Newspaper Page Text
mil LIKKAUY. Stato lloanl Has Omii!i'ied a List of Ii(HlKS. Slate Sup'-intenclent V. T. Carring ton is sending out ti fchool boards cm aloues of Ibe library book selected by ihe stste board. About Sou volumes have been r.'com mended for the rural and graded M-tiot 1 libraries, ami about 250 for the bij,h schools. The law rt quires t i at the first hun dred vuluiiiiS be stltcted frotibtbese llfitS. The liiiiidrrd volumes especially recommended w ill bi found on pages 6, 7 and X. They can bo purchased lor $10. exprrssage prepaid. This is just "JS per cent discount. Other states have similar lawn arid contracts. Iowa has a contract with a St. l'aul coii.pany at an average of 25 per cent discount. The same company bid lu Mb.-ouri 22 per ceul discount. Two Missouri companies bid to luruish thp books, but both at less than 20 per cent discount. Good loads, free rural delivery and school libraries will go far to check the mad rush to the towns and cities. The law look effect June 22. It is hoped every district will spend at least fa this year for books. The books have been selected with special reference to supplementing the regular work and in emiching the course of study. Supt. Carrington says: 'It now remains for the school boards to provide for the books. If the incidental fund will not stand a draft of 5 for the library, some steps should be taken to raise at least that much immediately for that purpose. 'Do not think of ordering less than ?5 worth. The contractor does not agree to furnish an order for less than that amount at reduced rales. "Every county board of education and every county superintendent should constitute a county library board, and so far as practicable all school boards and teachers should consult with them and get tbem to make the orders. If not made by some member of the county beard of education the order must be sent in the name of the district. "Several 'Five Dollar Libraries' are are given. These have been selected with great care, with the yiew of sup plementing the regular school room work. It terr or fifteen dollars is to be spent, simply order two or three of the special libraries. These small libraries are numbered and may be ordered by number. Any combination of .special lists and supplemental lists may be made to suit the amount the district has to spend. "No slate has a better contract for library books. Tho board took great paics in selecting books and in getting bias. The list and prices will bear comparison and we feel quite proud to be able to announce the prices to the districts lower in many instances than they are furnished to the schools of Iowa: that, too, in face of the fact that the Iowa contractor wrote that be coold not duplicate tbe Iowa bid be canse he was losing money on it. A district can get 100 volumes in the special and supplemental lists for $40. ocnooi boards should make, or cause to be made, a simple box-bookcase to rest on tbe teacher's desk, pro Tided with door on hinges and with lock and key. It will be so much better if such bookcase can be made in the walls of the house when tbe bouse is constructed. "It may be objected that $5 will not buy many books and that so few books will do little good. Try it. Five dol lars a year is better than waiting five years to raise 25. Teachers and pupils will learn to appreciate a few books faster than if the list is too large. Experience with few books will insure wiser purchases later. I would advice districts to make as large orders as possible, but insist that small orders be made now rather than wait for more.'' bs timid, but the day of the reco t. was tbe day when the president V condition changed. "We visited Mr.- C.i ti -.d," Jude Clark said, "and found her interest ing and kindly as she hid alwtt becti, but she was living over in In i mind the awful weeks when she, to . sat by the bedside of an assassinated president. It seemed so real to her thai it was simply wonderful. When President McKinley died Mrs. Gar field broke down completely, fche has been ill ever since and Is now going to California for her health." SYMIATUY FKOM THE SOUTH. Diugliters of Confederacy Send Letter to Sirs. JleKiuIey. Ennis, Tex., Sept. 29 The follow mz le ier has been cent to Mrs. Mc- Kiuly at Canton, by Miss Kate Daff in, Lnnis, Tex., slate secretary of the Daughters of Confederacy of Texas, showing the fueling of that large asso ciation of southern women in regard to tbe death of the president: "Lnnis, Tex.