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The Intelligencer. I. O. NEALE, Editor and Proprietor. Entered at the Lexington la second cltn mail matter. TERriS, $1.00 PER YEAR. Saturday. Junk 29, 1901. HANNA'S IUNVKNTIO.N. The Ubio State Convention it Co lunibu. strictly a Hanna conven tion. It is hardlr tb thing to say thai those who oppoeJ Hanna, went down in ibf contention. It would tx closer to ih truth to ? that those who were opposed to Hanna ere never abln to gft tneir head above water in the convention. llano is GERMANY AND TUB MONROE D0CTR1NK. According in toe information re ceivrd from the Pan-American diplo mats in Berlin, :ermany' attitude on the Monro doctrine jivDi favorable towaids ibis coootrj'a po.-Uion. It i slated by the colleagues in Washing ton, ot the Pan-Anierican delet!e that Huron Von Itnelow, (leruiaa min ister jf foreign affjirs, nid that tier many recognised the existence and understood the extent ot the applica tion of the Monroe doctrine and that she bin do intention of hindering the construction of the canal by the United Stales. 1'y tbis position Germany takes cog' nizanc of the fact that the United State baa become a world power of such importance that gbe is capable of i maintaining ber position even at the i point of the bayonet it neeeasary. I I'oubtless the recent foreign complies nous in winch tbe tn'le.t Mates got- the greatest ta;;e manager on earth lie arranges hnprogra-n in advance .rnment fc fc nlvd and the " " ' way ia which she has aiaintained her In nb:og out the proper jwrfotmr w ci , conteDtion)1 jQ the jip,oniatic at to proper time and that no j h fc reprfseDUUVM of ,D0 "c,"i" oMr countries has shown to Germ&nv ; the power of America in the world's ; u:iti oiial family. If these Pan-Ameri- c ui diplomat have rightly understood German) 'a pjeinoo it can not be otber- ia of the cjrtain upon the stairs There is no discussion in Hanna's con vention plans. Hanna's automobile car of Jaggermant moves on and tbe man who dares stand up in front of it pets everlastingly smashed. Hanna delegates composed the convention: wise thau gratifying to the department of state at Washington. England and bei Clavton-Bulwer Hanna patted Foraker on the back and j "wi!, be eaaj, di d of whe(J VV- uDlT ! 'le speech tr. , llie tjQje cow M K d wbich he had been thoroughly coached i,lrlT ,i i,,ih,i,o . . , . ,. ....... V ...,..'. IIU. U .l.j . '"1 I HJJ'I (kj vrnl , hi... liunn. f . . I , 1 .1 I " committee on perni-iaem organization that llinn.i himself is an artist in handling '.be gave!, and ks Senator For.iker expressed it Hinna was the iiiari "who Knuw bis business and how to attend to it;" and Hanna was forth with made permanent chairman ; Han na tht-n prJ'.nptly "attended to U" in about t'.rf-e hour-; and Hinnai-ai pre vailed from 'Jr-t to b-t. Wh'la thj Ohio c-invmtian i not the national convention, Hanna the bo nays it is of national character and rations! iu-s :ind he clearly outlined those !--op. In pcaking i f the tsriff he says this is no time for experiments in iba line; this Is no time for finan cial indns'.riiil or othi-r diiiuib.inces. The few conservative- republicans who hav dared to mge-t revi.-jon of tbe tariff thus notitii d to ket p still or be poli'.ioti'.Iv buried. II is dewr con cerning trie f.nancia! and indu-iiia) li--tur i- n tn'e, to t!i.- mouev t haiiei ; 5 ai. l 1 1,,-:riit that they w ill be given frp !v.".'e in a!l jjih".h per laintng to t!;rir wellate. liautia iu that he fnvi-rs per-or,al liberty bo long - It dots n -t inte-.fere K.'li the piitili.', the public of c i;rs.' bem th.- irn-t- 1 he Hanna zed pia fnim indor-e.-TIcKinlej.s ad:uii)is.r.ition fr-jiu Alalia to OaieH, potto liican flo)-,' .uprerie court dccUiou ar.'l all; it upboids pro tection and lie troM standard: it a strong diplomatic protest. THK F.LKUORN FLOOD. Tbe entire country is gratified at the late returns from tbe Elkhorn flood. It appears that not over seventy were killed, though the property dam age is very grtat. Such a calamity calls to nuud tbe Johnstown Hood and the Galveston storm, and the whole country is aroused to a state of t-yua. pat by for the afllieted people of the Klkhorn valley. As usual in this I country the. heart of tbe nation is touched and as.