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The Intelligencer. 1. Q. NEALE, Editor and Proprietor. Entered it the Lexinfrton poKtofflce is second class mail matter. TERNS, $1.00 PER YEAR. Saturday. Jily 13, 1901. THAT AMERICAN LNVASION. 'The London Mail," recently bad lengthly article "The American Inva den." Tbo article had norelerence to feats of arms or military prowess of any kind but treated exclusively of the io Tasioo of England by the products of American labor. It calls attention to the fact tbat in five hundred or more lines of industry, American made articles are being sold in English markets in oompe'itlon with their own home products. In the language of the Mail "Today it is literally true that they are selling American cottons in Manchester, pig iron in Lancashire, tin plate in Cardiff and steel in Sheffield. It only remains for them to take American coal to Newcastle." In speaking of man's daily round of occu pation from the time he gets up in the morning until the time he goes to bed at night be can hardly turn round tnat be does not use or touch some article of American manufacture. The infant nation of the world, the United States, may well feel proud of her triumpb when it is considered from what small beginnings she bas come to this strong commercial position. While there is hardly a nation in the world tbat would dare to provoke a war with our conn try on account of the power of Ameri can arms on land and on the sea, it is not in our wars that we have shown our greatest power and won our most brilliant victories. Our greatest suc cess bas been attained in the field of commerce. There is not a country from the oldest to the youngest where American goods are not found exposed for sale. American genius bas triumphed and Americans surpass all others in the manufacture of labor sav. ing machinery by wbicn skilled work men may make a better article at a less expense than the same article can be made for anywhere else. Amerioan pluck and energy have likewise carried the American manufactured products to all parts of the world until not only England but the other manufacturing countries of the world are complain, ing of the Invasion of their markets by American made goods. America is a revelation to the whole world and she Is yet in the infancy of her commercial triumphs. THAT GOVERNMENT SURPLUS. A number of the republican papers throughout the country are pointing with piide to the fact that under the present republican management there is in the treasure of the United States at the close of the present year a sur plus of receipts over eipenditures Tbat such is the case no one denies as the figures furnished by the govern ment prove it to be true. Instead of the surplus being a credit to the repub Jican parj it is on the contrary an evidence of the way in which the ad ministration bas robbed the people un necessarily of just tbat much money. it was put there by keeping a war tax on almost every thing in use by tbe masses after tbe administration bas announced that tbe war is over. Doubtless Ilanna and McKinley will claim tbe credit but then Ilanna and his trusts were not paying any of i Tbe trusts have so managed this w tax business tbat the people have hi to pay tbe tar. Wherever they have bad to pay five cents tax for revenue they have made it the occasion of add ing ten cents to tbe price of the taxed article before it reached the consumer. It is a most skillful piece of hnancihl work to build ap a big surplus that somebody else besides the financier has to pay. Iiy means of the indirect tax of tbe protective tariff policy of the republican parly aided by the useless Stamp, stamp, stamp on every tbiog, the republican psrty bas created a surplus by getting it out of the pockets of the people. OUR AGRktXTl RAL PRODUCTS Frank Hitchcock, chief of the for. eign market section of tbe agricultural department of the United Stales, gives some figures that are gratifying to tbe American farmer. Tbere ware twelve countries last year, closing June SOtb, that took over $ lO.OOO.OW) each of our agricultural products. Tbe total value of such products exported last year amounted to f8t4,CIC.5oO, of wnich breadstuff, meat, cotton and live animals constitute about three-fourths. The Untied Kingdom of Great Britain took almost half of this amount, showing her to be the best customer which we have for our agricultural products. Being thus dependent on tbe United States for a laigepartof her food supplies it would be difficult for other nations to induce England to enter any trade alliance again it the United States. Our agricultural pro ducts, besides being a great source of profit, are a means of maintaining commercial peace with the balance of tbe world. CAPITAL FOR TEXAS. Tbe filing of the charter of the Houston Oil Co. last week with the secretary of the state of Texas and the chartering of the Kerby Lumber Com pany of tbat state are events tbat will add greatly to tbe development of this already prosperous state. The oil company witn its thirty millions of capital will continue the prospecting and developing of tbe oil fields. The lumber company with us ten millions of capital is tbe biggest lumber com pany in tbe world. Texas has brilliant prospects before ner and Missouri and tbe west and southwest will be bene fitted as Texas prospers. ST. LOUIS OS TIME. The way in which tbe directors of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company are moving out on their work is evidence tbat they will open the exposition at the appointed time. Many persons in tbe east have and idea that Missouri is slow. Kansas City, Missouri, showed tbe country a bit of Missouri push when she built her con. vention hall after the great fire. St. Louis will give the world another ex ample of Missouri, "Get up and git," and will open the show on time. The 'Higginsville Advanca" has tbe following: "Judge Cbinn and Attor ney Yivion found tbe little villlage of Lexington too contracted to enable them to give full expression to their patriotism, so did wisely in coming to Higginsville to celebrate." Higglns ville's few blocks of paved street and small bit of granitoid sidewalk have started pipe dreams in the Advance man1! mind. The truth of tbe matter is that the above named gentleman were tired of tbe heat and turmoil of the county seat and were seeking a lit