Newspaper Page Text
y tAre you ixeaay tor Your Fall Felt . . . 4 I This is Addressed to Men You have heard the arguments, gentlemen; are you ready for the question? What argument, what question? Xo matter, lets pasa up the speeches, and N'me to the vote. Are you ready for your fall felt? been ready for yon for over a month, but the time to tell it hadn't come. Now it has. In a few days the summer straw will be outlawed. Of eoursp wi've all tin new ami nni.vl t,i..-u.. t ..., "'"vo, iu. luuirif me Knox, the Dunlap and the Youmans. How about the price. In every case away under regular hatters. Test it. i i t 18 815 : t Tifrer Brand-In all the new shapes of soft and stiff. Price "ss Champion Brand-Choice new shapes of soft ' ' "7' Bull's Eve Rrnnrf-A . " "" ' ' '- '-"""s nai, autne new shapes. Price 1 MS "Made Well" Brand-They are made well and wear well, all the new and popular shapes. Price urSPial Brand-Good all fur hat-weil" fhed," nice' Shapes I The popular shades for fall are the Grays, Modes, Castor, Mousse t Brown and Black. Let us fit you. From the Jeftersoumo : "Colonel A. B. Mathews, of Majview, has been in this city several days this week attend ing court. Mr. Mathews is the pioneer apple raiser of Lafayette county, inter esting himself in the business nearly iwemy yeais ago. Ho formerly owned L . ft . me weans Brothers' orchard near May view which U likely (be largest old I A uicuara in mat sectiou of the country He now owns 200 acres of apple trees bout U.000 in number and 12,000 of tnese are bearing This is enough trees to raise with a good crop 40.000 barrels of apples. If Col. Mathews could get crop of this kind and at me present price which is three dollars oarrei in tne orchard be would cer tainly be able to enjoy the balance of ms me in ease and luxury. The crop this year, however, is light, but thev ra of fine quality. Plenty of rain, though, in tho next few days will add much to the growth of the apples and increase the size of the harvest r,,i Mathews was born in England and came to this country in his youth Twenty years ago he came to thi county troni Pennsylvania and since mat time be has been an earnest advo cate of apple orchards. He has talked apples in order to get a large amount of trees planted here, with tbe view of drawing apple buyers from a disian And he has been pretty successful as here are now about 125,000 bearing apple trees in the vicinity of Mayview. In politics Mr. Mathews is a strong republican and is quite orominem in county and stale politics." BOYS GROWING DESTRUCTIVE. I iiii;;2i v v v " Iks Complaint of a MUwsukts Kl (t . ' "J Estate Agent. if m SSSbK t And Now For Dress Goods t ate nt onlv ii , ' . ' ,s ' . VU' li chasers cf houses on the installment fi plan are not real estate ngi its only A irouDiesome peopie, uu a uuu- u in the outskirts of th city, and every little while you will come across a Jl: omething that I wouldn't have con- W ..idered possible a few years ago. Yet (iS it is now become as necessary to board f.S IH MEMORTAM Contributed. I niAsi -. h.i w September 9, 1901, Mr. Joseph Filiierald! uujct-i. oi mis notice was born 4 """'"U" September 9 