Newspaper Page Text
sc catsa vast. pa tm cream t Honors, World' Fair tedal, Midwinter Fair Baking Fowdtsr containing They ara injurloua W halth Th. Allen larm, consisting ol rboot TO 1 When Tired seise, two miles south oltowo, bss been I bought by Mr. E. M. Taubman. Wei Aim WCary understand tbt the consideration wii f80 per acre. The present tenant will not b disturbed, Mr. Tsobroao will not lake dmmhIoi till DFit March. Tba place will maka an Ideal country ho ma. If nrooerly Improved. Mr. Tanbmsn videotly intends bsvtng a bloa graaa range lor bla fine boraea. Mothers wbo would keep their children la good health should watob lor the first symptoms ot worma and remove lb em with White's Cream Verralfuirs. Price, 25 cents. For aale by Crenshaw A Young. v The transfer cotHDeoy keep, a cell book at tha Mammoth livery stable and one at tba Grand Central hotel. Leave orders at theea places, M . White's Ftsblog Park opened after Ma lit. Fine Dlaoa lor camping; plenty ol boats and tenia and Iota ol fine flab). Four miles northeast ol Waverly and lour miles northwest ol Grand Pass. Address all communications to White's Fishing With the heat and dust of travel or the labor of the day, drop in at THE FORT Where you can secure a good luncheon, a refreshing drtnk of the choicest beverages to be found anywhere or a delightful smoke In the cooling s&aue. hcIIOOI w M Md sporting Co., Waverly, Mo. 5 4ml ; bonds to Dwitt, Trumbla A Homb Monky. to Loas.-Oo good real icago. Tba bonds are 15-year estate aeenrity. In sums ol 500 and up, ar4per cent Interest, aod the at 7 per No commission, no red sved 122,228.28 lor them tlO.000 tape. Apply to J. Q. Pis' t-nburg. tl bonds are tba ones voted at the To save mending, avoid breaking, and -n lor building purposes aod I to avoid aufferlog, prevent coughs and .mfundinff bonds already out, colds bv tha timely use ol Ballard'a Hore- i 6 per cent laUreat. The pur- bound Byrup. It is a sale, sura acd -re. to pay tor the printing oi gwlft remedy lor all bronchial aliments. :, thus saving the school board Price, 25 aod 50 cents. For sale by Cren shaw 4 Yonog. 6-lml. dders and the amount bid by Cal, on Mitchell A Bon lor your mllleit, Needed in Every Home ... Vnfh nfr ta nrmluctlve of more ..VkU..', aw I - !.,., nan In th famllv than a good Skwino Machine and THE SINQER U thu hot mnrhtn on earth it is always In order and can be ,v....r.,l..H nntn .lit n-crv kind of work. If you are' interested, write or send wora to L. W. BRELSFORD, Local Agent, Lexington. Mo. To save mending, avoid breaking, and to avoid aottering, prevent coughs and rrnnA Ppntl"ll Hntf! colds by the timely nsa ol Ballard'a Hore VjlallU VyGUllttl 11UU--1- aAHHi4 BnataiM ft- l aafsV fllirtt (. Reopened and Newly Furnished CanA Meals and best service. Your patronago solicited. . i. . A MM fnllOWS! I hlna n.oa mm nt fftrHud fipeda. Wa IU WUU. " " I ..w . . . I ,a. Tenney, Crawtord 'M.- tl!S M M. FRAZIER, ' PROPR , gspx; B. v.Jnooip.-..v., honM dAws-SUI . C79 09J.! mimIssiddI Vallev I v,. T-.r-, ' . . you leel better at once alter using ii n t.'SwSrSS Hsrh,oe,,ou.Dio,,orr re,.nd Q g Mitchell fe SOIl . . .5 b.t. condition tt more nourishment and Invlgora- "l " tine force out ol what you eat Hence n r?2fifiT W Herbine makes you strong, vigorous aod sen Co., Chicago, 122.680, W. Iff.!!!! ORDER OF PUBLICATION. 