Newspaper Page Text
mt em TT POWOII prv I I IT- V . Uf.,rU' Poll- Highest nonura, " ' Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair i.o'.J BWn Powder eonUlnlnj: Blum. fProm Unnria!. I 1 1 . 'J-1 I Mr. Krt Unnrmnn onr)Kf. flooo I J; , t . vil ani wlfe returned Terhune returned Saturday night from a visit at Kansas CUv. They were accompanied by Mr. Wui. W'Idu, or . Kansas City, who conies to visit relatives. to Si, Louis last night. Mr. Stanley O nrrlrtn of tT Uty spent Sunday here ith n. parents. ,a Mr. Ernest Hays returned vester day evening from Sweet Springs. Mr. Hav has nvpntort a nnairlnn t.hprA with t.ha Unrlnna MillinrT Kansas City this mornim? after a few On.. f U . . l . . . r, . . I . ... 1 Jnn. ..I.I. l. i . l. l . i wauraus leu Baturaay uo., ana will make his home there ua- ucre wuu reiauvtyj isil wilU n is mother nr. I hereafter Mr. Frank Slaughter ont. tn van. sas Citv yesterday evening to remain Mr. for a Labadie. Mm ,,, w nr. ana rnrs. jono M. l'oage ana flJiss wauie BaodOO went to Kan. Mrs. Thrrn. M finhh loft. Kat.iirilaT as vtiy ssaturaay evening for a visit evening for Nevada, Mo. Mrs. Poage has been sick kere at the home of From Tuesday ' Dally.) Mist) Mary Chambers, of Excelsior Springs, Is the guest of Miss Louise Chandler. Miss Mattle Mead, of Slater, Mo., arrived this morning for a visit with Mrs. John Young, Jr. Mr. -W. G. Musgrove returned to with relatives. miss Florence Arnold left this morning for a visit with relatives at i. worth, Texas. , Mr. J. P. Hall went to Wellington, yesterday morning to visit bis daugh ter, Mrs. John Greer. Mr. Henry Ainsworth, accom panied by his daughter, Miss Mabel, went to Kansas City this morning. Mr. Geo. W. Marquis went to Cor- der this morning to finish bis work of assessing the citizens of that town. her sister, Mrs. Bert Taubman, for soma t.lmn - ' ....... , , wr- Ku one or the leaning Messrs. JOllQ rrice, Uivae Hail auu attnrnev nf Marshall ram nn . m o. . . ...... : - i v xom Diieioy went to MCAiesier terday to visit our city on business ojjuuks omuruay uigui io join me and returned last ulght. imnj ui young gentlemen wnu icu MISCELLANEOUS MElAKGE. o fi.tnrdav'e Dally.1 Mr. Pearl Smith went to Waterloo his morning w vioiu uio uuu umo Ler Sunday. ur Cha?.' Royle came down last light from Kansas City, to visit his atlier s iaouny. Miss Ilelea Mclntyre came down rom Kansas City last night to visit .nha'a famllv. (Mrs. Jas. Hays came up yesterday evening from their home nearCorder, o visit relatives Id our city. !Mrs. N. B. nenry returned yester day evening from McAlester Springs, bere she has been spending several Miss Anna Haecker returned last night from Kansas City, where she bas been visiting friends for the past week. Mr. Claude Coon came in last night to visit his father's family and tils little 6on at the Commercial hotel. Tb trofr company kMM a call book t tbt Mammoth livtry itabl and one at tb Grand Central hoUt. Lv ordara at theaa plaoaa. tf Mrs. E. N. nopkios returned last lgbt from a trip to various Colorado polots, where she has been spending the past month. Miss Sue liamlett, of Kansas City, who bas been visiting the Misses Haecker for a few days, returned home this morning. Church ot Chrlat Bclaotlst, Sunday atrvlcaa at follows! 10:30 a. m., Sunday cboolll:80a. m., at KnlghU ot Pythlaa ball. All ara cordially Intltad. tf Misses Belle Gordon, Nettie Wad- dell and Julia Burdett went to Inde pendence yesterday afternoon to visit Mrs. L. Fred Evans. Mrs. I. G. Neal left this morning to spend a couple of days with her sister. Mrs. Talbot Simpson, who resides nearAullville. Mrs. Cliff Goodwin returned last nlgbt to ber home at Marshall, after a visit In our city with the family of her father, the Hon. Tilton Davis. Extreme hot weather ia a great tax upon tha dig estiva power o( bablea; when puny nd ieeble they abould be gtven dose of WblU'a Cream Vermifuge. Price, 25 cente. For aale by Crenshaw & Yoaofr. Miss Mary McClelland returned yes- hpre Kat.nrriav mnrnlnir nn a ramnlrlff oirs. ueo. cuuara. or Kansas Citv. tr n to the snrlnirs. came down last niizlit to visit her son, Mr. Levy Bullard. Miss Marie Coss left Saturday vf- a if t t T,n, evening for a visit with the family or Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elling came ud n- t m ti,o. .f -woaa m,. "UUJ w""iU U1' w, Y,Hl" Ul- where she will spend about a month. owari aummers anu iamuy. Sbe wlll v,8,t L ee-8 Summit for a few Miss Cornelia Ryland left yester- days on her way to Nevada. ur luuruiug oir urayion, ieo., 10 Mr. Geo. Craig and his sisters, visii ner sister. Mrs. &. f . Ayers. M.sse. Sanle and Cornelia Craiir. left v.oni fr,m a iima u D ,WV.UUJ.VU.UK.. W.M .A UIIMIIV1 1 UVIW t' . 