Newspaper Page Text
JIIIIBIII 20, SO. 160. I 'ml. iv Uiu- bind fet. tr :a fotiVid. IT hand huh. Sue style, jooil tme and r.iu-li a 1 ijum tbe horse for addle or light hrv. .-ired by ArtSt. Jr.. J:li: ho by ArtNt Ii: lie by Kr-c Wil liam. C. 1st data by Jewell iH-umara: ArtKi. .'r. by Artmu dam by luitiftoa, Jeeeii TV-hmTK w by Wahltiffioo Iierm-.ark. '. j'a the Vu-en. Dim .sauuie Burr. Per ex pended piiRrtt5 x-v N. J. H. Kt'ir.MiT Artisan 3d. No. mo sill stand at !t. Mannadukc, Jr. M trmadake. Jr.. Is a 'euliful d:ri ba with black points, hano Miih and ll! iffh lull This i of in it-M uii pur knrs in the euntr. as he is a fcrst elass road hors-and maiy cnoa'.:li ! dnw a lir;tr load than any draft stiiiii.n is the muiT. He ih sired tor Martnaui.'-. No. :;. djun by Biniark: in- by lttvi- His rolts are lirfv and thus Just tin" !ml to sell r lb market at fsn.-y prio-s or to raise tirsi-slas mult marvs f rou. a d) aft riart-s lirvrr produix- cwl mule, ilt- ui Maud ai Missouri raivemty Note. The annual catalogue of the Slate (.'Diversity of Missouri has bco issued and will be nt to an? one upon re quest. Tbe catalogue contains many new annooncernenta Ibis year. Many ct ib classes io the summer school o( the 1'oiversity of Missoari are crowded to their utmost capacity, the eorolluiect io ancient history alone over eighty, and other Classes are almot equally as large. Two thousand, seven hundred and Ef:y decrees (not including honorary degree?) have been conferred by ibe (."Diversity of Missouri up to June f, l'.'vl. " dee hundred and six counties, in cluding the city ol St. Louis, were rep. resected at tne State University dur ing the season that has juft closed. 1 he counties sending ten or more sto. dents with the rorcber ent by each were as follows: Audrain, ."0: Bales, 13; Uooce, 21'.': llucbanan, !: Cal- New Laundry Machinery. Mr. O. O. Crawford, the enter prising proprietor i.f our steam laun dry, is determined to Veep every. mtg in hi. laundry rvbt up-to-date. He has jut replaced a wod starching nncblic by a rew rue that has all the latest improvement-, and U is the very U-t thiig made iu Its line. He ha al-o added a new Ironing machine for-hirt bjditM. shirt waists, s-kirt?, duck truu-t-rs, &c. and can do the best of work In the nii'st sills factory manner on llii? machine. Last week lie put in a special drylnp attachment to hi drying room to be used exclusively for dryitj; cliars and cuffs. Mr. Crawford is doin evervtuiogr possible to make Ins laundry equal to anything in the country and he deserves the liberal patronage of the town. 10: Clinton, 10; Cooper, 11: Franklin, Ol: Ccntry, 21: Giene, IS; U.-rnon, 13; Henry, IS; Holt, 13: Jactj!i, 7u: Jasper, 44: Lawrence, 10; Lincoln, 10: Linn, 15; I.uiagsion, 10; Macon, 13; Marion, 10; Monitva, 11; Mod- jroe, l'.': Nodaway, 17; Petti j, 2b"; jl'htlps, 40; r.-tlls, 13; Kaiidolpb, 20; lUlua is a brown liihi r" ' ' ' I4. biiHis hi.-h. aill i-.i.-n l pi.uti.l-. i ; l' : Vernon, 11: CltV t'f St. I.OUlt-. 05. ery bi K-iy tno 'Jlra hi-mt li-. H : a Hi- b-r-. a hi- it- jir. v. 5. Wood, president of the -oa fr tii-nt-r-s: b i- -tirt- fon'. . r Mif 'm win brv.-i itb anv t-ir j;n-k ic : Naiioual Dana of Commerce, Kausas th-cuutr. ! ai'.l -i.od atS-.'