Newspaper Page Text
. The Intelligencer. I. O. NEALE. Editor m4 Proprietor. ' Xntertd at the Lexington poatoSce at second clasa mail natter. TERflS, $1.00 PER YEAR. Satceoat. Acocst 10, 1901. The Isteluoescer will probab'y ro I into the homes of many thit week for the first lime and will be- read by many who hare heretofore been stranger to it ooiumas. We have bo apolorv to offer for the IKTELLKi KXCKK U il U. It hu always enjoyed the reputation of being ooeot the best paper the iale. However, w are sot satisfied aod I with the increased facilities rained 1st Ithe purchase of the Lafayette Leader, we will as rapidly as poibla improve A la every way. We realize that the Over The State- Clsrksville, Mo. bad s ditructiv fire last Friday eight by which two busi ness blocks were wiped out. Isaao C. 11 ill, coroner of Kit oooty, drew number eleven in Uncle Saw's big Kl Ueno drawing. The work of puttier in s vstem of sewerage at Taimyr was begun Ibis rec, the contract having awarded to a Hannibal firm. The fair at Holden. Johnson county. hu been in teuton this week and a large crowd has beea ta attendance aad i Clearance Sale KSOCKERS AT ST. LOUIS St. Louis t bow having her trotble I people when UeT wbscrlbo lor a -.v- -aoBrm, woo 07 injono- eo,, fptTt WMl w ( crowa nan oeea ta aueouaoco sue Uob sait are trying to atop the work foU Md for ,hit we wil, o good races have been pulled off Of tlim IVMlailfl P.lKhaA r.uulfin I I ..... m ... ....... - i-tv correspondents from all over the ""'ler oamn, a rrstnerviue ooy, company ia the preparation of Forest j, a ha been the pleasure of recently won a three hundred aad fifty park for the fair. The fair will be one ine Ixtm.ugs.scm under all . do,1 wbolsrship In be Chicago enterprises tbst was ever to fight tan battle of the demo- bj writing the best article iVv r . , crat party. Loyalty to the platform a Cromwell. .hiiuU f ?k T, IT" exprMe1 In the l ot 108 Marshall bad an electricl storm last abUJty of the city, and all Its leading hM ,nd Wll, me (J The wareho0M o & ITZJZT T PlK"doPto tbi, ,m, the record Page Milling Company was set on fire 2 7u iT?? "? ta01, With0Qt bl0'' All by theligbtnirg but the fire compsny pletlon. It is to be hoped that the we ask l tnt .i .... t ' ...." ... 7 ... 1 j j'io iuo laiKLu- 1 piuuiiniT cauatniisueu me ore who are trrinr to retard the L 7 .. r r ' 6 knockers who are trying to retard the fi(rK rnr ..J. . -.v . .. . gknckr yonr sopport on its merits. nvsw. v tvjuuviiuu ujmj J, m akOUCK oat blow in the decision to be given by Judge Ztchnts. Ptof. Ludwig Marienbarrer. Ph. D.. a graduate of the University of Beilin says teat the beat tbi summer is caused by the earth suffering from an attack of "locomotor ataua" or loss The negroes had a big celebration of Emancipation Day at Sedalia last Sun day. Excursions went in over all the railroads and a big old fashioned bar becue, where beeves and pigs were roasted was the big feature of the day. A. E. Ilendrix. a new breakman rnn CUBAN SCRAR AXD TUBAtXX). From recent reports from the tobae w. iuuuvui ataxia - or JOBS co interests of Cuba the rrobab litv is L - . u Bvuirvi vi us motive powers. That's! nouun, a new oreaxman run thatCuba ask to have the dtJ all right professor, and on the supposi J nioS 00 loe M City branch of removed from tobacco coming into the ti ,.., . th ri,; a ...I:,,.,,..... 1. . j c, , r ! , - iwumuiur ataxia is con. I -..v.s u miuu, tiura oj me 1 7 V " " suc ' tg'ous that accounts for the tired feel- car ,l Fu,l0, ''e Monday afternoon ask to be annexed to the United StaiM!..-.!.-. . rr;- .. . ... ... .. . luafc uui a man about tbe knees which would g,ve fren entrance to both and cause. h,m to desire to sit ,n be tobacco and ber sugsr. This shade when bis wife wants him to go would practically be a death blow to tn ,h. ,1 .. ... . . . . 