8TATK OF MHWirKI. LOUhTV Or uAfAl ETTM. I In the Clrctilt Cmirt. ef t.sfaette County i . i . . rrv 1 1 . l 1 , fn.Hiifi Claude A. Pkilltps. In person and hk F.xecutui of the ant will and teetn-1 nient or Jeno A. f nmis okmw, Vlmll D. Pbillip, Homor T Phil lip, Cora E. piillook aud Poll(M'k, tier buslMnd, Luther 8. Phllllps,a minor, fnrter H. Phillips, a minor, and Grace V. Phillip, a miuor by tlielr irimrdiun and cura tor Claude A. Phillips, PlaintiS. vs. RiLtiiupl T. 1.M Defendant. Now at this day cone tho plaintiffs herein, hjr tlielr attorneys, and flle their petition and j laffldavit, alleaint, among oiner inings. nn Will rom and make fci5,?H.,L,. S.?.?L T1. .va,v - " --- ' " I OI UMJ bUilo UI FIIIWUUI1 wu,-iruw . ' , . j ordered by tlie clerk In vsoallon that said personal inspection, ana name detemiant b uotiaed by pubuoation that 1 I olaimillB have oommeocea a suit aenlnst him WILL u this court, the object and ireneral nature or I Bliloh la tn rafnrtn uml nnrrant a. mutual fflW Txtcmbv ivvTUiKT Writ" or I "ke ot raxt and mutnsJ enor In the deaorlp. 1NSUJE ANYTHING. WniC or ,. . thatcertsln d.-ed made by Kdwlii Q. INSURANCE. Farm 'property insured, oc cupied by tenant or owner. Risks written in sny town in :ounty. erson: rate upon application. call on him Lexington. at office in nun ia luwwnflin un 1 . . i . ukillini- (I... a l.nn.P 4Kth. ijrr wtfuim a. J uniii vi m j - 1W, by substituting the word "two" inplaoe ol tho word "one," where the same sppears sftitr tho word "blot" In the description In sid doed so that said dioription wben cor reotird shall read as tilluw:-B'irlniai? ten (10) feet eit and twenty (Ju) feet south of the soutbeaxt oorner of block No. two (2 iu liee's sdditlon to the town of CKIewta M the same appears upon the plat of said addition now on tile In the office of the recorden o d.ds within and fr Lafayette county. .... I . . ..11 , 1 . 1 1 1 4 , . n u.ivlin I ) It n a UirUCP WCBI niwiij. awu wiui.i.ra, . -- drvd (700) feet, tbeuce Bouth seven (7) chains and twenty-five I'AM links, thence east seven hHiidied (700) feet thenco north seven (7) chaiusand twenty-ltve () links to Blaee of bKl"'ilnf. except one-hulf C41 acre In the i HnMh.iai .M,rin,r nr thM RivfivA ciftrinea tniuL - .ft If ... 1 1 : .. ft. . .mi . ..1 . HiftA nn.h . Iill UllltS, for sale. Mouses to rem. a 1.1 wide .ri weu eTnd mat you have any real estate to II. w. vim REAL ESTATE tor sale in Lexington. Farms S7 sell place it in his hands no rnst if no sale. Umce in Lexington. FEED STORE f'.' r Lfm'' Uhwrlul. Price, BO cents. For sale by The best and cheapest Une of feeds Cleveland, fZJJlo, . -,ml j reDt in Lexlncton at the FrankUn ra..i .1 Crenshaw A Young. o imi KJejboite vo., viuuiu.i, - - . Iff UK DAlftV'l UmW IUIWIlniir'J Ing business, about two thousand o-b rannlntd. For full rjartloulara call on F. S on u fift,vw i - - ill amount to quit a coaalder-1 Lea Wallaoe, agent, Lexington, Mo. 4-27 Our school matters era in we i Many women tail to digest weir 100a, kept in Lexington at the Franklin exchange butjlnese with the farmers for wheat or corn. Our Flour U the best on the market. Phone 179. F. 152 1U Abstracter, Loan -AUD , Our eebool matters