Newspaper Page Text
mm n, no. kh. Is a rod sorrel, two white bind feet, star -a forehead. 15 hands hlsh. in style, good 'one. a id muwl-. aid tsjnst the boos fn addl or light hirrn-v. hired by Artist, .'t.. SIS; be by Artil ?: he by K rag W II; Utdam by Jewell iH-ouiark; Artist. .. by Artit, dni by I ulnptoe. Jewell "tenmark iu by Washington Utociark. uitra tbo Queen, a toe saddle niare. For fendod pedigree mt N. ri. H. Reciter. trtUui 2d. No. SoO will ataud at 10. Marmaduke, Jr. Mtrmaduke. Jr.. Is a beautiful dark boy itlh black points, tb'i hands tilth and will weiKh ItwQ Thr i oue of tbe tx-t all pur o homes lu the county, a be s a fcit lass road borae and heavy eoouch to draw i lartrer load than any draft tallion in the ."oauty. He via aired by Marniudake. No. aui by Kismark; he by Hootou. Ills eolts arc lar; and tine. jut the kind to M'll the market at fancy price or to raise arst-cl-i mule niarr f row, & draft marc ewer produce ir.iod niuhs. He aiil tmd tiny Balaam Is a Ifown Jack wiih hrbt points, fi bands nub will siih MX' pound. Is wry lon Ivsiy ami elra heavy Imiie. one of the i-st of breeder. a hi colts bow fur tbcrsetve: he is a sure foal .elter and will breed with any bin jark In r.'ie country, lie will stand at $. Io Insure lOltlosutud aud auca. Care taken to prevent arviilents. hot no .pocs;iiility assumed should any ocvur. All money due when mare is parted with, raded 06 or removed from the m ixlil-or-!tOnl. A lien Is retained 011 the cult for rvloc money . The aijove. animats will m:ike the season (f ISO! kl the I'iattenlmrj farm (formerly owned by Cat U'Mailey) t mid a half ulles southeast of Lexington, uear the old f sir (tn u uis. FRANK FISIIElt. RUSTIC B. 30763. (RECOKD 2:V24 ) Bred and owned by Joseph K. liar ixfctt, proprietor Firkld Slock Farm, Lexlngtoo, Missouri, will make the eeasoo of 1901 at bt farm 8 ml lot eoutbeast of Lexioglno, near Prairie church, at Ho to insure, money due as soon as the fad is ascertained or ruarc pirted with. A lien is retained oq tbc colt rnr service mouej. No responsibility for accidtots. Rustic h. is T years old, 10 bands, 2 Inches h i n 1 1 : dark bay with black points. koo.1 weighs 1,300 pounds, itb both style and speed combined; fc'0od mane and tail. Rustic 1. was sired by Newcomb, 2959; he by Nutwood, No. 000, record 2:18; Nutwood is the premier stallion ;t a sire of speed; be by Belmont, No. 04; Newcoiub's 1st dam, Maggie Wilkes, dam of three in the list, by George Wilkes, record 2:22: Rustic H.'s 1st daiu, Mertrix, by Merchant, No. o'j9; be by Belmont. No. 6.4; 2nd ,dam by Al Weet, No. 14371; be by Almoct. No. 33; 3rd dam by Marina .duke, No. 9t62; 4tli dam by Idol, No. 17"; be by Membrioo Chief, No. 11. JOS. K. BAIUTZTT, 4-6ro-3 WINKLER IDMTT Li COMPANY iCrCTOkIHlt)DlALtkBI FURNITURE. ari raiPAkib to do 1U (1PI ot -1 Tamiog, PI&oiLg Scroll Sawing, Etc. We aliuaoepcouitautJjoti hand Stair Banisters, Newel Posts, Walnut Coffins, &c. UeUllic and Wooden Burial Cases Always oh bund. Tliey reaped fully ask the attention of all to be articles of their manufacture, pledjrlnir tbcmaelnea tn'sell a ebeap iu lucb article ran be bou(hl. Winkler Furniture Co. Our Kicbangps. J as. F. Wina wbo hu been ia tbc general roerchanJise busiofij in this city, for quite t number of years, sold out last Friday, to Mr. Saou'l File, of Ilerodon, Mo., wbo will take posses sioa oa or about August 1st. .Dover Tribune. The Corder Creamery bad a package of batter at the Pan-American Exposi lioo at Ruffalo