7 g tobacco .ad sugar intu.rie, VZ .ntb,.ouory, but apparently bound p,si tbat Ured soonerorlater to come a, the d.rect pan, es the heated term result of tbe policy of island assimila- lion iuaugerated by the republican Genl. IL C. Home has been appoint. Boer war PlrtX- J by Governor Dockerr to siimmH L . - iin w V n " exuausieu tne standing supply, and DEMOCBACY SATISFACTORY. c e ,abor d'epanm nt" iT 'B made " d,ffiCuU 'r Uie ins The Globe-Democrat has fai.ed to l jj'l f l lhe "gulation standard, .ena its force of expert bookkeepers to offic) AuetHt , . " ,nferior i0g largely accepted. We o9r about UOjardaiood Calicos at About yards beat a miner caUcors, wwrth and Vceau ! Vor Au of ear T aad I cent Lawas aad Dimities lor All of oar I aad US cent Lawns and Dimities for.'. .."' All of oar IS, IT aad Scent Lawns aad Dimities for All of oar si and SB cent Pooic lor " ' Alt ot oar rtgarvd Swiaaee for ". AU of oar KtnHisn Tlaone for About IS y aroa Torchon Lacea, worth I to I cent for H extra heavy large all wool rap. aise 16 x n, worth 11 ji for " t piece wool Carpet. SO yards, worth 76 Cent for I piece wool Carpet. I yards, worth Ta cents for..;.!..""' I piece Tapestry Ingram. IS yards, worth (6 cents for...".' I piece half wool, 3H yards, worth 50 eonta, for ' " I piece half wool. It yards, worth SO cents for J pieces Brussels Carpet, t and 3'i. worth 11.00 for!. I piece Brussels Carpet, 1&4 yards, worth 11.00 for...... I piece Brussels Carpet, 1X yards, worth 8Sc for......"'.'"' "'' I piece Axmlnlater, I yards, worth U.U. tor.......". ".'. I piece Axmlnlater, 4 yards, worth 11. IS, for 1 pieco Axmlnlsur. 11 yard, worth 11.10, for....".".!.' 1 diece Axminlster.Sx vards, worth 11.15. for !... ...... ' "' Some CiirUla Bargain I pr Lace Curtains, worth II for etc t pr Lace Curtains worth 9 tir tm rnrtllni vapIK SKI TA a . t IU . ,. - , . c pr utce unrtains, worth 1H pr Lacs Curuins. worth tiso. .. H.n 1 pr Lace Cnruina, worth 1 pr Lrc Curuins, worth 5.oo,.... tzso I pr Bullied Swiss Curtains worth II SO for 1 pr Ruffled Swiss Carta! ns, worth 65 cents, for H pr Kusea Swiss curtains, worth 11.15 for.. Come and see, He ... k ... c - fc .. tc - Itc ... lk ... a ... fc Il -tlHc Hc ... Me ... a, ... ... (etc ... ... Be ... ftc ... b,. Tie .for. at "K' Iiso ! 50c c His remains were taken to Motinn Mo. The deceased was from Corry- vuie, Mo. He was about 25 years old. During the past two weeks, on spe cial orders from the British goverment, over 8,000 horses and mules bsve been shipped from tbe British inspecting station at Lathrop, Mo. for use in the Tbe increased demand all W. G. McCAUSLAND. the states are organized tbe national body will control practically all of tbe bituminous output in tbe country. Tbe statei to be included are Western Pennsylvania, Indiana, . Western Vir ginia, Ohio and Illinois. Tbe national organization will be financed by J. Pierpout Morgan rnd bis friends." inspect the books thrown open by solll his jn te Marsha, Tndex A 0,1 "l Neode8h. Uvernor Dockary, and by its action to his partner, O. P. St"m Generl' preparing to operate at Lake, City! idows loat i was not an inspection of it ...... ' eiehi mil fH Allot nf lni4in..J.. ik u t. niue is a or got UewSDSDer man anit uciJuu:m;e, on be book tt wanted, but the state D9 will oe a,L, trom Z trZZZ tb' Lelia-l0n b"ooh offices. The people tried the repub. trom thefraternity. goar, I8cifio Hcsn pany at oi.e time aod will not rbe d'Aeoce between tbe demo- bas leased lands from Joseph and forget for a long time the rotton ad- cratic PoI,cJ ' 'riff reduction and the Charles Hudspeth, Thomas White aod ministration of tin reconstruction reP"M'ctn reciprocity dodge 19 that Georee Teaoa. lmmBHi.,..- ..u period jus; following the war. They lhe "ocratic policy would reduce the that village, and is now nefrotiatin irono ready to torn the state over tar' " tbroulo the trust,, while the with parties to drlU U a depth of 2 500 ITIin In Ik. ..L . rCDIlhiipin .nk.n,. ...1.1 ... " WVV -b ivuurr Kug. democracy r uCUJC nuuiu DOi neCessa. reet, tnrough what is called the Missis- is eood enough, thank von. nly do either. in ,.:, ,. t ...... . .. . "liner. . D rnif T. . 