Newspaper Page Text
It INSURANCE. Farm property insured, oo . j u. tnani or owner. upiea kks written in ?ny town in f 1T!11 m a inrl mVa trsocal inspection, and narr r" t- tir.. . !ateUpon application, will -,1E ANYTHING. Eon him . at ington. Write or office in ,w. REAL ESTATE y sale in Lexington. Farms 1 1 - Unticae - rant If Of SilC. 1 iUUJV.J av i.uu, i ou have any real estate to ;ell place it in his hands no sale. Office in ost u no Lexington. Abstracter, Loan -AM Insurance Agent arm aid City Property for Ml or rent MONEY TO LOAN. kill loan money On Improved farm lands at 5 and 5t per cent Interest. Office front roo:n oyer Tevls' drug Btore, LexiDRton, Mo. CASH Produce - Buyers dressed mm, cm FURS. EGGS AND BUTTER. 204 DUANE STREET NEWV YORK. Vrite for Oar Present Paying Prices CITRON & TAUBMAN, LEXINGTON, MO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, m ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN Have the only complete set of Abstract "oird of Till to the Lands of Larayett '-untr. OFFICE in IliiRE BUILDING J 0. WOIITIIINOTON. g. N. WlLSOS 1 ) LEXINGTON, MISSOURI. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance Agents. AliSTUACTS OF TITLE MADK, WHI loan money on Improved farm lands at 5 and & per cent Interest OFFICE IN HiERLE BUILDING. Dr.J.W.Meng, Surgeon Dentist. Office in the Meng Building, Lexington,' Missouri. DH W. 11. ECKLE, -Burgeon Dentists, office m Hearle Building Bluventh and Main streets, Lexington. Mis oiirt IbaorVl V OR LEG WALLACE L. Pciti: Co FROBATE COURT DOCKET. Auirust Terra, l'JOl. i1'' "0Dd111 Ao8u'1 12". 1901. 1 Keith. Jarr.Hi n w .. 0 I. a. ' .;v2a9-.U , tuanna M Julte'-j00llM''d:Th-RTy. 3 Jadtftt. Johanna it ....... r fciMobraum, .aminiatrator niu. wiiiB. urxpa. Lay, OrtO R. deceased: Thra f n. Peercv ana Dt II Willi. m. 8 1 . " 1 oc,c.hasPdcaaed;E HKellev admlnutrator. ' 7 Kjnlck. ClcVtlind IT- l . I.k - I " " 2od Day, Tuesday, Auat 13ih. 1901 8 Meyer, Otto, mlnoi: llenrr mv.. corttor. ' 9 Harrelson. Mattie B mlnnr- Ra.n r Ewlcg, curator. 10 HttOOIOK. Fritz, mlnnr- Ph.. W. Blot, curator. 11 Uader. Chti. decea.H- Ixni.. u. uoi, rircuiriz. U Haaittll. LUll mlnnr. 9.III. n Ruiaeh, cartrn. ' 13 UjBuodkCk. Osier at al- Van ha M uuuouoici, Kuaiaiao. h uroeo, Keuben. natnor; Lydia V uraer, earatris. 13 UaW. D M- dara.aaH- A V. Aibory aud O. W. Hyde.admioiatratora wim win iDoeiea. 3rd Day, V4dneday, Aarait Hth, 1901. 16 BODhim. Leili sad Katj. minora- Lt ?i cawaraa, curator. 17 Bulord. Vim M. loiaQt: E M Ed ward, taardlan. 18 Morelaod. J Raid, minor: Mamla Uoreiaod, ruardtin. 19 ainaber. James A. minor: David Hluaber, curator. 20 Hmltb. Mary E. deeeaaed: JohnH Wilon,eiecutor. 21 Barnett. Jaroei et a), minora: Jamea v uooawio, cantor. 22 Price, Vlreoda, deceaaed; M D Wll on. public aramntrator, 23 Smitb, Hanford F, deceased; Georgia Bmitn, aamiontratriz. Zt Mcfadin. John, deceased: Cbllea, txecutor.. . 