which registered PS,'g poiotn. half poiat below the premium Mr. HiofS bas sent another package, deteroiiued to take tbe top notch. Corder Dispatch, ' W. A. Johnson's wheat field caught 6 re last Saturday nigbt from a passiog locomotive and it was only tbe effective work of the Buckner and Lake City section crews, together with the farmers west of town that the crop was tared. About 30 shocks were burned. Jackson Examiner. Numerous fires have occurred along railroad lines during I be dry weather, doing more or less damage. Just west of towo sparks set fire to the wheat field of Cbas. Meinershagen, burning considerable grain, and west of May- new, a number of shocks of wheat weie burned. In several places pas lures bare been burned Higginsville Advance. Oq Tuesday Judge Gates appointed S.'W. Hudson, K. G. Wilson, Jr. and John Muse commissioners to assess damages caused by the location of the ngbt-of-way of the Missouri Pacific spur to be built from Lake City across Fort Osage township to the Santa Fe tracks. Tbe commissioners accom panied by attorneys Sea and l'a.Mon spent Wednesday going over tbe new route. Jackson F.xauuiner. "Looting the Mtool Fnnds. Mate Auditor Allen on yesterday no tified State Superintendent Carrington that 1,0W,020 M would be available for the support of tbe public schools during tbe prett-ut school year. This amount will be apportioned to tbe several conntics and the City of St. Louis in proportion to the number of children of school age. Ia 1900 tbe total amount apportion ed was ?:00,430.56, or a per capita of one dollar and three mills for each cbild of school age. The total distribution, therefore, this year exceeds tbat of last year by f 95, 59.25, and the per capita distribution will be correspondingly increased. Tbii apportionment of school coneys fori the education of our children is u.sde pursuant to the re quirements of the constitution, which directs that not less than oue-fourth of the ordinary slate revenues shall be set apart annually for tbe support of tbe public schools. Under democratic control this apportionment is increased to one-third. This amount, together with the abuual interest on the state school certificates, constitutes tbe ruag- oilice-nt fund which has just been ap portioned by State Auditor Allen. The growth of our school fund under democratic management is shown by the following official exhibit : In 1871 tbe state distributed for school purposes Sy;)9,5fi7.S8; in 1881, f619,001.1G; in 1891, 876,780.68, and in 1904, f 1,080,020.81. The distribution of school moneys for educational purposes during tbis year is the largest in tbe history of the statu. It is hoped tbat the Globe. Democrat will take note of tbis "looting"' of the school moneys by tbe democratic administration. Tb 'loo. ting" is of larger proportions than any prior ravishment of the stale treasury. The democratic party is pledged to a continuance of this "looting. "Jeffer son City Daily I', July 7. Missouri is Klrb In Minis. Kt. Lout GloU-lK-LiOcrat. The lead fields are a souurc of great wealth to Missouri, and they are prov. iog very attractive at tbis lime to out- iiilo investors. Of course, a large part of tbe capita which has developed tbe lead and zinc mines of Missouri all along bas been from outside the state. but tbe proportion of foreign cash which Is being attracted to this locality now is greater than it bas been at almost aoy time in tbo past quarter of a century. In its lead, zinc and coal Gelds Missouri bas almost ioeihaust. iblc sources of riches. BOLL FOB FILL. Young bull for sale; good ood color; good individual; thoroughbred. 