Newspaper Page Text
" oevaa y CREAM 1M to. zVTS & 1 1T IT I Highest Honors, World's Fair Cold Medal, Midwinter Fair .o!l B.l"3 i uwu.-. ..... The?!"" Injarlim to li'Uh niiun- MISCELLANEOUS MELANGE. IProm Saturday' Daily.l Viss ADnie Trigg went to Marshall -lo!, Mrj Willi..... Gowcr. Mrs. Gus' Weber left this morning t a weeks visit with relatives at Vojeka, Kas. Mr. M. W. Serat came down last uigbt from Kansas City to look over tlie mining piaot, nere. Mr. I. G. Jeale and wife went to tic?insville this morning to visit !r. Neale's sister and other relatives, Mrs. Geo. Dodge weot to Higgins ille this mornioir to visit over Sun day with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Thomas Thi transfer company keeps a call book at tbe Mammoth, livery stable and 000 at hue Grind Central bole). Leave orders at littt placea. tt Prof. Stark Is moving Into the wjusc recently occupied by Dr. V. R Kckle, and will soon be settled in bis :,ew ro.-idcDce. Rev. J. W. Cogglns, pastor of the Cbrlitian church at Odessa, spent a 'tw hours in our city this morning visiting friends. Mis Kate Murphy, one of tbe young ladles . who work.9. Id Craw ford's laundry, was overcome by the titat Thursday afternoon." Church of Cbrlat Sclsotiit, Baoday mmIcss aa follow 10:30 . m., tioodsy school 11 :30 a.m., at Katghu ot Pjrtblat ball. All are Cordial) (avlted. tf Mirs Kuhaooah Scearce, of Hig q.cavlllu, came up to Lexington yes wrday evening to attend the hop last eight and to visit Miss Daisy Thorn (cd for a few days. v Baby Estcllc McGrew PuVal, ac companied by ber ourec, Miss-Kale baoddy, left this morning for a two weeks visit witb tier. aunt. Mrs. vt. ii Bard, at Sedalia. Miss Edna Weight, who has been attending the teachers' iostltute io itils city for tbe ' past two weeks, went to Wellington yesterday even- is?. After a few days visit there "be will return to her borne at bates City. Many women fait to digest tbeir fond, 13d so become pale, sallow, tbla and w;k, wblle tbe bngbtatss, freshness ad beauty ot tbe skin and complexion Cparts. Bemedy tbls by taking Herbine after each meal, to digest wbat you bare nten. Price, fjO cenu, Fer ale by Crenshaw A Young. 6 1ml Mrs. Jacob Haas, of Corder, who his bfen visiting her daucbter, Mrs. Hnhenwald, returned home this raoming. Mrs. llolienwald's frieiids ill he pleast-d to hear that she is recovering rapidly, from the accident of several week- ago in which the knee cup was fractured. (.'apt. Ryland Todhunter and Mr. V N. Wilson returned veterduy evening from Versailles, in Morgan cuoty, where they have been In specting some Morgan county land in winch they art' interested. Capt. Todhunter presented the writer with a small pamphlet setting forth the advantages and the wonderful lulu trul resources of Morgan county. About a dozen couples of our young v-clety people bad a little bop at the Turners' hall last eight In booor of Miss Ruhannah Scearce, of Higgins lle, who is tbe guest of Miss Itoisy Tbornt6n, and Mls Kstclle Cafson, of Fayette, who 1 visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. V. Kerdolff. Jr. Tbey had a Wight,tul tin? and tbelr guests of Unor will carry away with' them most pleasing recollections ot the occasion. Tbe Trenton Republic has been boasting of its big lot of chcrriu? on 1 small branch brought into that ofSce recently Mrs. Alice Relic Hays brouULt us io a small branch, even inches in length, from a cherry tree on Shirley farm cast of town, 0 the first four inches ot the branch 'fere arc 4K perfectly developed 'terries nnrt i.n rhp entire branch! there are 7tt cherries and a cluster of j : chrrnes was broken off in breaking'' tilt' hriln.'l. fl'.,i.. Hi,. trr.V Thcv ari!:C ,ri "ur olllce and will be slmwn m any '"c doiihtiinj tbis story. Who can '"at thixi' From Mnoday'i Dally.) Mi.