Newspaper Page Text
INSURANCE. Farm property insured, oc pied by tenant or owner. sks written in any town in unty. Will com and make insoection, and name te upon application Will Write or SU?E ANYTHING. U on him at ixington. office in I. w. ill beAl estate . r sale in Lexington. Farms rsale. Houses to rent. If u have any real estate to II place it in his hands no st if no -sale. Office in :xington. W. Abstracter, Loan -AND- Insurance Agent m snd City Property (or mIi or rent MONEY TO LOAN. 11 loan money on improved farm lands at 6 and 6) per cent interest. Office front room over Terla' drug store, Lexlugton, Mo. kLMisSCo. CASH roduce Buyers DRESSED POULTRY, 6AK fURS. EGGS M3 BU1R. 34 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. rite for Our Present Paving Prices 'aTRON & TAUBMAN, LBXINGTON, MO. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, KL ESTATE INSURANCE, MONBT TO LOAN tare the only complete tet of Abstract Mtd o( Title to tbe Lands of Lafayette mty. FFICE in UMRE BUILDING . WOHTIIIHOTOW. 8. N. Wilson i LEXINGTON, MISSOURI. eal Estate, Loans and Insurance Agents. AH.VTRACT8 OF Til LB MADB, II loan money ou Improved farm lauda at 5 and per ceut Interest ETICE IN IIERLE BUILDING. Jr.J.W.Meng, Surgeon Dentist. 'ffice in the Meng Building, Lexington, Missouri. DR. W. E. ECKLE, Surgeon Dentlata, offloe In Hearle Building fyenta and Main streets. Lexington. Mis mrl OR LEE WW, leaDrtl IROBA1E COURT DUCKET. August Term. 1901. 1" Diy, Moodaj, August 12th, 1901. lo?. 2 J"' Uti Th0- R T.y. 3 Judb., Johanne, d ceased; Emaouel nd Md,n,D",lr,,u'r w'lH will an- Lay, O-o R. decked; Tbos E Gam . moo. admiitUtNtor with m eouexed 5 IW.-y Wui, dtctawd; John' K Peaic aoo Dr U William., ex-coiora. auce, Cbas P di Ceased: E H Kelley. administrator. 7 Knk, Cleveland, mloor; Wo Rsn. let, curator. 2fld Diy, Tuesdsy, August 13ih. 1901. 8 Mryer, Otto, minoi: llenr u..., curator. ' ' 9 Harrelson, Mattie B, minor: Henry E twin, curator. 10 Henulcg, Fritx, minor; Cba$ Hen nlng, curator. 11 Hader, Cbas, deceased; Louise Ha der, executrix. 12 Russell, Chat 0, minor; Sallie I Rjaseli, euiainx. 13, Omer et al; Martha M ii isreeu, Reuben, minor; Lydle, V virrrr, curatrix. . la uaw, Philip M. deceased: A E Aanury and i. W. Hyde, administrators wnu win anneiea. 3rd Day, Wednesday, August Uth. 1901. 16 Bonbam, Leslie and Kate, minora; tu .-t cuwirui, curator. 17 Buford, Win M, insane; E M Ed wards, guardian. IS Moreiand, J fold, minor; Mamie oioreiano, guardian. 19 Blusher, James A, minor; David Slusner, curator. 20 Smith, Mary E, deceased; John H Wilson, executor. 21 Burnett, James et al, minors; James W Goodwin, curator. 22 Price, Virenda, deceased; M D Wil son, public administrator. 23 Smith, Saoford F, deceased ; Qeorgie omun, anmiaisiratnx. 21 McFadin, Jabn, deceased; Vra. H luueg, executor. 4tb Day, Thursday, August 15th, 1901. 25, Walter, minor; Henry Tehencamp, curator. 26 FrerklaK, Joseph et al, minors ; Cbas j r reraiog, curator. . 27 Bauman, Oeorge, deceased ; Joseph Baumao, executor. 28 Lewis Albert S, insane; Epbraim Lewis, guardian. 29 Kelston, David, deceased; Bufus Young, executor. 30 Uberbellman, Frledrtch, deceased H H Woeatemeyer and Qustav Ooer bellman, executors. 81 Weaver, Thos B, deceased; Qeorgi A weaver, administratrix. 5th Day, Friday, August 16tb, 1901 32 Young, Grove, deceased; Joseph L lounge, ineoaore xoungs.cimer xonngs and John v. Ureer. executors. 83 Fox, Elizabeth et al, minors; Cbrls tine Fox, curator. 84 Lauderdale, Franklin at al, minora Joalab Lauderdale, curator. 83 Cook, Joseph et al, minora; Charles Uoeler, curator, 36 Peacock, Margaret J, deceased Cbai Hoefer, executor. 