Newspaper Page Text
HISCELLAX KOIS M KlASUK. from Saturday' Daily.l Schrader, the healer, loft for Hic sinvville this niuruiotf. Mr. M. E. Sri4t returned this Hiuroicg to Kansas t'ily. Mis Minnie Daliap. of our city, ;v.. juorcltig fur Chicago. Mr. M. T. IuoaaT returned last oinht from a western trip loukinn up ?otue cattle deal. Mr. C M. IJenfritz. one of the V. M. A. cadets left lat nitflit for lit home at Sedalia. S. Levio returned this morning from Kioa City, where be has been n a short business trip. Miss Florence Srbmelzer, one of Ootral' studeuu, left this ruorniug for her home at Uipgiosville. Mrs. Geo. Haiyraves, of Kansas City, came down last night to visit fter cousin, Miss Helen Mclntyre. Mr. J. J. Rhodes and wife arrived in Lexington last night. We wel porne him and his bride to our city. Mrs. S. '. Wilson returned last uiRbt from Warrecsbury, where she lias been visiting relatives for a short time. Misses Arline and Louise I'hipps arrived this morning from St-dalia fur a short isit here with Miss Agnes Farley. Mrs. C. E. Kelley, of Galena. Ka . arrived last uight and is visiti.'ig at the Iiaptisl college during the closing iercises. Mr. Ilarry Tunstall came in this aiorning to call on the grocery trade Iiere today aud to spend Sunday with Jiis family. A defective Hue was the caue of a tfre io the roof of Mrs. Wilker's on Franklin street this moroing. It was discovered in time, however, to prevent serious damage. Mrs. John ItuHelto, accompanied k)y her daughter. Miv Mary Hullette. of Claremore, I.. T., arrived last iigbi to visit her daughter. Miss Zoc Hullette, who is a student at Baptist college. Cadets T. J. Strlckler and Louis Van Ginkle weut to Kansas City tins morning to attend the Inler-scholaslic track meet there today. Mr. Strick Jer will go from there to his home at -Joplln, Mo. llessas. J. E. Roark, David Lyons aud U. 11. Christie went to Sedalia this morning to attend a staff meet ing of the representatives of the Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., who be long In the Sedalia district. Messrs. Chas. and Robert Hohen wald, of Corder, speot the day here yesterday with their brother, Rev. II. Ilolienwald. They returned this morning accompanied by little Miss Veroa Hohetmald, who goes to visit lier graudmotlier. Mr. J. S. Fisher, of our county, who has been traveling for the cir culation department of the Kansas City Journal, left last night for Wheeling, West Virginia, where he is called on account of the serious illness of his brother. fpon reaching home last evening we (the local on the Daily) fouod awaiting our arrival a luscious box of strawberries. They were a present from Mr. John Spears, who is making a specialty of fine berries, and were as tine a lot of fruit as we have ever seen, and they were as tine in flavor . nts could be desired. Several of them mens;i red. .rJ inches io circumference . and the smallest ones measured 4J inches. Twelve of them tilled a pint cup heapiug full. Thanks, John, for -so pleasing a romembrance. J From Mooday'a Daily. Dr. W. H. Black returned to Mar shall this mornini:. Mr. Bias. FredrjcUs spent Sunday w)tu Lexington' friends. rlr. -E3. Ludwigs spent Sunday here with the home folks. 4 Mrs. Tboaiaa Thomas spent Sunday here winh her" mother, .Mrs. Geo. Dodge. Mr. Oscar Thomas and wife went rto Marshall yesterday morning on a short visit. Mrs. W. G. Musgrove came down from Kansas City yesterday to visit relatives here. Mrs. E. li. Campbell returned last sight from a visit with her mother in Kansas City. Hr. Oscar Andreen and little daughter, Bacliael, are spending to day io Kansas City. Miss Inez Moore, of Weston, one of last year's graduates, is visiting this week at Itaptlst college. Dr. W. A. Council, of Kansas City, scame down yesterday morning to visit the family of Dr. Payne. Our colored base ball team, the Islington Tigers, played a game of ball Saturday with the Lincoln In. 'Stttute team at JelTerson City and won the game on a score of li) to T. Miss Mart Vaughao was visitta Saturday the family of Mr. J. W. liajse, at Independence. Miss Tiola Crone, of Kansas CUT, came down Saturday night to visit Miss Lee Young over Sunday. Mr. W. X. Graham, president and manager of the Sedalia Democrat, visited friends in Lcxingtoa yester day. Mr. Wo. Greeo, of Kansas City, came down Saturdav evening- to visit the family of his father, Mr. James Green. Mrs. R B. Krille returned this morning to Kansas City, aster a visit here with her sister,' Mrs. Upton Wilson. The Lexington Scrubs went to Rivertoo yesterday and beat the Riverton Whites In a gatue of base ball to the tune of 32 to 2. Mrs. 