-s Far.nte JnhQ went to Kansas -.? c-uuraay even m- to visit rela tive B Mr Crecrtavr came ia last family U VUit With bis fatter'? Miss Fannie Mitchell, ot the tele Phone onice, spent yesterday Id Kan sas Lily. Mrs. Sanford Thornton is visi tire the family of her mot I tr in Iliirs. vllle today. Mr. Frank Carter and wife spent yesterday with relatives in Kansas Kansas City. Mr. Horace Bolton came down ves terday from Atchison, Kas., to visit the home folks. wrs. uias. Morrisoo, of City, came down Saturday night to visit relatives in our city. ar Miss bdna Dean, of Corder, who nas oeen attending the institute, re turned home this morning. Rev... M. Williams left Saturday evening for Gallatin, Mo., where bis wire is spending the summer. Mrs. Cuas. Hedrick. of Henrv. Mo.. is spending a few days with the family of her mother, Mrs. Smock. Mr. Jerry Chamberlain came down from Kansas City Saturday night to spend Sunday with his family here. Mrs. II. V. Estill, of Moberly, Mo., arrived in our city Saturday evening aod is the guest of Mrs. W. B. Bclton. Mr. Otto Xagel, of Barron & Nugel's left yesterday evening for a weeks visit with friends near Mar tial!. The transfer company keeps a call book at tbe Mammoth liverv stable, and 00 at the Grand Central hotel. Leave orders at these placea. , 10-27-tf Mr. Geo. M. Mountioy returned last night from McAlester, where he has been spending a few days for his health. Mr. Shclton Fulkerson. who has been visiting friends near Lexington for the past week, returned last olgbt to Nevada, Mo. Judge Richard Field received a .telegram announcing-tbe death, tbls morning, or his sister, Mrs. J. A. Quarks, at Lexington, Va. - Mr. Ton James weot to McAlester Springs yesterday to spend tbe day with Mr. Kick Haerle, who has been at the Springs for some time. Mls3 Elizabeth Lcsueur, who ha been visiting the family of Mr. Joeeph Lesueur, left Saturday ever. log for her home at Kansas City. Mrs. W, K. Trotter, who has been spending several dav visiting rela tives and friends in our city, returned yesterday evening to Kansas City. Fob Sale-I bave for sale a good pay- log business, a boat two thousand caeb required. For toll particulars call cn P Lee Wallace, ageot; Lexington, Mo. 4-2 i ' 1 " - ' " - Mrs. W. T. KerdoltT. Jr.. her sister. Miss Mollie Eaton, and her n'ece,' Miss Estelle Carson, spent yesterday in Kansas City with rela tives. Miss Naocy Foulds, of Higgics ville. who has been visiting Miss Fanoie Hall and attending tte teachers' institute, left tor home this moroing. Mrs. Wilmnt and daughter, of Hig giusville. came up Sundiiy morning 10 visit Mrs. E. R. Young, and Mrs. Wilaiot returned home on the even ing train. Miss Jennie Meyers, of Kansas City came down Saturday evening and I spent Sunday witn ner iriena puss iMvrtle Klotz, who Is visiting her relatives here. Miss Bertha Walruff, of Weston, who has been spendinu a week with the family of Mr. M. Engelhard, left this morning for a visit wltti friends iu Kan-as City. Justices ot tbe peace and notaries public can be supplied with cbattle mortgages at tbis offloe, at 5 ceota per copy. Al kinds ot blank rrinied to order. tt Miss Annie Jefferson, of the Napo leon neighborhood, who has been attending the teachers' institute for the past two weeks, returned home Saturday eveuing. ' Prof. Tompkins, one of the county board of examiners, who lias been assisting In the . county Institute work, left Saturday ulght fo' his home at Page City. Mrs. R. T. Brigbtwcll aod oieee, Miss Lavinla a..b, of Parkville, Mo returned home this morning after a visit of ten days with the family of Mr. F. C. T. Urightwell. Mr Zach Wright, of Tongaooxie, Kas., CHtnc in last night to visit with Lexington and Lafayette county ifii.-nds and look alter ms uumucm interests in this vicinity. Mr Wm. II. Chiles went, to Kansas Mty yesterday to spend "'' day with rinu-iiter. Mrs. W. E. Cmnstock, and with his wile and daughter, who are visiting Mrs. Couistock. Mothers woo would keep tbeir children in good beaUb should watch tor tbe first symptoms of worms and remove them witb Whites Cream Vermifuge. Prloe, 25 cents. For sale bv Crenehaw V,i There were about ?0 from here vesttrr-hv .n th.. M;.,,,ri 1'acifJc excursion from MyrtcW. There were thirteen cars tr. tho iriw. mri between !0U and 1,000 excursionists in all. 1: Misses Annie Marie Campbell, of Mayview, end Miss Myrtle Carter, of IligglnxvilWs. who have been visiting Mrs. Dr. Russell for the past ten days, left this morning for their respective horaes. To save msodicg, avoid breaking, and to avoid euSsrlng, prevent coughs and colds by tbe timely cse ot Bsllard'a Hore boond Hyrup. H U a sate, eure and o 'of161 ,or tronchial ailments. J ""' r,od 50 cts. For sale by Cren ebsw&lonng. 