Newspaper Page Text
I: Vil 7 at George Hyde left Monday x.,toenter Vassar r. jw. mtt left fr K.nMB r... Saturday evening f0l , few dav,. I Tlstt. Ul d i.rvQ -ft fr Iran. Clty'Frldav Mn,inn ... ... Bui. j I .. ' -b !!. ner a,ic ui niiuiuwuu, i mother. m a gupdaj here ungues o. .... u,s( J i C : wrroukewle. N. faille Erskiae, of Kaosas City, college. , m . i i. . rcum. hi ui orart i. u in LeJlngtou to speud acuuble of weeks a If n wi1..i from; i fW " Mr.. Tim Gallivao left for Kansas v., Ut:uay morning for a v s It to friends and relatives. ; . - i Mrs. vt. uarteos left for Curder Wednesday morning tl visit her Mrs. R. J. Wilson and little daugh ter, Miss Laura, left Tuesday evening for Little Bock, Ark., for an extend ed visit, futnam Fadeless Dye produces the Miss Nettle Cromwell, of Indenen- fastest and brightest oolors of any dence. snent Sundav hri the went, known dye stuff. Sold by Chas. W. of John Morrison and family. n,, a Ttsll W s.aosas uiy l ' '-iia.. a. ; ilisesf Deal d Ella Good t of ifca'artastokv: Mo., returned CF.U ' lurn pewrrtTtd holoaday mother, Mrs. Rodekolir. ;h, from Mrs. R. S. Stlffler add son left for lBow- St Louis Sunday morning for a visit D. fchewaltr ion a -nne- oay to friends and relatives, Monday. . w .ux. .o. Mr Km Chamber8 came . ( I ta I p 1U Kansas City Friday nlglit for a visit Hra. B. & Ireland lea ror Kansas to bis mother and sisters, f. Tuesday, morning. tor a vim w Mrg, Wll)am Griffill) Qf n, Uds and relatives. ,IUe( gpeDt URy nere tne of 1. H. Capbe and wire relumed R. L. Brelsford aod family. o BlgBlDSTIUB ""'"'"i uike Conners returned Sunday r a few v" evening from a several days visit to n. Jame Robinson returned SaU Sedalia friends and relatives. 'tot evening from a visit to friends jd relatives alTlpion.,, fctoud Johntoo- left for ' Liberty Lday moBlngf where he will enter mm Jelloliet. ' ! .... I Cd MlSS Rose jrnocw reiurneu wat. Is Saturday oljrtaV ter a tlsit W ods and relatives here. W Addle Lamborn, of Kansal ty. came down Tuesday evening to II -"-- - Mlaa nilno Parlor loff Ka.,Ha Vbert Nicholson, of Kansas City, m0rnlng for Kansas City to resume tent Sunday here with bis parents, ner )utle!, M teacher at Whlttler i. sad Mrs. Frank Nicholson. gcbooi. Vjol. Sasauel J. urysaaie rewiroeo Ml89 NaDcy nuaton arrived home loday evening from a tea days' vlalt Saturday night from a three weeks' bis old bom t Sweet bprings. Tl81l frend8 and reiauves In Kan. Cleveland. Re left Friday algbt sas City St. Louis," after a twit or a rew j8meg Drysdale left Monday morn- W bere to bla fattter aaa sister. Dg for Kansas City, sfter a visit of visa Annie 'Do wden came in from several days bere to bis brother and kllvllle Tuesday evening for a visit sisters. the family of Charles s. Mitcnen. Mr( Dr. c. A. Nlckell, of liar Charts EKelboff and1 Mia i Mary wood, came In Monday night tor a els, of Kansas City, spent Sunday I visit to ber mother, Mrs. Elisabeth rs the guests of Mrs. Margaret Eckle ell GUARANTEE We the undersigned Reed Manufacturing Com pany, do hereby certify that Vaughan & flcCIelland of Lexington, M.ssouri, has an agency for Reed's Patent Anti-Rusting Tinware. We hereby war rant and guarantee against rust, each and every piece of our anti-rusting tinware. Should any be returned rusted at any time we Guarantee to re place same with new goods free of charge. In Witness Whekeof, we have hereunto affixed our cor porate seal and sifrnature this 20th, day of June 1901. Reed Maufacturing Company, KwTork Misses Tillie and Adeline Bour left Wednesday morning for Kansas City to visit friends for a few days. Miss Fannie John returned home Tuesday evening from a two weeks visit to hei brother, Charles John, at W. F. Kerdolfl, Jr., whd was called home on account of the serious ill. ness of his father, arrived Tuesday night and will remain until his father Is better. The High Five club was enter tained Friday afternoon by Miss Edna Strarucke at her hospitable home. The first prize, a book, was won by Miss Mary Gra vet, and the booby prize by Miss Maude Burden; refreshments were served. If you are troubled with Inodorous brettb, beart burn, fUtnleoee, betdaebe, acidity, pain after eating-, loea ol appe tite, perelitent melancholy, or low spirits. You need a tonic, a lew doeee oi Herbine will give you tbe recuperative force to remove tbeee aleordere. Price, SOoenU. For sale by Crenebaw A Youog. 