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IPIISI fll I) Under the New Management this School has Enjoyed the Most Successful Year Of its Career. k-r,r TB CCXt ab4 CWt watched with theST p'.acr ! Is C5.ra. 1 CI- ,5.rt:lT .ite as mt'.l V from tK- Kbr sact wlX-d SB a 1 win. , fc J.i a l WOT!U uu -D wwt be bor , .. 1BIB- Of'fv"'" i CIM h.T wkiotkaic'J. rtcromm tad glory aod from the world. .IK .nmlai tO tb TOOnrltot rlllu . - ' U! Ottawa u - - - 2 l 9-m JMO nL DUW. IN 1DI Ilfl KBlfl ma-... Kt'B't, : im" - ... I"" 1 liohJi .ra In ihl rOOUUenCC-I rjlr.-nr - t. J ;& yocrg ia:r r . . .IV. n... " II "t .Nt thm for IM real ueia oil There ki rw nik'- - . . . 1 1 I ;Kdy;.to lora ineoasnip wiio-mm oy m gopl; tfci4 i MESSRS. WHITE GOOK mmwm ofertnre thai . ...v uM it.,),. be leases tbe ii-eita c . -'i rfcai'trr it which iv ttvrJoa oi lb Frerbuenan dcuoa. citrca 11 thecgrtga:Ka A Full and Complete Report of the Closing Exercises As Witnessed by a Representative of The Intelligencer. Xte 15 wee has ek-ed another year in tbe history of Baptist Female CWiege- TS fartj-nr.fc Jr of iu cu&asee colkge od ose oEpre ceal?d ia point cf soooesi. Te Bip-t-j ill ever tM taie ny look wiih prid to li stbool ooe c4 tair most al 1 tfconwgk wnito-1 tB. For forty-fiT yer ibepeopJtl LJt oosBty ad wpecimlly ol Lcxicgtea hi" bee :cfcia with in'res .h growth ol Btptas Coliejce si ti it cbiogwl irooi tb ids. oil ing lat yer wbs erery TI!fcWe room tu oiilixed ic tccommodUic oJeou. its presses the ieces:ty for more bcUdiQPs. Dancg the somaiei tnocih isiprovesKnis will be mdt ii cftoy vs tnd is crery j tbtt if ?cjarT ior the eoaifart tod seed of the a dec is. TEE CHlM R'IL Tke f rs eateruiaioeat of tie dotisg exerti of the BaptUt Ftxiie College took p'.iw ltt i-:urdj night t tke Beotofoae pr-deat to thit of a- : ew urca opn boose. iMrticnua other tbey hste tcbed with m?re io- neat So toe nimre of a three terwt the oe dereJopafo:.. ! J eB!lt'- tfc chtperoce, tod h TUr, w r'.wd ht bfn jbe "r te ckteiee eihibition of n nod the prwat director wsool of eiprwsioo. We pie be FJrd W. While president od o lte of cUrvten nd fynopsa Rotert X. Cook u Bsocite presidect of the pliy . T.. k.r CAST; ja u.b. ui.u"- '-y Mn. Drirt Et Cry proreo litnselTM men io every j yl iont.t, priody J oJ Crasdoa j tod captble of iOotir.g after tbe , HU Gaxll Lao best interest, of the insutution aoder 1 '.iiJooe, French Uebr ol Crasdoa Iheir control. ' Jo, Deconrt, Oar oolite tre tbe pride and boa' , pbj,,jt R(yoo:Ji of Lexiaon acd witb their prosperity j Moliit Criehtoa cr decline tbe people of Lexington ' 1it tboroagt'y fjicpathiie, therefore ia j tbe faeces they are maticg of BxptUt ' Jii lt College rre:dect White and Cook.s-oe xtay be tisareJ of the co-operation j L'l.ian asd best wiites of our ciliien. ;. Miriam, arjry Iki-ss nira caaie aaasg us year as s:ratger. Pre?iJcSt Waite is a o&tive Ken- Jack' LolU Eicc Marie Hoy Edith Powell Xt!Ii Trotper Bm Chafia .. Pear! Xioely Margaret Ut!d ..Pear; Shoeofe; ..Prl Strodtman .. .E;Bche Keile? ilia l,-,r alt ln.lla and I Atr . Mb! iirtu J,,Mlt,r,lv" I muto luma ; v, l - .. .. mmim . of ao ' lbm n, " rot"- Jhe other y, i1m, S II. A. HUM I Kwn Ia Ik. - . r r.iM. J part ol tee ,.