ara in na i Maoy women fall to digest tneir iooa, i sale and conservative men and Ld become pals, sallow, thin and Tvfnl lftl? ft LPaOIOS TnciimncP Ap-PTlt can depend on them to cara lor WMk, while tha bnghtntss, treabDesa " UlSUTaill t? tt-gCUb I . . . ft .L, jt i I v-r. ill nhra In nttrilltv .' fine naol the schools. ami huatitv of tha skin and complexion departs. . Remedy, this by taking Harbin Excel all others In quality, fine nnisn ana artistic ii(;bhdb. Photos $1 per dozen and up. Spe- clai prices to cnuaren on xutsuays. Mi Etrsi Orsr SdwiV to Stert Ceo. i. 5niti7." D. y.8. VETERINARIAN, Lbxinoton.Mo. Phone 117 f avsning MU. N.ny Hartoo ' Pr J p. bli 1 Honor vi omr j l the stomsoh periorsM lu funotlona . .. .i . i . aiii and raaularlv. tba tood ot Which riors oi we Bint" - . . . , . avsnua were elaborately deoor. It It the receptacle, is transformed Into graceful patma and cut flowers blood ol a nourlablng quality, which Inr- d an Inviting and attractive nlshes ylgor and warmth to tha whole body. Herbloaglveetouttothaeiomaeb. masmssu ol tha vsnlng war aodpromotaa digestion aod aaainsiiauon I dancing. A soaclai leatura waa Price, 60 cents. For salt by Cransbaw A fous address olCoL 8. 4. Huston xonng. '.Ject and purposes' ot the high Obnrch Ol Christ SolsntUt, Sunday . which produoed muoh mer aervlcea as tollows: 10:30 a. m., Sunday school 11:30 a. m.,atKnlghU ot Pytblaa ths evening dalicious puooh tall. All are cordially Invltad. tl sd on the east porch. Tha rs- ( 4re lroubicd with that most un- ,U consisted ot strawberries and mjortbta disease called piles, don't with a variety of cakes. neglect it. Don't let the complaint get Jneton baa tba happy faculty 01 flrm b0 Ewy aa, the disease la ueg- of 4l, kindg bought and sold. Ahrens old bsr guests leel perfectly at their lected ,t (.row worM, Commenoa at onca building on Franklin Ave. 1 - - .li..mlni KruiLAftft. Hat I . . . n . i . - I j vv.".. - i to nse taoiera duuhoj- tuiumiiu-! .m I... .hfti.h nlftjaint minnn. I .h. ..iui t imm.,titfti- and cars infalll ble. Frtoe, 60 ante to bottles. Tubes, 75 oeou. For sale by Crenabaw A Yonng. J. H. KIEFER and tried fornituretnan-O years wit Purnlture Co. 28 rears expert New and Second Hand Furniture will lone cherish pleasant memo he dellghttul evening with her on ision. KA1.LUQEB. LOW ROUND TRIP RATES i . i . : i j 1 ft . , , . 1 rp f.aa- Uniew IUB IU unwuimiii diiiiuj . be and appear at tni court, at the next term tliereoV, to be beit'-n and bolden at the court house, in tha city of Lexington. In said oounty. on the 6tb day of August next, snrt on or before the M dsy of said term, if the term shall so long continue, and If not, then , on or before the last duy of finld term, snswer I ... t W. .....!,!.. In aaiH .u llu.i ht HI. mil lir iicnj hi i uu iimkii .ii vft , - will i,p taken as cor.feHScd, and judgment will be rendered accordlnarly. . ii. i. i..k...nt..Hullliat . ivinv llAl'Mir I AflU III UUllUCTiiiucirmuo yri , ' kft ..l.llah..rf .nnAwlfnii In ) In lllH LfllDff- ton Intelligencer, a newspaper p,ibllhed In eewiveiy, puhlUhed at least once a weelt. tbo lust Insertion to be at least thirty days before iho first day of said next Auguat term of this 0UT'. A true copy from tne recoras. Attest- j H ppBEjx, circuit