Newspaper Page Text
llffLl INSURANCE. Farm property insured, oc ied by tenant or owner. cup Kicks written in any town in Will com'1, and make county. orsonal inspection, and name rate upon appiitawu". wiu V . JNSL'JE ANYTHlKU. vviuc call on him at office Lexington. or in REAL ESTATE ,or sale in Lexington. Farms lor sale. Houses to rent. If you have any real estate to sell place it in his hands no rnci if no sale. Office ' in Lexington. . LES ILW, Abstracter. Loan -AHD- Insurance Agent irm nd City Property tor mIi or rent. MONEY TO LOAN. Will loan money on improved farm lands at 5 and 5J per cent interest. ' Office front room over Tevis1 drug 6tor. Lexington, Mo. k L Mis I Co. CASH Produce - Buyers DRESSED PUT, GAME FURS EGGS H BUTTER. 204 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. Write for Oar Present Paying Prices CITRON & TAUBMAN, LEXINGTON, MO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, HttL ESTATE INSURANCE, MONBT TO LOAN Have tbe only complete set of Abstract ecord of Title to the Lands of Lafayette iunj, OFFICE in ILERE BUILDING J O. Vt'ORTUIMflTOR. 8. N. WlLSOH LF.X1NOTON, MISSOURI. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance Agents. AIlSTKACTS OF TITLE MADK, w-lllau money on improved farm lands M 5 unci AH P-r eeut iDtcroKt WT1CE IN 1I,ERLE HUlLblXG. ! Br. J.W. Meng, Surgeon Dentist. Office in the Meng Building, Lexington, Missouri. WILSON & ECKLE, .."ur-foon Dentlsu, offloe in Hearle Building "levpntb and MaJn streoU. .Lexington. Mi i w. mm ouri IbaDrtl I &0 BATE COURT DOCKET. Aneust Term, 1901. 1st Day, Monday, August 12th, 1901. bL,?'.'' J"n'e' M dl?cei; Martha U Keith, aominiiitratrix lof ru,r!;J"ldtc;,wd; Tboe. R Tay- 3 Judos, Jobsnoe, d ceied; Emanuel tM.enbrautu, admioihlr.ior with will to. nexed. Lay, O-o K. deceased: Thna R moo, dmtulirtor wlto win annexed 3 raarvy. Win. dr.. i.... d- Pearcv and Dr 11 Wilitmmn. executor.. I nuoe. Cbin P a. na4- t. n l.h. . , i ... u net ,r, administrator. 7 K?oick. Cleveland. lea, curator. 2od Dty, Tuesday, August 13th. 1901. 8 Mejef. Otto, minor: llaon Mcr 9 Harralson. Matt I R mlnnr H.. v 10 Meaning. Fritz, minor; Chull.n. Ding, curator. u Under, Chas, deceased; Louise Ha or, exeeutrix. 12 Russell. Chas (i. mlnnr Qtiit. n ituasrii, cuiatnx. 13 DdfTindack. Omer mt ! Martha M unutgoici, guaraian. 14 Ureea. KeuDeu. minor: lull, V ureer, caratrtx. 13 Uaw. FblliD M. deceased: A R Asoury sud U. W. Hyde, administrators who win annexed. 3rd Day, Wednesday, August 14tb, 1901. 16 Booham. Leslie and Kate, minora: cj -i r.owarus, curator. 17 Bulord, Win M. Insane: E M Ed wards, guardian. 18 Moreland. J Reld. minor: Mamie Moreland, guardian. 19 Slather. James A. minor: David blusher, curator. 20 Smith. Mar; E. deceased: John H wnson, executor. 21 Barnett. James et al. minora: James w uooawio, curator. Price, Virenda, deceased; M D wll ton, publio administrator. 23 Smith. Ban lord F. deceased: Georgia omiiD, aamimstratrix. 24 McFadin. John, deceased: win. II unites, executor. 4th Dsy.Tbnrsdsy, August 15tb, 1901 25 Teoencamn. Walter, minor: Henry renencamp, curator. 20 r reralog, Joseph et al, minors; Unas J f rerkine, curator. 27 Bauman. (Jeoree. deceased : Joseph uaumao, executor. 2S Lewis Albert B, insane: Kpbrslm Lewis, susrdian. a Kaiatoo. David, deceased: uuius Young, executor. SO Uberbellman. Krledrlcb, deceased; a a Woestemeyer and Uuslav Uber bellman, executors. 81 Weaver, i bos b, deceased; ueorgie A weaTer, administratrix. Stb Day, Friday, Aujuet lStb,1901 32 Young, Grove, deceased; Joseph L Youngs, Theodore Youngs, Elmer xoangs and John f . ureer. executors. 