Newspaper Page Text
s DURANCE. r property insured, oc 1 by tenant or owner. written in any town in ;. Will com, and make -al inspection, and name pon application. Will 3 anything. Write or on him at office in rton. w. in w m LEAL ESTATE e in Lexington. Farms !e. Houses to rent. If lave any real estate to lace it in his hands no if no sale. Office in 2ton. W. WISSfllt. IB WE stracter. Loan AND Insurance Agent ti City Property lor hIi or rant. ONEY TO LOAN. a money on improved farm lands 5 and 6) per cent Interest. ' i front room over TevLs' drug store, Lexington, Mo. , L Mis I Co. CASHm duce - Buyers DHESSED POULTRY, GAME M EGGS AND BUTTER. DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. for Our Present Paying Prices PERSONAL AND LITERARY. 8ir Thomas More devoted the Iris- ore hour of over three years to the writing of hia "Utopia." A Roman journal estimates the value of the libraries in Italy at ,- 000,000, and tbel of the paintings, statues'und vases at 00,000,000. The teachers of Oklahoma have given Gov. llaruea, of that territory, a pair of driving horses, in recognition of hia work for the schools and col leges of the territory. Fraulein Greta Ualdauf. a new Ger man poetess, waa a waitress last summer at the restaurant "Zum Krokodil" at Baden-Baden. Admirers of her talent have found her a more agreeable situation. Walter O. ruffer, an orphan boy of IS, living at Poygan, Wis., has just received a teacher's certificate from the Winnebago county superintend- ent of tichoobi. He passed such an excellent examination that the cer tificate was granted, although his youth shuts him oat from immedi ate benefit. A Montreal reporter described Rud yard Kipling as a "red haired, squint eyed little pomposity." An English commentator says the description is accurate in every respect, with the following reservations: First, Mr. Kipling is not red-headed; second, he does not squint; third, he is not pom pons. The English duke of Rutland re grets that he ever wrote and pub lished verse, but the other day,' when twitted by a political opponent with sentiments expressed in his rhymes, he replied: "I would rather be the foolish child who wrote these lines than the ungenerous middle-aged man who quoted them." Father Scully, of St.. Mary's parish, Boston, entertains deep-rooted dis like for lay bachelors, and on occa sion baa preached at them. Now he has gone a step further and an nounces that in future unmarried men between 25 and 35 in hia parish must pay 125 annually to some chari ty. Between 35 and 50 the fine will be $50, and after tbe last-named age bachelors will be allowed to escape, aa no woman would care to marry then then. fRON &TAUBMAN, LEXINGTON, MO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, , ESTATE INSURANCE, HON IT TO LOAN las only complete set of Abstract of Title to tbe Lands or Lafayette ICE in ILERE BUILDING IHTIIINOTOS. 8. N. Wilsow li LEXINGTON, MISHOL'KI. Estate, Loans and i Insurance Agents. UlfTHACTS OF Tit LB MADE, o money on Improved farm lauds at . S mid 4 per cent luteruHt ;e in iierle building. .J.W.Meng, Surgeon Dentist. s in the Meng Building, Lexington, Missouri. 7ILS0N & ECKLE, on Ientlts,uffloe ID Hosrle Building k and Mala itreets, Lexington. Mis lesprtl M2E TADIaCQ Missouri Paclflo-Laxlngton Br. wiht syuan I Leavwftt. I outs Arrive HedalU ;. . " Onooontia ,.. " AullvihV .. Hlirglnnville ' Paint Cit " Lexington My..-li " Wellington Waterloo..... N)Kil.m independence " KunsMCIty , " l. Jowpta DAILT. raAiaa. No. 71. ... T.Mani ... t.a pm .. 4:07 pm .. 4 a pm .. t . Ji pm ... 4:47 pm .. B?11 pm . f:il pm ... i:M pm ... 11:40 pm . 5:41 pm ... tl 4.'i pin ... 7:15 pm No. 78. W:I.S pm 6:iwaiu 0:1 s am (I :i4 am :M am ara 8:l0"u 7:Uarn 7: am 7:iUsm 7:4iam am 9:os am 1:06 pm AST aODSn TBAIHS . N.i. 74. Leave St Joe :00 pm KKinnxCiiy 5:40 pm " I noVundeiiee .. 0: ' 0 .m Napoleon. . 7:0Spra Wl..f(, 7: M pm " Wellington pin " Slyriuk .... 7:.Spm " levlngton 7:pm Page MT .... h: lo m " Hirlnvil.e Nil pm " Auilv.ile S1 p0 ' Conconiia pm " Feuaiia ...MO. ot im ' tt Louis . 7:10 am Fpecial rate, to Kansas City every evening aud Sunday. No. 72. 