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Close Outs AT E. G. LOOMIS' BOOKSTORE For the next 10 days I will offer my entire line of Oxfords Bible, Family Bibles, and Testaments at less cost 30c Pocket Bibles go for.... 20c $1 .25 Bibles. larj?e prl nt go f or 75c 1 1 Testaments and Psalms gor for 60o $4 Family Bibles go lor... .$2.50 HAMMOCKS Your choice for 50 cents each CROQUETS 4 ball sets for...... '...42c 6 ball sets for 58c 8 ball sets for 68c Now is your chance. Call and look through. E. G. LOOMIS LOCAL 8HOBT-STOP8. . Mr. Cbas. Wlllstt went to Kansas City Tboridsy evening. Mr. Jsmee Terhnoe left Thursday even if for a abort trip to Batea City. Mrs. John Posge. who ia visiting bar iter, Mrs. Bert Taobman, ia quite aiclc. Mite Margaret Anil returned Wednesday Ivenlog from a visit at HcAleater Springs. Mies Mlnole King returned Tuesday rom a visit wun ineoas in Kansas city. Mrs. D. C. Morris and oblldren return id Wednesday from visit at Gaylord, K.oiss. Mr. I Presley Botlsr, of Kansas City, Irrlted Thoraday for a Tlalt with Mr. Milton Roy le. . Mies But Hamlett came down from Kintai City Tueaday to rialt the family it Mr. DaT4 Haecker. Miss Lottie Edwards, of Kansas City, rrlved Wednesday . lor a Tlalt with her obi'S, Mtsa Florida Btler. Mrs. Ben Vaughan, of Hlgginsville, had paralytic stroke last Wednesday while ittloi in a chair at her homo. Mrs. Dr. Meng and Mr. and Mrs. Jan. F. inn nl Ttonr. am thai vneata Wednea- oy of Mr. John Meng, of our etty. Miss Rose Qraendort returned Thoraday Igbt from a Tlalt of several weeks to leisures and friends la Kansas City. Mrs. Lou Vauehea. of AUlaaee. Neb., who baa beea TialUag the family of Mr. jTooe. Turmaa, returned home Thursday .moralag. I Mrs. Dave Qwlnner aid her three ohU area toft Wednesday tor her homo at .Tipton, after a Tlalt la our city with bar .tether'a family. ' 1 Foa .Balb A pair of black mare mulea ,eevsn yean old, 16 haada high. For la "formation call at John Taubmaa's offlos, ia Haerle building. U6lw3t I Mr. Butord China and his daughters, .Misses Nannie, Bettle and Pinkie, weot to ' 17 . in., .v.. a I - Ikl.t ww iwiiy ionrfij bibs iwr visit with relatlTes. Meeers. Boas Bour, Hence Yonng and Crewe returned yeeurdey from 1 Reno, where they registered for claims ia Uncle Barn's lottery. Tbs Ladles Aid Society of the Christian church will give a lawn social la Mrs. Burden's yard August 13. Everybody Is Invited and nrged to be present. The Interior department has ruled that Mies Minerva McCllntlo, who drew No. 18. In the El Reno drawing, has forfeited her right to file by getting married. Mr. Bate Drnmmond, one of the suc cessful onea in Uoole Barn's El Reno lottery, spent the day In our city Wed needsy and returned borne that evening. Mr. Wade Hlokllo, who ba been "pending a few daya with relatlvea In toil bis old home, returned Wednesday to Btlem, Mo., where ha la at present reel- ding. Mr. w, U. McCausland who baa been confined to the boose by slckoeaa for ao ong Is able to bo out again. Bla friends U be pleased to see him among them once more. Mrs. Joseph Martin and little daogh Misses Ethel and Ernestine, who h'e been Tlsltlna- the famllv of Mr. Geo. Trail, returned Thursday evening to thsir home in Kaosaa City. Plump cheeks. Unshed with the soft Slow of health, and a pure complexioo me an women beautiful, Heroins lm Prts strength and vitality to the system, od the rosy baa of batUtb to the cheeks. . 