- r v Jo-o then I. piu v 1&vu . cqiaiouoc. i-t. I hAAamV aaai A a t raTer. , ' npo. k I . i n . f,.r theliTJ. I yw.t ioeirw.- t .inaJ.r efenisir He. II. A. I a ...w ... .ha ltd ty wnh. reacheatoth. UWa' nasi, r r luuKciunrDiiDe flu t I v M -n I'hrMflttll AWlftllOn I t. I - 1 n' - I B CWSng tbyorkf L, . u.... iim The aeraion waa 1 1 . . . . . oi nr.i-- v".",.- o juoog IaJim Ik,. dliitrrd at tbe Baptai cnorcn ana w CftritiaD life in the Tl a largr and atteotWe ooogregaUOD, UmihJ j, lb bo Dt ooe in hcb yonn ladiet preaotu-1 lhetn u t fim ' -i Th. fhnrfh was decorated u I cj. v v - iu-r. nni IUVW Dim M4.,t ..i rxt)i Tb, lue 1 "7 00 PPrettk.J 6 ; ; '.. ' naie M.w Den ham and Haniy ana tne Mrmoa . Uborc, oy. . rhile. and PhiUlo aane k. .w- . S the lodKcee. lie u pa -r 01 , - , r " T ' t . 1:.-., r-'r 'a'im luc i oi raapuM co.iere. ty 'MecUe: IVLham, r.itt aLd CartT a Hvk! Ilari: My nsi, Shelley and fUZ ty Me- bJ IWahan tre naKl trt". After the ana--'iwCH6t by I re- deal While cvsoertii' the coaixrc- wvn: reic of B F C ... a ET nilra. IWi:n ItalfftaVllM trvra . . .1 . ' ... f v- iin- r. hp I vi.v,tvu in Mia. can .weaue Dipitt3 ica, BaiHirt eollere. 15C1 n. J ph. Ma., reaa ior tae ieoa me W ani !, ColWe. He ra4 the six.h ww oi tbe focrteenth ctipter of St. J-ba: " I 77. . Cietr Ma PIe4W I am tbe Way, j801"4 "T ' " w ana the iemc io jy-j ' Titos wDertin raai losira.-u iiius Jeo ta'rth sr'.o hi a). the Troth asd tie L fe N j naa , Act X. Scene, Campu of Crindan Hail. Act II. Scene Coaaia GeoSrer'a Stod o. "Jill a waif ... Victoria Foremaa Xora, arrraet y.ij ccx CAST IXCLrDES ALSO M Zje Balieiie, LiUiaa McCoaib. Ucc.ia. ili ear.y traiaicg was re- . Viirr raham, Marrant RJocter and e:Tei at Georjwn, Keatucky. Hi : Mer Wiogate Maorebead. f rrt eriwrwiae in techin iru as ! SYNOPSIS: pnac'pal of Liberty College G.ascow, AT. ne icaviea wen m aaowa aa; act III. Sr.. r i 1 ..... J Lywtlacd Female Coliege, Gleadale, ! boaroe." Ky. and bad charge of this school for ! The piece wa rather heavy work to teTea yeari. He resigned therefrom to ; be undertaken by aietet.r but the eaier tbe lniTeri:y of Chicago. After j yocag ladies handled it in a most tx two Tear rtadT tbere he went toceiient manner. JJisjej Marie Holt. j Colombia UoiTersity, New York. Hi ; Blanche Kelley, ViC.oria Foreman, ability and experience in college work j May Cox &e1 Lottie Kigg had probably acd tbe taanagement of ecb in-.titt-, tbe mt diflsMiIt places in tbe play tions ha been made eTident the pas. , and did their parts exceeiitgly well, year ia Lexington. ! Tby were ably sapportea by tbe ilr. Loot is a na:t ol ortn taro-: omrrs ia the miaor parts where bi- lica. lie was ecacatea at v aae lorest , iaoa;3 mere was dl o mo'.h to be! College, woe uf the o'tdest and mot ( doae. whal tbre wm to do wa eqoai. sobr.antial in tie Si.mia. Atier hi ; ly well li jut. The yoonj !adt tbow gTadaatioa in 1?J be occupied the ' el clearly the benefits of the training chair of Laiio in Bardstowa Kale end ! thty hue receued ia tbe c&otj of ex Female lnjtat, Bantoown, Ky. for prewn, ao J the college has caue to throe year where b becam- prewdect be