'elson Jay and Mrs. Viola Buxton, of Kansas City, arrived Sat urday night to attend tbe closing ex ercises of tbe baptist college. Mrs. Chas. Morrison, who has been visiting the familv of Dr. N. B. Payne for a few days, returned yes- terd;iy eveuing tc Kansas City. Mr. W. E. Card, of Sedalia, came in yesterday morning to visit the family of Mr. J. C McGrew. His wife has been litre several days. Mr. D. Bogie and wife, of Iliggins- ville, came up Saturday niht to visit the family of Capt. Frank Thornton, and returned home this more nig. Messrs. X. M. Cooper and Jackson Bradley started litis morning for Memphis, Teen., to attend the con federate reunion there this jveck. Misses Arline and Louise Pl.ipps, of Sedalia, who have bei visiting Miss Asnes Farley for a few days, returned home yesterday evening. Judge Joseph Smith returned Sat urday evening from a trip to Mc Alester Springs, where he lias been spending a few days for his healili. Mr. L. T. Herndoo, of Kanasdty, Spent Sunday here with the family of Mr. Robert Taubman. His wife has been here visiting for several days. ... Miss Carl'ie Chapman;' of Kansas City, arrived this moruinjr to visit her sister, Miss Violett Chapman, who is a student at Baptist Female college. Mr. John Fontaine, of Arkansas City, Kas., ea rue io tnls morning and Is visiting relatives In our city. Me was formerly a resident of this county. Dr. W. B. Kenney and wife, of Kansas City, came down Saturday night Hud spent Sunday here with Mr. Clarence Kenney, Dr. Kennev's brother. Mr. Wm. 11. Chiles and srn, Henry, returned Saturdny night from Kansas City. They were accompanied by Mrs .W. E. Cornstock, who comes for a short visit. Miss Josie I)oran, of Kansas City, came down yesterday morning to visit Mr. Frauk Carters family. Mr. Ollie Farris is also visiting with Mr. Carter's family. Mr. Chas. Graham, furruer super intendent Of Our telenhone here, accompanied by his wife, came in yesterday eveninu to visit rpimiro and friends here. Mr. Robert Atkinson and wife and baby came down from Kansas City Saturday night to attend tbe closing exercises of W. M. A., where he was formerly a student. Miss Annie Ilooton returned this morning from Independence, where' she has been spending a week visit ing relatives and attenrllhir WnrxHanH college commencement.. Mrs. Lucille Robinson returned last night . from a weeks' vjsit tu St. Louis. She was accompanied by Miss Xatalia Stoneroad, her sister, who is visiting Mis. John Gordon; Mr. K. W. Wbitmeratid wife', of inecotan; l. r... arrived? yestiiroiy evening to1 visit the. familv nf. Mr James Robinson. Mrs. Vhitfmr before marriage Miss Mary KoWnson. The lawn social at Central foile'ge isaiuroay evening wasoulw-a nlH.nn affair arid the guests ebjuy-rl them selves eatine ice creum and st berries and chatting with the young laaies or me college. ' Messrs. J. C and E. J. Mcf.rew, jas. uiiKeson and Miss Joseph Micxie went to Kansas city ti morning where Mr. J. C. McGrew mining machine case is being tried the U. S. court there. Mr. Lilburn Wallace, who was called home on account of the fatal Illness of his father, returned to Chicago Saturday evening. He has a position on the repertorial staff of the Chicago American. Capt. W. D. Rankin, Mpsr Dave Slusher, W. H. Greer, Forch Mc Fadiq, Young Hickliu aud Dave Deathman left yesterday morning for Memphis, Teon., to attend the con federate reunion there this week. V. fi. Loom!. has irtistica"? arranged in one of W. .rto- , the prut to oe gicn i " ,. t All of them are valuable. nd tbe. winners of the different evem be well rewarded for their e!T..rt. Mr. L. L. McLau.rl.iiQ left this morning for Lohman. M-.. where he goes to ship four rar M;V which he has there. He h.MWb . walnut tree Saturday of Mr. H. t. Thee, who lives urar Hall's Station. Mis Minnie K. Davis, of St. Louis, arrived Saturday evening w ailfud the alumnae bampiet at the B-ipHst colle tonight- She I gnduate of the class of IST5. She is the guest during her stay herf t the of Mr. G. W. Hjde. Mr. J. H. Wilkin. l S ittorney from South McAliswr. I T., came in yesterdav uiorniu t visit his sn. who is alter Went north Military acitdemy. lie was accompanied by hu auditor. Miss Tearl Wilsius, who is visiting at Central Female college. Mr. J. C. Miller, and wife, the pbntogrspher over Sedwick's grocery store, left Sunday morning for Mo- rteih. Mo., to visit tbeu son, I . A Miller, and from there Mr. Miller and sun wili go to Quincy, 111., to attend the state convention of the PtH'tOL'nnhers' Association, of 111 They will be gone about ten days and