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hum INSURANCE. Farm property insured, oc pied by tenant or owner, isks written in any town in wr.W -nma ;init malrp puaty. U1W'" - inspection, and name tp uoon application. Will - ... . ,SUE ANYTHING. jU on him at Write or office in exington. I.W. Jill REAL ESTATE l. cqV in Lexington. Farms r sale. Houses to rent. ,u have any real estate 11 place it in his hands no list if no jexington. sale. Office in , 1 ILK Abstracter, Loan MB Insurance Agent Irm and City Property for Ml or rent. MONEY TO LOAN. ill loan money on Improved farm lands at 5 and Si per cent interest. Office front room over Tevis' drug btore. Lexington, Mo. L Mis I Co CASH roduce - Buyers DRESSED PU GAME FURS. EGGS HKD BUHER. 04 DUANE STREET NEW YORK. rite for Our Present Paying Prices rCTRON & TAUBMAN, LEXINGTON, MO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ai ESTATE INSURANCE, MONET TO LOAN 'live the only complete set of Abstract ""I of Title to tue Lands of Lafayette CFIIPK in IIJ7PF Uim DINT, ' WiiKTiunnroN, S. N, Wilson fc I.BXIN0TON, MIBSOI'KI. eal Estate, Loans and Insurance Agents. A ItsTHACTS OF TI1LE MA UK, 'II loan money on Improved farm lanrta al & and .IK per cent Interest MU'E IN HEULE BUILDING ir.J.W.Meng, Surgeon Dentist. Pffice in thp Mpntr Huildin!?. Lexineton, Missouri. WILSON & ECKLE. Crntl.t.,offlo,.nnerle Building fcytk and Msm streets. ' M Hill THE JEWS IN GREECE. lie K.. . KlBE Uftrt Whatever may Ta7P !.,. t1l. . .... l . iUul .it'V4 in ILe past. I points Clllitiiet "l"nl lu, 'n t!.e present duv are comparatively fe. fr .,, H.puuii.on in the ;;. jj.lom of Kinif ueti.-iif ;i m ars n,'ln not only small. but f'alid:iarx l.s number. in lM'l flie piwn at j.Tif.', are r- turned in lutii n n( .... i create of ciht in ten year. Kma.l- ness of number need not affeet the natural mterlst which I'-nt-lii-h Jews feel in their Greek brethren, ami par ticularly Knylish .Tew, for it was larpely ouiii? to th efforts of the. British iMMerninent that lireece be came an independent kim."diin. More over, the fact tlint the en- n inrect ti It t rrclii IK eiientrv o t.reece iutensil es tiie interest of KnslMi Jews in the lute of their brethren in that part of the Creek kinjii.ow. It is true that the hand ful of Creek Jews have no legal or Btate made disabilities like the Jews or KusKia and Koimuinia. pays the Jewish Messenger. In nrincinle the niiiest equality obtains. Hut in prac tice, even so ardent an apologist for the Creek government as Dr. Belleli has to admit that it would be. "pre posterous" to arene that "the Jews actually enjoy in tireeee full rights When the premier of a country publicly declares that all Jews ought to be put back M year it is Idle to contend that the J ews of that ooutv try axe emancipated in fact, what ever they may be in name. The truth of the matter seems to be that in emancipating the .Tews the Creek an inormes. like tne authorities in France, were considerably in ad vance of the sentiment of the people as a whole. This popular backward ness found brutal expression in the ritual excesses some years aeo ex- cesses wnicn rirove jews away Irom the Ionian islands, where thev had I once enjoyed the fullest liberty un der the British and whose effects have een now not entirely tanished. I It seems as though the long enslave ment of a