-My Dear Mrs. Mc- Kinley : The Daughters of Confedracv ot Texas sympathize deeply and lov- ingly with you iu the death of your beloved husband, our noble president "Our entire state is bowed in deepest sorrow, and all hearts feel keenly the loss they have sustained. The expres sions oi love and appreciation are universal from confederate veterans and Daughters of the Confederacy throughout our dear southland. "He remembered the graves of our blesied dead, and caused cam n,t RICHLS CAME WITH A ROSE, j Wrapped Around the S'tm Was the of a Fortune. ( There are many tales of suddenly acquired wealth, but usually thv facts' Uadir.jr up to such financial successes are tlry aud uninteresting, says the:, Cleveland Plain Dealer. To get!' riches and get them in a lnnniier tliat tinges of romance, does not fall to the lot of many ieoile. but there is one lady in Cleveland that has crossed the $")0,l)()0 mark in six months and is till Drilling to her wealth. Last Christmas. Mrs. M. K Need-! ham. a widow, of IDS Dodsre street. received as a gift from a frie nd a soli tary rose, made more beautiful by its loneliness; but attached to it was a strange-looking paper, which de clared that the possessor wils entitled i to 200 shares of copperstoek. This friend was a western gentle man with whom the ladv had been acquainted for voars. He wanted to send soiiiethinir as a toktn of their D " friendship, and. manlike, couldn't think of a present that was suitable, so sent the stock certificates. Mrs. Xeedham laid the certificates aside, not thinking they we;e of any value. A friend seeing them one dav told her of the true value of them and excited her interest. She looked into the matter and found that Amalgamated copper was going up rapidly. Then the fever of speculation entered her veins. She scanned the stock reports dailv and gleefully watched her stock soaring higher. In the meantime, she. was diligently securing alfthe knowledge ! If ftAPCFST STCVE PtAWT IU THE WOWJj t . '. . .' '. . .. til 7 Jewel Stoves and Ranges Keep tht Continent Comfortable Fnmma for thlrty-flr yean. lhrtj mill inn in use. M- Senorin omt of ertifMuvy, urelKliijr ami ftipainm to any Hot or num mtuta. TI only fttnvc tlutl kiitiil cUt rauliM lltA hat and m"ftli Usvr ntsjolute cotv p-j uut. it ssiira mwiwj Ti-ry 1 Anf y lit fvt rttfn. Exe more ht. SoM tj Jewel KMtm L. Gillen Lexington, Mo. liltntinn In ha trlvan ihnm -w wW iuviU rum OUViu I O "J m. iuun ivul. congideration we cao never forget. We could on stocksandsccuritiofi. and loved him and do honor to bis memory, th further she got into the mysteries lie nas left upon us tbe ltHDression of le ffame the more enthusiastic the sterling son of God by bis faithfulness Frew When copper got os high as, in and implicit trust aud obedience. Like er judgment, it would go she eold a beacon light burning through all the ou ad the foundation of her for- ninkt n.ll I. . . L. . . t lin n i. .1 1! ue iuo uiHujory oi nis per- sonn:y. jiis io?ed ones gone ou before have already welcomed him into eternal happiness with us be has left bU benutilul life and loving chariiv. "1 be God ibat he loved and served will sustain you in (his, tbe darkest hour of your life 'May all that was blessed and good tune was laid Most women would have Wn mi. isfied with as much as she had made, but not Mrs. eedJiam. She was made out of different material. The, game was too fascinating, "too de iigntluuy glorious. vu know." a shn said, and she loved theexperience, the excitement it brought. She now un nnd sweet in his lif h pHnirht , nH dKtflnds fVin VvDu i'lftnr, i... 3 r .w w.uuwiug tvllUB, ouu assimilated in voun: nnd th while nho didn't nl mi -w v puujjt, piic uauuicu dead, be shall still speak, and bless you quite extensively. At first she ' with uur earnest prayers for your thought that the very orthodox folk' striuiu tnd endurance in tbis hour of among her acquaintances would raise ' As? it 1 1 . . 