proud of the degree if pro5cieocy of the tame school. This position be ! attained by the ywiiig ladie in tbe an feeld until 1?. He tbea became as- of expresHja. It tery donbtfal if a aociaie pre deal a ad bos-aeas uiaaager onmtr of yoaag lad without a of Clinton, CoUeg. Ky. froa which I thorough toowladge of the principles j!ae be eame to Lxjcgta. Under I UugM in tbe school of expression Mr. Cook's eficient ibaaageaieat i could be trained to give "The Chaper tlie busiae feature ol tbe co',g, ooe." We ci'Sgratalate the Kbool of is tocb an tmportast on ia connection ieiprr-,oo on tbe exo.lnt tbey with Ha all air, has received spec.a! ai-! bate 1&4 year aad we cooramlite the ten: ion. It ts iaiposibie x any in-i eia 00 tie mirxe-l sscv of ta:r BUlB'Joa of iearsing or otherwise in ai tan laceese acless there h a competent Basagement at the CtaDeen thereof. Doiltg tb pat year Baptist Collect has alocg this line prosper d ia a tray that is iedeed graiif ring to iu friends. Pracideeta White a&d Cook have beea aModaied in eJacaUoaal work for tbe pan three year and wrre railed here witbvmi ;lkiiaoa oa their pan. They propo to make ';-".-e-rv . x , ,if,.i t :,'-: - ' fx- . U.:: "' :- . - 'ff. ' , f t ' i, ' - -i I :- j-- i' f " 'r;' '4 " '- v"' ' " . n. J 1111 k- V- , , .tr .. A - . v" - - i V'.-X", v - iH-'.. ; ' - . -.. - -j- w ' 'v I i ' f - . , . ... . v t' - - - ' ,f ' ,, . ; - ' " v. . , i 1. : ,. ' ''' ' '" V- : ' wk. "I ithi'J EDWAHD W. WHITE. PRESIDENT cometb onto the ratber bat by me," ! t the munnor 10 which he ha!l exhort and took for his text tbe ciaa-e: I the diffT-a' classes of peoale to whom His sermon x lb mini;irs Am ;'r.t Tra:k enter-aicmeat Saiarday nht. HrCaLAt" RriTT UtRVOV Lat Sanday m-jm sg. Miy iih, Dr. J. 8. Ktrtiey of Kansas City de liTewd the bs?i;Bcra:e ,ttob to tbe seaiorciSAs ! Bip.m cl.g-a: ue Baptist efcerch Tbe altar wa rneroiy "iwraVed with pick rui aai pa.a. the cbarch a boUliy air -c the tten one befitting tbe occa-wo: bi d livery eiroest sad inipreriTe slI il one can ja lge by tbe martel attmtion of bis aaiience froai th- tr. 10 finfh it wa de-piy apprcia'.e1. Ir. Kirtley inipreW 00 the nnud of ib yoong lad e tbe iajport'ii' ut ibew worJ as jpoken by Chri.t, the nit't irspor tari be co.d ar to thrn: dwelt on tbrir Oepth and the indaitei.fM of their meoing. H tbra eifiuei the d;ft-rrBce between fiet and iruths taticg tfcat back of all tn lay truth and back of all troths lay or.e u'tiniate Troth tbatexplains all otbtri and con tained In th statement: "I aj tbe Truih." As aroocd tin ;ar a: worlds reolte eo there u oof great cettral Troth aroosd which a.1 truths resale and thai Tmtb J,u, fr;t. To know H. 01 u 10 nJ ai tbe ottral point: io know k-n i-to poea the key that coincks sail Jjors Sid by whca one tp!or sii depibs He tpote of thre great reaims into bic all trotbi are dindcl God. Haivaity.aad nature, aod Jsus as tbe gatewT to all.tbe exprewn of Cod in a rrCai. He called she sttitwa of the yottjj la-fWw i jiair icdytJLess toJ-2iS;a Tht.r kn.jwle.!?e of theni- the coming year, a fca beea the last, sd eapaitir.g ;t if 4vriKjn te tbe xavn axirsAfai ia the history of coilg cvtor psu; aid gra Ua