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4 and loyalty to the association lies were bappy in tbelr ae- a toast master. Mr. Cook part admirably and displayed ibnitT .In that line. Tho were 'all highly entertain 1 of wit and humor that was id with thoughts more serious. t White responded to the ;s real freedom ever attainable? Gardner talked of sign-boards. she emphasized and reoom t !or onr frequent eonslderatlon r it worth while?". vde In response to : The boy a tbe oldest man," presented a thoughts. Jary McClelland was next with The contents of the mental The garret where we find hts of other day, their asao- , and affections and joys and and disappointments. illusions necessary to happl J - n tntApasfinff 1 was treateu in u Prof. Phillips. 3urden responded io the toast, n as talking machines." Her s were bright and full ot humor atained some very laughable s at the masculine element Many members of the asso- ) who were unable to be present tr sent book as a contribution : college library. ADDKKSS TO GRAM'ATING CLASS. Address of Miss lots C. Moore, of Weston, Mo., welcoming tbe class- ot 1091 to Alumnae Society With truest pride and warmest wel come we to day annex to onr Assoeia- tioo a clan which merits sr. the pride that we bestow and whmh command our Blncerest regard and deepest lo- pect. As the years roll silently on to niiii. gle with those of tbe past each ou adds new members to ibis scatieted but strongly united band, and we feel that this year has brought us a rich harvest, a lasting and potent factor iu Its Influence for good. We know fiom the past record ot this class that it is one of usual ability, not In mental power, alone, but tht it possesses those Httributes uiosi uueduu for a devdoproeulof noble womanhood. 1 be past few Tears have tested your determination and perseverance and todav vou step forth, crowned wuu laurel wreaths, in the knowledge that something has been attempted, some thing done." This is indeed the com mencement of life and our earnest wish never yet r-acJed. Let thBse w lubes and these prayers ever remain as atrong as they are to day ; let them gather suffioicnl strength to accomplish any results desirea, ana let their echoes roll from soul to soul, rnd rrow forever ond forever." rua of lJul. we bid yoo welcome, thuce welcome into this association ; mm wish tou the ureatest success and hiDPiiifs in the futuie. and we invoke . .,in nf loit on vou. the l itn UIC3 " roundest children ot our Alma Mater . . s,k that the sunset may fulfill the! their alma mater. awiDij.-" promise of the dawn. their example neiore us, w.v. This class, ' like all prtcediog imewise. ' . ... m, iu m-tori-l i ThA nrst class In tbe twentietn oen- Classes, win bu , " I i . u I.. In ho skid nf ...!.. t.;,i it in ii A inn Mater, turv COUIQ wish uu HUB IUW I . . v.h individual will probably start in it than it miebt evolve as many noble ouest of broader fields, of higher .n- women as have gone forth from past i bnnwn bv In ex C. Mookk. HKi-POSS". Response by Mary Hoyt of Canon ritv. Co.. to the address oi welcome "j . In behalf ot the class of 19U1, wn tn thank vu for the kind words of welcome you have extended to us, anu e trust that we may prove wormy ot this distinction conferred upon us In becoming members of the alumnae of Bapiist college, we appreciate the (net that we are uniting ourselves who one of toe oiuesi auu mum. uw. associations in i he state. We appre ciaie the fact that in the past its mem bers have ever brought blessings w i- -v - 'i 'V. : ' - H v-"' ."r vi v v,!,-v..'"i..i,v--.v.v r ' - v - 1 -v-7 : i; .rv. . : - -v. 1 ' rv I t , 1 - - U fly " . v !. t 1 I v - - .v..J x , - . ,1 T , . . . . j ' V...(.-.,hv y ' 'L BAPTIST FEMALE COLLEGE, LEXINGTON, MO. productions are of such merit as to prove her entitled to the highest honor this deDartment can bestow. She Is thorough In each piece she undertakes and the numerous pic tures by-her on exhibition will testify to her industry. Just here we will state trie exniou i. following verses wer given by 1 Miriam K. Davis, of St. Loots, jondins to "Last Century's c Alias Davis was'a resident moton at one time, her father r been associate editor and ifiana- " tbe lSTKLLlOENCER. LAST CENTUIlY'a CLASSES. nly pn,"'t,rous' W ei,r' . n isiiv tn rhv rliilit. htre, a .rttlfs her skirts and adjust her s?liien: . , iotig to ono of liutt eenturv classes. 1 of tho hardships tuo potas sing, a. Iipiirtlcsi thing; ,)io can tell where such an Kdmlsslon t 11 skillful arithmetician? ore we're cornered, It must appear, 1.1. 