fTMlA17nirrfcY 190U Wb,t h,ator' oKDy is con- I ! iM. LAaC CC 11 . nIGGiNSVILIf. MO I ".t i..t ci.u... w.ko.whim zZZL:". "cnna, growioK into manhood, as be Mf4aAA, I would come tons lor instruction, mental- .. ly then, be grew older, and - "run grip again we consoled with him, and last winter as he AMI I ... . . V AUDITIOXAL COKRES1UVDESCE. From Newsy Personal ParasTajihs Alma and Waverly. WAVERLY ITEns. Frsok Cooper and family are going to vstiauuui, m Mr. Woelhsr, the Jeweler, of Corder, la at tbe City hotel V&ls week. MUaFraok dllverenterUlGed a few of uor ineoca wedpeaday ereoine. Mr.Iiallansr the evaperator man of New ur ia ooing a rushing business. M- IT" . . rurResoa, oi Wakaoda, III., bat oongntqaite a number of orchards. John Oliver, 8r., who has been quite 111 .uS (nSI, ieW nay, lg repofjej beuer Wm. Wllltama one of Wmriu. - merchants has openel a store tbe past vt cross,. Misses Frsnk Oliver, Georgia Leach ionise Davla and Mrs. Will M.rtln at- wruuoa ine state fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Hays returned Mon "um ansionia and Sedalia where '" u,Te oee Visiting for the Da.t k- The Westminister Le,la, convention " veriy, Sept. nlb tna 12th. About thirty preachers snd delegates were ALL THE NEWS FROM ALMA. Jaa. T. Prlgmors returned home Sundsy from Denver. "oay Mr. and Mrs. John L GogHn niFim wood, vlaited relatives her. 8und.y! air.aiountjoy, ol Lexington. w ,Jo,ng ouslnesa here In the tn.ur.M h lu a,m' ,na winter ss he Wn.,.d Tbnr.d ' ,,0eM WM ,tr8tChed 0P0 ' be".-i W. T. C. h. k . 1 ,na ae,rMl '"ends and neighbors Clt, Thursday " ,n K"8M WU'd P'" ,0 00t' the" " R.. K-... . were all about the same, that "Joe ia not h. w ? ' Corder, bad business lon tot world but again be rallied hers Monday morln,. and pat.ent watehfulne.., on the h.j Prt of his devoted r.thar h. i - uuaiams , . Mu -wu ucjfHi - vi toe week Just Received We have just received seventy of the hand somest RURs we have ever seen We offering them at 75c $1.00, $I.2S, 2.00, 50, $2.73, $4.oo and $5.00 each 50 pairs of Bed Blankets at 50c, 7Sc, $,.00, SS. Si.50. $i.7s, $I.88i $2S0( $30Q $4.00 and $s 00 a pair New goods are coming i every day in Dress Goods, Skirts, Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths and Linoleums We invite inspection and comparison of prices to be b I mm If Wura.y, oept.mber 7, 1901, to " -t-r.uif worst wttn a hearty good oheer UM "umao, a daughter. 00 "PnnK Pel, then summer came and Louis Hr r.,i- . went and Joe was one of th. j ... iuni oaiur . "'""'i u.y ana Sunday bere with hi. parent. Z " w yoaas pB0Ple. "g wtiom Jsmes ami Samuel Barnett left Mnrt.. ' avorite out on Nov. 17th rorM.r.h.llwh.r.thr, . !'lM0Ad ,rom.,lnoD .rr, throng he cbo. . . eat a0uu nnni 1 rina su.. aiu i. ttis coming year. ' a"10 ooe'msn, the daughter of MlMsaMoih. A,.,.,. , .... . . uu:n,0"P0P' thrift, ,.rm. of Warrenbunr vi.,, ",..7" "","u' r:?. Z . ,w DDe,aln. d her lew day. t week " ru"l""ea 001 with such bright ii wees, I Drosnonl. in k. kii-t.