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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
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t t T 1 V. XT.. Tell Your Neighw Remember J Of Fredendall & Wilson'. t- 1 Everything in our store is marked t in plain figures and there is no Loom End Sale and tell them J I come with two or three extra V I lake about anything we advertise. 1 Bring this advertisement with you t and see if you do not find the t values just as we advertise them. I u lucKeu in me corner ol their walU i t for they and their cash are bound J to part company when they see the J unparalleled bargains offered ' J this Big Sale, '"j H; Great Loom End and Remnant Sale Commences Monday, July 1st, at 8 a. m. And Continues for Two Weeks Glance keenly at these sharp cuts in the prices of reliable merchandise. We aie the originators of Spot Cash and Low Prices in Lexington, from the beginning none but -reliable goods have been bought and sold. Our modern up to date methods have changed Lex ington retailing and our prices have always been uniformly lowest. It's a well established fact that if Fredendall & Wilron advertise a thing "Its So." This Loom End and Remnant Sale is just what the name implies. Every Factory has remnants the same as retail stores and last week while in market we bought a lot of factory remnants at very low prices and are going to turn them loose' the same way. Your dimes will do the work of quarters in this sale. Below Find a Few of Our Unrivaled Loom End Sale Bargains 64-inch unbleached table linen, every thread linen, value 59c, Loom End sale rice, jgcyard. 4,000 yards Simpson's full standard black and white calicoes, short lengths, Loom End sale price, 2 i-2c yard. 2,000 yards Simpson's full standard grey calicoes, short lengths, Loom End salt price, 2 i-2c yard. 4,000 yards Royal Blue calicoes, full standards, short lengths, Loom End sale price, jc yard. yards unbleached muslin, full yard wide, short lengths. 1 to 10 yards. Loom End sale price, j i-c. 500 yards white twilled cotton toweling worth 5c, Loom End sale price, jcyard. 300 yards Renfrews fancy and turkey red table linens in short lengths, regular 48c quality, Loom End sale price, 34c yard. 500 yards brown linene crash, Loom End sale price, jc yard. We have many other Loom Lnds in table linens. values in Loom End Sale of Embroideries. 500 yards of wide Hamburg embroidery in stripsof 44. yards each, Loom End sale price, Si strip. 500 yards of narrower Hamburg em broidery in 4 yard strip, Loom End sale price, 19c strip. We have lots of other bargains in the embroidery line. 450 yards wide machine made Torchon lace, short length, 2 to yards, Loom End sale price, 5c yard. SPECIAL EXPLANATION To all those who do not know what a Great Loom End Sale is we will say that it is a great unlet price offering of all Short Lengths and odd pieces bought direct from the factories in bulk and by weight. These are all good merchandise but are ends of pieces which run over loom lengths Plenty of Fans and Fee Water on Tap During the Sale Loom End Sale Prices on Handkerchiefs. 20 Dozen Ladies' Hemstitched handker chiefs, all pure linen, Loom End sale price, 5c. Children's and Ladies' colored border handkerchiefs, Loom End sale price, 2 for lc. 40 Dozen Ladies' Embroidered handker chiefs, regular value 15 and 18c. We closed out a big lot of them between our different stores and during this sale we put them out at 9c each. Loom End Towels. 1-1 Dozen very large cotton towels, Loom End sale price. 2 for 9c. 15 Dozen very large Turkish Hath towels, regular 15c quality, Loom End sale price, 10c each. 