6:am Mam 7:4am 7:44 am 7:M am 8:W am 8'10'im b:."j urn am 8:47 am 9:iciam in: OS am S no pin Saturday ABOUT SAKDWICH .'ISLANDS. The Are JU Rti.l.r liMBeri luMC Ttm mmm Urn Laa4llB(S. Charles Harding, of Boston, who was for some time connected with the Makaweell plantation, on the is land of Kauoi, Sandwich islands, re ports the Washington Times, aays: "There are a great many errors oom- mon among people in relation to the Sandwich islands. In the first place people are in the habit of referring to the whole group under the name of Hawaii, which is, of course, wrong. Hawaii ia the largest island, it is true, but not the most important, Its principal town, llilo, is a small one, while the largest city of the islands, Honolulu, is on Oahu, quite a small island. On each of the is lands is a precipitous mountain, at the base of which is a level plain of alluvial soil. It is on tbe plains that the crops are raised, though culti vation ia carried sometimes quite far up the mountain slopes. As a rule a fine road runs along the edge of the beach, making a complete circle of the island, and by this means com munication between villages is quite easy. "On tbe windward side of the moun tain, during the entire yenr, there is 4 great deal of rain and because of the excessive amount of moisture it is difficult to be bore of crops. Ou the leeward side it is continually dry and crops could not be ruined were it not for irrigation. There are plenty of rivers, and the planters preserve the Mater in reservoirs for use when needed. The leeward side plantations are considered the best, for crops are tilvtnys sure, and are In no dunjrer of being spoiled by the rain. "Communication between the Is lands is by no inriin easy, though during the time when the sugiir crop Is moving there lire plenty of lion Is going buck and forth. There are no retfulur steamers mid no regular landing liiees. It is uhvnvs dillieult to get off in a little. lont or to get landed. In ninny places the" shore line in like a cliff rising out of the water, ami no landing Is possible. Then the pasicuger is rowed to the base of the clitT in n snmll bout mid hoisted up in n. basket, nn exploit ut the same time exciting and danger ous. Hut methods of communication are improving rind ninny plantation owners are making contracts for a regular boat service once or twice a week. Wireless telegraphy has been tested between the islands, but the results were -t satisfactory." Fruit I'natHrd. A good way it varying the simple custard is to put in each cupful be fore the custard is poured in a tn blcspoonful of either strawberry or i raspberry jam; dried or crystallized fruits tire as good nn addition ha is the jam. Chocolate custards are made by adding to the custard mix ture enough melted chocolate to give rich color. People'! Howe Journal rmioHTs. Kant 8 N am ...Leaves Lexington.. am 10:ifi nn. in: to am ll:(io am lft pm Daily, except Sunday. West S:.vam PareCltv '2:50 pin H'giiingville iiApm Aullvtlle 1:40 pm Consortia 1:10 pm Rtxlulm 10:40 am Jefferson City, Bionville and Lexing ton Division. MIXED DAILf tXC. Sl'sbAV. No. 72. No 71. Leitve. Arrive. 7:15 am Lexinstoa 5:11 pm 8:i5sm Myrick 4.4.1 pm 8:l5 um Nortlirup 4.1' pm 9:10am Diiver 4 00 pin D'.'.l urn Edwards 3-.H5 pm :58am .Wave.rlv S:W Dm U;)am "arshAll 1:15pm '2;J0am R x-nrille 3:00 pai 4 45 pm Tipton 4 41 pm Bead down. . Bead up. IAWTA FE ROUTE. Trains arrive at North Lexington No. M (daily) 7:43 a. m Trains leave Nortn Lexington: ; No. 43 ExprrtSH (dully) ":Ma m Main Hue trains pass Lexington Juuetiua OOISQ EAST. No. K (daily) S:lt) am 1), " )o:onam i, " 7:15 pm , " ; 8:S5pm - 4, " California Limited 3:47 a m ooiao wsst. No. 1, (daily) 8 58 a m " S, " California Limited.... a m " 5, " li:M)a in " i, " , U: 7pm ' la, " , :4 p in J. I. Easts a, Jk., AvodU W 3. Black, O, P. A.,Topeka, Kas, Chicago and Alton Railroad. Trains loave HU'gtnsvllle an follow.i wsst sound. No, 6, St. L. and K C. mnll 5:45 am " 7. Calif, and Col. limited 7:40am " Al, HlginavUle and K. O. aocom. 1:IA am " IK, Ht Loui. and K C. mail 4 :i pm ' Hit, Local freia-bt and accom B.47 am CAST BOUND. No. 14, St. L. and K. C. mall ! am " mi, K. C. and Hifrginsville accom, 7:15 pm " 10, Calif, and Col. limited 7:35 pin H 12. 