1- 11... iviitnrv'n ouenlna year. yeur's (tnuluutes yet Hr-well, r,.Just bcillnnlnu to chip the shell, w.-dm'l tlilnk my words two edged very one knows that were full- pli iiH- don't iry to supply me with ords. ..ih ,w,i ii, inl ioiiv' old"or"l)lrds) f rale, slnre we must, lei's yield i till refusing to iilt the Held, . ami mil croup shnll liefore us pass, eu.'h shall choostt for herself ber class. a the shadow of the cap and gown ,e lirst group answers to tho call. light of leanilnp o'er tlmm-proud f tlielr diplomas, dates aud all. surv that lliey would be polite. m. m ulace may lie- ..... -nt f,.r)ttenlialftliey'velearnel, ,od so lliey know too much for me. ,& here are some, aye, many more, Graceful and sweet and young and talr .,1 .ini ono would be sure to ask What such a one was doluR there. ad these have learned to "guide the bouss" (A.1SO, perhaps, the man thereof) uey're wise In all of childhood's woes, And skilled to cure by mother-love, at I have never learned these things: They were not taught In B. F. College; s hardly thiuk I'll study them Eor wbat should I do with such knowl edge? nd here the stately matrons throng. ..i, vMimir In other days There's somethiuil In their ort and glauee That grows upon mo as I gaie. Perhaps 'tis not by reason's path At such a preference I arrive. But. after all. the dearest class Tn me Is that of 'si-venty-nve; And here with them 1 take ml stand, Nor venture further In my rhyme -Thai's plenty far enough to go: ; I might reach pro-hlstorlc times. 1. . i....iMiu Hie froth Nav, cease un , . fT't mark, where feeling .seethe and ... Knund be noted here UUVOt W wi vru' " v D l . teresls,land we hope that eachv one j classes: women who are known by k, and ndd' works, and have gone forth to Jl KotiatCollesre.'lond their Sweet influence in making IlaJT W Vise " e i audience that was both appreciative- and attentive. The curtain arose revealing a very pretty picture a large class compose of young lady students. They sangr with spirit and splendid liarmony aod unity tbe choruses: Gondolier Song Hoffman; May bell and Flowers- i ,v,iia a larufi one. I Mendelssohn. flionaay uiwsiuwu, - --o did not represent -all the work done aura oauie -ay p.aycu uu F.a,. - " i if?-. .!'. tV' .( N. r, . fc . "I .... ' ' , i ' ;i i c 4- ' ' 'in. ROBERT N. COOK, Associate President and Business Manager. That glory may consist, however, uot Id world wide fame, but in thai sweet and Bilent influence which arises from every pure and noble heart. The still water sometimes runs .the deepest; that still, small voice" is more pow- erful than 'the loudest blast ol a thousand trumpets. May the teachings and intluence oi this school always be a "light unto your path" aud may they never taue from your minds. 'lis beautifully nf the rose-iar: -ton may break, you may shatter the vase if you will but the scent I me roses wm ii.. It still." S. y" roy . . a III ria break, you may shatter me ciass, uy this dim old world brighter. And now as we go forth in like manner, to wend our way through the winding course of life, through the path where tbe willows and the roses grow side by j side, where tbe shadows and the sun sliine'fall, we will ever be loyal to this our alumnae aud with pride and grat itude in our hearts lend in turn our influence in promoting the welefare of this our alma mater. AltT DISI'LAY. The art reception of B;iptlst Fe male College was held In the studio of the college Monday alternoon from till six o'clock. The many ;;m.5..rl. br..k.J o7 ftleud, ! going lb. io hiirin-n In our mother's eyes. And when we gathor at lier fwt, . She sew us all In youthful guise. Bhe li not blinded by her love-- The kindly mother dots not err; Jn quiet contemplation wrapped. Tho truth of things is seen by ber. We're still the girls, we're student still, Albeit a harder lass is And here a quivering Up may show i true has not learned her lesson yet. he sweet girl graduate's day Is past, And dwarfed the academic strife; .We're aiming at the high degree Of Mistress ot tbe Arts of Life. Not only at the table's head, j Or voicing work of busy brain, But stretched upon the sufferer s bfi i Or teaching truth, or soothing pain; :; Turning the tears of tbls sad life Into a rainbow with a smile, And leaTing this a betwr world i For having lived In It a while. The Master of the School of Life Alone that high doRree coufers Wlth bended head, but lifted heart, u k. ..... biw.w the