Newspaper Page Text
The leading rtoves and ranges for perfect construction, economy of fuel, handsome ap pearance. Over 3,000,000 in use. Famous for 35 years. For aale by leading dealers everywhere. Look for the trade-mark, and insist on seeing the genuine JEWELS. J-w-l Ht.vra at aM fcy L. Gillen Lexmgton, Mo. PLATFORM SUGGESTION. Mr. George W. Harris, president of the Bryan Traveling Men's club, after several weeks' consultation with mem bers ot tbe club and other prominent democrats, has formed some definite conelUBions as to what should be the leading features ol the next national platform of the democracy, says tbe Kepublio. He makes this statement: Tbe national platform of tbe demo cratic party for 1904 should deolare in favor of a government by the people, (or the people, as opposed to a govern ment by tbe corporations, for the cor poratlons, as now maintained under republican rule. ft should declare in favor of munici pal ownership of publio utilities, but against tbe socialist, and in favor ot lodivldual liberty with unobstructed und equal opportunity to every citizen a the raoe of life. It should denounce tbe doctrine of pioteotion as a sham and a fraud, ai .1 deolare iu lavor of friendly relations with all tbe world, and lotl ! nod declare l,n favor of a tariff f i revgnue ooy, so adjusted as 10 encour age all other nations to trade with us on just and equitable terms. H should deolare for ridding Ibis eoeutrr of that disloyal class of mur derers and assassins known as anarch ists, and for preventing their Immigra Hon hither in the future. Jt should declare that neither the eteeutira nor congress possesses any powers save those delegated to them by tbe constitution, and emphatically oodemn as unconstitutional tbe gov erniui of our Insular possessions by military and civil satraps appointed by the executive. Jt should declare that all trusts are saoTtopolies, and that monopoly is in compauble with freedom and free last! tutions; thai freedom and monopoly cannot lire la tbe same atmosphere ; that tbe inevitable effect of monopoly, whether of production, trade or labor, is to dethrone individual freedom and trample it under foot. And the party should pledge itself to dethrone the trusts and all other monopolistic or ganUatloos, and to restore .individual liberty and equality of ppportuailji n the pursuit of fortune sod happiness, by tbe quickest and most ral)ble meaas under tbe constitution. It should declare for a strict enforoe merit of tbe Monroe doctrine, and disclaim an false and slanderous the oft-repeated charge made by the public press of franea and of other foreign oountries that it is the purpose of tbe United States to acquire an; of the Central or South American stus but, to the oontrary, deolare that it tbe purpose of tbe United States to defend and protect tbe Integrity and sovereignty of these republics against any attempted usurpation of their ngbu held under tbe Jaws of oiviliaed nations &y py JJuropeau power what ever. It should declare that tbe Peglsra tion of Independence is true in every word and line, end applies to all the people of all the earth; that, politi cally speaking, all men are created free and jsqual.V and that ''all just gpvwnjjients derive their powers from the cflnupt Qt the governed;" and that the people of ill nation' have tho Inherent right to set Op and maintain such a government as lo their wisdom i best adapted to tbetr olvlliaatlon and needs; and that It i not compe tent for one people to pronounce, lo