1 r- o--"" ucii.TBu mat at mat encouraged by the fuccess of the p 1 m 8re' quanities will be Tk M.,.i..ii r,.:i .. ... Lnited Stati n,i t,.A I found "nunii uauj i;jocrai-.ews I ", ui promises Some time a?o. while a well of Mondav announo. tw t.. aD1 procrastination. Franc i. n- WM De,DS 8unk 'or water, oil was found Samuel Davi. of that city, is a caodi. crowdiD-th wi'y Turk for those little th"e in Conside'bIe quanities at a date for a position 00 tbe snore c'"ds that are long past due and she depth ' onlJ etyfeet. bench of Missouri. Judge Davis is h" bis 101,1 t,rb-nd highness on tbe well known throughout the state as a tD!C,0US gentleman of high legal attainments New Tork " hiTThor,.. e reoorted t L Z" . o . . . - ,guuiux a com. Condennwl wa The wholesale grocers of New York A Scarcity of Horn. A hog sburtage U predicted tor Kansas- Corn is too expensive to feed to the porkers, and from present Indi cations it is a case of "root bog, or die," with them. Krt Miller of Savon. berg, Kan., a regular shipper to tbe rvansas tity marxet, posod as a bog prophet at the stock yards yesterday. All the raisers are working off their light stock, said be Wby? ltecause tbey can't offord to feed them. Corn m our vicinity is sellmz at 75 onu Farmers are, therefore, not prodigal with that cereal. Many shoals will be sent to this market this fall aod the re sult will be that few hogs will be car ried over this winter. A good hog will be worth money m the enrine of I9ti . c wuum uu ine iu 01. iiuis, Jo.. to renlpnieh l,. Tk -k r, position with credit to bis party. stock. The ea,t has fonnd x T Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ac 3 e ean n" fonnd Missouri ciation, of St. Ixjuis, sold over a mil Apparently the most popular young Dorae t0 be perior quahty. lion barrel, of beer during meyeai Iidy in the country today is Miss Beals, The Globe-Democrat would reward ;lo8ing July Slat. who drew second choice in Uncle Sam's mo liberally tbe expert bookkeeper The mi'ilry government at Manila big lottery. The number of young men, ana some not so young, who bave written proposals of marriage to Miss Beals would indicate tbe self sacrificing nature of our young men and their willingness to assume the care of Miss dmis ana ner t0,X0 claim. Miss Beals don't seem to be worrying her- sen in tbe maantime about being varea 101 Uncle Sam feels called upon in view of the fact that a train has been delay. eu ior ao nour oy tbe revolutionists on the kbemus of Panama, to send gun boan and make a demonstration to give tbe revolutionists to understand tbat they must not Interfere with isthmian trafic. It may be necessary to land troops to fully protect trans portatioD aod preserve tbe neutrality of the isthmus. General Weyler, the butcher of the Cuban war, now Spanish Minister of war ij going to reorganize the entire Spanish army. He would probably want to reorganize the navy also if Dewey and Schley had left enough pieces of it to be reorganized. The women of Albany bave raised almost enough money to buy a town clock. They intend to allow their husbands to bave no excuse for remaining out late at nigbt on accouot of not havinj wa'chfs with them. ho would guarantee to find nn n.,i P. I., ceased lt t., - ...wc , - ana was naw in the democratic system of keep- 4ueeded by a civil government under Teddy K-osevelt bas been chasinr coyotes in Colorado this week. He fs probably getting m training inr i,ia chase later, after the presidential bee. three commissioners. The Clay County Democrat expects to advertise the town of Liberty by gettinir out a big special fall edition, to be issued early In September. Owingto the" drouth this .mmLj.r?. Tm cation tbe size of potatoes, beets and nthar ' coun,ry vegtables is very stnall compared . h ,k . ,UeUea and il U the prices asked for them lbR' m8' f tbem W"1 ob th, call. . Tho T 1. . . .. . - -- 'fgisiamre at a special fur tlcnantrcj imainn nn... .1 ...... hom- in ih. it,. .. . 