.tw iniit- ! -tit to stand aJ suck . p-!tjt tas pftStbltd iFl.tH.".' to the rir takn u prevent b--M. bm n . State t'niveisity, the interest from r.,p..usihilitj assumed N.uM auy .. our. -hlrh h..n inrt . tAlrZrJZS j rded each, year to tbe junior f'-risicdtuts iu the collece of agriculture and Qjechanic arts writir. the beit boo.1. A litfi is rrtained im tnr TiKt nxHify. Th- abfiTe animals will m:ik- tit' -fi.wm of lAi ai ihv 1'iattviihur.- f:.rn 'fiTCi- r esys opou a subject councted Wilh miles si.utbea.-t of l.-i'liictou. uar tbe uld ! tD prodUCtj Of the State. Dr. Woods fair grounds. i msii. ih rir i),..,.k I ..k. au. v. ato tyivuU Udiyuci Kitu FRANK FISHER. RUSTIC B. 30763. (UKCOKD 2:22..) Hrcd and ow nexj by Joseph K. T:ar. nett, proprietor Edgefield Stock Farm, Lexington, Missouri, will make tbe season of 1901 at bis farm 8 miles southeast of Lexington, near Prairie church, at II to insure, money due as 6000 as the fact Is ascertained or mare parted with. A lien is retained on the colt for service money. So responsibility for accidents. Bustle II. is 7 years old, 16 bands, 2 inches high; dark, bay with black points, good size, weighs 1,300 pound.-, with both style aud speed combined; good mane and tail. Rustic h. was sired by h'ewcomb. 239; be by 'utwoJ, No. 600, record 2:13 ; Ndtwood is the premier stallion as a sire of speed; be by Belmont, No. t4; Newcoruls 1st dam, Maggie Wilkes, dam of three in the list, by ieorge Wilkes, record 2:22: Rustic Jt. 1st dam, Mertrix, by Merchant, No. 3a9; be by bdrooiit, "No. 64; 2nd dam by Al West, Xo. 14371; he bv .Almont. No. 33; 3rd dam by Marina--duke, No. 90s2; 4lb dam by Idol, No. 177: be by Meinbrino Chief, No. 11. -JOS. H. BAH2TETT, 44 m -5 Tbe tipcat Northwejjfs First White Child. One of the most remarkable prod iawsy, 1?; Carroll, 13; Cas. 12: Clay, of the aruazing growth of that vas region ot our country camnionly called tbe great Northwest, with its numer ous si-terhood of states and its popu lation of more than 7.000,000 people, is tbe fact that it i only a little more than eighty years since tbe first white baby was born th.T;. Tbe child was a girl, tbe daughter of a regular army officer, and -be is still living. A fas cinating account cf ber eventful life, tbe early years of which were spent among soldiers and savages, will appear io an early is.-ue of IV Ladies' Home Journal. The whole bland ot New York was originally bought of the Indians lor an equivalent of about twenty. five dollars. Tduy N" York bij a population of about o.i"0,.nio. which is exceeded by only one other city L)nJoo. Ill wealth is enormous; its aunual ex pen. diturtJ are more tban twice those of tbe republic of Mexico, and almost one-tbird much as those ot tbe Genuai empire with its population of 32,000,000. And it bas become tbe financial center of tbe world July LadieV ITome Journal. On Jellies rrawo-T and pick la. iprad a ibta ooailuf or rUoad PARAfFINE WAX Will Kta ahalirtly maiatar nd , ,4pno! Huimii !" af-il in a ! ohT wr ak( ihthaaa. Fall arrttaia sa'k aoaad a.