people tends to crush out its ideas of liberty and to make of it a tyrant when it in turn become free. The ease of Itoumania, per- hnps, Is n much more striking illus tration of this than that of Greece. Still, the decorations conferred by the Creek government on several .Tews may betoken the development of a better feeling toward the Jew Tn the ordinary course of things it would only be natural to anticipate the evolution of the ideas of a peo pie like the Creeks in the direction of liberty of thought and freedom of conscience. INSIDE JAPAN. TM Flshta rrcfa Death RtrarrUa Bat Thr Is N Mlfe Bcatlng;. In spite of these qualities of easily aroused antagonism, of pride and Spartan ideals, the Japanese are an rb&enuuii jjeiiiic iauc iuvic mv than the Anglo-Saxons. Broils in which one man hils another are of rare occurrence; blows are general ly the preface of a death struggle, savs Anna N. Benjamin, in Ainslee s The women may often suffer from the prevailing ideals of morality, which are yet much lower than ours, but there are few wife-beater, and the home atmosphere is almost al ways outwardly peaceful. It follows that a little line politeness on the part of the foreigner goes a long way, and almost invariably meets with a warm recognition; you rare ly appeal to the Japanese in vain. They are as (iiick to res-pond to an act of real kindness as thpy are to resent an act wh'u'h has a tinge of arroirunre. Our government allowed , . .. several transport .. . n w.- nntecrs to stor nt t pkohnma, ar.d an nundreds of An.cricaii soldiers visited that city and lokio. One of thcrt hired n bicvele and was taking a IKIC UOUlll II.'- M'rrw . when he ran .own an elderly Jap anese mini. The soldier rang his bell several times, but the Japanese ap parently paid no attention to it, and the AinVricau found himself prompt- I lv arrested and taken to court, where he was lined ten "yen" (live dollars). He protected that he had done every thing possible to avert the accident, and asked why the man made no at- tempt to get out of the way. J b nnllcrmnn then told him that the man was blind. The soldier looked dazed for a minute, then felt in his pocket and brought out a ten-dollai bill. "Here," he i-aid, "it's the last I've got, but he can have it," and he turned it over to the blind man. The Japanese were deeply touched, and that same day a delegation of policemen hunted up the soldier and gave him hack hix line. i ! - a t Indian SciimuU. Washington. --A Vor on the enrollment "dVerT" r'S2 I at the repil-i- Indian schools for the ( tliWtflrce.nt quarter enneo r. , mere m . 'nunlber nt pupils enrolled in all In- dia V" in tne - TZ2C Tn.J3ZHO Missouri Pacific-Lexington Br. VtsT 10CSDTBAIS8. No. 71. No. 73. t:ll piu &:iiu am tt:0i am 6:24 aui 1:1.) am Leave St. t oiii4 Arrive siia 1:am i !V pin 4:1.7 pa 1:41 pm t:J7 pm OHiCiirdia... ... .lullv.lle Hiyirinaville.. . City Lexington--. t.ti pm ') KID Btllp-u 8:IOni ..tjii'-k. WvUinirtOb Wim rou .VMiHileon lilli'-pTJ-i'MlCe Kansas City St. Joseph DAI nr. i:ii pm i:S pm S:el pm .1:47 pui 7-.Alani 7: Warn 7 team 8:3ft am y .ii am '.:: piu 7:11 pui J :o6 pm 1ASTBOCKD TRAISS. No 71. No. 72. Lelv?t. Jik) S:00pui K:iiismh l.ity. 1:40 pm (:ini I iid-p"niIeDi'e i: l u j-m -M am NPi'.wjii 7:08pm 7:Jam W.i.