8t. L and K. C. uiall 10:57 pm " 118, Local )relebt and accom 12 :45 pm W. 8. LYONS, Ticket Agent, Telephone No. 50. HEWS OF TEE RAILWAYS. Tbe Rock Island's proposition for cheap rate excursions to and from Colorado during this summer bas been negatived by the Western Passenger Association. In consequence notice was served yesterday on Chairman HeLeod by General Passenger Agent Sebastian that the Kock Island will take independent action and put in effect a rate of one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip from Chicago aud all Inter mediate points east of the Missouri river to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, 8alt Lake City and Ogden. Tickets at this rate will be sold on June 20, Julys and 17 and August r"nns Missouri river points tbe saino rate will Se made on the days following these dates. Tickets at this rate also will be sold from Mis souri river gateways, Kansas City to Omaha, Inclusive, on July 7, 8 and . Four special ex. cursions will aNobe rua by tbe Rock Island from Colorado common points to Chicago and luterincdlute stations on Juno S3, July M aud 20 and August 4. Those excursion tickets. both east and west bound, will be limited for return passuge to October 31. Tbe Hock Island announces i's intention of Dlacins' In service HiH'CiHl trains for these excursions, leaving Cbicsgo at 5 p. in. and making the run to Colorado with only one night ou tbe road ChicHgn Tribune. HARVEST NOTICE. Lexington, Mo., May 1, 1901 . I wl.h to inform you that I am now agent for tbe McCortnlck Harvesting Mnchlne Co. both at Lexington and Wei linetoa. W now have samples ot Binders, Mowers and Rakes set up at each place. Call al either of my Lumber Yards and look them over, and get prices and terms. I will also have at both yards a full stock of Manila and Sisal Twine. Uemember that McCormick's agents al ways have a full line of repairs on hand, which will save you much time and mosey at harve.t time. Respectfully, J. R. MOOREHKAD Tire repairs cost more than Tires. RIDE GOODYEAR DETACHABLE TIRES and save the expense. Fit any rim. No cement required EASY TO REPAIR. EASY to BUY. Every puncture don't mean vulcanizing. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, 0. Simmons Hardware Co., incorporated, St. Louis, Mo. Schmelzer Arms Co., Kansas City, Mo., distributers. ra SERVICE What Shall We Have for Desert? This UOt!on arises la tbo family every day. Let us answer It tih.ay. TryJell-O, a delicious desert. Prepared In two minutes. No baking 1 add hot water mill set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, orange, raspberry and straw berry. At your grocers, locents. 6 VIA TO SAM ANTONIO, 1 RACKS EX AS. WACO, 8. A. 4 A. P. and SOU. PAC. tilfe AND TO AUSTIN, VIA ELGIN AND H. 4.T.C. Through Tourist Sleepers N -TO- CALIFORNIA, Via SAN ANTONIO and SOU. PAC Quickest and Best Un to MEXICO. "KATY FLYER" St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City ALL TRAINa HAVE FREE KATY CHAIR CARS and BUFFET SLEEPERS. Announce tbe Opening of its u Red River Division mTOm. Denison and Sherman, Texas. j Through Train Service will shortly be established from St Louis and Kama City over the J J J Shortest Line to Texas cm CORICE TABLETS Jlte. 7.- marls with oure SPANISH UCOPlCE Ufiburpasbea iorcureoicuuunav.vLua 0 iut HncrvAtics- Hm all Throat Affections t i.l R-l0and2Sv BOXES- 5ora by DrugqibU everywhere pp ert .prepaid on receipt of price gfljWM3Bfodway NEW YORK "SALZER'S SEEDS r WILL MAKE YOU RICH ..i- ' - IS t ?vs. r v Combination GmiUifloornon nrtii.VviltrKltltlvflf tVTOiutioiiir.eootn trvwtnx. llllon Dollarprnss. OrtliUrftt IUirvrf 111 lilton or hy per era. arunui mtm-iim ajur an r : rWba Is It 7 fOI I0o. STAil?S .i4 u Not ;ri ma hm a4 cuw, 10 Un a M w Iflr I u .1! ff tb rn. 1. 1 1. MIU 4M lu. tu( A.) O.U.I r9 .U'lirt nr A.I It'fv. &rfiji:3w.pA; l'lKiM,.M.V.rlb$lU. kUk H I John A. Salzer Seed Co. U Cms,. 1 araj-arg-nin 1 1 s s arar nn- 9 a mm mm as ry- n .m, T-H-E N-E-W Y O R K W-O-R-l-D Thrice-a-Week Edition. TO CUBE A COLD IB ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quloine Tablets. All druggists refund tbe money If it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on ach box. 25a, Almost a Daily at the Price ot a Weekly. The presidential campaign is over but the world ee on just the same and it is full of news. To learn this news, just as it is promptly and impartially all that vou have to do is to look in the columns of the Thrice-a-Week-edition of the New York World which comes to the subscriber 156 times a year. The Thrice-a-week World's diligence as a publisher of first news lias given it circulation wherever tbe English lan guage is spoken and you want it. The Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.0(1 per year. We offer this nnequaled newsppaper and the Intelligences together one year for $1.65. The regular subscription prioe of tlx two papers is $2.00. AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD AlmmmmBsmwaaMtssmsmveam A PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO AND POINTS IN AND TERRITORY" BEYOND. W. 8, LYONS. PuMenger and Ticket Agent. Higglnavlllfl, Mo U to. J . Charlton, G. P. & T. A., Chkago.lll.