8-22U T. B.CSMPBBM.. Money For State Schools Washington, D. C, July 8. The treasury department drew warrants aggregating fl,200.000 or f25,OC0 eanb for forty.five states and two ter. ritories, being the maximum amount provided tor by congress in the act of August 30, 1890, for the endowment aod maintenance ol college for the benefit of agriculture and mechanical arts. This act providod a minimum sum of 115,000 for that year, with an annual Increase of f 1,000 for ten years op to $25,000. The maximum u now reach ed and hereafter each of the atates and territories will receive annually tbis sum for its agricultural colleges. This money is tbe proceeds of cbe sale of public lands. Epworth League California Excursions.. Account Fifth International Conven tion of Erworth League, San Francisco July 18 21. San Francisco is an ideal summer re sort weather always cool. Trip thither in summer, across high tablelands of New Mexico and Arizona is pleasant air bracing, no oppressive heatorduil. Best way to go is via Santa Fe Route, only line under one management, Chi cago to San Francisco; daily trains tn California. Fred Harvey meal service, personally-conducted excursions. On the way visit Indian pueblos, and petrified forest, also Grand Canon of Am na world's greatest scenic spec tacle, now easily accessible. See southern California its noted re sort hotels, idyllic, valley, majestic mountains, smooth beanhet aud lovely islands, its "Id missions, iis seml-lropic fruits and f.ovvtrs, its threat oil wells. Tbis imporiant section reached viaSan U Fe Hotite cheaper tban most other lines and with greater comfort. Extremely low round-trip rates; liber al stop-over privilege; choice of routes returuine: open to even body. All ticket agents sell via Santa Fe Route. uescripuve literature on request. Santa Fe Route Address, ED. McKEON. Aent A. T. & S. F. R. R. Lexington, Mo. THE TWICE-A-WEEI aPUBLIC. Erery Monday aod Thursday a oewsDa- per as rood as a magazine and better for it contains tbe latest by telegraph as well as Interesting stories in seat to the sub scriber o? lbs "Twice a- Week" IteDablic. which is only a I a year. Tbe man wbo reads tbe "Twice.- Week" Hepoblic knows all about affairs. political, domestic and foreign events; Is ported about tbe markets aod commercial matters generally. Tbe woman wbo reads the "Twice-a- Week" Republic gathers a bit ol valuable information about household s flairs aod late fashions and Bods recreation in tbe bright stories that come noder boib the headings ol fact and fiction. There is gossip about new books and a dozen otbe; tonic of MDtviil .ntT.t m th. topics oi especial interest 10 tbe wide- nut man ana woman. A OR EAT HEWBPAPEK Tbe Sunday edition ot the St. Louis tsepuoiic is a tntrvel of modern news paper enterprise. The organizatior of iw news service is world-wide, complete in every department: in fact, superior to that of any other newspaper .v . ... 1 he macazilie Section 18 1 UStrated in daintilvtinted colors aud splendid half- na .i..t1tMa, Tkia ...