Newspaper Page Text
Of TT 0 9 .... ( I Pit' oieam BASING cowrlicity in stealing horses lathi-.' coULtv. Joseph Wii , J v HBJ renafcd from the rpnitenHarr nc r fc-ww.Mij IQ3V week arid rt-irrtrri a. ---- uj ouerin Thomas and brought to Lexicon -itlirf1'j ........ ill . . '""""i mui wiu ue taken to Auburn to testify agair.H the Gold bergs. n iror. C. A. I'hilips wilr leave to. morrow for Carruliioc to work io a teachers Institute to U- held there two weeks. He then Bes to Macon where he is engage.1 ff.r work in au Institute for two wek more. I'rof. I'hilips Is an excellent institute worker and his services are yreatly in demand. ...est Honors. World' Fair ca Medal. Midwinter Fair . i niMnit rowder containing MISCELLAXEOUS MELANGE. -i 'O From Monday'. Dally. MISS Same ijnrrhin U viitinir at the home of Mr. Nathan Cuoper. Mr. Lias Fredrick spent Sunday in our city with relatives and friends. Mr. EJ. Smith, cf VnnsHs Citv. came down last iiiuht to spend Sun day with his fp and rhildreo. who are spending the summer with Mtsv Qrr.irij,.. M. U'..U. I'. Waddell. Homb Mostv to Loas. On good real estate aecority. la turn ot IVX) and up, at 7 cer cent. Ha commiiwiuo. no red tape. Apply to J. Q. flet'.-oburg. . tt Mrs. J. I;. Davis &nd her little daughter, Miss Heleo lavis, of Dover, are visiting Mrs. K. G. White and will remain here a week, after which thev go to Independence, to make tneir home. Miss Ella lcken left last night for a week's visit at Fulton, Mo. She was accompanied by Mr. Lewis Nickell and Little Miss Elizabeth Nickell, who have been here on a visit at the Nickell home. From saiurej Mr Harry Brown reiuroeu iasi gtt from Kansas viij . Mr Ts'ewt. Henry came In last igtat for a few days with relatives Id Lrctty. - - ... tv ilir and Mr. Claude Wf, xJ - returned yesterday. ..evening ' ioi rt Slater. . w oui a Mrs. Henry weot to . McAlester Urrs last ntgni io join iue ca- Lton party now there. up Wade Hlcklin arrived this ..r'inir from Salem, Mo., for a tew ays on business In Lexington. up Ti.nrr hicauer returned this fcorniDg from .MCAtesier opnngs, bere he nas Deen speuuiug, tuo yai foe.. . .. ; . r-urr W. D. Rankin went to Mc- kiester Springs last night to join his Life, who has been were tor several Veeks. Mrs. E. Klcbter and little daugh- . i i.Y ) di-nni nir ler, Lillian, icn ycsvcjuaj tn.u.u8 or Kansas city to visit, menus ucr uoday. - (Tb ttaaefer eompaay tmr a call book h. Mamsotk llvary stable aad oae at U.onad Central hotel. LTt order al I DM placet. '"" f MIm Bessie Bradley, of May view, r.m io yesterday eveuion to epcod a lew day wltb the family of Mr. Cireoee Vlion. Miss Elleao Dora o left this morn- iQg for tUtt to her father and friends o Chlcaro, and will be absent about two mouths. . Master George Wallace, who has (yen upending the past week with friend at Higglmville, returned tome this morning. Miss Mary "Duke, who has been ui.inr.a tt.A familv of Mr. T. C Saw ,.1p PBtompd . this moroInK to her Lome atlodepeodeoce. .'hnrrh , of Christ Sclaatlat, Sunday Hrrieea ai foliowa:' 10:30 a, n.,8nBday ichooin:30a.m.,atlCiKhU of Pythlaa tall. All ar eordiallt intjua. u Mrs. John Fox left- thia morning for a short visit with relatives in Grand Pass. . She was accompanied by little Miss. Kathleen Doran. