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. . - ar f f J" ,n lb b,,lory rf lU W' A- Mis, , .1 - - Ill III fill: The Pioneer Military School of the Central West Closes Another Successful Year. :.-e II M0S1 tXGELLEHT H1I16EHE1T Hi Won a Decree of That Makes it Popularity for This Institution a Most Desirable P!ace ; : t ! . wU 1 ;-rt raik To Send a Bov. rr.DCiT-ai-' 4 tte -jrv waei.:.-ld at i A T WW . CT.k KtATT ACSnjensy i Dti It! Bl .l injia j iw ik j tU prise-pal ctczU thai Bare auras-1 ruiots track' and fieid' events tait ed Oi is:tss jf oar ciiiea dsrisg nisie op the field day exercises, U tU rA- ltd a l;-i fcscoesi f . gbrT wUh regii'ir work in the gym- tb exert w2 be fsad elw2re : basiosi ire tte means expSoyed i . . tk iVvs ir,LT-.mBV. This VOTE is u u , r - i practical w Wea:worJ MC:tarr Acid'cy a th j the direction of Capiat Perry and tte . .WTT. W. I athlete. Foot ball, basket i cfrx4 f.-r U bar eixiieat -der reDU-liCB of ; clxx vf u tnl west- Fozsd by S-epsa G. West worth ia 15-:, noatxest to tfce n?orjof hi tkel oa WO liB Wtntww.h. tk iai:o:a eoiuBad to grow nd prosper. Tbe iiiury t:cre i ddd od jr ol tie cIwol. Tbe tame iEfci Btt is coc-Jaoed Iron the beBicj; Afk-Son3. Withoit acv effort it booaiics, ibt fchool his fowl iueir lo the frost cpja lU menu. It jriJiU hAte es'.ered the a-Sereat o"Zw Miversitiw of U couctrj ud hir sbowa bj their reoordi ia tke higher ic:i:otiosi tti; the eda citioai focadiUoBi liid in Went wonh MiiUiry Addemj bid bten liid iep id eirefaUj. Der tborocch work, exeapUSod in ber gndaiiei, ku woa from the leidiag iotiio'JoM of the eoontrj recognitwa for Went- werthto thu exiett thitthe preir ember ol the inttttaUoni bow io- cept the gride of the Aeidemy ind admit stndeaU to their clise witboot ft n ber extmieilioa. K1LTTAKT. Me& Sisi ia Corpora taio" u the mosM of this josUy popoUr iasti- tatioa and to derelop the me&ul and pfcyncsJ min hit beea erer the um of the ce&ool. To ud ia the physical de Teiopment tho military feaiare wis in- trs4oed earty ia the hurj cf the school and it las beca from the begin ig a prominent feature of its wort. Ia the lite war with Spain a Bomber of the gradoatea of the Academy enlisted at the cail of their eosntry for toIob eera and wbereTer tbey were foond their aaperior military training esibled them to taka prominent place ia the organixiEg lad mobilizisg of the large army that oar gurernmeat to rapidly prepared for offenstra and defeesrre penuoes. So eaoalieat cat beea the work ot the military department that the United States porercaxnt aose year ato reoognised the merit of the wrk done and bow a regolar army fSeev is detadd as the professor of military tcnoe aad tactica. The gmrement now tarBishet the entire Kl&ary eqnipme&t of the school, which eocfisu of modern guas, cavalry words and caaaoa. At the hgianibg f the past term the ordnance was Lc- tmMd by two modem breeeh-loaduig taaaou of Utt aad meat iaprard vaOarm, which wr.h the ! muale )oaden already oa hand mala a Dai Wry of foor piacea. la addHioa to the drill wkh amail arms aeooraieg to the regular manual, the eaoeia ar ei. ercised ia the cara;rT aabr? Anil ad cord cf the school for the past year. TO"T IUU. TIAK- Tie foot bill una wlia Cp:t:a Perry as coaca, was composed ol Cids ItHter, S-Jckler. Hall, S:m raoaa, Jarxtaon, Cole, Ho?n, Perry. Joae. Ii., Ard'nger, Ltm (Ctpti.n) WCIiaas, R , Kerdo-ff, Padips, Wil- kiaa. Dahcg the fx hau wwi they met some cf the b: team of the stale asl the fo;iowia soor fiTe eridenc of the Uixi good traisin. Scores: W. M. A. 5 H.ggi3TiIle 0 W. M. A. 21 Miesocri Valley Col 0 W. M. A. 25 K. C. High School 0 W. M. A 6 Central Colleg 5 W. M. A. 5 K. C. MiBoali-O W. M. A. 10 Lexington Surs W. M.A. 11 Warreaeborg i W. M A 10 William Jewell 0 EliKBT BALL TTA. The basket ball team was oot posed of cadets Erans, Ardinger, simaioes (Captain) ferry, llaJJ, Mil'.iart, W., Cole. Tte result ot tbe games pUyed it thown by tbe following: HXRt W. M. A 8 W. M. A.