-rlisi 7:14 pm 7:44am w.iiiiniftun 7:22 pm iiMam Us ilck 7:05 urn :nliim Leiington 7: ip-n 8:IOni Hiiiu iv v n:10um :SHm HkiriD4ville 8:41 pm 8.37 aui AuiivVle B'.l.'pm 8:47 m OmooMta "M'tpm :C2m StlaUtt -lUUKipm 10:05 am St Louis 7:10 im 0 .10 um Fpoclul rato to Cltrcveiy s rturdj day evening ami SuDuay. fKEIQltTS. East West 8 Soain.... Leaves Lex'mrt'in J:&ttra :4.'. .m ... Pair?i-'ity 4:50 pm l:irt an. ... " H'j.'inv;ll 2:2-'pm (t:3i ... " AullvIM l:40pm ll:00am.... " CXmcortlia 1:10 pm J:l'pm.... " Sedului I0:am IT.nly, except Sunday. JeHTson City, Donnville and Leiinif ton Divlsiott. MCXr.D DA1LT F.XC. RCKDA.Y. No. 7-2. No. 71. Leave. . Arrive. :)5 am Lexington 5:11 ptn 8:11 am wyricii 4:4,1 pm l:.Vmm Xnrthrun n Ptn 9:10 am U ver 4 00 pm S:2;am E-lwanta ' ' pm 9:Main Waverly 3:V) pm ll:;wm Vurshall 1:11pm Siwani Ilumville 3:00 pm 4 45 pm 1 Ipton 4 41 prn Ki-aauown. ncaaup. SANTA ft ROUTE. Trains rr!T at Worth LeiUlfton No. (dai .42 a. m Trains leave North Lexington: No. 23. Exorefw tilaily) 7:1.1 a m Mam Hue trains pass lyexingxon juncuuu ooino SAirr. No. . (dally) 0:19 am 2". lo.iam I, 8. 4. 7:1.1pm 8:36 P m :l:47 a m California Limited, oomo WEST. No, 1. 8. a. i . 19. (daily) , S:W ra U:Ja rn . i:0a m California Limited. " lit 7pm 6:4C p m J. D. Eadtir. Jh.. Ajfeut. W J. Black, O. P. A.,Ti.peka, Ka, Chicago and Alton Railroad. Trains leave Hllusvll!e as-foltowsi WEST BOUD'L' No. 5. 8t. L. and K C. mil .1:41 am 7:40 am 7:Mam 7. taut, and U.U. limuea fll, Hliftrintvllle and K. :. accom St. Louis and K C. mail 1W, Local frciKbt and acim EAST BOUND. 4::fipin :4i am No. 14, Ft. L. and K. C. mail J: am " o, K. v. ana rtipifinviue accom. . ;u vi " iil r.ilif n,U'ol. limited 7::llcm " li, 8t. L and K. C. mail .....W:.U pm " 1 16, Local ircia-ht and accom 1-2:4.1 pm W. S. LYONS, Ticket Ain-nt, Telephone No. 50. SEWS OF THE RAILWAYS. The Rock Lsland"s proposition for cheap rate excursions to and from Colorado during this iu miner has been negatived by the Western Passenger Association. In consequence notice wits served yesterday on Chairman MeLeod by General Passcuger Agent 8ebastlun that the Uock Island will take Independent action and put In effect a rate of one fare plua l.'.oo for the round trip from Chicago and all Inter- mediate points east of the Missouri river to Douver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Bait Lake City and Ogden, Tickets at this rate will be Million June iO. July and 17 and August l r'rora Missouri river points the same rate will Se made on the days following these dates Ti;keta at tbi rate also w'U be sold from Mis souri river gateways, Kansas City to Omaha. Inclusive, on July 7. i and 9. Four special ex cur-ions will also be run by the Hock Island from Colorado common point to Chicago and Intermediate stations on June 23. July I J and 20 and Augiiif 4. These excursion tickets, I IJOID f'M UnU wmhi uiuni, niu ut; wumm n - . . . a. 1 .III lln.'lUl , ( plHis(tPtl,0(.t,)br.,). The Ho(.k Island ' .,,,, . r imention of Dlacina-ln service j specixl tntloa for these i-xour i r ,,irij Wuh only ono uiht rig the run to on tha road Chicago Tribune HARVEST NOTICE. Lexington, Mo., May 1, 1901. I wish to inform you that i am now airont for the McCormlck Harvesting Machine Co. both at Lexington and Wei linetoo. Wo now have simples of Binders, Mowers and Rakes set up at eaoh place Call at either of my Lumber Yards and look tbem over, and