'lc Knotted Fringe line damask towels, size 24x50 inches, all white or with colored 1 borders, Loom End sale Price, 25c each. After this sale you cannot buy them for less than 3Sc. Summer is not Over. In this Sale we will offer wne great values in Summer Dress Goods. Read the list. 1000 yards fine Primrose Dimity, short lengths, 2 to 10 yards, value 10 and 12?c, Loom End sale price, 7tc. 800 yards Magnolia Dimity, a regular 5c value, Loom End sale price, 3ic. 750 yards tine Dimity in full pieces, its the He quality. We bought them cheap, Loom End sale price, 6c. Balance of our stock of Alexandria Silks, that 29c fine silk looking cloth, the Loom End sale price will be 2m-. 25c qualities of Silk Ginghams and Madras Cloth, during the Imib End sale at IV yard. Glassware at Loom End Prices. You will think we stole the good when you sec the special drives we will o'Ter during the sale in glassware. Last week we fonnd an importer with sixty barrels and casks of glassware which he wanted the cash for. Between our three stores we bought the lot. It consists of glass and opal vases, berry bowls, pitchers, sugar bowls, creamers, etc. Your choice of the lot during the sale, 10c. Bee the display in the window. Loom End Prices in the Millinery Department. We want to close out every trimmed hat we have made up, and to do it quickly we are going to offer them at just half p, i,e. The cost has been lost sight of in this sale. Remember during this sale one-half price buyi any trimmed hat in the store. 98c trimmed hatt for 49c. 11.48 trimmed hats for 74c. $ 1.9 trimmed hats for 99c. 12.48 trimmed hats for tl.24. 13.00 trimmed hat for tl.50. 14.00 trimmed hats for $2.00. 15.00 trimmed hats for 52.50. Loom End Prices on Mattings. Importer are closing out their stocks of Matting now and we picked up a couple of rare bargains last week. 10 roils of a 121 grade China Mattings po 011 sale at il.rtO for roll of 40 yards. We can not cut them for less than 12c per yard. 10 rolls of .15 and 4tc tine Jap Mattings jo on sale Monday at 27c yard. New patterns and very fine quality. 50 remnants of Brussels carpeting in lengths of yards each, Loom End Price, tare. t-fot Felt window shades complete with fixtures, during the Loom End Sale, each. Oak or Mahogony curtain poles with fixtures complete, ltkr each. Loom End Pi ices on Corsets. fvi Corsets, most of them summer Corsets, but a few of the regular goois. They are only worth 25 to :t5o, but the Loom End price is 19c. Look at these Loom End Prices. Let of Men's Straw hats, our regular 25c grade, but thev are all size 7 and 7!. I.oom End price, loc. Hoys' Blue Hrownic Overalls, during the ale, only l'.c pair. After that you will have to pay the regular price of 25c. 10 dozen Hoys' Wash Knee pant. size,, 5 to 14 years, regular 2 and 25c quality, Loom End sale price. 14c. Loom End Prices on Staple Notions. ' Shell Hair pins, a job we picked up. , good usually retail lc each, Loom End salt price. 5c per dozen. Large Shell Hair pins, all colors, regular j . loc quality, we bought them cheap enough j w sen at each. Invisible wire hair pint 1 put up in small round boxes and u-ually retail 2 boxes for 5c. During the Looui End sale, .V for 12 Imxes. 25 gross 14 ligne fancy pearle buttons, just such as usually retail lite dozen, during the sale only, we will them at 5c a dozen. Fancy Mux paper consisting of 24 -heft , of paper and 24 envelopes, usual IV grade, j Loom End sale price. ltc. IVC quality l!ux papers, during the j ale, 15c. t Foulard Silks. A few patterns of choice Foulard Silk I left, and to close them out quick, have lvnamed this price on them, 49c yard. ou know what they are worth. Wash Skirts. Monday we place on aic all our .25 and 11.48 wash skirts at !'c each. 4 dozen plain line,, crash skirts. I,m End sale price, 25c each. 3 dozen linen crash skirts trimmed with three rows of navy blue braid. Loom End sale price, 4Sc. I-oom End Sale Bargains 1 in Hosiery. j in Dozen Ladies' Toosv Tan hose, a recti j , lar l.V ouality, Loom End sale price, HV pair, dozen Ladles' Wack Drop Stitch hov, regular value 19c. Loom End saleu price, loc. 20 dozen Misses Fine F.iWd' Mack hose, sizes 5, 54, t, Ci only, regular 1 1 . . ... t anu oc values, Uwm End sale price, Jo. Bring This Add With Yon and See If We Have What we Advertise. """h". jj