-23 W. M. A 6 W. M. a.; W. M. A 15 Iodep;odnc 26 LexicrUa 3 Indfpeodence 16 K. C. LVotal 3 Williaai Jewell 4 C It W u.: i Lvrr. H i i bdt:' tit te r:i t - tbe moT U '-d :u.W atEl thai ta- t- M.liury iss.-cy wit Tst b;- tbe frott rarkc! -.;urr tte west- l'tenrr d-:r" r., -t ! I'WMt ita t4 lie Mt tf.' J iasUtf.ioa iv3 its p -.-tr:r,2:ed lirill W tbe rx.;b icideiLT by ti e I'. -r ce:rtCint. lie is a frii-i ci :be I sitea et,t mii.tirt icadtsiT at Wet lVot iod wi? iofiructor lbie for s?eral tea.". He ti oco a numV-r of yars l4 aruii ri m regular any ini tborwurtly eqaippfri f-r tbe rk &srjl cim Maior A. W i a riiite of ataoemi. ot Sew eitv yeirs' eijenesce io ai'.iury KhxJs, and bas beca in Weutwortfl for tbe past four years. Xijor Allen is spocaily qualified by ratare f jr toxevfjlly dealing with tbe many questions that exne op la tbe man aect cf a large Dumber of ta- denU, and be bas faithfully and aooepubly dlscUrjred tbe delicate duties of bis pr.llka and woo tbe tVeen ar.J frteodtbip ol tbe cadeu Caa. BaskeniUe iasiructor aiirict Unitfi ia a eneutie of Vtnderbilt University baviog Uken tbe A. M. decree in Ibat ioslltaUon tod be bis btl sereral years tiperi tnce. His work has beea most satis- fscUry dahng bis connection with tbe academy. m Cast T. C. Earahart instructor Wr .d ie tbe Wrdiog department uolforms, West lwniN 'r. The r bas reu io: bh icaoy oeautifui and tlw, " o-r J yeir in tbe bKtory of tbe jouog ladies kTr-J- " - i- - l t s:r od CoL Seller aod bla cfcanglcg scene toj, -J citpii aUeand eftciect eo-workera j gracefully glided oi ire to t ft-o'raiuUtd upon the. floor la beautiful (4. B H :.';wry rtu!t of tbeir work. w. a. a accLarAri saanoxi. 1 1 hrcalsoreata sermoa ol thw n'tsi worth Military academy waa -f !& Saadsr moraieg a 11 . , 'JHu the soft and eBt. X two-itep, acbottlte IS OaeetthamoHatL rmo. lilk j Allen, commaadiat, Fairlcii- Militiry .1.- m oknnk ! tk IA o exec nun 1 euy by lr. W. II. Black, president of the UiMtn Valley college, at Mar sha'l. Ma- The chorch was erowd4 to fcs tali- capacity aad a aamber wtr urned aiy for lack of roooa to t them. The corps of cadeU as they marched nto the charch In their i.:y fall dresa BBllurm presented a Sae sppiraa;e, and their manly bear-cg aad erect carriage wis a aouctih: feature as they took taeir p4c?s in the center of the church 1m- BJuely ia front of the minuter. Tbe prograxme of the music aad br exercises, ia connectioa with tbe sertuon, follows: Volaatiry. Opcoicg Hjmti 'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lrd God Almighty." IsTOcaiktb. Anthem by Caoir "Oh, Lord, We ill llaaw 1 hee." N-r.ptore Ivl!ng. Solo MUs Lixiie Smith Prajet. goanerte Mim Beseie Bradley, Mr. Carl Hits, Prof. Phillips ana Mr. John Tiabaiin. Acnoocements and Offeriogs. Srca tr President of llisoari A." walta, composed br a, . at. ocaaloa. ' York, a&d has bad Valley College, Rer. W. H. Black. Comaoiica. Beoedictkn. 