Newspaper Page Text
a r;' 1? 4 til ! PaboM at CarroUlott. ; j - From as accotct ia ti Carrx.toa i lVi.ri cl an lti5! batqaet 1 The Tou Maer then caT.etf up3 'iTvf. C. .V nr. ps ! UaiattON' bo respocdod U :tt so. "To Ljfe frfi?te".y." He Prt" (h" i be ws pUaid to be ia at . it raibentg of ha fncd, arl tUi j for ttv-o-rent be reviewed the advance lol eJj.-:s-' b M.soun, giving a.e. I lu-.criirs of the work teiry 'jtirr end BO- la rferr.t.g to I r-4.-e. i . fc" rbli H.r,et. he said : tra ! All .M. .. e tn.rk. ;red t Anrt. ' 0Be to hr coxpletely. .'r B: ke ty Art a - b by k r i u BWfcr;. j S. Not to attain our ambition. j Life b worth while, only whets we, have tbe courage an J strength to oe-; icupy tbe place plained for us. Uj !bo u able to dethrone error andj wrong, and enthrone troth and rig at i Mm - art.. " r J ARTlSftN 20, ID. X60. THE BURUNGTON ROUTE. GREAT TRAINS. tilt r- c" wict-S. Jtaeii Jc. Sv. j . td at f- K.'as Cut. JosepiJ or 5 ol.lVrt,nl. Mod- . .Ar4 K ftlf 1 4V" a: curMODJ personaay Mamiaduke, Jr. ,u,....i:t.ii.Ab'i public benefactor. He httt cv-tn- r v i vr b tr i tnj;B tod help bis tel.onian, at the aai time reseanenj n uis-; V :rrr md hm ut r? . t- . . ; ft. . M ft Ma. .4 L. ."irt t, Bs.s-k.-4: k B-u ' H tion to lb CftaWT. Such O0CKB . .(Nf atk( at fT prk or to r.-1 bc.p oi to ne better ana - ' rrva tk MtOtl According to a leading citiien of Versa.). tb urTryor tor the Coto- w v" . t . r-. .rrv.r. trait. Kansas City u NrtA. IVnm and u ..' r.if orn v, "n:ft nic'.t v. t.n train, kasa CitT. H i t.j Oujai-a. M. Ta1; tt-rough jcc r!cus ItwaffJ tli; dinintt tSftfrt Lbrary ra. chair car . In It" fast oirtt Mpreaa. . va fast morning train east. Wr.te oscr.jtive maltef, rate a.ii it.ottn'.on. i B U. Ccwiek, L. W. Wakelt. ' in a M.i3 Si. Cm P"n.r t .UmLcwt.1I St Irfuto. Mo. Itiir. a 'o Kvi Ctt j Howard Elliott. unelOaMlI.t:. CelMaBaKr. J m Till? WE 111 w ii " Ml If ftJLi- via ORDER OF PUBLICAtS rrATf or atissocmi. J-i I'ofrrr or Larumt. I ick oocko to K ffani .--- -5"- iiSi TRUSTEES SALE. to ?-iao Limt J- Bu.-a.tMui.a nla tlvvi a irfc itrfct 'Btv rado line are o in MorjrM coonty their grading at.k. and art rT,:i ',t:, to react V,r.a.ea about tbe rt-tbv aal ::! "tJ !t b ta-r vair H wii tad 1 ietr t iiaad aid tool. . i.-ft. uUt to p-rtrrt a.'iekijft bat ?-r'6t;:ijr al .bo-d aur ocvsr. ,4i!f VSaS TsriT while any other root, would be praa tUt . " tb " fw!ucJly iinpo.ble. A to -hick way TV ".ake -1 1 wrwjor. will tara after they bar, or n .t t P .u.