advannu nf iha ezoeriment, tbat another people is inoapable of government. It should denounce the admlnistra Hon of national affaire by the repub rfeM party on aooouot of Its continued Wd pfogrfssjye usurpation of powers not granted by the popstuunoo, uu for Its Inrldloiis and el,tt efforts in the vorld. Unequalled to obliterate the rights -of tbe states and to build upon tbeirQwreck a cen trained imperial power with a large standing army at its back to enforce Its edicts with the bayonet. It should declare for a strict construction of the constitution of the United States, for the preservation of tbe rights of the stales under that instrument, and for tbe maintenance of tbe right, of local self-government. It should declare that all territory ot the United States, wherever situated or however acquired, is a part and parcel of tbe United Stales and under the protection of its constitution and flag. And that the inhabitants of such territory are entitled to local self-government. And tbat tbe territory, when sufficiently large and containing the required number of inhabitants, who bnv adopted a constitution providing for a republican form of g v. rnment, is entitled to admission into llio tister hood of states; if this be denied, the sovereignly pf such territory should be remitted to its people on just and equitable terms. It should declare Its faith in tbe ultimate neoessily of bimetalism to furnish tbe pecessary basic money tor aonnunafnlln -nil nnnnnnlanilu narrvlna - on aomesuo iraae ana international commerce, out it snouia aeciare mat, on account of tbe unprecedented out put of gold from the mines of tbe gold. producing countries of the world ur the last tew years, and on accot nt of the unfriendly attitude of tho great commerolal powers of Europe toward silver, it is deemed inexpedient ?nd im practicable for this country at this time, or so long as present conditions sbal1 remain, lo alone undertake the free and unlimited coinage of silver and maintain its parity with gold at any reasonable ratio. Water a Necessity. Many of the cattle tbat were toroed onto the market in July name from farms where stock water bad failed. In such an event a transfer of cattle to another district is imperative. They oan be oarried on short feed and the shrinkage can be made good later, but water is a prime necessity. Most if not all ot this difficulty occurred in seotioos where tbeydepend on stock ponds or shallow wells for water. The stock pond is a lingering rello of pioneer conditions, these unsightly pools, muddy, filthy and soum covered lo the summer, typify the unobange ableness of human nature, tbe inertia tbat tbe forward movement fails to affect. They are at best a miserable makeshift. They rarely if ever supply a drink of pure water that cattle so absolutely need- They are scooped out of tbe ground lo a natural depres sion and dammed so as to bold the surface water that runs In. Stagnant and muddy and flftby they are breed ers of miasml and mosquitos and should be banished from an larrus where progressive ideas prevail. The shallow well is a broken reed on wbicb ik. .tnnir fefliW leans. He has no right to reckon it as an asset in bis business. It falls just at the time of jrreatest need. Deep driven wells and windmills represent tbe modern idea of stock farming. In some sections where large herds of valuable animals are maintained breeders have declined to rely on wind power and have sub stituted gasoline engines, but generally over tbe central west the