Newspaper Page Text
D LEXINGTON, LAFAYETTE COUNTY, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1901. No. 38 tut of the forties Recall my an Old Citizen TONED NEGRO WEDDINNQ rlve Alarm Among the Whites Insurrection Feared. lack in tne msianu past, a v counted in the early his favette county's an incident that caused much excitement ;ld alarm throughout the It was in the decade from LCD, about 1846, when the La but sparsely populated. filiation of the county con inlv o' people from southern inrinia, Kentucky and Ten Tliore were a few from other tates, and some from states mrtli. Many of them were had many slaves, and were ilucated and were an ener penuis people. ntlic forties I)r. John Wcs i . .i . i ..... . .. II CM'!; nueti mini iciiiuc?iy cmitit v. He was a wealthy brought with 1 i i in a large : money and many slaves. He itlfinan of tine Intellect, well well balanced and high is wealth and Intellectual ct'smm gained him a high itimn'' I lie wealthy ami emi- i-nsofthe cunty and tlie mi ciuilideiice of all classes. fur arriving here he pur- (arm six miles south of Lex- It is the one now owned hy rev Sliull, and upon wlilcli rallies, iiere lie liven, sue- cultivated his farm and his family of two children lust of moral and religious L his negroes was a girl just into womanhood. She was the family and was trained -itert for housework. She was girl and being in constant "ith the white members of ywas intelligent and a fa th all. She contracted mar 'h one of the best young negro the consent of Dr. and Mrs. w obtained. As she was a Ir. Letton determined to a an old-time plantation wed t. The day was fixed and a nlier of guests invited. m Anderson, better known Hie name of "Boss" Ander sheriff, and James S. Allen, a it business man, was deputy mil mII" "T.1 ,i""i,i.,''' l'a,"C Ut t0 SCH0L nONEVS APPORTIONED. ' as inionned of the reported insurrection and the object of his coming. He had never heard of j the report, He did not believe it, but ! ttrmly denounced it iis utterlv untrue, i The Handsome Sum of $11,555.50 tor Lafayette County Schools. The county court has made an order n. .... . 1 , , t mun me negroes were faithful and apportioning the school money for quiet and that the gathering at the Lafayette county for the year 1901, wedding was the result of his action, i the total amount aggregating the for uliioli ... ....... 0 e '"- responsioie. Sheriff . nanasome sum of $21,555.50. This is sundown the day of the wed 'nil men came to town from Hy and informed Sheriff An oiat I lie nretended wedding and that tlie real object of 'hi;' was to get the negroes to. '""n an insurrection and t'Tuvs tlu country to Illinob n tlicir freedom. Ylic men 11 known citizens, whose slate '"'d not go unheeded. Sheriff ' directed Deputy Allen to 1 " I's" and proceed to tlie ""wedding and suppress any ''lhiit iniglit (H'cur. ' 11 o'clock at night a posse of s"hite, determined men, well iud lnouiited. left, town for Dr. It was a cool night in Sep- 1 ll" mi kin u iu full tuiil nn loi ter heavens it shed a bright t lit lilt tlln l-...wl -- vtn 1 UIIIIU-ii is (lay. arrived In front, of the ' ii'H'iit lo o'clock. Tlie house dc-re brilliantly illuminated ,n("ir position in the road the iMulj be seen iiiovingaloi:t and '('ling toget her. ' slril,t orders to keep together ft'iuly for any emergency we "'"'he gate, and iralloned up ' the midst, of the crowd. "ll(1,n iind unexpected appear 1 ""''i' miikt .,f .... ...... ..,.1 .ni. " Ull Ul MUM V' l" r,,atnl 1 1 aim loom CI 11.11 mil. ;i l,;i"ie and most of the nucsts ") o seek blili 1 "'Uiger. A few remained silent, awe. not. knowliu 'ls toeoine. r!l1 Allen called for Dr. Letton, Allen questioned several of the ue groes, but no information could be ob tained. Failing to obtain the expected in formation, the posse was about to leave, when