Newspaper Page Text
nnaton .f rttellfoencer. LEXINGTON, LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, JULY 6. ,T0L. XXXI No. 23 Wellington. ff,T.Jobsoo wh la Leilngton Mob. ff. B. Johosoo M op ironi minus U,' Thursday. ,...n.. A OroixkM shipped 75 hogs to .nVuClty Thursday. a Wrlibtaod wife spsnt the sab. U wUb rltlvM OoeoordU. a, Lewis Oe'tlsf Hi wife left for a loroMnWttlgBtloB IB Oklahoma Wed. VW' ... Mr, William Duck weal to Lexington bit n'ter, Mrs. a. n. wwoiro turdiy. Wtlllngton Mill uompeny snippea b r0! wheal on Monaey ana an otoeroo ! Pearl Cox name over from OdeMa tiij for a stay with her old time oom nloDl bare. i Drat car load of thle years wheat snipped to Bt. Louie Monday by ,mM Lloeback. Niewlg got hack Monday from a I vliitto friende ta 8t. Lonle aad War coooty, Mo. n Herman Karra aad ohlldrea went rinses City Wednesday moroiog for a $; with frleode. ilrs. William W. Coreeaed children re- oed Monday from their visit to rela. lo Yates Center, Kansas. Vr. William ichier wno dm mb ,nof relatives at Felrview, went to itlsr, Mo. 8aturday moralng. , j, Klrohoffer aad daughter, Mus i went to Washington, Mo.,Toeeday iolof to reraain oatil stter tbs 4th. In. Mireodn Lloeback went to Beds Wedsssday moraine to spend the 4th Ibhsrdsngbler, Mrs.O. L. Doocen. in Sadie Wblteod of Independence Udowo Wednesday sveolog toepeod days with bar eleter. Mrs. John 0. Archer left for Oreeorldge, Mo. aeaday evening and will gladden the ruottbe old fulke for the remainder bis week. H. Thomas shipped M head of hogs Sums City Mooday. Uncle Merldetb kt with We shipment returning Tees treeing. be L Corse aad wife took the train irtday morning for a vlait with Mre. (mi parents at Bmitnviiis, mo. lor a a week. i. Woodenheads Dtoton, Edwin le Boese aod Edgar Back Hoke were representatives at the Hurab time in hmond, Mo. on the 4th. it rt. F. C. Bailey left Saturday morning ivliit to friends in Lexington. Unce ia went down Sunday and came home 3 him in the evening. '9 many friends wiii be pained to fr that Mr. James Thorp, of near this Via con fined to bis bed with rheoma ft and in addition is. suffering from a te carbuncle on hie neck. R. Davis, of Carrolltnn, Mo. came to o Monday and be and City Marebal nnoo spent two d.ivs bnyiu? males n one another, and from the looks of ksi quit iust about as tbey started 'i. Leslie Divis, accompanied by her Mren, came down frum Independence Itirday t vening for a short stay with mother, Mr, Nancy Jobneon, south own. I- P. Barge went to Eceleior8printrs fciwday to aecure quarter aod will re- fe with his family to tbat place. Mr. f Kinkald accompanied him aod will f ably remain for some time. ; Wellington band went to IheNupo f picnic where the bovs say It is the pint place to make good muato they jeerer trled.asetery fellow baa to bang oiKceat end of bis bora over a 8ap- and then cling on with both banda II of bis teeth or all will Blip down hl and get so widely scattered tbey oot keep time. ; bile doing snme. carpenter work fit ths bouse'jnho Klote has been eg with the family .of Mr. William never east of town for a week or two on retiring last Wednesday otcbt 4 not sleep on tcconat of the beat. ettd himself In a window la the fr story to cool oil. Bo finally drop w sleep and loosing his balance fell ground striking on bte abonlder rendering him unconecious. Bis oiob Anally attracted the attention ffle of tbe family and bo was cared i la gettlns about all ribt ones I8- John ! bi nmamhtn atrlkinff cubing tbe suh In a window in 'over story aa ba went down but does w When he hit the earth. f a McSee and Robert Tucker fell out '"day afternoon abont the score t traveling shooting gallery that been here for sometime Daat. Tbe lute flnsiiv A.tini u in ih ,0 "hsn it la said Tnoker bit Mc- Kssin bead while standiog at tbe bar to Uaosmea ft Bueneman's aalooo. Then McQss went oat Boa got an o!d S3 caliber Pistol and returning to the saloo met Tocker on the sidewalk at the front door nd at once commenced shooting at close range, firing