windmill will iiDDlv ample water with a reasonable storage oapaclty. Many a man has been forced to sacrifice bis cattle dur ing tbe drouth just passed on account of bis reliance on tbe antiquated stock pond and tbe shallow well. Adoep driven well and a windmill at such a time would have paid very heavy in lerest on the InvestmentBreeder s Gazette. Obatul mortgages for aals at this office u aanh. B gejHtej vesvM I'hristiau Convention. "c"uu' 3P"'ner lb 1- I j of ih Ciiriittinn chumh of Misanmi are now in Mexico in nnnn l coQVfi.iion. 'IUU church has 15 0U0 buildings in Mi.-vum, 800 fireaclieis mid 1T5.0UU iiiciiil--r. Tbe lirt sosi.ui i his afernoin wns that of tlin Cl ri-inii wuiuau'tt li.iard ! mission, It iii-omii uh iho hymn. We Art- M nulling i. Z n," Ie4 l.j V. E lUckiuumu u( Iii liuunpoli-. lud. I'tii vice presideut, Mrs. E. 1 Good ul Si. Louis, announced that n president, Mis. F. M. Lowe of Kansas. ' City, was ill and Would btt unable lo l ,,,,, i allend I lib elon tte r. ...... i A w it t..j . U n qui)!, ll.V. A . tvukendoffer, tormerly of Ka81i Cit,, uuw ol lb.. Ollj. offorud word ol prayer forth ureslUvul. Mm. Kukumluffer read a , . . Scriptural Il'MoU from S. COIld limo'.hy, . u am . i nr .1 UhupUtr. After Ullul her aoilg, K3V. V. . GUBtl IUBIiIIUI VI Ml AlUglUH, offered a praver. Mrs. h U Lake's words of welcome were very beautiful. Tbe response wits by Mrs S. B Mjoie of Moberly. The absent presi dent's address was read by Mrs. L. G Banlz. Tbe following committees were appointed: Ways and Means Mattie Burger, St. Joseph; Ella B. Hall, Springfield; Mrs. Luther Collins, Trenton; Mrs. J. M Ray, Maryvllle; Mrs. B. G. Wborton, Marshall. Cour- I tesie Mrs. S. J. White, Cameron; Mrs. J. f. Mitchell, Centralis. Nomi- n.llnn. Un V I. PoJ.nn.H I vti.n. I ton; Mrs. David Errett, Canton; Mrs. James llodge, Fulton. Auditing Mrs. W. A. Primm and Janet Strong, St. Joseph. Order of Business Mrs. A. W. Kokendoffer, Mexico; Mary Hord, Grogao. Obituurj F. Graham, Richmond; J. T. Hall, Woodlawn; II S. Gilliam. Maryvillo. Awarding Mrs. E. A. Wrieh'. Kansas Citv: Misj. Mollle Ilugbes, Independence; Mrs. B. L. Nelson, Slator. The Rev. J. R Rnnnv n ' delivered tbe aqnualconyention sermon tQnleht. Tbe meetinit Will continue tii ..h.:i 'i-L j r. ; . uuu' " prumisen iu oe one ui iub greniesi conventions in thn history of Ihn nhnrnh of Missouri NofFrofessor" hut ''Muter." At a recent meeting ot the faoulty of Chicago University It was decided that hereafter all members of the faculty should be addressed HS m Ster Instead i" pruicoi, uuutoi, uauuciui, nouiem or assistant rroftflnr. The admission . , , ... I by these learned gentlemen of tbe supremacy of mister, which represents .l .i !.u... a ;u. iuo geutieuiau wiiuumi, auy lli'. would seem to signify that the educated arlstocraoy are prood to be classed as - ordinary Citizens. Tbe title Of pro- . . , . . . I. fessor bSS been abused to SUCO an extent, tbat it has lost its significance, Tk. .ho. ...nn,.nio. ii.. r.nul. LUO III U II UH, BUbUUIUdlllCII lUD 111161' r lng painless dentist, itimrant fake doctor or patent medicine vender to allure the people into the trap by tbe strains of 'Georgia Campweetiag," carries tbe title with as much dignity as a distinguished educator. The term "Doctor" has a double Significance, ... ... ? . which makes it inappropriate for a title, The ordinary meaning attached to the term is a doctor of medicine, but around the universities ,t applies to a man who has oompleted the course, Doctor