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fnte ncet. LKXIN(;T(N, LAFAYETTK COUNTY, M1SS0URI.SATURDAY, JUNE 2". 190L No. 22 Q7ARLE3 PUP. t!,rii! (.1 ainc-re grief mn to the 'n( ,r.-i,fH ol Mrs. J. A. (urk, in Missouri, mo toe uaingt Wcltii.elo!;. Mor W. J, Crp,-titi r wad in K-j City lupKiiy, H. W. Wiosc-r, of Lxir.:ton, had I .N head e-.lay. . o .... niched us a few weeks t! lier . .., . herTudu. .,r, vve knew 11 cou.a . i'- m.n i ' ':i)lin!;-utrie uotit the ecd ,fwc. Uod I Mr. Wm. Flnke " r lul to her, through th shailuws j "'"'lie to K ens ss c.ty t' dark valUv of death" was trei Mr. A. H. ijch ilt,. w.-atto Higgles 0.a..rt!.t prig from our Lt-erts. It J vilie to visp frier.ds ;. s .tnMav. " ' ,. to her, who were p. rn.itlid , mm t6e lleil sufferer w f are visiting Mrs, W. 0. White, and of for I'nioa City, Tenn,, Yorhees' sister, Mrs. other relatives. Mr. J. I). Merlin, of the K :!t PUnt. Co., of Ksns.. City, J, tine to t-tiid Sunday. Mr. Martiu' bi -.I'd- several t'iMW nd nuiie the jia .tie, new by bis expat tuning. A jolly little -.virty of forrroup'es took lunch and vyetit op on Tjoo Tuesday evening. U wa? C frii ;iOh! ri id the. follow ing people: Miee LHi'ije' Hodges, Pytd lPPS Moyme Citbur ai Mary Willie Redd. Messrs. Hub F.. 4. TotnCorbio. BW, to Mr 11. H. K.nt;..,, I t.rok V tr ..,.ln il.i. i-nei uf '"' " ''"'' w"H U Lute- riV;wu.ori- corm-. of the I slat boors P" on v.,U t ?.--f0.1 Sanday. oo earth, with thin beet christian j u'f"fc the tjJ.Uua i . ;he public ' t ar(j mother passioB o ur-ly before fhool botiM was commi-nced MjniJay: ...-mortal (jes cltoifinc full of fultb to ' MedMiics E. A. Cor and An.ii Kirt- iictir." u pioujiois. u.).ro- .r, were viHiuns t.-teads hi LiXioirton i ne w ife o( y.r. I.J. Ar.Ti .-nstt-r, a boy. jS veil bas now pseu n.u uc. .(iuj, , Burn. June 19. MI. to 'he wife c,f Mr Mr. W. R Mahoney removed with his Kji)rt Seyinore, uearC; .i r. a biy. family from Wellington to Hates City j Born, near June 18, WO!-, last Saturday. , to the wife of-Mr- Hard Peacock, s The Carter Coal company ia having 1 Birt. three new dwelling homes erected at the ! mine east of town. i Mr. W. II. Killew V.ith Ihe 'pure in neuri sue naoun aiuuug ,'ce bitBsfd in the Alalsbty pieuence. Her lnends faavt such sweet memories of f,-rs, Q.iarles, in tbla her IhbI western tome. 9ucd a duar, womanly woman fc;ib her snowy hair," her browo eye6aod t5,d-al smile. Her borne, wherevr it ms, bad a bright air of comfort and bos v la'ity. IIb-bousa wifely gifts seemed heritage from the bluKrasii had Allen MicStRtti ami Krnr1'rL'atier. torn, at Cordr, Ko.-J'j iny IS, UUiB i Died, near 0 M! candidate for state ; Mrs. &arah .1. Mc',..i:. mine inspector. haod shakins with n- A a, A, ... , . . , Dud, at CoaeordU, M Mr. Ida Dter;, afc.--. U M years. ra. r ms c;igau, woo nas oeen vinu- June 20, 1W1, June IS. l!il, Cut Prices MiMty, Niiouri, where they taill a; . ;tlv,u, handsome country home near I (tiliH, that now is. True it was open f-iiric, and Georgetown wu thu countv k!. it waa in this country home that 1 r. und Mra. tjiaries Wire married. Hd . a yniins; Prwhyterian tuinlnter and in iiP i iure of a few years, was Ml led to the I'rb.Mi-nan church ol I.eiington, Mo.; i; n. hi a ptor' wife and afterwards I :o thur work at tha