Dr. Letton, with south ern hospitality, stated that supper was over, but there was a plentiful supply left, and invited us to partake. The invitation was gladly accepted. We tiled into the dining room and a splen did, inviting scene was before us. A long table, coverod with spotless linen, was laden with tlie richest viands. At one end of the table, on a dish, was a pig cooked whole, with a red apple in its mouth. Ham, turkey and chicken were there. Relishes, sweetmeats and other edibles were plentiful, and three tall pyramid cakes adorned tlie table. It was a feast for a king. After enjoying the supper the order was given to mount and we started on our return. Two of tlie men who brought the report to Sheriff Ander son were with us. They and Sheriff! Allen were not satisfied. If the ne-; groes Intended to assert their freedom j they certainly would not inform Dr. I Letton. Nor would they disclose it to Sheriff Allen. After consultation it was deter mined to scout that section of the count rv. The county was not so lensely populated then. It c mtained inly 8,0(11) or 10,000 people and farm houses were generally some distance apart. Hy the bright light of tlie nn Kin we marched in double quick time from house to house, aroused tlie occupants and questioned them, butj no news could lie obtained. Having failed to obtain any information, about 2 o'clock the posse headed for home. On the way there lived a noble old pioneer by the name of William Mos- b He lived on the farm now owned bv Mr. J. O. Leseuer, four miles south 1 of Lexington. On the south side of the farm was a negro cabin, occupied by an old favorite and retired negro man known bv the name of "Uncle 2 Travis." He was a trusted and well : informed old negro and generally knew J what the negroes were doing. He was ailed up and questioned closely, but ' 2 denied any knowledge of tlie uprising, 4 denounced it as false, and said it was . started to prejudice the whites against the negroes. He was known to lie re liable and his statement was accepted as trie, and we returned to town, sat islicdthat the report was false, arriv ing about 4 o'clock. Though the report was untrue it spread over the country and created great alarm. Squads of armed men nut rolled the count rv until quie 1 confidence were restored. The writer was one of that posse. Of all the people, white and black, in cluding the posse, that were 111 mat wedding I hat night . lie remembers but, two wlm are now living. Sheriff An-ili-isim and Demit v Allen have long money received by the county from the state, Interest on money loaned out and taxes on railroad corporations. Not one cent of it come9 through the taxation of Lafayette county prop erty owners. The apportionment will be found below: DISTRICTS. 1 D. 1 2 4 5 I i 3 1 4H 4K 4S 48 48 48 48 48 48 2H 28 48-49 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 411 4U 4U 4!l 411 411 4U 4U 4U 4W 41) 4U 411 411 4U 40 49 40 411 41) W 4V 40 411 411 49 49 44 49 40 49 Ml dfl 50 Ni Ml AO Ml 50 5U 50 AH AO AO AO Ml AO AO AO 10 Ml Ml Ml AO Ml-M AO Ml M 51 Al Al Al Al 51 51 A I 51 51 State Funds. Co'nty funds. 20-27 2C-7 '.'0-2 Hill tin 84 701 50 HI 382 80 61 60 42 00 35 20 Al 70 0 20 41 80 41 80 47 30 IW (III B7 10 A6 10 50 40 40 Ml 15 40 69 30 42 00 58 30 48 40 61 60 82 All 27 Mil 4H 20 49 Ml 7.5 'J 44 00 02 40 133 III 100 70! 85 80 101 20 71 MJ 141 00 46 20 10411 10 011 00 107 80 45 10 31 10 101 2) 2211 10 40 Ml 40 AO 04 00 77 00 4 10 40 6 55 001 41 80 41 80 73 701 50 601 80 :w 52 0O A8 40 37 40 41 INI 70 20 66 111 63 80 46 2.1 47 3il 132 01)1 68 2ll! 70 201 Al 7i 319 8 A0 4' 80 30 75 00 53 00 86 0O 80 30 57 2(i 68 2l 88 00l 45 10! 80 l! 2 '18 Ml! 40 70 75 00 103 40 02 70 107 81)1 02 401 238 7ll 447 :ioi HI7 201 37 40. lil 001 74 Kill 77 Oili 61 00! 42 MOI Town ship Fund. Total. 