two shots, both of which went straight to ithe mark not for some onknown cause neither bad sufficient loroe to penetrate tbe otothioi, one atop plog in tbe watch pocket and tbe other in the wide hem In front part of Bob'a pants. H was a close call aod likely would not occur seal o i n a Tb oasand such cases. Petit Juries. The county coort Wednesday, self-end petit juries aa follows: CIRCUIT COURT. ATJOUBT TESV AT LBXINOTOX. Clay township P. D. Williams, Fred Elbinger, C. k. Sbull. Davis township-Frank Ellmaker, Chrie Gran, Jaa. Jaokson. Dover township 3am Burton, Ernest Schrier, Lather Hoi man. Freedom townshtp-Talbot Simpson, Jas. Walker, Wm. Flandemeter, Lexington township Sidney Winn. H. 8. Kinkead, Borwell Burke. waaninrton townsblp-Cbas, Olover, ueo. B. Qreea, T. D. Hammond. Middleton township Boy Janoary, Wm. Maetereon, Wm. Eellerman. Boi.a-Bar towsablp-T. J. Wilkinson, Bobert Kerley, Robert Oautier. SIPTKVBEk THKU AT BiaolNSVILU. Clay towoablp Jaa. A. Tborp, Al Her ring, Geo. Hackley. Davia township Asa C. Lee.Wm. JSeill, Peter Fulkerson. Dover towoibij. Temple Page, John Walker, Jos Lock. Freedom township J K.tthackletord. W. N. Davis, Henry Bartel. Lsiiogtoa township Walter Newman Busasjl Daeblcr, Cbas. Loegdon. Watblagton township E. O. Res, Co- lumbosDuoo, Julius Htoll. Mlddlotoa townehipC. E. Corder, W L. Calloway, Jas. Fletcher. Sol.a-Bar toob1p-Jao. . Borsside A. W, Blevtai. T. W. Carmlcbael. ocmTtjfl Ricaixo ilexaidek. Died, ia ibis city, oa Sueday, June SO, 1001, a little after 6 p. m., GoeUvos Rich ard Alexander, aged S7 years aad four months. ' Marshall-Nkhols. Married, at Oo'.uuiOia, Mo,,' July 3,:t 3:30 p. m., Mr. L. W, Marttbail,ot Lex Ington, and Miae Carrie Nichoie, of Columbia, Mr. L. W. Marshall ; the son of onr esteemed county citizen, Mr. J.I Marshall. He ie clerk lo tbe drug store of Mr. Cbas. Lconiia and ia a youn gsntleman of raoKt eicellent character aod high Handing in our cooiamuity Tbe brM in a etraneer to u but ' underataod that ebe is mom excellent yonng lady aod tbe intei uoksckk extends congratulntiuoe aod beet wixbee to tbe yonng couple. The proum aod hie bride retorned Thursday oiubt and are at tbe borne of tbe groom's father. Electric Line fleeting. Today Messrs. V. E. Winner. ' S Chick aod Jadire J. M. Lowe, of Kan sie City, will be ia Luinetoo f r tbe purpone of meettot; oar buaineoa r eo od cilir-ns and discuening tbe ma(ar of an electric raiivray from EansaiCit. through Liberty, Excelniot Springs and Rtuumood to Lexington, with a bridge across ti e river here. There will be a pablic met ing at tbe court house this after oooo at 2 o'clock to meet these gen ttbmen aod to bear tbefr proposition, sod it Is important tbat every interest of our city enould be represented at this meet ing. Tbe citixeos of Lexington are ready to co-operate lo any reasonable propo sition in securing a bridge and additional railroad facilities for oar town. The United BUtee recruiting officers, who bae been here aeveral daya. left Wednesday without having secured aoy recruits at this place. Tbey go from here t) Bedaltaaud Eooovilte. Meters. Clem T? ree. Will Sydoor, Geo. W. Marquis, Jobo Doling, Tom Shelby, Paul Raokln, Geo. Eerdolff, Earl Slier Jodge J. P. Cbino took in tbe Fourth at Uiggiosville Thursday. Marriage licensee wera issued Friday to Mr. Ottie Hall aod Miss. Jeeele Wills, both of Odessa; aad to ,Mr. .Ouetav H. Deke and Miss Magdalene Jongklaue, both Irom Coooordia. .' Mr. J. J. Rhodes, manager of the Harris Anderson Lumber company, of this city, accompanied by tie wife, left Thursday evening for bii old bom at Coloay, Kas. Mr. Rhodes bas been sick for a eoople of weeks and goes home to rest up for a short time. Marriage licensee were ieened Wedaee dsy as followe: To Mr. W. R. Maoley and Mies Delete Hammer, both of Richmond, and Mr. Jas. A. McDowell and Misa Lena Brown, both of Mayvfew. Both couples hsve sioce been married by Or, Charles Manly. Miss Tessie Thornton, of Kansas City, who has been visiting Mies Daisy Thorn ton for ths past wek, relumed borne Wednesday. 