Kli.ibetll Aull ailrary when Dr. Q larlea whs presi- I c-Mit that Mra. yjarle. lady-like, uo-J r. hi in i n I.' and beautiful cbaracler waa I :rikiiigiy evldeoccd la deei and example, j a: four o'clock , toe rthidetice ir.klin HVeane. tfce (y tiipmhy if citv in ...... I ! u i ill V l' i (Mlic. i r-1 . .. , . .,.. ..i., .,,... v . . Died. doeaday after-,n,o at 5 o dock jIU betnK ne Cy oi uer auiony. I '- '' j.eua, reiuroeu to t the rt-tfideoso of Mr. ,.. K'-i. Vttt.k il.ti and mother moved sometime dur- oerrjemem Kay couTty Sundiy. Ibaijer,' infant son ol If. a-.d Mi Hi?ur ; lifties nith their family of buys , Cocie Aaron CauipUll came down from ud uirls. from Louisviile to l'euw nte City and talker) politics and bus- inesf with the b.iys all day Tuesday. Judce JanieH Cowi,l came down from Kansas City TuestUy morning and spent tne diy iookinj orer his fjrm of town. Z. V. Wright Cirrv in from Kniai Saturday niht and iviii remain in and near Wellington Mmivliine looking after his wheat crt p. Mrs. Mattie Svariett, after a visit- of aeeri uajsHiin.'itf irieno m-re. icok ine;hu. he ,jjd 00l train Tuesday evening for her borne in; thirtv-eix hours bvf Brpckeortdge, M.. ! funeral took place ai Tbus far duri r, tin horvmt now l out 1 !i').rnoon at two o'o Ualer,' infant son ol t?. ! Uelzer. i ' ibe funeral took p'y 'Thnrftilav nfiprii.-tiin ' , . of Mr. Cleo. Kin;r '. Mr, and Mrs. U'li-.-r i ol tbeir tunny fnenda '', nri berinveneni. , t I Med, Thursday m''n-ios at -o'clock, at tha horOH ci hia r irert?, Mr. ami M'. fidie Mitebeit, vi -otce W. ' ; t c h -ei', at I'd 6 years nu.1 nine mir.:b The little br.y had h- u ciMr.p'.atmns cf nnt feplinsr well for !wc vH:; Td wal inidtfr tbe tiia'.ri ! t.- tp' rs ln for . , 3 st I", I'xi yii.riN, i-,vi.- vwtna sil for ". " . si.iiils. tOjrartix. SjiiKit .(!. 1,1,-n-ii I wt- "Vlfu-llVV I.IH-.k il l,,irii,.r .,- . ,x i. ct ra licavy j.i-d torn U, 4'i i. inch"..... UK) tilu;l,( (l llni: f'yi-i.s .,( (.s inrti' S -'"extr. i-.r;-ilitli-( sprrada. !yoi,.. f.,r i'l-vir;, lar.-n wii.i -.t sp-i-nis. f.,r j rMrn lurti-b:tv lii-ii spit .,(.,. f :;,,..., .,--t extr.uiu,ui'Y lii-i,, bort snc--!fiP 'V. iiu-iir.'' .( intra nusiHty ttiv.,;t,i .1 shi ..v H i, t'XiraUii:it.y .ill- ea-.. v :;; in. t . s f,.r U cxtnuiuality ptliow easi-h. 45 x -X. in-ui. s fo.- I'l lnllii'S ro!i p-tl shl.-t w.-ila! LO hi'lirs rolnn-.d sbiit wni.t., 4 -' h'il- f Uiiinii-r u.-iioi, suits ladiis tlin:)t ailif i-Huac vests -am tli for. " M inn -una :arp!t 14 Ik IVi yds worin l.'c I rniuint r.n pnti'4 wofii ;!7r for . I- n-imi.ims -'.j-pm IV. fc 4'i yos n-it- to,. f,.r a ri-inn;inf. ti-;,ot. ii'A K 1'- vds worth IV for.. . I j-rinnani. -;irti..t., i - Vr,.,,is. virth tfic tin- I remnant rjirui-.t. Vi Ivct. !4V, yos wo-i 11 i . I r (oi -1 remnniis .(.(-j,! I,. Hr;i.risi"r, nr vil.s wi.rtl. h la's nlumi. ut -Ji to. vi-;vrts t ip.s w.irth S.V and it V. ( ,M;h. i pi's 1. in ill I 1 l- vi i vl it trios. A.u-tli '-':'; e o-i' : pr 11 !llt I l-V v.-lvr! t.-.s. Wi-fh fl.eueli 7uranitC'aitsi,M.i.,s 7 x.i . S half wool nit, siiiians jyt x i f,.,.t. r !. ......... .1 'i ill' w..o ml s.ju:r(s ( x ID fn t. ctrli . . . .. r. all win'! ari,Mu:tr.-Ha In .. f.., t . o,n-h hJ Mow.i art. niuh-s x 12 f.- t.':ich I'Or.lC 3.3(1 SI i" MS. vto Vl i'l ,lo the Ifl-t .Sets S.:ts . . . V'.