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Image provided by: State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO
Newspaper Page Text
U ft & A BT The Intelligencer Supplement. INCORPORATED, MARCH 2.1, 1887 McOacsland, President. Chas. W. Loomis, Secretary. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE $IO-A Season Opener w. ;, Our $10 suits have gained us hundred .,f ,. UU U B H i 1 la er, you too, will be counted among the number if you want The Best $io Suit on Earth. We have our 110 dollar suits made in different fabrics and in different styles, in order to please every taste and we can honestly state, that the man we cannot please with a ten dol lar suit has not been in yet. We make it our business to have the best $10 suits and we've sot them. The merchant tailor look stands out all over them H .SINAUER, - The Popular Clothier. WVVVVSAVVVVVSAVWAA WWW? PERIPAT1TIC PKOPLK. E. Hoffman, Jr., went to Concordia Friday morning on a business trip. Mrs. Jamison, of St. Louis, is visit ing the family of F. E. Nicholson this week. Hen jam in Wincoe came up from Illwinsville Thursday evening on a business trip. Indisnspolis, Ind., bas boen enter taining Ihe grand lodge of Odd Fel low this week. Mrs. Philip Keller and Infant son have returned from a visit with friends at Kansas City. Miss Dick G ruddy returned from Marshall Wednesday evening, where she had been vlsltln.' friends. Judge Jerome R. Simpson left Wednesday night to visit his son, Taltmt Simpson, near Aullville. Wm. Nauheim and wire went to Sweet Springs Thursday niglit for a to friends and relatives, Miss Annie Hickman, of Kansas City, came In Thursday night for a fisit to friends and relatives. Mrs. Ed. Povman and children went to St. Louis Thursday morning for a visit to relatives and friends. J. II. Campbell and wife left for St. Louis Friday morning for a few days' visit to friends and relatives. Joseph Curtis, of Lexington, Ky., arrived Friday morning for a visit to his brother. Willa V. Curtis. Wood Young came in from Peoria Thursday evening for a vhi among his manv friends here. Miss Suh Finley left for Kansas City. Friday morning for a visit to Dr. and Mrs. Fred Curls. Miss Aurelia Miller came in Thurs day night from Kansas City for a visit to the family of Judge John E. Ryland. Mrs. Dr. N. R. Payne left for Kansas City Wednesday evening fora week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Morrison. A gns explosion at Glen wood Springs, Colo., on Moniluy afternoon killed u number of men while ut work in a mine. Mr. L. It. Gordon returned Wed iicsday evening from a visit with relatives at St. Joseph and Inde pendence. Mrs. Sam I!. Whiting and daughter, Miss Kunlce, of Iliggltisville came up Tnursday morning to visit Mrs. J. II. Campbell. Mrs. R. R. Ireland returned Wed nesday night, after a visit with her daughter. Mrs. Wm. Slonestreet, ut Kansas. City. Miss Katherlne Mercer, of Inde pendence, came down Wednesday morning to visit her friend, Miss Fannie Sa wyer. Rom. In El Paso, Texas, Septcm her 18, to the wire of James R. Rillard, nee Slusher, a girl Florence Rird. Misses Annie and Lottie Taubman, who have been spending the past two weeks visiting friends and rela lives id Kansas City, and Englewood, returned home Thursday Dlglit. fi Hi Of Lexington. Mo., at the close of business on Angust 31, 1001. l'ar value of shares jjoo no Number of shares In force now 9?s Number of shares borrowed on 6H3'i Number of share not borrowed on J2M Numlier of borrowers iwj Number of non-borrowers 310 Total number of members ROB Dr. Z. M. Williams ,.n, Wednesday night for Fredericktown. Mo., to attend the St. Louis conference in session there this week. John Rixman. of Clinton, who was here Thursday to place his daughter, Miss Lena, in R F. C, returned to his home Thursday night. Mrs. A. Kemble returned to tier home In Muscatine. Iowa. Thursday morning, otter a month's visit with the family of W. F. Hinesley. Judge Wm. G. MeCaushind return, ed from St Louis Thursday evening, where he had been purchasing his fall and winter stock of dry goods. II. E. Fitzsimmons and George Jones, of Independence, spent Thurs day In Lexington. They came down to attend tiie McKinley memorial services. Miss Helen fVaver,, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Schultz for the past few weeks, returned to her home 10 Edgerum, Kns., Friday morning. Miss