Clerk. By J- W. Hviinor. Deputy. S-t BlackweU & Bon, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MISBOI HI. I M COCNTY OS liAKAVETTB. I In the Circuit Court of Lafayette County. Missouri, ai Liexnite""! aiuiwui, iw. Cbailes Shaw, l'lulntlff. I vs. Margaret 3. Shaw. Defendant. arm and Clt, Property tor sal. or r.nt Now 'ifTS Iaioaavu, aiieKiuir, ini unm miu,i., defendants Margaret J. Shaw, Is a non- msiusnt or me uw n wi"""'n .... I 1. i. -.t...H i,v iho nlprir In vacMtion I -. : ft .1 . 1 1.. .. V... ni.tlfl.t ,v ,111 h I ll'U l.ifin 1CUIW. niiu uuicuiimu im r-w that plaintiff has commenced a suit against her in this court, the inject and seneral iRtiim of which Is to otXHln a decree of divorce from Uie bonds of matrimony heretofore contracted b twenn plaintiff and said defendant on the grounds of dueer- r .....,! unit thllt 1111. IlIVU WIlBllUI 1 -IW"ll r'ii v....-. lesi the said non-resident defendant, Matgaret J. Shaw, be and appear a this court, at, tho ..... . ... . ft ft . . n V. . rw. . n anH hlklllllll St tDe couii nouae, in iou cut i. w Ungton. In said county, on the 5th day of AuyUHt, 1WI1 next, ana on or ui-suro 1110 ol satu term, it tne verm nonii bu mux . j ... . .1 nn ...kftfiiM ,ha lull flHV ime. aim u uih. iui'u ... ot..w .-v. of (mid term, atinwer or plead to the potitlou . ....j - ..111 tfta fikan atl ,illi. in BM1U C.nilBU, luv "iui" ----- ruiuvd und iudftnient will be rendered accoru- lud it is further ordered that a copy hereof be puhllHhed according to Ihw in the Lexing ton Intelligencer, a newcpui er published in said county of Lafayette fur 1 mr weeks sue eesslvely. publlHh d st Ii-shi ni ce a week, the lust tnseniou to te ai loam nun. .m,i. .,oi...n tho Bret dsy of said next August term of this court. A true oopy. Attest X H. OA MPitRLL, Circuit Clerk. HvJ. W.SvoitoK. IKputy. Chas. Lyons, Attorney for Plaintiff. Hlt3 MONEY TO LOAN. at 5 and 5i per cent Interest. Office front rooai over Tevis' drug store, Lexington, Mo. I ft -ftw ft-ft -mrT . HYftr.-Y-l I MM I a II I IIL1 I U 1 11 'U' I iad, Wedneadsy Jtr?ooni yJr ',2,1 i A. IViJllVEJ VUiill.'Ut la i ids pariun vi ------- In thie city, Mr. Charlea W. . ta Mine Ella Clarkson. both u Hireinsville. Dr. E. i performed tba ceremony Lexington to Kansas City and retain, !... rlftwitlftftit tn etoM not m V hold i . .Au mnA hftillnni. annns AO head. I HQ i JUKI VI www ... ' O. offar forMUoDttnd U. My Hoe com I ok. .wi ties AncviftbMha HnrAfnrna ind performed tba ceremony. KS.''aii Rented l with onom ! tuv u"i""" Ireferonoe to mila. Strain, lurmanj wiu. ... on. of our moat .-vaunt... In crrn buneatu JuDe 10 and 11, fl iuwunty "rr?-.'r.Zrrt&i irom 35 to no , M. nv mA retUrn. M An. Af hr nhoicfl. I nr97vMPl Aollvllle. Mo, I fi-0.30. I " groom is a yonng tarmer ol a moat wt famll . ot good business ability tilly capable ot making a home tor tosen companion. They will make home on the old plao. ot Mr. Calvin 3, th. groom'fl tktber. Tb. Ixtw- ckb wUhea them much bapplnea. asperity. Ck. L Mis I Co. CASH Produce - Buyers DRESSED POULTRY. HK furs, eggs m Bums. 204 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. Write for Our f resent Paying Prices r t. lint- Snrtnira. Ark., and . .1 . . . 