of pnilosophy, having nothing to do with mediolne The action of tbe faculty of CbicAgo University in cutting off the titles and substituting plain Mr, represents the 1 feeling of nearly all the able teachers Q( the institqtions Qf (earning. The habit of regarding the .'professor" in our publio sohools as something de- vui r""" .uu.ov 4 tached and OUt Of touch With Other people is unjust to mm ana luniuues , . ., . i, against nis iquuoiiuu lor iioou iu society. Trenton Tribune. COMPLIMENTS JJB, COWUERO- In A political letter to tbo J action Li ..kl.u .1 i.j..j.... t,omiuci- uuuii.udm ! iuuvoououut, James E. Payne, at one time editor of the Intkllioknckr, writing from Washington, 1). C, says: I note that someone thinks that Will Cowherd will eventually train for gubernatorial honors. Not likely, if the voters of your congressional dis trict aot wisely. The fuot is, the old fifth district has In Will Cowherd one of the first men in congress. A born fighter is he .... j a wau ui iwuuiiio, ouu popular. Mentally b.g enough to win respect, bold to the challenge of admi- ration, with suflloient diplomacy to , , ,, ... disarm anger, be is really one of tbe hardest and quickest hitters in IUB house. It would be a little short of high treason to displace him or allow him to dlsptaoe himself. To get tbe verv best out of him is to keep him where he is. Heoent experiments made to deter mlnn thn Inaa nnsiunar hv ninndnir nnnl r m to the weather, unprotected In any wcy, show, oontrary to general belief, tbat It Is very small. Ibure was a gain In tbe amount ot oxygen but a loss ot carbon, hydrogen aud nitrogen; the loss of caiormo power wai slight. OR HP.R OF PITH 11 H A TTftV the Circuit Court or Uhr.. ft Missouri. iK-ocmber Term, IMOI. Hober' Homier. PlaintltT. vs. , I.clher it. Sender, Defendant. Now lit this day ooiiKH thn i.lali.fllT lis lltt'.ntfV. Mm! tfl.. hi ...... ti.... iiiltdawi, nl einir. among other things, timl defoiidiiiit. I.ether II. tinier, ii not a "i m state or Missouri: Where upon It Is ordered by the clerk in vacation lit sari iiefenrtant b . notllled by publication unit, pl. i in iff bus commenced a suit iigHiuot I. (T III this IMIirt. the ohleet anil i nutiire or wtiiuh is 111 nhtnln u A.J.. ilivorve from tho bonds heretofore uni.trurtiwl h i .... .;..; and defendant 011 the grounds of mlultery and oilier inillKiilileg as to render his ,M inliilerulile. and that mil.... ii... said nonresident dcfendiuit, Leiber II bender. liu nnU appear at Mils court, at the "."..I 1 u,,',f' "gnu and hoiden Ht the court house. In the cltv of Lex- '"If''"1. In suld county, on the 2nd day of in-vriiiutT iiexi, ana on or before ihe firs! duy of said term. If the term shall soloiureon- "nuf.andif not.tben on or before the last day pf said term, answer or plead to the petition WtiW "fifc ,t )s further ordered that, copy hereof P6 P.""'1? !ua '""""IHm to law in the LexiiiK- t"" mtclliirencer. a uewspaper publlsheo In "' oounly of I.nfuyctle for four weeks sua- PMfl4lvuK' i.iil.llol.n.1 . I . . .. ; i'i..i.ioucu ai itiRhi once a ween, me hist Insertion to be at least thirty diiys before !?? fln,t ,r 8ald nent December term ol mis vuiiri. A irue copy. Attest J ll. rAMPnm t. iM..i. ni...k I BtJ. W. 8V..NOR. Deputy. Clarence V Ivhni, Attorney tor Plaintiff. -7t5 BOND CALL. Holders of Snl-a-Bar Townshln. Lafavette Louniy. M'ssourl, (5) Hve per cent bonds are uereoy ntnett Wat bonds numbered 10 and II ssued July 83. 