-istance is being sent in from ninny sections of tbe country. With bountiful harvests of small grain I ready to be gathered in and a fine piopect ior corn the country is in furh a condition today that the wants of the little, valley of the Klkhorn need not go unapplied nd the American people may he depended upon to take cute of the unfoitunate flood suffen rs. Tbe Kansss CitT Times announces the purchase of a new three-deck Web perfecting prtss w-th a capacity ot 21 COo copws per hour. This addition to' Us ptes capacity will enable th Times t, print, cut. P"" 40..POO tipgc pap- T -'.000-4-psg papers T hour. Trops-ntv seems to be prevailing with the Times. Odell, Fairbanks. Hanna, Foraker, Tmitiv, Kool and Taft are the leading light now on the republican Mage in training for ihe great presidential cake walk A thy judgrs of the perform er abilities wiH be composed of the representative of Ihe (rusts, we would feel safe in risking a two to on -hot that llanna wins thf cake. In boring for oil at Wellsville, Mo., the-drill revealed the existence, at bi feet below the nurface, of a fine vein of lead 3 feet thick Levngtoo should go into the drilling business. We know not what weaftli may be hidden id the earth below the valuable coal dow being workpd. W. J. Bryan has too much gvd western horse sene to be inveigled into acting as eponsor for Jee Meri wether's third party infant. Though twice defeated at the polls F.ryan is true to bis party, and is too big and broad a man to get down to pouny side show business. H.i.KF.ft III AN SKCKKTAKY HAY. It i- id little consequence so far as practical results Secretary tl.tgf, lervailing duly on Kn-sian are concerned that in imposing a conn. "i'gr, tided l;l ilirec-i onuosftion to the for. eign policy of ecretary of Stale Hay. The fact that Secretary of Stale Hay has not had the nerve to call down Secietary (isge for bis unwarranted Secretary of War Koot s said to be preparing 11 structions to his chiefs to arrange to cut dowo the expenses oi the army. The honorable secretary can not set too fi-t a move on bun to please the people who are tired of standing ou a war footing in lime of peace. From all over the country in Mis souri and Kanus come reports of t tie excellent quality and larj yield of whe at, urn! if t he far'iirrs are not dis appointed in their expectations tbe crop this year may be a record breaker. Meriwether's third party infant in Missouii appears somewhat depress, ed by the excessive, heat of the present hot bell and may not If able to ur. vive through its first su miner. Where are the police officers of Kansas City? The shooting of Miss Wallace and the stabbing of young Scruggs d.i not -peak well for Kansas Cii)'t police department. The appointment of I,. K. Wiilley, of St. I. miis, as attorney general of tbe Philippine island is another Missouri triumph. Missouri bojs can not be kept down. ' The maiden ladies of the United States may be o:uewhal interested in the fai t that the recent census shows 1.00,i)'.l inure mm tbao women in America. urges the con-trnfiun of ; i disturbance of t-ie diplomatic relations J -"l hun an canal, the definite artivle, ! Ilie, referring Do do'nt to the rot ten Panama ditch in which Hanna. Mor gan & Co. are the prtnciial owners on the stock; it advocates the -treutheii-ing of tbe navy, by this means c:vini' protection to the. H i'in.i, Morgan nt ndized stenniship lin'.t; ar.-i it oppo-c-combinations which create monopo lies to control prices or limit produc tion. In the injection of this l i-t clause! in the platfotiu Hanna proves fcimsell to be the eollos- inis country aaj l.nssia is; of te. powerfal udluence of ! between evidence the swear trot in state affairs. The president ;f iris grasping trust i- a lugger factor in state affairs than the secretary of tate who is supposed to dim-t matters. Wnen the talked about that a site larse enough could not he secured. Ihe selection of the Forest St. L'iuh fair was first "rue expressed the feiu Si JoKer ot the' imrk Site with one. thiril mor sviUhto twentieth century and he is entitled to , spaoe than the Chicago world s f air a medal as the prince of satirical hum-: ocio...i .u . t . " vuuMunii oimrs iiini u iii i. .t i.r.iiiti is in Missouri and she will show the onsts. ic gods, what a kike that i the republican party .i,iu t ,,w. tinattens it hui , r,;il( i:nif-'li, to tmi trol pri:(S ot limit ( lunation . The island of 'ul):i is congratulated upon i's wis.; :md conservative action in favor of staple government, w Inch said wise and (onservaiive actiiin con sists in havinjr swallowed, under du ress, the I'latt amendment. JVrto ltico is spoken of as "flourishing !,; youd al! her former experiences''" but if we are to jude of her condition bv late commercial reports from the is-J land, iod pity the. poor inhabitants I who had to go thiush those "former experiences." Mention is nude r.f the excellent' military and civil rule in the I'hil-j ippine Islands but through some iner-' sight no mention is made, of the pm-; lal frauds and the stealings in th com nnssary departnient under the semi- military carpet big rule at Manila. The H.ninaize.1 p!atf,irn) of Ohio will be the Hanin'-McKinley. trust platform of the