-j , Mr u , . J ""isuwa ia ten abort Mr. and Mra. fiu sk.ui .... . mnnth. it I. . i. . .. s... U""U1- " owett " - "ruri-reoaing task for ns Springs, were tb. goe.t. of Dr. J. W. 10 P80 Hues, as It seems almost like Fisher and wife Monday. writing our own dear one-. Marlon SDarka. nf M.r.k.n .... . I such a one be wan tn n. , . . . aoipped iu ana out from here Baturdav niohi . . among our own dear inH . u uirs Uf iai . - IU DOS OI cattle to Ch.cago-199 bead. tbem i bo' "ch It 1., a. tbe heart dictate. Memorial aervioea Ar. fc.ij . .t o we pen our simple exDres.ioi. nf i manLotherao ehnrchTh,...,. ' To 'he young wife what on ... i 'oe i.te president, William McKlnley ,Z . J , "lm ,or ' brolc"' heart. cn..niey. Sympathy is as sounding brass. To the B0TICE "rowers and slsters.we would we have decided to .,h .- . luo "ro" W tbem isonlv Ip.. business and will on AuU.t 20 th -W- wiling out at cost nD, .m .. . ons 18 tbe Bht who is ready and .m . . -."..wuigiigf. I tO reoolua ... - ",,u"' consisting of bed-room suit,, n.. "L: lue olDer ""ore. To oed.te.ds, bed springs., fold- wt,dV. !! , '"' ttanM h log beds, extension n,.u. .T'"36 dmlnistered to hi. .,. ... . .. . "" Oie. I IBB famllo . l. rrJJfr."01 od lre..ers. common " ' uuuo'' fBl; to the ;uXVaw?.lt.ce". chair. "L.""' WD0 0roUlt tb" floral offering. caroSt." .onrj"' "" -- r.aoy d beautlfu, , - ork. and otff omuV'l " V" h." i" P u. i or "",u niw and Heojin I . iuo loanss oi the Hand Store,, opposite & Dt,re ,m"y 'wm hi. home be i 0 " " -idoiio church wbers Fath- - . erCo.telln h.M ui-u ... orrain. " nnaw L 1 1 07 I . - "-' resurrect on morn, where tear, will ,. i.. " rr"e'do'"h'Mom:e7h7m .u.. ,i great aay. Eev. E.G. H.rln v.j..... .. vlre..t tk wuuciea tne aer- vices at the era mbi.. . word. t th. co'ortlog ... " ""eu i.miiy and widow after which wmW l it. k J iucbiod wend- lrDXb,Ck 10 the"-P-t..e homes, . . - luuir ieai. And we wept that one so gentle -vu. u o.Te a lire .o hrlef." E. A. C ttD the windows of a huildinsr in tb.e i t 0 . suburbs that remains empty a few -i..wrMr- "o i r,, WTit fTiie ia ia 1 otv iitioMaa tll nn I IV less it be that a larger number of nn ruly boys are abroad than formerly, jti T EBV an .Tnrfv Virviieo in Hal-UnAiiva. '. ." on. , l 1.1 i l VUb IUUq "oU w KUl 1UI Tf ffftrU JitOK VUCT TiUlUUtT Ui. UAViii WTiea I passed again that way a week 14. - XI 1 .1 ii. iaicr uicre wasa i a wuoie pane in uie buildinor. Onf in l?iVliflr1a ct r apt. dition, and as for old dwelling housea J 1 i . i ac aoanaonea lactones tiieir doom is certain unless protected in time. "A month ago I engaged a carpen ter and a sign painter and purchased new lumber purposely so tiat my igns would last several years if necet ary. What did I find last week when I visited the 30 or more lots on which these advertisements were placed? The maioritv of ih . o PUlled UD flTlfT tlirnp1 grnnml n t,i AV 5 .t i m ixic grouna upside flown. Others had been dragged away a distance and dropped. This was done with ell Kgns, not mine alone, so that tiere was no personal spitein the act. "Miles of wooden sidewalks were laid in new additions all around th city while the boom of 1893 was on. Just look at these sidewalks now. They have been taken up and used for tindlin? few patches remaining." Milwaukee Sentinel. Our stock of Black and Colored Dress Goods u Vliy lare auJ altiaotivo at the jpsent time, tiuf, nf priei-s, we believe, the ?ery lowest io tbe oltv. uut Wfl woulU like you lu the j.'o.mI and pa. jmg,nnl upoiKjualities and prices yours-ilf. We are likely to b. prejudiced in favor ot oursulvei, you koow. Come in and look them over, it may lie tho means ut suvlnjj jou money, aud a little money tbew Uayi i'o made so easily or quickly, as a general thing ... . f Barathia Cloth. 