(,ar t.m if-rrr .cb rjoW Camp retsaiaa to be aeea, vtWt tf I f i!.tiri'. ear tfce old ! jjj strong probability u, accord- ail rrtvxn j dii th aiata taj of &iml tt. 11 " ,i ,in .j. l jftf-J ACS lOluj fjtJ foe mMtl in lb " "'.JI., t-C-'- CCkrO c-n VV- T. fr-.n 1 7of Wi for Uiajrtte Mi- middle ot oeit ft. From Versaille, b raja, it it almost t&ttired that ihey will proceed t Cola Camp, u tfcere ia 'a cataral railwar ia tkat 1irectioDf date of . jtftAniuJ i aw Mir ai'uairu m I"-" aid rftUTD. . f j,,,,.,, to-.,,: U4 lliimht J W - . ft. Xft.l B.ftft - . Mtaaoan. AufuM Term. Imi .. " CUwde A. PauhB-s. ta ri and a, rjnuuii ui m wui ami tfftu., bm-oI of Jaka A. Fhiilipa &-f tiu-i l'T. Ora K. Fviioca and Lj Pntkck. hr uaband, Lothrr g.i PkiUipa minor, forur H Pul.avf a Biour. and Grar V. Pkunpa. a Blnnr b tbrfr ruardtaa aad tun- tnr ( kaiMtc A. PfcilUj. f . ftamurt T. Lee. lVfcadaal. Sow at this dajr ronw ta rmJ tor tbrtrattorBera. aad air tartr at&D afMant, aiWuitftf. auxis txarr tiiifcC tfHrottanC hsuel T. Le-e. k. of tar ataxe of Miaauun: Wa-rma a ordrred by lb clrrt: la tatm J drlaibt b axAtbrd b Babiaft. ' ikM- um appeart upon tbe fit of piatnutT kave eotaawoerd tun utmL, Leiirr.00 10 U'H L-L,:-, 'r1.. d gwl- tor Uln bk ta U.rrf m a-d ti , rrturn Otl aa.e l-.y v - i lItr jiiiourt ia tro to twin U pay; i ut tart and atuttul eTvr n C7 otn na M. Lott J f . , , rtain prowii-fry om in aaid j uoa ia tka mtaia mtrir Kj Hn I Frota UxiDirtoc t San Frartctseo an4 J ,mmt , n14 n- a.Ki ! by anttouoc uw -n... i; 1 ar i b Jot I to . Jt:f W to AcguS a,, , rrt JJJA " ,:ftft.,;.D:n upg tbe rutt of n-turn ilj fj IVkrt on sale Ju'.vttb to lita roclasT. August Slat Vi. 1 OT safe i TTB,, tnwwB, and wb-rrxy n truwr I rJ itx word tt." wre tv red until ( t, f u,, u. art. a" aollp" rty ivm art-r tbe arord -btoa- ta te tb iav ut L Tto'waift. rterltt of Ufatrlt 1 a4rf- id ixe, 1U bell for caab. to tn birbrM Indiler. uo I a.r froatKK. I. FRANK FISHER. RUSTIC B. 30763. (RECORD i-.-lVt ) Fred and owned by Joseph R Bar r.ett prophnor Edgefield Slock Frm Lexingtoo. Miouri. will make the , shortly retire. son of IW1 At bis farm miles satUSed that tbe Santa Tt mill take southeast of Leiingtoo, oear Prairie charge and will operate it u a part of church, at Ho to injure, nioucy due Ubeir St. Louis-Kansas City lin. The ing to tbe belief of almost trerrone ia Morgan coonty, that tbey will coma to Sedalia and will take tke Letiagtoa branch into Kansas City. As the in formation oomes to this gentlemen, tbe Santa F, which is knows to be back of tbe sew line, controls, or soon will hare in its control the Lexingtot branch, and the Missouri Pseific will This dose, he is F full irfonBAtoii Jae on oo a C I AAUK Arfnt !t-CBDAT.THE