11 20 7 80 6 40 i 110 00 77 001 51 00 348 00 56 Oil 30 00 32 00 47 00 82 00 38 00 38 00 43 (Kl 60 00 61 1HI 51 00 54 00 45 00 14 01 63 00 30 CNI 53 oe 44 Oil 56 00 75 00 25 00 412 00 4 IKI 69 00: 40 00 84 0 121 Oil 07 00 78 00 02 01 05 Oil 120 mil 42 (X 051 00 61) 00 08 mil 41 00 31 Oil 02 00 2110 00 45 00 45 00 50 00 7(1 (K 41 00 45 OH 50 00 38 00 38 OU 67 00 46 001 73 00 40 00 54 00 31 00 40 00 72 00 61) 0II 58 001 42 Oil! 43 00 120 00 62 Ot 72 00 47 00 318 IKI 54 00 73 Oil 69 ro 40 Oil 70 0" 73 111! .12 001 62 Ot 80 Oil 41 00 81 00 285 (H 37 00 60 00 04 001 57 001 08 00! 84 0l 217 001 43 INI! 152 (Nl 31 in! 50 001 LOCAL RALLY OF INTEREST. Y. W. C. A. of Lexintrtou Held Meet ings Thursday of this Week. womanhood. The art ot living is the personification of all aria. While all cannot paint and carve, each can pro duce a masterpiece in the art of living. It is lett to man lo mold hit own char acter; the art of living has been placed ISIlClIPllil The Y. W. C. A. rally in Lex ington Thursday was a notable event within bis keeping, Dr. Hughes spoke Road Funds Apportioned to Var ious Districts. in Christian work, the meeting at the Christian church in the after noon and that ai the Presbyterian church in the evening having both been decided successes and encour aging to those who labor in the vine yard of tlie Master. The afternoon meeting was attend ed by women only and was presided over by Miss Constance McCorkle, state secretary of the Younif Woman's Christian association. The branches of the organization of both Central nearly an and there was not a dull moment ing the course of his discourse. hour dur- JURORS FOR DECEMBER TERM DRAWN 1NTIFTOP SHAPE. New York Expert Goes Through Mis souri's Books. Big Grist Ground Out During the Three Days' Session. 210 00 101 70 1117 10 730 80 128 80 89 70 73 (VI 08 70 172 20 70 H'l The county court adjourned Wed- The ChlUicothe Constitution of nesday afternoon after a session of Monday, October 7tli, gives publiea- three days, during which considera tion to the following bit of news ble business was transacted. and the Baptist colleges attended which Proved a on Us Missouri The road and bridge commissioner a i,.tin t. ..,4 ,0itD contemporaries. Tlie Constitution was ordered to examine and report says: . on bridge over brush creek near II. "Charles E. Morris, the expert K. Bimker's; fill southeast of Odessa Presbyterian church was largely at- accountant sent to Jeltom City by a near the farm ot Allen nines; bridge nH Tirfo, v..,,mi,.r nt prominent New York City bureau of on Lafayette and Johnson county and Interesting reports and talks were made by the officers thereof. The night session held at the 3 00 a 05 i 55 8 70 a 25 70 3 15 1 05 2 65 2 20 2 80 3 75 I 25 22 10 0 09 13 80 8 01 21 00 30 25 24 25 10 50 4 AO 3 25 6 45 2 10 47 5 3 CO City. 5 00 7 00 4 10 4 AO 5 00 3 80 1 0. 3 35l 2 301 1 65 2 451 2 70 18 711 22 INI 39 611 15 INI 14 Ml 10 Ml 10 75 30 (K) 3 10 3 60 2 35 15 00! II S5 10 05 7 80 0 30 12 00 8 15 12 li 11 7! I 85 3 45 4 70 25 20 05 10 12 00 60 81 1 13 00 23 60 ' I t-' 1 1.1 1 ..1 ! ...1 ll !. IJ ,.f nr T tV.n,rtnr 70 80 M,o ni, Mniwh nmalrlnrt nln TV1 UIIUK-M.TIH.-r UIIU C1UI Hill m.o uu tlie iuu in . t. . wt. ...uB. 00 30 . . -i.oimtnnt h:i HnlwlioH hl wnrL- of The same ntHifir w-io. nlftfi instructed l:si 111 In Iho nhannnn nf r l-iorrtnn. is """ .....v ... . Z 5 pastor. Addresses were made by examining the records and papers in to act in conjunction with toe road 116 10 ..r.iir 6 75 1 ricsiuciiu niiiiiiis 30 10 135 45 S3 80 I nnatni rt ta I nrl anandnnpo A trnnllA 113 05 I""""" ' "V .u-w M 00 Mpt.hnHlut. n.hiirfh nt. Kansn 120 40 " 161 25 Special music was arranged for the 050 30 occasion which proved a most enjoya- 158 70 ble feature. There was a violin solo 107 40 by Miss Kreher, of the Baptist col- 284 An I ,uia n vr.rt.