3 .. ... - TTlnl-lllH I ... Y.Atf I . . . an, tjnas. wiueitana air. James onturuay iui xukkiusyiuc wucic raw sne nas oeensDenaing sometime witn Terhune returned yesterday evening spent sunaay. xney ien inree the family ot Mr. Talbot Simpson rrom Kansas City aud Bates Citr. inis morning ror wcAiesier opnngs, Mr9. gimpson and her two children m. ;it xfan v.fllU wnere toey win spena a weeic. returned with her for a visit with Saturday in our city looking after his Mrs. Artie Truax. of Hiawatha, r 1 U l ' mining Interests at the Macey mines. Kas., who has been visiting Mrs. Geo. A marriage license was issued yes Horace Bolton returned last Wittenburg for the past two weeks, terday to Mr. Pleas Short and Miss reiurneu nome yesteruav iuuruiuK.A.iiuc vuuuer. Alter iiiey receiveu She was accompanied by Mrs. Geo Wlttenburs as far as Kansas City. Messrs Frank Nirhnknn and Al fJillon n7 pta amnnr thA T.erlncrtnn. Mr. ana Mrs. bantora iDOrOlOn lans vlsltin? In Kansas City vester- went to Kansas City yesteraay morn rtav ing to visit nr. i nornion s moaner, I I - t ... I I . J . . wno is aii me uuspnai uuuer ucu Mr. Sieeel Halnkel came down L.n.. i Kana r-it.r. Cant. Thorn There U nothing that malcet a man feel better X than the knowledge of be itmg well dressed. When you have a suit made from X . the newest materials, just X the style and a perfect fit T you have this knowledge. Our- suits have the style, X fit and material; the t qua.lityand workmanship are guaranteed A i Witten bergi t The T"!I ' i X . laiior. Over Liadwlps' Jewelry Store Mr night to Atchison, Kas., after a few weeks visit with relatives In our city the license they went to the office of Probate Judge Jas. P. China where the Judge performed the ceremony that made them man and wife. For mosqnlto bltea, bites or atingaof In sects, animals or reptiles, apply Ballard'a Snow Liniment. It counteracts the pot from Kansas City Saturday nlgbt to ton an(j Dia wlte returned with them eon in the wound, subdues the inflame. Mrs. S. B. Sexton and Miss Belle Stramcke returned last night from their trip to Colorado Springs and elsewhere In the west. For Salk I have lor aale a Rood pay (nor business, about two thousand cash required. For fall particulars call on F Lee Wallace, agent, Lexington, Mo. 4-27 Mr. R. L. Yeager, Jr., came down from Kansas City last night to visit his wife who has been sick at the home of her father, Col. S. J. Huston Messers. Al Johnson and II. P Bryant, representatives of the Kan sas C ty Star, spent yesteraey ana last nicht in our city and left for Kansas City this morning. For Balk Thoroughbred aborthorn bulla and helfera for aale. Apply at my farm, 8 mile east of Lexington, on tbe Salt Pond road, or apply to me at Hlg glnsvlile. N. M. Cooper. 4-2711 Mr. Evan Young came down from Kansas City this morning for a visit nl a few days with relatives and friends here. He Is looking well and reports that this hot, dry weather eem to be bcncticlal to his health. About a dozen couples, chaperoned ty Dr. M. D. Wilson and wife, enjoy d a moonlight picnic on Ned's hill last night. They went out about 1 o'clock aud had an excellent supper, which was greatly enjoyed by all. After sunner the truests enjoyed themselves In social converse In the beautiful moonlight. Mrs. Ed. Smith, of Kansas City, who has been here for the past month visiting her brother, Mr. Walter B. Waddell. at his beautiful country home, left for home yesterday even ns. Sho maa acrnmnanled by her three children. Masters Walter, Robert and Waddell Smith, who have had a delightful visit In the country Messrs. Earl Stler. Gordon White White and Oeorire Kerdolff left this morning fcr McAlester Springs for a weeks outing. They have a complete camnlno- outfit, with them and Frank Akers, colored, goes along to do the culinary act and keep camp for me boys. Several others wlll go down to spend Sunday with the boys in their