-kaf. bold trf vtitn. STANDARD OIL CO. 1 i ""' : . a -. Epworth League ;:;iC3liforoia Excursions.. A OHUI 9T8?APEB. The Sunday edition of tbe St. Louis Republic is a m irrel of modera news paper enterprise. Tbe orKw.uBtj0n of its news service la world-wide, complete in every department: in fact, superior to that of any other newspaper. The mHzlne section is illustrated in daintily tinted colors and eplendid half tone pictures. This section contains more high class literaiy matter than any of te monlhry maga7.ines. The fashions frustrated in natural eo4ors are especially valuable to tbe ladies. The colored comic section is a genuine laugh-maker. Tbe funny car toons are by the best artists. Tbe humorous stories aro bipth class, b? authors of national reputation. Sheet music, a Iiigh-class, popular song, is furnished free every Sunday ir Tbe public The price of the S'inday Hepoblic b WINKLER TURE n i IV COMPANY AC(CTCKIBAIDSaLMl FURNITURE. ABB raWABBB TO txj AIM HIM Of Tiniig, Pluitj Scroll Sniig, fxt. WeaiiokeepcooJtaoUfon kaed Stair Banisters, Newel Posts, Walnut Coffins, &c. n-p, one ot the curators. lr. Wood was student at tbe Missouri Univer sity and takes a lively iutereil in the ! iiwiituiion. His purpose in tuskiof tbe gift to tbe juniors was to give lbs successful ones tbe means ofcontio. uing their education tbe neat year. McClcttaod.Thomas. Mis- Elizabeth Aruold Thomas, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed tuoud J. Tboma, N'o. 717 North Leonard avenue, and James McClel land were married last evening, the ceremony taking place at the church of the Holy Communion, tbe rector, the Rev. Lte Craig, reading tbe service. The bridal partv large. There were four bridesmaids, a mjtron and a maid of honor. Mrs. Edmood A. Thoma?. a sister-in-law or the bride, served as the honored matron, wear ing white silk mull and point lace, and Miss Eess Hays, of Louisville, Ky., was the maid of honor, in a white Paris muslin frock, with Valenciennes lace and sa-h of white liberty satin. The two bridesmaids, Miss Julia Curry and Miss Carrie ' mail 5" ' -. For sale by all Taylor, wore white musliu gowns! "eW9 with pale green liberty and cariied lavender sweet pea, while the other maid?, Miss Eieatrix Lodi:e and Miss Isabel Gutberie. varied the color scheme by pink -a-nes over j their white gown and carried pink isweei rxas. i.v. vmui "- ".ir uuii.un over wpi IB spirceu aettlt-d country it thrr I ,n..m. .. , liberty sin, the entire g-wn trim-1 c-nt.a ,!!,. Tb. popul.tio o, VXZ e CK.lest recreative med in quantities of birring. A j d' II"'!0'? b "w tn ' Ask Mr the H.irlin.ton-. sm . .i i - ... i oa- riuwh raDirii iner B rn . " . wmia hi iiui was us onlv . ..... .. ' . " " cursion latecircu ars. ornament. She carritd a shower of j lilies of the valley, i The u-btrs were frer.shaia i or Lexington, Mo.; Albert Cnti. Edward Lebens, Mao9cld flay and James Thoma. James C. Hi rr, of Louisville, was the best man. There was no reception. L ist olgbl Mr. and Mrs. McClelland departed for the northern lakes. They will travel for several reeks. Mr. James McClellaDd.tbegroom, is an old Lexington boy, well and favor ably known in our city, and bas bonis of friends in LeiiuKton who Join the Intbllioknckk in wishing him and his bride much happiness and a long and prosperous life. Account Fifth International Conven tion of Fpworth League, San Francisco July s2t. San Francisco is ao ideal summer re sortweather always cool. Trip thither in summer, across high