Newspaper Page Text
Close Outs AT b 0. L00MIS' BOOK STORE fat tbe next . Ct entire lint of Oxfords Bible, Family Bibles, and TeatamenU t less cost pocket Bibles go for.... 20c ft .... i ninf m fw TOl 1.25 U10ieB,aiKD 1 Testament and FBalms gorfor o L family Bible go lor.. ..$2.60 HAMMOCKS y0ur choice for 60 centa each CROQUETS ' ball seta for......... 42c ball sets for... 68c ball sets for.. ...... .68c Xow is your chance. Call and look through. E. G. LOOMIS LOCAL 8HOET-STOP8. jr. AilisUtt returned Wednesday from su City. r, James AVitvj vsuiw uu w u uuiu sm City Tuesday. ises Msy tod Alice Puk left Wednei. morning for MeAlester Springs. r. Geo. Cleary, of Norboro, Mo., It Ling Mr. Lilbara Cole of oar eity. is, Irene Tutt, of Kansas City, li Hog the family of Mr. E. O. Loomlt. r. T. B. IRaroeey left Wednesday i tbe Tlelton to the Sprlngflsld ilon. r.CbsrlesGuentber returned Thursday nlog from a Are weeka trip io jrado. n. E. J. MoOrew left Thursday 8t. Loula to vlalt lire, Emlsoa oilor, in Edne Rloebart, of Higglnsvllle, up Tuesday to visit Mlie Elliott hunter. , r. CUude Johnson will return next k from a visit of eeTeral montbi to irado pointa. r. Isy Grsta retarned Wednesday from ada, Mo., where he bai been on a if basloess trip. Ir. C. L. McLaughlin went te Liberty ireday eveniog to look np tome welnat i there for shipment. In. A. A Walker, of Pleasant Green, red Wednesday evening tor a visit h Mrs. B. N. Hopkina. T.Geo. W. 8tler retarned Friday morn from Hot Springs, Ark., where be baa n spending several weeks, ol. Geo. McGrew, who was In oar city ) radar visiting relatives, returned cs to St. Loots that sight, ir. Lee Slasher left Wednesday for ingfleld, where be (toes to attend the federate reooloa this week. Ir. Tom James, wbe has been spending ie weeks at McAleater 8prlngs, return, to Lexington Tuesday evening, t tbe meeting of the public school ird Wednesday night. Miss Florence II was elected substitute teacher. !iaes Myrtle and Flora Llewellyn re tied Wednesday from a couple of days It with friends In Kansas City, be South Street base bail team da ted tbe Wellington Spiders Tueeday Wellington by the score of 9 to 0. In. Q. A. Qlgas, of Marshall, and her neice, Miss Baker, came op Thursday bt to visit Mr. Wm. Bannon's family. n. W. E. Bard, of Sedalia, accom M by Baby Eatelle MoOrew Dovall, fived Thoraday morolsg for a visit with stives in our city. i'ra. T. B. Saunders and daughter, Miss li'e IHaunders,' retarned Thoraday Kn-s City, aftr a few days visit fb relatives in our city. Puns MoMurtry, who has beeo Mug tbe family of Mr. J. Q. Worth jion lor tbe past lew days, returned "erdny morning to Backoer. Charles Manly returned Wednes- trom Warreosburg, having been M back to Lexington to preach tbe fal ol Miss Jo.ephloe Edwart s. !ia Jessie Bell, of Tampa, Fla., spent !ur"day in our city, the guest of tbe f of Mr. Dick Hays. She returned Kansas City oo tbe 6:11 p. m. train. Mrs. 8. James, of St. Louis, who has fa spending several months in our !? went to Higgiosvllle Thursday f brief visit before returning home. Fn Methodist Sunday school children j" Picnic Thursday at Mr. Young rain's home, east of town oo the rf foad, and all bad a delightful time. Ton. Crenshaw aod wit, 0d rsby I OOWa from Kmnm.m ri. t--- . to v ".U the famii, Mr7 Cre;r;. father. MIm Mattle Mead, who ha. bse. vis-' M Jh V.t. Jr.. ,or . ,., day, muraed home Friday morning Water. " arJ, WUbr'' M.yvlevr,' with bsr daaghter. Mrs. J. a. Worlh. logtoo, j Mr. But Yoo.,g who hee beeo epead-' lor a few davs ith Kl., "-- in oar city, retarned to Kansas City Tuesday evening. Mr. N, M. Coooar. nl Hi..... .m. Pweed through Lexlogtoa Wednesdsy oa bis way to the cobii.l. . Spriogfleld. Mra. J. A. Robinson, of Kansos City,' who has been speodtng the past week with Mrs 0. 