4th Oay.Tbanday, Aognstl5tb,1901. 25 TeoencatriD. Walter, minor: Uenrv Aol'vU V UIV. VwUaiUI x rreritioe. Joaepaetai.minoritLbas j rrernne, curator, 27 Baumao. Ueoree. deceased : Joaoob uaumaa, executor. VS Lewie Albert 8. loune: EDbraim Lewii, euaraiao 29 Ralaton, Darid. deceased; Bufni Yonoe. executor. 30 Uberbellman. Krledrlcb. deceased; rl U Woeetemeyer and Uustav Uber bellman, executor. A weaier, aomioniratru. 5tb Day, Friday, A ujust 16th, 1901 32 Youobt. GroTe. dsceased: Joseph L Youors. Theodore Vooogi, timer lounge add Jobo r. Uroer. execotora. 33 Fox. Eilzabetn et al, minors; ibris tins Fox. curator, 81 Lauder d a la, irranKiin at ai, minors; Joslab Lauderdale, curator, 33 Cook, josepb et ai, minors; coaries Hneler. curator. 36 Peacock, Margaret J, deceased; Cbai Hoefer. execntor. 87 Peacock, Jo to 11, deceased; ibaa Hoefer. executor. " "- 38 Cortia. Martha E, deceased; T. J Dullnr. execator. Wardrr, Joseph , deceased; Henry W and Joaeoh V. Warder, executora. 40wur ey. Mary tu. insane r w Osboro, guardian. 6tb Day, Saturday, Angost 17th, 1901, 41 Parks, Edward Francis, Insane; John w Parks, cuardian 42 Patterson, Eddleend Hugh, minors; Irvlnv Zevaine. ourator. . ... JL. - a k . i I . . 43 .vcuiri, jonn ana nana r, minurs; u n urilann nuhlln nurmtnr. 44 Cooper, Virginia F, deceased; Nainan UooDer. txecator, 45 FrerktoE, Ernest A, deceased; G A Prarkinff. executor, 46 Upbaus, Peur, deceased ; J H Up amen tor. .47 Miller, Cornelius J, deceased; Wm A and Andrew J Miller, executors. 7ih Day, Monday, Augnst 19th, 1901 48 Ewlog-, Eogsne M, deceased; John n WarLhlneton. execntor. 49 Allstadt, Catherine J, deceased; Wm Auil, admin istutor witn win aonexta. 60 May, Catharine, deceased; M D Wil Inn. nu hilo administrator. ' a' . . . n HTH si Mav. Mariie. aeceaseu: .n u nu nn nnhlm administrator. 52 Goaewlscb, Katberins, deceased; U n Phaivina Azecutor. m n'Donnell. John, deceased; M D tviiann niiblie tdmlotltrstor. 54 Hrepban, J C, deceased; H F Brink man, administrator, 5b Fuhr. J H. partnership; 8cBopoeobort,urvlvlog partner. 56 Mueller, Peter, deceased, Hiock. admloiBtrstor. Fred These Sth Day, Tueiday, August 20tb, 1901, !7 Riirnev. Alice H. Inaane; Charles r ifiin. pnrMtnr. m Htaniev.liiitelle. minor; Wsde Hick in onarri in no Htaflard. Henry. Insane; M D Wll- -M.l-.lin triiarrilari. n I MpPhiiim. John M. deceased; M D ni,,.n. px Kiln .rim! niitrntor. 61 Graven, Wm B. dtreased; M D Wil n,,hll administrator, m ! Stanford. Ira S, Minor; James V rturtno. curator, .i Hchmelzer, Florence et al, minora; lit A n-na.Lr lttln. UIMtor. til Klrtlev. Ellxabelb K, deceased; ii..ia.. u t-TirilMV ayftouior. nitu.iu ;.J 1 ... . , . 65 MulllnlX.Ueorge v, aeceaseu , ..i up . i.a, n.thiin .ilmtnlHtrator. 