Newspaper Page Text
V 1 V" r w -w - - McCauslands Price List I I'lint, I I nic:utiel cotton Hro a cm ton Dret Uuinhani lVrcal.-!- SatU'eiii Hlack Uroc.-uK-d Sattet'tw Lawns ami Dimities ' Sol ill Colored I'iinitit" llatisti-s in Colors ami Itlack. . K'vptiaii Tissues Foulards Silk Mulls, hlack. white, pink ;.i i Japanese Silks.. ... Merccri.ed l.act- I-ace Collars Windsor Ti"' .... Corset-', now sha e licit 4. 4. .i. o. ami .i t. t. In. 1-?. and IV U ....7.1. and 12 lit. Viz. t's atul ' l. am' .Vts ."i. 10. VI- mil I Vts . Vli. I . and iocts ,. .... 1- l-'i'-O and iVts . .20, '!' amllUk ts ..." . ,.V. '!' '!' and i"Vts blue xHrts :i"t and ,Vvt ities for waist "" and ."svts HV and unto 2.1K ....10. 20, i'. and.'l-Vts i .Vi. and ?l.(X Id, 20. 2. and .Vh ts irt Waists :V, T.V, l, L10. 1.2.-..l..i0. l.... ami :..- Ladies Gauze Vests 10. U -O ana -.its Ladies (iauze Pants, lace trimmed jcts I ,iiri! :miv I'niiin Suits --'its Indies Hdks. 1. ". W. 1-t aJ UP 10 :Vt5 Lace Curtains, per pair Curtain Poles, complete. ii, ;:, and up to h.00 , 10 and IVts Window Tahle Covers. Shades 10, iV 30. ;u and .Victs .V. 7.'), 1.00 andll.i'j . j W. G. McCAUSLAND j LOCAL SHORT-STOfS. Miss Bessis Estle left Friday niorolog lor her home at DeWiu, Mo. Judge Joseph Smith left yesterday to ipend a few dsys at McAlester Springs. Misses 1'rosser and K ckeis, teachers at C F. C, left jesletdsy for Jefferson City. Mies DaNy Thornton returned Friday tnorotog from a abort visit to Higgios-vllle. ! Miss Aooa Kennedy arrived Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs. Charles C Wallace. I Mr. Richard Kyland came in Thursday from Kansss City for a visit with the boroefulk. Mr. M. W. Serat, of Kansas City, came down Thursday to look after bis ruining interests here. j Mrs. Hartie M. Bacon and her daughter, i Mir Marion, of Cential college, left i yesterday for Fairfax, Mo. Capt. Barobardt, of W. M. A., left j Rev. E. J. Fensterroacber returned Thursday evening for his summer vsca- Wednesday from Liokville, Mo., wher ebe tlon. j waa called to preach a funeral. MlssLillisFox.oneof Central's teach- j Mr. John Dullog. who bai been sbsent ers, left Friday morning tor her borne at tor the past month on a trip through the Odessa. j west, returned yesterday from Denver. Miss Jewell, Mrs. Moorebead'a trimmer, Mr. aod Mrs. Flynt Sawyer came down left Thursday for her boms at Ottawa, j frmn lodepeodeoce Thursday to visit the Kansas. j family of Mr. T. C. Sawyer, south ol town. Miss Daisy Thornton went to Higgles- , Mr. M, E srat cam down from villa Thursday to visit ber siater, 1 Ksoess City Wednesday to look after bla i . . . . . . Mrs. D. Bogle. Mrs. Mamie Geyer left Tbnrsdsy even. Ing to spend a few days visiting friends id liaveowortb, Kas. Mra. Perry and ber daughter, Ml8 Lacy, left tor home Thursday. Miss Lacy Is one of Central's students. Mrs. Sallie Dinwiddle, of Waverly, who lias been visiting the family of Mr. B. T. John, returned home yesterday. A marriage license was issued Friday morning to Wan. J.Fette, of Alma, and Alius Flora Scharnborst, of Concordia. Capt. J. Q. Plsttenburg retnrned Thurs day from Kansas City, where be bas been spending several days on business. Mrs. Em 1 1 Lndwigs left