33 Fox. Elizabeth et al, minora; Ubrie- tine Fox. curator. i Lauderdale, et ei, minors: Jonlab Lauderdale, curator. 3b Look, Joseph et al, minors; cnsries Uoeier. curator. 86 Peaoock. Margaret J, deceaaed; Cbaa Hoefer. executor. 87 l'eacock. John a, oeoeasea; uaas Hoefer. executor. 38 Curtis, Martha E, deceased; T. i. Duilnr. exeontor. and Jnwnh W. Warder, executors. . 1 . - . n era 4U Worlev. Mary rj. insane: r to Osborn, guardian. 6th Day, Saturday, Angust 17th, 1901 41 Parka, Edward Francis, insane; John w Parks, cusrdian. 42 Patterson, Eddieand Hogb, minora; Irving Zeyslng, curator. 43 McOirl, John and Maria F, minora; M D Wilson, puMlo curator. 41 Cooper, Virginia F, deceased; Nat han iviniwr. exttcntor. 45 Frerking, Ernest A, deceased; Q A Frerking, executor. 46 Upbaua, Peter, deceased; J HUp h.n. MTriitnr. 47 'Miller, Corneliua J, deceased; Wm A and Andrew J Miller, executors. 7th Day, Monday, August lBtb, 1901 48 Ewlog, Eugene M, deceaaed; John 49 Allstadt, Catherine J, deceased; Wm Anil, administrator with wtn annexto. 60 May, Catherine, deceased j M D Wll am n.ihim .rim niatrator. . Si -lav. Martin, deceased; M D Wll- nnhlii. Hmlniatralnr. 62' Qostwlscb, Katberioe, deoeasedjU n Phatrlnff afAPUtar. m o'nnnnell. John, deceased: M D iviiann nu hllc ad mlnlstrator. 54 Btepbao.J O, deceased; H F Brink- man artml "1 tat ratO. Rs'Fuhr. J U. partnership; Fred onnnnnanhorat. aurviviniT partner. .vt Mnell-r. Peter, deceased, Tbesa Uinck, administrator. 8th Day. Tuesday, August 20th, 1901 f.7 Hlffnev. Alice 11. insane; Charles T mtrta niiruinr. uti Hinir.Etelle. minor: Wade Hick leak mia 4 a n i si. fiord. Henrv. Insane; M D Wll- ni,khn rr i a rri i n . 00 McPbillm. John M, deceased; M D inii.nn nnhilt arimlnistrator. 61 Oraves, Wm B, deceased; M D Wll- son, public administrator. hi Stanford. Ira S. Mioor; James Barton, curator,' 03 Bcbmelner, Florence et al, minors; W A Braecklein. curator. 64 Klrtley, Elizabeth K, deceased, IU.L..J U L" 1 4 I aa U LtVAPIlLOr. 115 Mullinlx, George W, deceased; M D Wilson, public administrator. 66 Uortsfleld, Amos, deceased; James W Harrison, executor. Executors, administrator., guardians and curatora are strictly required to make their settlements on the day on wbicb tbelr cases are set. j AMEsp C(J1NNi 7 13,5 Judge ol Probate. Business men w ho lack the vim, soap and vigor tb.-y once had, should use Herblne, it will purify toe blood.strengten and invlforate the system. Price, 60 cents. For sal by Crenshaw A Young. Godfrey Sbull came in Wednes. Mr. day from Kansas City, where he has oen on the market with some hogi. Here ports things about dried up fo bisec tion of the country. Those who on farms are esiially liable to many accidHotal cut, buos and bruises which heal rapidly when Hslltrd's 8oow Liniment Is applied. Prlc 25and 50 oents. For sale byCreunhawft Youos. TIME Y ABLia f Missouri Pacific-Lexington Br. WSST BOCRDTRAIHS. Leave Pt. I mils 7-5. ttm Arrive Swiali j vln No. 78. !i:l. pm ":iiO am am fi:24 am t:3Aam S:4t aiD 8:IOhib Concordia 4:7 pin Aullvilie. 4 -jspm Hiire-iuBvillo 4;.I7 pin PttKf 'ity 4 47 pm Lexington 5;11 pm Myrwk. o:il pin Wellinirtoii ... 5;W pm Waterloo. f:40 pni NupiiltMin 5:47 pm Iniicpcnilcnue :."ipin Kansas Clljr 7:U nm St. Joseph DAILT. 7;l2am 7:l.'5am 7:83 em 7:40 am 8:5 am !: am l:W pm I AST BOUND TRAINS Nn rl No. 72. Leave St. Joe :m)nm Kanson City 5:4" pm JuUcp.;tnlcuce 6:10 ptn 6:25 am i;-.M am Napoleon. 7:08 pin 7:14 pm 7:. 