0. Grimes, returned home Wednesday. ' j Mrs. Geo. Fackler, of Kansas City, and Mlsa Puss MoMurtry, of Backner.srrlved Taeedey to visit the family of Mr. J. G. I Worthlogton. I Mr. B. B. Frszsr went to Kansas City ' vveaoesasy to look no tbe cattle market with a view to buying some feeders If tbe market sails bim. Master Melville Smitbers, who bas been visiting tbs family of Mr. Thoa. Stramcke, retarned Thursday to bis borne In flu Louis. Mrs. Geo. Temple, who bas been visit Idg tbe family of Dr. Payne tor several weeks, retarned Wednesday to ber borne at Joplin, Mo. Mrs. Virginia Cooper, mother of Mr. G. R Cooper, ol Kansas City, arrived Wednesday for a visit with the family of Hon. H. C. Wallace. Miss Tllllle Stoler and sister, who bave been visiting their sister, Mrs. Figer, of this city, returned Friday morning to their nome In Marshall. Misses Hattie and Blair Gordon left Thoraday for a visit in Higglnsvllle, and from there tbev go to Fulton, Mo., tor a visit with friends. Mr. Edgsr Spurgeon, who bas been visiting bis wile and relatives here for a few days, retarned Friday morning to bis home at Sweet Springs. Mrs. Virginia Cooper, who bas been spending a couple of days visiting tbe family of Hon. H. 0. Wallace, retarned to Kansas City Thursday. Mr. Wilt Green, who bas been spending a few days here with the family of bla father, Mr. James Green, retarned Thurs day evening to Kansas City. Misses Nellie and Belle Edmonds, who came down from Waterloo to attend tbe funeral of Mlsa Josephine Edmonds, re tarned borne Wednesday evening. ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McQrew and Mr. J. C. McGresr, Jr., returned Thursday even ing from their trip to Colorado Springs and other points of Interest in tbe west. Mrs. V. J. Willett and ber two chil dren came io Thursday trom their home at Harrisonville, Mo., to visit the family of Rev. Xen. Ryland, Mrs. Willett's father, Mrs. Fred Hiz and little daughter, Miss Blanche Hiz, returned Wednesday even Ing from Georgetown, Ky., where they bave been visiting relatives for the put six weeks. Mr. D. A, Hancock, of Blackburn, Mo., ipent Wednesday In oar city on business and left Thursday for Kanaas City. Mr. Hancock bas a lot of cattle which he la feeding in Nebraeka. Mrs. W. E. Comstock, accompanied by ber children, Misses Qlsdys, Catherine and Grace, came down from Kansas Ulty Wednesday to spend a few weeks with tbe family of Mr. Wm. H. Chiles. CDt. J. O. Plattenbure. Dr. J. W. Meng and Mr. Ben Stevenson left Wed nesday evening for Spriogfleld, to attend tbe confederate reunion and the novati ng of tbe confederate monument. Mra. Lena Rebmsmeyer, who shot ber husband on the morn tug of August 1st, near Hleglnsville, was orougnt before toe county court io sessioo here Wednesday, idiodged Insane and ordered sent to asylum No. 8, at Nevada. Mr. John Craig met with quite a pain ful accident while working Monday at the home of Mr. Fred Hiz Io College place, la lifting a large Ice chest be wrenched his bsck aod Is now confined to tbe bouse to consequence. Miss Sonle Crenshaw, of 8io Diego, Cal., arrived Wednesday for a visit with tbe family of her brother, Mr. T. U Lren- shaw. She Is on bjr way home irom Nashville, Tenn., and is accompanied by Master Maclln Benagb, of that city. m- .nrt Mrs. I. B. Young aod wife and little son, of Quitman, Nodaway oounty, . a r- Mo., visited the larauy oi Mrs. emmm vm,nr Tuesday and left Wednesday relatives at Dover. Mr. Young Is a brother of Mr. Tom Young, deceased. m- .1. F. Winn, of Dover, passed through Lexlneton Thursday oo bis way borne from Lawton, where tie went io look up the prospect of buying some town ( lots. The lots are beiog sold no slowly that be did not stay to the end of the sale. ' STOPS THE COUUIt AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. 