1H. Black took for his text Lcke 9.19 H m not that 1 most be . .. , .. J ibout bt father business." His sab. ect m wTbe Value of Fixed Tor. Doae." He took a iatrodutioa the incident opt a which the text is found ed, Christ n the seta pie with the doctors aakiog them qaesttoos and answering theirs. Thengh only twefre ia I years ot age the boy Chnat had a Cxod porposa to do a certain work, aad be was at that arly age (noting to aocom- plish that porpose. He spoke of the critical period of fixing apoa a purpose ia life and empbisued the fict thit many a life La4 beea wrecked by mistake at this lime. He spoke of tbe adTaatages of a well formed porpose in hittcrj and English Is a graduate of I ia remotiag all doubt aad uncertainty tbe Missouri UniTereity and has giren I u to tbe future questions of lite. A delightfal featar, wis the excellent inn; a Zeiler's orchestra of Ku J came dowa peciallj 'jf The decorations were of fc (l oauonal colors and fli arranged at intensl, ynjuuciug a most pk,i.,. A .i. saet raagea in anos desin, ... . . i tnnatioa wan ni:k,Ei ... . p u end ol tk K.i . I . u u i -1 formed by meaaa cf A tacked arms rejr with bunting hangiaj b. eo that the rues ssd tk. A itf boaUag formed an ireiej r the alcove. Here u ibe erenlag the rtrrhs tug of strawberries tzi til ice cream aad a ur:j Deiigb'Jal punch u vl tbe entrre eienine. Tb, J aerre creda for tbe i:w meat grrea to their b thing passed off pltnjj affair was in ever . soce-a. .excelled satislscticn in his depart- J. Stirtr. musical director, TiiGif into coDsiieratioo the faetjinent. ttat Iodependooe, tbe only team'. Capt. A. by which tbey were defeated, won has been connected with the academy the ebampioc.bip of the west aod for tbe past fire years. He is thor- A fixed porpose gives a practicalness i to the educational career. It adds xest to studies acd makes them more in spiring. A fixed parpose makes richer and more blessed the associaiiatjone ot northwest from tbe Fond Da Lac ' ourhly qualified tann receiied bislilfe. team, tbe stowiog is a nasi remark- ;trainin,r ooder well kDOwn teachers a'lie one fur the academy. of high standi eg and U himself an lr. Black spoke of tbe methods by rhich we realiae our fixed porpose. exeellens performer oo a number otland cautioned the young men oncer o- instrcmeDtd. He holds a warm place Ins oadoe baste aad lack ot pre pars- He called aU BiK BALI. TXASL. Tbe following cadet made up the in tbe hearts of the boys and be has twn ia any cbosea field bi-e ball team: Ardiceer Cole iCapuiD) Sicbols Sim moo Ilffetfriu Pdett StPTnoo Evan !is C WiJiams to our TioJinist , eodeared himself likewise citizens, with whom as a i be is a gtneral favorite. Ml Fannie Young teacher of elocution bas been connected with tfco cb o! for serenl years and g;t "Hi sDf pljrd aod the ri!!s eir-'oi MUsfsctioo are shown by the f jJmir: Mrs. A. W. Allen, who before her SO0BZ& mirri4e ws vxal teacher in Central W. M. A. Lencgvjo e cale olJetfe fir sever il yeira, aill rata uuomuj fi . m. a u wn.iao je-i) &avrr.arce or trie vocal tuie at the greater inspiratioa i w. X. A. a a.. C. Hb yex4 -4!rJoiey aod berexcellft reputaUw W. M. A 6 Wirr-c-o.