Fannie Marshall, of Los Angeles, Cnl., and her mother, Mrs. M. E. Marshall, who have been visit Ing her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Earl, in Kansas City, arrived here Thursday night. Miss Katie Hays left foi Leaven worth, Kansas Friday morning. where she will enter St. Marv's academy. She wa accompanied by her brother, Frank, who will return tomorrow. RECEIPTS. Cash on hand 2110 It Dues 12198 00 Interest 4127 06 Premium 8x9 10 Fines iM 44 Pees so Borrowed money Loans repaid 37 Real estate sold 1K5 00 Sale of shares various series jj-m 24 DISBURSEMENTS. Loans Withdrawals Borrowed money repaid., Interest paid Cash on hand Salaries Rent Printing and postage I 148(10 (JO 9228 71 8014 s 330 00 1 89 27,234 83 P Pt it Ui LOOMIS, oohdkr Stationer. 03 MQtn SI. IDflNGlQN. 10. IIEAIXJUAKTKKR FOR School Books, and Supplies, Picture Mouldings, Artists Supplies and Wall i Paper. !ith Series .. . tlth Series. . . 7th Ktrles..., Hth Series... nth Series... Klttl Series.. . Illh Series... r.'lh Series.. . Ith Scries.. . ilth Series... I5tb Series... x e a." a " an 0 Ht 11 111. mi si T. If, 4L 6 TOTALS. r. it . U O L. 565 131 lilt 13f 12. 15(1 155 81 am t a -I s o o 'A J m 1-4 48 13-40 42 i-2 SI 4 1MB 1-2 ffl 27-40 S 0-40 MS 3-4 128 7-10 !4 l.B78(W3 t-4 1 1284 3-4 63 3-4 fl 27-40 M t-2 1113 KM (W 1-2 144 13 40 102 31-40 110 1-4 HH 3-10 214 2 E " 2 3 u 01 125 113 101 811 7 OS .VI 12 30 18 d i O ti - a ffl.l2 .Ml.. Ml 40.51) :to.2 21. 83 15. Oil 10.12 6.05 i.m 1.07 .13 it rt ;n4 12 106 M 141 AO 110 26 H3 83 SI 60 64 12 47 W 32 I 10 07 6 13 $191 12; I 13 00 1 14 51 111 7(1 H2 3d 77 141 60 07 45 28 31 Ml 1H 54 6 00 I 25.4-at 72 18.315 00 19.110 ml 15,028 78 14.824 50 12.648 00 12.631 &t 11316 -JO 6.8K4 91 5.587 61 1,446 69 ,1143,236 62 RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES. RESOURCES r'ash on hand 3014 22 Loans on real estate 137475 00 Loans on the stock 1575 00 Due from members undoubtedly good 1510 89 Furniture and fixtures 126 50 I WTO I 61 LIABILITIES. Dues, nodeductlon..... $108944 ffi Surplus 34328 II Reserve 30 00 Suspense per cent 390 60 (143701 Hi STATE OK MISSOURI. I COL'NTT OF LAKAYHTTB f I. Thomas J. Hantlon, vtce-pret'dent. and Charles W. Loomis, secre tary, each on our oath, state that the above and foregoing statement Is trne to the best of our knowledge and belle, as sbown by the books and accounts of said association. T. J. BANDON, Vice-President. CHAS. W. LOOMIS, Secretary. Subtcrlbed and sworn to before me this, the 10th day of September, 1901. MAL L. D. LE.-LEUR, Notary Public. .My commission expires March 4th, 1905 Missouri Valley College MAIISHAI.L. MISSOURI. Course of Study an High as In any Eastern College lleiiutlful a ounds. Xlurshiill Is n lnautlful city of 5.000 nonuliil Ion, h. Saline County. th richest, County In MIs sniirl It Is I I'Hted at the crossing of the ( lilrnito.v Alton U. K 'and the Missouri I'licllie U. U. lior ciilnliwue or oi her Inforiiniil'in write President W. H. BLACK, D. D., Marshall, Ho. Classical Course I'hllnsoplilciil Course Sc'lentlilcCourso MiiMirnniilcul Course Linguistic Course Conservatory of Music School of Finn Arts Academic Course Kncllsli Course Biblical Courje Needed in Every Home .... Noth.njr is productive of more happiness in the family thart a good Sewing Machine and THE SINGER lathe beat machine on earth. It 1b always in order and can be depended on to do every kind of work. If you are interested, write or send word to L. W. BRELSFORD, Local Agent, Lexington. Mo. 0 S Mitchell & Son FEED STORE The best and cheapest line of feeds kept in Lexington at the Franklin St. Feed Store. We do a genera) exchange business with the farmers for wheitorcorn. Our Flour is the best on the market. Phone 179 li.j. nt taffv and oeaaut candy fresh every day; alo the finest line ol boo boos In the city at D. Haecker'a MDdy kitchen. -2t Spill kw Round Trig hit: smm The Mo. Pao. By. Co, are selling tickets to almost (everywhere at very low rates (or the round trip. Note this list of low rates: From Lexington to Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Deoverand return, f 16.30. Ticte eta on sale from Angust 1 to 10. Good to return until October 81. Buffalo 126.50 and 32.65; on ale daily good returning 10 and 15 days. Mo Heater Springs and return II.R ale dally. McAlester Springs and return 11.20; - 1 9 aale Friday ana (Saturday. ; on ; on .