60 oents. ror sale by Crenshaw A onng. g 8ml Mrs. Clarence Vivion ...,..,. ... nui. ... . " T,sl with Uiggloiville. relatives at Rev ; Thome. M. Cobb Ift yesterday CUT, and from there be will Nevada, Mo. for K go to Little Mi,e, L!r,i. tod Kie 0 mothbertn Kansei Mine JIU Burl-tt., of St. Louis "rived. Wednesday for a vi.,t with the lamil, of Dr. E C. Qordou. Miss Elixebeth L.K-kb.rt. of Welling, too cam. down Thursday to epend w. l day. with Mrs. J. E Kincaid. Mies Elliott Todbunter returned Tbore. day from a vi t of several week, with relatives and friends at Cilntoo, Mo. Mre. A. 8. Chambers returned Thursday morning from ao extended lo Brooklyn, N. Y.,aod southwest Missouri. Miss Msggie Sullivan, of Aollvllle, who has been visiting her sl.ter, Mrs. M. T. Jenkins, In our city, returned borne Tues day evening. Miss Pearl Allwood, of Warrensbnrg, arrived Thursday in our city and ia the guest of ber frleod and schoolmate. Mlaa Ida Rowe. The transfer company keepa a call book at the Mammoth llverv stable, and on at the Grand Central hotel. Leave ordera at these places. 10-27-tf Loa Kelly the Lafayette coonty pacer again showed himself a winner by takiog the ports of f200 In the 2:17 pace at Mob- eriy last week. Miss Nell Orear, who hts been visiting friends In Lexington for tbepsst three weeks, retorned Wednesday to her home at Marshall. Miss Btella Franeisco, of Marshall, wbo has t-een visiting Mis. Nell Marshall tor tbe cast alx weeks, returned home Thursday morning. Messrs. C. L. and A. G. McLaughlin left Tueeday night for Mooitau, Mo., where they go to look up aome walnut loirs that are being shipped out from there. Mr. D. Bogie and wife returned Wed nesday to Blgglnsvllle, after a few daya visit with the family of Mra. Bogle'a father, Capt. Frank Thornton, Mr. Robert Smith and wife left Wed nesday for St. Louis. Mra. Smith will probably return in a few weeks before settling permanently In the city. ' Mr. S.N.Wil.oo left Wednesdsy evening for Fulton, to attend a meeting of the board of managere of tbe Mlaaourl ichool for the deaf, which met there yesterday. Miss Julia Mlnter, of Kansas City, wbo haa been visiting the family of Capt. Ardinger for the past week, left Wed- needay tor a visit with . friende la Bedalla. Superintendent D. Bardy, of tbe Mis soorl Pacific passed 'down the J. G. B. A U Thursday In bia special ear on tour of Inspection of tbe new work' on that line. Judge Cblnn, of the probate court made aa application Wednoaday for the ad mis slon of Rebecca Correll, of Odeesa, to tbe Institution for the feeble minded at Marshall. Mr. Albert Yonng and wlfa and little daughter; iMUa Elisabeth, left Thursday morning tor Pueblo, Denver, Colorado Springs aad Maoltau, and will remain soma time camping at Laveta, Col. Messrs. Clem Tyro and Alex Graven went to Mayvlew yesterday to take some depoeltlone ia the case of Mr. Tyreo against the C. A A. railroad. Miss Pearl Reeder accompanied them as eteaogra pher. There will be no preaching at the Bap tlst church Sunday. Dr. Cbaa. Manly, ths pastor, will preach Sunday at tbe Calvary Baptist church la Kansas City. Sunday school services will bo held aa naual. Mr. Al Johnson, the hostllng repre sentative of tbe Kanaaa City Bur, spent the day cere Tneaday with the home folka and