-i . I'Cf'S -'fm'U . Tfrt 'S . . i..t . . . ti r.'i .. Hx t.-i 'I'trtn , !tt.s .. tticu . . - K- iS . 4'.- :s . . . wVts . s 1-1-tS . . . l.rM tS tift tS il'if.U .. .'':!.?, . 7i. ts .r .Irts ..i()i-t,s . $.Vt) .. -.t cf a ,)h v !ir:iii), tied un'il ht-jut b-' died. The t!i him Friiinv 'ck. l'-r E. J. A ung th pathway of this lift, beautified completed there were Junt two dren ( r3titrtnachr ofiicinti'ti;. Mr. and Mrs.' , utm-ilUh love, tbeie were liiiRSuf iltep : riapera sold l.y the fi-ur agents as MiU'likil have tber yp?pf:by of tbeir many .rill, Duriuu the war of aeeesHlon, wttti many machiriPH here. I friends in the loss of thir iMt'-s sou. uiadni Mi of heart and brain which Messrs. Olis-les and llanrv Uud.-!mf-yer i iaV, L, a"sV w v-atiare brings, uer ueioven ruiuer waa n( Aujust r-neni'iii in with their fain liken from hi home and murdered Its j 0(l BOd Mrs, J.H Duff -mlaok and chH v.iii:m emi'lty. It eetned more tben i ,jren pj.n, Sen ti: I.-jiMK,? . t'D.c nearest to 1. 1 in could hsarl J. A. WorKruan, win) nas necn nn farm jUHt tulow town for some time, went to ludepeiol-nr e Siturday for n indefinite stay with hia family, r t;d the shadow of this sorrow n ever with this daughter, who 'More her grief like a g'.ory." -aret, lovely children Were called from r: -r as tbeir little .livt-s became a part . Micra but she gave tbeui with all sub '.iosiun to that care that is kinder than 1. e can give. Tbe memory of Mrs.Qjarlea . to fraRrait with the sweetness of her i.-xiogtuD life aod the longing among ! rr friends to claap her hand in greeting tcce more in this life fiiis our hearis with I: e sympathy that is express-id all about : prwich it the Presbyterian Church i i li .v.-r turn orrow , morning i-.t 11 o'clock iilF: bAI.K- t.i);-i,ui!ror:i t-horthorn buds and heifers for sale. Apply ut tty farm S mile east of Lexinr.on, on the Salt Pond road, or spuiv to tre ar H!. Sinaville. , N, M. t'ool'kit. 4. J7ff , j Mr. J. K, Andersen, who rt-iides south Mr. David K ner3ori, of fir.iof ioer-. eniVi ia to see s thi tret-k. spent SUurdiy niu'ht and Sundav with;jjr, Aodrrson has ,?en in this enemy bis eou-ln. Jams a; K-nerson, south of . rjftvoue years, exr-i.tms 'he line lie was UWD, returning hom- Monday morning. ii thfl anlly and jn tN, f..,:er,.l prisons, A companv of Letinutnn geiitieriinn I an(l lie 1 ooeof cur substantial farmers,, have secured a sit- onar where th old. The residence of Mr. L. W. Gjllits. who I Warder church stood and are erect in si a fnbstantial bu-lrlirr; f-ir us dnric t tieir W. G. McCAUSLAND. I WU.UAMD.UAXKIM H.ff ll.TLVb w A i.tfi: n v.- , -,..-.., r ' Vicv Pres. Cfisli! LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK. ". LEXINGTON, PAID UP CAPITAL, MISSOURI, $50,000 Does ,n irnera; l.ank'cif business Sr-H -it- awounw. Lfdcral a-:oo:uiijiKj.stior. t- cuton.i-rs. fierjaent outing tripj up the Sni. . lor Dr. Qaarles and his, slricken lidren . The bush that 'mysterious j ffturdiiv Mr. M. C. Hammer brought ence that comes when lite bas Aid, we ; to town fortv -nine havl of fat cattle sold by fcitn several w?-k since to Messrs. W. P. Au!l and compinv of Ivxioton. 1 hey wre lovled lutu thrre cur? and a spt-cial etii'in" t.iik thorn n.