tablelands of New Mexico and Arizona is pleasant air bracing, no oppressive beat or dust. Lest way to go is via S inta Fe Route, only line under one management. Chi cago to San Francisco; daily trains to California, Fred Harvey meal service, personally-conducted excursions. On the way visit Indian pueblos, and petribed forest, also Urand Canou of Arizona world's greatest scenic tacle, now easily accessible. See southern California its noted re sort hotels, idyllic, valley, majestic mountain!, smooth beaches and lovely islands, its W missions, its semi-tropic fruits and flowers, its (great oil wells. This important section reached via San ta Fe Rout cheaper than most other lines and witb greater comfort Extremely low round-trio rates; liber al stop-orer privileges; choice of routes returning; open lo everybodv. All ticket 3-ots lI via Santa Fe "Route. Descriptive literature on request. Santa Fe Route Address, ED. McKEON, ACDt A. T. & S. F. K. K. Lexinrton. Mo. Low Rate Excursions all Summer via THE BURLINGTON ROUTE. ririnji tbe cominj? summer tbe I5ur lirtgton Rrtute will have in effect the very' lowest excursion rates that have ever been made. The general plan of these rates, destinations, etc., is so varied that the public should ask their nearest ticket agent for details, or else do us the favor to write for rates, des criptive matter, etc. Cheap Summer Tours West Pady to Colorado. Utah and lllack Hills, also Homeseekers' excursions every two weeks to the whole West and Xorth wes Cheap Excursions East Verv low I k 1. K EDUCED E1TE3 ISIXDUa i round triI' to th Buffalo Expo- TIBRITQET. I sition. the Seashore. Adirondack, Can- Ev-jriince tbe construction of tbe M. ai4' M'diRii Ikes. Mackinaw; a K. A T. Ry. tbrooeh tb Indian Territorj, j thousand eastern resorts; 6ne lake and in local patenter rai between station ; trips ea-t, via Chicago, iMroit, to the Indian Territory bas been ea ibe i Cleveland. bai of five tents a mil. Tbt customary Cheap Kxcursiotis North-Everv day r.l. ol paweoger tares 0B railroad.. ex-J to St. Faul. Minneatnlis and L.akn k-v. i j . Itft m S 1 1 I M I! Ivi P ..Ik. '4 Al ; ill it- MM wnt rnM r r 1 T I , ! .lamestown, Virginia, where the aieuuic ana nooaen iunai cases Knt,isn firil 0.d their foothofd (n Always on hand. arc iDcrta-e io paRaenger iraSJc on tbia account, and the Katj official, recojnii. ' "'"rn' r-xcursions iersoiialIy con Id tbe waots cf tae people aod iba'dllCte1 rtT wlMday from St. lu.ttceof o doing, bars volontarlly ar. j Louis tveTy Thursday from Kansas raog-dtor4uctha local passenger rata ' "nd St. Joseph, io a bau of three eeon a mile. Tbii re- Write f rates and printed mat ductlon will take plmce on or aboat No- j l" describing the proposed trip vember Art. There, will be great reioic- R- II. CltO?!K, L. W. WaKCLV log amoag tb resident aloag tbe llae of A- Main St. Ct a Paa n r a'i tbe M. S. ft T. j ..aa.eClty.M.K KkITo. ; HOWAKD EttlOTT, Ihrougjb to Harrlwn. j (i'n',nw.M.jlp..l0. On April lolb. the St. Imis snrl North Artansa Railroad was totmally ......,.,MU,WU o toimaiiy Ti a Ttn A,rr . opened to Harrison. Arkansas. esUb-i A KAKE CHANCE libhinglin eonneetion with the hifco1, HT'. o oot mr fcaiT lifle from Seligmaa) direct railway com-' &5 torlX .d."T ?.a,60 b. mnnlcatlcu with ..ome of tbe rlchtst ! SibboTtbo. u'JiZ lead and zmc fields yet discovered. I -. am VeT? S wuh The turrit nr. k. Ik. 1 tnllk 1 1 rat fl . lArmatl. 