iwDATOfjrSI.HM. A. 5. LWV.'VlO, rtgCH U i Narr tb7 hour, of atae oclneb ta the fore- When Tired And Weary . . . With the heat and dut of trarcl or tbe labor of the day. droo in at THE FORT Wtere you can Koure a good luncheon, a rtirehin? drink of said deed u that Said drttmpliuo ttni rr-t4 aoail mm a iviyw-.:-ivr' 4 ll") tt t eaat aad tweotr an fn the a.taa enrarr rf hi-.ici Lee' addiuna ta tto Iowa of CkV-m .1 aame avprars apna the pt t m avi aow oe ale ia ia otaoe nf t ntvvf deeds wtlbla aad t"T Lafarctlr raw Uttere we-4 Mbwasr aaM tiuua mtt ut as qco as tbe fact is ascertained or mire parted with. A lien is retained on tbe colt for VMtce money. boo aod Svr o ci'r ta tbe afternoon J 1 a. w rmni lWwat i it iae nana vi v'i IS OleMa, UATayrue couair. '. - I Cm leeU Ibewce auwtb tetea di -i ud rea. ratal T'-r If btirpie n aawij-ua an4 trrt r Sm Ituka. tbrfce fM r aocb ooe aod tbe latere acerued ibeie-a. kuBar.j4 fart, tbrwee ti mt aad tbe coal aod of ' eiee uUtur lata caa.iia aod isewiy-a : In awt tin. i ! bnoonlaw. eaorpi noe aait ii fc' k ?nanaajn anmKunKtMlbtah(r SwMnt Of taod. eivbl (W rorta w aurik aad bra uj) raw wtneeam a Kim aairaa tbe Mud defesxlaal Mmutl t Lk be aod appear at tbn court, at thtvnui theren,'. tobeberua bad kW ittfcati bnuae. la tbe rttr of Leraru. a ooaaty. oa tbe Mb ay Of Au erl cm or befure Ike S4 day of rrail! ftkali tai W-fifti eiintiaur. ailMLftW I Kii u aar roarrrni to tke andv 1 , tf,.-, ,a im du tf taid Ma.anf( the choicit hcycraft to be ikrard. a lrntee. tke (iviutn irCTird , to i be peUUu In xl ..: . . ' t . MrtMi. I.uiftl lAlhrvllf llWRtt. .... ..... - - . . .t . iftw . found anywhere or a dc.ightful . Ilw,t. re Tp'm. Kamre- rjred aer..cdiBi . f TRUSTEES SALE. f Irpai, Suaaa Duaay asd Georre Duaay. kf ku'rfB4. by tbetr deed nf tru. 4au-l July tk. l. mpo-Oed in oce Hec.4r nf llera Ii LatayMie c-hioit. wn. t-ino'ce in the cooiin? ahadt. suryeyors are eipected to reach Cole Camp about the middle of Jone, and j deeded itl EvefV "'hnnlf tbareafter w nit beabieto'ii rerocMb;!:ty fir accident. i, ...1.1. a .- ;norne Is truat to twure tke payseot vf tke autea IB aatd deeu OecnDeo. Oefau.l Urine been aitJ In tb pa)meol nf ate of aatd ante, I 'H. at lb. n-que-a of tbe triral kcidr lb-rf aril pabtirlt. at aueltoo. to the bicaeai maoer. tor caeu. ai imr and 11. la funarrordrerd tbat a pwtra be puthbed acoirdinw to tafttlru-; Im lateUtaeoref. a aepper aatd et-unty of Lafayette, lot 1uutrU (-ivrl). ptihiliwrd at kea one i tti j laat lneni--B bi be at eet taint '. I front due of tar cotm tnu"e. la tke ' (ty of Br aaj of aaid beat Auiru trr lttnrtofi. iftalarrtte