ooileffe. j a asd npiAt: - T-t. . ... JJ i . m . ... - a oc u im rosaawn 01 me Oti-O- l i? ralrfa ls j a a As bis ix: for tbe sermoa Dr. Hjot seVcied tbe ltt-r part of tbe tenih vfTft o' tbe leon jast read: ' Tbat ib7 niay ad rn tbe d.trine of Gd our in all thingv" H ex pUinvJ t b r! iti n l-etwen Tiol and Tilui and ibe dreams! aaer ond-r which the ltt-r wis written. Touch log trieiv oa the xboru.i-jn to aed men, sged wuaten, young men and s-rTS3t, be appr iacbd bis text and explained its mraoing ia a clear, forcible winner. Kxplained tbe doc trine ol God as meaniogtbe gospel of Jesus L'bnL, aad tailed attention to tbe tact that alora 10 the uxi did not tueaa to Uaulily uiuothing not already brautilu. ; jiut as well oiigbl one speak of making b .4 tbe w0 or adding force to ll.e cyclo:;, bji tbe n-al meaning of the iat U that evry cbnaUao permit the beaaty and grace of the gospel to be made maaiftM in huoua life. He pxe ot the great ed that not ooiy r-Cct bot refract the grace of God and thereby brsten His coming. He p)le wita great eamminevi of tbe imports oce. tf holy living nothing to p.iot in asiaic souls as a Godly life. Tt-o caduiooi nedeMary in order th w tuay al ira the doetnne se.w. pooling H ru as 1 mirror iB..f iol m ,, , r .a all things the whi-t oa could diikvrt. !ji . . . . "4 dH t011tlr . o.l! . . . - 11 ! CVH . oo-siS. o.. yJJ!cil Brvsinng ia j lb Cru loov'tmia. aad most i. ft , .t tl lk L. .1 , . 1 r .t -r ...,l0i ovi a bt ; 1 osisBt oa i iegen eratiiiB enjoyment and bnat aH most interested eould tik For the next few mom and students will be ft;-! not ooiy by tb chorei lir bot by tbe people o( Untr ai r ax sn. It a school cxz. it jadgd ( tbe gr !ou-s it a U itu u froai its dwort LV.p'.i5t deres our higlrt pa praent no better wmseJ pareou who bats dicgi'n eiocated and titled U rde'i ttkSlO IbSllVM Ol t9'lPtri Cbrititn homM or i Uf tbey have tneeo aii i. wbo look to Bp'it r!ii Alms Mater an1 jne temltf regard f riDlpjJaJi A tb association H fjr.ij yeir in anmber sad iili:j 1 i-ar npj'oes of pu:i. w f grer e5rts iod ba.. AlasMster and gr s. u tod nwre an tioDor u li i: t:a: is repon.ib!s fur its Th- bsoqaet gixca by lb H at the Baptist Colkp Mcl: w a.s sn exceed i cg'y if.y This briagiag XAiftistt of lit with tbose iost tsrtia2 :, ctaogs ot gr:in; tsi chool meiaori n 1-; t ail, aod aniBcips: from tear to y-ar. Tbe deoorsaiioa. were eonfioeJ to tbe co pink aod grn. Tb f-' eeived in the cxltf pars. W. II. Chiles, presi'lfnt tion, Mra. G- W I'esak, CM?- mry, .Vlies Peak. .tn Mr. ft mI.t 1T..1 V - IWfjre entering !b oi.rc!aM oi 1H " mi.niS.ipa nS ANSIS' ' Mih Ioa Moore, fl. LfbdrJ to thezn io beta cxalioo a welcrsoif that in words beasiiiuci sbj t She tbra uinod vO r.c tbe Cisss lb twdg'i'l tb1 Iitry K!xayt!ill"r.;(! krc!s, reapoK'W ' wordi. .Ute- the tw' ("':. warwxledttf lb iX'-H tb same color seli'if in diworiin Plat beautlfol oitklen bur atti in effectite trrar.gtolrt- i .ft,r at" oesu was it avsBoal roll csvll. Xr tender tribute to tos willsaeet ssilb Ux-b " ' of wbo sr OMiOldrwia Aluttinae. Mrs. II) 'i- ,b" ho bi v d Daas of I hj but ire meaabers t roll call sis rrspw' hi pout DeaaintB bml bx" iWs7 i Mi of j