1880, by the Countv Court t said Countv for und in hehaif nf 8at I I'ownnhlD. Of the denomination nf 'l,m0u one thouxand dollars each have nuen declared due and payable on the first day of November, iwi, payable at the omce of the Pntinrv f r a un nt t ,-...,. County. Missouri, at Lexington. Missouri. on wnicn day and date all Interest thereon CCA!.. By order of the Countv roni-t nf r.afvoiio County. Missouri, this ad day of September, PRANK THORNTON, Clerk of the County Court of Lafayette t-'ounty, Missouri. 711, BOND CALL. Holders of Lexington Townhhlp. Lafavette bounty, Missouri (5) Ave per cent bonds are hereby notllled that bonds numbered 20 and SI, Issued July 83, 18D0, by the Countv cou" ot sa" county for and inbehaiiof one thousand dollars each have een declared due and payable on the first 01 the Countv Treasurer nf I.afiuotte County, Missouri, at Lexington, Missouri on wu,cn day and date all interest thereon By order of the Countv Court of v.t, i-ouniy, Missouri, this 2d day of September, ltful FRANK THORNTON, I PlMvlr n ka 11 -. . r r r w..a vi ui? juuiujt vourt ui uaiayene County, Missouri, -7t5 EXECTTOR'8 SALE. fly virtue of thn mithnrltv .ot.,H i k a'eceM iaiiieue county, Missouri, und recorded in pook J, at paa-e 274, 1, the undersigned . MUXOAY, OCTOnElt 7th, A. D., 1301, I V.n.1U . 1 - . I- . ... """v" mo iiwuib n nine uuiut-K in me forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon deceased rem estate a minted in the oountv of l.nfnv- etle and state of Missouri, viz: All of lot Hve B "nu '" n fet ?f the west side of lot six (1). In block number fourteen (14), in the first addition to tbe city of Lexinirton. Missouri, nl: iiuhlin venrinn tn tl.a bidder for cash In hand, at the front door of I WT3 ui.uri iiuiiHu, ui sitiu cuy or Lexinurir.n. Missourl.anddiiringthosesslonorthecounty Wvlll Notk l'crsons deslrlnir to bid on nhnv V, , . , , , , , property biive prlvileire of looklnur through dwelling house, and will be shown throuirh by Notice to Brldiere Contractora. I will let to the lowest and best bidder on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1901, for construction, one Wooden Brldiro. iihnnt 4 feet in lenirth. to be hnilt ncroua Unit Fnric Creek on t;order and Alma road, ahnnt. two miles northeast of Cordor. at the northeast corner of section 25, township 50. range 2.1. Letting win take place at bridge site at 10 pittng and apeciflcations can be seen at ug oondforma.ntenan,,,. 0ttssa,oner Mv?.c?tlerirtt to reject a.u Notice to Bridge Contractors. I will let to the lowest and be4t bidder, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1901, A Wooden Brldire for construction, ahout 18 feet long, to be built aoross branch on the I T.ATlllirl.n Ullll UttPuhuil wnaA In uonll.n a township &o, rauge sw. about mile east of Letting will take place at bridge site at 10 vKand .'peelflcatlonscan be seen at time 8n(? p ee of letting. Contractor Is to give bond for maintenance of bridge us the law directs. vomiiiissiouur reserve rignt to reject any or bi: dius. h. u. wkkui.h. "-i"1 Cummlasloiier. Notice to Bridge Contractors. 