1 suuenog. lovingly, meir lianas in holy horror at thA 1 Katk Dapvam. I thought of iap enfmiloHr, ..j .it1 ... o "(-'""'"""si aiiui uu Slate Secretary Texas Daughters the transactions were ramVdi m. 1 Confederscy." through agents outside of the ritv Mrs. Carrie Johnson, president for Her courage, however ctpw u-itn .a Texas." successes, and now t..., ' " cut AUUHB Jl HQ Major Salmon's Annoinfmenta. "7 vlJJu:" T" Major Harvey W. Salmon, who was Cli. JT1 OI K0C5 h elected brigadier general command, , T UP 6everaI VU. tbe western brigade of tbe United Con! .l 'tte tolet go when We sell the Mound City Go's ffne Mixed Paints, these paints are also entirely pure, vou cannot buv a better paint anywhere. We also carry a full stock o( Loads. Oils, Enamels, Varnishes, 2.c. and can supply you with anything you may need in this line at the lowest prices. CRENSHAW & TOUITC. the western brigade of tbe United Con federate eterans of Missouri, has made iba following appointments: Col. Wm. F. Carter, ass't adit, gen eral Maj. John Vi. Halliburton, inspector general Msj. Tbos. P. Hoy, judge advocate Msj. Geo. P. Goss, commanding Maj. J. M. Allen, surgeon. Capt. J. J. Fulkerson, ass't surgeon Capt. Henry M. Ramsay, aid de camp. Capt. V. P. Gibson, aid decamp Capt. James C. Wallace, aid de- camp she thinks it has risen all that it can stand, bhe has outstripped many of the professional stock broker have been in the business for years, us evtrymmg sne touches seems tn jump at once. "I don't know that I posses nr particular wisdom in selecting stock; mere ,s a goou deal of tick n mv Si,n. ce, though I always look into Ihe matter very thoroughly n rocnL the probable future. You know th are a great many things to consider. ine siignttst occurrences often dis WILLIAM D. RANKIN Presldont. W. U.TBVI8 Vice Pres. WALTER B.WAPoELL Culiler. LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK, LEXINGTON, PAID UP CAPITAL, MISSOURI. $50,000 Does reneral backing busloesi. Solicit aocounu. Liberal aocommodatioDS tooualomer. DIRECTORS R F NICHOLSON W D BANKLV JOHN E KTLANU WALTEK B WADDKLt B HOFFMAN A O TODNO D W B TBVI3 STOCKHOLDERS I M Chapman B Hoffiiiaa Jno E Ryland Rafus Founf Mrs S Renlck Alice W Winjate Bettle W Smltfe A 0 Young c E Cbapman Henry C Wallace B A Wallace Walter B Waddell D WB Tevls W D Rankin Fannie W Barton H B Duke, Curator Jackson Bradley W O McCausland J Q Chambers 0 A Kriehn Henry Halnkel E F Nicholson LO Cbapman WINKLER 1 ' COMPAQ aofOTDRlMI(ADDuitu FURN1TUR i-t kisoi or Weauokecpcoustanuyonkw Stair Banisters, Newel P Walnut Coffins, &c. Metollic and Wooden Burin Always on hand. They respectfully ask the attention be articles of their inan.ifun. ., tbemselnes to sell as chw,n ..... can be bcugM. Winkler Furniture! The Grief of Mrs. Uarfleld. fcefore tlie civil war C. W. Clark, now a state senator from Kansas City, and Captain W. F. Henry were tudentsiD an Ohio academy Id winch 'rs. James A. Garfield was lu- tructor In Latin, gays the Star. Senator Clark afterward served In Garfield's regiment during a part of the war. During tbe week, wbile I'resideDt McKinley wat lioverinu between life aud dtaUi, Judge Clark and Captain Henry Were In Cleveland attending tbe Grand Army encampment. Mrs. Garlield's home was in. the suburbs and fche ,cnt au Invitation to a few of her old pupils aud members of her husband's regimtui to visit her. The two Kansas City men were included in the invitatiou. At the time It was extended the prospects for Pres ident AlcKinley's recovery 6eemed to luiu nochs and ruin many people I don't tkf Ibe Glasgow Missourian is respon- can ')e na( or ifltliin, and evervnrn oiuic tui mo lunuwiDg: "Jonn uoiucd ouaujus 10 give tiinn Of who has been workipg at tbe quarry tollre. I rely to a certain c-xtint on oeiow town, says that one day last me Kimlfi nf dvire from some kind? week while at bis work he tackled a of PpIle. but a a ruie I follow my big, perfectly solid appearing stone of ovvn jfielinationy. In following that about a half a ton in weight, and n 1 llave ''ten quite Micct.ful ami started to break it. A blow nf hi. " ' mhmiM fail, mv onl hammer broke off a large fraement. ht' Uiat J d"' nt have better ih.1t. disclosing a cavity in which reposed a mtnt- There is noi-a?on why a worn- livn full an shoilllln't inv.,f k , . .... uuu Bajr i ne ""-i mi money in called up Foreman McCarty to see tbe Etocls fli " til as men. It is- true that ku,,ua"j "uu iuai me wnoie gang in- u ,cai utM) u' ri.