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t THE INTELLIGENCER'S f2 ' M$K f. M jdf'l bx Mjf fftil If PW' : : - L1FE-S I PS AND DOWiiS The Kindness of Heart of Ei-Gover- nor Stewart. Current newspaper itory eives Dubli. cation to the following interesting in- i;iuem 01 past bistory: A few years ago while Kobert Stewart was governor of Missouri, a steam-boat man was brought in from the penitentiary as an applicant for a pardon. He was a large, powerful fel. low and when ihe governor looked at hiui he seemed stranrii: .ffM Finally he signed the document that restored the prisoner to liberty. Be fore be banded it to him h ,.,h "Yon will commit some other crime and .be in the penitentiary again, I fear. " The man solemnly promised that be x j HASU'EL I'AVIS of Saline Co. I t I I C Ch Q t. I yp 'If' fW f m ym B. F. WALKER nt st ' .. " V'a ' I I wuum not. The goveroor looked doubtful, mused a few minutea and said: "You will go back to the river and be a mate I suppose?" The man replied that be would. Well I want you to promise me one thing. rwat J0U tQ pJ word that when you are mate again ou will neer take a billet of wood in your hand and drive a sick boy out of a bunk to help you load your boat ot a stormy night." The steamboat man gaid that be would not inquire what the governor meant by asking him such a question. Y T W W w -WWWWWWWW.Sfc.SV.Amm.A.m. "'"": ALOXZOD.BURXES of Platte Co. WHILE all Missourians SPmr.irp thf uArorr from politics to that extent that different conventions are provided for the nomi nation of judges, supreme, court of appeals and cir cuit, the next race for su preme judge of the state promises to develop one of the liveliest contests ever known in Missouri. The Intelligencer to day presents a "picture gallery" containing the familiar faces of fourteen of the aspirants to this honor. There will be three va cancies to fill at the elec tion in 1902 places now held by Judge Sherwood, who has been in office thirty years, Judge Bur gess, who has served ten years and Judge Valliant, four years. The salary of a supreme judge is 5j,ooo per year and thus it will be seen that Judge Sherwood has drawn from the people of the state for .AUAU Is. til VAN of Cass Co. The governor replied: "Because aome day that boy may become a governor aud you may want him to paraon you lor a crime. One dark stormy night many years ago, you stopped vour boat 00 the Mississippi river to take on a load of wood. There was a boy on board who was working his passage from New Or- leans to St. Loun, but he was very sick of fever and was lying in a bunk. You had plenty of men to do the work. but you went to the boy with a stick of ' "uuu your nana and drove him A ! .... 1 itb blows and curses out into the wretched night, and kept him toiling until tne load was complete. I was that boy. Here is tbat pardon. Never again be guilty of such bru. tahty." The man. cowering and hiding bis face, went out without a word. What a noble revenge that was, and what a lesson to a bully. Are you superstitious? All during last May, at slated Intervals shadow. graphs or mysterious outline pictures appeared on the columns of the White House portico at Washington and no amount of investigation could deter mine from whence they came. In turn appeared profiles of Mr. Hanna, John onerman, Mother McKinlev at t i.i. nlng wheel and the fuce of the orcsi- uiuiKii. Auucues grew supersti tious and the matter u huin rsverted to as peculiar. A A A A A. A A A A A AAAAA . m. . . r-r PICTURE GALLERY OF SUPREME COURT CANDIDATES, J. W. HALLIBl'RTOXIof JasperCo. HON ALEXANDER, T A Rlircwnnn A SFLEXDID SUCCESS. Mexican Veterans Reamou-Those in Attendance. Many veterans of the Mexican war met at Independence. !tfo.. lt week and were royally entertained by me .people of that town. ADDendart will be found a list cf those in attend. ance, their respective aees and nlai-fin 01 residence: - " r Thos. D. Hoy, 78, Sedalia. W. Boone Major, 75, Odessa. James Martin, 75, Marshall. U. J. Williams, bwanwick. W. C. Snowden, Omaha. K. C. Evans, 73, Kansas City. L. G. Jebbins, 79 Madison. Jas. D. Chinn, 76, Lexington. Thos. J. It. Grant, Salina, Kan. J. S. Story. 75, Liberty. J. W. Shouse, 7G Kearney. W. H. Pence, 76, Kearney. G. A. Marshall, 72, Missouri City. R. M. Scott, 75, Keytesville. Jos. Bunberry, 76, Marshall. V. S. 1 Collier, 73, Marshall. J. A. Smith, 75. and wife, Lawson. J. M. Liddil, 75, Nevada. H. H. Richardson, 77, Salisbury. Wm. Kmbree, Cairo. R. T. Stephenson, 76, Liberty. Stephen Galloway, 77. New KrnW. lin. J. S. Miller, 75, Napoleon. Ellis Ellis, 78, Independence. A. Ereret, Pleasant Hill, . .