s ( enita or tt eowece.
i Honors, World' Fair
idal, Midwinter Fair
king Powder containing
Hy r Injurious to healtk
urday's Dally.l
r Vauguan left yesterday
St. Louis.
kervllle, of W. M. A. left
evening for his home la
y lies ton, of Carrollton,
terday evening to visit
II. Hedrick arrived this
visit the family of her
! . Smock.
ebe Duckworth, one of
: tudents, left this morning
i eat St. Clair, Mo.
C a jnce Stewart, from near
a, ' ft this morning for Okla-
! .-e he goes to visit a sister.
.?. B. Elling, who has been
r relatives here for a thort
his morning for Concordia.
wt. Gibson went to St.
rday evening to spend the
ith her sister, Mrs. Annie
ry, of Albany, Mo., came
ht to visit her daughter,
Peery, one of Central'
n company keens Mil book
Doth livery stable ad one at
antral hotel. Leave order at
diss Bcrtenlt Jones, of
f. arrived this morning to
amily of Mr. J. L, Mar
ihls city.
:e license was Issued this
) Mr. James Wesley,
1 Miss Edna Florence
a of Waverly.
; Christ Scientist, Sunday
tallows: 10:30 a. m., Bunday
a. m., at Knights ol Pythias
cordially lnilted. tf
jnie Vaughan, of Kansas
) down last night to visit
f of her aunt, Mrs. Dora
other relatives iu our city
sit to Loam. On good real
Sty. Io sums of 500 and op,
at. No commission, no red
y to J. Q. Platfoborg. tf
I Mrs. Joseph Fitzgerald re
is week from Texas, where
e been spending several
o account of Mr. Fitzger
lia Ramsey, of Kansas City,
ie down last night to visit
at Central college and to
.a closing exercises of the
m is week.
wbo would keep tbelr children
Ith should watcb lor tbe first
ol worms and remove them
te's Cream Vermifuge. Price,
or sale by Crenshaw & Young.
earl Nicely, of Osawatomie,
-s Trosper, of Brecken ridge,
.Miss Iiessie ChafVIn, of Kan
all 11. F. C. pupils, left this
for their respective homes.
tcz Moore, of Weston, who
I Ht II. F, C. two years ago.
here visiting friends and
It. F. C. closing exercises
ist we.-k. She left for home
ay night a number of our
clety people met at Turner
a social dance. There were
enty couples present and
rt one of the most pleasant
the season.
- W'm. Greer, Young Ilicklin,
cFadin, I). A. Sluslier, N.
r, Jackson Bradley and Capt.
tankin returned last night
e confederate reunlou at
; Teon. They report having
igntful time.
I better at once after using
you enjoy your food more, and
tore nourishment and lovlgora-
i out ol what you eat. Hence
1 a It e, you strong, vigorous and
Price, 50 cents. For sale by
A Young. 6-lmI
nt K. W.
college, left
'.. and prof.
stown, Ky.
White of the
today for Leb
U. N. Cook left
They go for a
short vacation after the labors of the
school year at the college. They will
return within three weeks to take up
the work of getting ready for the
next school year.
Dr. . W. Hyge left this morning
for Liberty to attend the commence
ment exercises of William Jewell
college. Dr. Hyde has been a mem
ber of the board of trustees of that
college 'for thirty years and with
probably one exception lias been
longer in the board than any other
of its members.
If the stomach performs Its fanotioos
actively and regularly, tbe food ol which
it la the receptacle, is translormed Into
blood of a nourishing quality, which fur
nishe rigor and warmth to tha whole
body. Herblne gives tone to tbe stomach
and promotes digestion sod assimilation.
Price, 50 cents. For sale bv Crenshaw A
Young. 6 1ml
The summer school that has been
conducted here for the past three
weeks by Prof. C. A. Phillips, closed
yesterday. There was a good at
tendance of teachers from the town
and county and a profitable and
pleasant time was spent by all. Prof.
Phillips will take a much needed rest
until the opening of the county in
stitute on June 10th.'
Mr. Ilarry Taubman, Dr. Eckle,
Rev. J. C. Given, Rev. R. S. Hunter.
Rev. A. B. Davidson, Mr. Wra.
Bear, Mr. Lewis Eckle, Coleman
Eckle, Ewing Hunter, Joe Tunstall,
Arthur Cochran and George McKean
returned yesterday afternoon from a
fishing trip to Crooked river. One
little cat fish, one little skip jack
and one quite respectable cat fish,
tbe size of which varies somewhat
with the narrator, are reported caught
by the party. There seems to be
some difference of opinion as to wbo
caugut the big cat nsn.