1. -. ,. w vuc new io creamery boaineaa. fa t-'. 1 line presents peibar thf most ninark. j with cair at foot ,od J?VL'J able panorama of ruceed mountain '""h?1-. .'Masiac from ni i-jt ranges and fertile vallevs to hufonnrt m T u"a- L,u 0B "i-Mreaa. . - , 111 Uft uu... -w. ... m rujf. the New World in K0, was burned in lb.o. lodav nobodv n,inMif.iii7ii n...t..niin.. .ii.-i iuua ouui nves tDere. be article cf their manutacture. pl.-drlnir ! ''lll!c rPma,DS to mrk the i;e except tbemelne towll at cheap a. .ucb artiolej ; crumbling church tower, dilapidated in be tx.uiciit. gravest;iea, and rcmnsiiU on the foundations of a few houe ,7uy j Ladc' Iluine .Jeurnal. "Winkler Furniture Co. the American continent A trip to liar riam is well worth the time so Bpent, either from a commercial or a sight seeing standpoint. COBRKSFONDESTS WANTED Tbe K aprTTyear l Aollvllle, Mo. DR. ALVIX V. COLE PHYSICIAN - AND . TKLLIUBNCKk want, a correapuodent to I'nVe; Meu JiuliaiLB l-l., .. i.-.-rylowo.n UUyetie count,. Write R.-ldvnre: lth KMnJ . tor particular.. ''fiMln, ph imn ORDER OF PUWtoS STATE III? MIKSrtrui 1'J.' Ull'Mr Or LAI AVKTTe. Pv Iu the Circuit Cuu-t. ef i.,t.... . Mixtoutl, Auirur.1 Term. Ii-.i '. (Maude A. Pblllips. In p..,n aild r.ii uku in me wi;i toa t.-i-ment nf John A. Phillips divJj" Vlrll II. r-bllii. Hir I TTS' Hps. Cora E Poll. ! HiiIIoce. ber btir-an.1. Luth-r Phlllip!Mi minor. I'nrtt-r H Vanha a minor, ni, d Grare V. Pbill minor by their vi)rdiin and'oun ,' torClaute A. Plilliipg. Saiuucl T. Lee. Defendant. ; Now attbi. dayco-ne tho ilniui,ikw. bv tlieir attm nev ana HI.. ,k... . . aft.tavit. allttiut. amt iuf iiib.rtair, defendant troii. I T. Ue. , ,. . xlt nf the ktatH i.f Miu.H. Uk " urdered the clerk in 'vin-aii..3 n'M rti'lcnrl (i.l lu. n. ,i,rl..l I.. tliMiniiri llrfV.I u..,n..r. A - .. .. " iii this court. tb i.t.ji et an I , n. nl , W lll.'l. 1. t.. n.f...... ..... . . -lUi Ike nf lrt u.wl .,... I .... . ... .'"""-H. : , - ...... . i,i i ,n , tii.n in thMt (.i-t-i... ri....l .....i ... ... ....... ., , u,.H. .i ue j inurt IS', by ut.tltulin the nltbowiird -one.1' where th.. -iim- JZ. after tbe word "Mock" in the flt-oipV? uu .tu hi iomi aia oirr:p(ii.n i.u n-td etiMll m f. il ;,; .h .mmt fllt f.W t ..... mr-A .... . . " W., l .m.,utkMjn..u . . hi. .... . . . m iff. nidi t.. i.. . n i. ' ame aupenrs upn Ui plit .f Mit detNla nA) I . ... . . . .mji-iiH CWWH thence wt Mid a!uiii..o hvm kj un-.f i...., im, isi-iire uiti x-veo il rlu I 5 ' l'n"' ibeace ttnitan. iui..iri.--i icvi iwi. lui-nre n.rtn m$ cbalosaDd twenty 0e n lnk to iiin Kilnnlfiw ....W...1 ..n.!...!! .... .............. . m vmmi w TV in A en.rtaet ruruer nf tbo bove J.