-il urtln Viu M iaa T.lnwfillvn JJ2 j ' and a vocal rendition by the quartet 1:10 75 of the Iiuntist, church. 277 35 00 30 PIIIIIO WII.I.IAMS' inllKKSR. SIU4 (55 120 00 l'roi. Williams in bis bnei talK said ).A uil 86 10 tnat the x. ftl. U. A. developed out oi 103 21 necessity less than three-fourths of a 4.18 IN) -..-.,..- u an4 fnrltiTT' it a InOllDltnil 04 50 I J n au J luunj i.o ...uuuuvu 04 50 I I j tuU ln M nnrti nf I ha nrnrlrl Thu 120 80 " r 154 in) y. W. C. A. was organized at London Mil -II I 00 10 1 in 1855 aud took tangible form in ibis 11000 . . - ., 83 6) country in 101 0 ai a coupie 01 prayer- 144 i'u lueulings in obscure towns; now it is 150 05 'uund In nearly every land in chrysen- 116 10 ('0lU he 8Pullker t0" ' lne work 0 0" 10 the. i ndalion in the colleges and 108 ini I 1011 so commended it highly. lu over 350 nl II .i .AAA I 36 80 colleges mere are now isjuuu meuiuers I'rt 70 ..... r 1 1 r a 'pl. 1 . 101(15 01 luB A. lug luuieaao ia.-i nil 'ill vear wa9 ?reftter lban ever before. The 154 I Bible, said he, is taught m the schools 083 70 113 40 153 30 144 HO 102 (Nl 177 75 KM 25 117 00 130 50 180 INI 02 25 18 25 MI5 25 70 55 nf Pentr-ii -ni. the department of tlie Missouri state and bridge commissioner of Johnson I 1 : . . 1 1.1.. . . n 1 . ' I rtnnnhl in ni.ii.lMm. nnl n n 4 raTUlPf Imf Matt S Hughes ttl,UIW11 unu "ls rupinu isnuw m-ini; wuuuj iu iraniuuuuioumiiAinun typewritten in tlie IS cw ioik ornce or on cosis 01 roan on iiie jouusuu auu his company and will lie returned and Lafayette county line petitioned for filed with Auditor Albert O. Allen by Judge Simpson and others within a few days. The commissioners of road district "The report will account for every number 25 directed to repair two cent expended in every state fund or bridges in the district. Judge Os- for any purpose what soever during the borne directed to arrange for rock past thirty vears. In conversation fill on county road northeast of Bates with a stall representative of the Con- City stitution at Jefferson City Saturday koad money appohtioxed, Expert Morris said: The court has apportioned the sur- " 'I leave for other fields of labor plus road fund on hand to the various tonight. I finished my work in the districts or tne county as iouows auditor's onlce several days ago and no. dis. ami no. dis. am't mv renort is now in the hands of the 1 8 00.95 25 t 64.95 ' r ,, ... typewriter at the home office. It will be returned here the first of the week, when you may comment as you desire upon it, but you will please not men tion the matter today.' "Asked who employed him Expert Morris said he did not know. He s'.mpi, received orders from Sew York 12 105.90 ar, 33.20 r 13 no Is w Oft an ,..J......f,.o nttl,n 1J " liuauuiiai inn uu u pui u au nic .-ii.huih qq -10 gQ state house for duty. . His firm never 15..! 98.65 39 97.00 fnllo Ito mnn -inw rlo-nlls 16 (0.40 40 90.20 "-,,0"0",v ' 17 K (in 41 "'Since arriving here and reading i83."'.Z!"'.'.'.'.". loo'.85 42.! 2 89.40 26 58.20 3 103.05 27 4 53.50 28 5 29 6 136.15 30. 7 111.60 31 8 30.35 32 9 54.60 10 106.05 11 96.05 35 6.70 36.20 72.20 124.55 173.40 33 99.30 34 63.80 now as never before, even in the unde nominational schools. DR. 11LG11K3' AODUKSS. The address of Dr. Hughes followed, and to say that it was nn oratorical gem is putting it mildly. Not only that, but it was filled with Christian logic most convincing. This was Dr. the St. Louis Globe-Democrat I have 19 gleaned some idea of why I was sent - here,' said Jlr. Morris. "I wish that Globe-Democrat man 23 . .... . - . i i . ...i.i, was iiere 10 go over uie worn wiui me. I was sent to find a shortage if one existed and it is always to the ad vantage of my house and myself to find irregularities. Ixraiise it adver- 106.45 43 44.05 44 45 40 47 34.40 31.40 83.20 (18 00 27 20 70 0O' t Ml 50 00 :to im 1707 III, KtH 01 2 05 1 0S 45 25 1.1M 3. 