61ml Mr. Oscar Thomas went to Jeffer- m)d ttiis mornlog with two prisoners who were sentenced at the last term ot the criminal court. iney were W. F. Shaw, 3 years, and in. t,mory (col.) 2 years. t-oi. Kellujii. Messrs. F.. .1 Mr urew, John Chamhr-rlal n :npl PVmnr. DuVal returned this morning from an outing of a few days at Warder's cnurcn, wiiere they bave constructed a tnree-room huntlntr anri fisiiim louge. , c If you are troubled witb that most nn- comiortable disease called niles. don't neglect it. Don't let tbe complaint get a firm bold. Every day the disease is nee lected it grows worse. Commence at onre o use leoiere Enckeye Pile Ointment me renei is tmmedlate, and cure inialli ble. Price, 60 cents in bottles. Tubes, 7 cents. For sale by Creeshaw & Yoong. SUITS to orders from . . $13.50 .. C I -TO- $50.6.0. You do not have to select from a small sample, we show you the woolens and you can tell better what will suit you, Fit Warrented. We handle a lare stock of.,.. Furnishing Goods and Hats, Shirts and Underwear " in an endless profussion of up-to-date patterns. Give us a call. D or. Miss Ursula Branch, who h.v been attending the teachers's lnTitute, eft Saturday evening for her home at Hliftrinsville. She was accom panied by Miss Bessie Craig, with whom she has been staying, arid who eoes for a br ef vis t to IliiriiinsvHu Mr. Ike Rylaud, of Kansas Citv. came down Saturday night to visit lie family of his father. Judge John lyiand, and returned home hist night. Ills sou, Master Robert Ry land, came with him and will re.r.uin for a visit with his grandfather. Word has been received by friends here that the eleven months' old little girl of Prof. W. II. Morton died on the 17th of this month at Asheville, North Carolina. 1'iof. Morton was at one time in charge of the Elizabeth Aull seminary here and has many friends who will learn with regret of his bereavement. From Tuesday's Dally. Several good farms tor rent Apply to 2-lOt!. J. Q. Plattenturj Mr. Ernest Eubanks, of Carrollton, Is visiting Mr. Geo. Sfdwick's family. Mrs. W. G. Musgrove came down from Kansas City last ulght to vbit ber father's family. Mr. Havden Osborne, who has attending the Institute, left yester day tor his home near bates City Dr. J. E. Tucker and wife and their daughter, Miss Lelia Tucker, went to Kansas City this morning Mrs. S. J. Huston went to Kansas City this morning to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Yeager, Mrs. Wm. Loomls starts home this morning from Los Angeles, t'al., and she will be about four days ou the road. Rev. R. S. Hunter left this morn ing for I'ertle Springs to altet.d the Epworli: League conference in ses slon there this week. Mr. D. P. Moore and Doc Graham of Mexico, Mo., are In the city today oa legal business connected witb 011 telephone company Mrs. G. W. Hyde left this morning for Nevada. Mo., where she goes to attend a meeting of the L'aptlst Ladies Missionary society , Miss Rubanuab Scearce, of Hig giosvllle, who has been visiting Mis Daisy Thorntou for several davs, re turned borne thi? morning. 1 : Mrs. Conrad Meisel and Mr. Alfred Iseman,, from St. Louis, arrived ibis morning for a visit witb Mr. Jolt Dryer's family near Lexington. : Homx Moxxt to Loas.-On good real estate security.' In sums ot 90O aod up, at 7 per cent. No commission, so 'red tape. Applv to i. Q. Platfaburg. tf Miss Lillie Cromwell, who has been visiting relatives in our city for sev eral weeks, returned yesterday even ing to her Lome at Kansas City. Mr.-Chas, Willetts was taken sick yesterday at Mrs. Terhunes, east of Lexington, and was very ill Tor a time. He is reported better this morning. Mrs. Fred Hix and little daughter, Miss Blanche Hix, left this morning for Georgetown, Ky., where they will spend most of the summer with relatives. You feel better at once after oslng Herbine, you enjoy your food more, aod yoo get more nourishment aod invigora ting force out of wbat yon eat. Hence Herbine makes you strong, vigorous sod cheerful. Price, 50 cents. For sale by Crenshaw & Young. 