&A.AAAAA A. .a. A. A. A. A. as.A..AA A A A I.EUOV 11. VALMANT. present Incumbent GRAVES of Lafayette Co. ' ' ' ' J. R. McCormick, 78, Sheffield Royal Dunham, 80, Blue Springs. L. W. Clark, 74, Kansas City. John Ilitchins, 74 Kansas City. A. K. McClintock, 80, Kansas City, Daniel Parrott, 77, Kansas City. David Powell, 96, Maryville. Thos. M. Jacobs, 81, Kistville. W. P. Robinson, 75, Bethany. Wiley Akin, 87, Independence. Marvin Scudder, 79, Kansas City. R. R. Walburn, 75, Crutcher, Mo. J. B. Winger, 77, Coboll, Mo. J. T. Wilson, 73, Endora, Kan. M. I). Gow, 69, Holt, Mo. W. F. Cloud, 76, Kansas City. Morgan DeLacy, 76, Holt. Tbos. JI. Calvert,' 73, Bolton. Paul R. Baker, 78, Westport. Josiah Curtis, 71, Indepencence. W. B. Hale, 79, Lexington. R. F. Spurry, 77, Bethany. John Wall, 82, Molton, Mo. Thomas Howser, 80, Tuscumbia. John H. Slaughter, 71, Slater. Jas. Peacock, Independence. Isaao George, 79, La Trobe, penn. M. P. Leltz, 85, Fnltou. Jas. Rowlin, 80, Hiler. David Bcasall, 09, Independence. M. M. Bosye, 76, Myers David Lamer, 70, Farley. TO CURE A COLD IB UNE DAT Ttki Laxailra Hro " UJtfl. All droffffliiB refund th ... to ourt. B. W. Grovs's slgnatura i. oa aonbox. 25a, ' .... aVV - - " ' " - VWm A, A A . ill 4 JAMES L. FORT of Suxldury County. services in this capacity $1 50,000 while Judge Bur gess has been paid but one third of that amount, or $50,000. Both are can didates for re-election. The familiar face in the center of the Intelligen cer's group of candidates in today's issue is that df the Hon. Alexander Graves of Lexington, who will be earnestly supported by Lafayette county for a place on the bench. Judge Graves stands at the top of the bar as a lawyer, is a man of splendid legal training and of a natural judicial turn of mind. He is well known to Mis sourians as he has repre sented one of the districts of the state in congress and that with distinction. The private life of Judge Graves is spotless and no man in the state has with in his makeup more of the elements of firm char acter and gentlemanly in stinct. AS TO P1SKY BLITZ.""-" A Word Picture ol the Noted Kansas City crook. William Marion Reedy, the versatile editor of the St Louis Mirror, com ments as follows on one of Kansas City's noted characters: -Kansas city boasts a citucn with the euphonious nomenclature Pinkv Blitz. Mr. Pinky Blitz soems to have a faculty of spectacular boodlnnmm supported by some sort of pull that renders him immune to police prose wuuu, oui ne is a eod-send m ih. editorial writers of tht AVAAllnnl paper, the Kansas City Star. Thn able inkslingers are hypnotized by the harmonics ofjthe name. They adapt all their editorial rhyrns to the measure 01 those tinkling and sizzling and pro- syllables. Plakv Blitz! Iwt you find in it a most beautiful blend of suggestion, something of oeachfl. .n cream and Dresden china, lightning, escaping steam. blizzr.l. ....... felines. Pinkv mint tua ma I and the swiftness of the tz are indicative of the gentleman's nullibiety j ne suuriness 0! .,UKui oy me Dol ce Th twinkle and sputter briefly and are rinit! There you think of a 'lower. Wit! 1, lm tri nnl . . Blitz" , ru"! 01 wt'"1 rink, a all U t"-. le-lite It. evanescence, a great soriirht n.... 1. 1. . . t;ooCttedt0,,.ngr auabwi allh, can ayifterhTS ''VS'- YW A. M. WOODSON of St. Joseph. " 1 EDWIN Ptl.YEIt oft'nlr (0. climbed one of the bills. It describ! almost perfectly the flashing & descent of Kwvili' aver now 4 sliDoerv atih It-h a dvnW quality cbaraoteristio of the town.h1 it lacks the conservative, slow V of the name of St. " Louis' tYP41 cl" cen. Abe Slnn.kv Kansas City proud of Pinky Blita. It rolls the nj as a sweet morsel under its tongue, hears the words in the morning olink of iha im In thfl Ditcher asti boy comes ud the hall.' When t' small boy throws a atone on thefo: loe of winter over the qu"f H the missile skipping to the tw1 shore irllio nut tho words. Blitz. A recent Kansas City rhapsody describes the sun as setting in of pale, pellucid, Pinky Blitzneaa . unuoag Vllf liiv w Pinkv mil. ., thuir throsfi claiming tbat it is the delicate rea " spondence of the electric yello' baby blue. And yet a very greet P has told us thero's nothing in a"1" He had never heard of Pinky BliW' ha hrnA lia nn.i.nH n..l.t hftVfi foood a Dlaca for It in iA Mi.iauiuuier Droara,' or mayhap he would fitted its ethereal cBdcnoes eonxhs' 1... .I..U . ... -L-.mJ rfiTl" mo uib iueai 01 mat uncnai" of enchantment, tho sea coast of , homla.' Pinky Blitzl A name to set soft, tlntinabulating flying among the hills of KaneU nu periecuy attuned to uie "rr tht storied Kaw." 1 11 mm HI' I mm