12 pin 7:441 am 7:44 am 7 :.'il am 8:0! am Wtti.-rliKi Wi'lMnirton .... iklyiicli Lexington. )'nir- ily Hiirtilnsvillc. ... Auilv.'ie Conconjia MeilHlla 7:Sj pm 7: I Mum 8:IOam .. 8: in pm H:2i)am .. S il pm &:V am .. H::i.' iin 8:47 am .. -tHpoi (i:ieml .'IU:Miim 10:05 am St Louis 7:10am uuopm Mh-oial rate to Kansas C tr evci v Saturday cveuinganu uuuuy. fkeioiits. East West 8 50am ...Leavns Iix!nirtni (3:SAam OMSam ... " PitireClly 2:fiilpm iU:liTiuui ... " H'guinsville i iApml lowuam ... " Aulivillo 1:40pm I u:uuam.... " ixincnraia i:iu pm 2:15 pin... " Redalia 10:40 am Duily, except Sunday. Jefferson City, Boonville and Lexing ton Division. MIXED DAILf EXC. SUNDAY. No. 72. No. 71. Leave. Arrive. 7:15 am Lexington . 6:31 pm 8:ti&am Myrick 4:45 pm 8:55 am Northrun 1:12 pm 9:10am Dover 4.00 pin 11:27 am Rdwarda 3:.'A pm :58am ....Waverly 3:30 pm 11:30 am Marshall 1:15 ptn 'i:iam Koonvilie 3:00 pm 4 45 pm . . Tipton 4 :45 pm ucaaaowu. neuo up, SANTA FE ROUTE. Trains arrive at North Lexlnirton t No. SJ8 (daily) 7: a.m Trains leave North Lexlntrton: No. Xi, Express (daily) 7:55 a m Main Hue trains pass iiexmgroa junction OOISO BAST. No. 8, (dally) 9:1 am lo:uuam 7:15 pm 8-15 p m :i:4T a m i, California Limited. 0010 WBST. No, 1, , ft. I, 19, (dally).. 8:58 am ' California Limited. a m ii: to am 12: 7pm 6:46 p m J. D. Barter. Jh.. Agent. W J.Black,a,F.A.,Topka, Kus, Chicago and Alton Railroad. Tralus leave Htgglnsvlllo as follows: WBHT Bound. No. , Bt. L, and K C. mall... 5:45 am " 7, t anr. aim ecu. iinnuHi nwniu H 61, HlKKlnavllle and K. t: accOm. 7:55 am " 1,1, St. Louis and K J. mall 4:3(1 pm Hi). Local freigbt and a coo in 8:47 am BABT BOUNP.4 No. 14, Bt. L. and K. C. mall 9:47 am " 60. K. O. and HlgglnHville accom. :ia pm ' 10. Calif, and Col. limited 7:S5 pm 12, St. L and K. 0. mail 10:57 pm " 116, Local irelabt and accom 12:45 pm W. 8. LYONS, Ticket Agent, Telephone No. 50. HEW 8 OF THE RAILWAYS. The Rock Inland' proposition for cheap rate excursions to and from Colorado during this summer has been negatived by tbe Western Passenger Association. In consequence notice was served yesterday on Chairman MeLeod by General Passenger Agent Sebastian that the Rock Uland will take independent action and put in effect a rate of one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip from Chicago and all inter mediate points east of the Missouri river to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Salt Lake City and Ogdeo. Tickets at this rate will be sold on June 20, July and 17 and August 1. From Missouri river points tbe same rate will 6e made on the days following these dates. Ticket at this rate al w'U be sold from Mis souri rivor gateways, Kansas City to Omaha, inclusive, on July 7, 8 and 9. Four special ex- curaicuB will also be run by tbe Rock Island from Colorado oommon points to Chicago and intermediate stations on June 23, July 12 and 20 and August 4. These excursion tickets. both cast and west bound, will be limited for wtnrn Dasaao-e to October 81. The Kock Island announce" i s intention of placing In service siH-eiul trains for tlii-se excursions, leaving Cbicsiro Hi. b p. in. and making tlio run to Colorado with only one niubt ou tho road Chivairo Tribune. HARVE8T NOTICE. Lexington, Mo., May 1, 1901. I wish to Inform yon that I am now agent for tbe McUormlck Harvesting Machine Co. both at Lexington and Wei- lingtoo. Wa now have samples ot Binders, Mowers and lUkus set up at each place. Call at either ol my Lumber Yards and look them over, and get prices and terms. I will aIso have at both yards a full stock of Manila and Sisal Twine. Kemefliber that McCorraick's agents al ways have a full line of repairs on hand, which will save you much time and motfey at harvest time, lixspectfully, J. K. MOOKKIIKAD. ..