(From Monday's Daily.)
Rev. Tbos. Cobb and wife left yes
terday evening for Nevada
Mr. John Majors spent Sunday in
Sedalia visiting his daughter
Mrs. W. R. Eckle went to Kansas
City yesterday evening for a short
' Mrs. Robert Wilson and son went
Kansas City yesterday to visit rela
tlves. -
Mr. John Fulkcrson. former sheriff
of our county, came In from Nevada
last night
Miss Florence Neale was re-clecfo-d
Saturday to her position In the West
port school.
Miss Margaret Sherman, of Joplin,
arrived last night to visit Mis
Matta Powell.
Mr. Fred Day and little son Harry
went to Higgiusville yesterday to
spend the day.
Mr. Joe Gunn, of IligginsvlMe
came up yesterday evening to visit
Lexington frleuds.
Mr. Jas. C. McGrew, JrM returned
last night from a visit with friends
io Edgerton, Kas.
Miss Mattie Lou Catron of Kansas
City, came down last night to visit
Miss Anna Worthington.
Miss Lizzie Yates, of Gallatin, Is
visiting Mrs. Z. M. Williams, her
sister, at Central college.
Mr. Theodore Hoefer, of Iligglns-
ville, spent the day here yesterday
with Rev. D. Buchmueller,
Mrs. Ellen G. White bad for dinner
Saturday, out of her own garden, new
potatoes as big as turkey eggs.
Miss Elizabeth Ilenly from lode
pendence, came down last night to
visit her cousin, Miss Lessie Bates
Mrs. Geo. Stier and daughter, Miss
Florida, went to Konsns City this
morning to visit relatives and friends.
Mr. E. C. Grow, of Kansas City,
brother of Mrs. John C. Young, Sr.,
came down yesterday to spend the
day wiin ins sister.
Mrs. .loo Barrett, of Kansas City,
came down Saturday night and spent
Sunday here with the family of her
niece, Mrs. Ed. Yingllrig.
Mr. John St urges left yesterday for
Seattle, Washington, to visit his
brother during a part ofjthc summer.
Ho was at W. M. A. this year.
For Salk-'I have lor sale a good pay
tog business, about two thousand cash
required. For lull particulars call on F(
Lee Wallace, agent, Lexington, Mo.. 4 27
Mr. Nick Hall. left this morning
for his home at Tarkio, Mo., having
been visiting friends here for a few
days since the close of the academy.
Mr. W. T. Thompkins, of Kansas
City, who has been visiting his
brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas Smith,
southeast of town for the past week,
having been called home unexpectedly
by the sickness of his mother.
Miss Nancy Foulds, of niggins
vllle, who has been visiting Miss
Florence Hall of our city and attend
ing the summer school here for the
t two weeKs, returnen nonie in is
Mr. L. T. Herndon camo down Sat
urday night from Kansas City to
visit his wife, who is here visiting
Mrs. Wm.' McCoy, of Independence,
who has been visiting Mrs. Thomas
Sawyer, near our city, returned home
Saturday evening.
Mr. Wm. Stonestreet came down
last night from Kansas City to visit
his wife who Is sick at the home of
her father, Mr. B. R. Ireland.
Mr. Dyke Robinson, of Coffey vllle,
Kas., who has been visiting relatives
and friends here for the past, week,
left yesterday evening for home. '
Miss E. A. Gardner, of the Baptist
college, left this morning for Chicago
and Miss Eugenia Challln, of the
School of Expression of B. F. C, left
for New York.
Mr. Summers Gunlack came down
from Kansas City Saturday night to
spend Sunday with his wife, who has
been visiting friends and relatives
here for a short time.
Miss Laura Davis and Mrs. Mollle
Hays left Sunday evening for Spring
Hill, Kas., to attend tbe wedding of
Miss Bertha Gasaway. which takes
place there tomorrow at high noon.
Mr. Woodruff, of Wyoming, who
was here attending W. M. A. closing
exercises, left Saturday evening,
accompanied by bis son, who has
been a student at the academy dur
log the past year.
Rev. B. V. Alton arrived Sunday
from Slater, to attend the closing
exercises at Central college and to
visit told Lexington friends, of whom
be has a large number In our city. He
Is at home with Dr. W. R. Eckle.
to order
from . .