Tbnrsdsy lor Buffalo, New York, to join ber bos. band, who is now engaged in business .there. ("Dr. Q. W. Hyds returned Wednesdsy 'fro at Liberty, where be went to attend a meeting of tbe trustees of William Jewell . .college. Judge James Cooney, ot Marshall, con . gressman from the sixth district, was in tbe city Thursday vtnltlng with Lexington '.friends. Messrs. Fraok Trigg and Felix Young, wliO hare been spending a few days mining interests bere at tbe Serat shaft 1 Dr. K. D. Smart, of St. Louis, who ' addressed tbe gradnating class of Central ! college Wednesday, left tbia morning for , home. i Mr. Q. A. Morrell, who bas been at ; tending tbe closing exercises of Central : college, left Thursday for bis borne at Marshall. 4 Miss Grsce Phillips, sister of Superin tendent Phillips, of onr public schools, left Thursday morning for a visit to Lee's Summit. Prof. B. Bicbter, musical director of tbs Baptist Female college, went to Kan sas City Thursday evening to spnnd a few days tbere. Central college students wbo left yes terday were Misses Leo Kupe, of Bork port. Mo., and Clsudis Poage and Addis Wynne, of Gallatin, Mo. Miss Juanita Kaoler, one of Central's students wbo bss been visiting Miss Arline Burden for s few days, left yes terday morning for ber borne. Mr. A. B. Davidson and wife, of Malta Bend, were tbe guests of Rev. R. S. Hun ter Thursday night. They went bome on tbe J. C. B. A L. Friday moromg. Mrs. J. L. Barkner and two little . flsbiog at Langdon, Mo., returned boms j daughters left Thursday evening for their Thursday nigbt. i boms at Chicago. Tbe young ladiea bae Mr. Lee Martin, who has been attending j owo 10 Antral college during tbe pat 'IT. M. A., and bis sister, wbo bas been at j C. V. C, left Thursday for their boms Alias Katie Cbsdwick, of Warrensburg, at Crockett, Texas. arrived Io our city Thursday and Is tbe Aoleartot lulls bop waa given by our g"st of Mrs. W. B. Scbullx. Mm Chad. . young society people at Turner ball Tburs wlc' ''lv formerly lived doy olgbt. About thirty were present .and all bad a pleasant lime. Mr. John L. Foster, of Oak Orove, Mo., accompanied by bis little dsughter. Ruby, came in Thursday olgbt to visit his brother, Mr. A. B. Foster. Hon. John Welborn weot to Uigglos- j fills Thursday to deliver an address there that .afternoon at a meeting of tbe American Federation of Labor. Don't forget to come to tow n next Tuts. ay. Sells & Gray's I'uited Shows, will give a dazzling street parade that day and two performances uoder tbe big tent. A big crowd is expected In town next Tuesday to see Sells & Gray's unlit-d .shows, which will (five a grand etrett parade aod two performances, afternoon and evening oo that dav. tlev. J. 11. Glaoville, who bas bwn ton Dec led with theUeulral college faculty for tbo pat two years, left yn-terJay accompnlto by his Wll and liit.e boy, for Trloldad, Colo., wliere lie iii take iDioikterial work fur tbe sjujiut.. . The ene-tlln. of cre.u, a-u x .... ..... inr av per lb; nns new j Malaga grapes a, Jos. U Long. . Mr J C. Millet aod wife, who bare w the.r son In Moberly. re-, .Til esd.V. Mr. Miller has ren. .tteoJlngthephotorph,r'.conveat1onj attjoiocy, HI. ' -OR S4Lr-rNiou'.lrrel sHortloro i