2112 io Hughes' first appearance in Lexington Usos 0Uf bllsllieS8 and alh attention 2,15 811 ana no pulpit orator wno nas ever to (mr expprt niethoclSi However, the ,pokeu here made a more favorable Ltate funds ()f Mlssouriareall aecount- U ill! imprssion. A very young man, he has e(J f(jr cycry ccnt .v, within his oosom tne lire oi i;nrisiian it I ' 'I had not been here three days J ; life and God has jblessed him with the when j wag ccrtain , that but the 17 150 120 85 Kl 85 tongue to tell of. the Iditb tnat is in 3170 5 ti i iu and with a mammoth brain to die J2I555 50 tale to that tongue its sayings. "The Art of Living" was the subject clioaea by the speaker, and he handled t and : The horse stolen from William ht j a masterful manner. All if IIKIH (ill Will !81i7H OH 2 North atul 5. accounts were confused to some extent among tlie different funds. This was tlie only troublo Iiere and now that tlie various papers liave teen checked up and plaeed in their proper places there is no irregularity in any fund. Staplelon, and which was reported in lllllg9 poiQt t0 oue endi aM be, and The 0iobc.I,cnirat intimates that that end is life.- When the world was made it was left iu an incomplete conUiiion and the work left to man lo push it on to perfection. God gave tba rough material and man must carve tllC INTELLUIESCKK lllSl WCCK, IIIIS been recovered. Tne auiinal had not been stolen but had only strayed away. The opening of the barn door remains a mystery. Cant. V. II. Edwards, who lias from it. ln other words, man must Klnce missed over the river and now been at Kldoraao prin i"i taw up tne woik wnere tue creator s 1 . . . i. ..... I n knn.illl I Intl lilul 1 II I . .1 . lrknft PnJ ..1 n.x. with the silent (lead. J nc two time wiiu toe iiupt; i unn.Hiuuh nanu ias u uuwu. uumu um uui Lav inil C. Chiles, the health, returned iiome iuesu;ij ocu- uo man must ao. oians relation 10 nig accompanied by his niece, Miss tba world can be summed up in iwo iPnrMs Henrv. - The intelligence! words, "science ana art." w Dai ue 'regrets to state that, the trip did not knows is science and what he does is m-unrl:illv imnrove Cunt. I'.dwaras. ri. Aud among all arts llio one j Miss Myrtle Terhune returned to supreme art is the art of living. In i r lUftn Tn.xrhiv. after a few davs' this art all Lil I fj n - v , . i - i visit, wit i loniefiilKs. sue was ac rest living are Mrs. only daughter of Dr. Letter, who now livcts at Ma v view, and himself. II. , , i Tlie Ilev. T. M. Cobb and wife left Thursday morning for their home at , -'..rtivnri. Ma Thev were accom-l bv Mrs. ! Icompanied by Ellen May Ramcy, nf Lexinuton, and Ellen and Lucille Hert Taubman, who spent Thursday there. i... .,i..tni-'c nHnvil" nut Alioiuei III in ti. r-- , his appearance at ye editor's home at guests 0f the family of Mrs. Terhune Mrs. M. J. Ainlck, who resides at in ! l-lli:lllW. of Liberty, who were an early hour Wednesday moriinii:, and if our subscribers will only "pony up." tfuess we'll be able to keep mm. Our oldest bm - we've got three now, wanted lo know if wc took this one on advertising l''yctte Democrat Leader. jV sow was misled from John Planter's place, Grand Pass, about tne or June, of this year, and was found Orldber 4th In the pit of Ibc stock M!:iles. When missed it weighed iibout 200 pounds, ami when found only drew the scales at .iu o. , nm mls. H Had existed four month Khout food or water-Marshall Dciuoc nit-News. must be students and workers and each must Buccced or fail. Thu (unshed product of the art ot liv ing is character. Ait for art's sake is liutuuugery for all ails were ititeuded lo minister to the needs of man. The speaker guvo a scathing rebuke to the nude iu art mid lo lueruturo that came fioiu the pen of the drunkard. You rend tlie works of Uyron, Burnes and Fifth and Washington streets, has presented the Capital with a per- ,...!,. r,n.,rl mnr tvllll'll U'MS lllid bV il ,t...h, u.n. It. U a curiosity and lu". saiJ be wiln &re!lt rulwh' ...nrth snelnir. The Ihmi should whilu you shun the bloated drunkard feel very proud of the job.