9 7ml Mrs. Charles Weediu and little daughter, Nettie, left Saturday even ing for Rock Springs, Wyoming, to Join her husband, who has a position there. She was accompanied as far as Kansas City by Mrs. S. T. Bene dict and Miss Kate Murphy. E. 6. Loom is received a telegram Saturday evening from Durant, I. T., announcing tbe death of Leonard II. Babbitt. Mr. Babbitt Is a brother of Mrs. E. G. Loorals. No particulars were given as to the cause of his death. !' ,1 i Li The meatei com way keeps a call book tke Mammoth livery stable, sad oa at iiQraadOeetralhoUl. Leave artere Lee Viae - Ift-fM UIm Sallie Gordon arrived borne cesdhur night from a tea days' visit I to her home Saturday evening, after required. For full particular call on F, Lf.nMa.n relative at Rfc. JftttDb I. ni.nuni. vlalt. t.n .h famllw nf T)r. Lee Wallace, agent. Lexington, Mo. 4-27 Miss Lucy Eobberts, of Kansas City, came In Saturday morning for a visit to ber cousin. Mrs. R. E Fleming. Miss Mary Belle Carter returned Loomls. Mrs. G. W. Hyde and daughter, Miss Laura, left for Kansas City Saturday morning for a visit to friends. Mrs. Dr. W. R. Eckle and daughter, Florence, left Tuesday morning for Lincoln, Neb., for a visit to her father. Eaimett Fleming and wife left left for Kansas City Saturday evening for a few days' visit to friends and relatives. Joseph Wolfe returned Sunday night from a three months' visit to bis son, Edward Wolfe, in Lead- vllie, Col. The tranifer company keeps a call book at tbe Mammoth livery stable and one at the Grand Central hotel. Leave orders at tbeee plaoes. tf Thomas flare, Sr., and John T. Majors returned from Sedalia Sat urday evening, where they have been attending the fair. Miss Llllle Quandt returned from Kansas City Sunday night, where she ha9 been on an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. G. C. Klst, Fob flLB I have for tale a good pay lag bail net, about two thousand oaah J. W. Meng. Mrs. S. R. Smith returned to her home In Kansas City Tuesday even Ing, after a visit to ber daughter, Mrs. Sallie Trigg. rhnreh of Chriat Scientist. Bondav Wednesday morning tor ner nome at MrvieM u follows: 10:30 a. m., Sunday llton, 111., after a visit with rela- UftoolUtSOk, a., at Knirhte of Pythias ball. All areoordlaliv milled. u fed Savannah. George B. Gordon wilt move to filgginsvllle from bis-farm near Lier this week where be will ingave In business. Tittle Miss Angelica Kauffmao left lives in Lexington. Mrs. James Finnell and daughter, Miss Marie Coss left nLauiarine.. returnea uooic muu-1 aiuruiug iur iuuhuouc. ui sveoina from a visit to friends accept a position as governess In the W relatives at Sedalia. famllf of Z. W. Wright. Mrs. RlooardV Cavaoaugh, Jr., re- Miss Harriet Shepherd, of Hume, Virted borne Iron Sedalis Saturday, I wDO Dag en visiting tbe family of ? ' . a . . toere she spent severs aays wiwi m, g, Mitchell, lert monaay moroioK f leads and attendedv the fair (or t visit, so friends at Waterloo. Ma Bulah BBona ot Wellington Mrs. Martha Utt. Mrs. Lockle Mrs. Talbot Simpson and her two children returned to their home near Aullvllle Friday night, after a visit to her mother. Mrs. Sadie B- Mo Clelland. Robert and James Ardinger left Friday evening for Hobart, I. T., where they will locate upon the claim which Robert drew in Uncle Good luck to you Isaac George, who lived in Lex Ington in the 40 's and who Is now a resident of the state of Penn sylvanh, is visiting old time friends here. Mr. George was with Donovan on his march to Mexico, having enlisted while a resident of Lexintr- ton along with several others. Wanted Several periona of character and good reputation In each state (one In tble county required) to represent and advertise old established wealthy buetoeee bouse of solid financial ttanding. Salary 18 00 weekly with expensee additional, all payable In cash each Wednesday direct Irom bead offloee. Horse and carriages turniBbed, when necessary. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Manager, 316 Caxton Building, Chicago Mrs. n. W. Wlnsor gave a party to the little folks at her home on Six teenth street from 3 to 6 Friday Elder and Mrs. E. J. Fenster- afternoon in honor of her little niece, macher, Mrs. Jennie Allen and Mrs Angelica KaufTman, of Alton, III Emma Peddlcord left for Mexico Games were played and refreshments Monday morning to atteni the State served. About twenty little folks co-operative convention of the Chris- were present. A dainty little sou tian church. venlr was given each of the guest Misses Louise and Jeanette Kyland, Mrs. E. P. Ryland and her two Kansas City, who have been vis- children, who have been visiting tbe itlng the family of their grand- family of ber father-in-law, Judge father, Judge John E. Ryland, for John E. Ryland, for the past week, some time past, returned home Sat- left Friday evening for a few days' Saturday morning. visit in Independence and Kansas White's Cream Vermifuge ie essentially City when she will go to El Paso the child's tonic. It Improves tbe dlges- Texas, to loin her husband and In tion and assimilation of food, strengthen- tv fu ure reside nor th nervona system and restorins I - - - . . i . r. . r , w them to the health, vigor and elasticity Married, ai oweei aprings, mo. of spirits natural to childhood. Price, 26 September 17th, at 6 O'clock p. m. cents. For sale by Crenshaw & Young. at the resldonce of the bride's father The Missouri Pacific has completed John Bellamy, by the Rev. A. P, William J. Bandon and wife and son, William Edward, came in Sat urday night for a visit to Mr. Ban don's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bandon. D. L. Mitchell, Leslie Mitchell and Drew Crews left Tuesday morning for Hobart, I. T. Mr. Mitchell goes to build on tbe claim he drew In the. recent land lottery. Mr. Crews will file on his. Take life aa it comes, and make tbe most of all circumstances, but for bad oongh or cold, take Bollard's Horehound 8yrup, tbe best known remedy for quick relief and sure cure. Price, 25 and 60 cente. For sale by Crenshaw ft Young, Of Saturday Sam'8 lottery' Has., tor"81 JoseDh G. Chinn and Wm, Hale returned Friday night from Indepen dence, where they have been attend mg the annual reunion of Mexican veterans. The next meeting will be at Columbia. Married, In Kansas City, Septem W 1A IQni William Nnnliplm nnd U Mtes Hattle:Sbepard,x)fHome speooer, Miss Birdie Utt and Miss rlora BennId(e Tlie young couple arrived here Monday nigh irrlved MondayelgW, having been County Clerks' jailed bere by vtM serious illness of state, to be held ! I Mr. and Mrs. rraoa the Infant son o Carter, Wed Friday olgtt ior a: visit to jjeU Hoffman spent Sunday In Hig- m family of Charles & Mitchell' - ginsvllle, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mies Peart - Bout Tetaraed frotri AlFouldi. Malta- Kstntday -evening, where she ooro-busrs sprained wrista. barbed. M been ipendltr -ftw-etajl wltb wire sate ssd apwlas, ersatej I .11 aaa Mtrslnlrl hen lead WllAel 3r iliter and attending ttw fair, ' . V. romDtiv 1 SXaiieisw w evHwn w w B. W. 7)aeblet,''0f BTackbarn, TB ,pBlwi. prloe,25 andMoente. For sale m, aftar a cieaaant visit with the Sanford Thornton md wife left famllf of bligranafatlnfr.n. tinkler. Monday morning; for St. Louis to Ml Josle Doric, of Kansas City; attend tbe annual meeting or tne 'ir- ' m i. a m.