get prices and terms t wilt also have at both yards a full took of Manila and Sisal Twloe. Remember that MoCormlck'a agents al ways have a full Hue of repairs on band vhich will save you much time and money at harvest tim. Respectfully, J. R. MOOREHKAD. What Shall We Have for Desert? Tliis Question arises In the family every day. Let us answer it w.ay. try jciuj. delicious desert. Prepared In two minutes. No baking 1 add hot water and act to cool Flavors: Lemon, orange, raspberry and straw berry. At your grocers. Woents. ft TO 0DBE A O0LD IS 0KB DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, Au drawM r(UBd ,b, BOn If It fails to cure. Wh E. W. Grove's signature Is on Tire repairs cost The Goodyear Tire & Simmons Hardware Co., incorporated, St. Louis, Mo. Schmelzer Arms Co., Kansas City, Mo., distributers. NEW SERVICE VIA SAM ANTONIO, VIA WACO, S. A. A. A. P. and SOU. PAC. AND TO AUSTIN, VIA ELGIN AND H. 4.T. C. Through Tourist Slecpert CALIFORNIA, Via SAN ANTONIO and BOU. PAC Quickest and Best Line to MEXICO. "KATY FLYER" St. touts, Chicago, Kansas City ! ALL TWAINS HAVC FREE KATY CHAIR CARS and EUFFET SLEEPERS. LicoricetabletS made with mire SrAMbHUCOftlCE Unburpaisea lor cure 01 iwuna-wim a . . . . r. .iai . - ur i rrw rst . 3 IUT tm.Fvmca- Top all Throat Affections' i- ... -IOnd5 B0XE5- SoW by Druqqibt everywhere op ent jX, .prepaid on receipt cl price Zwufwrif 1X3 Bfotdway New YORK nnr H SALZER'S SEEDS Q WILL MAKE TOU RICH" - Sf . This MB oaring ital.ment. h'H HiU. M CmMhuHaii Cnra. SK r.n-ittoiuoiiei.nli.w iilKiHIiy py(sr3 B'tllon DollarCrass. mtm is it? l";c " raau ",';'( f)S,( Kl'. l'ir.'0 !V'' S"'nplltcttwjLd.,,..h..i Fi-lu Itvtik r A.)liu, tV.di'l Crr A.l h.i.. J BBlcT,(173uu.lA;i'tkl,ui.Vwt.Slll.b,i.Mia M 1 John fc.6alier seed UO.usroJta.-ia. ng'sT f n b wrauw T-H-E N-E-W Y O R K W-O-R-l-0 Thrice-a-Week Edition. TO (mm Mil- Almost a Daily at the Price oi a Weekly. The presidential carnpaizti is over but the world aoea on just the same mid is full of news. To learn this news, just as it is promptly and impartially all that you have to do is to look in the columns of the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World which comes to the subscriber 1V5 times a year. TbeTlirice-a-Wwk World's diligence as a publisher of first news has Riven it circulation wherever tbe English lan guage is spoken and you want tt. The Thnce-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year. We oiler this unequaled newsppaper and the Intellioenceh together one year for 11.05. Tb) regular subscription prioe of tin two paprea is $2.00 more than Tires. RIDE GOODYEAR DETACHABLE TIRES and save the expense. Fit any lira. No cement required. EASY TO REPAIR. EASY to PUY. Every puncture don't mean vultanlzlng. Rubber Co., Akron, 0. RACKS & EXAS Effective March 10th, I?01, the, Announces the Opening of its Red River Division Tom Denison and Sherman, Texas. Through Train Service will shortly be established from St. Louis and Kansaf City over the J J Shortest Line to Tens i ! ; IF '-asiiniiiMiiiffi ( trrvfTv v " km, ,t.a.('.i AMERICAS MOST POPULAR RAILROAD C briiMOMttnjW PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO it AND POINTS IN t i m 3- -ted i --(.-- AND TERRITORY 0f,VOKB. W. 8, LYONS. fl!lllr33 p.onver and TIcket.Agnnt Hlaglnsvllle, K Gro.J.Cii.!.TOM, 1. r. AMCl.lii),Hl.