left Wednesday for a trip on the C. A A. and points east of Blg glnsvllle. Mrs. John Evil, of Bt. Louis, arrived Tueaday evening in our city for a visit with ber aiater, Mrs. Thoe. Btramcke. Bbe was acoompanled by Master Melville Bmlthers, who comes for a visit with relatlvea In our city. Mr. George R. Cooper, of Kansss City, wbo came down Saturday night to vlait tbe family of Bon. H. C. Wallace, Sr., re turned Tuesdsy evening accompanied by hie wife, who baa been visiting bsr par enta here tor eeveral weeks. It I reported that two freight trams collided Friday morning on tbe C. A A. railroad near Grain Valley and tbe engineer of one train waa killed. We have been unable to get further partiou-lara- before going to press. Misses Rose and Julia Glenn, of De Soto, Mo., are visiting Mrs. Gus Baerle in our city. They have been attending the teachers' Institute at Chllllcotbe, Mo,. and will spend soma time wun Mrs. Baerle before returning home. Tuesday at 10 o'clock a. m. tbe Bock Island north bound train loaded with homeseekers was derailed about eight mile, north of Enid, Ok. One men was killed and twentv-ono Injured. Tbe man killed waa C. R. McLane, of Enid, Ok. BT0P8 THE 000UH AND W0RI8 OfT THE OOLD. Laxative Bromo-Quiome labels core a cold la one day. No cure, no pay. Price 26 cents. M.sre. M.niu tod Frd Greve. Min Etnelia Grveaod tittle Mi.s Stella Greve. of St. Loui., arrived Tbursiey to visit Mr. Hurry Krome, of our City. Tbey have uo taking a trip to points oi in terest in Colorado aod stopped hereon tbeir return bt me. Messrs. Charles Mltch-ll sod Chas. Tracy, ot li.-movllle. were out bunting Wednesday. While itify were booting sloog a hedge Mr. Tracy nude a .hot and some of tbe sbol hi". Mr. Mitcbell in tb be Is. They were small .hot aod Mr. aiitcbtli is not .eriously hurt. There will be a union Presbyterian cburcb oo next Sunday "'"'"Hp oegmuing at 7:30 o'clock to return thanks to God for tbe rain wblcb baa recently been sent to ns, aod to pray lor a continuance of such rslu as msy bs needed to secure a fruitful season. Mr. J. 8. Fisher, whose boms la in this couoty sod wbo taught scbool last win- ier in a district Just sooth of town, was lucky ennugh to draw ola'.ni No. 224 In the El Rooo drawlog. Mr. Fisher is traveling for tbe Kaosaa City Journal aod registered from Kansas City. Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock Master Henry Parrotf, eon ot Mr. Bam Parrott, while at play oo ao oil wagon near tbe Missouri Pacific freight depot, fell and broke bia arm at tbe elbow. Dr. Fredeodall was called and dressed the arm. About a dozen oooplee ot Lexington's society ladiea aod gentlemen xbap eroned by Mr. and Mrs. F. Lee Wallace, and Mr. and Mra. M. D. Wilson, bad an informal gathering out on Neeta hill Thursday night aod epeot a delightful evening enjiyiog tbe cool brsezea on tbe blgb bluff aod tre beautiful moonlight. Among the successful ones in Tues day's drawing in Uoole Sam's big lottery we notice the following: Jobo B. Fisher, (registered from Kaosaa City but hia bnme Is lo this couoty) Bale C. Drum mood, J. Bledsoe and D. A. Plunkett, of Odeesa; Vlvloo Bryant, ol Higgioavllle, and D. L. Mitcbell, of Lexington. Mre. A. Bobner, wbo baa been living In Lexington for tbe past three year., ship ped her hooaehold goods to 8ed.Ha Tuesday aod went down to Bedalia last olght accompanied