republican party in ' 1904 and the democrats will gladly en-; ter the content out be lines laiil down by the great state and national polui-1 cat boss, Marcus Aiire'itu Hanna. ; For the grand chorus at the r.ext! repumican national convention would suggest the following llanim here mid Hanna there,' Hanna, Ibinna everywhere, If you'd not get left, Take Ha rum's band, Get into the wagon Along wltn the band, Sing Hinna, Hanna, Hantra la, Mark Hanna is the man. world the b'ggest and that ever was shown. the best show we Fire Works i ; Flags, Lanterns, FOURTH OF JULY Novelties, Worlds Fair Site Selected. st. t'Uis Kepulii;,: June 16. At its regular monthly meeting to day, the board of directors of the Louisiana Tnrclu-e Exposition com pany unanimously adopted tbe report of the executive committee, which had selected tte Forest park site a its choice for the location ot the World's fair, to be held in this city in 1903. A resolution was then passed empower ing the executive committee to report the result ot tbe want's action to the national commii n tor ratification. .'resident t.'arter and other members of the national commission have stated all along that tney would defer largely to the judgment of the local World's fair management in the matter of a site, and it is not thought that there win oe any delay in the ratification of the action of the local d ireelor in reporting the finding of the executive omniittee as to the -ue. The sue sniveled consists of acres m the western, or unimnroved, i i . . i ... 1 poiiioii vi roie-i paiK, which contain j between l,:!oo H, acres, Hnd is Uhe second lar.-t city park n the c niiiiry. in addition 4.w acres adjoin ing on the south ami wi -t aic aval). noie. nil, nrues a total of I.71M acres, or one-thud more .pace than use, i ,jy U)v , nuiiioi an exposition 111 . UICM'O. iiMiimiiiiini' ii ii mi T. K. Malone. ftom near Km s heir Mo., was awarded a diploma of bronze for tbe best exhibit of lien Hsvis and willowtwig apple which he had on ex hfbition at the Paris exposition. Once more Is Missouri brought to the fiont I as tbe land of tbe big red apple. FIRE CRACKERS AND TORPEDOES. We want your business and our prices will prove it. E G Loomis book and HAERLE BUILDING. He DIFFICULT aUESTIONS tlettint; a pair of iipw .stirn-s Is a cauaa ol worry to no-r peple, and the following dtflicult qnejtior.s naturally a;ls,..' f Where can I find a shoe that fits comfortably f Where can I find the best quality in a shoe Where can I find the best Shoe for the money We can answer these questions readily for you. Give us a trial and we can satisfy you with a comfYirUMe fit, unsurpassed in jollity and at a price that you must at once acknowledge to 1. reasonable. We solicit a liberal share of your pttrona v M. D. WI LSON. '""VT 4 We sell the Mound City Go's fine Mixed Paints, these paints are also entirely pure, you cannot buy a better paint anywhere. We also carry a full stock Of s, Leads, Oils, Enamel Varnishes, 2c. and can supply you with anything you may need in this line at the lowest prices. ntii ouinit4 Heating Stoves, a Steele Ranges, Cook Stoves, Cheapest and Best at Tel. 105 Lexington, Mo. Sam'l 1. Drvsi aie. VV. G. Musgrove. Cciinfy News. wessrs. ojiryan an.l Allen I lomlin, ot Kani- City, have le-iseit nn interest in i he If ih'isvilie Advance and enteral upon their iim,,. ns, Mon.lsy. They are welcome to the ranks of J.:ifa)etic county journalism. The Hiinsvilirt Imnil huve received their new suits, and the Lafayette Leader says iLe ftro beauties, and that the boys are improving in their playirijr. Iligstinaville is pushing the prepnra lions lor her Fourth of July celebration and iho (own is expecting a larere crowd and a.good time. Miss Georgia (ilover, of Odessa, was one of three out of 80 pupils at Coltey College, Nevada, Mo., to get on the honor roll which requires an average grade of 95 for thu entire year. Uev. E. .S. Paddock, pastor of the Kaptist church at Ilijfginsville, has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Haptist church at Cape Girardeau. BULL Vua8ALE Young bull for god niw; good color; good Individual; thoroughbred. 6-221' T. B. Campbell. MUSGROVE & CO., --J Groceries, - Provisions FRESH AND SALT MEATS. Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce. Mullenix's Old Stand, cor. 16th and Franklin Ave. Harris-Anderson- Lumber Co. GlVr.S Vol' TIIK- Best Grades at Lowest Prices BKFOItE III TYING SKF. J- J. RHODES, M'G'R., Lexington, Mo. W. W. CORSE, M'G'R., Wellington, Mo. KICHAKD riELD.pBESt r 0R0 V rtn-nv S, J. ANDREW. Cash'I" Morrison-Wentworth Bank, Mimn.i. Mlrwl Accomin.xlatlou to Keirular CuHiomfr. Uti.'banl Field. R j. Am)rw BRf "F DIRBCTOR81 WUliam J. Morrlv.o 'EJw ilVrlt f'ymi,'' . tron. Jon. R. BaH