sod he.fers tor ilf Apply t ? ,.r.n. h ml-. of Lrxincion, on the S.t Pond rsd. or nply to n.e at H'g- gtnsville. N.M.looini. The county court hs been is se.sion all this week but adjourned Wednesday even ing to mret agsia the Tlh of this month, when the matter oi sa will come before the court. Mias Rebecca Birch, of Glasgow, s former student of Central F.m.l college, attended the slumnse banquet at Central college Tnesday olgbt and letting Mrs. Leroy Fsrmer for a tew days. Rv. D. Buchmneller left Thursday tor Wellington to attend the conference ni the West Missouri district ot me uer m.n Kvsnirelicsl synod. Mr. Frtd Llcbte also went ss a delegate from this city. Mr D. P. Moore, of Mexico, Mo., gen era I manager of tbe Lexington Telephone company, wbo bss been spending several davs in tbs city looking arter tne anairs left Thursday for Ul inc s -rf Uigginrilie. Mr. snd Mrs. Burgner, of Webb City, Mo., sccompsnied by their dsughters. Misses Rutu snd Line Burgner, who bare been attending Central Female col lege during tbe past year, left Thursday evening for home. Mis Louise Smith, one of Central's graduates, left Wednesday evening for s visit with Ksnsss City friends before going tt her home fur the summer. Miss Louise will teach elocution this year and bas already secured a nice posittoo. Mrs. John Looraia and children, Miss Carrie Loomis snd Elmtwth Loomis, Mr. and Mrs-Chas. Loomis aud children went tl-'ri to crooked river Thursday Prof, ssmrk and wife sod Misses Stella a. J l orne:;a K.iana amo went fl.hmg Bert the rlvtr that morning Miss Jennie C. Brown, srt teacher at Central Female college, left Thursday for a few day's visit at Sweet Sprlogd, Mo. From there she will go to her bome at Montreal Canada, stopping oo the way at Buffalo to visit tbe i'an-American exposition. Misses Lillian aod Irene Ramsey, stu dents of Central Female college, left Thunday evening for tbeir bome st Kan sas City, Ksa. Tbey were sccompsnied by their sister, Miss Lets Ramsay, wbo baa been attending tbs closing exercises of tbe college. Dr. Cbas. Manly went to Kansas City yesterday to meet bis daughter, Mrs. Jss. I. Kendrick and ber two little children from SatTird, Ala., aod Misses Msrv and Helen Patrick, two of hi grandchildren from Marioo, Ala. Tbey returned with bim to Lexington last Dighl. Tbe Catholics of Concordia, Mo., wi have their newly built St. Joseph' cburi h dedicated oo Sunday, June 9. Th Rt. KdV J.J. Glennou, D. D. blsbop if Kansas City, Mo. will dedicate tbe church aod preach an Koglish sermon. Rev. Beroardioe Wissler. U, F. M. will preach s German sermon. All ars kiodly iovited. Dr. Ramsey, wbo baa been bers attend ing tbe closing exercises ol Ceotral Female college, left Wednesday evening for bis boms at Kansas City, Kas. Us wss sccompsnied by bis dsugbter, Miss Quids Ramsey, wbo bas been at the college during the past year. Misses Irene and Lillian Ramsey will visit friends bere a few dsys before goiog home. Mr. Tbos. C. Bailey, of Wellington, and Miss Margaret E. Dickey were married st 3 d. id. Thursday at tbe home of tbe bride's sister, Mrs. John Bush. Rev. E. J. Feotrmacher performed tbe cere emony. Tbe weddlog waa a qaiet affair, only a few of the relatives snd