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ' Martin and fhiirirpn ramp down from Kansas City last night for a visit with Mrs Martin's father, Mr. Geo. Trail. , For Sale- 1 bavt for ' Kod PT lag baeioea, about two thousand caub rMulred. For full particolaracall oo F. Lexlaitoo. Mo. 4 27 Mrs. Brown.' who has beed visiting Mrs. Pat Fagatt; for several niontlis, leturned this morning to St. Louis. Krs. Brown is the daujrbter of Judu-e Ambrose, who .formerly lived in our city. - Sheriff Oscar Thomas has appointed Kr. Jobn Wilson as deputy sheritl al Ilicgiusville to succeed Mr. Clarence Ridge.' Mr. Gus Scbwaru, of Hi'g Kinsvllle, bas resigned the offlce of constable. Th. viaimiri Pitr.iflft Railroad com pany has added a new four wl'ieled truck to the equipment of the depot at, tbls place. A well is being dug ut tbe stock pen or lue PurP"c of watering slock. Mr. Claude M. Coon, left for Kan sas Citv and nolnts west, this morn ng after spending a tew days with his son. Master Carleton. and also Frof . R. Richter and wife and little PareDt3' ,Mr- aod M.rH.-. K" .MorgaD daughter returned last night f;om oon at the commercial noiei. Kansas City. I At the adjournment of the meeting Miss Annie Dowden left yesterday evening to visit friends near Aull- vine Misses Mvrtle and Pir.ri T IpwpIIvh of u,e Confederate camp No. 648, U. wisses Myrtle and tiora Llewellyn c y followioir were appointed turned yesterday evening from a ' ; " the oion atlLrlBB. returned visit at Waterloo. . Miss Virginia Schauss went to Kansas City yesterday morning to delegates to the reunion at Spring Hplri Mf Aui7ust. 8. 9. and 10. J I'lattenburg, . Alexander , Graves, Dr. J. W. Menor. T. J. Bandon. and visit Mrs. W. W. Johnson. Captain Frank Thornton. Miss Estella Mr: Claude Price came down from B"don and Miss Daisy iDornwo Kansas City Saturday night to visit appointed to repent tbls camp his home folks over Sunday. at the unveiling and dedicating of the Master Irvln Coen returned atur urday evening from a month's visit with relatives near Higginsville. ' Mrs. Thomas Thomas came up from Higginsville yesterday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dodge. Mrs. H. A. Davis, of St. Louis, From Tuesday'e Dally. Mrs. John Davis left this morning for Salida, Col. ' ' ' Rev. D. Buchmueller returned last night from Kansas City. ; ' Mr, Wm. Walker, of Higginsville, 111 3 Al - a 13 V l i ' arrived yesterday eveuing in our city is spending the day in our city to visit ber sister, Mrs. Jas. Robinson. Hiss Helen Mclntyre came down from Kansas City Saturday night to spend Sunday -vita her mother's family. Mr. Eudie Mitchell and wife and two children went to Htggltfcjville Saturday olght to visit relatives over Suuday. . Mr. Will Weber left .yeiterday to J Witrhita. Ka... where be was called to attend bis brother, Albert, who Is quite 111. ' ' i Mr. Will Nicholson spent yester day fcere witu the borne folks, and returned to Kansas Cltjf yeuterday pvrninir. . : "' 1 ', '' "" "I Uici M.iiLip Ltttleiohn came dowo from fcaosas City Suturaay nigut io t Mr. A.. G. McLaughlin, from Cameron, . Mo., , arrived yesterday pwpninir to visit his brother, Mr. u Mrs. Thomas Thomas returned last night to her home at Higginsville. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rankin re. turned lat night from McAlester Springs. Miss Anna Haecker went to Kan sas City this morning tc spend a week with friends. ""Miss Carrie Field went to Inde pendence this morning to visit rela tives for a few days. Miss Lizzie Groves returned yes- terday eveninir from a visit with relatives near Corder. Mr. Levy Bullard and wife return ed Sunday" night from a prolonged visit with relatives at Fulton, Mo. Miss SoDhie Weber, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. Gus Weber, left this morninif for Chanute, Kas. Misses Florence and Mabel Barron returned yesterday evening from Hig ginsville, where they have been vis iting Trieods. Miss Mattie Shelby left this morn ing for her home at Monett, Mo. She will spend a few days in Kansas City on the way. Mrs. J. II. Campbell came up yes terdav evening from Hieuinsvllle, where she has been upending several weeks wltn relatives. Mr. Geo. Venable has moved his stock of icoods to the Ruppel build lug, one door west or miss uonie Weber's dry goods store. Mr. Ed. M. Davis left this morning for Jefferson City and points near there, where he will call on the grocery trade this week. Mr. John Groves, of Kansas City, ramp down last nleht to visit his j, mother, Mrs. Jane u roves, ana re turned home this morning. Mrs. Clarence Vlvion and her brother, Mr. Jas. Warren, who Is visiting her, went to Higginsville this morning to visit .relatives. ; , ' Cant. ' Wilev. manager of the large Vinsiness of the Lexinizton Loal Mio ing company at tbls place, retureed f j US DL There is nothing that makes a man feel better than the knowledge of being well dressed. When you have a suit made from the newest materials, just the style and a perfect fit you have this knowledge. Our suits hare the style, fit and material: the quality and workmanship are guaranteed ! Wittenbergt 1 ailor. io irom JVaUsas llJ cruiumu uitu spend Sunday with her sister, 5 John Welboro.. V". r The engine on the local freight Koing east yenteiday evening broke down and was pulled back to this city by the switch engine, arriving here lust ahead of the .V.ll P- m passenger train. For BA.LK ThorouBbbred ahorthorn bulla aod belter for aala. . Apply t r lrm. 8 mlla cast ol Lexlogtoo, oo me Halt Pood road, or apply o me at Ulg I'.aavlito. N. M. Cooper. lt Last night the children of the Christian church Sunday school wore Kivenalawo social on the beautiful lawn at the home of Mr. Clarence Vivion. The occasion was greatly enjoyed by all who were present. Prosecuting Attorney Horace F. Blackwell and Sheriff Oscar Tlionu leave tomorrow for Auburn, Neb . to attend the trial of the Goldbergs, who were some tlmo ago arrested fur L. McLaughlin Mr W. R. Wilsoo left Saturday evening for Independence, where she gties to visit tbe ramuy oi uer umi,;r, ReV. J. M. Chaney. ' Miss Heesid Buford aod Mr. Beb Young, ot Kansas City, came dowo Saturday ninni lo visit the family or Mr. Minn McFadin. ' ' ! Mr. W. R. Journey, ot the survey. Mrn4 nf the Missouri Pacific rail- ilt. vvi - . : way at this point, spent Suuday wltn. his family Ju Higginsviue. . Mr. D. Bogie and wife ot U:g2ins rille. caroe up yesterday morning to Tiait the family" or mrs.. iwgie s latherCapU.Frauk Thornton. j; Miss Elizabeth Nickerson, who has been visiting the family ot Mr. S. N. Wilson for several weeks, reiumcu ibis morning to her heme in War- rensburg. r.. v iv rnru. of Kansas City, .' rioMi iMf. nitfht to visit the ..ii ..r Mr w. B. Schultz. with nhoni his wife has been visiting for the past ten days n.n,.it Conntv Clerk, Sanfoid Thornton went to Kaosas City yes- ,..a.,v mnmini to visit his mother. t luwt. renorts Mrs. Thornton was steadily improving. Mi-s Sullie Welch and Miss Hazel r,. ju ,.i Kansas Citv.' who have . ... iii.n trip mmuv oi air. iuot. Calaway for the