camp. spend bunaay with ms tamer s family. Mr. Will Green of Kansas City, came down Saturday night to visit tbe family of his father, Mr. James Green. Miss Myrtle Carter of Higglnsvllle came up Saturday night ana spent Sunday with the family of Mrs. ur, Russell. Miss Kittle Taylor, of Emporia, Kansas, who has been visiting Mrs J. J. Rhodes, returned home this morning. Mrs. Edgar Spurgeoo of Sweet Springs, came up Saturday night to visit the family or her ratner, wr. a. I. Drysdale. Mrs. -John II. Wilson, of Sedalla, who has been visiting the family or Mr. S. N. Wilson, returned home this morning. Mr. Billy Parks went to St. Louis Saturday night to look after some horses that he bas on tne iracit at East St. Louis. Correspondents wanted The In- TKLLIGENCEB wants a correspondent in ri mnn in Lafavette county. Write or particulars. Mr. Chas. M. Williams came down Saturday from Kansas City to visit the family of his father-in-law, Mr D. W. B. Tevis. Mr. Max Wallace, who has been visiting his father's family here tnt a f..w diivs. returned to Kansas tiiy Saturday evening. Mr. Fred Stroud, who has been on a visit to Oskaloosa. Iowa, returned yesterdry morning te resume his du ties at the Hinesley cigar factory. Home Monet to Loan. On good real state aeonrlty. In Bums oi fouu auu uH, at 7 per cent, ho commission, u tape. Apply to J. Q. PlatWnborg. Miss Pearl All wood, who has been visiting Miss Ida Rowe, of our city for tiie nast week, returned this morninir to her home at Grant City. Mr. C. L. McLaughlin started i ... i J i . nA(1.n.JIIti crew Ot loif nanuicrs ycsiciuoj lnir lo Pawnee, O. T., to worK up a lari?e lot of loes that he recently bought there. Mrs. Wm. Cohu, accompanied by hpr daughter. Joaie, ana ner suu, Millard, arrived Sunday evening irom Fulton. Kv.. to visit her daughter, Mrs. Isy Gratz. Mosr" Martin and Fred Greve Miss Emella Greve and Miss Stella Greve of St. Louis, who nave oeen visiting Mr. Harry Krome. reiurneu home last night Mr Wm. M. Ene-land and wife and two children left Saturday evening rr Kansas City, where they go to make their home, after a residence of three years in Lexington m, Marshall Jav Williams of Kan ... finr rame down to our city Sun day morning and remained until this Waddell at Bonnie Highlands. . n.,frd Chlnn and his three daughters returned Saturday night went to WCAiesier last night. Mrs. Thornton is very much Improved by her treatment at tbe hospital, red tf from a m flilnn Springs yesterday morning to make arrangements for a cottage, where he ,u tr. snsnd some time at the Springs with his children To Close Our Stock of Summer . - Woolens we will Rive choice of 25 Suits formerly sold not less than , $30.00 now at the uniform price of $20.00 made and trimmed equally as well as if you were pay ing full price. All Pants formerly made to order from $6.00 to $7.50 now at the uniform price of $5.00 All pants that formerly sold from $8 to $12 now only 7.50 D 0 or bllb tloa and heals the flesh. Price, 25 and 50 cents For aale by Crensbaw A Young. Lightning killed four head of cattle for Mr. Bates Vaughan on his farm In Ray county last Saturnay night The cattle were out in the middle of a field and the grass and weeds around them In a twenty foot circle were completely burned from the ground. Misses Claudia and Hattie Grubb aDd their brothers, Masters Dow Harley and Vance Grubb. left this morning for Jefferson City, where they go to make their home. Mr. Jas. Grubb, their father, has secured a position In Jefferson City under Warden Wooldrlge at the peniten tiary. Miss Blanche Llewellyn left' "this morning for Topeka, Kas., and from there she will go to Oklahoma to Join her intended husband, Mr. vtm. Sexton, and they will be married soon after her arrival there. She will be joined at Kansas City and Topeka by relatives of Mr. Sexton, who will accompany ner to UKianoma. ir. Sexton has a claim in Oklahoma and they expect to make their home there. Misses Myrtle and Flora Llewellyn accompanied their sisler, Miss Blanch to Kansas City today. Mr. Kiefer, at his furniture store on Franklin avenue, nas quite a curiosity in the way of a piece of furniture. It is an old English sec retary and book case that was brought from England by Mr. Haines, who lives on Mr. W. is. Waddell's farm. The inside finish of tbe desk is of butternut