friends ot the cootractlog parties being present. Missea Nannie Gordon, Nannie Chine, Matfs Baodon, Addie Wilker, Rev. K. J. Fenstermacher snd Mr. Clarence Vivien will leave Monday morning to attend the annual Sunday school and Christian Endeavor meeting at Sedalia, wbico will be in sesnioo tbere Irom the flth to the Uin. Miss Matlie Biodon will read a paper oo "Tbe Promtaes of the Endeavor Pledge." Mies Arline Burden entertained a num ber ol ber young friends Wedoesday olgbt at bar pleasant bome on South street. WILLIAM P. KASK1S President. W. B.TKVI3 Vice Pres. Cul,, " AlulLl LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK. LEXINCTON, PAID UP CAPITAL, MISSOURI. $50,Qoo txes a fooural banklug business. Solicits account Liberal sveorumodationa to customers. DIRECTORS K NICHOLSON W D RANKIN JOHN S KYLAND .HUFFMAN AOYOCNQ STOCKHOLDERS I M Chapman I Hoffman JnoR Kyland Hufus ToUtig Mrs 8 Kenlck Allcs W Wlngste Bettle W tjiultb A 0 Young C K CbsmitD Henry C Wallace B A Wallace II i Walter B Wa.ldeil DWB Tevis W D Kankln Kannle W Dartxn H B Duke.Curutor Jackson Bradley J W Chambtn 0 A Krieks H, nrJ HaiWll BPNW'h.,), MiCAl'SLS ND. Pres. B. R. IRELAND, Cashier. LXJ.t3.,-HHKa1 The Traders' Bank, 3EAID XJP GilXXTjOaX. OQO.OQO, WELLIBQTOH. I Teacherg Elected. Miss Dora Slads is visiting friends at j Tbe board of dlrectori of thti Sunshine, Ray county, Mo. schools of our city met Thund,,.j, Mrs. E. T. 8. Tidbsll bas been qalte .vw .-Kuers i0r mt(eit(L, sick for several days but is reported lm- 'o. owing are the ! e"w. C. A. Phillips, superlotendent. . . . . i k nkin hnslneaa and Solicits tkeaonunirf.. and individuals. depositors. tollecuons will receive prompt attention. proving. Miss May Walker, of Lsmont, Mo., is the guest of her dsughter, Mrs. H. A. Williams. i Jacob Crutsioger bas resumed his old place as driver oo tbe delivery wagoo tor Scnaberg Bros. M- P. Burgee sad wife returned bome High School Miss Florenct j,, priocipsl; Miss Aoole Allen, smi-u Ceotrsl School Miss Mrj h,;. T cipsl; Misses Lulu Cbandier. 8baw, Qeovieve Russell, Mary yti, laod, Susie Alford, assistants. S-cond Ward Miss M ggi i-J Saturdsy lrom ao extended visit to rela- principal; Miss Mattte bandua mia: lives in Warren county. Third Ward Mias Kate Drv.i Beth Leberman atd wire left yesterday cipal; iliss Mary Ridings, assiiuit. fn, nai.hnma oo a Drosoectlog trip wnn , lu.wm-anw trail. s view to buying Isnd there. Work oo the touadstlon for Dr. F. W. , Mano's new residence oo South Walout street wss commeoced Monday. i Mrs. Wm. W. Coras and two chlldrsn . . a ntit left Huousy osoroing deflolte, nlana have vet h.. to relatives la Yates Center, Kai. , . ,h , . lh, holidl I . I I U . I. I ,( f vviuinj iKuwi-vxvu. 1 1 . urfec, t cipal; Misses Sarah Uribam, BCi- Faonle Rose, aaeieiants and OKHii) ders, substitute. No extra teachers were sltcUd !ari new building Io lew of tbe fact Uu Joho Nichols hss been given charge of tbs rsllrosd seclloo gaog bers while fore men J. II. Uray Is absent oo the sick I'sl. Loo Hims left Tuesdsy morning for Lake City where be bss secured s plaee with W. T. Johnson's fores st work on tbs Mo. 1'. B K. grsde. C. H. Duck lei t Tuesday for Lexington where bia sister, Mrs. A. N. Woodard, and