1 Laxative Bromo-Qulnine isblots core a cold In one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. Mr. came I Grand 1 FOR TEN" DATS . s Commencing: Saturday, All .goods go at Cost or Less ' and none held in reserve. This Means Every Piece of Goods in Stock. Remember good things go quickly so don't delay. John Deere Plows sod Hooaler Grain Drills have imitators but no tqnala. B. W. Krose, agent, Hlggioavllle, Mo. 8-10tt The Enterprise Implement aod feed store sells tbe best that money can buy. Ed. W. Kruse, Higglnsvllle, Mo. 8 lOtt Messrs. J. R. Dryer. Alfred Elsman. Frank R. Mattox and Silas Woodruff left Wednesday for Salioa, Kas., to look sfter the wheat threshing pro pectin that vicinity. Later they may take a thresh ing mscbloe to thst section It the pros . pect seems to warrant It. ! 11119. VUKIUI VUUIU-H, Ul IfUIVU Tenn., accompanied by ber daughter, Mies Minnie, arrived in our city Thursday evening and la visiting Mrs. George W. Johnson at ber pleasant suburban borne. Mias Truehart White, of Dover is also Visiting Mrs. Johnson, ber sister. Misses Elliott Todhunter, EdnaRine hart and Mary Oraves, accompanied by Mrs. 8. N. Wilson, as cbaperoo, left Wednesday for .Springfield to atleid tbe confederate reunion and participate In tbe ezercisea attending tbs unveiling of the confederate monument. Col. Ryland Todbonier, Cspt. J. J. Fulkerson and Hon. Alex. Grsves led Wednssdsy to attend tbe confederate reunion at Spriogfleld and to meet their old comrades to arms who wors tbe gray and live over again, In memory, the stirring times of the" civil war. - Misses Bernice and Lillian Cromwell, of Kansas City, came Wedoesday night to visit Misses Nannie, Bettie aod Pinkie Cblnn. Accompanied by Mr. Buford Cbinn tbey left Thursday morning for Mo Alester Spriogs, where Mr. Cblnn bas taksn a cottage for several weeks. Piles are uot only io, and of themselves very painful and annoying, but often greatly aggravate and even cause othsr grave aod painful affections, snd should therefore not be negleoted. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment la a great boon to sufferers as it will cure them. Price, 60 cents in bottles. Tabes, 75 cents. For sale by Crenshaw & Young. , 8 3ml Mr. W. E. Winner was la our city Wed nesday eveniog and spent tbs night at Mrs. Nickell'a Home, returning to Kan- sas City Thursday. In company with Capt. Joe Wilson he drove Wednesday over the route trom Odessa aod May view to thia city, making observations as to tbe physical nature ol the land on the route. Prof. J. T. Prltchett, formerly of tbe faculty of Central Female college at this place, but more recently engaged In school work at Martin, Tenn., arrived Io our city Thursday evening for a brief visit with old Lexington friends. He has sccepted tbe presidency of Scsrrltt Insti tute at Nsosho, Mo , aod will lears for that place aoon. Mr. Clem Bledsoe came in Thursday from San Francisco, Cal. His wife went to Ulssgow to visit relatives for a while and his mother, Mrs. M. E. Bledsoe, went to Pleasant Hill, Mo., for a Visit. Mr. Bledsoe is satisfied that Missouri and Lafaystte couoty particularly is about tbe beat place on earth, and be will locate somewhere In Missouri. The Higglnsvllle Oil company has been incorporated with a capital stock of flOO.OOO, aod they received their final pipers of locorporation from tbe state department Thursday. J. H. Burgen is president, Joe Lane, secretary and Theo dore Youngs, treasurer. They bave already beeo successful to the extent of getting gas in some ol their wells aod are making airangtnents to sopply the city with It. TbeCommercial bankof tbiscity bought Wednesday night at the meeting of tbe school bosrd of the Lexington district tbe 22,090 of bonds that the board offered for sale. The bonds are to bear 4 per cent interest and tbe bank paid a premium of $300. They are twenty year bunds, f 10,000 of tbe issue being redeemable io live years and f 12,000 In nine years, at tbe( option ol the school ooara. ins sate is a good one and tbe work of building the new school will be pushed to completion , as rapidly as possible. Clearance Sale I AT DOME WEBER'S TEA0EEE8' EXAHIHATIOH AC0U8T 23-24. Tbe next regular examination of teaob ere will take place at tbe Higglnsvllle High school on August 23 aod 24. At these examloatiooa tbe following rego lationa will be observed : 1. Examloatiooa will begin at 7:30 a. m and 1:30 p. m. on both days, sod close at 12:30 p. m. aod 6:30 p. m. respectively. 