Monday, July 1st and will
Continue Just 'Fifteen Days
Notwithstanding our greatly increased salts lor every month of this year, yet we find our stocks are too large in many departments
We could close them all out during July and August at regular prices, but we intend to do two months business in just i5 days.
We realize that to accomplish this we must make such Cut Prices that it will pay you to buy during just these sale days. Our loss
wiil be your gain. If you are a customer you know the quality will be the best in every respect. There willl nut be a dollar's worth
of these goods put on sale at these cut prices until 7 o'clock
Monday Morning, July 1st, 1901
When certain lines are closed out you cannot buy again at the Special Harvest Sale Prices lor it will he impossible for us to buy again
so cheap. If you arc interested in good things, it will pay you to be on hanl early Monday morning or as soon thereafter as possible.
We will increase our sales force so that you will have no trouble in being waited on. Read every item. .
.vns. Batiste, Dimities, etc.
mV'i Lawns, fast color. have never
;it yards less tlian .V, harvest sale
Corded Lawn, t h o i c e !
styles, new coloring. 27 Im lies j
j ide, worth 7 1" per yd. har
vest salt; price 4c.
Ana'.ia C'ordele, a very :
pretty fabric, wiih c o ril s j
heavier than dimity, in beau- i
t i f itl color of blue, pinks. I
heliotropes, white ana lilai k, i
. , designs a"'' stripes, cheap at lite !, j
. -t sale price 7c. ,
i .niton Ha'tiste, .1 in. wide, nice fine
. r fabric dainty -colorings In new dc- j
i-. worth 12c yd;"harvcst sak- price c. j
in's Dimity and Tluha Itntirittr, light,
v ii.il dainty fabric, pretty colors, every .1
id-cap at 12!c: harvest sale price 10c. 1
V..:0etta and Holly Ratiste. These are
k ui the daintiest and most airy fabrics I
v n this season, newest coloring in blue, (
U yellow, purples, greens, gray, beige. ,
.1 -,nl black, colors fast, cheap at 1.7c j
yard: harvest sale price 12c
I loyal Dimity ami Native t'ordele.
1 m- have fine sheer grounds, with amis
beautiful designs of stripes, figures,
.irt colors and black, colors fast, worth
'o lc per yank Harvest Sale Price
Nainsook Felet, a dainty soft mull
s!i fabric, with inereeri.cd cords,
k like silk, worth i'c per yd. Harvest
!c Price htc.
imlulinc Rrodel, a very dainty fabric,
the order of French Lawns, with em
lidereil designs in wave effects, cords and
i H-!S.
1'oulard Patterns, cheap at 2V per yd.
irvest Sale Price 17c.
I'iueapple and Bohemian Tissues. Not
l.v the daintiest and prettiest but the
M durable of wash fabrics, choice color
Jssoid at 2.7c to -.".'c per yd. Harvest
ie Price 21c.
Mercerized Itrilliants. Nice soft linish-
loth, with small raised designs, printed
1 i'li colors of stripes, cheap at 2.7c. Har--t
Sale Price -di".
!iirt Waists
'I'hi-y never were so much in demand as
'l i . These warm days make everybody
'it one. We have over fifty styles, in
;it and dark colors.black and pure while.
iey are niade of Percale. Madras, Batiste,
iwn.uul Indian Linen; they are beautiful
made. Kvery one at special cut price?.
Here's the way we do it:
"V Grades now We.
77c tirades now 50c.
Tl H tirades now Wc.
l. 2.7 and l.:V.) tirades now Wc.
l 70 and 1 .lilt Grades now tl U.
!.! and 2. 00 Grades now 1. ''.
Zephyr Ginghams. Soft linen finish,
nice line of colors iu stripes and check",
regular c quality. Harvest Sale Price Cc.
Madras Ginghams. About twentytive
styles in all the new designs of checks,
plaids, 'and stripes-, some have light and
others the heavy cords woven in, which
makes them very durable; every yard worth
12V. Our Price )0e.
French Madras Ginghams. :52 in. wide
of the finest grades of French Madras and
tissues. Tne patterns are al new and the
most desirable colors, never sold a yard less
than 27c, and they are cheap at that. Har
vest Sale Price l!tc.
Fine Silk Ginghams. 27 in. wide, nice
pretty colors in plaids and stripes: nothing
r.ttiiT fur waits or the entire dress: sold
Parasols and Umbrellas
Harvest. Specials in fancy parasols.
We have ju-t 2d fancy parasols left in nice
styles of plain taffetas and fancy silks,
trimmed with ruttles of silk chiffon ami lace
They soid f-.r i.7.7 to $4.50. Von can take
your choice at the Harvest Sale Price !'-.
Umbrellas; we tell you of these specials
that a .e utH(iial)ed for wear and durability
An e.vti a large purchase made such prices
possibL . . '
Umbrellas, 2ii inch steel rod. covered
with black F.ngii-h serge, worth "; Har
vest sale jiri e 4"ic.
I'lu'brelias, 2ii in. best Kiragon frame,
steel rod, beautiful handle's,' covers of silk
serge and merceri.ed silk: everv one guar
anteed, worth il 2.7 to 1.";(); yoi.r choice at
the Harvest Sale Price ic.
L'mbrellas. 2! in. best paragon fran-v
cteelrod, elegant hanillesnf horn and Cellu
loid gilt aud silver trimmed covers of . M.
silk serge and mercerized silk, worth t?1.7":
vour choice at the Harvest sale I "rice $1 . i'..
each 1-
Leaf F a u s,
Satin Palm Faus,
all si.es and shapes,
best ep.iality, 2 for 5o .