8be was sconmpanied by Mlas Daley Thornton, who goes to eisit her mother in Ksoh Ctty i Mr. Alexander waa torn at the coon try ssat of tbe Alexanders known as Preston. It waa in tbs part Of the District of Columbia by Virginia la 1790 and which was ceded back to Virginia In 1346. The land was part of a grant by tbe Colonial Governor to Caot. Howaon or Howsing, six tbonsaod acres, for bring ing b ship load of immigrant. Howson sold bis land to Jobo Alexander, Sr. for six hogsheads of tobacco. Out of this grant waa carved tbe estate known as Arlington, sold during tbe revolution to Washington's step-son Cuetts by Robert Alexander. It became tbe home of tbe Leee later on. Th fine old ancestral mansion of the Alexanders at Preston was bornsd wan too ly by federal troops In tbe civil war, and tbe tomb. stones in tbe family grave-yard now alone mark the locality. On another part of the Howson grant bought r-y John Alexaoder, Sr. hie son John laid oot tbe city of Alexaodrla, Va. In tho settlement of the estate of tbe father of Outtavus H, Alexander some lots in Alexandria were sold which bad oeen owned by the Alexanders for 270 yeare without a transfer; eaid tote tbe longest aabreken private land title in America. Tbe family la. Virginia waa founded by tbe Immigr.ttion from Scot land la 1009 of John, the name of this family there was originally Macdonaid and tbey belonged to tbe great bietorlc clan of that name in the Hebrides lslsode to wbicb they Immigrated from Ireland ceaturit before. Mr. Alexander was tbe son of Dr. Wm. Brown Alexander and Frances Brown who were deeceadaata of Dr. Ooatavus Rloaard Brown of Maryland, who was called in consnltatioo with Drs. Craik and Dlok la General Washington's last 111 ness. Tbe name Gostavus Richard has & baoilea down continuously In this' family since the t7ih eentnry. as It cams from an ancestor Onoaed liruu whose ile waa a Bear klnawoman of -Gustavus Adolphoa the Swedish kirg. Brun trans- latetfbts nam ie to liibw'o on immigra ting to Maryland. In a letter dated Jaa. 2, 1800, still in existence, Dr. Gustavo Brown tr.prese regrele that he aod Craik did not take Dr. Dick's advice against bleeding Wanbington aod says bad tbey done so "o or illoetrioo patieut might still be alive." For over two years Mr. Alexander's health bad been declining and he had olO'ied out thtt drug outtinesx in Ktngaton, Mo. where he bd fteeu living since be left Nevada and lo February last brought bis family back to Lexington aod bad a few days before hie Ouath bougbt a home here where be liupf d to apeud a few yearns in rest from business cares, lis togao hie business life here abocl lSMaa clerk in tbe drug store of Tboa. U, Edwards, one or two doors teat of the present Grand Central Hotel, the most of bis boyhood having beeo spent on his father's farm in Saline county, this state. After the death of Mr. Edwards Mr. Alexander went into Piggott Bros, drng and book store that stood wbers tbe Nickell hotel now stands He and bis brother bad a drng store cf tbeirownln tho Uosewich Bid. In 18GC. At tbe beginning of tbe civil war be went to California and apent a good tunny years there, in Oregon aod Waablogton and flnal'y settled in Nevada, liviog in Belmont, White Pine, Piocbe and otber ceoters of silver mining Intercuts. Here tbe practice of medicine aod snrgery was forced on blm add having already a good knowledge of anatomy and physiology and the administration of remedies be bad little to do to make np bis stndiee. He got surgical Instruments and perform ed such capital and otber oparatlooa as tbe accidents in mines brought lo blm and with good aueceee. He waa naturally a chemist nnd became a tboroogh one by long practice and atndy. As eoon an don- tors came to bis to wo be confined htmsotf to the drng business which be preferred While living in Nevada became baok. to iLexingtoo and married Miss Lucy Moatfort Wilson, daoghter Jot the late Captain Oeorge Wilson, to tola untoa wore born daughters, Mary and