2. Subjects will be given In the order named below, and questions placed on the board at tbe time named io first column and erased at time named In second column. Each subject most be completed and handed In before tbe next. 3. No subject will be given at any other time than daring the half day as indicated below. 4. Applicants will be excused for anr half day when tbey bave finished all the work of that session. ORDER OF BUBJBCT8 FIRST D4Y. Geography 7:30 a. m. 10:00 a. m. Grammar. 8:30 a. m. 11:00 a. m. U. S. History... 10:00 a. m. 12:00 m. Arithmetio . ..' .11:00 a. m. 12:30 p. m. Language 1:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Reading 2:10 p.m. 8:30p.m. Pedagogy 2:30 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Physiology 4:20 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Civil Govt 6:10 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Spelling........ 6:60p.m. ' 6:30p.m. ORDER OF BOB J BCTS -6R00ND DAT. Algebra 7:30 a. m. 10:31 a. m. Llteratune ..... 9:30 a. m. . 12:30 p. m. Science 1:30 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Add. Hist 3:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. On request teachers may bave their papers forwarded to the state superinten dent for grading and for the purpose of bsvlog grades recorded for state certifi cates. Such grades will be kept for one year, but no papers will be accepted by tbe state superintendent that have not first been graded 90 or more by the county board. Respectfully, Jos. Kuehls, County 8obool Commissioner. a BAD DEATH. Died, at her borne, 8 miles northwest ol Odessa,. Wednesday, Aug. 1st, 1901, Mias Anna Woods, second daughter of Joseph aod Nancy Woods. Deceased wss twenty-four years of age and died upon ber birthday. For several yeara Miss Aoaa had been in delicate health; bat daring all that time had borne ber suffering witb cheer fulness and Christian patience. Tbe aevere beat of this present season aggra vated ber disorder, causing severe pains in the head and periods of feverlshneBs, Under these circumstances she grew despondent. About two weeks before her death her friends discovered that the disease was not only preying upon her body but upon ber mind as well. While thus affected she expressed not only a desire, but a determination to leave this world, and the family became appre hensive that she woold do herself bodily violence. But all their watchfulness was Io vain. On Wednesday, August 1st she suoceeded In accomplishing her purpose. Miss Anna leaves a host of friends to mouro ber sad departure from this life, aod who unite io extending their heart felt symbatbies to the bereaved lamily. A Friend. Wreck on C. & A. Another wreck occured oo the C. & A. railroad at about 3:30 o'clock Thursday afteroooo, V, miles east of Higglosvilln, In a big cut near the Bonanza coal mine. It was caused by tbe breaking of tbe rails as the train rounded a curve. A car near the middle of tbe train left tbe track and seven of them were piled up In the cut before the train stopped. Tbe west bound evening passenger traio came ss tar as the wreck wben its passengers were transfer ed to tbe Higgiosville accommodation train and taken Into KansasCity, Constipation, impaired digestion and a torpid liver are the most common ail ments that are responsible tor that tired, listless, fagged-out feeling that makes tbe summer a dreadful period to so many people. Herblne will cure constipation. it improves the digestion aod arouses tbe ! liver to normal activity. Price, 50 cents For sale by Crenshaw A Young, 8 3ml August io MAERIA0E8. ti.Ma.rrl? Thur;1y. Augost 8, 1901. at toe resldanca nl M u...i. . . . . I in, va 111 K 1 H" 'aJ"- Y:!mUb.' H.rdln..D oi owanwiCK, Mo., Dr. E C. Gordon officiating. 