1 will let to the lowest and best bidder, on satdhday. September 21. laoi. ft. w. ndi-n bridge for construction, about 30 ieei imiif, io oe ouui aeniss orancn annul a nlll . noit, 0f Dver. on road leading to depot, 'aW bridge Bite at c ock a m Plans and snocllleiitlons will be seen at time and phice of letting. Contractor is to give bond for maintenance of hrhlue as tbe law directs. Commissioner reserves thn riuht to reject any or all bids. 8 3itu O). u. WriKHIN, Uommlssloner. Notice to Bridge Contractors. I will let to the lowost and best bidder, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1901, K Wooden Brldire for construction, about 3,1 ieet long, to oe mint over orancn on public roart near the Dave Lyons place Iu sectlou 19. antX place at bridge site atio 'pK andMspeeiflctlons can be , at time and place of letting. Contractor is to give Uond far maintenance of bridge as the law directs. anvorBllhlda. II I) WKKI1IW 9-Mtd Commissioner. EXECUTORS XOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estnte of Sarah H. Loug, deceased, were granted to the unuersigneu on the linn day or August. IH01, by the probatecourt of Lafuyottc county, Missouri. All persons having claims ngninst said estate are required to exhibit them for allow ance to tne executor within one year after the date of said letters or they maybe pre eluded from any benctlt of such estate: and if such claims be not exblblted within two years irom tho date of said letters they will ue inrever oarreii. This 13lh day of August, inol. SAMUEL J. H CSTUN. Exocutor, 011 CC Cured by Climax Salve. Satisfaction i iiaj or pnoe rerunuoa Aiwrugguu. l'UBLIC AUULMSTttATOR'S NOTICE. iii- virtue nf ii n order of the Drobate court I of LufiiveUe county, Missouri, made on the Ui day of Auirusi, luol, tlie undersigned pub lic administrator for said county hastaxen charge of the estate of Mary Ford, deceased All persons nnviug claims hkhiohi imiiu rmam are reiiulred toexhililt tliem to me for ollow anoo within one year aiur the date of said order or tbey may bo precluded from any benctlt of sucn estate; una u sneo cmnun uv not exhibited within two years from the date of said order they will be forever barred. M. U. W1L.SUIX, 8-4-5t Public Administrator. Mllseourl Paclflo-Lexlngton Br. WEST BOUEIDT BAINS. No. 71. No. 73. Leave St. Louis 7:35 am :lftpm Arrive Scdalia :Mpm 5:0am " Concordia 4:o;pin :sam " Aullvllle 4:ttpn 6:24 am " HlgginsviUe 4:;i7pm :85am ' Page City 4:47 piu B:44am " Lexington 6:11pm 8:lfm " Myrick" 5:21pm 7:iaam " Wellington 5:84 pm 7:25 am " Waterloo 5:40 pm 7:38am " Napoleon 5:47pm 7:40am ' Independence 0:45 pm 8:35 am " Kansas City 7:15pm 8:05am " St. Joseph 1:05 pm DAILY. AST BOUND TRAINS. No. 74. No. 72. leave St. Joe 8:00piu Kansas City n:4opm o:zoam " IndeDendence B:l0pm 6:Mam " Napoleon 7:08pm 7:40 um ' Waterloo 7:14 pm 7:44 am " Wellington 7:22 inn 7:51am " Mvrlek 7:85 pm 8:(flam Lexington " Vago Ciiy.... ' Higgliisvllle.. " Aullv.Ue " Concordia.... " Kcliiliu 7i lHpm 8:10am .. 8:10 pm 8:20 am .. 8 21 pm 8:37 am . . 8:32 pm 8:47 am .. 8:40 pm 9:02 am .10:00 urn lo:05 am St Louis 7:10am 6:00 pi Snecial rates to Kansas City every Saturdu 7:10 am 6:00 pm ay evening uud gunday. rttEIOflT8. East 8:6i am.... Loaves Lexington... 9:45 am.... " Page City.... 10:1V) hit. ... " HIgHinsvllier.. 10:30 urn ... " Aullville.. ., 11:00 am.... " Concordia.... did Dally, except Sunday. Jefferson City, Boonville and Lexing ton Division. MIXED DAILY (XC. SUNDAY. No. 72. No. 71. I.euve. ArrivD. 7:15 am Lexington,. 8:25 am Myrick 8:5iam Northrup ... 9:I0am Dover 9:27 am Edwards.... 9:58 am Waverly. .. !l;30am Marshall. . 2;2 am Boonville.. 4 45 pm Tipton .... Bead down. 6:11 pm .. 4:45 pm .. 4:12 pm .. 4.00 pm .. 3:85 pm .. 3:30 pm ... 1:15 pm .. 3:00 pm .. 4:45 pm Head up. SANTA FE ROUTE. Trains arrive at North Lexington: No. 26 (daily) 7:46 a m Trains leave North Lexington : No. 23, Bxpross (dully)....... 