66 Bortetleld, Amos, deceased; James W Harrison, executor. Executor, tdmiolslrators, guardians and curators are strictly required to make .u.. .tfi .mn i on ina uay uu .mm UJCII .U.I. aa.a. a.a .l. lUBII law.... V 7 13,5 Judge ol Probate I rcc lllooJ Cure. We recommend llotanlo Blood Daliit (B. B. II ) fur ull blixxl trtniblin, such as uleert, tatlng son-, w tofulii, cvxema, it. hing hu ni.irs. ilniles. boils, carbuncles, I.I.mxI pol am, achlnK b'. f'"terl.ig sorns. cancer, catarrh. rlieuuistWin. Botanic Bloml Halm cures all malignant UIikhI or skin dlsca.. .MixH lHlly Hdvlsnl for old, deep seated oases. It cure wnou all eNo lulls. Ileal every sore or pimple, stnps nil actios and pains by giving a heiilthy 1.m-I supply. Tlioronahly tested for thin years. Thousandj cun-d At drug Mores. H.i" Pt lare bottle. Our rendora i. a trial trwitment free liy writing r.lllain. im Jim neii St. Atlan'u, (la. Ir, Ihw rihe tlu Lnwhle and free mwlical advice jlven. MnJIciuisent aion-e, prvHi.... TXX&X2 TABLES f Missouri Pacific-Lexington Br, Wtft lOCJiPTRAIKf. No. 71. Ko. 7J. LeavePt. Li ui Arrive S,nlia . :.'. pm .1:011 am . ' pm '-.P am . I::pm :24 am ' Coucurdia ' Aullvilie ' Hik'irimvlllf ' Pane C'tv ' Lexington ' Myrik , WelHiiirtot Waterloo. ' Napoleon ' Independence Kanas City St. Joseph DAILY. . 4 ..17 pin :3itm . 4:47 'ta H:44 am . 0:11pm BilQom . jUi put 7:l2ain . 5:14 pm 7 :25 am .l:fiin 5:41 urn 7:41 am . ti 4., pin i::iSim I . ":li pm H:im l:Wpm IASI SOCSD TRAI5. No. 74. No. 72. Leave St. Joe S:iOpiu 5: 4(i pin l: 4) pin 7:(Kt cm Kan-. City. . Indrpxiideuce Nnpnon WiHri.i Welllnirton ... MyriiV. Lexington 6:am tt:Mm 7:40 am 7:44 am 7:14 piu 7:.-: pm 7 M pm 7 M am B:Wam 7: l"pm 8:0am rttift? nj H'ltnlii'ville Aiillvi'lrt k: u cm t:in 1 pin 8:37 am I s::i:uni 6:47 am I Concordia... KUiim 6:02 am Sedalia ltl:iMim lo:0oam St Louts 7: Oeu 6:00 pm FdocII rates to Kamaii City even Satui rda: lay eyeuiugaod Sunday. FKEIORTS. .Leaves Lexinirron... Paireaty ... . ' Hgninsvillc. " Aullvilie.. . East West 8:50 am., 9 : urn 1 3:11 am 2:50 pm 2:25 pm 1:40 pm 10:0f. an. , 10:0 atn , 11:00 am.., Corn'orlla , 1:10 pm J:)5pm... " Pwlalia 10:40 1 Uaiiy, except bunuay. Jefferson City, Boonvllle and Lexing ton DiviHion. KIItD DAILf XXC. NPV. ' No. 71 NO, 71. I.Ravn. Amve, 7:15 am Lxinrton 4:11 pm 8:25 am Myrlck 4:48 pm 8:55 am Noruirup til pm U:lflm Dm-er 4.09 pm :27 am Edwards a:a pm :!ajn Waveriv 3:HO pm 11: (nam Marcball ... 1:15pm Mtm U'Kinvtlle o:ou pm 4 45 pin .. Tipton 4:45 pm Kead aowu. new up. tAWTAFE ROUTE. Trains arrive at North Lexington: No. 28 tdaily) , 7:45 a.m Trains leave North Lexington: No.2., E.xpreos tdaily) 7:55 a m Main Hue trains pass i.?xiDg.uu jumuun COl.VO XAST. No. 8, (dally)... 9:19 a m lu:uu a m 7:5 p m 8:85 pin 3:47 a m 2, , 4, California Limited. QO I NO WI6T.- No. 1, (dally) 8 -S8 a ni 2:ain California Limited. " 5. ' I. ' 18. u; 10 a in ., 12: 7pm :48 p iu J. D. BASTr.K, Jk.. Agent. Black, G. P. A.,Tupeka, Kas, W J Chicago and Alton Railroad. Trains leave Hlglnvlllo s follows: west Bound. No. 5. ft. L. and K C. mull. . 