wood and the outside of French walnut. It is all hand work and is over one hundred years old. It was made before the present style of hinges were in use and the doors are hinged In a very different manner from those of the present day. Mr. Kiefer also has an old bureau of German make that is over hundred years old and also a very old hall hat racic. iVsburySydnor. Married RIooday evening at the parlors of the Nlckell's home, Mr. A. E. AstTury, Jr., and Miss Mamie Sydnor, both ol Hlgrginsvllle. Pro bate Judge James P. Chlnn performed the ceremony In his own artistic manner, tb. rowing In a tew additional verbal bouquets (or the sake of old acquaintance and frle odship. Mr. Ast ury and' Miss Sydnor came up from tllgglnsvule on the 5:11 p. m. train, and went to the recorders office to secure a lice rise. They then repaired to the parlors of Nlckell's Home where they were mariied, as announced above, and took their departure tor HigglnsviUe, their home, on ttae?:48 train. Mr. Astoury, tbe groom, is the son of Mr. A. E. Asbury, Sr., one of the largest capltallstsof Illgglnsville. He himself Is now president ot the American Baolc of Illgglnsville, a most excellent young man of fine business qualifications and high standing In the business and social circles of Ullgglnsville. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. II. C. Syd aor,o( Iligglosville, one ot Lafayette s largest " and most pros-1 perous stock dealers; and she Is the sister, of , our deputy county clerk, Mr. Will Sydnor. She is one of tbe most' beautiful and accomplished young ladies of Iligginsville a grad uate of che Baptist college of this city and lilglily esteemed in tbe best social circles of Illpginsville. Mr. Atsbury and Miss Sydnor were both bor o and reared in Lafayette county a nd hare known each other for a ou ruber ot years. They are well suited to each other and the Intelligence!! joins with their many friends In this city in wishing them a long and prosperous and happy voyage on life's matrimonial sea. Merchant Tailor Chicago's Union Station. Chicago, August 2. Plans for a central railroad station here, estimated to cost $40,000,000, are being pre pared, lo be submitted at a meeting of railway officials to be held August 15. Eighteen of tbe twenty-two railroad companies with Chicago terminals have approved tbe scheme, as drawn by Alderman Dixon, and members ot the council committee, appointed to in vestigate the question of a single terminal, believe tbe plan can be carried to a successful conclusion. The Illinois Central, Northwestern, Pennsylvania and Great Western rail roads are the only ones which have thus far not given their approval. WHEAT I WHEAT II WHEATIII Insured in stack against fire and light- nlrnr. with privilege of threshing:. Alter threshing, while In sacks on ground, In barns, blna. granaries, anywhere on farm, aparks ot Ore are liable to set fire to dry grass and stubble during this dry season and sweep away your year'a work. Insure your wheat crop and get protection from H. W. Winsoh, Agent, Lexington, Mo. County News. The corner Hone of tbe confederate home hospital, in Iligginsville, will be laid on nxt Weduesduy, August 14. Mr. A. Wade of Iligginsville who has been a resident of that town for a number of years, contemplates moving to Marsh. all. The annual meeting of tbe stock holders of tbe Leahy Manufacturing CompanyJor the election of directors will be held at lllgginsville Monday, Sept. 2. Cordear's Fourth of July celebration was put on on account ot me arouin until after the rains. Then the boys turned out aud bad a good time even if tbey were a little behind the pro cession. Postru aster 8. J. Kleinschmidt has purchased the Iligginsville Advance from the owner Rev. C.II. MoDermond and ba taken charge of the paper with Beet Goodwin as local editor and foreman . The Eligglnsville Leader announced that F. J. Moss will start a paper at Wellington the first number to make its appearance Friday, August 9tb. Mr. Moss is a practical printer and bis paper will be called the Wellington Wave. Plump cheeki, flashed with tbe eolt glow of health, sad i pure complexion make all women beautiful. Heroine lm parts strength and vitality to the system, and the rosy has of health to tbe cheeks. Price, FX) centi, for sale by Crenshaw & Young. 8 8ml