1 ... til ..... 1 ... 1 A U
morning, one win return uie iumi
of this month to take up her studies
at the county teachers' institute.
$50 00
You do not have to select
from a small sample, we show
you the woolens . and you
can tell better what will suit
you, Fit Warrentcd. We
handle a. large stock of....
and Hats,
Shirts and
Miss Florence Neale havi tig finish
ei her year's work in the Westport
school, returned home last uiglit tor
her summer's vacation.
Mrs. G. C. Hargraves, ot Kansas
City, who has been visiting her
cousin, Miss Helen Mclntyre, re-
r 1 1 rniul hnmn vautaprlao awa- I...
Miss Lavinla Warren, ot the art
department of the Baptist college,
left yesterday evening to spend a
week with relatives at Illgcinsvllle.
Rev. V. B. Cobb, who formerly
lived In our city, spent the My here
yesterday with relatives and left in
the evening to visit his son In Kansas
Mr. O. M. Gaffln returned Sunday
night from Kansas City, where he
went to attend a joint meeting of
the coal miners' representatives and
the coal operators. '
Mr. R. M. Clark and wife of Kan
sas City, who have been visltintr
tbelr daughter, Miss Myrtle Clark, at
C. F. C, left this morniosr forborne
accompanied by their daughter.
Mr. Lon Kelley came down from
Kansas City last night on business.
He reports that "Lon Kelley" paced
a race and won at Kerr's park, Kan
sas City, Kas., on Decoration Day
with ,Ameswood, the grand circuit
To save mending, avoid breaking, and
to avoid sufferlog, prevent coughs and
colds by tbe timely ass of Ballard's Hore
honod Syrup. It is a sate, sure and
swift remedy for alt bronchial aliments
Price, 25 and 60 cents. For sale by Cren
shaw & Young. 8-lmX
Capt. Perry, of the W. M. A., left
this morning for his home at Car
thage, Mo. Capt. Ferry goes to
Columbia next year. lie will be
greatly missed in W. M. A. athletics
and wherever be may be tbe Intelli
gence b wishes him well.
Mrs. J. D. Chambers came down
from Kansas City Saturday night to
spend several months here with her
daughter, Mrs. Jas. Price. Mrs.
Cordelia Chambers came with licr to
spend Sunday with Mr. Price's fam
liy and returned this morning to
Kansas City.
Many women fail to digest tbelr food,
and so become pale, sallow, thin and
weak, while the brightotaa, frMbnee
and beauty of the akin and complexion
departa. Remedy this by takioHerbloa
after each meal, to digest what you have
eaten. Price, SO cents, Far nls by
Crensbaw A Young. , ( lmt
WTe have Just received word from
Grand Rapids, Mich., Informing us
that Mr. J. B. Silver and family, who
have been making their home there
for the past winter and sprint;, left
there Saturday for Buffalo, Maara,
Mackinaw and other like resorts.
They will he. io Lexington later in
the summer.
Saturday a big fish fry took place
at Mr. Dock Barnes home out south
east of our city. Resides anahuo'
dance of fish taken from Mr. Barnes
pond, the neighbors and friends
brought their baskets with tliem
tilled with all those good things that
the Missouri housewife knows how
to prepare and an old fashioned
basket picnic dinner was enjoyed by
probably 150 or more people.
There in nothing that
makes a man feel better
than the knowledge of
being well dressed. When
you have a suit made from
the newest materials. jut
the Ptyle and a perfect fit
you have this knowledge.
Our suits have the style,
fit and material; the
quality and workmanship
' i
t Uf !ii .
i vviuenoerg
t Over Ludwigs' Jewelry Store X
an endless profussion of
up-to-date' patterns. Give
us a call
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mrs. Laura Paige went to Kansas
City this morning to visit relatives
for a short while.
Rev. W. F. McMurray, of St. Joe,
arrived lait night to attend a meeting
of Central s board of curators.
Mr. J. J. Rhodes went to Welling
ton yesterday eveoiug to look after
the Harris-Anderson Lumber Co,
yard there.
Miss Mamie Andrew left yesterday
eveulng for Pueblo, Col., where she
goes to spend the summer with her
aunt, Mrs. W. P. Heck.
Dr. Ramsey, of Kansas City, Kas
came down last night to visit his
daughters and attend the closing ex
etches of Ceutral college.