5:41am 7, Calif, and col. nmna 61, Hlgiflnsville and K. C. aecom l.l, Ht. Louis and K. C. mxil 119, Uical Ireltrbtand aocom KAST BOUND. 7:40 am 7:55 am 4:80 pm :47 am No. 14, St. L. andK.C. mall 9:47 am H, K. t. and Hiiirini.viiie aeuom 7:15 pm 1:35 pm 10, Lni. Hiiai.oi. mninu 12. HL L and K. C. mall .10:57 pro .12:45 pin lltf. Local in-ia-ht and accom W. 8. LYONS, Ticket Anent, Telephone No. 50, BEW8 OF TEE BAIL WAYS. The Rock Island's proposition for cheap rate excursions to and from Colorado during this summer has been negatived by the Western Passenger Association. In consequence notice was served yesterday on Chairman MeLeod br General Passenger Agent Sebastian that the Kock Island will take independent action and put In effect a rate of one fare plus 12.00 for the round trip from Chicago and ail intei mediate points east of the Missouri river to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Salt Lake City and Ogden. Tickets at this rate will be sold on June 20. July and 17 and August l. From M Iseourt river points the same rate will bv made on the days following these dates. Tl-.'kets at this rate also w'll be sold from Mis souri river gateways. Kanftvs City to Omaha, inclusive, on July 7. 8 and 9. Four special ex cursions will aNo bo run by the Rock Island from Colorado common points to Chicago and lutcimcdiato stall' ms on June 2.1, July 12 and 20 awl August 4. These excursion tickets, both eaH and west IxiUiid, will be limited for wfiirn naisua-p to October 31. The Hook fsland an.iounei.-s t's intention of placing in service sncciHl trains for these excursions, leaving (blfHifO at ft p. n. and nmklnif the run to Colorado with only one niijlit on the road Chicago Tribune. HARVEST NOTICE. Lexington, Mo., May 1,1901. 1 wish to Inform you that 1 am now agent for the McCormlck Harvesting Machine Co. both at Lexington and Wei linston. We now have samples of Binders, Mowers and Rakes set up at each place. Call at either of my Lumber Yards and look them over, snd get prices and terms. I will also have at both yards a full stock of Manila and Sisal Twine. Remember that McCormlck'a agents al ways have a full line of repairs on hand, which will save you much time and mooey at harvest time. Respectfully, J. R. Mookehead. What Shall We Haye for Desert? This question arise In the family every day. Let in euiwer it touay. Try Jell-O, a delicious desort. Prepared In two minutes. No baklnit! add hot water and net to cool. Flavors: Lemon, orauue, nupltcrry and straw berry. At yourgrocers. luoento. 