past week, returned bemp yesterday evenintf . inhn M. Price. Jr.. fpeot the mi .' -- - -- - it.h ins father's family yes. d iv -1000 nas a posnioo us ww clerk in the "Grand Leader," a large department store in ai. Mr Chas. Williams, of Denver, came' In Saturday night to visit his L I" nA .i,p familv of her father, Mr D. W. B. Tevis, with whom she has been spending the pa-t week. Mrs H. P. McCausland and Mrs R Younn left yesterday morn Mo. They were illed there bv the serious illness of tail . n- W ITirun their brother, r.ev. . . xtrs S. J. Huston returned Satur .. . fpAm Kansas CltV, accom :i h Mr. and Mrs. Yeager and V i!..iin. Yiriwer. Mrs prostration and was quite sick when she arrivca uric .-iaiun.: o-- To Close Oti r Stock of Summer Woolens i i i j !. , . i, ., . ' .... : f ,i we will give choice of 25 1 ' Suits formerly sold not lessn than ver Ludwigs' Jewelry Store , Sunday School. Superintendents and Secretaries ot Lftfayeite County Sunday Schools : Elder E. J. Feostermacher, of Lex ington, secretary of the Missonri Sun day School Association, woold like you to report your schools to hwn by August 15, so the county report can. be sent to tbe state secretary before the state convention at Chillicothe, August 27-29. He regrets that there is no list j ot schools so he can write to you per sonally. , here he bas bad names ha has thus done so, aod wishes to thank all who have readily co-operated la 1 . . .Nit nlr tl t lh d IMIIA 9BT II PPPlI 1 cuiuyauj -v uu.c jp.-v, giving the statistics of the schoola mis moroiujf miu uusiuksiujp 7...,, . ,, . . . I", t..w . . . 1 V ill not all who have not reported : .,.t. i. Please do so at once so that it may be Ttiiiamni waata a corwapondeat lo known what is the Sunday school mriuwt 1a Lalavette county. Write I attendance in the county? Let hiai or particolara. . hear from all churches and all ,new Miss Jean Yanc. of California, Ucbools. U too have no blank-oa ho h:i been vUiltina In Corder with ' - w 1 n llJl 14 w w M W m v IT w "W Miss cnaaoein uroxes ivr .tw v.-,, . m.nB--ttr -,,--vft returned to Lpe.vingwu wuu ucr jes- .I.!.- 6 ... ! below. If any school wishes lo send a laeiegaio 10 loiiiicoiae, -rate one rare Mr. John' ncury and wife, who , . ....... rf,.,,R have been vlltluf the family of r e 10K for Kansas City, where they will be permanently located, h MiMiiid notarie DobllC ieao be aappUed wltb chattle mortgagw 1 t this nmn. ai a ca wr rani, m I kiadt 01 etaaa 1 noieo o o '. - ThP rpmalns of Lieut. Tho. Cobb, Jr.v were laid to rest yestray auer nrvm nt. the cp.meterv ncre wun ap propriate ceremouies aa announced in Saturday's issue or mis paper. FTtreme hot weather is a crrealUX opoa J the dlgestlTe power of babiee; when pooy Name of Reboot. Its Loeatloo...'.... Denomination .' SuperlnteoctPBt. HI full P. 0. Address. Hu many month la the ;eur in to School held? , 1 Hour of Opening 8 Are TeiPherV Martinis, for Study of Lesson. RerulHrly held? , MKMBKIUH1P. - Include till Member Attending the School. 9 Offlrers and Teachers.. 10 Scholars tt Totfcl Memberslilp . $30,00 now at the uniform price of' I eeote. For aale by Creaanaw x iobor Rev: W. M.' Rader, ' of Warrens- 120,00 - 1 r 1 tt made and trimmed equally' 'I as well as if you were pay-, ing full price. All ( Pants formerly made to order from $6.00 to $7.50 now at the uniform price of 1 $5.00 All pants that formerly sold from ?8 to $12 now only".! v- " - III .ulipipiiiiitiiihh .