on their return will have the very latest styles io photography. The academv trick team returned yesterday uioruing from the inter scholastic track meet in Kansa City Saturday. Thev succeeded In win ninjj fourth place In the contest with ten other schools and they won sec ond place in two of the events. Con sldering that this 1 their first entrance into this field meet they did well and made a good showing for M. A., even though they did not win the pi iniai.t. Dr. Robert Wilm'.t met with a evere accident l-t Wednesday. He wa wjiiking through the yard when liN ij i n n-emed to Kive way all at once and he fell to the ground. The doctor is not yet sure tiiat the hip is fractured, but that is probably the case. Dr. Wilmot is the father of Mr. Clarence Kennev, ol our city He lived here and near here for a number of years and has many friends here who will heir with regret of his accident. (From Tuaaday's Dally.) Mr. Oscar Andreen went to Jeffer son City this morning on business. Mrs. G. W. Fredendall and daugh ter spent yesterday in Kansas City. Mr. August Limber returned hist night from a business trip to Kansas City. R v. R, S. Hunter returned ves. terd.iy evening Imm the Olterville circuit. Sheriff Osvir Thomas and wife re- turntH jesieiday evening from a visit to M.irsiiali. Mr. Chi. Kvans. of Lock wood. Mo.. Is visiting his brother, one of the W. M. A. cadets. Mr. W. P. Cole aod wife went to Kansas City this morning to snend the dav there. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Davis, of Dover. returned home this morning after a visit with relatives here. Ex-Cadet Barndollcr is vlsitinc Lexiogtoo friends and attemiinir tin closing exercises of W. M. A. Mrs. E. F. Bruerson. of Little Rock, Ark., is In the citv visit iiii her mm, who Is a st udent at W. M. A. Mr. Louis Gratz went to Kansas City: yesterday evening, having been called there in the J. C. McGrew case. Mr. E. It. Wiltr.r, i.f ('. Ka., Wits the guest yesterday of Mr. ncu .tiiswii and returned home last night.- ....- A lu.irn.u'c li(vnsj- u w terday aftemiH.n fjMr. J. W. Suni- mvis anu jus;, L,mie Mnioer, bjthof Alcua, Mo. Mrs. J. W. L iwentball came in this morning from EvaiisviHe, Iud., to visit her son and to attend the rlon lug exercises of W. M. A. Rev. A. I; Davidson, of Malta B!id. came in on the J. C. B. & L yesterday eveuing and is visitinirthe family of Rev. R. S. Hunter. Mrs. JudL'e Nrirf Kanws. came In last night to visit ju dl, n . m. a., and mend the closing exercises at the academy. Miss Laura Ilvd tupnt t L". .... - uty this morning to meet a lady friend who will return with her this evening for a visit in Lexington. Mrs. Summers Gunlack (nee Birdie Richard?on) came In Sunday uU'ht and is visiting the family of Mr Harry Tun-tall and other relative, in the city. Mr. Ike Gratz left this morning for Kansas City, where he wa called as a witness in the J. C. McGrew case now being tried In the U. S court there. TiTTlTlTnTTT HI ATT"nnmA (Jetting a pair of uew shoe is a cause of worry tn people, and Hie followinf difficult questions naturally Tv Wbcre can I find a shoe that fits comfortably Where can I find the best quality in a shoe Where can I find the best Shoe for the money We can answer these questions readily for you. Give us ui i and we can satisfy you with a comfortable At, unsurpaWi quality and at a price that you must at ouoe acknowledgeto u reasonable. We solicit a liberal share of your patron M. D. WILSON li hu i in i f """'""iiiiiiin aim iiiiiiiii iiiiiinniiitntriir-'tTTf TtiTTimtiMim , iiiTITnj We sell the Mound City Co's ffne Mixed these paints are also entirely pure, you cannot buy a bet' paint anywhere. We also carry a full stock of Leads. Oils. Enamels, Varnishes, c&c. and can supply you with anything you may need in fc' line at the lowest prices. ' . ' CRENSHAW t TOTJITC. Heating Stoves, Steele Ranges, Cook Stoves Cheapest and Best at Tel. 105 Lexington, 31 W. U. MUSGROVE. SAM'!.' I. DaYSElT MUSGROVE & CO., Groceries, - "Provision FRESH AND SALT MEATS. t Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce. Mullenix's Old Stand, cor. 16th and Franklin A? Harris-Anderson Lumber Go. GIVKS YOl' THF Best Grades at Lowest Prices HEFOHK liUYLNO SHE I I Dunnrn umm I v!nnrtnn. M w. rnuuco, IY1 U ft., ""b" ' W. W. CORSE, M'G'R., Wellington, Mo. HICHAKD FIELO.Prm, CHAHTKHBDJAKUAHTW.1875. 8. J. aNtiKEvr.Cinn B(). M.CATKOM, Vo Prealdeal. K,ni w.1876. Paid Up Capital. foo.' MorrisonWentworth Bank, BOARD OF DIUECTOK8: ..J .i.j, m i i nA ... ... " "llanJ Mirtw. 'u '-naneauyoii., 0, M. Catron, Vo. Jrtlv)n Edw. Mark,. W.n.BUTnoo, Bofua TouK I -'