6 TO CORE A 00LD IN ONE DAT Xake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggist refund the money If It fail to cure. B. W. Orov signature I on ach box. 2jC. WILLIAM D. RASKIN President. W. B. Vice LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, LEXINGTON, PAID UP CAPITAL, Does a general banking business, 8ollclts accounts. Liberal accommodations tooustomers. DIRECTORS BF NICHOLSON WDBAJTKIJl JOHN E RTLANU WALTBU B WADOKLL X HOFFMAN A O YOCNO DVB TKVI3 STOCKHOLDERS Walter B Wadded If Chapman W G McCauilani DWBTevi B Hoffman JnoEBylaod JQ Chambers WDBankia Rafus Young HnBKentck GABriehn Fannie W Barton Alice W Wlogate Bettie W 8mk Henry Halnkel H B Duke, Curator AG Young CB Chapman IF Nicholson Jackson Bradley Henry C Wallace B A Wallace LO Chapman t!EW SERVICE VIA SAN ANTONIO, VIA WACO, S. A. A A. P. and SOU. PAC. AND TO . Austin. VIA ELGIN AND H. AT.C. ' I Through Tourist Sleepert TO ' CALIFORNIA, Via SAN ANTONIO and SOU. PAC Quickest and Best Line to MEXICO. "KATY flyers TO ' St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City ALL TRAINO HAVE FREE KATY CHAIR CARS and BUFFET SLEEPERS. C0RICETABLET5 made with rxire SPANISH LICORICE Vnsurpabbea lorcure miuuur.awLi;a Fop allThroat Affections lA -i C tat Sold bv Dfuootstb everywhere or sent rp&id on receipt of price 863 BrodwAy NewVdBK ! SALZEIVS SEEDS WILL HAKE YOU RICH" This Utfttlnrin wtatemeni, tnitrWU eedi b'-aj it oa very lia4V ft I- l.4Vlaa a wye ai .vomijinauun yV.I' nritetnnrnonf&FT.h.V 111 pOflftfTpiy I t k'J rvolutlotiiTeoor crowlug, ty .v.c Billion Dollar Ons. ivaLoat Diarvet of i lie -ire; tons of hyp!renie. tirxj m is it im Catr'"ir-ieila. , Jb C its ir.o. s7A?s. r hu . lltQ Ul XJ. .1. T.J l.'tfUaar.. I I . 1A I JW ' ?liut '.U. .T ! 1 John ,r'Wflr5i1OavBflr(?fWi. T H E N-E-W Y O R K W-O-R-l-D Thrice-a-week edition. The Most Widely Read News paper in America Time ha? demonstrated that the Thrice-a-Week World stands alone in its class. Other papers have imitated its form but not its success. This Is be cause it tells all the news all the time and tells it impartially, whether that news be political or otherwise. It is. in fact, almost a daily at the price or a weekly and you can not afford to be without it. . Republican and Democrat alike can read the Thrice-a- Wsek World with absolute confidence in its truth . Id addition to news, it publishes first class serial Btories and other features suited to the home and ti reside. The Thrice-a-Week World' 8 regular subscription price is only $1 .00 per year anil iliia nava for 156 Darters, we otter tui8 unequalled newspaper and the Is TRLL1GENCER together one year for t.ta. V4 5 ifi(i mm ! 09i WALTRK B. WALUELL TKVIS Pre. Cashier. MISSOURI. $50,000 RACKS EXAS Efiective March 10th, 1931, 'Ihr Announce the Opening of Its Red River Division mTOh. Denison and Sherman, Texas. Through Train Service will shortly be establisbei from St. Louis and Kansar Gty over the J J J Shortest Line to Tas few fit ' IMA- 'ilwil:fflrftV mwm mm 4 V' AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO til riil.,Ufik AND POINTS IN i U -, i, i lj .... ... "I- - V.',..,Mt , AND TERRITORY BEYOND. W. 3, LYONR. Pasoenuw and TU'ke4.Aent. Hiagtti.Mlle.Mo OlO.J. CHARLTON, (i. I. A., CtiUfOi,IU.