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ve.'i.-.'-.f. . : v . to the crtiJ. the uprif of i:- i:;" his idiui t". McCauslands Price List wh!CU it m ivrv jiiiir.d- 1 ci-". 1 -1 fc U..UbitM4u.lml --- rf V I S T- r ti? u l .5. :- -- - i f J 3rc. V- and bc . t- 5. t asd lovt . 4. 4. ,V . asd Tits i. W lit. aad 1 Vu T. lv. and 12c, la 13. I a i. 2' and t 13 and ; "t t. iv ri ivt- lo. 13. '. r.d3Vt Pt-.iu. iveac'-.ed iCttrWS ir. a i tT03 - . . rrew ..3"ax ...... Percales Rics Sattcetv Blic Brw r.iicd Sattceas IjTt ina PKm.ue Cekvc-i r.x:t;e Ri:.te- ia aad Black-. Xi"J Foularcs Silk Mulls. Kack. h;te. plrr Jarasese Silk MtrcerUe-J Lace 1 -.t:es Lace Coi'-AT. Windsor T: Corset, -k Bel 10. 3iX i and .Vvt Jcirt VTait :V. T V. . ILR 1.3 ti-SA HMsxi J3.-V Laies Caaw Vei .V U. 1. 20 and 2Vts Lid:esOa.ue Pants lace trimmed 2Vts Lades Giuxt I'aioa Sjlts IVts Ladies Bit I. 2?-" la 12? and uji to 7-Vt Lace Curtains, per pair. '. i, ll.ui aad tp to Curtiin Poles, evxp'ete 10 and I Vts Wbiio Shade . . ." R 3V IV. .V aud Vet TaSe C. vers X TV !.iv and t!-3.. . lit. r2oand2V:s .... 2a2and3ts . I. 2t'' 2 and 2vt d KSe Vvt 33 and for i! i" and ."ets I X: arsd unto !.) Willi and Vvt 2x -Vv . and f 1 " 5Lv jict cr.rd:':e the ri i l!-e pj . ar. a ear!j v'ihittiftu'eii: wclf what the i?r.fBO? cf i-sr may teach b:m be trsm ;j :c - z.f respect infervr to L- ir,?aselfv Edjcxtion 1 the sr.viL kii Q prx.vetnent r.f ti.e cinl. I:i(tiT. object is bappiae. Ttl. toa. i tbc best edjc:i:a t.cb v.eccs: serir to t!ie itd-.T'd-il tri to ifce , j wxTld tb TMte: aa)-?t.r.; c-: i-j liippioess. other, deajicd in ec'-cat-i r - ri.T art? retolutiociiiw th t? ! : E'.bel Gibt. t.M o uM r okr. 1 r ticbt o4 Kid I id 6maoltT .! d.rrtkm with fTtkOUB 04. C- Ml ) W. G. McCAUSLAND. . eldf?n urM-d M:t Ieo- ; tam a fioe jitrjctor. VI. - Olifii Iliiiird-4n in-.truftnr -B r Lco.U bate tbe aoie roItioo cnduaie in ill mAAA :o IL facltj of llii departmenl of mAokiod. rrvre;' io tlx lio.J- inenis will learn rUb regret MIBH 2D, SI.!! . . i . . Jr.. .U; h b, Art a fcj. Jr. by Artb. Am b. t u ik v tM .r: -U, M46.i,Ifci - Mannaduke, Jr. coooeiTiUf tbe mK.-tv.zf form ( ' tt Felts bo has dooe inch wroiA aoi tx of:a ctiioic 2eD -zt work i teacher nf art duricg the U ttecbariot wLl v.r m33;:. iitfie tears will oot return. She In c!:c Mr. Kt. referred to L: , uke a Deeded rest tod then pur unfitness tu add.-s a cla c f j.-a'i j ;e turtler Ler studies in art. lad ie. hi TCcat.-.o ia life hiT Miie Laria; Warren teacher of led him. he said. alti fi;fc tcry Icbira 1-vz.V.Zf and ptrocraDhy will forego to toe lice it th'.fbt fxb aa j tat e cesplete control of the art de lij 4 . . J J .... ... I TT- pe wrw la the 11 I? ,h "y drWft W l-a by hi.rk: BVrSM4 Brr bmduoe cued b: 'dv Rt'&un brovn Jt , Mi Marr Ietti2 vie i s.jly. ::! tnc; hjI special featarse! l of the of bJ i Sbe E:.:e:i:ti in Car, aesigoin. and ' v"iZuTJ?Z- Pfs eontralw toic full of j' pyr.vnpty. at tb same tinie main-! ,t"'0"T. h win ttn i.Vl' j m-e!Jt and sbowtn cavitation, j siipc trith feeling i&d rtx.'