-imi Mconiiof inn nr .iif aa3VAliawivsa wa September 17, 18, 19. The ladles' missionary meeung that was U have convened at tbe JUrried. la thai nrobate offlce. In Presbyterian church on ursoay. elty. toii&m 18. by .Judge September 19tb. h8been postponed until tne ionuwug account of memorial services to be held that day. WANTKD-Several peneosol character aad good reputation ia nob elate (one id thia eoautv required) to represent aad advertise old esUbllebsd wssltny business bouee of solid flnenclsi sunaing. oaiary fl8.00 weekly with e)xpnee additional, . . . a. lll.J-..Jaa Jlsani fMm baad offloee. none sou orriB- furolihed, when nejoetssry. weierenc Enclose telt-sddreeeed sumped envelope Maoager.SlSCaxtoa unnaing, vuicagu. Fr&nifliStewart was very successful with ArTstock at tlie Sedalia fair, na'sfoVed two Jacks, a draft horse and a saddle mare, and captured four ribbons. He captured Brat pmo on draft stallion; first on Jack 2 years old and over; second oo Jack 4 years nA and over: second on saddlo mare rm.i. la almarlnir UD Dretty WCll for nid Lafavette for prizes at this fair, .n muah was ihowo from so maor dlffercDt pmrtiof tha oouotrr. and will spend a week with the family of Mr. Nauhelm's uncle, Mr, David Haecker. The members of tbe Christian oburoh have extended Elder E. Fenstermucher a call asking bim to remain here another year. He will accept. He has been bere for three years and Is very popular, not only with his congregation, but every body. tanes P. (linn,, Edward- LwHardfo, f Sedalls and. Miss Mary Luebbert, CpMbrdla.rF; IMBnckrraPils OUtnMst to ot a i t v""ir- r i. ana it m .tPrloe,60 W I ee.U. For eale Ufcwti llstadtna Mrs? PleTwntWcsiJcBMg0, arrived WeB- oedt arnlog,- having t been called htn W ertous Illneas ef thelf John it ; ; and wits left Honday noual mUuot'tlia fJoont; Clerks' Mociatlon Df tbe ' sUte, inien ' n session beptembeT 17-19. TboBMBAaatiflkr'wmi torrid liver, pro- 4Mlt .treat depreeatoa l eplrtu, lexil tNtlog.aoaatiMiiAB. hutohe. etc. Her- e will attM-uta tki niter, keep tb4 vegWaftf a4 eetra fcesMWet "resey Uptrilet Mist, Mm Appleby, R. Sam Hays and Sallie Bellamy Prlgmore. Mr. Is well and favorably known having been born aod raised Mrs, Hays here, here. ""at rr . ,l,OJTP.P.S with stale eggs, tflue and other things are not fit to drink. Lion Coffee is pure, uncoated coffee fresh, strong, well flavored. TImmsM paokamla. ana nniform uuJltT aad InahnaM. i Secret Work Olven. Tbe secret work of the Kulghts of the Maccabees was given to the members of Elliott tent, recently organized in Lexington, Friday night by R. R. Anderson, great commander of the order of Missouri, assisted by District Deputy Organizer Speidel, through whose work the tent was put in. The work was done In the K. of P. Hall, where meetings of Elliott tent will probably be tem porarily held until permanent quar- ters are secured. Tbe remainder of the officers were elected last night as follows: John Schofield, record keeper; Irvln Tevis, finance keeper; R. II. Woraack, chaplain. Great Commander Anderson re turned to St. Louis Saturday morn ing, but Sir Knight Spetdel will re. main over until after Monday night's meeting. Tbe tent will meet the second and fourth Monday of each month and start out under most favorable circumstances. Public Schools. ' The pupils of the public schools have got settled down to business and things are running along as smoothly as could be asked. Super intendant C. A. Phillips must be congratulated upon the able mannei in which he has things arranged. Tbe following is the enrollment: Riverton .... 78 E. A. S - 72 Central .... 372 Second Ward - - 150 High School .... 08 First Ward ... 290 Total 1042 Homb Monkt TO Loan. On good real estate security. In sums of fSOO and up, at 7 per cent. No commission, no red tape. Apply to J. Q. Plattanborg. tl He Is seoretary of the Sweet Springs Milling company and a successful We extend congrat- a tank ana pumping station at tne Graddy mine, about three miles west of town, and will in the future get their water there instead of at Myrlck as heretofore. Mrs. William Meyers, of Kansas City, arrived Friday night for a visit business man. to her sister, Mrs. Alex Thoman. uiatlons, PL. h n I a4 VinrmA w hnl I OUe Was UCUUIUUUUICU UUUIC UJ UCI ...J , TTflVirnn In tfc. niece, Miss Amelia Thoman, who has -mnn .. np9p T wa immu 1 mi j sj swua j J I Mo.. Thursday. Seotember 12. by . . 