-.4;.. a. . i more high class literary matter than any of the monthly magazines. The' fashions illustrated in natural eolorn are ! especially vtlunb'.e to the latlies. The colored comic section is hi genuine lauh-mi.ker. Tl.e funny car - toons are by the iieai artists. The ""a aiu uiu titws, uy authors of natiomd reputation ... . .... Sheet music, a high-chuw. popular song, is furnished free every Sunday ir The Itepublic. The price of the Snndav Uepublio by mail one year is $2.u. For sale by all news dealers. - 1 hrough to Harrison.. On April ir,th, the St. Louis wid North Aikansaa ltailroad waa fntmull opened tollatrison, Arkansas, estab - liahini (in ennntlnn vrith iho Vriu.. I line from Seligraan) direct railway com n - 1.V.IUU a-,u f,a.iu x IHTVU inunlcatlon with some ot the rlchst lead aud zinc fields yet discovered . Ihe territory traversed by the new line presenU perhaps the most remark- rnfiff'JlSii0 Weu' Vid " able panorama of rueged mountain' .'"i county. on the 2d Monl',,, ranges and fertile valleys to be found on 1 ri,!; ,n'd ,V IV iuIJItS.fM"r,,tan "' the American continent. A trip to liar ' oimrdinn or ihMiEI,K,,,rK k"-kmmr. rison is well worth the time so Bi.t. r ,b" l",n either from a commercial or a sight- rTnPa TnP "Z seeing standpoint. 8I0PB THE C0llHnI!," Wu"8 orr ihe Chattel mortgsge. tor sale at this offlcr, 1 PolJ"??dTtn, 1 'b,,U eoT boentseecb. u VaftcVu? ' Cur' no W- -'''ce Low Rate Excursions all Summer via THE BURLINGTON ROUTE. During the coming summer the Bur lington Route will have In effect tbe very lowest excursion rates that have ever been made. Tbe general plan of these ratea, destinations, etc., la so varied that the public should ask their nearest ticket acent for details, or else do us the favor to write fur rates, des criptive matter, etc. Cheap Summer Tours West Daly to Colorado, I'tah and Black Hills, also Ilomeseekers' excursions every two weeks to the whole West ud North wes . Cheap Excursions East Very low round trip rates to tbe Buffalo Expo sition, tbe Seashore. Adiroudacks, Can ada, Michigan Lakes, Mackinaw; a thousand eastern resorts; fine lake and rail trips east, via Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland. Cheap Excursions North Every day to St, laul, Minneapolis and Lake Superior :eorts; the coolest recreative country. Ask for tbe Burlington's Summer ex cursion rate circulars. California Excursions personally con ducted every Wednesday from St Louis, every Thursday from Kansas City and St. Joseph. Write ui for rates and printed mat ter describing tbe proposed trip. R. II. Croziek, L. W. Wakelt, T. P. A- i3 Main St. Gen. Pase n.rr Aft., Kansas City, Mo. r?c LouU, Mo. Howard Elliott. General Manajrer. Su Joseph. Mo. M. X. & T. REDUCED BATES I5IKDIAS IERRIT0KT. Ever since tha construction of tbe M. K. & T. Ry. through tbe Indiao Territory its local paaaeoger rate between stations in tbe Indian Territory baa been oa tbe basis of five cents a mile. Tbs customary rate ol paaaeoger lares oa railroads, ex cept In s parcel settled country, la three cots a mile. The population of tbe In dian Territory during iba past few years baa grown rapid!); there baa been a large Increase la paaseager trafflo on Ibis aooouat, ana tbe Katy' officials recognli- log tbs wast of the people aod the Justice of so dolog, bavt voluntarily ar rsngsd to redooa lbs local passenger rate to a basis ot three cents a mile. This re doctloa will take place oo or aboal No vember Drat. There will be great rejoic ing among lb residents along tbe line ot tbe M. K. St T. Notice to Bridge Contractor!. I will let to the lowest and bet bldner, on WEDNESDAY, JfLV IT. 1M1. a Wooden brMtre fur com.! ruction, about fnny feet In ler.irth to be built over Mine llraoch iu txvh Creek bottom, on road lead In south froia Tyree school nu and mur the farm nf H. I. Snyder. Letting; will take place St bride le at 1 0 : : i o'ulork a m Haas and soerHlrjiiinns will be seen at time and piHOe of lettina. f..ntractir is to kI ve bond for niainti-mmee ol bridKC hh tbe Ihw d!rt-t. Commissioner reserves tbe rhiht to reject any or all bid. 6 Jtd B. D. WKEIHN. Conmiwioni r. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of adininitnttion on the. e?tte of Virgie lieu Hens, di-teiiM.!. were rrante'l tn tic underiirn on tbe lith day of Jul. nl, by the probate court ot Latuyi'tte count). Miouri. A" Perns having- elalms uirain-t Mild (uite are rwnilrwl to exhibit tbetn lor allow i aurninmraior wimm one veer auer me oaie 01 hhio letters or tbey may be preoludd from any benefit of Mirfl estate: i&rifl If Biieh eluima K.. . a.klhiiAl . veVbllrJfd years from the date of said letters tliey will bo Tbiaoih day of July IWI HELIX HK( LLKXS, ',;I-t' Adndoietnilor. FINAL SETTLEMENT. NiKlec h berehv riven to all creditor and U. "r Perwu miorcstiM Id tlie eetate of hirirlnla l .w-r. def-eaiM. o.Mt ih ..aZL ffir-uireitTeltVbe. I (arts. Otki t.t I. a. .... - . ? P Th Jtlrt2rt .nMySSu? '""""i011 then-mud Momhy in auum. uwi. m::. ath an cPiiK. . ' t V IV If w L'TT I L'liei. t. lot, SdminiawW .jiuu. ..i uni i-mir ai ne AnniM term IWil iifUieprolwliMMiiirtof Uifayetteontinty. Mia- i LI' w, "" n'1 "em at the iirobale '' FZ'm "l,,'"y of uintou, on the GK.0HU1K SMITH M M.i Aduiinisliatrix. FINAL St'TTl t vifvK '..!,i'U hwi"h' " VBD erVdlfoni and ( oilier Perils lnu--t4 la ihe Mu, of J i -wr, j , nun me UniirHiBTrMd I ElTof 5' SS..?". Jh-.A""-. term, ' f iruo aodbeiH at VaVbata i amd MmI.iL. ! ?.L'.'1. 'UJrto' 1 ;.13.l4 p mkiskman. ' - - . . Adrniomtrator. NOTICK OV UESUINATION. Wiii.I.l ' i" ""o ana ctnte of I erfTi Auiomt im Kan i..u " "iivxiun, at I H li III! - tvt. nt itlfii ORDER OF PUBLICATION STAT-: OK MISSOFBI. I ' County of Lafayette, f In the Circuit Court of Ufuvnte Com.-. Mluri. at Lexlnttoo, AurJt teruC i Kdward nolmes, PlaiutlS. "' vs. i The Dover Coat Com pa ny aod I-ee W. Dariv, Iiefeodanu I Now at tbis d.y couaes the plaioutl herfi.h. b s attorney and flies hi petition and affidi? atleirlnc. amoor other UUnga, that defeixSui Tbe Dover Coal Company. l a foreian corT v ration of another state, tbat is of the tiSZ Illinois, and that tbe Defendant te W nT is not a resident of ton (State of Missouri- Whereupon. It 1p ordered by the cierk Inw. cation, tbat said defendants be notiaul h. publication tbat plaintiff bat CKumncHi k suit ajfint them (n ttol- court, the ob-tinl enerul nature of which is ti reeove'r iuT metit aratrut defeodanta etabli.,,in Dlai9 titTit title to the north ea-t f,urier ot thl north eaet iiarter of section N-vntn (iT towoHbtp nrty-ene C-t i. ranre twerry-nrVi'i in sa'd county, and v d:,m . i2 wate: and two hundred and :r) ,,',7 damaira for wlihle ldiOii- p"eiiii1 auS Bt, dollum for mimtblv rents ar.ri r,,. and tbiit nnit-os the nld d. tn.,lN Z. aod appear at Ibta court, ut tt n(t term tb-reof , to b) begun and boid-t tt ibn court hou- io the City of Leiins'on.'ii, tiii county on the 5ta rta v of August nut. una on before the third dv i.f said term. If tticirra bHll so longi-eiitioue. and If not, theu on t lief ore the lart da j i r ki term ,tir r r -r plni) to the petltiootn raid ratiM-. the tu- Willi taken .as ctnfl. and Jurtfiiieut win bf n-odered aeeotiolv And it le further onlrrod, tbat a or w herw be published, aecontlna- to law in the vwu, Intelligencer, a newepaper puWuhed Intu) Count