1 V unaaa flftr N, v tt " f 7 i return on naie umij 'i." i Q M (J JH J t27.fiO; via St. Louis $29 5. TftAxinirton to St. Paul arid return fWled proposals will be reoelvM oj ' ine M ogth. 30th and 81bt, JOIie 2d iM1fcrroufU,,Q8Wn- M- 'MfnKld returning until June, . . . VT ft. ... .a.,, I fin nusuAi, jvks i"i .forbothla Hot Wator and a Low Pressure . (rt Itnffnln nnd return in'M sale April 3Uth to ZZ."i .ftinftftiinn. whlnh can IM seen bv cull-1 Mat ocA rfturnint IS diVS Irom U(t on U.e seoretary. A oer.llle;) cbork tor . srnor Dookery baa named the mam- a A . fftV-lft-ll 01 tba Mlaaoon Dvarti oi i,ie iretary. A oer Ifled clioc. Tor T"' , zji ii.. .. nllnta; N. H. I i.,f mU .UmmnT eSMih bid oerUOed I OaW OI RUB . oo.nty: W. H. Mawball, forsald work. 1. o. AUIsan. BalU iwniwi-"""---- vwv-m. w . I nr U hkU. ; David B. Snoop, Bay county, I uxtnc too, Vo, CITRON & TAUBMAN, ' - LIIINGTON, MO. ABSTRACTS Of TITLE, m mm insurance, M0N1T TO LOAN trw .a... AAMnlsta aat A AKaltMiH eoord ot TiUe to the Laids ot Lafayette ounty. ' OFFICE in 1LERE BUILDING l. May . VMt t.i BAN DON. Secretary. , BOND CALL orata, and Prank M. Moss, Baobaaaa . H. C. McDooraJ. Jaoksoa oountyi . Jtoatoty. Ptttnaa con.ty; P. L. - na. W I ft. u ft-,Kt(Aaiia Ka HvMlia 1 . . .. . . a .t.... v Ti4 M.a 4 4 tb. lelalreU archer of the 4. The eommlaalooera raoelf. flO jSSSiyt.iua.i. y. with 15 per day additional tor ?7,ii7is. wand si. dated May Mh.v e beH, 4 in nn. Tinknta ai aala I C LIU 11 Vi l J .- .. jni tuh ti i.itrt iuciuaive. eooa anui V'. .7.1.. i,i I AUguOV wISli Jirvi. For fall Information please call q ) 6. W0HTltlN0VO. & N. Wilson A. S. LOORIIS, sAc'ent TRUSTEES SALE. . T . . . . 1. M ft.. riftnUM TVlfe. iftftni.r-vl dut, and uavsn e oo tne as uivj i waoroiwii ruswu wmi ""',".Tr' d?S."S,a SS.?,. ii2TMr,r Kduoatlon of said kr bustmod. bv the r doed of trust. dateJ pendlUr. ol tb. H.000.W appro- 'de at Ueoohe JUiuJs 5 . -v - -.-a...- in i.,,.,,f i hmmnn i k.ft,.ir 11 it nAirH us. eonveveo 10 me unuer- Trust uo., in me vj o. ."l: t in thn iinJw. will cenm. , . n.i...inn n( mid I Jlfti uii.ift imnt.i in mild I.ilnvt.tte Couutr. v:z' CB-Anyonecangbtloatlniarvt.nd of tb rf WjcaM Lexln id djcodbed. aond or tlaWo or Da; a is f in same booi uwn no. . ''-"''"-:j"?". , ,k-.r . . ft, i i.arnvM.Leuounir. mmvuKi. i nx miine ui mhu uwi-. . - . . : raiinw . "- ... i ihnNinr uiii mm 11MV- hi auction, to the lilifbest blddor. for cash, st thp front door or inocnurfc ouw, in iw t-i.j . . . , . .-ui 1.1 m ,11 ii. Mr. nn Hutlir iftexinini'u. iftt...-. j, 7. dav, the 1Mb duy o June, laol, between the bourn of a, m. snd 5 p. in. the ahove des cribed real estate, for the purpose of satlaTy inir the suld noUss stid tlie etenne of exeou ti'ir tl trut i. O. LK9UKDH. Trustee. Lexinifton, Mo.. May 4. IM. 5-WU sd by tb. leglalatnM, but the rov t has the rower to veto any stpeo ee of tha board. be proseonted. UU D. A. Slgsbkb. I iiKXlSOTON, M1390DRI. Rp?1 PsUte. Loans and Insurance Afients. ABSTRACTS OF Til LB MADB, Will loaa money on improved farm lands st t and fttt per cent interest OFFICE IN HiERLE BUILDING TRUSTEE'S SALE. Whereas, Wllllum Hicks snd Nannie Hicks, bis wife, bv tbeir deed of trust, dated the 10th day of October, IsW. and Bled for record in the otlioo of tho recorder of deeds for La fayette county, MiSHOuri. reoorded in book Hi. oae Ml. conveyed toOustuv Haerie. as irutitve, we iuiuiwiu umum. ..