.d t i " -jmipc tritti leelioz it Baptist Female College itod fr,,e lnd ppice. the fvntc with aoja-d; (O Teted d pl.a is t.. t. ihirs.. I l're:drots WLitej Sfce : a itafe ez the b'ih standard this de-! attained in t'mrr u Li trt . ... . r-ijn"aliiit ... . " v 'fit ' " J i of ber dpartaifnt tb; tr. Jler tne i a tert c.ear .priQ . Ilvr etert note i cWr atd di-s-tut. while ber eoucciation t very 'd. Io the difTerent eit-rtub le tK'fd the adapuhiiity of her toice u. d Jerect ec!iiptition and rerfrted xreat credit on rirr instruct. A a Srst number he vin? Coctien Par lir iKKiilettl. M;v. Z-rf Bu!'ette f'ied three "ejection; i a Pota-;e Imprcmtu Chp:n: ,t.. If 1 wrr a b.rd-H-o. all: ?'r n,.. CaprTNs;so :ha. Ikilletie eti5'.v1 reiuark at4e talecu p'.Ajd the tbrc ssB'xri ith.'Ut c..ic- aod .tb aa-jner. Hrr terbc:., .e i gar. Ti ot di-ult ptssjes were phv w;:h ew. MGitlrs then siria TteE -t:n :t lie A;;.-. Txe-M.-IXtril: ,b L e Pf .l rr.f i.j Jules J rdia: -"c, Scj.anta Op. : Bie: Wh.. Sy:T:?fctrt: e S-jnriv wekerlin. fe sar. each seiectiT. ia a ctarx r.; xiarer. t?;r:c r-.r-feet cstr-jj of her ruce- Her s-lec-tict were all beattifal and demc-n--traied the possibilities of her rcjce. M s Car.l.&e J.Qson p'ayed f .vjr ciairs: m pvaw d'Amsur Hen elt: kbi Tareu'.ei!e F Tat MiK Mok..!4.i; lC Gt.-iido;i Etadt. tp IS. No. 3 IleriS!!: :d Rhit 5 Lizt. Xl?s!. Jc-hnscin is t terj tr.i:iitt perfyTBier. enteric tin, wuihly iBto the spirit of the o-ai-p. t;.-cs aci sira ,cir taleat io mi vaiiil decree. Wureaii are mt'A eiecsted it is ;ir t- to d.t;& h3i U se.d E-s'oer set-aied pir.:r!arlT to the ai.etce rxrsi ir,io cttus i- ir jw V- t.-e i; wu c.cciadei, Tbe irctfraiiia closed :th a iitette: A law L3rtrj't j F -k ty K;e Carer. Joni arc surf leiS.i3i j :e a o-aitertta: dj.-tte-i tte;rj foe scram cf njekdr. Prcf. P.-ct:er, il. fetLas acd ti ccfcer.ff tt ef Lu-tis: Cu tve are to l-t cxtratui teiitt t-hii- tf wrc thrt niiix:puM the friend of tbei- liletu ard Sidieurd Jit fCu:i the wit uf r-riTort jderrt-. j:. H.: Mt iv j,,ilD I mrforef-r them. Preset Wbite "vrl r5 ,r,.trJJJe0ui m.c i w'.tts a ft-w c.-mp'.:meri'.jTT r.rii so-ithe ur?r . " ; tnjdued Mr. Iuti to ti audicnr.--. i Id ca.ii M. tvi-i Aivk.( ...... --...-. . .. v u... r I. i la art Mis Kiti-ecioe Mie G re ceived d ;pI,)mL to 'bu-Htk- derart nerit. 