to be done. What is il that I see In the India gnaiuj . . I ; . . . j.. heiNt. Wonlii to tiod mat in- tnkt of the nunier. anu in atead of here ad there a straggler tpir ,t gathered itseir p - roioe out to fight these great mon- death rony .ttempted to jump 8. ... . t im nnr eountrT th I m course it fell .nd waa . i u ; n im nnr I i i I t V. . vfwkc far millions or n"",,"'l' ouuru . . lun churches would band together ana Here i. Pth to nea-en. . .. P.o. nowo. .-j uflf(B v !- t-ain these ereat crimes that it mt. Jesus marks it out for IfV. V .k sa-t -nd the thumb of his right hscd he should lay hold the arrow and affix it to the string o precise was the di - rectioa gieo. But bow clumsy we are kuut religioua work! How little skill wad care we exercise: How often our arrows miss the mark: I m glad that there .re institutions established in ,r, cities of our land where men learn the .rt of doing good ...Jrlnf Diritual archery and become .knuwn "mighty hucters before the Lord:" In the first place, if you want to be ffcciual in doing good you moot be a-try sure of your weapon. There was omthing 'ery fatcinating aboo: the arebery of tUdcn times. Perhaps you 3o not know what they could do with the bow .nd arrow. Why the chief battles fought by the English Planta- -t. mr mitt, the tonebow. They -would take tht arrow of polished wood .- i.aik.r it with the pljme of a uu J 1 1 " - ! to jutia A. rni;op ui - th worm -Urn." 0 after the word -WorS' isj rertl saail rea, as JTL-E IM) feet at ana i-' - r the aoutaeaas torn fw. Lee taddtnoato ta oo0 hew in twain these great crimes that it u ,,f.. Jesus tflarka it out for tk( ad m,ke the land frightful with their tTJ m to walk in. But here .. . -SuSfl rar and are fattening upo. th. man who says; "I wont walk -OT5Tfeel . .'. ne immortal mta! .ts 1 -ill take bit own way. k., twfrtT-B w.11".! DOUirs auu - i I - I . 7. , j nnf St t ' Who is ready for such a party aa He comes on up u.tQ h. eotifront. that Who riUUi auighty buaUr xht cbtsm that divides hia aoul from .m, r fnr the Lord? t min .f tou want to ba I ITUII, f. . successful in spiritual arcnerr j need not only to bring down gat"' but bring it in. I mina m most beautiful pictures of Thorwald- aen is hU "Autumn, n irprrKm. -apnrtsmsB coming home and stand ing UBder a grapetine. He has a staff oer his shoulder, and on the darkne steps into the lake to drink. .1... it norht II B in ert" ill the midnight, they hear it So in the service ol uoo we ot" exposed work. We hae got to camp out and rough it. t e are pnmnif au our care on the comparatively few people who go to enured, miai ar we doing for the million ho do not come? Hae they no soil? Are tbey sinless that they need no psr a i thrr no dead in their houses that they need no eomfor' ? Are they cut off from fiod to go in'o .(rnitr no winr to b-ar them, no light to cheer them, no welcome to greet them? I hear to-1ay snrrrc np from the lower depth of our eiti a groan that comes through o;r rtii-;n asemblazes and thronih our beautiful churches, and it bio's out all this scene from my evs to day, a by the mis-.s of a rr'at Ni- ow hU last hoar has come, aad tea () rods we?-T " . . i. aiea ta aaM-aw.fw.- , aad tie resoivra m t r appear at uu w from tba heighta of earth to tba ureof. m height, of Hea-aa. Sta.d back now of J, aad git him full awing, for ao .oul M bfare the J"' " .... Hid that aueceMfullT. Let bint tera. sfcaU ""Sttr try. Jump: na bmhh 1 Meavi to ia pe""' ".- 4 k. .. rfnww. deoth below depth. wlfiitaaeaa cf-o-K"l "T , JT.-: j." w.. be rendered ?r'-.Ml4 -daatroyea wiiuou Audit turtaero'--fllt - Wil akarl w. rail 1 w. n.,hickMl aoeotdinX J staff over hi. snou.ner "-r."'. i-i -TirWJOTkl other end or that stan are nung ia pi -r -. tnuatr t i'V T t,u;. .rwi . hra.