-, situated In Lafayette county, Missouri, to .... . .I ,.a.,.kalr rill t four nfr win Tniny-aeveu uu uunnui j,! i. tbe north side of lot number three (si. and eishteen ana inree-iouruu urj im off the south side ot lot number four (4i. all la bloca nve in nou xiuiuun to tlie cliy of Lexington, an the same sppesm u bod the plst of ssiii addition on Hie and of reoord In the recorder's ofllce of Lafsy ette county. Missouri lo trust to secure the- paynn'Utoi snree ceruiiu Bruuiiooiijr .inr. said deod of trust described; snd, wheresr defuult bus been nnide in the psjrtuent of sl uouts and the Interest thereon, and wheress the said trustee refuses to act, now notioels. hereby (riven tnst i. uscar iuoohi, nnn hi Lufnyette county, Missouri, t the requestor the legal bolder and owner of said notes, wtr. sell for cash, to the hltfhost bidder, on , MONDAY, TUB 10th UAi Of J U II k, it"i, betwoon tho hours of o'clock In the fore noon and A o'okiek In the afternoon of that day. In front of the court house door. In tbe city of Lexington, Lafavette county Mis souri, tbe said real estate for ths purpose V MtlrfyiuK such ootaa and Interest accrupd tnereon, sou wo w '.'rtv.7r. . a citing-tiiU trust OSp1 JH0,,IA& .H-CAC.UOT.H. B.ll.lEBLA-0.0ftM... MS J.tWMIlll. TKft j The Traders' Bank, Fob Balk Thoroughbred shorthorn bulla and hellers lor sale. Apply at my . n Ii.. .....a, T Innina AM Ih A .w wi- K.inir.Mi&nd MKiMU t- ICWUOWOl WW)ruuv.,uriui n,. p md oP apply 10 Q l Ulff Dr.J.W.Meng, Surgeon Dentist. Office in the Meng Building, Lexington, Missouri. WILSON & ECKLE, " TBUSTEE'S SALE, wi.fti.ft. i nn j RunKftUian. aalnrleand uniLsriied woman, by hor certain dooa of trust, dateu me niow amj in dpvoiih.oi-i w, 1 s i.j ftft,ni in t) .a nffinA nf them-. curdor ot deefls for Lafayette oounty, Mis souri, reeoraea in wut w. v, w . . n I . . .1 iftiiaiuft ,hn huliiv. nir described real esuto. situated In Lafay ette oounty. Minourt. tc-wlti Lot number seven (7), In blook number six W), in Pat terson Smith's addition to the town of Odessa, es the same appears upon the rlt or -mid addition on file and of record in thi office of the recorder of deeds for Lafayette ft- tii..ft...i in tnat ti apiMim thfl nav- OOUllliy, ifiiatwiufti, - . i .. , f,l ment or a onaia firuuiA-wj. 7 uuw iu deed described! and whereas, default lm been msde In the payment of said note and . . . . ft ft. .. .. .1 ..Iuimmiu mulA trtialMM refuses to act. now nntloa ii hereby siven that 1, Owar Thomas, sberilf of Lafayette, eouuty. MUwourt. at the reoueet of the lenul boltler 01 saia noio, m uu uu, blKhost bidder, on TUCK0DAY, THE JOtH DAY OF JUNE, WD1. between the Bours of nine o'clock In the fore noon and live n'olock lu the Rftcriionn of that day at the fmutdoorof the Hank, of Odessa. . .V..fta fafft.nHii ..Aiiiit.v MUr.nnrl. the- 111 1 ui--. i. ..... .... j ,. : . Mild rest wwe iur win ul pnun,?iui nucli note nod the Interest soerued theieiin. .nd thO cost "P-V-rHOUHTB.t',i i&U Sberilf snd Trustee. Bureeon Dentta. offloe in Hearts Bulldin Bleventh and stum streets, Lealnsrton. Mis sourl, lsaprvl All tC Cured by Climax Balve liLLO or price rerauueu AU druspUis. Individuals. slUwrs,