by ber children, lltt'o Miss Fleta Bobner and Masters Earl and Eugene Bobner. Tbey will make their home at Bedaha, Mr. Bobner having a good passenger conductor run out of that town. Pilee are not only lo, and ot themselves very painful and annoying, but ofteo greatly aggravate and even cause other grave and painful affections, and .honid therefore not be neglected. Tabler'a Buokeye Pile Ointment la a great boon to sufferers as It will core tbem. Price, 50 oents in bottles. Tobee, 70 cents. For sale by Crenshaw A Young. 8 3ml The name of Miss' Edmonds A. Nick eraon, of this city, Is oo the programme to deliver an address at the confederate reunion at Springfield, Mo., on the 8th proximo, where the confederate mono mont will ba unveiled. Ber subject will ba "The Confederate Boldlers.-Wsr- renfborg 8tar. Miss Nlekerson Is a sister of Mrs. 8. N. Wilson of this city. Messrs. Earl Stlsr, Gordon White, Panl Rankin, Jno. Aguayo and George Ker dolS will leave this ' morning tor MoAIester Springs. They take a complete camping outfit with thorn and will ba gone tor a week or tea daya. Tbey ex pect to have a delightful time and hope to escape with the minimum number of mosquito bites. Constipation, Impaired digestion snd a torpid liver are the most common all man ts that ara rsspoaelble for that tired, lietlees, tagged-out feeling that makes the sammer a dreadful period to so many people. Rerbine will cure constipation, It Improves the digestion aod arouses the liver to normal activity. Price, 60 cent. For aale by Crenshaw A Young, 8 3ml Mre, J. B. Ball received a telegram Thoraday announcing the death Wednee day of Rev. W. W. Warreo, at Osceola, Mo. Mr. Warreo waa tbe ooly living brother of Mrs. P. H. MoCauslaod and Mra. Emma B. Young, ot this city. Tbey left here Sunday tor Osceola and were at their brotber'a bedside when he passed away. They bavs tbe sympathy of our entire community la tbla tbelr deep eorrow. Dr. Tut Folkeraon received a paper Thursday from Nashville, Tenn., so- oouoclog tbe death in that city of Mary Miller Blaoton, daughter ot J. D. and Anoa Blaoton oo Mooday, July 29tb Prof. Blantoo aod wife are well known lo our city, having been eome yeara ago in charge of tbe Presbyterlao college here, aod tbey bave tbe warm aympatby of their many friends in this sad bereave moot. Mrs. James A. Born, recently gave a birthday anniversary dinner to her child ren and greod-obildren In honor of ber passage of tbe fiftieth milestone in life's journey. Mr. and Mre. Born ara tbe par- eota ot fifteen children, nine of whom are still livlog and were present at tbe dinner. They were Mre. Artbor Drum, with ber two children; Mrs. Charles Iales, with ber four children; Mrs. Price Islee, with two children ; Mre. Carl Bartr, Mrs. Sam Pool, Robert' Born, and Nellie, James and Jeesie Horn. Mrs. Lou Wad dell, one ot the old friends ot tbe family aod a near nolgbbor was present. Ttie dinner waa an elegant one and all present J had a moat deiigntiui time. , GUARANTEE We the undersigned Reed Manufacturing- Com pany, do hereby certify that Vaughan & HcClelland of Lexington, Missouri, has an agency for Reed's Patent Anti-Rusting Tinware. We hereby war rant and guarantee against rust, each and every piece of our anti-rusting tinware'. Should any be returned rusted at any time we Guarantee to re place same with new goods free of charge. . In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto affixed our cor- ' porate seal and signature Reed Maufacturing Company, jJE" tlRCTJIT COURT DOCKET. Atwrust Term, 1901. Monday. August t. 1 Mary E Mattlngly, ei parte; partition. t James C McOrew vsMo. PacRr Co; to abide declsioa of case 139. S Francea A Chase, et al va Nancy King, et al; partition. 