himself will reside Io rooms reoted at tbe old Elizabetb Aull aeminary. We are glad to report that our fellow townsman, W. H. Urifflo, who was severe ly Injured seversl weeks sioce by fslliog down the shaft at the Seswell coal mine, Is slowly improving aod sbis to set op a little. Tbe board of educatioa bas given Mr. W. H. McDugal tbe contract for tbe con struction ot ao sddltiooal room to tbe school buildiog. Miss Naoois Corse has beeo giveo tbe place ol third teacher. Work oo the additional room will be commeoced at once. A bright little boy residing oo ths south side of town persistently refused to allow himself made ready for tbs Chil dren's dsy entertaiomeot, stoutly io-j sistiog tbst it was not Sanday, cause' Btte Drommood oever corned over from I 01 esse that dsy be said. I to Lex iogtoo Miss Annie Allen weot to iligginstllie yesterday to spend a few days with p.I.IIdu. I kurd lh. u. . 1 1 1- ,1 I for tbe opening ot the in.t.tute her. 1 'f X pU" ,.be P" Monday. Rev. B. V. Altoo, wbo bas been atteod ing tbe closing exercises cf Ceotral Female college aod visiting old Lexingtoa friends, left Wednesdsy evening for a visit at Ksosas City. Mr. U. O. Fuelling snd Mr. Uus Userle went to Ksosas City yesterday to Ueod a meeting of representatives of stste republican clobs, snd to be present at a banquet of tbe clubs. Mrs. Meoefee, of Ceotral Female col- lege, left yesterday to pt-od tbe sum mer at Richmond, and Mma Herrien Meoefee, br daughter, left for the ame place Thursday afternoon. Mr. E. A Lidwi?, uf this ritr, li nv w st Buffalo, N York, In tne o-iini, buioes at ' 5H5 .M a I n .t. 1)hvm be p'eHV.'d to sie say ol li'x nl-t Ixinl jii iriruus who may be Tinilug l.ufla o. cipal amusement of ths evsolug. Ice cream, strswberriee and cske were served to tbe guests sod greatly enjoyed by them. Miss Arline always entertains ber friends nicely and last night, as usual was a most pleasant occasion for all. ' Toesday at about 12:30 p. m. Irving Fargusoo, son ot Mr. Jsraea D. Farguson who resides to East Lexington, accl. dentally shot himself with a 22-csliber pistol. The ball entered tbe right cht-st sbout two inches below tbs clsviclo and I entered the lung, produciag a duozt-ro j i wound. He bind profusely aad during! the afternoon bad a severe bemurrna 1 snd wss spif.iog considerable b iioa i He died abou'.B o'clock Thursday raon. i Irig. thi. f ji iral serrlces wers held fr,,m ' tfc Method.-? cborch Friday sfterno.,n ' ifev. J. C. (i:(Ol tfflclstlng. t'ii.i'.:i'is :iKKT WA5THt-Tlie Ik. T K'.i.k.k si li'. wants s correspondent in svrT ti n i Lafayette .c-juoty. Write! lor par' . -a,..!-. S0T1CB TO EX-oosrtDEurn Tbs stste reunion ot ex-eosfMen of .Missouri, will be brld InSpniftvi Mo., three dsys, August 8, sittsnJ bo 40ih saolvsrsarv of tLiWtits Wilsoo Creek. During thii miMf oslly monument, purchased bj trurt from sll parts of tbe west, will stiitr with Imposing ceremooisi, Tb ' On federate cemetery west of tbs I' alsslppl thst is locsted near bere, vm repose the remains of bunJrwUri valor for tbe lost cause cao wre f jrgotteo. Tbls ooveilmg will h consummation of fond hopes that & beeo entertained tor thirty yes:',': with tbe three days' reunion, sillsf