36 lucbes wide, uoi strl'Jlly ull wool, men I xliade f er red aud royal blue, at 39o yal. $ Granites. THE PEOPLE OF NORWAY. DlTided by Sociologists Into Four Classsi akvuiumg to weaitn. Sociologists divide the tvinnl a Norway into four classes: 1. Wage-earners whose incomeeare 700kronerorless (a kroner is worth 26 of the population, p,y 50 pc-r cent. of $ Mohair Melrosp. : fIS as (is in is IN is i is is is is is is is is is is IS IS IS IS IS 3 inches wide, and they arc all worl, at irmt. are Golf blue, navy, rose and cardinal, the pi ice 50c. The ci.lnr. Venatians. 8C inches wide, iu both plain colors and mixtures, ginptty sll wool, Joolors are nsvy, castor, red, wine, green and grey; the price is 49c yatd. Serge. All wool 84 inches wide, and iu black only. We bought 5 bolts at a very low price, you get it the same way, 35c yard. Satin Prunella. 38 inches wide, a choice cloth at 79c yard. Satin Whipcords. 41 inches wide, colors and bhek, and the prlco 75c. Broad Cloth. 54 inches wide aud a beautiful cloth. We have nearly all the colors in it, navy, cadet, castor, black and grey, price f 1.25 yard. Imperial Worsted. 45 inches wide, a beautiful new fabno, in black only at f 1.25 yard. Yalta Cheviots. 48 to 50 inches wide, nice finish, cloih with the close camel hair effect, in grey, brown, wine and navy, 89c vitid. Drpp de Alma. 48 inches wide, in black cloth, at 1 38. t to ! t f t jf t f l ! l ! ! l t ! f ! V orly, a beautiful satin-finished J Melton Skirtings. - ' J J Y VVlil,. V I ... the taxes, and consist, nf ' v vv VlOillclllCil. I farm laborers and household servants IS 2. The second ln larmers, mechanics, clerks, book keepers, foremen, small - " tiuutOUlCU and others, whose incomesare between .vt, aDQ d,uuu kroner. They consti tute 11 percent, of th pay2G per cent, of the taxes 5 T.J email manufacturers, large farmers T Vpnatmnc wd others, whose incomes are be- T Venat,anS- IS IS IS IS IS IS IS 42 inches wide, in golf blue, wine and black; the price 75c 5 54 inches wide, just the cloth for ralnv d:.v skirts, nrir- $1.00 yard. Homespuns, ' All wool, 50 inches wide, couies in three thadea of grey, Cures KheuraatiHtn and Catarrh t ' tint faiU. Co.HXo,hlngu? T To cure tl m. a iry. wend,,, nr ,k" U8,ni- BJ tho . """ m ine blood and irlvr. Pure, hiiith. ,i a ... ""usivesa the ucuo "Z."n: "lt""" f cast. DruKKlsts fl Trui "u,l,n' and prenald M 1 1.T ',t,' nil Hi i.i "r- Ulllam. 20,Mltrh. vi:e a-iven. oii W hat Shall We Have lorDeHertt Tills (JUl'Hlinn D-i...- . .. day. Let ug . . " vor, I ! V1IKMH in turn ...... o,uuu an(1 10,000 kroner. These constitute 1.3 per cent, of the population and pay 26 percent, cf the taxes. 