7 . Iiki were Kiten Miss A'.re&i SewmiQ and ciih Reynold s. ceniscaie ia shorthand and type fca already .otber directiiXis. then! M s Ccain will I welcomed tied tbe :X;a sa the fa'! s teacher of elocj. In 1- . ti Q a&d mi cJ culture. rary department there piendid nart epar4ie and and no branch - - " . V- V Hi 1flllg icuuwuu i k-w. ite unfed theai : ttat rrtxc:r .f nrtr not to he atStd. t cJimb hiatri , t t. The decree conM-rM ,.n V. " V? ro.,n.. . .."-.. I V.H STT. MIOTBI. "Sir 1 iravt). !,... Artie Ihjrotiit Remi-r. A k u bentia Unare Ailm, H. L : Mi mnioB to cKce in th r't Leiinictvo, Mlouri, will tik, ea-n oi at fs' ri.-j !-Viibeat of Lexington, ctir farn 1 !cburch. at 115 to insure, cili a i:a a the fact i avrtjjirf ith. A lien i rta'M for Mrrtice ra-wr, i pretty weil t'.v'ether . ...... ii.iti; apptause. Miss Grace Linie. a talented tinjo; puuist. plated: . Rtiip-jii XII. Liat. ti. NrhenoOp. 3, Chopin. Tue piece seem crxiiily suited i ter, and her perfect e4e in p!at tiiir and excellence of exvutiirft pn viied the admintroo of the aodiemv. ituen came nurn Vr on iht in Suie (iifcox It L M: Mxrt ,u J-lL ! ,nrua,e ,o which tbe preri.s oJl bet.. Hvyt, B. L : Mis Mrri l k!.u" i I ' Coooiy Court, of U- tr a entertainmsaad ex viient a iCunoiDk'!iaaj. I!. L.- V,. it,,- ' "-Trtle eouoly, Miuri, ia the order they were, were merely prliminarr jt'tit"ier Iiioc-b, B. L: Mi Varina i ,ortu io "oi-'h they will be pnnted j Ao..oasit bvcame known that Ua kins, P.. La Mt Li:'in J..i.n. ' opon the bslloe. for th. r.i, ! "nu ! hT? d arCefti1 the tr' p L: f Mr Wd- B- L :' to be held m vnd for the rj,T'0 Ux P"ed .nt ution extendd him and w.iid ; Mi iie!e, reCr!trtJ d!D,om. ; . . "y 01 loo tin- c!t f TllV. aireat addre- f r ! n d-partw of Kftfib: ' 00 1 res.h.r.t, for d.-r... Aii tDowy due h n-,ri Tb W antm.U .ill B.lllP ,v J bii.-" bvt of l.eixr.ia r.k. firtrrHiJ. ' FRANK FISHER. RUSTIC B. 30763.1 (KKCORI 2:2Y) and ovned br Joserh E f.,.! The follo.msr U tbe of the com. S M u PrpriVor EcUefitldStoi Tuedj. Jaae 4, was pnji'res. H-r4e at rirr lisiihar a.e.r ata ia a tuinot-r ttiat proniied eicu-mce h;er As ;be address pr.ceed and Mr Inti warra-d t his oo;.ect tt;e audience hrard a jecb ttit is seld-ini surpassed. I " iu4 oi femurs! th. jhrc --ritir, . ' rt-J m choice !amruae and rr- Erikin v - o... c -ected in a m.rr, -I: -uu VJis-i trc.a lUT CUUTIIJ. !lt li A1 in j rr . . w-. r ti , 1 " iiwoem DiTe spoke of their L-re the cv.of n t;s bearer inter-'departure trm tbe previous custom rup ted hsereru times .ittl ,Qlhu.!or la uuc appuu. F.,!!owir are H.s W to tbi a few of tt,e thbv hrbt t in; the etat4 eJu.iT. J Z 11 L"Ue,bit f5 Create of,: reward one eter bi in ta,J ..j.v. . . " ulv 11 l-' iv ajiux a Quit I tf ad the .iters tbem.f to Ir. f,rtQ , of that doty weii d. 1107 ar,1ir.t.t the maiV.d -i be sad. d;d he o r'" Ut.r creature d-ca thrh thn.h. .7-.f"' ectteojence. rr i -A A .-, , ' lj tf the U." Toe in e ' J' . V' .t r . 