4 Studebaker Bros Mfg Ca vs James B Hook, Deft.. Mo Pac Ry Co garnishees; 1st day August term to file Interrogatories. t Studebaker Bros Hfg Oo vs James B Hook, Deft., Grare, Blackwell Bon, gar nishees; same. 8 Elijah W Baker v.. Ben Cooper; me chanics lien. I Elijah W Baker ts Allen and Chiles; same. 8 Mary Undril Downs vs, TJaquelina P Barbee, et al ; partition. State ex rel Fulkersion vs P W Osborn, et al. 10 Henry Heyenbrock va John and Qeo W Avery; set aside deed. II Laura Milleret al v. Daniel McPhillan; partition. IS -Charles A Hook vs Laura Price, et al partition. 13 Henry. Schowengerdt vs Consolidated Farmers Coal Co; damages. 14 EM Taubmao vs James B Hook, defen dant, Mo Pac Kt Co, garnishee; 1st day August term to file interrogatories. 15 Chester C Call vsGeo W Burnes,et al; foreclose mortgage. 16 Letitia R Shelby, ct al vs Thomas Shelby; accounting. IT Bamue KBeallvs Chicago Alton By Co; Ut day August term to file bill of Ex. 18 Hlgginsville B L Association vs Ge'o A Cbamblin; June 16, 1601, to file bill of Ex. ! Mary C Casteel vs Zach W Wright, dower; 1st day of August term to file bill otKx. 80 Mary O Casteel vs Sam B Robinson; same . t 21 Mary C Castsel vs Sam B Robinson; quarantine. 82 David J Moore vs Columbus Renick, Admr; 1st day August term file bill of Ex . 21 William Hannah vs P P Mosller; 1st day August term file bill of Ex. 24 Ella Gllmore, et al vsOeo W Bowles, et al; partition. 25 Fannie Warder; et al ts Carrie Hop kins, et al; partition. i O Wilkinson, et al va Blisabeth F Wilkinson, et all partition. 27 State ex rel Osborn, et kl vs K. C, St L A Chicago By ; mandamus. a Elvy R Fain, et al ts Philip Gallee; ejectment, Mary K Watklns ts John Goetz; eject ment SO Rumsey k Blkemeler Co ts Lexington Ferry Co; suit on account 31 Bank of Odeasa va Mary M and Geo A Barnett, defendants; Mary Belle Llttlejohn, garnishee; under advisement. 31 Bank of Odessa Ts Mary M and Geo A Barnett, defendants. Wm. Llttlejohn. gar nlshee; under advisement. 93 F B Tait Co vs James B Hook, defen dant Mo Pac Ry Co, garnishee; 1st day August term file Inter. 34 F B Talt & Co vs James B Hook, defen dont, Blackwell ft Son, garnishees; same. 38 F B Tait 4 Co vs James B Hook, defen dant, Alex Graves, garnishee; same. 38 State ex rel Phetzlng va Walker Os born, etal; mandamus. 37 State ex rel O'Malley vs Walker Os born, et al: mandamus. 3B State ex rel Rex vs Walker Osborn et al; mandamus. 30 W T Hays etalvs Young Hleklin; order for substitution of papers and records. 40 Nancy J Howe, etal vs Mary Uallaway, rtal; partition. 41 Jerome B Greer vs Unknown heirs of W W Hawks, deceased; quiet title, 43 Hudson-Kimberly Pub Co vs Frederick A Young, et al; equity. 43 E B Vaughan vs Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe Ry Co; damages. 44 Pascbal H Beamer, et al vs Isaac P Taylor, administrator; partition. 45 James Hook vs The Mo Pac Ry Co; reversed and remanded. 48 W S DornBlaser, et al ts Geo A Cham nlln; equity. 