-K in the biisi- spected tbe fro?, after whir,h .Th rits., but theirains more Iti hfted him out and be bopped away as Mte for the tuYi. I never invent in?ua. " Dsa uot beea more tn I can tand to ln if ' :.. j , , . . '"J prisoned for untold rocky grave." oenturies in a Dr. W. J. l'ealc, of Oakland, 111., visiting ins orotner, James Peak A Teias wouuer. HALL'B GEEAT DIBOOvEht Ooe mall bottle of il all's Great Oil cover? caret all kidney and bladder troublei, reoiovet erael. caret diahii emloal emissions, weak aod lame backs, rheumatism and all Irregularities of the kidneys aod bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles In children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sect by mail on receipt of fl. One small bottle is two month's treatment, will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Uall.aole manufacturer, Bt. Louis, formerly Waco, Texas. Bend for testi monials. Bold by Crenshaw A '"ouoff. READ IBIS. Bl. Looli. Mo.. Feb. 20. 1flV)l h... r..i.. .i'i-i 1 .' used the Texas WoDder, Hall's Great DIs. ' 1 1 "3-' value, covery, In my family, and can recomm.od Love of a man for hi,., ,f . It to others. Mbs. Geoboe Btebn, I ov. l, , , " " l0. lf ,u 8111 Olive Btreet. g l0!iLh"W Duilj Stni, -avi-t juugment should prove faulty. I fed that one should never risk their all on anything. Sever go in a thing hastily .c ..v .nu, uiu urop a tiling hastily is another. Whcnlhavp fear that my stock is going to drop I sell at once." With part of her January 1 she nurt'lia-erf fr? i, Cleveland Improvement company for j33,0Wcasl, the Victoria apartment hou.e on Dinlge Mrect, where he re udes. Imiiiediatelyflfterthepurchnse fclie gave a five-year lea of the prem ises for a yearly rental of $3,300, the WiM paying all taxes and iiiMiraneo ine awn oi the property was re corded yesterday. Sl, thu IB, 8B lnvwlment paying t, p(T(( nt.,with. OUt anv worrv ,n I.. - .....i . . i .. ' i'ui i, ana me HICHAKD FIELD, Pbisi m ,, OBO. M. CATKON, Vice President. ' ANDRBW-Ca- Mornson-Wentworth Bank W11, , n LEXINGTON, - MISSOU1U. ' Wilt do a General Banking Business. Liberal Acco,od.t.ou. to Kegul.r Customer- HMh.iBNM BOARD OF DIKKCTOR8: .S-.!.n.ZZ2r.K&. .B.ttELA.O.CMhto. S.,tCTKm.T... The Traders' Bank, LEXXITGrTOn, EffO. XAXD TJX CAlPXTAr. 030.000. depositors. j.oi prompt attention. LI be nil aoo.mnn.lil..n I. INSURANCE Farm property insured, j t cupiea oy tenant or oi Risks written in any to county. Will com" and personal inspection, and rate upon application. INSUPE ANYTHING. Wr: :all on' him at ol Lexington. II. w. REAL ESTATE ior sale in Lexington for sale. Houses to re: you have any real estJ sell place his hanc . . . rr cost it no sale. Lexington. II. w. If m i m m Abstracter. Loan AND Insurance arm and City Property Iorl MONEY TO LOJ vVill loau moDey on Improved at 5 and 5 per cent intew OHlce front rooai overTeri store, Lexington, Heating Stoves, Steele Ranges, Cheapest Tel. 105 Cook Stoves, and Best at mo Lexington Special Lew hi 4 9 Mo. Harris-Anderson Lumber Co. GIVES YOU THE - Best Grades at Lowest Prices BEFORE HUVING SEE J- J. RHODES, M'G'R.. Lexington. Mo jW. W. CORSE, M'G'R., Wellington, Mo. 8t. Louis and relurn, 1, 3. 8 and 10. Fort Worth, Tex., ai i ssle November 11 snd 12. ! ri I -A ralnrO 127.50: via. St. Louis. sale daily tod good ninety d') Molester Sprlngi l ssle dally. MoAlester8prlnsinil ret", Saturday- .H ret" DP-' sale on Sundays only. Pertle Springs and rot"rD J l A rnturO I'" Sundays only. Buffalo 125.50 and p2. " good returning lOsrd '5tw . ...... It" Kansas City end n ai fx. "f""" .o Kansae City ana r-- Bt. Louis ana r 11, JO.KO. .. . .. t on r- ror lurmer iniui