- ,. What Shall We Have for Desert? ' This question arisos lu the family every day. Lot us auswnr It to,lay. Try Jell-O, a delicious dvsort. Prepared in two minutes. No baking! add hot water and set to cool. Flavors: Lemon, orange, raspberry and stra berrv. At your grocers. 10 cents. 6 TO GORE A COLO IS ODE OAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tbe money if It tails to ours. E. VY. Grove's signature Is oa sen box. 25o, WILLIAM D. RANKIN President. W. B. TBVI8 Vice Pre. LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, LEXINGTON, PAID UP CAPITAL, Doea a general banking business. Bollrltn arcounu. Liberal accommodations to customers. DIRECTORS EF NICHOLSON W D RANKIN JOHN E RYLANU WALTER R WADDELL B HOFFMAN A O YOUNG D W B TEV18 STOCKHOLDERS I Walter B Waddoil DWB Tevis W D Rankin Fannie W Barton H B Duke, Curator Jackson Biadlcy M Chapman - Hoffman Rafus Young Alice W Wiogate A O Young Henry C Wallace 04 HEW SERVICE VIA SAN Antonio, VIA WACO, 8. A. A, A. P. and SOU. PAC. AND TO AUSTIN, VIA ELGIN AND H.4T.C. Through Tourist Sleep rt CALIFORNIA, Via SAN ANTONIO and SOU. PAC Quickest and Best Line to MEXICO. "KATY flyerv TO St. Louis, Chicago. Kansas City ALL TRAINS HAVE FREE KATY CHAIR CARS and BUFFET SLEEPERS. C0RICETABLET5 made with mire SPANISH LICORICE unsurpassed lorcure 0Tuuuonit.uLUD 8" iuf PflcnAota. jPET Fop allThroat Affectiorxs r ... 10 and 25 4 BOXES- oold by Druggibts everywhere or seW y, -prepaid on receipt of price &ku(irif 863 Broidwoy .NEW YORK' "sstuj - -Ojj pftuguaBg't1 uqop L: n TifiruoMW (i"rii)',ii n wH rv pi'q Of:' H Pniasftin r?Tnt n iiintinrrtAAf : '' silMUl0lH'A'tlW't.O5rin'-ai) J.A,VrH 'W4UL WWl;Ut VMUaJ S.HOIM OOA 3NVW Ttlt S033S ssnvs,, ka1 b a n v yi u-tt. H E N E W Y O R K W-O-R-L-D Thrice-a-Week Edition. Almost a Daily at the Price oi a Weekly. . The presidential campaign is over but the world tjoes on just the same and it is full of news. To learn this news, just as it is promptly and impartially all that you have to do is to look in the columns of the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York World which comes to the subscriber 150 tiroes a year. The Thrice-a-Week World's diligence as a publisher of first news has given it circulation wherever the English lan guage is spoken and you want it. The Thnce-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year. We offer this uneqtialed newsppaper and the Intelligencer together one year for $1.65. Tbe regular subscription price of th two papres is $2.00 TO cm TCI U H trmmmf mm i i i0H0SH)M WAliuELL I WALTKK B Caailer. I MISSOURI. $50,000 W O MoCauslasd J Q Chambers O A Rrlehn Henry Halnkel E F Nicholson LO Chapman - Jno E Ryland MnBRonlck nettle W Smith C E Chapman E A Wallace 4eooosi RACKS EXAS 1 Effective March 10th, m, the Announces the Opening of Its J Red River Division Denison and Sherman, Texas. . Throeh Train Serv i will shortly be established from St. Louis and Kama City over the j 'V?C aftJ..t .. - ja,- . ... s-i, -gv - . . M 4 S s t! jav v - - t.Tf.S AMERICAS MOST POPULAR RAILROAD 4-, "i1 1 PERFECT WSSEKGER SERVICE TO rmmmm- and Territory bevono. W 8. LYONS. Passcnser and Tl(krtAtfeit.HiirKinsville,MTo Oso. J.Cuabltos, 0.. A T. A., Chloas'-.lJl m m M Sr f aSB lUMilllil, PH mm 1 i.tJr-tfAaW mmmm a- fiisiifiiii AND POINTS IN I 1 :,1