tbls occssloa tbs most memoratiit s- the kind ever beld Io tbe west. fM' Springfield, regardless ot poillkis: affiliations, will cordially wslcoan royally entertain air visitors, ut urgent invitation is extended loir every where to come. Already ooe-bslf fare oo all rallroadi b announced. Tbe "Queen City" Ozarka will aralraune vou. For Itt lolormatioo, address NB.Hoea Cbsirmsa Adv. Com., HpriofWt Watson-Msnlv . . . a . a L l ar4 Ths horse thnt Mr. Walt.r Nlvera a ' A number 01 the irienos oi iu riding In pursuit of a fleeing cow last d psrtiss bsve received tbs follosiM riumlsr morninir sterjoed In a hul. and 1 Dr. and Mrs. Charles Msoly rtq fell to tbe ground, throwing Myers off in such s manner that ths animal rolled over biro, breaking hia shoulder blade, bruis ing tbs tide of bis face sod inflicting several other minor Injuries. At last, sccounts he wss doing well. W. F. Lelnback, our genial and efficient ' lontorial artist, Mooday morning em ployed Fat Kerdolf. colored, a good BIRTHS barbur, to assist blm in tbe shop, as1 Horn. In Concordia. May Frank alleges solely to meet lbs demands the wife of Mr. F. li. Kueck. of bis locressing business, but many of j the boys aboot town declare that It was . . lL ""Sr. e Hon" the awful car. aod expeos. loc.deot to 1 ., "A' S thll?'Znt. IIIKIf IIIKTIIIW. inij 7 J VI properly rearing bis rapidly multlDlvlos- luot. Mr. It u ben Wlllsrd, s;eu famllv of eanarv hlr1 that InmnA kin . vaara. - J .. ' . u, U1IU W , " ' elbelP- Died, at his horns, east of 0d- Tk.,,k,i. ... .. asy, sisy it, wi, lbs Chlldrsn s Day programme render-1 ,,,a 73 sears. eohr mmKrinf iku,.n... u ... f"! M v rhnrnh t. "l ,0 Died, suddenly at Odessa. -O h- cborch Sunday svsolog was ,,-oiog May 81st. Mrs. Nasoie Bls! pronooncsd socoess Io all particulars aod wife of Mr. Jamee renecied great credit opoo tbe little ooes partieipatlog aod honor aod praise for Mesdamea H. B. Corse, J. A. Mano aod Henry CarUr, who with tbs assistance of msoy others, managed lbs affair. Ksv. E. Y. Gloo delivered ao appropriate addreas. The building would oot aooom- modate ail io stleodance, many ot whom crowded the doors aod wlodows. LtALMA. 1 honor of yoor presence st tbs mrk of tbeir daughter, Isabel, to Mr- . Watson, Tuesday afternoon. UH leentb. otoeteeo baodred aod f three o'clock, First Bsptl't churc. Iogtoo. Missouri. At home sim Wtb, 33) Oreso Avsone, Oreeovllfc Carolina. years. ... I Ilia AS rooming. May 30. after s briar Percy Betgtrled. 1 MARRIAQES Joss Msrrled. ot oifoo"""' ,,bt!rt oesr W.verly, at be boisol i i naranta. Sir. ISO Sin. n."'.-.. Wesley Downs to Miss '" i. srel ke' rt a vnnnv iisi i ii ib as - lystnltf- IV- 'j tsn! i 1 1 i . . 1 "ueii resigned his office r- the tet. s,,d iJeir ip"!Md by tns county Mr. h,H s, . a. - ,,,r lm,H ,Rl mn BUt) w((4 as Jus- Hmith wss eourt bis sue- been In bad tilahl n-anwCtad 10 tbll beautiful young bride w white silk sppllqoe snd satin The wedding wss s very only a few oesr reiativ - , heiJff nresent. After a del.csis happy ooupl left for th " A will be at hotns to lb ' m order lU, n, m, ht suu.Uirr ID (.Vr,: v. hom nesf" if i..i. Ak t thttir new JUli iii ....... k., inr- Koclr. Art. The writer w;.h u life filled with bsppioe"-