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1 encer. it $3 LEXINGTON, LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, JUNE 8. 1901. No. 19 '5 at v"lf It : . u and Now. June tb, I'.WI. 1 iirth of .lu'y, 177G, a Amcrlcdu patriots and ;y wliose names arc now history, assembled in ; I'tiiladolpUia, signed American utterance ' 3 Declaration of Inde keynote of which Is: these truths to be self 's, all men are created ;ey are endowed by their i cortaia Inalienable among these are life, e pursuit of happiness, e these rights, govern instituted among men, f just powers from the a governed." ,,-ch of June, 1901, a lit r Americans constituting ' of the president of the ;es, the government ti c signers of the Dccla pendence, assembled in ! : the White House, the 4 the United States pre- '! finitely repudiated and truth of this keynote the Declaration of In led that the president n the Philippines willi and of the military, In rd of any rights or ;0 people, with unjust vcrnment derived, not iscnt of the governed, i employnieut of force verawe and subdue the ie American people now ominous repudiation of c truth upon which the nt of the United States . Just as plaluly as the 9 Declaration declared i plainly did President his cabinet abandou it i at Tuesday's meeting, aft of specious pleading econclle the one action :er. The Declaration of e forbids our government pines save with the con t governed, forbids an itienship that is not its rights before the law, 'inploynient of armies as i factor in the govero ples subjected by force to orae rule. The cabinet's t Tuesday sanctions these forbidden by the Decla idependence. now be. accepted as an ac fact that the United rinent has abandoned the which it was originally ts The earlier management pine and I'orio Hlcan prob jwssibly be defended as due ry ncccesity. The system nt now decided upon rep' leliberatc policy of the nd ii. The President's Cab Itatively decides that Con- necessary to cononlal pov it military rulc,urider this power, shall prevail In pint's; that, backed by the the collection of tariff all acts of goverment in the 4 shall be continued. ; of thce things is permissi ble under the terms of the Declaration of ludepcu it one Is in accord with utterances of the past, now cut loose from our We have turned our faces original American faith of t who won freedom for I and us and founded this i as Freedom's hope and - the world's oppressed, he American people think y's action of the president's Does It meet with approval! itiug consistent American j Che existence of the United eminent a.-, a flee republic pon the people's answer to StiiJIIS. Missouri Berries at the Fair. Rullala Enquirer As If ripening with this morning's sun Missouri strawberries have just come to the Exposition a lucious, juicy, monstrous carload. They came on Ice and were put on ice most of them. Cold storage got them all but 2,400 quarts only one sixth of the total but the rest have escaped the cold storage the Exposition has been In for a week. It is just now that the show in the horticulture building Is on at its finest thst is, its finest, up to date. What it will be biter when the apples and peaches and pears and melons begin to come in in earnest can only be conjecturea, out cum morning the array of California fruits, oranges, lemons, citron and grape rruit, the ,cw otk apples and, best of all, the just arrived Mis souri strawberries, made a very pleasing and very appetizing show, indeed It has been supposed that slra w berries the early ones came from Georgia, that the south sends us the good fruit that doesn't come from California. Missouri has a good sized be mirrowed section in t tic hor ticulture building to prove that her apples, peaches and strawberries vie with the best the country produces. If the display of apples and peaches later on equals the strawberries shown now this purpose will lie ac complished. Charles C. Hell the treasurer of the Missouri commission, has taken spe orten found In the sand patches of. New York and Wisconsin, but there I are berries here that even Laughing ' Ben, whoso mouth accommodates three pancakes at one time, could not eat In less than three bites. One