-vriM Im nf land, eirkt i-i l wide n..t' ma am Kl.ilMI fll.lMt W .U. - - . . . .... umnw aiu ui-n'Dcjact patnuel T. 11 be and appear at iaicwurl.atMnitim tbeieo., lu be tx run and k hO. a at iltul hUi., la tke rlty wf Iaiihvo. i k! oouniy.tiDltie ItU day of Auiui Doll a ob or KofuM tbe JJ day ot -.atfrm II i term .hail cidiIiiuv. ra if nn,; uo i tn-l.rrii the lt day (,f .M t. u mm ur plead to tbe petkk.a Iomi j--.iU'a will ii taken a. is cf-efl. a 4 Jlrfiiitl be reujered aeci.rdinaiy. And it la lunber ordered that a ciWm lui tiiiK11a.l . . .a i i - too liitttllla-fDcer, a nea-spaper putiiiMii luat luaertluo tu beatlmat thirty dayi beK im uaj "i aaiii dvji .lurui icrx pi la CimV. -A true Copy from Ibe record. A Urn I 3. H. CA M PBKLL. Circuit CM By i- W. bvtisoa. Deputy vie Blackwell X Shu Att.,ru jj for PUItlA ORDER OF PDBLICATE ?tat: or issorKi.' . County of lafnyett". Id the Circuit d.urt of Lar.;.-ite CtS Leilna-ioo. AuvuilIrra,lA; Edward Holmes, Plaintiff i va. Tbe Dwer Coal lompanv and Lee W. tvi. iK-feiitlaniii Now at thiday romeaihe phiintifl ni attorney unJ tin hi-, petiti.41 .ad i3.v alioffinc. amonr other tbiDfrt. that defrna: Tbe IluverOi-al (i.tuDunv. i a liiwr. Mi ration of anKoer Mate, that i of tbv Suvf liltmK and that the oefeodant bee w In 19 not a rem Jent of the Mate of Miixntin: whereupoD. it woiilcred by tliederklti cation, that said defendants be W:Mt publication that plaintiff ha o.iLDi.nfM suit aa-ain-t theiu In Ibis court, the ohjrftn irenenU nature of which i. t" ivtovrr .t ment iimiiiit defeudants .tabli-hiiir tae tiff' title to the O'Mlh eat nut.rter o! 9- nonn east quartix ol wi'lion n'V.-niwif' oiwninip ntty-oue l.Mi. runve iwenty-jus in said coiintv, and .l.i'n.H' d im iiH f aMe; and tarn hundred and tilt) aw namtir" lor wiihholduiir p.x"i!.iii Mt dollara for monthly nnt ar,d rf ami that utiles the said rt. t. mijiti and appear at thin court, st the term the reof, to ! tvtfiin ami h -Idi-n 0' conn House In the City nf m county on tbeMhdavnf Aueurt m tt.ini'.c N-fore ttie thlnl d.iy of anl tetm. if n W "hall an Ionic continue, and if not. th.ni1" tarorctlie nl xahi terni.aparruri totbe tM'titionin aaid phiii. Ih. wwl'k taken aa iM-d. aod Jui'Hiiiout lU tenderwl acfor.liuly. Aod it I. further ordered, that a copy Vtr oe putihed. according to law in the Intelligencer, a oewapaia-r putilllid l County of Lafayetl for four week mk ivelv. linlilUhi .1 In. mi nniv m vrk. Ill V mwrtloo to be at Irwat thirty day. b-fi Brat day of aald neit Aiifunt term. Ml' ibip court. J. II. CAMPUKLL. Circuit Ct By J. W, 8VDSOM. Deput. Alexander Gt-, Aitorm-y for W lilt. fr fiONDCAIX llnMMnl ak.i Tii.trirt Kc' towusbip il. range . Lata) ntln ii ui.O. oun, . De percent bood-i are Bnoj" tlMl tMlt 1..1. 1(1 II li. 11. I4.R.' W, IS, l. 90 and 21. dated May I. Utfna.fl deelan-d due aod nayaM" on Ike DritMl' July. ttOU by Uie Board of Wueaikm OlatricK imyable at theotnoe nf Hk' VZ Truat Co, In tbe City ol 85. 1" no which day and date all Inlerrt uvre will etaee. lU Hv rrA-r nf ,. W.A ..f I'.liirnlion 01" dUtrtct this Wth day of May. I3l. . vn(V, e-lti T.J. BA00. Secretary of tbe Doard of Euui'uli U'W too rVbool Di.-4rtet No. 3. townadtp r.nrc Z. Lafayette County. Mwu""- . XOTIPK fit.' HKSliiVATlOS- N.mIju la hereby fieen that the un,,,frf rn irdlHU of the prison aod entnte"! Hf Wllbern. a ralnoi. will apply t" H" Pn.( court of Lifayette county. Auvu.t term, ImiI, of said court. Lei the prulmte. court nmrn. In lb'1 ''"",,, inirton. in aald eountv. on lhr 'n.1 M . Auirust, l!., cnve to reiK'i : fMrum tbe person and estate of aaitf ir.iri;r f-KEtlKKICK KUV (luatxllan or tho Perum and 1 Miniir. I f XlMiTiiN MIssoi ;