Gastavla, aad a son, Richard, all of wbos died in infancy, and Georgle aad Susan who survive. Tbe eontlnned decline of values in Nevada by tbe shutting op of the sllvsr mines brought Mr. Alexander back to Missouri. Mr. Alexander was a man of excellent balance, genial,' good-natured, meeting tbe good ia life with equanimity and the bad with cheerfulness and fortitude. He was a kind and faitbfol husband aad a devoted father. Few men indeed have stood more faitbf oily at tbeir poet in life or done tbeir part in life more oobly than he. He wae mentally studious aod aside from tbe problema of chemistry and medical practice loved to study astronomy, mechanical Inventions, and bad a fine talent In drawing and sculptors. He waa 'determined and pertinacioue lo his undertakings aad opinions, yet always so pleasant In manner as to make os enemies thereby, being alwsys tbe gen tleman. Us waa too eelr-saorlflelng, and injured bis own health answering night calls in ths worst weather for lbs good of other's health. Ho was one of a family of alas sons sod three daughters all of whom lived to mature years aod of whom but one, Mrs. Virginia Alexaoder Chap, man of Virginia aurvlvee of these nine sons not one has left a surviving son to transmit tbe surname Alexander. In Freemasonry be took tbs 33od degree and was for most of hi life and at tbs time of hla death an active member of the Inde pendent Order of Oddfellows. Peace to bis asbai. A FbIHND. Notice. Same Lean Resubmitted. To the Qualified Voters of "The 8chool District of Lexington," In Lafayette County, Miesouri; Tbe special school election called for Jnly 9. 1901, at which will besnbmitted the proposition for loan of 110.000 for tbe pucpoee of "erecting s?hool houses, aod fnrnfehlng tbe same" in said echool district aod vesting the board of directors with authority to borrow money and Issns bonds tor that amount foe said purpose, is so called In order to bbdubmit tbe same proposition voted on at the annual school election, held April 2. 1901 On account o a Oetect in tbe manner notice were given it became neoessary to resubmit tbe sacce proposition again. Tbls is not an additional or diffkkent LOAN. It is tbe SAME LOAN for the SAME pcRroes aod Sam b amoukt heretofore voted on and is again submitted to correct tbe error to regard to the noBting of notices of tbe former election. It la boped that all qualified voters in said school district will cant their ballots on July a, 1W1, and that tbe former al moat Sinaoimoua vote cast in favor of the prop, osltion will b again east fur this much needed loan. Not a dollar la to be added to tbe pkopohition voted on before, but it, is tbe BAMS 1'BOPOtTtOM for the PAME 10,000 LOAN. B T. JOHN, President of Board of Directors. THOM.W J. BaKDON, Secreiary. Lexington, Mo., June 24, 1001. YYleJbJu Opening;. Washington, I). C, July S Tbe presidential proclamation opening tbe mown, uaaao ana Wichita countries to homestead entry will be completed tomorrow night, but tbe probabilities are it will not be promulgated before possinij (Saturday or Snnd&y. The proclamation will coot&iii about 10,000 words. It will prescribe & clan of drawing identical with the one out. lined in these dispatches. Applice ions will be received at the nine land offices in Oklahoma territory for a period of three weeks prior to tbe opening. Tbe drawing will occur at the Lawtoo and El Reno offices. StU'oliona will be couimeaced Aucust C and contioue until ah the sncceaaful applicants have secured allotments. ATexaH wonder. BALL'S 0EEAT DI300VEK7. One small bottle of ball's Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions, week aod lame backs, rheumatism and till irregularities of ths kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles ia children. It not sold by yonr druggist, will be sent by mall on receipt of fl. On small bottle Is two month's treatment, will core any case above mentioned. Dr. vv. ueii.eolo manufacturer, 8C Louis, formerly Waco, Texas. Send for teati monials. Sold bv Cranahaw A Yrmnj. wwaMBHaaaB READ THIS. St. Louis, Mo., Ang. 27, lWO.