37 Peaoock, John H, deceased; Cbas Hotter, executor. " - ' 38 Curtis, Martha E, deceased; T. Duller, executor. 39 Warder, Joseph, deceased; Henry W and Joseph W, Warder, executors. 40 Worley, Mary E. insane; P W Osboro, guardian. 6th Day, Saturday, August 17th, 1901 41 Parks, Edward Francis, Insane John W Parks, guardian. 42 Pilterson, Eddleand Hugh, minors Irvlog Zevsing, curator. 43 McQirl, Jobo and Maria F, minors M D Wilson, puMtc curator. 44 Cooper, Virginia F, deceased Nainao Cooper, executor, 45 Frerkiog, Ernest A, deceased; Q Frerkinsr. execu'or. 46 Uphaus, Peter, deceased; J'HUp haiis. executor. 47 Miller, Cornelius J, deceased; Wm A and Andrew J Miller, executors. 7tb Day, Monday, August 19th, 1901 43 Ewlng, Eugene M, deceased; Job Q WortbiogtOD, executor. 49 AlUiadt, Catherine J, deceased ; W A, ill adminiHtialor with will annextd. 50 May, Catherine. deceased; M D Wil inn. nublic administrator. 51 May. .Martin, aeceasea; .n u wii eon, public administrator. ' 62 Goewlscb, Katberine, deceased; Q Fbeiziog executor. 53 O'Doonell. John, deceased; M u .iunn nubile administrator. 54 Sinpbau, J C, deceased; H F Brink man A ml filat ralor. 5a Fuhr. J H. partnership; Fred n..nnnnanhorat. survivioe partner. fifl MoelUr. Peier, deceased, Tbesa Uiuck, administrator. 8ib Day, Tuesday, August 20ib, 1901. 57 Rlirnev. Alice H. insane; Charles f.unna ruralor. 58 Stanley, Estelle, minor; Wade Hick Ho. guardian. m Htatloid. Henry. Insane; M D Wil eon, publio guardian, tin McPbiiim. Jobo M. deceased; M D Wilson, public administrator. 61 Graves, Wm B. deceased; M D Wil son, public administrator. B2 Htsnlord. Ira 8. Minor; Jamee W Barton, curator. 63 Hcbmelser, Fbrenee et al, minors; W A BraecklelB, curator. 64 Klrtlev, Elltabetb E, deceased; Rlcbsrd B Klrtley. executor. 65 Mulltotx, George W, deceased; M U Wilson, public administrator. 61 Bortsfleld, Amos, deceased; James W Harrison, executor. Executors, administrators, guardians and curatore are strictly required to make their settlements on the day on which their case, are .et. j AME3p cH1NNi 1 j3!5 Judge ol Probate. Free Blood Cure. We recommend Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ) for all blood troubles, such as ulcers, eating aores, scrofula, eciema, itching hu mors, pimples, bolls, carbuncles, blood poi son, aching bones, festering sores, cancer, catarrh, rheumatism. Bjtanio Blood Bslm euros all malignant blood or skin diseases, especially advised for old. deep stated cases. h,-n all ol-e falls. Heals every sore or pimple, stops all acnes and palus by giving j a healthy blood supply, inurou..., ..v for thirty years. Thousand cured At drug stores per 'W D0,tle' "r TAcn will receive a trial treatment free by writing Dr Olllam. 203 Mitchell St. Atlanta. Ga. Describe the trouble and free medical advice given. Medicine sent at once, prepaid. niHE TABLES Mlaeourl Pacific-Lexington Br. WI8I BOCKDTRAIH8. No. 71. No. 73. :1 pra 5:10 am ii:Ctiim 6:24 am u;.H.i am B-41 am B.IOn) 7:1-am 7:-26am 7-.;3am 7:40 am S:35am 9:05 am 1:05 pm Leave Pt. I mils Arrive tKili . 1:3(11111 . t .Vpm . 4:o; pu . 4 ptn . 4:.f7 pin . ( i; pm . B:11 pm , h-.u pm . 5:34 pm . ft :40 pin b:i pm . :4.', pm . 7:19 pm Ittucorrii ' Aullvllle HiKirinsville.. ' Pum Citr ' Lexington-. ' -Myri, k WbIHuoi,.. .. ' Waterloo NauoltKiD ' Independence.. Kansas City... ' St. Joseph DAILY. XAfTBOCICD TRAIXH. No. 74. No. 72. Leave St. Joe k:oo pm Kansas City. Indi-pudeuce.. . Napoleon Waierlin Welllng-Uin Myri .a Lexington. .. Patrei'ify .... Hinitinvlile Aullv.'le ConcorUla ... 5:4o pm .... :lu pm ... 7:00 pm . .. 7:14 pm .... 7:22 pm , . . 7 : im :2S am t-.tit am 7: 40 am 7:44 am 7:51 am 8:H am ..7l IMpm 8:10am .... h: lo pm am .... S 41 pm 8:37 am .... 8:3.' urn 8:47 am .... a:4ttiin 9:02 am Hedalia IOmkidiu 10:06 am m miuu 7:10 am eoopm special rates to Kansas City every Saturou y evening vnd Bunday. FHCIQHTS. West East 8 50 am.. .Leaves Lexington !3:35am . " Pae01ty 2:50 pm " H!iruiimvllle 2:25 pm " Aullvllle 1:40 pm 0:4. am . 0:O5am . I0:s0am . 11:00 am.. ' Concorlia 1:10 pm ii:l5pm. Hedalia 10:40 am bully, except Sunday. Jeflersou City, Boonville and Lexing ton Division. MIXED DAILr EXC. HIND AT. No. 72. Leave. No. 71, Arrive. - 7:15 am Lexiiirtou .. . 5:11 pm 4 :45 pm .... 4:1! pm 8:25 am. ,Myrli:!t 8:55 am :10 nrn. .... . :L'7am ..... am ...Northrup . ....Dover... . Kdards.. .... Wuvi-rly. Maibnll . ... 4.00 pm .... il:3. pm 3::io pm , 1 :15 pm ll:H(iam 2:20 am... .. 4 45 pm Head down. . H iimvHlo 1:00 pm Tipton 4:45 pm Keaa up. SANTA FE ROUTE. Trains arrive at North Lexlnntou i No. 26 rdaily) 7:45 a m Trains leave North Lexluirtoni No. 23. BxproSN (dally) 7:55 a m alaln Hue trams pass Islington junction OOl.NO cast. No. 8. 20. (dally)..... . 9:1A a m .10:00 a m 2, 8, . 7:15 n m . 8:.t5 p m . 8:47 a 111 California Limited GOING WEST. No. 1. ' (daily) s-IMuni (daily). " 8, ". California Limited.... 2:2a m " 5. " f,;iOa m " i, " 12: 7pm ' , " 6:4 p m J. D. Eahtek, Jr., Ageut W J. Black, 0, P. A.,Topeka, Kas, Chicago and Alton Railroad. Trains leave Hluffinsvlllc as follows; west Bound. ' No. 8. St. L. and K C. bihII 5:45 am ' 7, Calif, and Col. limited 7 4:) am " 61. HiiralnHvllle and K. t: acci-m. 5:55am " 13, Pt. Louis and K C. mall 4:1(0 pm " lie. Local freight and accoin 9:47 am EA8T BOUND. No. 14, St. L. and K.C. mall :47 am " 60, K. C. and Hlnrinsville accom. 7:15 pm " 10. Calif, and Col. limited 7:35 Din 12, 8t. L and K. C. uiull 10:57 pm " 116, Local irolubt and accom 12:43 pm W. S. LYONS, Ticket Agent, Telephone No. 50. SEWS OF THE EAILWAY3. Tbe Rock Island's proposition for cheap rate excursions to and from Colorado during thl summer has been negatived by the Western Passenger Association. In consequence notice was served yesterday on Chairman MeLeod by General P;iR?eiiger Agent Sebastian thut the Rock Island will tuke independent action and put in effect a rate of one fare plus f i.SO for the rund trip from Chicago and all inter mediato points east of the Missouri river to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Salt Lake Citv and Oirden, Tickets at this rate will be sold on June 20, July V and 17 and Aunustl From M Issouri river points the same rHte will 5e made on the days following these dates TK'keM at this rate also w'U be sold from Mis souri river gateways, Kansas City to Omaha, Inclusive, on July 7, i and 9. Four special ex curslons will also lie run by tbe Rock Island from Colorado common points to Chicago and intermediate stations on June 23, July 12 and 20 and August 4. These excursion tickets both east and west bound, will be limited for return nassugo to October 31 . The Rock Island Announce Pa Intention of placing in scrvic special trains for these excursions, leaving Chicago at n p. rn. aim innam inu ruu iu Colorado with only one night, on the road Chicago Tribune. HARVEST NOTICE. Lexington, Mo., May 1, 1901 I wish to inform you that I am now agent for tbe McCormlck Harvestlo Macbloe Co. both at Lexington and Wei lington. We now have samples of Binders, Mowera and Kikes set up at each place. Call at either of my Lumber Yard and look tbem over, and get prices and terms. 1 will also have at both yards a tall stock of Manila and Sisal Twine. Remember that McCormick'a ageota al ways bave a full line of repair 00 band which will save yon much time an money at harvest time. Respectfully, J. R. MOORKHKAD What Shall We Ilaye for Desert This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer It toJay. Try Jell-O, delicious desert. Prepared in two minute No baking! add hot water and set to cool, Flavors: Lemon, orange, raspberry acd straw At your grocers. 10 cents. 5 TO CUBE A COLO IN ONE BAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine -Tablets, All drogglata refund tbe money II It falls ' to cure. B. W. Grove's signature is on 1 acb box. 25o. WILLIAM D. RANKIN President. W. B. TBVIS Vice Pres. LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, LEXINGTON, PAID UP CAPITAL, Doea a general banking business. Solicits account. Liberal accommodations to Customers. DIRECTORS BF NICHOLSON WD RANKIN JOHN K RYLAND B HOFFMAN A O YOUNG STOCKHOLDERS 1 M Chapman Walter B Waddeil DVB Tevla WD Rankin Fannie W Barton H B Duke, Curator Jackson Bradley . oao0Haii B Hoffman Rafua Young Alice W Wlngate A G Young Henry C Wallace MEW SERVICE VIA SAN ANTONIO, VIA WACO, 8. A. & A. P. and SOU. PAC. AND TO AUSTIN. VIA ELGIN AND H&T. C. Through Tourist Sleeper; -TO- CALIFORNIA, Via SAN ANTONIO and SOU. PAC Quickest and Best Line to MEXICO. "KATY FLYER" St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City ALL TRAIN HAVg ' FREE KATY CHAIR CARS and BUFFET SLEEPERS. DcoricetabletS madewilKnur SPANISH LICORICE - unsurpassed iortureott,uuunit.uLua Top all Throat Affections 5old by Druo rsts everywhere op serxt y--, pfepa'd on receipt of price 'Sfuffty 863 Broadway NEW YORK SALZEiU'S SEEDS B , ,- WiLt MAKE YOU RICH" m y:fi.rr, t ,aalainw n&nt.nteiik. bntatu. iAtr&rj?'?. strtii-vrts liw it out evenf Ui CfttviiitnatlA Corn. jSiT On- ,f it Mucru art, .n.WUInotttlTCt 12t:iiii'f hv fierifre. First .L nmliaif W-t. -A SV. Lmi' Baflntj AIILT Lril .itVM -"JZZ - 1 (to bo h4 r .'..) H.u'. ej!.,I'iSi,w...-l'i... 3.Vc,lbW.U,.l. H I i - 'St; li Cft.Citiitfr.-fH. THE NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition. The Most Widely Read News paper "in America Time has demonstrated that the Thrlce-a-Week World stands alone in its class. Other papers hare imitated its form but not its success. This is be cause it tells all the news all the time and tells it impartially, whether that news be political or otherwise. It is. in fact, almost a daily at tbe price of a weekly and you can not afford to be without it. Republican and Democrat alike can read the Thrice-a-Wsek World with absolute conlidence in its truth . In addition to news, it publishes first class serial stories and other features suited to the home and fireside. The Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year and ibis pays for 156 papers, we offer this uuequalled newspaper and the In telligencer together one year for $1.75. fit TO IS LI aa-akataati aW ft a WAL-UELL t WALTER B Cashier. MISSOURI. $50,000 WALTEK B WADDELL D W B TEV13 W G MoCausland J Q Chambers G A Rrlehn Henry Halnkel E F Nicholson L 0 Chapman ' Jno E Ryland Mrs 8 Reulck Bettie W Smith C E Chapman ' B A Wallace M44 RACKS O & ' EXASo : r Effective March I Oth, I90i the Jt '.:. ., ., h ; y. .A Announces the Opening of its & Red River Division , oo'I'Ot) Denison and Sherman,' Texas. . Through Train Service will shortly be established from St. Louis and Kansar City over the J J Shortest Line to Texas WAWlUrlllllirilfl " lit I I I - 1 mmm n ii'iiliiiii AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD ,&BBB3MBSi 1 PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO AND POINTS IN AND territory beyond. W. 8. LYONS. Passenver and TleketAa-ent.HliKrinsvllU'.tfo GEO. J. Oil arltom, G..P. & T. A., Cblcao,'ll.