Miss Minnie Murrell, of Marshall
arrived yesterday evening to visit
friends and attend the closing cxer
cisesof Ceutral Female college.
Miss Itessie Evans, of Central
Female college left for home this
morning, having been called thereon
account of sickness In the family.
Rev. E. J. Fenstermaclier left yes
terday evening for Linkville, Mo.
where he goes to attend tbe funeral
of Mrs. E. J. Link, of that place, who
died recently.
Mr. II. E. McPherson, of Louisiana
Mo., came in last night to visit his
sister-in-law, Miss Katheryn Howard
at Central, and attend the closing
exercises or tne college.
Miss Virgie Straughan, of Kansas
City, Kas., arrived last nijjht to visi
her relatives,' the Misses Itamsey, of
Central college, and to attend the
closing exercises of the college.
Mrs. Fred Neet has recently pur
chased a new Columbus surrey from
Russell liruthers. It is quite
stylish and attractive veil lcle and I
strictly up-to-date In every detail,
Mr. Geo. W. Marquis came in this
morning from Sedalia, where he has
been attending a meeting ot the
county assessors of the state of Mis
Messrs. Frank Trigg and Felix
Young left this morning for a fishing
trip to Langdon, Mo. Langdon Is a
fine fishing place and we wish them
all kinds ot good luck.
Rev. T, M. Haw, of St. Louis, one
of the curators of Ceutral Female
college, arrived this morning to
attend a meeting of the board aod to
attend the closing exercises of the
Rev. E. K. Wolfe, of narrlsonville.
arrived last night to attend tbe
closing exercises of Central Female
college. HU wife is already here
visiting the family of her father, Mr.
Ilarry Tunstall.
Mr. Murrell, of Marshall, came up
last night to atteod tbe closing ex
ercises of Central Female college.
Mr. Murrell Is one of Central's friends
who bus given literally of his means
to aid the college.
Mrs. Chas. A. Donnelly, and little
daughter, of Kansas City, arrived
last night aod is the guest of Mrs.
John Hausam. She was before mar
riage Miss Sue Bear and resided for a
number of years In Lexington.
Mr. Wm. Scragge, architect of
Kansas City, was here yesterday
exhibiting to the board of education
of our city plans for a new third ward
school building. The board meets to
morrow night for the election of
teachers for the next school year.
Rev. W. B. Palmore, editor of the
St. Louis Christian Advocate, arrived
last night to attend the Central
college closing exercises. He is a
member of the board of curators of
the college and by his frequent gifts
has contributed much to its up
It you are troubled with tbat most ua-
conitortable disease called piles, don't
n9glect it. Don't let tbe complaint get a
Arm bold. Every day tbe disease is neg
lected It grows worse. Commence at our
to nse Tabler'a Buckeye Pile Ointment,
tbe relief is immediate, and cure infalli
ble. Price, 60 cents io bottles. Tubes, 76
ceote. For sale by Creasbaw A Yonng.
Friends of the interested parties
have received the following: "Mr.
and Mrs. Esmond John Thomas re
quest the honor of your presence at
Hie marriage of their daughter,
Elizabeth Arnold, to Mr. James Mc
Clelland, Wednesday evening, June
nineteenth, nineteen huudred and
one, at eigut o clock, church of the
Holy Communion, St. Louis.
How Can the Danger He Avoided!
The reported cases of poisoning from
tbe use of alum baking, powder have
awakened tbe public to tbe serious dan
ger wbicb menaces the bealtb of the
people of tbis country in tbe numerous
alum powders wbicb are urged upon consumers.
Generally, alum powders may be known
from tbe price at wbicb tbey are sold, or
from tbe fact that they are accompanied
r-y a sift, or are disposed ot under some
scheme. The alum powder coats but a
tew cents a pound to make, and is often
sold at twenty or twebty-flve cents a
pound ; someti men as low as ten cents.
It is impossible to name all tbe alum
powders io tbe market, but any baking:
powder sold at a low price, or advertised
as costing much less tban tbe well-known,
high-class powders, or accompanied by a
present, or disposed of under any scheme,
is of tbis class, detrimental to health and
to be avoided.
These facts should Incline consumers to
turn deaf ear to all importunities to bay
tbe Inferior powders. Tbe wise house
keeper will decline In all cases to take
Jell-O, the Xw Desert,
pleases all the family. Four flavors -lemon,
orange, rtispuerry und strawberry. At your
0 roc era. 10 coats. Try it today.