eounty. wo .oe uir- i l Rustic K i 7 years old, 16 bands which tbe new lioe propose to take 2 iocoes bipii: dark bay with black rx:nt. tf'xd irc, weighs 1.300 p-sur.dv Man elons Acrobat. with both tyie acd speed c.jnjbioed: j Tbe stars of the ring performance; jrjg SINGER gord nuaoe and tail. j beneath the big tent of Sells 4 Gray"' 1,- .' . i-aa 11 "ii i i the best machine on earth. F,uUC K. was sired by Newcomb. ! ioms lb Ldd-V- Uiu,n-T cail- It U always ia order and can be ifcii: be by Nutwood. No. record ! ed the Eddy family. Tbrre are sis of deriendfl on to do every kind of and three wort. 1: you are interested. m-riTr Ar i-n.i arrrt3 to acrobsiics, ! .L. V. BKhLbrUKlJ, UJ, tbr IVti da ut Juue. 11. bHwrra Itae iwuir. of a a. k. aod a. n. tbe ihoi iW- Ctire Of more ; erbed real eatate. f.Jflbe pjiTK-arof aaliaty - .1. ; . 1 . hai i ine-y m the ftmi.y than ; f tai, tniM j u. LE1 El'H. Trustee. a 'cA SLWISli MACHINE and; Usmrtoo. Mo.. May 1. 11. 4-SSiS 2:11; Net w'ak! is the premierstAliion : tbem, three roung women as a sire of s;: be by BelB..u j Tbeir' specialty U Xft ewnin.h c 1st nm I i.'jif 1 iri'. Han. ..f thrin th tut hr ' al be marreloos feau tbey accom Creore Wilkes, retx-rd 2:22. Rustic ! plib in this line of work have never j Local Ajen:, Lt iinsrton. Mo. R.'-s 1st dim. Mertr I. bv ilercban!. i bee a gorDied. or even ecm&'iied bv Z" . - . ' I r ' - i NOTICE! Sttiird pfwj trill be recetrei. by Ike B-rU of fcdvK-atn.n- of Lrnnrton. Mo, on or bflnre li Dt'o. on MOSDAT. JCXE f tl. forbr-thi a riot Water and-a la- Prewire "m HeatiDt Pisnl to tb Lentrton. Hiab School hi.'iMio'. in arorftlne vitk plans and pitk-atKns. arhicb t-an be teeabjrcal: ituroo Hie ecrlarr. a rer'tiK-a ran-s ror Aimit.No. wdiwi""- Th Grand Central Hotel, im-""""'-- duke. Na S('2: 4th dam bv Idol. o.'"ast winter, filliog notable eogaffe-j " Tke rwn e tbe i-.rht ui reject any 1": he by Mecibrino Ctief, No. 11. j roents, and came to America especially I ! . ., , .. . . .. -GoodMeal and btr.-t strvice. Your April 6. sod have ben p.syir? to big -licited. Reoiened and Newly Furnished i or ail bKU. i LrimikO. M" Mar . lsil -1U T.J BA.MaiX. iorvtary. DOND CALL Holder of Lestnrtoii Snml iMMtvt S' t. 1 WINKLER ! boiitiK Ihronch the u!ii The date ; 1 . . . . . T"l f FRiyiPP PpfiDB i t.nb.pM.rtiirer. Ufajrtte O-uutr. ati I of the show S appesrence in l.X CJTton I L A- i x nJt ! .un. ii, flr promt br.1 are bm l.r r..m- A true fy frtiOJ tbe reeot'K .sneat 1 H. CAMPBELL. CirrvitCSn By t W. ti.i.. Ix-pu'J " Bickll A iVm. AU.aej for Pa's ORDER OF PUBLlGAffi STATE f M!SftlirilL Ok tt e Laratarrs t. 