1 . """"""("nginatltsmem- liloul, .fc. : . v" hut . woeQ ugiweainer. neuuMneiarwest. He is the fath. er of Mesdames J. E. Bovp nj ti.. 8'IOO.OOO.Oihi rni -r... ... isarnett and H'm. Kpith ui. Cnicaeo. Autr. f. a. . . uas many 1 - icau.i 01 a frmn.l . 1. . . I ... 'I it,.,.! . ... .. .. umC wno win learn of his death v 'eung ot ttie finance commit- With an (-.. I too ft L ... jU iDem h . lives the .Ledger extends it, .inn.P. conMolency.Missoun Idcer. The C. A A. dnnr .t r..i. - r . uiuju was Iraores the nntit lit lull Atlanta Journal Governor Tift, who has been set up .mcr oyer tne rbilippmes, with practically unlimited authority, has "..eveeu mat tne judicial officers of me united Mates in that far-off r,n. session shall not take an oath to sup. r-.k iuo consutution of the govern ment which has appointed tbem, but ior me usual form of oath shall be substituted one binding them to obev "the supreme authority." A parallel IL'.h3 Produ -m never been fur nished in the history of repuolic.n government. Great Strtkn n... Pittsburg, p.., Aog , week, of preliminary sk,rn,i,hiW tt l 'he great battle betweeu h, g gantlc steel trust and the thou.a.d, of men n.arbl.r2uDjPr,hah of the Amalgamated ASM.ciaiiu o( :on, hteel ,od Tin Worker, i, ,. on Tbe long talked of general ,,rik; .ucr was usued by Tresidt Shafts this evening, to take effect after tbe astlurQ.of the mill, on August 10. What the result will be noniaacM foretell, but, judging by the express determination of bth Dn. t .v. controversy, the battle w.ll b. ... to tbe very last ditch. M,mi, ill be lost, thousands upon thousands of men will b mi. looked for and even bloodshed and iu are possible and feared. The strike ca!l Include. 1I Amalgamated men in the United States Steel corporations employ not now on strike, it was issued from the Amalgamated Association beadqu.r. ers and mailed to all Amalgamated - uj:U ,n,0 me strike. "' " saw j C0SSS 810SC lATIflO. M ' l500',def" Home, HiciiasvUle, Mo.,Wedoe.deyiAugu.tl4ll901. A.ewmao, Ma.ter of Cermoniea. One 0 clock p. m.-Maaonlc Lodeewi)l lia their ball aad march to the Home. One. thirty o'clock p. m. Son. H Prayer-Re,-. L. H. otto. Laying Corner Hrn. k. n. j t - j Ul.uu U(, .' Al M- eondocted by Campbell Wells, Grand Jaaur. Hong;. Addreas-J. E. McDooald. 800 g. Addre.s-Dr. B. Lion Cave. Doxology. PILES tr Cllmai Salve. Sausfi.-tiue vwv reiutxlml AlldruirriiU. Well, now, didn't tim goernor shut ICO Ol the nrrinn.Ail Jnr. r... . . - national coal trust held here said tbat the combination- will be com pleted by the llmof nextvear. Th. burelarized is said. h.v. i.j ... morning at one 1 Li ' "au cn- o clock and the Lurelar ... Slllerable lroubl "Hh tbe mine own-r. red-handed and compelled to dis tb'hwt la bo have put ex three railroad punches, a knife, a screw L Ta'"e8 0,1 lheir Pities, but ner, a nan pucb, two ino-ebl wrcea into the national pencils, a comb and comb case and T mb,0u A is formed. The I'-OLouismna Press. finances for the trust are assured as Mr. Cu. B.rron returned ,,,.,.. , . 7 "aV6 8lel,Ped ln o I. T., a,ur T dl vf. ? ,hat "e wed to un. with tbe homefoik. in oar city. Mr. derwnta th new organization. ..V0I1 Barron inHH.i,. . ... .. . "" in . .. ' u" ,, " ""ia, iccom up the (;..!., 1'. 11. q can say tht tlm national organwat ion . : ""in.sccom. " vjniur. nen ifs Cash. Price Sale IOC 1 can Salmon 3 cans Corn 2 cans TaM. vl'lil'' gallon Table Syrup..' :$c New MarL-.f J xoc . .v.,,.,, j ior. . , tjasoline.. 2 lbs. new Apricots ' 5 bars Soap 3 bars Soap.. Package coffee Loose Coffee 30c . 1 $1 .00 25c 25c 05c 10c IOC Prices be for i J f "neJ COr"' cal1 a"d MtOil. Not , 1 " ' ,hlte Rose Gasoline and nation,! gallon, of chea : 0 , ;r,aTobi ' 5 wi i or gasoline, and gives better satissactnn. J- W. E'NDLY, nHNSVlLL. MI530UKI.