honor ber. -MiaiA" K. Pavis ed lonuence oi icu . ,,0utwi tho nonu- .land for all that Is good and Hue win , iuk hibw: ,-r-atana ior ail ... ,..,... a,hihlt. nf tho work o us as sweet and everlast lug memory. Today are assembled nere many former pupils to reunite with class mates and to be united who aucu iug classes by the same strong ties of kfnabip. The minds oi mese flooded with those happy recollections. Time has laded to erase them. l ear. bave not sufficed to lessen the love for this school. We meet tooay w.w. kindred spirits, w.tu bearU In unison. From each heart arises me earnest . . . L.k k... mil OB Oliiei nu I W1BU kWM. - larlty of this exhibit of the work of the art class. The variety Iu the display, oil paintings, water colors, pen and Ink sketches, decoroted china, and pyro graphy, added to the Interest of the exhibition. The whole was very creditable to the instructors In this department Misses Felts and Warren, aod showed talcut among the students. We would like to enter into detail about many of the plctures;exhlblted did snace permit, we can oniy mention tw this deDartment, many pieces liav . , log been sent .home by tue smaeuis or for other reasons not exhibited. Rv Miss Cox we will only mention as specially tine examples of ber work: a head In oil from lite; siuaies irjm still life; a landscape In pastel; a chocolate set and a half dozen plates Id china; a plaque in pyrography. Miss Edna Mead, among other) pieces, showed some red roses done In j oil; spring vegetables, ana sun me , id oil. I Miss Estelle Orth: Pen and ink; etches, roses In water color. Miss Nellie Symns; Violets in on; sheep In pastel; horses lo crayon; putT box-with forget-me-nots, ana oerry; bowl with blackberries. i Miss Susannah Wells: Portrait in I . - i . A..,tAn3 1 rum ' crayon; game in oir, iuiuw ." still life; tabourette in pyrograpny. Caroline Johnson: Tabourette in pyrography with dragon cies.g.., musicians In oil; "uent rorauaaio.. in water color. Miss Grace Kelley: Itosea in water t . tn hi color; head In water cotor; i.iuau.u , with grapes in china; nail cuair in( pyrography. ' Miss Myrtle Cunoinnam: jiiinuo ill in water in oil", JJuicu wiuu j fiilnr. Miss Alvena Newman: lleaa in. water color; rose in water color. j Miss Violet Chapman: Japans girls in water color; pen au iu... drawings; casts done in oiaca nuo white. We cannot refrain irora meu- tinntnu Miss Chapman's marked orig inality and talent in composition as well as execution. Miss Annie Pierce: Landscapes ana flowers in water color. i Mis Elizabeth Chafhin: American beauties in oil, oranges and grapes! from still life; landscape done In i Miss Pearl Strodman: inomn mi pastel; landscape in pastci, ngures m water color. j Miss Pearl Nicely: Landscape ln: sepia; landscapes In water color. J Mian Nellie Trosoer: American ; beauty roses in oil; tomatoes from , still life; landscape in oil; large vase , ,in, American beauties in china. I Miss Lillian Moorehead: Land- scapes In water color; spring vege-, uhio in oil. from still life; mar-. guerltesln oil. surf scene in water! color. Miss Reltha Allen: Pea and pen- ell drawings; landscape In oil; surf j scene In water color. Miss Florence Major: Sheep m oil; landscape In water oolor. Mrs. John Gordon: Jaraieniere with roses In china. Mrs. Ben Eatou: Large tankara in cblna. Mrs. Silvlus: Some cups and saucers in china. three selections: (a) Kemenoi Ostrow Rubenstein; (b) Witches Dance- McDowell: (c) mnaae up. zi Chopin. These were greatly enjoyed by the audience, miss jay is a nne- Continued on next page SUITS to order from . . $13.50 TO $50.00 m You do not have to select from a small sample, we show you the woolens and you can tell better what will suit you, Fit Warrented. We handle a large stock of.... Furnishing Goods and Hats, Shirts and Underwear in an endless profussion of up-to-date patterns. Give us a call . .' ANNUAL CONCKHT, The annual concert was held nt the opera house Tuesday evening, May 28. , is looked forward to! a mo uwui ----- ?!L n.0.i of tbis band; from 'a few representative places of each ID.LU.Ul each soul asct,.ds tbe prayer thatch o.u,r Brttduatelas the crowning event of the Con- : . n..iwo ...,1V continue to pros- Miss May cox is me oniy k,ruuudwj pn,iat. miir-. Dapusi t . , . . j . nr, ,hs She hftS done wor)t servawrj o. v - ----- I per in the future as h ua . . K . . - Aenartmanu The programme was given by tue I strengthened to permeate .muubu ; - t lip it ; B.r.C.1Uxtngton,Mo.,Moyir7,10'