-a ,,hii ttiAV .hnuld be aiveo a doe of 1 n a rerunH Attendance for Dant Tear. ... - . n J .... rjc I ... ...... j 1 . k. ., v. u a K a piauP. White Cream VOrmilUge. noo, w u Krcenni mm vuuau irvw p. l. pup. year , t ,- HOME DEPARTMENT. Bow many Officer and Visitors? How Many Member Enrolled? ' VIRAKCIAL. Amount contributed, to Benevolent or Missionary Object Amount given to atate and County 8. ft, Association Work r ... . . . , ,.Q m.HWr H 11 HOI O IkUU nuyiCM. u Li i.i lira, imv s roiurucu vuio . morning from Cross limrs, u.cKory Tea(iher ch pr,miry DKparttDeBt. county, Mo., where she has been and addr... itinrf her cousin, Mr9. u. m. uick- inon and attending the marriage of seCrt.tarv's Name and Address ... j i. - pn t i M4s a fin ic nicKinson aou mr. i. u. burj?,. who has been the guest of Kev. i p HuntAP fr.r several davs and who preached at , the Methodist i church here Sunday,, left for home this morning. u Devins.; For mooQlto bite, bites or stiageot Id aect, animata or repuiea, appiy nimra Isnnw Liniment. - It coooteracta tbe poi loo io the woond, aobdoes tbatoflamap Date Sprinkling: Roads With (hi Ir. H. J. Waters, dean of the Agri cultural College, a department ot tba tloa and heal tbe fleeh. Price, 25and 50 State University, ana airecior o. cents For (ale by Crenbaw 4 Young. Missouri Experiment Station, at pres Mr. Ernest Hays has a thirty days, ent conducting experiments in spnok i.... t.m ViU rlrtips as exnress linir mad with erode petroleum. The lay i'u iivm 1.1 1 " 7.50 D Merchant Tailor agent at this place, ue leu ibis morning for a visit at Sweet Springs. Mr. Isaac Hays is acting as agem, ju his absence and Mr. Mine nwicneii is acting as express messenger to ana from trains. Mr. Robert Smith aod his wife will leave tomorrow for St. Louis, where they expect to make their home. We regret to lose Mr. and Mrs. Smith as members of Lexiogton's social cir cles, and their many friends here will miss them very much. We never theless, wish them a pleasant time in their new home. a mnnrr tVin nnnihcrs drawn vesleN due was that held by Miss Minerva J. Mi-r nt . who lost ner cnauco iu file, though she u drawn as outu- hpr 18. on the tA neno iisi. ner piiaim Is estimated to have been worth at least S 3,000 from the num ber which she drew, out Jaiuraay ntcrht. she was married to Oeoriie W. Tiiriov. of Oklahoma Citv, and so can not have the claim as sne is no longer the lenal bead of the ramiiy to wnicu she belongs. Under the law unmar ried females over 21 years are enti tled to claims, but, those married can not have them. Miss McClintic is the daughter of our Mr. C. J. Mc Clintic, the bridge man. experiments are not yel completed.but jo far have been very saiialactory. Before the oil is ponred on, the road ia scarified so as to allow the fluid to pen etrate the road-bed, tbe only disagree able feature connected with sprinkling roads with oil, is oi course, the odor. This can be done away with only by rains The good features of oil sprink ling are that it preserves the road-bed. hardens t aod prevents mud and also keeps tbe dust laid. CHICHESTER'S DSGUSH PEJltlYROYAl PILLS f. Alwr rpllmblf-. 1.4Im. m rnilst IB (HirHMtKHII EMMSpIMM Vol mUllio uo. wh nhooa. Theahpr. Krfn 4mntrommmU allonMa Inllalloaa. Kiiyuf your t'roiwwf, wc uiJ 4. In BUiupa for Mwliilr. ! HonlalM and "Keller for lai." I"lr, by mtwra MiL lp,KM 'IVmimoinl. twiaaf all UnnxmiL CH'OHBBTBR.CHHSflOAt. OO. aioa Ma ir, miia f M.nU Oil.