-st that ni?!:t, bound for Chic-igo. ! i,ve ail experienced ''...'t stricken ones. Uod bless and help A FRIKSI). Miles-Talbott. j A beautiful June wedrflng was that of ; '. ft-car M. Mi-es, of Kansas Cily, and . :,"i I la H. J Ta', of Lexlnirlon. ! lehrated at the horu- ol the bride's i I.'ft Kridiv while returning from 1 t-re M '. Ii-'ir.i llackley's hor ran off with him "nd wh.i hu reocbed hr:u ran -nts, .Mr. and M-s. Uutler Talbott, at j th ,.,,,,, no.-T j.i' svrely hruir-ins VI. ek p. 111. J sue 2f I), 1001, llr. Cliaiies :.n;y i.llt :iali"j; '!!ie aiteiidnta were Mr. Alo-izi M ; brother of tr.e groom, and Miss' i j ii K. Talbott, 'sister or the bride. Tiie j .U was a'ttrt J In pure whit aud the ; I -Miiaid in pink, while I hi? ger.tliiu-in . 1 the cjiiveriliuiial b! ick. Th bn b' -! rnoiti stan. ling under tin Wrdiiieg Is Mitpciuleil (com the ceiling of toe, in Were, in a ion..! beautiful ceremony, ' 'leji.neod niau and wife 1 i-e biide Is nue of Lexington's young ! ' 1 who has a row ii-up in our tnuls!, is 1 .My ( stet'uied HirJ possessed of many '"" of character well i-alctilatcd to make j " a true hulumate for him whom sue ( chosen for her partner in Me. Tin 1 'it' l a Htranisi r in our but is a ''mini of lur. siandiog und goud ; ssahll.ty. ' t-tit.ite.y ufi'-r the ceremony the '-'s re.iiii(.i id the dining room und ! "' k of is iiKit numpluoua rupast. , " 'd.-t many concrMiulatioiis ami good! for their future happincs ami liar,, tho couplo took the five o'clock h lor Kanims City, where thev will e, a home having been nlresd.v pre- 1 'l by the groom for their reception, j CONTHIIIUIKi). one of Mr. ii tckley's less and layinsr him -ii) for a 'day or two. But brother s: ved in tiie saddle and says no dan horse can dump hi:)) off by jamming against s gate post, Mesdanvs John A. Mann William T. Johnson niol John Kilter cot a convey ance and took all of the clii'dren of the throe fn oi i lies to the S-ii for a dav's cut ins' and list) fry Wednesday. Will K'tter was allowed M accompany Ihe ladu- on ! coiviitioti that lie Would catch al! the ; lists necessary and no boat riding with! snd look alter Ihe kids. IK John and little Willie were permitted to ride down and get dinner and supper and then c.iwe home. AH enjoyed the day but the latter part of Mr. Killer's job was new nnd somewhat awkward to him. . Hover, srhin spout Sunday in Mr. Tom Inutiin. N-Osoti Holmes, of Kansas City, is ; visiting Dover thiyvaok. Mr. lvl. Hasii c im ) in to sp?nd Sunday bal left for Si. Joe Monday. 1 Mr. Cbas. Winn, of Bolivar, visited his I brother, Mr. J. V- Winn, last week. -e Mr. K. H. A I lee, on. aiirornia, nas o -en 1 Ofnpanio(l by his -sou a son, Clarence. E. D. Orahain, the new owner ol , caled here as permanent station s'ot. j All Clarence was eoin:: through the court Mr. J. B. Davis left this week for Kuob ; bouse yard back of the cl-rks. ollice he Voter wh"re he has ci position av i-latiou accideataily stepped mi u piece of broken lived nr tbe West mJ of Uicgt way, was I destroyed by tire at about 1 o'clock Tours I day afternoon. A portion a( .h.s iur ; niture was saved but the bou-e was a i total loss. The tire department was cslled j out and prevented Co- lire from spreading beyond the in which it started. 