-Scdalia on your streets would a poison n ml 0lls ri!l'lile- ... Younst men, said the speaker, are i,,rs- r'Ul " """ " . J more inclined lo look upon ibe sur- Il.n f.1.11 111 I if A Illll-loV. fl. v,h,u"K. 7z: ::'v : than at me i i turueu u. Tbcv 8t,ck m0dels that are misleading iT..A..r.ji K m iiim iii-i.ninnaiiiea . . j , The living man himself is greater than by lier, mis. .v. . ua.uumu, nJ.thng ,uan CttI1 do Tbo illuRl o( who will return to her homo iu lb ftrl ot iivng is aiwavs ft JlWIng Tacomn, Washington, after a short ideal. Instead of building cathedrals inDnncniniig. let us build up manhood aud this work is bein dune by an irre sponsible bookkeeper, sutsized by the state administration. My firm was employed when tlie United States treasury records were examined by a congressional committee several years ago. Tlie firm employs something like 12") men the year round at sala ries averaging between $110 and $40 per week. I am not in the employ of the administration and I challenge any expert accountant to deny the absolute correctness of my report." Mrs. M. 1!. Oliver, of Dover, went to Kansas City Thursday moruing, after a visit witli the Misses Davis. She was accompanied by Miss Laura Davis. Henjamln Iilincoe came up from Illgginsville Thursday afternoon. He brought with him a colored prisaner, John Dyer, charged with petit larceny. Dr. Matt S. Hug lies, pastor of the Independence Avenie Methodist church at Kansas Ci ty, who spoke at the Presbyterian church Thursday evening, returned home Friday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Taubman went to Kansas City Tuesday afternonn. Mr. Tuubmun will return today, but Mrs. Taubman will spend several days us the guest ot her sister, Mrs. Zeiler. 71.35 03.50 32.95 105.00 84.70 OTHER COUUT MATTEHS. Tax abatements: J. A. LocM'art was allowed to pay on lot9 27 and 28, in an addition to Wellington at a valuation of $400; Mrs. Belle Salyer was allowed to pay on lot 8, block 2, Davis' addition to Lexington for 1900 and prior years at a valuation of $100 without interest; Dr. P. S. Ful kerson was allowed to pay taxes on lots 11, 12 and 13, block A, Hunter's addition to Lexington, for tlie years 97, 98, 99 and 1900 at a valuation of $800 on account of erroneous-assessment. Mortgage Foreclosure The school mortgage of J. W. Jordan was ordered foreclosed. Settlements Approved J. J. Ful kerson, collector, for quarters endlug April 30 and July 31. W. II. Edwards, treasurer, for school fund for period ending June 30, and also for all other funds for period ending July 31. Appointment Approved The ap pointment of Clias. Lyons by Col lector Fulkerson as delinquent tax attorney was approved. An Appointment Made John C. Cooper was appointed commissioner for road district number twenty three, vice Geo. It. Gordon, resigned. Corrections Iu tlie list of Jurors for the December term of the circuit court, published on another page, some errors occur. It is M. C. Ham mer, of Clay township, F. W. Reeker, of Freedom township, and John Y. Carter, of Lexington, who were drawn oo the panel. Accounts Allowed The usual num ber of accounts were allowed by tlie court. Miscellaneous Orders Cbas. Taub man was directed to place a cut-off valve in the heating system the court house. Sheriff Thomas was directed to purchase necessary stoves for the Jail building. Applicants tor position of janitor of county buildings must tile applica: Hons, stating salary expected, noil later than tlie November term of the county court. Apply to the county clerk for blanks.