nf cafayett fr four week uro. ively. publlebed at teaet oncewe. taelu iniwrthHi lobeatleac thirty days befnnUHi llrat day of sa'd next August u-rtn, in)l, of this court. . J. H. CAM POELL, Circuit Ork By J w. f roaoa. lieputy . Alexander tiravew, Attorary f r P!n m. s-mt Notice To Bridge Contractor,. I wilt lei to the loweat and bast bitkler on TIES DAY. Jl'LT iZ. A I 11. A Wooden Brida-fl for oonitur'on, tbout fl feet loor. to be built aero tun rh ns U line running eaM and wm tbroi.gli the rrlddi of N i tiou lii. Ujw aahlp . range oo tit north Iloe of ihe farm of J. Krert Sillier Letting will take plitce at bridge tlc o'clock A. M, flan and per1ftcatlorjt will be seen at Urn tnd pliki p of lettioir. Cuntrartor l to r bond for Ualnteoanc) ot br'dire a the lm ulreeK CommiMioner reserves nght to reject Mi or all bid- I will abo let to the lowest and best bidder oo FWDAV. JCLY W. A. D IK 1. A Woolen Bridge for construction, about Si feet king, to be built aenwa branch on the line between sections-!, tahip An, raofe ?. near the farm of Prank Kroeck. l-iiinir will take place, at bridge site at It 0'cl.K k A. H liana dvpcelncatlons will be seen at tin' and place of letting. oniracwr it tn gtvejbond for mainteuantt of brldpe as the law direct. Comoiln-iooer reserves ridht to reject any or all hid B. D. WEEDIS, S-iXd ComniiMionet. Notice to Bridge Contractors. I will let to tbe lowet and best bidder on PRIDAV, JULY 1. 11. a Wooden Bridg for construction, about lxty feet long, to b built over branch oo Ilover and Waverty rond near Henry Curbls'a Letting li take place at bridge site tt 1 o'clock a. u. Plans and perinatiooji will be seen W time and pure ol letting Contractor la to give bond for main '.en ma of bridge a.i the law direct. Commiaioner reserves the rltfit t" reject any or all bids. HD, WEKP1N. S-td Comm;.icrer otk to Bridsre Contractors. I will let to the lowest and belt bidder, oo sATt'KDAY, jri,r SO, 1K1. a Wooden bridge about thirty feet io lr.ft, Vi be built over a branch of Brub Cr--k. ra the iKvia Mill road and near the farm of J T Nclaon. Plan aod peclflcation will b n t tin and place nf IrUinif. whicli will be :t br.'ti He at In o'clock a. m. Contractor is tn give bond for mxmN nia of hridgn as the law direct. CoiuiniHooner rexertea the r;ht t Heet sny or all bids H. f M ERIMN. atd Commieil'O'r. Notice to Pride Contractor-). I will let to tbs loweal and bent ln' no MOMhAV, Jtll.V C, :Wi. a Wooden A Trias Hrlde f1ircuD'.tr-.:.-tl(ii. llilrty fe.' long, to be built a -n . bmsflj alut,i mile aoutb of the H""l houap swtlon (7, township 4n, nngo Letting will take tilace at lOo't-if ck at brlilgu site. Plan and mwini'ntloim will be -en w lime and place of letting Itaiitwlw l to tlvlxnd for tin n.H ten Hiiro of bride a- the law d!rwt. mnilM,linrr reserves the right torej'" any or all bids I will uImi let to the lowest soil he.t biilw on same dute. at :i o'clock p. m., h tVo' " Truss Bridge for ronatructlon. to Inbuilt over branch near the farm ot leo. W u. and Juki evit of the middle of rtler. A township 19. range a. bridge to i thirty finit long Pian and spec iflVutiona will ! " time and pla-eof let tint. Contractor litnplvc hood fur niuin'"uir.i' ol ' bridge n the law direct. . . Comniio.ioner n-M-rveo tbe rlirbl tin)'-" ttv or all hlK li. 0 WPKI'IN i-'-Vid Comnilvl' ';,'r DR. ALVIN V. COLE PHYSICIAN - AND - SURGEON Office; Mong Building, 'Phone IT KeMdener; Hth and Krtnklln, 'Phone I't MXINQTON. MfOllil -Vfe, ihVfTH Ml) Iff'