-e of Urds. Every It ba kaowa forater aa tha aoul Leasiv!,. :.wbl.lLTi Tmno, aiiu m . - - i hunter brings home the game. No death kap. one wouio inina 01 unuSiu, - -roebuck or whipping up a stream for trout and letting them lie in th woo. At eventide the camp ia adorned with the treasures of tha frit-beak aad fin and antler. If tou go out to bant for immortal ni not nnf bririr them down un der the arrow of the Gospel, bat bring th.m into the chirrh of God. tha grand home and encampment wehae pitched this side the skies. Fetch them in; do not let them lie out in th open field. They need our prajern and sympathies and help. That i 'he meanine of the ehoreh of God-be!p. O ye hunters for tha Lord, not only bring down the game, but beirir it in. If V thridates liked h inting ao HUYE2T 1 0I1C E. IvIbhob. Slo.. Mar 1. 1901 I wish to ialorm you that 1 am sow art at tor tha MeOormlck HarreaUai Machlas Co. both at Lenoftoa aad Wal- liagtoa. Wa aow hav asm plea ot Biadcra, laM loawlloa o "."'ikjfUi I toe arst oay m A mieaopr trow -Br J w. STvaoa. I"-. b TRUSIEBjf v a bow di. t "i v. " i wtxreaa, i-utj - , - fi Mowaraaod kuaeam ap JT.. Uall si ino.r 01 my Mmwr i nd foe rc"r ... .-. .t, . ..4 nrlnd and taema. mrdM of deed (or u'1 ,'u en azara, for the dafh and the plunre I thst fir seven years he never wen f th.a. e-ret torrents of li? irot irdrmrt what enthusiaum oUfht wa v. r - - ' , . ' ping dowa mio tne Hinum.fM am to ci vino are naming ior imi Ittltntr OI mj Mmoer I and tied for rcoro look thsm otw. and t pna d Urms. corder "t .i", 3 I will also hav. at both yards a m. rrdu. 1 stock of Maaila and Sisal Twlaa. tnf deacrlboa rei . ... . . I aStla HIUBII sb T ' t Remember that McCormica a aaeats ai x-a "V Uessamoer tnai aicvoraiica " i p), a btor . .kuk artii .. . too ra urn lima BBB I . . . . -. - nie . I maaty at barvasl time. Beapeatfally, J. B. MOOBXHEAD. Mid additloa obB oftca of tha """' ""Zaio an." nm oi at ' . wt i oribed: an" I ping dowa mio tne Hinum.fM set j to ci vino are naming ior iminor- .i j : . v.. . - ....., n, ' i . . .... i i. i . ; . . . . ..--.. i.. ..n. bird, and 7; I om, IK in,, ju,, a, ery tr,:i he could stand a boy down tosmrug o! d Oo1 b,0tvd out th. churches of Thy. i iB -h. Uom.n amphitheater with a fielf v Tr". hearT Th lond .tif and Corirth and Uodea V-luM o,t. the finger, spread apart. nd e c'" b'. ul h", o' teir n(5 k'! th the kirg"cou!d shoot a. ar- thrum ol ! the will blot out Am.ri.-an s3 J. E-.g.ifh I row tba flng'rs without wea'pon than that. Itiath. ! Christianity and rai.-e on r . a j r,g them, to what drill and of the Gospel; it is a sharp ar- I stalwart. w,d-wak. r; .oniry ( ..t ractice ought we to subject ... it ia f.a-h- 1 church that can tA h ris-. cir in orler to become spirit- Hut let me say jot aicht 4 rr,m t l.e MC? of the dlVe Of wi .. . - - iodi spirit; it flies from a bow made cut of the wood of the It has brought d n 4O.0-w.0fA) of soula. t,. r 9 thai on'.. "T ; . ' 1 all the world and pri' to every U and is baptix! liiii MM lotoct thereo". 'f' , A I ret UM SO "rLX-aii. I thai 1. rsr Th't he I)rrf ever t')r'- any better than you The oia srehers took the bow TRUSTEES SALE. Whereas. 8un Dusky and Geonre Dushf. I that 1. Oarar iw -r, her autMUKl. by their deed of trust, dated I county. Missouri. ' u i Julv th. recoiled In office of Kecorder I koUUr of said note. of Deeds foe Lafayette county. MiMnurt. In hitnest Udder, oo fl simed. aa truvtee. the fojlow'.nf described I . . u of ol reml ette, rmtif i mo wujrnc to-wit. SB1, HT. Sec 3u. Tp M. HaoeU m im- w - . 1 ' . K j "" . . t .r.v.uv - ... aatddeeddewrrlhed. . ,0.raITrasW',!iV Default bavtnf N-en mde in the payment said real aw ..oteve-Jj we of note. I wiH. at tba re,tie ot sue. aa 4 eipe"Snl the les-1 IK-Ider thereof, sell publtclf. at and the B 0,1, auction, to the hiUe bidder, for cash, at th trust. JJ front door of tae court bouse. In lae Oty ot - - J lxinrtrm. Ufsyette count) . o on tiaUir- L0"i . . ... .... . . ... t ... . the i . .u . VloKBT TO ,f hu rs of a, m. and i p m. the atnre 4ea- I -urity. ,u .A cntieo re ewaw, ior m i , In Uieaaid ten and the eioenM of Hrcl- i at 7 Pr O1- " tin tai. tmt J u. LKSI KL H. Tru. I AnolftoJ- liiluat.. Mo.. Mar V ll. 4-Jl !" APP1" ..MS' 4 -vaun n, aaptw evaaxartBa'.'-i ,T Tf" --'aavi satia n i i k V ef t X WIS. ,S