-Thie is to. certify that my wife has bed severe rheu matic Delos between her shoo Wars lor more tbaa two years and It gives va great pleaanrs to say, after using one bottle of Tbs Texas Wonder, Ball's Great Discovery, she Is entirely cored. J. W. NoBdmak, 2S84 Olive St. Why Pay Rent or Interest WHENTHR Home Co-Oerative Co. i - a--:-t i.lMr bflJsMaakaBWkseBtkjBsisMAsa Will buy you a liome in any locality and give you 10 years auu 8 months to pay for it at the rate of v.m per month, without interest. In case ot death or total disability a clear deed will be given. Strictest investigation Courted. Main Office, Sixth Floor Rooms 608, 6oy and 6io . AMERICAN BANK Bt'lLDINQ K ansa 4 City, Mo, J. A. STULTZ, Agent. Lexington, Mo. When Tired And Weary . . . With the heat and duat of travel or the labors of the day, drop in at THE FORT Where you can secure a good luncheon, a refreshing drink of the choicest beverages to be found anywhere or a delightful Binoke in the cooling shade. BULL FUR SALE. Yooog bull fur sale; good site; good color; good indildual; thoroughbred. 6 22tt T. II. CAarrsKix. Basleess men who leek tbs yim, soap and visor tbey Once bad. ehnnkl nee Heroine, It will purify the bloodtrengten and invigorate the system ' Price, 09 cents, For sale by Crenba A Tonne. Dr. W. Ef. Black, preeident ot Mieeoorl Vtlley college, of Marshall, bas been offered the p'eldnpy of the Klrksviiiti Normal school but bas declined tbe posi tion, preferring hi present work and J residence in Marfbali. Thonu who live oa farm are especially liable (o misy accident! cut., burns ana broixes which beat rapidly wheu Ballard's Saw Liniment is uppWi'd. Wire 25 and 50 Coots. For sale hv Crensli 4 Yoong. Died, Thursday kfterooou, st 6 o'clock at tbe btwtie of tbe parents near Corder, Mo., Oliver Iusac Uy, infant son ot Mr. and Mrs. James Hays. Tbe body was brought to Lexington tbat night and tbe funeral took p'ace Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock from tbe residence ot Mrs, Strati A. UUy, Kj. E. C. Gordon offi ciating. Tbe parents have the sympathy of our entire community lo the loascf tbeir dear little buhy. Herbme clear tbe complexion, riven buoyancy to the mind, curee headache, reitulatea the stomaoh and bowels, atima lutes tbe liver, and ie, lo tact, a perfect guardian of the baltb. I'rioo 60 cents. For sale by Crenshaw Yoone. 7 -8 ml STEPHEN N. WILSON, ATTOB.NKir-AT-LAW. Lexington, . . . Missouri. Office: Room 15, H aerie Building. A RARE CHANCE. Having decided to close oot my hold ings of cows and heifers, some 60 head, I offer tor sale one and all. My line com prise Shorthorns, Aoguses Uerefords and Jersey mixed. All were selected with reference to milk strain, formerly being In creamery business. Some Twenty odd with calf at foot and balanoe to calve shortly. Prloee ranging from 26 to 50 per bead. Call on or address, Talbot Simpsof, aprSTyearl Aollvllle, Mo. Colcstbub, 0 A., August 34, 1872. Db. O. J. Mopfhtt Dear Doctor: We gave your Teetbina (toothing powders' to our grandchild with the happiest results. Tbe effects were almost masioai, and certainly mors satisfactory than from anything we ever used. Yours very truly, Joskph 8. Key, B-oi2 Pastor of St. Vaoi Church. 8TUPS 1HE C00UH AND WORKS Ot'F THE COLD. Laxative Bromo-Qulotne lablts core a cold to one day. Mo cure, copoy. Price 20 cent. 41 4 inriv iiiiF I Duluth, Mlna, i7.og; on sale Jnly lat to Wh, final return limit Oot 81st. Portland, Oregon, Taeoma and Seattle, Washington fMSO; tickets on sale 6th to 13 tb, good udtll Aug. 31st. Buffalo It M aod 132.66; on sale daily, good returning 10 and 16 days. Milwaukee fl8.06 and f 17 90; on sl July 82nd and 23rd, good nntil Aug. l(Hh. Chicago 1S.S0, July 23rd to 25tb, and good until Aug. 31kt. ' Detroit 21.B5; on sale Jnly 6th, 6th and 7tb, good returning until Sept. 1st. Clocinnati fl7 95. oa sale Jaly4tb, 5th. and 6tb, good returning nntil Aog. 31st. For further information .pleas call oa. A. S. LOOM 13, Agent.