of the Warfield variety looks liko a detached coxcomb, as big and red and flustered, but more Inviting. Like most over-sized things, 'wwever, its looks are deceiving, it Is not as luscious as some of the others, such as the Gandy, the Bubach, the Phil lips, the Saunders, tlie Star, the Haverland and tho Clyde. There Is one with a peculiarly anomalous name. It is called the Aroma, and why a strawberry, whose scent Is like tho newly-gilded hoods of the bu? ter- ny bandstands all In appearance should be called the Aroma is no more clear than It is why the u.irror maze should be called Dreamland, unless It is I hat the imagination must be ap pealed to. This happens, for you almost Imagine that the Aroma breathes; It looks and juistes so "'nd. County News. The new Catholic St. John's cburch at Concordia will be dedicated to morrow. Tomorrow the children of the Chris tian church of Dover will observe chil dren's day. Mr, Chris. Meinsen, of Higglnsnille, had the misfortune to get a tall from his wheel last week and break bis collar bone. As far as we have heard Odessa is in the lead this year on the shirt waist fad, her young men having given a shirt waist ball there last week. There will be a big basket picnic among the colored folks, regnlar old fashioned style, at Ml. Olive church on Saturday, the 8th day of this month. We are likely to have a rain about that lime. The contract was let by adminis trator Theo. Youngs recently for lay ing the first granolithic sidewalk In Higginsville. We are glad to see Hig- giusvllle getting up to twentieth ceo tury sidewalk idas. Higginsville is figuring on a big Fourth of July celebration. Forty eight of her business men signed a Dover. Misses Nicholson and Venable are visiting Miss Itena Pointer tbis week. Miss Evans of B. F.' 0. Is visiting petition advocating the celebration and Miss May Cox before returning to her a meeting was afterwards held and home. ' ; steps taken to push the matter. Good Mis Bird Kppes and .hrothef at- men are pushing the work aud it will tended the-Alma moonlight picnic Sat- no doubt he a success, onlay night. j Misses Maynie Sydnor and Myrtle Carter and M. James Syduor canpi over and spent the da with Miss ' HI.., VVillo !,... Crwlo.. cial charge of this early fruit and he ; ' " '" "c brought it here by fast freight. He The little base ball nine played left for Missouri a week ago for the against the big nine of Dover Saturday ' . ' J- ......... ..I . , r'.Vt '... Hftr. purpose. There are lfl,"0 quarts, at ! tor a purse of Un dullab u"d tiu MO It first thought enough strawberries to feed an army even such a hungry army ns the regiment of St. John's cadets camped down by the Lincoln Parkway gate, but one sight of the 2,400 boxes that are ranged on shelves like long, red rlbbons.egives tho im pression that one good sized appetite could rtu away witli the entire con signment. This Is an ent irely erroneous con clusion, for three or four big berries makes quite a meal. Such are noi boys won the game. seen ibe smiles. You should have Mr. Frank Gordon sent for Misses Lillian Hodges, Mary Willie Itedd, Maynie Cather and Bird Kppes Satur day to come up to his bachelor home 'cw Teu Commandments. I - Thou shall not go away from thy home to do thy trading nor thy 'son r or thy daughter. Thou sbalt patronize thy home nier. chant, and thy homw printer yea verily, doth not thy home printer spread over the land glad tidings of thy goodness and greatness; and they shall patronize thee. Make haste therefore, and subscribe, tor that which causes thy countenance to shine bltn as toy neighbor, above all them that dwelleth in strange towns. IV Thou shalt not ask for credit as the goods cost much money and the mer chant s brain is burdened with bills. His children clamor dally for bread, and his wife abideth at bone for lack of such raiment as adorocth her sisters "Blcised, ye, thrice blessed," is he that pays cash. r Thou shall not ask for reduced prices for thine "influences." Behold guile is in thine heart sod the mer chant readeth it like an open book. He laughetb thee to scorn and shonieth to his clerks, "lfa, Ha!" VI Thou shalt do whatever lieth in thy power to encourage and