'The booe as insured for f 100 and Use 1 furniture for 1C0. ' ! Colcmbi. CI , Augu-t 21, 1S72. Hit. C. J. Mokkktt- D 'ar Doctor: We gave your 'IVeihina ; u-t-iiiiim po.vdersi to our grandchild with the hapniist results. Tne (S-c.ts were ei:nost me.i.:al, nd e-r'.ji;; ly mure s -,i i.-f.i.-.'lnry than fror.i nnythi v. ive c-v-r 10 i d. j Voisrn ury tr-j' . Kky, 'I Pastor of St. l'aul Church. ; -V iw Ilis'Dcp Southern Methodist Church. The Imlis-s of the ficrrmn Evangelical church gave a luvo : ,-:al Thursday r.iubt in Mr. Jacob Keeri's yard on Franklin aveni.e. Thelannwas beautifully licbt ' ed op with torches olid Chinese lanterns j and decorated with H isrs and liuntict' and ; made ,1 beautiful nppeHrs rice. There was an abundance of ie.- mid cakes and the night' bring an id-ai one for ices a large j crowd was out and tbe entertainment whs j quite a suocess. 1 Mr. Ueo. Ilnseli, "f tbe Atibeuser-licpch j Brewing company of St. Louis, wr.s iu tho ! cny Thursday vi-tttur bis friend Mr. (Jos j Haerle. Mr. Busch was agreeably sur I nrised to tliidsach ti 1 - land around Lex 1 ington aud was blsjlily pleased wltb the ! appearance of the town Rod country. He reports that everybody ia St. Louis is 1 taking a personal iiiU rent fa tbe Louisiana Purchase expo-stojn, which he thinks will suri'nss auytliitig of the. kind ever ' al tempted before. Mr. James W. Its-nick, who live' south east of Odessa, was in town Thursday ac DIRECTORS KF NICHOLSON" WDBAXKIN" JOHN' V. h YI.ANli b Huffman a-o yocxu STOCKHOLDERS; w.ilt-r I! Waddeii M Oisp-unr. It W It Tev is K Hoff-nat, Jno E Kyhm.1 W f Kan kin Kufiis Yoii-k Mi-s S iteniefs VcivaW- W ii.nton Ali.-e W Whij-hIo Hettse W SmtitJ H IJ Duke.t uratt-r A (I Y e;:v- C K 1'har.m-.-. W ALTKlt ft w. 1H.RLL P W !! TKYiS W Cr VeLaiit-laud J Q CbhDihtr i A Krichi: Honrv Hainkei F. F Nicholsi n Ljacason tiraiiley Henry C Wrto- E A Wallace L U Cnapnuc f'.ded-KeiiHng. Murried. 'J'ti( -.ii sy iiiiirnir.i;. in liu (Itlliolic, i liiirrii, !ti tl. is city, at-.:.'ii o'clo,:!,", Ii)' F:i flier ( V-.U i If, .Mr. Mii'liii.,1 Siaed. of St. LouW, at,,- Mis irv A. K'N.tnii!. of 'I is ciiy. Till' bride wos tittitei ii ; ;-retV it ivciiiiL' t'os!i:ii,c of i-oili't ti-iii. ni-ii 111 etii iin 1 n't- itni gliv.-s unii hot in lliali'll, ,10(1 tile- e;-o'i;ii w.ieil.r convt ti I ici'.ill hi n'K. The :i!.l(-tiif,rits A Tcxus v oniii'i . Sir. Wm. T t ol -I . - '-vxington Tflcpttone company, will !-'- pussessiou July 1st. Mr. Uranism " ''t tile day here Thursday and left '' night forKsuaas City. He infiids short time to put, iu a straight ' "!illc circuit 'between thii city and il'i'cinsvllle. Tho Marslull coinpa-iv iii haven nimilur circuit from ,M.i:-hill Jo HiLglnsvlllB and thus a gooil conneo " 111 will b mada with the whole of Jfaone county and in tiiue,the lints will St-'t.ttended. a .rent. Mrs. Dsns will follow later. Mr. Tiltou Dnii", Jr., and Mr. Cliff Goodwill visited Diver last .Saturday in the in'enat of the telephone company. .Elder O.'O. rialt'iibnrg was calif 0 to Marshall to preach the funeral of Mr. L?e llujjhea, no ol i citiitun of tjisi place. I Mra. Jennie Vorbees and daughter, of plass nnd cut li's ri,:ht foot. The cut was on tho undor p.rt of Ihe foot and a litt'e up on the inside of tbe foot about half way between the h-oel and ball of the foot sod wis about an inch and three quarters