8IBTHB. Born, st rinirp .ImIm inn- i. . . ot Mr. John Eddings, a boy. Boro, at Dover, July 29, 1901, to the wlfe ol Mr. Andy Hursmao, a girl. Born, Tuesday night August 8, 1901, to tbe wife ol Mr. W F. Hloesley, a girl. DEATU8. Died, Tuesday afternoon, August 6, at two o'clock, at tbe residence oo College street, Leah Josephine Ed moods, aged Jj yars and 6 month, daughter ol G. Robert aod Leah Kdmonds. The luoeral took place at tbe house Wednesdav morning at 10 o'clock, Dr. Cbas. Meoly and Rev. R. 8. Hooter officiating. Leah was taken sick with mumps !ast February and afterwards had tvDhoid fever and she bas been gradually growing worse ior months, notwithstanding that she bad all tbe care and attention that medical skill and parental effnotion could suggest. She bas been a great sufferer and death came to ber almost as a wel come visitor to relieve ber of pain and suffering. Her parents bave the deep sympathy of our community In the lose, of their loved ons. Died Thursday afternoon, AugoBt 8 1901, at 2:30 o'clock, at ber residence on trie corner of Seventeenth aod Prank It n streets, Mrs. Sarah Ann Long, aged 80 years and 7 months. Mrs. Long came to Missouri in tbe fall of 1843 with ber mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hawkins, and three sisters, Misses Lizzie, O., GabrWIa and Mary Francis Hawkins, all of wh .r- passed beyond tbe river before ht. o iuib she was the oldest daughtei. , Oicember 10 b. 1343, with her moth- - j iwo sisters she united by letter with the Baptist church in this city and bas lived during all tbes years a. beautiful and faithful christian life. She baa been tor a long time a great sufferer and coo Hoed to her bed, but she bss borne ber sufferings witb christian fortitude. Bat tbe messenger of death wss not nowelcome when be came to call ber to her final rest with tbe Master, where she bas gone to join the loved ones, that bsve preceded her. She bas simply paased from a world of pain and suffering to ber eternal borne of rest and peace la the beautiful city of God, tbe Father. The funeral took place from tbe resi dence st 6 o'clock yetterday afternoon. Dr. Chaa. Macly conducting the services. Will Buy Your Wheat. Mr. W. P. Auli is buying wheat and paylog tbe highest market price for it. He will receive the wheat at tbe old Missouri Paoifio depot or at the old Arcana ball. Persons wishing to deliver-, tbe wheat at Arcana ball can see Mr.. Walter B. Waddell at the Lexington v Savings bank and get prices. Mr. Wm. Wsddell is also buying for Mr. Anil in the Wlnton and Page City r neighborhood. 7-26ddtwt,f... Mrs. Haona Waddell is visiting Mra, Joho Burden and Mrs Sallie Long this week. Mr. Grant Fisher aod Bister Miss Carrie Fisher attended the funeral of Miss Annie Woods at Odessa, Thoraday morning. Mothers who have always so dreaded' tbe approach of tbe hot weather when tney nave a teething babe, should not for get that Teetblna counteracts and over comes tbe effects of hot weather on chil dren, snd keeps them to healthy condition) and makes teething easy. Teethina costs ?. only 25 cents per box at druggists; or msll25 cents to C. J. Moffet, M.D., St.. Louis, Mo. 8-10t2 Mr. F. Morath and dsoghters, Misse Henrietta and Charlotte, of Lexington, Mo., arrived in tbiscity oo Saturday eveniog, and will be the guests of Mrs. H. L. Jones for some days. Tbey bave mado a tour ol the eastern cities, and come herai direct from Buffalo. Mrs F. W. Bush, nee Miss Georgia Hall Jones, of Athens, is also a goest of her mother, Mrs. Jones. Mo Conoellsvllle (O.) Herald. Miss Jones wan tormely teacher of vocal muslo at the B. F. C, Lexington. Mo.