'ftA rf-oV rinnrt nt lfiVffl f'- MutBotin. at Lesmstonv. A Jr. J It-4 Cbarim Sttae. PUialiC m M .mnt J. Mm. Uefr-adaitt v.. - .... a., ftwrw ta ria:Q"! "T hj l,t att.wy. and "l .t..-i ta.ilftf oUK U'Cft 1 .f. n.l,. u.m J l,aw. b 1.1 voriit ra tuu- of It wart: ' upon rt t oroered by tk' -trt b tkat aad defendant b- e-oVd M .... ft. . .ftft..tat WIltftT- nature of kK-k fc ft tdnaia jfj diner from I be tiTud of . k. . ftfl h IwWt F"- and aid defendant tbe r --: J tk wMb Kit reaaowabre rau. -U-fti. tlK aaid aH-reJd-ot arf-r-ltn1 ",fi i ... .-it .rii thfoir" nestu-rn tlaemjf. lo be "" J'i at tlie nMirt aotiee. 10 . 4 tnfton. m taw notntj, o AJ-u. nett. arel ef'f ' ' j ,j n. .1 irm. if tit term bii I )T T KM.. is Ttesdiy, Jose 11 with two ptr-( FTj : and a crsnd strett j'sradel will be jtiven. 5!:s Kdts. tbe Tvt-ell ! H VJ MlfnnOll AT Nnn r,,"v f"'"- tbr.fN ;t tbn Ui. J yj X'J. 1 LVlXlvA IwVAA . "I a- 1 M im si. l"o siri. fi ll. i I. o.l- mm.i-reii )i. 11. it. il it. iv, in. It. IB. I. 3' and : I lt-i M) 1. ! b ite lo dmiiH "lue and oay.tii on tbe flnt tr of Jmt . l'l. rr ! II aril of Ihh.ii xi of aaid ... ... tmu-. ami if not. tbm on or 1 " " of ftakl irrtn. ai-aier V's , In aaid rue. tke aace f.l. and ludgtaeot wilt t'e and the Sifter all fstvotis, sre a fw of tbe others with the hcw. wbich Ljait-vii.e paper y i frut. COMPANY T aT racrcasa a B t a ai t I FURNITURE. saa r 4 u 1 a is to kj tu cist-s or Unit, Hui SiVftir, hi A Texas nouiirr. W I. Aeepwutiailftjea kad Stair Banisters, Newel Posts,! 1 Walnut Ccfr.ns, &c. liill S SEEil DISOOtEiT. Ose .sa.i tou.e ct ha.;' Orrat V.t evenr eares all kidoey and t.ii troib:e, recovel tratel, cere 2.itt, wxtcal s::cti, weak asd .i(U;ii. rteuTiat si sod lt irr'.;.r,t cf :it kidseyt asd bitdder is toiti see kti axes, Tri i i t.4ir trots.t-s ;t eai'.Sreo. If cot aoid ty year trugzM. ;A ttt atbl t-y mill oa rcr pt of fl. Oct txall bou.e i two tr-ostb tretet. will etre say ease abort ErEiicaeJ. r. E. V. Ha l, aole itsait.c'.irer, jm. Lo- t. fjraey'.T Waco. Ttia. !:d f:r ter ttsoiaft. ac.d by Crettis i izzr mi abi. li ria ai.'l dale a.l lnttrel llwrri.n "ill c;.. Hv .ftr 1 f id, B.rd of rlH-tin ofid d -.ui.-i is., ."nli Ha) of M.) . it i f-it.'. T J riANta. S"rrir of tb lt-iard of Fvlu -aIi.-o Letlnr Ion . Iiirnt No. I tovn.lup 61. rat -T, LU-tt-liniT. Mivurl A KAHE CHANCE. Harisf decilHl to ctoe out my bold lues of cow and bellrr. tome HO brad, 1 411 At QUaMi eSrr lor ; oae snd all. Vy Hoe eom aVVaVlJLiaT S eTVlOWWS crM bortboro. Aoffue Hrreford and Jry mist-1. All wrre .elected ltb r.X ' . il'. . :ier it qua'.iiT. t't reteraect v mi:k strain, former. being FEED STORE Tie ':: a-d ieapct l:r.e of feed ittr-t is Le.t:-.un at tte Franklin S' Ytl -.i.'c. We co a ;eseral exciare "-.r.tss with tie farcers :,' . -r c r-. Our Fl-iur U the or. t;e iiriet- Pcoe 1TV I Judsraeat And II t. furtb oed. red tbit N- put iil-l atii.irdin I" l4Wl6 ,.4 ton lnti-,ivn.