promote tbe welfare of thine own people. VII Tbou shalt not suffer the voice ot pride to overcome thee and if another town entice thee, consent thou not for tho,! mayst be deceived. VIII Thou shalt spend thy earnings at home that they may return from whence they came and find nourish ment to such as come after thee . IX Thou shall not bear false wttness against tha town wherein thou dwellest but speak well of it to all men. X Thou shall keep these command ments and teach them to tby children, to the third and fonrth generations that they may be made to flourish and grow in plenty when thou art laid te rest with thy fathers. Kv. and take supper. They spent a very j wilu intelligence and bring prosperity I pleasant evening and had an elegant supper. , Correspondents wanted The In TBLLIOencbr wants a correspondent in every town 10 Lafayette county. Write or particulars. to both. Ill Thou shalt paiionize thy own mechanics that they may not be driven from their home to find bread for the little ones. Tbou shalt also consider 0 The Event of The Season 2C V! Sells and dray's United Shows and Menageries Coming for Gorgeous Street Parade and Two Superlatively Splendid Performances LEX1IN0I, TUESDAY, JUIE lltL 100 Startlin Acts and Features ARENIC Attractions Unparalleled Magnificent Street Parade The Earl Sisters The Tybells, Miss Edna And ioo Other Star Artists Read What the Papers Say: Savannah News, April 7,1901. 'The performance of Sells & Gray's Shows was excellent and every act interest ing." Montgomery Advertiser, April 11, lliol. "Sells Sc Gray's performances were attended by large crowds; every body delighted." Birmingham Age-Herald, April 2:1. "Great crowds enjoyed Sells & Grnv's two performances yesterday. The tents were packed and everybody was pleased.'! "1 h-'-" --Mtnv i- "' THE Marvelous EDDY'S PREMIER JACROBATS 01 the World, Who receive the Largest Salary Paid to any Performers iywiiii.' Mrs.' Johnson's At i .. Saturday afternoon Mrs. George Johnson entertained about thirty of her lady friends at lpr pleasant suburban borne enst of town. Miss Mamie Johnson received the quests at the door and welcomed theru to the luispit;illty of the home. Lovely and fruirrunt red roses in vases and white pennies formed the floral decorations and added- beauty to the Inviting home. The amusement of tlte afternoon was a series of questions entitled "Fishiolotfy," and requiring far an swers the names of a great many kinds of fishes. Mrs. YV. B. Bolton, Mrs. Fred Hix, Mrs. Alvin Cole and Mrs. Wiley of Chicago answered the 9ame number of questions. Upon drawing Mrs. Wiley won the prize, a pretty picture of three horse heads lo an ebony frame. The menu consisted of chicken salad, pickles, olives, sliced ham, beaten biseuit. salted crackers and lemon punch, followed by straw berries, ice cream aud a variety of cakes. Mrs. Johnson is an agreeable hos tess und entertains delightfully and the hours passed all to rapidly for the guests, who were highly pleased witli their afternoon with her. Florence, S. C, Nov. 26, 1900, 1 was first advised by our family phy sician lo Cbarlestoo to una Teetbina with our baby when she wai but a very yaaag Infant, as a preventive ot colic add to warm sod sweeten the stomach. Later it was oselul la teething troubles, and its effect has been found to be so very ben-, ficlal aud so tree from tbe dangers that re consequent upon the use of drugs and Soothing syrups, that we bave come to reicerd it, alter use with three children, a one of tne necessities wben there is a new baby In the bouie and until tbe teeiblog trouble are over, and we tak pletaure In recommending it to our friends Instead of the horrid stuff that so many people use to keep tbelr babies quiet. Habtwkll M. AYBB, ( Manager Daily Times and Weekly Times Measeager.) 6-2612 Justices of tbe peace and notaries public can be supplied with obattle mortgages at tbls otuce, at 5 cents per copy. All kinds of blanks printed to order. tf Tbe transter company keeps a call book at the Mammoth livery stable, and on at the Grand Central hotel. Leave orders at PILES Cured by Cllnmx Bulvw. 8iHlsf;u'tloa or price refunded, All ilruKtfism. : 1 '! ! v r ssv b" 41 4MMaW