-j a aa a'.riCt'jr is a guarantee that , tte wrt will be well d-Me. urra-Moua5nc wurr. t ie imuoo of natcral science I toe ia1t-ttuc qk e.fc-l ntueUc. fonnerJy rcvied bj ceetiy tSd ia SUa Q'.y ere toaiCa4 T. IJ Prrj. basovt yet been ia artillery drJl. Tte res?: of the chyois aod aho-t .v cruj. toiew-i in the iHi fci. a-onh woo tyir.h pL, aj. j , !soonvls- tentwa to the fact that though the Ssriour had tbe tied porpose of go ing about his father's business at the leoder age of 12 years, be yet spent about 20 )are mors of preparation be. Irt uodortAAie the completion of test porpose. A fixed parpose does not ftrOBsearUy imply baste to aocom. piitb the parpose aod thoraugb preps, HtKike of the ia preparation to carry oet a fixed porpoe ia profonio to tbe oobility ot that parpoae. Dr. Black's entire sermoa was tiled with good advice aad the yooag naa woetaru his life's course ia the direc lioa iadicaied aad advised be Dr. Black eaa at ale ao mistake for ti taure. riiLu tui. rie.d dsy at Wcsivorlf Aeadesiy is always aa iiei Cision aad ToesJaj aftxxi. crowd gathered to wus ui contests in the rariiu ntt r . . a exercisea cousin i ot ea which were as followi: I all, Evaae, Brawn aad Dmf won first p'a.-e ia SO, mxi Evans a close second. 100-yard ia. Cvu Hall, Erans, Paris aif i Evans woa ia 10 1-5 secaiir, in second place. mile run. Cmimuu Btewa, Hall, Davaa4ru won ia S mm. aad JO ha Erans la second plan. 'a mile ran. Cocuu m and Williams. K. ilail vt seconds. 22-vard dash. Cosix Evans, Hall. Williams, R. iv Hall won first plscs in :ir Evans waa second. Mile run. Contestaau f and Brows, Davis woa ii 42 secooda. VUnt not iTnnttaa'JW Evans and Poster. In A taad shot 40 ft. i incasit Jamisoo beiag second witt - o were Evasa. Williams, S, A Difia. Williams, R. aad Hall waa la second p! .. . l Cm.wa T.r.... mmA FllBI til K .j saaaai ssw- - throwing the haionwr t Tole Unas, wm woa b Wili'iams, lUj bar 9 ft. C iecbes kga Kaaalnf broad iuap were Etaaa, WOliasM. I Jamlsoa and HiU. nl. Idstynr 18 ft I ' vTQliaBa, R. was a ei 0 18fu7f laehts- . . rrTBT raaX Conuaati R., Henry and military traiaieg is sect ia the maaiy bearing of the cadeu acd the ei recolu ia tbe physical develop3eei A the boy ot tbe eorp. PrompUM ia the dcbarge of euuw, care aa to xtauart ef detaJ aad oodeeoe to the eommaads of sspcrturs ia rixk ire lensofis karaed br the caoX that; i I ci!W!f hse beea t Tie toure a; k rxori t .r t. year makes a Cif rr- t 0 tt I.-".! fiv. Diaru I Tte object aimH a pliae of the c&.i i, des true Biit6-1 fv( lt ir.; V lit is firm aod ft. :.,t,-- 1 r mupTVew prta; eneai w wa j lU ni:iUrT t.4, ...... wbtti in ahr js ti-j ets-r ia;o tie; t. ao- t?.ts s ..A ol ajve coanerc:) tie. ,.. v. ;.,r- - 4THUH: as an icc:--..ei naas o yt;rt( good pfaytal ri-yitl ad pfo-i cwig --itt. tAxr-. ii' i:;iim u' atth jK il regard lo tbe i tne vevj. Tfcy re wfh ill ce orwry coo' i irthe "ramodatlon of awxcAL Hor. TLe gnad aenual bop giveo by the cadets tf the Weotwonh MiUury academy took place Monday night at Turner hall. In addition to the C4 all areaad athletic, was r1 :J-2M in bb thir school acd ebperon?s Mrs N. Steele, Mrs. on the greatea Bnaaber si f i t, I' n is ait - medal wis won by Willi" la iddiuow to the SN medals given by Col. of the Academy the j were gtvea lor nr p- .. :i an1 Niys snt to this in w.u ewed f'ir io '.:-.t ti.n Sd; oJ tae Victtrscor'.i; t.-. r r-. xi ; I -v I HI. Ha-T 1 KR ..u .vutr:vv ii di. -reatiy --t ir.r.; the ik-t fw jea John K. Murden. Mrs. Geo. Slier and mentioned: Mli r alA Mr. Aln onl nmJ 190.! lorJ 1 - . iisiiwi were frrseni as sooee were j lookers o J a the 100-yard dab. Tbcr were aUrat thirty couple ot.male troosers wis tbe cadets and tbeir y.uit Lady KWW. fnervU iio t-i fwt in the daociw, ! Ia the i mile rua r bfid..' tlie ortkvrs Major All-o. was given toy E. i- "'" . MtrC'CJe '.tt h vliir fOaUiiii IVrry. harnbtrl and Hss. with kerville Tn '.l la lb t4 mile run rss given by D Bo le the Xi j as jjued iUi a (traod . k, m. , - . - ... " "" ' " ....t,ww,M-.... !.. -tr- i ' ii .i ri - U f f t