47 Claude A Phillips, et al vs Samuel T Lee; reformation of deed. 48 James Hughes vs The K C, St L 1 Chicago Ry Co; damages. 40 Edward Aull vs Henry Alnsworth; specific performance. M Estate of Grove Young; appeal from Probate Court (I John Willard vs Levi Kramer, et al; partition. 62 Hannah L Mlddleton vs. Alfred T Mid- dleton, et al; homestead and dower. 63 Louis Curtis, et al vs Israel Buries, et al; accounting. 64 J H Teasdale Com Co vs FH Bock & S I J White; suit on account. j this 20th, day of June 1901. irk. York 65 John D Blusher vs The Mo Pac RyCo: damages. ' 56 Geo A ChambllnvsHigglnsvlUeBAL Association; ejectment. Tuesday, August 6, 57 Charles R Creasey vs B C Drummond, etal; note. 068 St Louis Trust Co vs Oliver Martin: action to recover rent. 6 Albert R Homer v. Rudolph Elchter; suit on account. 60 Wm G McCausland vs Rudolph & Eva Rlchter; notes. 61 Mary Enyart vs Thomas R Taylor et al; suit on will. : 63 Mat D Wilson, admr vs Jesse W War der; suit or contract. Wednesday, August 7.' 63 Evans-Smith Drug Co vs E T Dunke son, etal; attachment. 64 Mary F Boone vs Modern Woodmen of America; insurance contract. '. 65 David a Hancock vs Fred and Julia Miller; replevin. Thursday, August 8. Joseph Ki.t vsWHGrser; certiorari. 67 W gcott Downs vs C & A Ry Co; damages. 88 John L Hubor, trustee for Mildred O LaBertew. .. Friday, August 0. 69. James p Hall .vs Frank Thornton:' notes: ,, .., u . . 70 LaCroi Lumber Co.vs Hlgginsville School District No. 5. Saturday, August 10. ' Motion day. , . Monday, August 12. 71 .Maggie Spurlock va Wm Hicks Adams, administrator; appeal from probate court 72 Eva Hawkins, et al vs Penn Hawkins; ejectment. . , , ... Tueiday, August IS. . ' - ? 73 Conradlna Matthaei vs Met St Ry Co; change of venue. ' 74 Sophia Knoblock vs Met St Ry Co; change of venue. Wednesday, August 14.. 75 Mo Pac Ry Co vs J D Shewalter. 76 C E Hannah, et al vs Mo PacRy Co: appeal from J P. 77 J MHuchinsvs Mo PacRy Co; damages. Thursday, August 16. 78 S W Robinson vs Lovlnla Robinson: divorce, TV cuariea Shaw vs Margaret Shaw; divorce. SO Nannie Hayden vs Reuben Hayden; divorce. 81 Jennie Gaffln' vs Cbas Gaffln; divorce. 82 Margrret M Alnsworth vs James P Alnsworth; divorce. 8J Cornelius H Reed vs Mary J Reed; divorce. 84 Anna Canaday vs Albert Canaday; divorce. 85 George Green vs Catharine Green; divorce.' 88 Laura Sauvatn vs John W Sauvaln; divorce; under advisement. 87 William M Long vs Viola Long; divorce. Friday, August 16. 88 Elizabeth Wllkey vs Lexington Coal Mining Co; mandamus. 80 Edward Holmes vs The Dover Coal Co, etal; establish title. 00 Hugh D Smith vs The Mo Pac Rv Co: damages. Saturday, August 17. 01 John Touchstone vs James N Price; damans. 02 Benjamin Cooper vs B F Feagan, et al ; appeal from J P. Look Pleasant, Hot Weather Prices.. ----- j . .v. i v uinuv saw iuiuuan B ' Gallskt at reatly reduced prices on all style, lor twenty day. only. Call and get prices. We can save you money. Over Sedwick's Store, Lexington. Mo, Dr. C, T. Ryland, Office on second floor Kriehn building. TELEPHONE NO. 129. C S Mitchell & Son FEED STORE The best and cheapest line of feeds kept in Lexington at the Franklin St, Feed Store. We do a general exchange business with the fanner for wheat or corn. Our Flour is the best on the market. Phone 17ft. PILES Cured by Climax Salve. Satisfaction or prloe refunded. AUdrugglsta.