tle fresh country air which they knew they could find in our little eastern auberb. Inasmuch as Turkey had failed to pay ber soldiers for a 'number of months tbe garrisons at Kilifiklb and Vodena in Macedonia resolved them selves into a committee on finances and took tbe money in tbe govern, ment treasury and divided it among themselves. This plan mav vet have to be adopted by the United States before sbe collects some of those iittie bills tbat Turkey bas so long bee promising to pay. Three fires last week was tbe record lor Odessa. They were tbe Baggerly Milling Co's. building, the C, & A. depot and tbe residence occupied by County Assessor Geo. W. Marqui Odessa should go to hunting fire bugs. Some of the leading ministers in our eastern cities are inviting the gentU men ot their churches to come to churo in cool shirtwaists and promising them short sermons. Their concrealio ttre improving in numbers. Mrs. Jennie Carter purchased the "Knott property" in this city, last Sat- urday. Consideration, $350 Dover Tribune. ns ay the people ot Ciimden in It county are alarmed ut the reported a pcarance of a panther in tbat vicinity They must get terribly big j:g" 0r over in that country to see "Em" & big as panthers. Tne latest burglar tool is the bicvele, A Kansas City burglar recently made nis escape on a wheel from two mount ed police and In broad daylight. This dry weather is hard on every. tKln n , - 1 1 J n f Miug vu uiusijuiius anu nies. Some of our democratic journals are rejoicing over tbe prospect of a di vision in the republican rao over xar tariff question. Tbey loose sight ot tbe fact that Ilanna is siill ring nastr in ti e (i. O. P. ciicus and bis skill In UMne the party whip is well known. He is "Agiu" tariff reform and wnai be says goes In I he G. O. 1. The frequent report of casualties in the Philippine island battles would in. dicaie that some considerable sprink. ling of war is mixed up with that civil administration wnich was inaugurated on tne glorious Fourth. There are some Filipinos who are not yet fully imbued with tbe .American Fourth ot July spirit, Odessa's city council w strong on passing ordinances. Over the State. Richmond ss to have a tile factory Polo was almost destroyed by fire on the Fourth. One hundred farmers near Jefferson City have telephones. Unless rain comes soon Oak Grove will not undertake to hold a street fair this year. Tbe Oak Grove Banner wants to know where tbose new street lamps are for that town. A rural delivery route has been es tablished between Hardin and Fox, Doth in Ray county. From all over the state we hear of good yields of wheat and the quality is generally reported good. Unless a heavy rain falls in central Missouri within tbe next week tbe corn crop will be a total failure. Editor Woody ard of tbe Bosworth Sentinel bas retired and Miss Lenora Clark assumes charge of the paper. Fire in the pattern shops of the Kansas City Hay Press company Mon day night caused a loss to the firm of about $20,000. Marceline has an organization of Wbitecaps that have been making things lively for some objectionable citizens ot that place. Hardin's city council accepted the resignation last week of its city tress. ueur John B. Robinson and elected Geo. Alcorn in his place. A passing engine set fire to a car of hay In the memphls yards at Kansas City Tuesday night and caused con siderable alarm for a short time. Tbe editor of the Oronogo Index says that the shirtwaist is just like the ordinary garment turned upside down and worn with a drawing string. Prof. John S. Ankney, of Kansas City, has been elected to tbe chair of free hand drawing at the state univer. sity, Columbia, at a salary of $1,000 per year. Tbe citizens of Hardin will have a big picnic next Tuesday, July 16 at Zimmerman's Grove just southeast ot tbe town and a good time Is promised all who come. Angora goats are said to be the best ground cleaners that walk on four feet. An angora will go two miles and jump a dozen fences to get into a patch of jimson weeds. DIFFICULT QUESTION Getting a pair of new shoea is cause of people, and the following diff.cult questions naturally rise: 9 Where can I find a shoe that fits comfortabl Where can I find the best Shoe for the wru t ,4 it,, i v. wucic uu i iiuu i uc ucsi quality in a su money I We can answer these auestiona readilv fnr .nt rx . j viive Us a trial and we con satisfy you with a comfortable fit, unsurpassed quality and at a price that you must at once ackDowledsat!!! ..n.M tVa anlil a lil-ol K0 W "8 ICMUUBVig. v wvuvm m jimitM OUCUB 01 yOUT P&trOD M. D. WILSON, tlOMIIHIIMMI We sell the Mound City Co's ffne Mixed Pak these paints are also entirely pure, you cannot buy a ber.' paint anywhere. We also carry a full stock of Loads, Oils, Enamels, Varnishes, &c. and can supply you wth anything you may need in tt line at the lowest prices. CRENSHAW & "ZOUNC. Heating Stoves, Steele Ranges, Cook Stoves Cheapest and Best at Tel. 105 Lexington, 51 County News. Concordia's rural delivery began last week with Herman Sehlickerman as carrier. The Corder brickyard is using more time and turning out more brick than ever before. Tho Concordia Canning Company bas recently sold its apparatus for can ning corn to tbe Trenton, Mo. Can ning Company. At a recent meeting of tbe Odessa oily council -Harvey Ilrown was ap. pointed superintendent of the Electric light plant, Ben l'orter was appointed nightwatch and (Jeo. McNeil sexton of the city cemetery. l'roi. W. A. Marquis 80n of otir county assessor has been appointed for the third term as principal of the pib Ic schools of Wooton Well-, Texas. It is always with pleasure that we l;arn of the advancement of Lafayette county bojs. W. G. Musgrovb. Sam'l I. Drysdu MUSGROVE & CO., Groceries, - Provision FRESH AND SALT MEATS. At latest accounts the bandits who robbed tbe Great Northern train short time ago of about fJO.OOO, bad gaiely made tbelr escape to tbe fast nesses of the mountains. Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce. Mullenix's Old Stand, cor. 16th and Franklin A' Harris-Anderson Lumber 0. GIVES YOU THE Best Grades at Lowest Prices UEFOUE HUYIXO SEE J- J. RHODES, M'G'R., Lexington, W. W. CORSE, M'G'R., Wellington, Mo. IUCHAHDHRLD.Pmm a J AKDKEW.Wl CHAKTBKKD JANUARY. S,1375, " pJp Caplta..$5O.O00 Morrison-Wentworth Bank, MchaitflFleM, BJAndr., "v"? OF DIRECTORS: