Newspaper Page Text
ical Society r a rtte 1 encer. LEXINGTON, LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1901. VOL. xxxl No. 29 e&tngton was here Higginsville. John McClaln, of Dover Mooday. Harry Kwell, of Kansas City, spent Sunday here. ' , John W. Le'". of Corder was in town Tuesday. H. c. Loouey ha1 basloesa 13 Lex l3(rtoo Sunday. Albert Shelton, of Slater, visited in minsviUe Sunday. Harvey Asbury made a flying trip to Kansas City last Kiaay. Mm. Sanford Thornton, of Lexiog J. was here Wednesday, Mr. and Miss Soholle, of Alma, were liters in our city luesaay rhn Reed received a fine Dane dog tram Kansas City this week P-ffrsgman Cooney, of Marshall, .as ia Higginsville Wednesday Miss Mabel Mourve spent Monday ithher brother In May view Harry Powell, of Kansas City, visit ed llitfginsville fnem" 5un(IaJ Miss Mary Willie Redd, of Dover, visited friends here Wednesday Mrs. Chas. Lifiser, of Corder, was in nicginsville shopping Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Winn, of Dover ,pent Wednesday In Higginsville Art Van Doern, of Kansas City spent Sunday here with friends Many Higgiusvllleians attended ike August meeting at Dover Sunday. Born, in this city, Monday, Aog. 12 Ml, to Mrs. D. ti. Uanoook, a boy Miss Jessie Green returned Sunday lrom a visit to friends in Kansas City Ida Torp returned Friday from visit to Lillian Bonham at Kansas City Will Kelley shipped a oar load of bogs to Kansas City Tuesday evening. Mark Belt shipped a car load of work horses to 1 Hjno Monday night. Mr. Chis. Dysart and sister, Miss Ola, of Djveri were to this city Thurs day. Mrs. Robert Maddox returned Sun. day from a two weeks' visit at Colom bia. Hugh Baker, of Columbia, spent Monday here the guest of Robert Mad- dei. Mrs. Campbell, of Kansaa City is visitiner her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Al m Fields. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beasley visited relatives and friends In Sweet Springs Sunday. J. 0. King left Monday for El Keno, with his two race horses Flossie B. aud Rnsteioa. Miss Effie Craig, who has been quite , ill for the past six weeks, is now con valesoent. Miss Minnie Hickman is visiting her .I.,- Un .1. W. Browning, nesr Blackburn. Miss Matelle Mourve left for Louis isna, .Missouri, Thursday for an ex- tended visit. The Misses Haas and Miss Laura Frerklng. of Corder, were shopping here Friday. Miss Vera Garrett, of Odessa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reed the latter part of last week. Joe Hackley, Jiru Blevina, John Mc Canoe and Clark Salyers loft for Okla coma country Tuesday. John Willis, traveling salesman for Barton Bros.' shoe house at Kansas City was in town Friday. Miss Sallie Uarrolson, of Belton, Missouri, was the guest of Mrs. Walter Chiles several days this week. Mrs. Lane Vermillian and children are here visiting home folks. They left w.hs.h.. tnr rink Grove to visit Mr. Vermillion's father. Campbell Well," grand master of tl,..i . Mr Ynnnni. 3. vr. IBkMUUlKt . ' W. of State of Mo. Wm. F. Huho, J. G. U. Stale of Mo., and Mrs. Kuhu, Rev. G. Y. iuinn, of Odessa; Mr. Waters, of Lex ington; Dr. Southerly and wife of In dependence, Mr. Murdock, of Piatt. burg, were among those who attended the laying of the corner stone of the new hospital at foe "Confederate Home." Misses Minnie Karsmever and Anna Fanrnieler are spending ihe week with relatives and friends in Kansas City. Quite a number from adjoining towns attended the laving of the corner stone at the Home Wednesday. Mms lea Marshall returned to her home in Kansas City, Wednesday, alter month's visit to Mr. and Mrs Iloefer. Wellington. ' ling his stay, which began Wednesday John Woelfenkamper, of Napoleon, niorniig was here Monday. Miss Kittle Fulkerson came up from There was a great crowd of people Lexington Tuesday, and spent the day in town Saturday. with lne family of H. B. Corse. The attendance at Mr. Seth Leber- Misses Ethel Johnson, Gracie Mann man's sale Sstnrdav wu r irood. and Ethel Larkm left Monday for a Hon. II. F. Blackwell, of Lexington, I ww" w,tn lQ0 m transacted Ip(t1 hn.inei. here VriHav. '""S" """" . ' J Mr. and Mrs. Blanc and daugnter, Miss Edna, of Quincy, Illinois, who are visiting relatives near Alma, spent Sun day in this city. Mr. Jacob Reinhard has been con Sned to his room for several days with rheumatism. Judge James Cowgill, of Kansas 1 1 City, was here Friday looking after his farming interests. The initial issue of the Wellington Wave was received with words of praise from every side Saturday. An eotertaioment was given there Thursday evening; which was attended by quite a number of junior beaux and belles from here. Lealma. Waverlv. Ben Cooper has returned trom Okla homa. Mrs. Steele is visiting near Mt Leonard. Tom Cannon left for Webb City one day last week. Col. Mountjoy, of Lexington, visited IJutte a number of young people . ,, . . . I were 'delightfully entertained at the Mrs. F. L. Myers returned to Kansas . ' . . . . . nome 01 Mrs, Kooert Liinss rriaay City Thursday evening after a two ' . evenina. j weeks' visit to her parents, Mr. and Waverly last week rs. W.J. Meigs. v M. Edwards and wife are , j . . . visiting miss Alice ucnv, 01 waienuu, Miss Gertie Bird, who has been ' , ,,, . visiting in Marshall. spending the summer with Miss Cora Maateraon. of near Blackburn. Gladdish at-her pleasant home near ' L vi8ilinir m this citv. loo if. n. jnuuicucBu iiuwm i - has been given the contract fori Miss Clara Lepold, of Jefferson City, material to erect a neW school house in I is visiting near this city. Tborp district, four niiles south of this I Will Miller left for Lawton, Iod city. I Ter., one day last week. The fnrniture for. the additional Svlvln Wilson, of Malta Bend, was in tions were beioir discussed the clap of I ,. . L . .. . . . . ... .. .. . . room to tae puoiw sonooi ouuuing nas i vvaverly oue day last week . . . a I town, returned to Kansas City Thurs day. Stonney Parker, D. Y. Prigmore, P. Rhodes, I. P. Taylor, Clarence Corder, of near Alma, attended the laying of the corner stone at Confederate Home, Wednesday. DEATH'S BONDS BROKEN. Lightning Op a Childs Casket and the Little One Speaks. Larned, Kan., August 13. At the town ot Hanston, twenty miles west of here, the 6 -year-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McPrease died, or seemed to die, Sunday morning. Funeral ser vices took place yesterday. On the way to the cemetery the' metallic cas ket was struck by a bolt of lightning,, and split open. Thereupon, to the amazement and consternation of the funeral party, the child sat up and called fur her mother. The horses were knocked down, but no other dam age was done. The little giri is in a fair way to recovery. It is believed she was ic a cataleptic state, from which thd shock of lightning aroused her. People living in the vicinity of Han ston, who were in the funeral proces sion, tell many strange stories in con nection with the oocurenoe. Some of tbem say that just prior to the flash of lightning, a peculiarly soft, mellow light appeared in the sky, which was so pronounced ia its difference from sunlight as to attract attention and oc casion comment, and that while the peculiar atmospheric or light condi- lightuing reviled their attention upon 1 k.n ..nnUi K 4 Ha' Kntt nf MtlflA. -. . . t t iL. AaMa n a mt K i it k ffrtl I.Anr M ail., t.r. flrlma. hn h been J tom joues BDU W.W 101 U lur " - w"- .. I , 1 I . 1 ... . . I . . taiii-i ti. f.miiiu. i r v nrim 1,00 "uu m "" tM"w '" - SpringBeld one day last week. it is also said tnat tne ngntninja, ai- " I Hsitri fc I I . . i l iL. U and J. T. Willis, left Friday rooming ' Mrs. Shearer, of St. Louis, Is visiting ter passing iorouKu w.uu, for Independence, where she , will -at- Uernl" Limoerg wiu in ,a lew uays r,at,Te9 , Waverly at presetJl. tend the Institute. ' . lhe 01 ,er,D . brick part or bis reswence on east t iud tkd mam. I August Erdman, of near Alma, I orick Dan oi bis resKienaA on east r m-u , , Mr. Al Iloefer entertained the mem- ;,c' P " . , . . mn(Wn lied our city a few days ago k... tUn rnn)ifl k t..irna nf thai r ' . Vr. Prank MnP nru nU frame front. Mrs. Frank MoClure, who has been passed along the running gear ot the spring wagon and out on the doable and single trees and burnt the end of the leather traces, so that When the horses that bad been knocked down struggled lo their feet, they were practically unhitched from the vehicle that contained the broken coffin and , I visiting in Greenwood, has returned ing. About .60 persons were present rr,u" -i home and a very plaesant evening was spen, 7V7V W. Slusher, ot Kansas City is A merry little crowd visited the I ' lhe adinir work 1S pro. Home" Wednesday, aud made the . . . B. Slusher of this city. ' What is thooght to be one of the evening gay with inusio and dancing. wi. , , .. Mrs. Minnie Herndon, of near Mar- Ltrangest features of the remarkable Those in atfendance were, Misses j'; .. , shall, who baa -been visiting. relatives oceurrence in which strengthens -the Myrtle Carter, Jessie Carpenter, " ' " .. here returned homo-last Mooday. belief of those who contend that it. was Elvanor Warren, Ruhamah Scearce, . ' . m w. Miiw nf Phetonn . Ko.. a manifestation of the divine power, is . , .... ... T..1,. 18 SeriOUSIV SlCt Wlin. ijpnuiu r- Ada mcuaniei, jvamrvu u - . ha4 viit.inr relative in that nobodv was killed or even serious- . . ... i until unnnti ninrBinir. t . 1 " " ' i ' Hartman, Nettie Barksdale, Lucile ' ' . ' J . w.oorlv inr vral weeks, has return-1 Iv hurt ov the lightning Carter, LIna Johnson, and Miss Max- Mrs. J. t. i.arain receivea . , . Mr. and Mrs. McPrease are well-to well, of Kansas City; Messrs. S. J. oa-uraaj . u , . h liye ,he MiKCbM. Dyer, Dr. G C. Cham- Lucy Meyers, of Denver Colorado, M s Viola BjJ rt o nea Mt They have three berlain, Chas. Dyer, M. T. Hartman, announcing tne aeatno, r; rZlK"" .iMr. other children, two girls and a boy. Claude Willis, Ralph Holbrook, J. T. law, Mrs. Homer meyera . lu ZZ""' Tbey were raised in the Catholio faith, Grimes.E. W. Holland'aud Bea Hoefer. August 8. but have not been church attendants Mnr than 1.500 persons witnessed Many persons in Wellington win oe ., . ther. ,g no Cwh. the laying of the corner stone for the glad to know that through letter. re- vls.t,ng relative. m f olio congregation In their neighbor. ... LLy hnihiina- the Confed- centlv received it is learned that the Grand Pas. for several weeks returned has been pros- erate Home at Higginsville Weduay. health of M. P. Burgee, has materially home last Satotd.y. The ceremonies ' were under the improved sinoe nn - auspices of the Daughters of the Con- sior Springs, Mo. The German school will open Mon federacy and the Masonic lodge, and John Workman's face bore a broad daJt August 19. were directed by Grand Master wens I smile Saturday, ana an wecauso u.. hood. Mrs. McPrease has been pros. . trated since the return from the cemetery, and' almost hysterical at times, and it is feared her mind may have been affected. Ike P. Taylor bad business in Lex ington Saturday. 1 Born, Monday, August 12, to Mrs L. T. Brackman, a son II. C What a Mother Gives. Said a mother to me one day-: "When my children were young I thought the very best thing I could do r.nrAnr and son. Emmet, of for them as to give them mvself. So of Platte City. As is always the case wife, who with other .memoero oi vne when the Masons are in charge, the family are living in independence, programme was carried out most sue- came down to spend Sunday with bim cesstully, Many interesting and im- at the old borne on his island home pressive addresses were made i oy east of town. . Marshall, were here Monday and ( spared, no pains to talk with them, to prominent speakers. me ... u. Mr9. Mary Walfcer, alter a nay o T prfty wUh lbeiu l0 bfl , articles deposited was long and inter- monln8i with her daughter, ' 8nd tr,end t0 WJ esting. It will be puonsnea ... Mrs. H. A. Williams, returned thi. children. I bad to neglect mv house in the next issue of the intelligence, n(,gday morning to ner nome jn " " - . . , with the names of depositors. Lamonte, Mo., accompained by Mrs. Place Bu J- ' h, whioh l ghould Williams, who will probably begone The c A. na, pu in n igu.- - I was so busy adorn ,.r ihr weeks. ators at all small stations along the ,.,..' Wheat, Corn and Stocks, p.nnrii frnm msnv points in Mis- soun, Illinois, Kansas and other corn states are to the effect that corn is still deteriorating, borne improvement was .... -:l.. shown in Kansas, out it was bi.Bi. Vi-anoe reports a shortage in wheat, the consul general at Marseilles estimating that 56 million bushels will oe requireu fmm abroad. About 20 million bushels of soft wheat will be supplied that country from the United States. The Government crop report snows losses ou all the grain-carrying roads of ihe country, and the stocks of these roads have taken a slump. The same report has influenced operators to buy oorn and the pnoe has gone booming. Wheat has also advanced. Arrangements bave been made by k. noitoflioe department at Washing- from the wagons oi mo . delivery system. The innovation will shortly go into effect. ing their minds and cultivating their hearts' best affections that 1 could not adorn their bodies in fine clothes, though I kept tbem neat and com fortablo at all limes. "I have my reward now. My sons are min sters of the gospel; my grown op daughter a Christian woman. I bave plenty of time now to sit down M, V.MrFrv. of St. LOUIS. Mo.. "eStern a,V,9I0D- :"" J f I . ... i... hn md section foreman on the Messrs. Louis Fagen and II. v Wellington section, and we understand Franke spent last week visiting friends he has rented property and is expect- ana relatives uwu hi famiiv to arrive in a few days. Farmers olaim now with those last We trast tbey may find it a pleasant few rains and what more might come place to live and enjoy their stay with late corn will make half a crop any ... way wv I - l r j n ' wrfnpuUv. Aurnst 14.1901. Robt. C. Frerkiog, of the late firm Lnd re8tl plenty of time to keep my lift lit m w j n I ...I . .... f. a v iih.rhimn. nf Horstmao & rrerking, grain aeai. hoUge 1D order, plenty ot time to in to me who ui on. . -- . , , . a girl. Clerks in the store bad to stop era, has accepted a position in the dulge myself, besides going about my r k-.-o. r National Bank of Commerce, at Kan- Mnater'a business wherever He has bim from iransauwuK uuoiuo i i- i- ,i, .f,rnnn nf that dav as sas L'lty. neod ot me. l nave a iduusbuu ubbuh l. ... hir that the customers Claud Marouis. deputy assessor, was ful memories oi meir cuuuuuou m uum. DU Id IK ov w I a I , , n i .l.l:.. kAi4a iik tAV n.A Mnt ht thpff hrtVfi trontt out were eiveo in some cases iwice iu Dere oaiuraay buukiuk uuu3 nuu iui 4 o I m 1 ixk.1A i akM T Kara lhA swaaL Ann. . . a. 1 1 ..I nniia a nn an riiifii. inai.tiN. n ui d hi lug nuuui i uai v w uunuijr v ajw r- Judge Thomas E. Chinn was still Mr. Marquis took the merchant, able to make himself heard when he assessment M, for hi, borne in Independence Sun- Mr. and Mrs. J. T Prigmore left , khn.,b he had oried Thursday of last week for Denver, two big sale's and hollowed at every Col., where they expect to spend at o ' ,.. . n.nnihi Inr the henefit of .klM I hflr PHIT1H IHBHt Bj TV v UlViivmi w w man, with In two hundred yards of him dur-l Mrs. Prigmore s health. sciousness of having done all I oould to make them ready for whatever work God calls tbem to do." Selected. The Kansas City Karnival Krewe Minitoka" festival is a dream of the past. The flO.OOO-house-for-a-tl lot tery is all off. ,'S7 v. . i -