1 . 7 "" rxe fun : vifiavuu tlVIIVVi For Cut Assessor, Miss Sena .Iford. For Cofloci;rnannrst Ward, Thomas Rosewall. For Cooici!rnan Secood Ward, George C. Schawe. Uutic It. is ; tears old. HhitA 2 hb; dark bay witu la wah b,Ui -tyle and stwd c-ctari jc.d niiine and tail. RiltiC It. wis sir.d iit iivsk he by Nutwo.d. Na. .w.rtftfl' 3:l,j: Nutwood i the preniier stalls I as a sire of sneed: hr fo:at I No. f4: NewiYrfiih lit Hitr, Vv.nfi l Wi!ke, dam of three io tbe lii.l(J "teorge wiike. record 2:il: Ks-U! ! Rs 1st dam. Mertrix, bv Merdir. ! No. :m: he br RelmonL'No. M:lnl dam bt Al Wmi Nn iin:i ril Almont. No. 33: 3rd dam bt Mirai aute. No. SKI?: 1th rtam hv Trial. i ITT: he by Membrino Chief, No. U j JOS. H. SJUUTETlJ H4 For Councilman Third Ward, D. H. Via. William. S. Marrs. frixe t-at is t.einl; etc-ra: ec.yaeai N tie frcj tf tfce oii- CEAZ'C an0 tilli-t. tSis. The Taiiit.u' mtrt te5d io the cpera t-xe Wed-siiy etea izf. nay iJtt. A ii-.-t a.iao asecbted to witoe tt.e rr-1ca::e of ties rczf ladfe. the trxt; of the ttreit'Xi, a it t. tfcit rates tte:r sct.J i t!,.f- Tte Pi tniier Lfe tiiet are enter Toe secsor cia is c c?d cstrtaio was raised WedsesiiT tt -v-! ., ... i i an luH'utioi Uilt i- and urnboacd hat- tr.-.r U;rs in -t'-e Urit4 jar.cle a-d S-- e'-e ;;: t..:.d t. , ijr' vQ tt. i -iiirfl rrui.f t . - . sa.-L ax.d t trerr. tii; er sun I t trses teteath wttC: tht - -vrC- T fV 4 -werer tta? lattew,UcA All ere ; .'cr'ti.: ' be"-r i5 i.e to or f r-n? ;c.-,ct .. . , , - u ia-c wi e-jrted the iter a!r T ; Eaeet i w - - . .-I r ..7 I-" "..A.'- T . . . - t.j tte - T . ictLry. t.f .. ' -u-.-u. ratue t - - " .am k For CouDcilmio Fourth Ward. Charles Barron. Jr., L W. Brelsford, Charles Mayer. WINKLER RHIT re;. t . ' Ea-J r.d e! 0t the Coart of LU.V,... .ocn, ty ,be 2id e., 0f Mar, C"rt C lfc C ! Cw of Lafatette -iik:td. And aU the r . . t ... . v. L f . . . -. ... " --w lurri ite iSf"V Th-jnTi i .. r . ia- at a r'eectei ttetu to t wertjr tte s..jra:!sT5 i.-j f-.a-ts ar-i seated c. tte tj. ad.ft lei-eri aa ittrt-;;v i-n The.r br"S,t fA fl c 1 au; vt: f.t' Mt".J(. : t-a-'.vV.a -v,. "t tr- ..... Hi 5 tea;r.? -.- - i. i. ui;r. : r.t-cs H laer ee th e- ---r "I oe s ..r ..... u uc .tr ai.e :.r tie "ei hli Witt Ut.fii tti. - i- 'c, -.era::..tsrer.:r;:ra. r.u i i' ier::c: ef rfSpi i fMt.e this deptrtr..; lew iktit;.. -,s at , k . ai , , , " , MALVLX v. cole PHVSXUS - ASD - SURGEON t!T'- XXs.rRI. SIEPHEf X. LSOX, r?'-ir-a?-uw COMPANY aarrACTvaaMaaaailiAaiK FURNITURE.' aas ntpiaia to bo ui id or . Wf aiaokNacoMtaaCjon ke4 Stair Banisters, Newel Posts, Walnut Coffins, &c. Metallic ad Wooden Burial C Always on band. amcla of aaeir nannfamara. airJr" M cbrap m tack arti'" lit.: ' ; "- -.. - - . . ( F. Winkler Furniture Co.