-r. a ni-"!'!"' fim' .. Mi.1 emiiity of Ufajrttef'" ,,V. rlvrl. pWib! t ba-t , n,',Ji . iK-nn n 10 or ai tii . IB.- UN lUt of Ki twll A '-1 I tlll 11 U It. A true copy. i"i- .. , , .,1,1V- ItyJ w ?tov.iu l-putj , i'kax Ly-ua. Attorney ! ' ' ; 1 . - r ..-.. . C i.-CT'c t. l' lci. S-e- TRUSTEE'S SALE. r,.:Wi!U.tfl. ni. wiir, or 'n-jr -iri - - . IHU dar of uctobrr. V.-l. f ' n -'r 1 -1 In tbe oftee 'f ttie re.i'!' r " , n furrtl roUDiy. Mi'n. "",' H" 111. Ml. Vtr,-.t to"-""', " : Sabs) IH -Mmt Kna'kata bUa.. T - . . .. . t im,.,. ik.. -O . aT itl a fir'' tf , " wae-i rrw-. L'lllS A " l IIJU I , -, . , - U i . I... ... ... a J aa.- .-. l .' ri I Y . iua cat at 1001 aoa Da lance to oalr .bort.y. Price. TtDrlat- from to fiO per bead. Call oa or sddre. Talbot ("Imiiiom. sprTyearl Aolltrllle, Mo. 1IAD TE15 St. Ixi:. Ka Fth r. :C Tt t . tc oe-V.rj ".eax 1 cat te; c;rei t! t.rt.y , td fc-'.atider trc-ss't m.:t c.t & cf MeU'it and Wo-xles Burial Ct Ttt T"u WjEj'r- Hl Ore.: i. e:rery. si ess Te-:-z.-ti .1 vo :a ttt t& si::c.i HESEV LlMFESft. Al avj ol Laid. I'R. ALVIX V. COLE F-Y5 -: AS - AND - S'JRCEON '- - ' f.i In:. . Ti. -' U : i-. r. . v: r?.:. 7 tvKertfat'.v k-t ir a:ti-rl ot ? i. ? kt arsv-.t cf it-r inzx.ii.'firt. t--ir.z4 At L-ti.: Etrter St. s. ' Lkeo.--ftie t. s.. ai ct-p at s-ck arc Atetxt. -aa t-.x !. Mv-.t til 1 M"..-::t Winkler Furniture Co. it: wi a i--n -o STEPHEN N. WILSON, i5tT-A7-tAW Dr. T. B. Ramsey. -r 1 - ll4-.-. A K.m y SURGEON DENTIST :e over i i-t A- Wei. Corner !"".. Vain strict-.. ... . .a . . . o .-.LifiIT W I UAj'V-tl isl faadll ,r'"T a. f 'J north cf M f, i SJ ;j I "r 11 - " ' . rt oft tbe i.k tle of '"'o ,ii' (. ail In i4.k Ore ti). " BT to the oil j of Unna-tr-n. 10 p . upon the piat of ui 'M.1""0. " ( U t-tte county. Miie.-un m in- ' fJ pir patnu-nt of turee certain pro ,K Mid d-e.1 of trust -cr!f 1 - ' rt 1 .U-fuit ha. tea made in I )' ,rt note, and tae intmt lb' i'-;' n , tb al tru-J-e rrf ..- l"J ' Doret'y krtxrn that I. IN. arl :'';,'ifrv.,." t! rd fira far rtoL Apply t le H-val ,. M-lf.rh. totbe bib- '" " ' vn VtiNPAY.THKtOvN tlAV'?" N-ween tfc- fcour. i f "cVrn"' n,n and ocl k m tb- j.r. d.r. In froi.t of tbe.''urt f " ,i i-itr of Lrilnnn. I-J,,k, ,'.h r." Mtir'vios jvU bote anJ '''''r" 1 tberon. and lb ooet w?. Yli'-. etitmr this tnu. ,, 9'