long and made an ugly looking wound. Dr. Jtke Eulkerson dressed the wound and Claience was able to walk arouud with tbe foot bandaged up. i ere l."Uis. cousin of the itr. oin, ;u.d M,-i lo'se (t'Mulley, (if this fi i 1 y, co.imii (if the D.'nL'. After the crruuoin llie pari v tel iieil to the liottio of the 1-ride wlere mi cxct'li-bt Lrt'.' .ser veil. The hride is ime of Lexington's l;id;es wlin lias i:rowti tip in ot.r itiidst-:ind who is liigiiiy ei i-i-i!i--d in her sinti.ll el 1 rle ;ni(l wlio lias' nmiiy friends tif-ni v.-lui wish ;t.;- nr.-.i iit-r 1 1 usl ia inl tntieli li;iiniiess am pros perity. The groom is I'ntupiirat ivly a s-'.r.tngi-r in our iniiist but wei'-arii that lie is si geiit leinatt uf fit-.e elsisr .ifler anil goeil business ;,"': ' 1 1 y fi ud till' 1 VI l-.I.I.Pil.Ni l.i; iVtclois foti- grat ulal inns and Le-t wishes. Tie- couple, took ti;e s:H train thill inot'tiiti for their ttit urt; h'-nio in St, Leu is. Miss Cuine Wuilaee, city librarian of liulepi'iiiVncts .Mo , whs slid 11 11 1 p.'siiii'iiliy injured tit : 1 "1 o'clock lues, day ev-iiing in Ivinsiis: t'i;y while sitline; 011 the poiei) w illi lier eousin. Mi's EiiiiMi Will-11 1;, und bet until, Mrs. S. 11. Wi!loek. tit lite home ft the Wiloicks, l:' l Miehiifrin aeenttc. Wlieic the shot eiiine (toin i:d by whom it w:'s Ifn d is a ni) s'.en . The bulioi struck Miss wallaoo on t U-ft hot ntioiii two iiii-lics siiovu the ankle, iivtKluciiio; a eiHiiiiou'.id f fuel tt ro of t h bones of tho liitih. Clmttel mortgupett for sale at this olEoe, 5 oetits each. it CiLL'ir' GEES'I fJItjeOviiy, One small boule of Hall's Great Dis covery cures all kidn-y and bladder troubles, removes travel, cures diabetes, seioinal emissions, w--sk and I line' backs, rheu-tiatistn end ail irreguLsrities of tba KiJ-.ieys and bladder in both men and ivoiiien, reguiaies 1 iddaer troubles ia cl.idren. If not. sola, ey your druggist, will oe-sent by mail on reciipttf fl. One small bottle is two -.ioiUh's treatment,' will cure any cse -altove mentiot-.ed. Dr. E. W. Hsii, so't- man-.ifrtcturer, St. Louis, formerly Waco, Texas. Send for teati monials. Sold by Crenshaw Aioung. READ THIS. St. Louis, m,,.. -tb. 27, i!,yi This js to co""'tv that 1 have been cured of kidney ltd bladder trouble with one bottle of Ihe Texas Wonder, Halt's (.treat Di. e very, nnd cau recommend it to other Suffering in the same manner, HKNKY I.IN2FE11. At I.indeli V, srber Shop, C15 Wasuiogtou Avenue. NOTIbb There will be a meeting c! the Good drd-r I'iub.o! I i ne t n t-wushi p at tbe courthouse on Stt;:ri!i:y, July ti-.h, ItWl, at 3 p. m. Ail members are requested to be present, SICPS TBS COhUH AND WORKS' 0:T TEE COLP. Laxative Fromo-tultiine "s abl ts cure cold In one day. No cure. ropu. Psico 2o certs. drover C. Wriefct, .,), i v. Wti'bt. ,1 vip-r on tl-..- upper Mooro farm, nitt with a serious neeideiit Tiies-lny w 1'iie e:iUe!'iiiir cherries. Ono, of I In- liniiis of the tree in which le was at wctk and on wiicli l.o wis leaiiins.'. pioved to bo .somewhat do eaved and weak, pave way, piecipitut in;: l.un 10 tbe gTotiMl, bi-t-iikiiijr his l-ft ai ii) tn the fall. I'-ein carefully resit by Dr. Chas. Ji. Mniirht,er, (irover Is now "In a fair way for speedy recovery. Tho Weekly Tonpanoxio (Kansas) Scutintl.