7:a m Muin lino trains pass Lexington Junction OOlNQ IA8T. Kn i Muiivi :" tn 20, ln:oo a m 2, 6, 4. i. 7:15 p m 8:85 p m ' California Limited 3:47 am OOlNQ WIST. No. 1. ' (daily) 8:58 am " California Llmltod.... 12:20am u ti;t()am 8. 5. I, 19, t. 12: 7 p m .'..'..', 6:4(1 p to J. D. E astir. Jr.. Agent, W J. Black, O. P. A., Topeka, Kas. Chicago and Alton Railroad. Trains leavo Hlyglnsvllle as follows: west Bound. No. 5. St. L, and K. C. mall.. : " 7, caiir. ann uoi. innneu ..... ..... " 61, Higginsvllleand K. C. acoom. 7:55 am " 13, St. Louis and K. C. mail 4:30 pm " 119, Local freight and accom 9:47 am east bound. No. 14, St. L. and K. C. mail : am " no, K. C. and Hlgginsvillo aocom. 7:15 pm ' 10, Calif, and Col. limited 7 :S1 pra " 12, Bt. L and K. C. nll 10:57 pm " lib, Local irolnht and accom 12:4.1 pm Y. S. LYOS9,".Tleket Agent, Telephone No. 50. Low Rate Excursions all Summer via THE BURLINGTON ROUTE. During the coming summer the Bur lington ltoute will have in effect the very lowest excursion rates tbat have ever been mado. The general plan of these rates, destinations, etc., is so varied that the public should ask their nearest ticket agent for details, or else do us the favor to write for rates, des criptive matter, etc, Cheap Summer Tours West Daily to Colorado, Utah and Black llille, also tlnmpspfikera' excursions every two weeks to the whole West and North wes . Cheap Excursions East Very low round trip rates to the Buffalo Expo sition, the Seashore, Adirondack, Can ada. Michigan Lakes, Mackinaw; a thousand eastern resorts; One lake and mil trios east, via Chicago, Detroit, (Cleveland. Cheap Excursions orth Every flay to St. Paul, Minneapolis ana j.aae Superior resorts; the coolest recreative . . . ! ! country. Ask for the Burlington s hummer ex curiion late circulars. fuiifninia Kxctirsions personally con ducted every Wednesday irom Louis, every Thursday from Kansas Citv and St. Josepn. Write us for rates ana pxmiea mat ter describing the proposed trip. It. II. Ckosiku, L. W. Wakely, T IV A.. Main St. Gon"Vass' Agt., Kansas City. Mo. St. Louis, Mo Howard Elliott, Ooncral Manager, Bt. Joseph. Mo. I I I I NEW FAST TRAIN EAST m m m awt m t vtm m m lUCKS Odt EXASs f Effective March 10th, 1901, the Announces the Opening of its Red River Divis mTOm Denison and Sherman, .Texas. J Through Train Service will shortly be established from St. Louis and Knnsai City over the J J J Shortest One to Texas SAM ANTONIO VIA WACO, S. A. & A. P. and SOU. PAC. AND TO AUSTIN, VIA ELGIN AND H. 4T.C. Through Tourist Sleeper. CALIFORNIA, Via SAN ANTONIO and SOU. PAC Quickest and Best Line to MEXICO. "KATY FLYER" TO St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City ALL TRAINS HAVE FREE KATY CHAIR CARS and BUFFET SLEEPERS. AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR RAILROAD PERFECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO AND POINTS IN W4 AND TERRITORY BEYOND. W. 8, LYONS. Passenger and TIcketAgent.Hlrginsvlllo.Mi Gr.o.J. Charlton, a. P.4T. A..Chicago,"H. ))r?305i;g( 3s m mm 1:40 pm 1:10 pm M, a. i0:40am VIA TO rrr.. i vei I tl A RARE CHANCE. Having decided to close ont my bold logs ol eows and heifers, some 60 bead, 1 offer for Bale one and all. My line com prise Shorthorns, AoRunes Heretords and Jersey mixed. All were selected with reference to milk atrain, formerly being lo creamery business. Some Twenty odd with calf at foot and balance to calve shortly. Prices ranging from .'5 to f50 Der head. Call on or address, v Talbot Simpson, apr27yearl Aoilviiis, Mo. i V. 1 1