1 a ' past two weeKS. R j h Kn,erllDi Leon Newem The Rev. u. w. waiKer, or 8chwander and Ml89 Hedwlg Ess Augusta, Ga., who spent several aays llDgeri The orde i8 wen known in Lexington, left lor his soutnern here ,avn resided here for the Dast home Wednesday morning. Mr. Walker preached two splendid ser mons at the Methodist church in Lexington Sunday. Joseph Wolf, one of Lexington's oldest and most highly esteemed citi zens, celebrated his 80th birthday Wednesday. Mr. Wolf has resided here for the past flfty-flve years and ten years, making ber borne with the family of U. G. Phetzing. Mr. Phet- zing and his wife attended the wedding. Distrlot Organizer Speidel, of the Knights of the Maccabes, who spent several weeks In Lexington and suc ceeded In organizing Elliott tent of this place, left Tuesday morning for Armstrong, Mo. Five New Macca- through his eommendalle deportment as a citizen bas won the respect of oee8 were added Monday night, and all. Though a good many miles on Elliott tent has indeed a bright the shady side of life's road the In- future In the world of secret societies. telligknceu trusts that he may live Mr Speidel made many friends while to enjoy many more anniversaries of jn Lexington who regretted to see his birth. him leave. DIFFICULT QUESTIONS Getting a pair of new shoes is a cause of worry to most people, and the following difficult questions naturally arise: 1 A Texas wonuer. 9 Where can I find a shoe that fits comfortably Where can I find the best quality in a shoe Where can I find the best Shoe for the money 9 We can answer these questions readily for you. Give us a trial and we can satisfy you with a comfortable fit, unsurpassed in quality and at a price that you must at once acknowledge to be reasonable. We solicit a liberal Rhare of your patronage. M. D. WI LSON. BALL'S GREAT DI8QOVEKT. One small bottle of Uall's Great Dis covery cures an auaney ana oiaaaei troublee, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions, wesk and lame backs, rheumatism and all Irregularities of tbe kidneys and bladder In botb men and women, regulates bladder troubles In children. It not eold by your druggist, I will be sent by mall on receipt ot fl. One small bottle Is two month's treatment. will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, St. Louis, formerlv Waco, Texas. Send for testi monials. Sold by Crenshaw A Young. BEAD THIS. Da Soto. IMo.. Aorll 17. 11900. I have been for years a sufferer from kidney and bladder troubles. I bave tried all reme dies that I could find and bad almost given up hope ot relief notll I tried Hall's Great Dleoovery, which cured me. 8. O SMITH. It takes a long time to close out a stock of Clothing. I have on hand about 100 Suits 150 Pair Pants 75 Overcoats and quite a lot of Boys Suits to sell at your own prices. Call on me and see whether I have what you want if I have Prices Will be Made to Suit You ... We have the only complete Furnishing Goods and Hat Stock. We aim to have everything in this line to suit your fancy and are proud to say that our Neckwear, Shirts and Underwear is all that could be desired Our stock of Woolens for Tailoring, is simply perfect. We be speak your patronage and will please you in Fit and workmanship. Suits to Order $25 to $75. In addition to our home work we have two sample lines from eastern tailors and can make suits for you from $13.50 up and promise you entire satisfac tion on that kind of work. Fr '''''' 04! Apples Wanted. I am In the market lor ail varieties ol tail and winter eppiee, tor which I will pay the highest cash price. I will bny your orchards or buy them delivered at my warehouse oo Broadway. C. M. Nsrr, 81tt Agent tor CsnnS, Scbopp A Co, Pill 1 Merchant Tailor ? orsataa Test. , 4