4. Remaining inhabitants, with in comes greater than 10,000 kroner a year compose the balance of the population and pay 10 percent, of the taxes. According tn -o venous oi iayi the averatre incomof , oiiNontavisonlvoflv. , . ry $85 a year. This inr-h, j fl iiCU OAIU women and rr,iM. v . ' -"ruieiess, there is one navina. t ' very 2.8 inhabitants, with Vn average VS$$$$..,. w( deposit amounting to 1 19 kron" T 4' country in the worldshowswci thrift iS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS uui unisu cioiti, all the colors, such as ill tun, castor, old rose, red, blue and black. 98c yard. , jJ Tricot Waistings. t 27 inches wide and all wool, conies in nice shades of turquoi.s, J ! old rose, cardinal, wine, blue and castor, 25c yd. . j j ! VI VI VI VI IOth and Main Streets. Mtrns Oxide Oiia Clven. W. G. McCAUSLAND countryintheworldshowswdithrift I " " ' 3iXti Dr- T' R RamseY. Wh stkfs sale. OUt referring tn l. !.", ' ?lthT Buccesaor . ,..tete!f ?tJ Bank,. , --o wg uuer rjaruts f i ihuu j r' : r . . " nun-a juim-.t, eove rnm f "rounder SURGEON Z DENTIST -""-ura-jieraia. A Mnican Ltigsod. Chocolate to a Mexican, lnrrrj ' . vine orimn that a.An- , dtoprideaJnyi efit of the chosen sons of humanity. AheMericari rron i. . atlcoatL obtaiT " UJPU acred garden wh.ri,--i...i... . ,. , wv tiiiiuren oi "veu- -ihe fruit of the tre proved to be so i.m .i fee tW U UI. I iim Trt t n I . . " i il People of MLiM 7" benefactor trndr "nc3. fla Jder Ibcenu Jell-O. thw Va, l. Plt-Mos all the . " 1' oranga. r.upl.r,., 'd' ZT ' vnia, v BULL TOE 8ALT Youog bull fur ..i.; " . i- B, Campbbll. frOodof You 0nir Clrs YourssirAway JJl'V0!1 g0 flround bu mn without cause, don't vou urw Poe people know thrt you f untruthf ol and unfair, and 52 Geo. I. D. I. 8, VETERINARIAN, Phone 117 Lexinqton.Mo Supply Your Table From our .splendid stock of Gro ceries. J.vej-y artlcU? carried ie Promp Delivery. Eggleston & Ewinfr. I .,Cdd.T;r W. '-o In tv.l iu rouuiy, ,Mi)un, A Wn-L f 1 P'u eonvt.yd t Jo. pli M'nl . , ;J" ,1r",vl' following dtwrllM-d now J k '."l h" HrHt ldllloii t. the K.wn. that tiP,i i i. . llil D, ill I) IN K n, ill I . ! l" tu" ". iiowt-lty.of a ,ir u ' 1 ,,rn,t to t''.. pnym.-..! uf trust M!",ry .D,,lc ln th" ''' "f bvi-n inuH i 'i .I.fu.ilt liaa hu I, i",lu,t,,u Py'ntof a.ild imtand It vin ti. "l lli,,r,,". now liotU'B l la-rt-hf a.. IU nX Lm t!j?1',l "l"er and owner of bidder, oo 8,1 '"r Chh' the highest MOXI1AV rwrniur ... nTj. .hJ """r"0' "In" oVIock In the fre- tliHt d,.v ?.v,0,'"i" 'a tho alernoon f i iu uiiii ii,r i r i.sf i it (Ft m i.uruv Dr. J.W. Meng, Cum..- n.? . ' auifieun ueniisi. Office in the Meng Building, ixmeion, Missouri. STEPHEN N. WILSON, ATTOUNKlf.AT-LA W, tiexioswm, . . . . ui elto i-iiiiii n Keaiiiauill. lnt..r..Ki Tw. f sui-h note and ixnen. i ru,',, ,,'-",nu. ''d the eot and -IW JOHLl'H A. WILSON, Trustee. J O. WORTHIKOTOK. mens 8. N. Wilko J LKAUSOTON, M1880CKI. Real Estate, Loans and insurance Agents. AB8THACTS Or THLI MAUK, wlllloan money on Improved farm lamli n' A - - A ... . ... " " art per cent interest OFiTCE IN IIJSULE BUILDING- Charlua llir . i ".win, Omao oo . Hasrls Building. -v.juu, ) pruujiiiuut v""- oa Of natita "dnesdayof this srek,