.1 III 1 I;
Fans, nice new de
signs. I 'rices. 2c up
"to 2-V .
.Spanish fans rich showy designs nice
bandies: price 10c ui to i'.K.
.Siik and gauz.' fa'if, very rich hand
some detdgnsHine sticks, iiatidsome handles
prices 2.7c up to 1,S8.
Harvest Specia's
In Hat Department.
at 2''c and cheap at that i-rice.
Sale Price l'.'C.
Summer Corsets
Freezer Summer Corsets of good lace
netting: this has ken the leader all spring
at 2-V; Harvist Sale Price Pc.
Petrel summer corsets, nice lace net
ting, double stayed on sides: will make an
other leader at :i!'c: Harvest Sale Price 2ic
Ircon summer corsets, nice double
twist lace net ting double stayed with four
.one strips an 1 a very strong yet one of the
coolest, a regular .70c grade: Harvest Sale
Price :VX:
Paramont and Met reuiac. summer cor
sets, t wo of t he most popular styles, short
and medium lengths, Price l;c.
Puritan girdles of cont'd and summer
netting: th-se have been exceedingly popn-..
lar in the small sizes: price jilc.
Ladies Underskirts
and Dress Skirts:
Of fine Madras, nice colors in stripes,
checks and plain colors, trimmed with wide
flounces and ruffles: cheap at !.. Our
Price v.i,-.
Linen Dress Skirts of heavy crash linen
nicely trimmed with three rows of bauds,
worth l.tU to 4 1. .70. Harvest Sale Price ti'.ic
Duck Dress Skirts of dark and medium
.blue duck, three rows of band trimming
around the bottom, cheap at t.2T. Har-
est Sale. Price !,-.
All other skirts at the same reduction.
Men's and Hoy's Hickory and Straw
Hats, ali styles and si.es, that we sold at
1 lie and 12c. Harvest Sale Price ,7c.
Men's and Hoys Hickory an I Straw
Hats, wide brims, bound and banded, best
grades cold at 27c. Harvest Sale Price, lite.
Men's and Hoy's Straw Hats of all the
new shapes of stiff and soft in Yacht. Golf.
Oxford and staple styles: th ;se cut prices
will move them out in a hurry.
2-V Grades at the Harvest Sale Price,
4ik-Grades at the Harvest Sale Price,
.70c and ti.7c, Grades at the Harvest Sale.
Price 3!"c.
7.7c add Wc Grades' at the Harvest Sale,
Price ;7!c.
4-l.ni) Grades at the Harvest Sale, Price
'All other grades at the same reduction.
Men's and Hoys' Shirts
Men's' working shirts of black twill and
fancy shirtingsi worth 2.7c; our price l'.tc.
Men's working shirts of black and twill
double front and back, extended neck, band,
cheap at .7i)c, our price a!V.
Men's negligee shirts of percale and
madras, attached or detached collars and
cuffs, new styles, worth ,Wc to d-7c; Harvest
Sale Price 47c.
Men's negligee shirts of madras and
heavy percales, with or withoutcollars and
cuffs, fast colors, sold at 7.7c to J1.00; Har
vest Sale price ti'.ic.
Hoys negligee shirts of good percale,
two collars to match, always cheap at fHc;
Harvest Sale Price 4.7c.
Table Linens - ' '
Hleached table damask, 58 in. wide.,
nice new patterns, pretty borders, per
yard -Sic.
Mlcaehed Table Damask, 'fit' in. wide:
this is the houbekeepers brand; a .food ,
wearing ipiality, per yard 15.7c.
Our Harvest Special all pure linen
damask. .7H to (14 in. wide, heavy Scotch
make, one of the best wearing grades made.
There are five styles in th s lot and worth
i.7 to W: per yard. We offer at a special
cut price only during this sale; Harvest
Sale I 'rice i'.ic. .
Ladies' Vests
Ladies' ribbed vests, cream color,
crocheted around neck and arms, price
.'for Me.
Ladies' ribbed vests, cream color, taped
neck; price ,7c .
Ladies' Swiss ribbed vests, cream and
bleached, taped neck and arm holes, worth
12 l-2c. each: each 10c or 15 for 27c.
Ladies' Swiss Lisle Vesta; tine ribbed
lace around neck and arms; silk taped
ecrue and cream color; the grade we sold
at 2.7c; Harvest Sale Price l!lc.
Hoys Pants and Crash Suits
Hoys knee pants of cottonade, Harvest
Sale Price l"c.
Hoys knee pants; all the best grades of
linen, cottonade and duck included in this
sale, worth 2.7c to .'!7c; Harvest Sale Price We
Hoys and youths crash suits; small sizes'1
in blouse and larger sizes have . coats and;
pants. Here's the way we do it: ' ' ' .
7-7c grades now ;7!lc.
iMaMt grades now 70c.
$1.2.7 grades now OSc.
. Silk Ribbon, all silk, all colors; No. 7
and 7. Per yard, ;t 1-2.
Fancy Ribbons, one inch to 1 1-2 inch
wide in plaids and stripes, worth 10c per
yard. Harvest Sale Price 5c.
Fancy Ribbon, .'J to 4 inch wide, nice
new colors for neck and ties; worth 2.7c to
40c yard. Harvest Sale, Price 15c .
We will make things pleasant for you, large
vef offpr dnrinp this great Harvest Sale.
ulu of tUleTpll,". s,o.',S .nd d, -or ',. to use. l,o,,t U ta, MoUny, Ju,y I, i .he day and wi continue just , c days.
.iKisvn,e. Missouri. T. M. LAKE & SONS -W-vU L
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