6 1ml Messrs. Schawe k Weis yesterday received a large invoice of cooking stoves to add to U19 already larae stock of sioves and general hardware which they already have on hand. Miss Maggie Spears left this morn ing for Bozemao, Montana, to spend two months visiting relatives and friends. She expects to take absolute rest aod we trust that she may be greatly benefited by the change to the delightful climate of Montana. Misses Laura Taubman, Clarice Wevand and Ida Rowe left this morning for Warrensburg. They go as delegates from tbis place to the Epworth League conference, which meet this week at Feftle Springs, and tbey will probably be gone all the week. j Miss Amelia Druooert, of Warring ton, Mo., who has been attending the teachers' Institute- aod' j visiting friends In our city, left for1 horue this morning. She was formerly' a 'Stu dent of the Elizabeth Aull seminary and has many friends here who greatly eojoyed her vtsft. It tbe stomach performs its functions actively and regularly, tbe food of wbicb It is tbe receptacle, la transformed into blood ot a nourishing quality, wbicb fur nishes vigor and warmth to tbe whole body. Herbine gives tone to the stomach and promotes digestion aod limitation Price, so cents Young. For sale bv Crenshaw St 6 lml . Jell-O, the Sow Resort, pleases nil tbe family. Knur flavors -lemmt, orange, ritsplicny mid strawberry. At jour (jrocttr. lucent. Try It today. I Th.ri U nuthinrf tliif X a makes a man feel better X . than the knowledge of being well dressed. When t you bave a suit made from X the newest materials, just i the style and a perfect fit T you have this knowledge. X Our suits have the style, fit and material; the t quality aud workmanship X are guaranteed T x w ute noerg 7-- Tailor Over LuJwigs' Jewelry Store X Miss Loomls' Recital. The music class of Miss Carrie Loorais gave a recital Frida, June 21, at the home ot Mr. Ld. Loom is to a large number of the patrons aod friends, the house being seated with chairs and crowded to its full capacity. Miss Lessie Clare Bates assisted with a reading selection and Miss Lizzie Smith with tf vocal solo. The pupils all did remarkably well and the excellent work cf the entire class is a great credit to their teacher and a marked evidence of her ability. The following is the programme: Part First. Duet "Burial of a Hero".. Bohnelder Mitses Blair Gordon and Loemls. goto "The Welcome" Lang Miss Delma Via. Solo "La Fontaine" Bohm Miss Elizabeth Loomls. "Flower Greeting" Bohm 4. Mis Edna Nagel. Duet -('Flatterer" Cbamlnada Mfcse Marguerite Bate and Floreno Alford. L,w a."Sooatlnen,Op. W,No.2" 6. Soles- I b. i.usie FraUler".. . , Master Carl Stalling. Solo "Simple Aveu'... Thome Miss Bertha Walk. Vocal Solo Selected, Miss Lizzie Smith, "la tbe Merry Month of My".Merksl Miss Blair Gordon. Part Second. Duet "Escammllo'HSpanUh dance) E-ogelmana Master Carl Stalling and Miss EMsabeia Loomis. SoloCbeerfnlness" . ....Ltcbnef Mis Plorence Alford. Solo "Meouet, Op. U".. Paderewskl Misa Margoerlte Bates. Solo "Dam Sapolitalne .. ...... . ..Sydney Smith Mis May Staffer. Keadlag "Tbe Village Seamstress" Miss Lessie Clare Bates. Solo "Walzer, Op. 64, No. l"..Chopia Mis Etta Halnkel. Solo "Polka" (Boheme).. Rubinstein. Miss May Russell. Solo "Ballade III, Op. 47" ... Cbopia Miss Carrie Loomls. Duo "Hnsarenrltt" (two pianos)... Spindler Misses May Staffer and Loomis. 1. 6. 7. 8. 9. Progressive Driving Party . Something tf a novelty, gotten up through the efforts of Mr. J. C. Mc Grtw, Jr., was enjoyed by nine couplesMonday evening. It wacalled a progressive, drive, aua is only the M-cond one so far as we know that has taken place iu our city. The party was chaperoned by Mr. Walter Waddell and Mis Mary Black well and Mr'. Jesse Crenshaw and Miss Mary Silver. The special feature ot the drive was "swappin' gal." Mr Waddeil carried a trumpet and at in tervals he would sound the order to chacee partners. In passing through lover's lane each young gentleman changed partners three times. In the party beside the cbaperones were Mr. J. C. McGrew, Jr., and Miss Eugenia Kriebn; Mr. Paul Rankin and, Miss Myrtle Shelby; Mr. Thomas Thomas and Miss Bessie Bowman; Mr. Walter Reoder acd Miss Daisy Thornton; Mr. George Kerdolff and Miss Rubannah Scearce; Mr., Tom Shelby and Miss Katie Hays; Mr. Clyde Hall aad Miss Leah Chew; Mr. Hubert Bates and Miss Estelle Car son; Mr. Frank Slaughter and Miss Arline Burdeo. On the drive they stopped at Mr. Walter Waddell's "Pleasant View" stock farm and partook of a delight ful luncheon prepared by,theyouoj ladies of tbe party. Tbe lawn at Mr. Waddell's beautiful country residence is an ideal place for a picnic, and the picnic and entire drive was highly eojoyed by all the party. FOB SALE. A desirable borne in Higgiotviile, Mo., 100x110 feet, 00 Main street. Two build ings on tbe ground; will sell separately, at a bargain; terms esy. Apply to A. WADK, 6 1513 Higgiogvlile, Mo. , k. . "T "'"""